/** * Implementation of support routines for synchronized blocks. * * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2011. * License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). * Authors: Walter Bright, Sean Kelly * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC rt/_critical_.d) */ /* Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2011. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ module rt.critical_; nothrow: import rt.monitor_, core.atomic; extern (C) void _d_critical_init() @nogc nothrow { initMutex(cast(Mutex*)&gcs.mtx); head = &gcs; } extern (C) void _d_critical_term() @nogc nothrow { // This function is only ever called by the runtime shutdown code // and therefore is single threaded so the following cast is fine. auto h = cast()head; for (auto p = h; p; p = p.next) destroyMutex(cast(Mutex*)&p.mtx); } extern (C) void _d_criticalenter(D_CRITICAL_SECTION* cs) { assert(cs !is null); ensureMutex(cast(shared(D_CRITICAL_SECTION*)) cs); lockMutex(&cs.mtx); } extern (C) void _d_criticalenter2(D_CRITICAL_SECTION** pcs) { if (atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(*cast(shared) pcs) is null) { lockMutex(cast(Mutex*)&gcs.mtx); if (atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.raw)(*cast(shared) pcs) is null) { auto cs = new shared D_CRITICAL_SECTION; initMutex(cast(Mutex*)&cs.mtx); atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(*cast(shared) pcs, cs); } unlockMutex(cast(Mutex*)&gcs.mtx); } lockMutex(&(*pcs).mtx); } extern (C) void _d_criticalexit(D_CRITICAL_SECTION* cs) { assert(cs !is null); unlockMutex(&cs.mtx); } private: shared D_CRITICAL_SECTION* head; shared D_CRITICAL_SECTION gcs; struct D_CRITICAL_SECTION { D_CRITICAL_SECTION* next; Mutex mtx; } void ensureMutex(shared(D_CRITICAL_SECTION)* cs) { if (atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(cs.next) is null) { lockMutex(cast(Mutex*)&gcs.mtx); if (atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.raw)(cs.next) is null) { initMutex(cast(Mutex*)&cs.mtx); auto ohead = head; head = cs; atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(cs.next, ohead); } unlockMutex(cast(Mutex*)&gcs.mtx); } }