import core.gc.registry; import core.gc.gcinterface; import core.stdc.stdlib; static import core.memory; extern (C) __gshared string[] rt_options = ["gcopt=gc:malloc"]; extern (C) pragma(crt_constructor) void register_mygc() { registerGCFactory("malloc", &MallocGC.initialize); } extern (C) void register_default_gcs() { // remove default GCs } /** Simple GC that requires any pointers passed to it's API to point to start of the allocation. */ class MallocGC : GC { nothrow @nogc: static GC initialize() { import core.stdc.string : memcpy; __gshared align(__traits(classInstanceAlignment, MallocGC)) ubyte[__traits(classInstanceSize, MallocGC)] buf; auto init = typeid(MallocGC).initializer(); assert(init.length == buf.length); auto instance = cast(MallocGC) memcpy(buf.ptr, init.ptr, init.length); instance.__ctor(); return instance; } this() { } void Dtor() { } void enable() { } void disable() { } void collect() nothrow { } void collectNoStack() nothrow { } void minimize() nothrow { } uint getAttr(void* p) nothrow { return 0; } uint setAttr(void* p, uint mask) nothrow { return mask; } uint clrAttr(void* p, uint mask) nothrow { return mask; } void* malloc(size_t size, uint bits, const TypeInfo ti) nothrow { return sentinelAdd(.malloc(size + sentinelSize), size); } BlkInfo qalloc(size_t size, uint bits, const scope TypeInfo ti) nothrow { return BlkInfo(malloc(size, bits, ti), size); } void* calloc(size_t size, uint bits, const TypeInfo ti) nothrow { return sentinelAdd(.calloc(1, size + sentinelSize), size); } void* realloc(void* p, size_t size, uint bits, const TypeInfo ti) nothrow { return sentinelAdd(.realloc(p - sentinelSize, size + sentinelSize), size); } size_t extend(void* p, size_t minsize, size_t maxsize, const TypeInfo ti) nothrow { return 0; } size_t reserve(size_t size) nothrow { return 0; } void free(void* p) nothrow { free(p - sentinelSize); } void* addrOf(void* p) nothrow { return p; } size_t sizeOf(void* p) nothrow { return query(p).size; } BlkInfo query(void* p) nothrow { return p ? BlkInfo(p, sentinelGet(p)) : BlkInfo.init; } core.memory.GC.Stats stats() nothrow { return core.memory.GC.Stats.init; } core.memory.GC.ProfileStats profileStats() nothrow { return typeof(return).init; } void addRoot(void* p) nothrow @nogc { } void removeRoot(void* p) nothrow @nogc { } @property RootIterator rootIter() @nogc { return null; } void addRange(void* p, size_t sz, const TypeInfo ti) nothrow @nogc { } void removeRange(void* p) nothrow @nogc { } @property RangeIterator rangeIter() @nogc { return null; } void runFinalizers(const scope void[] segment) nothrow { } bool inFinalizer() nothrow { return false; } ulong allocatedInCurrentThread() nothrow { return stats().allocatedInCurrentThread; } private: // doesn't care for alignment static void* sentinelAdd(void* p, size_t value) { *cast(size_t*) p = value; return p + sentinelSize; } static size_t sentinelGet(void* p) { return *cast(size_t*)(p - sentinelSize); } enum sentinelSize = size_t.sizeof; } void main() { // test array append cache char[] s; foreach (char c; char.min .. char.max + 1) s ~= c; }