# # Jamfile to build Jam (a make(1)-like program) # # There are no user-serviceable parts in this file. # # Put executables in platform-specific subdirectory. if $(VMS) { LOCATE_TARGET ?= [.binvms] ; } else if $(MAC) { LOCATE_TARGET ?= :bin.mac ; } else { LOCATE_TARGET ?= bin.$(OSFULL[1]:L) ; } # Leave generated source in current directory; it would be nice to use # these lines below to build the source into the platform-specific # directory, but getting scan.c to include the right jambase.h is # hard: with ""'s, it always gets the bootstrap version; with <>'s, # it won't find the bootstrap version. # SEARCH_SOURCE ?= $(LOCATE_TARGET) $(DOT) ; # LOCATE_SOURCE ?= $(LOCATE_TARGET) ; # # We have some different files for UNIX, VMS, and NT. # if $(NT) { code = execunix.c filent.c pathunix.c ; } else if $(MINGW) { code = execunix.c filent.c pathunix.c ; } else if $(OS2) { code = execunix.c fileos2.c pathunix.c ; } else if $(VMS) { code = execvms.c filevms.c pathvms.c ; } else if $(MAC) { code = execmac.c filemac.c pathmac.c ; } else { code = execunix.c fileunix.c pathunix.c ; } # For jam profiling/debugging. if $(PROFILE) { CCFLAGS += -pg ; LINKFLAGS += -pg ; LOCATE_TARGET = $(LOCATE_TARGET)/pg ; } if $(DEBUG) { CCFLAGS += -g ; C++FLAGS += -g ; LINKFLAGS += -g ; LOCATE_TARGET = $(LOCATE_TARGET)/g ; } # We have to signal jam.h for these if $(OS) = NT { CCFLAGS += /DNT ; } ### LOCAL CHANGE # # Include: # * header caching # * jamfile caching # * definition of JAM_TARGETS variable # DEFINES += OPT_HEADER_CACHE_EXT ; DEFINES += OPT_JAMFILE_CACHE_EXT ; DEFINES += OPT_JAM_TARGETS_VARIABLE_EXT ; # ### LOCAL CHANGE ### LOCAL CHANGE # # Include rule profiling support, if specified in the environment. # if $(OPT_RULE_PROFILING_EXT) { DEFINES += OPT_RULE_PROFILING_EXT ; } # ### LOCAL CHANGE ### LOCAL CHANGE # # Include stat cache server under BeOS. # if $(OS) = BEOS { DEFINES += OPT_STAT_CACHE_SERVER_EXT ; } # ### LOCAL CHANGE # Do we know yacc? if $(YACC) { code += jamgram.y ; } else { code += jamgram.c ; } # # Build the jamgram.y from the jamgram.yy # yyacc is a slippery script that makes grammars a little # easier to read/maintain. # if $(YACC) && $(SUFEXE) = "" { GenFile jamgram.y jamgramtab.h : yyacc jamgram.yy ; } ### LOCAL CHANGE # # These files contain locally developed improvements. # code += jcache.c ; # code primarily not written locally, but grabbed from the net code += hcache.c ; # ### LOCAL CHANGE ### LOCAL CHANGE # # Include stat cache server under BeOS. # if $(OS) = BEOS { code += beos_stat_cache.c ; } # ### LOCAL CHANGE # # How to build the compiled in jambase. # Main mkjambase : mkjambase.c ; if $(VMS) { CC = cxx ; LINK = cxxlink ; CCFLAGS += /define=VMS ; } if $(OS) = BEOS { DEFINES += _ZETA_USING_DEPRECATED_API_=1 ; } # # The guts of the Jamfile: how to build Jam # Main jam : jam.c jambase.c ; LinkLibraries jam : libjam.a ; GenFile jambase.c : mkjambase Jambase ; if $(OS) = BEOS { LINKLIBS on jam += -lnet ; } Library libjam.a : builtins.c command.c compile.c $(code) expand.c glob.c hash.c headers.c lists.c make.c make1.c newstr.c option.c parse.c regexp.c rules.c scan.c search.c timestamp.c variable.c ; if $(BINDIR) { InstallBin $(BINDIR) : jam ; } ### LOCAL CHANGE # # Build stat cache server under BeOS. # if $(OS) = BEOS { # RC must be defined, if we are to compile the resources. if ! $(RC) && ! $(NO_STAT_CACHE_SERVER_RESOURCES) { Echo "NOTE: The variable RC is not defined, and therefore the" ; Echo "NOTE: built StatCacheServer won't have resources (it will thus" ; Echo "NOTE: appear in the Deskbar). If you want to have resources," ; Echo "NOTE: define RC as an absolute or relative path referring to" ; Echo "NOTE: the rc program, or just the program name, if it lives in" ; Echo "NOTE: the PATH." ; NO_STAT_CACHE_SERVER_RESOURCES = 1 ; } rule CompileResources { SEARCH on $(2) += $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; MakeLocate $(1) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ; Depends $(1) : $(2) ; LocalClean clean : $(1) ; } actions CompileResources { $(RC) -o "$(1)" "$(2)" } rule AddResources { SEARCH on $(2) += $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; Depends $(1) : $(2) ; } actions AddResources { xres -o "$(1)" $(2) } LINK on StatCacheServer = g++ ; LINKLIBS on StatCacheServer = [ on StatCacheServer return $(LINKLIBS) ] -lbe ; Main StatCacheServer : StatCacheServer.cpp ; if ! $(NO_STAT_CACHE_SERVER_RESOURCES) { CompileResources StatCacheServer.rsrc : StatCacheServer.rdef ; AddResources StatCacheServer : StatCacheServer.rsrc ; } if $(BINDIR) { InstallBin $(BINDIR) : StatCacheServer ; } } # ### LOCAL CHANGE # # Distribution making from here on out. # ALLSOURCE = Build.com Build.mpw Jam.html Jambase Jambase.html Jamfile Jamfile.html Makefile Porting README RELNOTES builtins.c builtins.h command.c command.h compile.c compile.h execcmd.h execmac.c execunix.c execvms.c expand.c expand.h filemac.c filent.c fileos2.c filesys.h fileunix.c filevms.c glob.c hash.c hash.h headers.c headers.h jam.c jam.h jambase.c jambase.h jamgram.c jamgram.h jamgram.y jamgram.yy jamgramtab.h lists.c lists.h make.c make.h make1.c mkjambase.c newstr.c newstr.h option.c option.h parse.c parse.h patchlevel.h pathmac.c pathsys.h pathunix.c pathvms.c regexp.c regexp.h rules.c rules.h scan.c scan.h search.c search.h timestamp.c timestamp.h variable.c variable.h yyacc ; ### LOCAL CHANGE # ALLSOURCE += LOCAL_DIFFERENCES.txt ; # ### LOCAL CHANGE rule Ball { NotFile balls ; Depends balls : $(<) ; DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ; switch $(<) { case *.tar : Tar $(<) : $(>) ; case *.shar : Shar $(<) : $(>) ; case *.zip : Zip $(<) : $(>) ; } } VERSION = jam-2.5rc1 ; actions Tar { ln -s . $(VERSION) tar cvhf $(<) $(VERSION)/$(>) rm $(VERSION) } actions Shar { shar $(>) > $(<) } actions Zip { zip $(<) $(>) } Ball $(VERSION).shar : $(ALLSOURCE) ; Ball $(VERSION).tar : $(ALLSOURCE) ; Ball $(VERSION).zip : $(ALLSOURCE) ;