Niels Sascha Reedijk 92b3138b83 Import GCC 13.1.0 and dependencies
Updated dependencies:
 * GMP 6.2.1
 * ISL 0.24
 * MPL 1.2.1
 * MPFR 4.1.0

The dependencies were pulled in by running the ./contrib/download_prerequisites script and then
manually removing the symbolic links and archives, and renaming the directories (i.e mv isl-0.24 to isl)
2023-06-18 01:43:18 +01:00

48 lines
1.2 KiB

This module contains implementations for destroying instances of types
Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2019.
License: Distributed under the
$(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0).
(See accompanying file LICENSE)
Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/_internal/_destruction.d)
module core.internal.destruction;
// compiler frontend lowers dynamic array deconstruction to this
void __ArrayDtor(T)(scope T[] a)
foreach_reverse (ref T e; a)
public void destructRecurse(E, size_t n)(ref E[n] arr)
import core.internal.traits : hasElaborateDestructor;
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
foreach_reverse (ref elem; arr)
public void destructRecurse(S)(ref S s)
if (is(S == struct))
static if (__traits(hasMember, S, "__xdtor") &&
// Bugzilla 14746: Check that it's the exact member of S.
__traits(isSame, S, __traits(parent, s.__xdtor)))
// Test static struct
nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
static int i = 0;
static struct S { ~this() nothrow @safe @nogc { i = 42; } }
S s;
assert(i == 42);