mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 00:37:41 +01:00
Dependencies (not updated since 13.1.0): * GMP 6.2.1 * ISL 0.24 * MPL 1.2.1 * MPFR 4.1.0 The dependencies were pulled in by running the ./contrib/download_prerequisites script.
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* The fiber module provides OS-indepedent lightweight threads aka fibers.
* Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2012.
* License: Distributed under the
* $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0).
* (See accompanying file LICENSE)
* Authors: Sean Kelly, Walter Bright, Alex Rønne Petersen, Martin Nowak
* Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/thread/fiber.d)
/* NOTE: This file has been patched from the original DMD distribution to
* work with the GDC compiler.
module core.thread.fiber;
import core.thread.osthread;
import core.thread.threadgroup;
import core.thread.types;
import core.thread.context;
import core.memory : pageSize;
// Fiber Platform Detection
version (GNU)
import gcc.builtins;
import gcc.config;
version (GNU_StackGrowsDown)
version = StackGrowsDown;
// this should be true for most architectures
version = StackGrowsDown;
version (Windows)
import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
import core.sys.windows.winbase;
import core.sys.windows.winnt;
version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
version (Windows)
version = AsmX86_Windows;
else version (Posix)
version = AsmX86_Posix;
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
version (Windows)
version = AsmX86_64_Windows;
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (Posix)
version = AsmX86_64_Posix;
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (X86)
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
version (CET)
// fiber_switchContext does not support shadow stack from
// Intel CET. So use ucontext implementation.
version = AsmExternal;
version (MinGW)
version = GNU_AsmX86_Windows;
else version (OSX)
version = AsmX86_Posix;
else version (Posix)
version = AsmX86_Posix;
else version (X86_64)
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
version (CET)
// fiber_switchContext does not support shadow stack from
// Intel CET. So use ucontext implementation.
else version (D_X32)
// let X32 be handled by ucontext swapcontext
version = AsmExternal;
version (MinGW)
version = GNU_AsmX86_64_Windows;
else version (OSX)
version = AsmX86_64_Posix;
else version (Posix)
version = AsmX86_64_Posix;
else version (PPC)
version (OSX)
version = AsmPPC_Darwin;
version = AsmExternal;
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (Posix)
version = AsmPPC_Posix;
version = AsmExternal;
else version (PPC64)
version (OSX)
version = AsmPPC_Darwin;
version = AsmExternal;
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (Posix)
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (MIPS_O32)
version (Posix)
version = AsmMIPS_O32_Posix;
version = AsmExternal;
else version (AArch64)
version (Posix)
version = AsmAArch64_Posix;
version = AsmExternal;
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (ARM)
version (Posix)
version = AsmARM_Posix;
version = AsmExternal;
else version (SPARC)
// NOTE: The SPARC ABI specifies only doubleword alignment.
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
else version (SPARC64)
version = AlignFiberStackTo16Byte;
version (Posix)
version (AsmX86_Windows) {} else
version (AsmX86_Posix) {} else
version (AsmX86_64_Windows) {} else
version (AsmX86_64_Posix) {} else
version (AsmExternal) {} else
// NOTE: The ucontext implementation requires architecture specific
// data definitions to operate so testing for it must be done
// by checking for the existence of ucontext_t rather than by
// a version identifier. Please note that this is considered
// an obsolescent feature according to the POSIX spec, so a
// custom solution is still preferred.
import core.sys.posix.ucontext;
// Fiber Entry Point and Context Switch
import core.atomic : atomicStore, cas, MemoryOrder;
import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
import core.stdc.stdlib : abort;
extern (C) void fiber_entryPoint() nothrow
Fiber obj = Fiber.getThis();
assert( obj );
assert( Thread.getThis().m_curr is obj.m_ctxt );
atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.raw)(*cast(shared)&Thread.getThis().m_lock, false);
obj.m_ctxt.tstack = obj.m_ctxt.bstack;
obj.m_state = Fiber.State.EXEC;
catch ( Throwable t )
obj.m_unhandled = t;
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
obj.m_ucur = &obj.m_utxt;
obj.m_state = Fiber.State.TERM;
// Look above the definition of 'class Fiber' for some information about the implementation of this routine
version (AsmExternal)
extern (C) void fiber_switchContext( void** oldp, void* newp ) nothrow @nogc;
version (AArch64)
extern (C) void fiber_trampoline() nothrow;
extern (C) void fiber_switchContext( void** oldp, void* newp ) nothrow @nogc
// NOTE: The data pushed and popped in this routine must match the
// default stack created by Fiber.initStack or the initial
// switch into a new context will fail.
version (AsmX86_Windows)
asm pure nothrow @nogc
// save current stack state
push EBP;
mov EBP, ESP;
push EDI;
push ESI;
push EBX;
push dword ptr FS:[0];
push dword ptr FS:[4];
push dword ptr FS:[8];
push EAX;
// store oldp again with more accurate address
mov EAX, dword ptr 8[EBP];
mov [EAX], ESP;
// load newp to begin context switch
mov ESP, dword ptr 12[EBP];
// load saved state from new stack
pop EAX;
pop dword ptr FS:[8];
pop dword ptr FS:[4];
pop dword ptr FS:[0];
pop EBX;
pop ESI;
pop EDI;
pop EBP;
// 'return' to complete switch
pop ECX;
jmp ECX;
else version (AsmX86_64_Windows)
asm pure nothrow @nogc
// save current stack state
// NOTE: When changing the layout of registers on the stack,
// make sure that the XMM registers are still aligned.
// On function entry, the stack is guaranteed to not
// be aligned to 16 bytes because of the return address
// on the stack.
push RBP;
mov RBP, RSP;
push R12;
push R13;
push R14;
push R15;
push RDI;
push RSI;
// 7 registers = 56 bytes; stack is now aligned to 16 bytes
sub RSP, 160;
movdqa [RSP + 144], XMM6;
movdqa [RSP + 128], XMM7;
movdqa [RSP + 112], XMM8;
movdqa [RSP + 96], XMM9;
movdqa [RSP + 80], XMM10;
movdqa [RSP + 64], XMM11;
movdqa [RSP + 48], XMM12;
movdqa [RSP + 32], XMM13;
movdqa [RSP + 16], XMM14;
movdqa [RSP], XMM15;
push RBX;
xor RAX,RAX;
push qword ptr GS:[RAX];
push qword ptr GS:8[RAX];
push qword ptr GS:16[RAX];
// store oldp
mov [RCX], RSP;
// load newp to begin context switch
mov RSP, RDX;
// load saved state from new stack
pop qword ptr GS:16[RAX];
pop qword ptr GS:8[RAX];
pop qword ptr GS:[RAX];
pop RBX;
movdqa XMM15, [RSP];
movdqa XMM14, [RSP + 16];
movdqa XMM13, [RSP + 32];
movdqa XMM12, [RSP + 48];
movdqa XMM11, [RSP + 64];
movdqa XMM10, [RSP + 80];
movdqa XMM9, [RSP + 96];
movdqa XMM8, [RSP + 112];
movdqa XMM7, [RSP + 128];
movdqa XMM6, [RSP + 144];
add RSP, 160;
pop RSI;
pop RDI;
pop R15;
pop R14;
pop R13;
pop R12;
pop RBP;
// 'return' to complete switch
pop RCX;
jmp RCX;
else version (AsmX86_Posix)
asm pure nothrow @nogc
// save current stack state
push EBP;
mov EBP, ESP;
push EDI;
push ESI;
push EBX;
push EAX;
// store oldp again with more accurate address
mov EAX, dword ptr 8[EBP];
mov [EAX], ESP;
// load newp to begin context switch
mov ESP, dword ptr 12[EBP];
// load saved state from new stack
pop EAX;
pop EBX;
pop ESI;
pop EDI;
pop EBP;
// 'return' to complete switch
pop ECX;
jmp ECX;
else version (AsmX86_64_Posix)
asm pure nothrow @nogc
// save current stack state
push RBP;
mov RBP, RSP;
push RBX;
push R12;
push R13;
push R14;
push R15;
// store oldp
mov [RDI], RSP;
// load newp to begin context switch
mov RSP, RSI;
// load saved state from new stack
pop R15;
pop R14;
pop R13;
pop R12;
pop RBX;
pop RBP;
// 'return' to complete switch
pop RCX;
jmp RCX;
else static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
Fiber cfib = Fiber.getThis();
void* ucur = cfib.m_ucur;
*oldp = &ucur;
swapcontext( **(cast(ucontext_t***) oldp),
*(cast(ucontext_t**) newp) );
static assert(0, "Not implemented");
// Fiber
* Documentation of Fiber internals:
* The main routines to implement when porting Fibers to new architectures are
* fiber_switchContext and initStack. Some version constants have to be defined
* for the new platform as well, search for "Fiber Platform Detection and Memory Allocation".
* Fibers are based on a concept called 'Context'. A Context describes the execution
* state of a Fiber or main thread which is fully described by the stack, some
* registers and a return address at which the Fiber/Thread should continue executing.
* Please note that not only each Fiber has a Context, but each thread also has got a
* Context which describes the threads stack and state. If you call Fiber fib; fib.call
* the first time in a thread you switch from Threads Context into the Fibers Context.
* If you call fib.yield in that Fiber you switch out of the Fibers context and back
* into the Thread Context. (However, this is not always the case. You can call a Fiber
* from within another Fiber, then you switch Contexts between the Fibers and the Thread
* Context is not involved)
* In all current implementations the registers and the return address are actually
* saved on a Contexts stack.
* The fiber_switchContext routine has got two parameters:
* void** a: This is the _location_ where we have to store the current stack pointer,
* the stack pointer of the currently executing Context (Fiber or Thread).
* void* b: This is the pointer to the stack of the Context which we want to switch into.
* Note that we get the same pointer here as the one we stored into the void** a
* in a previous call to fiber_switchContext.
* In the simplest case, a fiber_switchContext rountine looks like this:
* fiber_switchContext:
* push {return Address}
* push {registers}
* copy {stack pointer} into {location pointed to by a}
* //We have now switch to the stack of a different Context!
* copy {b} into {stack pointer}
* pop {registers}
* pop {return Address}
* jump to {return Address}
* The GC uses the value returned in parameter a to scan the Fibers stack. It scans from
* the stack base to that value. As the GC dislikes false pointers we can actually optimize
* this a little: By storing registers which can not contain references to memory managed
* by the GC outside of the region marked by the stack base pointer and the stack pointer
* saved in fiber_switchContext we can prevent the GC from scanning them.
* Such registers are usually floating point registers and the return address. In order to
* implement this, we return a modified stack pointer from fiber_switchContext. However,
* we have to remember that when we restore the registers from the stack!
* --------------------------- <= Stack Base
* | Frame | <= Many other stack frames
* | Frame |
* |-------------------------| <= The last stack frame. This one is created by fiber_switchContext
* | registers with pointers |
* | | <= Stack pointer. GC stops scanning here
* | return address |
* |floating point registers |
* --------------------------- <= Real Stack End
* fiber_switchContext:
* push {registers with pointers}
* copy {stack pointer} into {location pointed to by a}
* push {return Address}
* push {Floating point registers}
* //We have now switch to the stack of a different Context!
* copy {b} into {stack pointer}
* //We now have to adjust the stack pointer to point to 'Real Stack End' so we can pop
* //the FP registers
* //+ or - depends on if your stack grows downwards or upwards
* {stack pointer} = {stack pointer} +- ({FPRegisters}.sizeof + {return address}.sizeof}
* pop {Floating point registers}
* pop {return Address}
* pop {registers with pointers}
* jump to {return Address}
* So the question now is which registers need to be saved? This depends on the specific
* architecture ABI of course, but here are some general guidelines:
* - If a register is callee-save (if the callee modifies the register it must saved and
* restored by the callee) it needs to be saved/restored in switchContext
* - If a register is caller-save it needn't be saved/restored. (Calling fiber_switchContext
* is a function call and the compiler therefore already must save these registers before
* calling fiber_switchContext)
* - Argument registers used for passing parameters to functions needn't be saved/restored
* - The return register needn't be saved/restored (fiber_switchContext hasn't got a return type)
* - All scratch registers needn't be saved/restored
* - The link register usually needn't be saved/restored (but sometimes it must be cleared -
* see below for details)
* - The frame pointer register - if it exists - is usually callee-save
* - All current implementations do not save control registers
* What happens on the first switch into a Fiber? We never saved a state for this fiber before,
* but the initial state is prepared in the initStack routine. (This routine will also be called
* when a Fiber is being resetted). initStack must produce exactly the same stack layout as the
* part of fiber_switchContext which saves the registers. Pay special attention to set the stack
* pointer correctly if you use the GC optimization mentioned before. the return Address saved in
* initStack must be the address of fiber_entrypoint.
* There's now a small but important difference between the first context switch into a fiber and
* further context switches. On the first switch, Fiber.call is used and the returnAddress in
* fiber_switchContext will point to fiber_entrypoint. The important thing here is that this jump
* is a _function call_, we call fiber_entrypoint by jumping before it's function prologue. On later
* calls, the user used yield() in a function, and therefore the return address points into a user
* function, after the yield call. So here the jump in fiber_switchContext is a _function return_,
* not a function call!
* The most important result of this is that on entering a function, i.e. fiber_entrypoint, we
* would have to provide a return address / set the link register once fiber_entrypoint
* returns. Now fiber_entrypoint does never return and therefore the actual value of the return
* address / link register is never read/used and therefore doesn't matter. When fiber_switchContext
* performs a _function return_ the value in the link register doesn't matter either.
* However, the link register will still be saved to the stack in fiber_entrypoint and some
* exception handling / stack unwinding code might read it from this stack location and crash.
* The exact solution depends on your architecture, but see the ARM implementation for a way
* to deal with this issue.
* The ARM implementation is meant to be used as a kind of documented example implementation.
* Look there for a concrete example.
* FIXME: fiber_entrypoint might benefit from a @noreturn attribute, but D doesn't have one.
* This class provides a cooperative concurrency mechanism integrated with the
* threading and garbage collection functionality. Calling a fiber may be
* considered a blocking operation that returns when the fiber yields (via
* Fiber.yield()). Execution occurs within the context of the calling thread
* so synchronization is not necessary to guarantee memory visibility so long
* as the same thread calls the fiber each time. Please note that there is no
* requirement that a fiber be bound to one specific thread. Rather, fibers
* may be freely passed between threads so long as they are not currently
* executing. Like threads, a new fiber thread may be created using either
* derivation or composition, as in the following example.
* Warning:
* Status registers are not saved by the current implementations. This means
* floating point exception status bits (overflow, divide by 0), rounding mode
* and similar stuff is set per-thread, not per Fiber!
* Warning:
* On ARM FPU registers are not saved if druntime was compiled as ARM_SoftFloat.
* If such a build is used on a ARM_SoftFP system which actually has got a FPU
* and other libraries are using the FPU registers (other code is compiled
* as ARM_SoftFP) this can cause problems. Druntime must be compiled as
* ARM_SoftFP in this case.
* Authors: Based on a design by Mikola Lysenko.
class Fiber
// Initialization
version (Windows)
// exception handling walks the stack, invoking DbgHelp.dll which
// needs up to 16k of stack space depending on the version of DbgHelp.dll,
// the existence of debug symbols and other conditions. Avoid causing
// stack overflows by defaulting to a larger stack size
enum defaultStackPages = 8;
else version (OSX)
version (X86_64)
// libunwind on macOS 11 now requires more stack space than 16k, so
// default to a larger stack size. This is only applied to X86 as
// the pageSize is still 4k, however on AArch64 it is 16k.
enum defaultStackPages = 8;
enum defaultStackPages = 4;
enum defaultStackPages = 4;
* Initializes a fiber object which is associated with a static
* D function.
* Params:
* fn = The fiber function.
* sz = The stack size for this fiber.
* guardPageSize = size of the guard page to trap fiber's stack
* overflows. Beware that using this will increase
* the number of mmaped regions on platforms using mmap
* so an OS-imposed limit may be hit.
* In:
* fn must not be null.
this( void function() fn, size_t sz = pageSize * defaultStackPages,
size_t guardPageSize = pageSize ) nothrow
assert( fn );
allocStack( sz, guardPageSize );
reset( fn );
* Initializes a fiber object which is associated with a dynamic
* D function.
* Params:
* dg = The fiber function.
* sz = The stack size for this fiber.
* guardPageSize = size of the guard page to trap fiber's stack
* overflows. Beware that using this will increase
* the number of mmaped regions on platforms using mmap
* so an OS-imposed limit may be hit.
* In:
* dg must not be null.
this( void delegate() dg, size_t sz = pageSize * defaultStackPages,
size_t guardPageSize = pageSize ) nothrow
allocStack( sz, guardPageSize );
reset( cast(void delegate() const) dg );
* Cleans up any remaining resources used by this object.
~this() nothrow @nogc
// NOTE: A live reference to this object will exist on its associated
// stack from the first time its call() method has been called
// until its execution completes with State.TERM. Thus, the only
// times this dtor should be called are either if the fiber has
// terminated (and therefore has no active stack) or if the user
// explicitly deletes this object. The latter case is an error
// but is not easily tested for, since State.HOLD may imply that
// the fiber was just created but has never been run. There is
// not a compelling case to create a State.INIT just to offer a
// means of ensuring the user isn't violating this object's
// contract, so for now this requirement will be enforced by
// documentation only.
// General Actions
* Transfers execution to this fiber object. The calling context will be
* suspended until the fiber calls Fiber.yield() or until it terminates
* via an unhandled exception.
* Params:
* rethrow = Rethrow any unhandled exception which may have caused this
* fiber to terminate.
* In:
* This fiber must be in state HOLD.
* Throws:
* Any exception not handled by the joined thread.
* Returns:
* Any exception not handled by this fiber if rethrow = false, null
* otherwise.
// Not marked with any attributes, even though `nothrow @nogc` works
// because it calls arbitrary user code. Most of the implementation
// is already `@nogc nothrow`, but in order for `Fiber.call` to
// propagate the attributes of the user's function, the Fiber
// class needs to be templated.
final Throwable call( Rethrow rethrow = Rethrow.yes )
return rethrow ? call!(Rethrow.yes)() : call!(Rethrow.no);
/// ditto
final Throwable call( Rethrow rethrow )()
if ( m_unhandled )
Throwable t = m_unhandled;
m_unhandled = null;
static if ( rethrow )
throw t;
return t;
return null;
private void callImpl() nothrow @nogc
assert( m_state == State.HOLD );
Fiber cur = getThis();
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
m_ucur = cur ? &cur.m_utxt : &Fiber.sm_utxt;
setThis( this );
setThis( cur );
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
m_ucur = null;
// NOTE: If the fiber has terminated then the stack pointers must be
// reset. This ensures that the stack for this fiber is not
// scanned if the fiber has terminated. This is necessary to
// prevent any references lingering on the stack from delaying
// the collection of otherwise dead objects. The most notable
// being the current object, which is referenced at the top of
// fiber_entryPoint.
if ( m_state == State.TERM )
m_ctxt.tstack = m_ctxt.bstack;
/// Flag to control rethrow behavior of $(D $(LREF call))
enum Rethrow : bool { no, yes }
* Resets this fiber so that it may be re-used, optionally with a
* new function/delegate. This routine should only be called for
* fibers that have terminated, as doing otherwise could result in
* scope-dependent functionality that is not executed.
* Stack-based classes, for example, may not be cleaned up
* properly if a fiber is reset before it has terminated.
* In:
* This fiber must be in state TERM or HOLD.
final void reset() nothrow @nogc
assert( m_state == State.TERM || m_state == State.HOLD );
m_ctxt.tstack = m_ctxt.bstack;
m_state = State.HOLD;
m_unhandled = null;
/// ditto
final void reset( void function() fn ) nothrow @nogc
m_call = fn;
/// ditto
final void reset( void delegate() dg ) nothrow @nogc
m_call = dg;
// General Properties
/// A fiber may occupy one of three states: HOLD, EXEC, and TERM.
enum State
/** The HOLD state applies to any fiber that is suspended and ready to
be called. */
/** The EXEC state will be set for any fiber that is currently
executing. */
/** The TERM state is set when a fiber terminates. Once a fiber
terminates, it must be reset before it may be called again. */
* Gets the current state of this fiber.
* Returns:
* The state of this fiber as an enumerated value.
final @property State state() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return m_state;
// Actions on Calling Fiber
* Forces a context switch to occur away from the calling fiber.
static void yield() nothrow @nogc
Fiber cur = getThis();
assert( cur, "Fiber.yield() called with no active fiber" );
assert( cur.m_state == State.EXEC );
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
cur.m_ucur = &cur.m_utxt;
cur.m_state = State.HOLD;
cur.m_state = State.EXEC;
* Forces a context switch to occur away from the calling fiber and then
* throws obj in the calling fiber.
* Params:
* t = The object to throw.
* In:
* t must not be null.
static void yieldAndThrow( Throwable t ) nothrow @nogc
assert( t );
Fiber cur = getThis();
assert( cur, "Fiber.yield() called with no active fiber" );
assert( cur.m_state == State.EXEC );
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
cur.m_ucur = &cur.m_utxt;
cur.m_unhandled = t;
cur.m_state = State.HOLD;
cur.m_state = State.EXEC;
// Fiber Accessors
* Provides a reference to the calling fiber or null if no fiber is
* currently active.
* Returns:
* The fiber object representing the calling fiber or null if no fiber
* is currently active within this thread. The result of deleting this object is undefined.
static Fiber getThis() @safe nothrow @nogc
version (GNU) pragma(inline, false);
return sm_this;
// Static Initialization
version (Posix)
static this()
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
int status = getcontext( &sm_utxt );
assert( status == 0 );
// Fiber entry point. Invokes the function or delegate passed on
// construction (if any).
final void run()
// Standard fiber data
Callable m_call;
bool m_isRunning;
Throwable m_unhandled;
State m_state;
// Stack Management
// Allocate a new stack for this fiber.
final void allocStack( size_t sz, size_t guardPageSize ) nothrow
assert( !m_pmem && !m_ctxt );
// adjust alloc size to a multiple of pageSize
sz += pageSize - 1;
sz -= sz % pageSize;
// NOTE: This instance of Thread.Context is dynamic so Fiber objects
// can be collected by the GC so long as no user level references
// to the object exist. If m_ctxt were not dynamic then its
// presence in the global context list would be enough to keep
// this object alive indefinitely. An alternative to allocating
// room for this struct explicitly would be to mash it into the
// base of the stack being allocated below. However, doing so
// requires too much special logic to be worthwhile.
m_ctxt = new StackContext;
version (Windows)
// reserve memory for stack
m_pmem = VirtualAlloc( null,
sz + guardPageSize,
if ( !m_pmem )
version (StackGrowsDown)
void* stack = m_pmem + guardPageSize;
void* guard = m_pmem;
void* pbase = stack + sz;
void* stack = m_pmem;
void* guard = m_pmem + sz;
void* pbase = stack;
// allocate reserved stack segment
stack = VirtualAlloc( stack,
if ( !stack )
if (guardPageSize)
// allocate reserved guard page
guard = VirtualAlloc( guard,
if ( !guard )
m_ctxt.bstack = pbase;
m_ctxt.tstack = pbase;
m_size = sz;
version (Posix) import core.sys.posix.sys.mman; // mmap, MAP_ANON
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
// Stack size must be at least the minimum allowable by the OS.
static if ( __traits( compiles, mmap ) )
// Allocate more for the memory guard
sz += guardPageSize;
int mmap_flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON;
version (OpenBSD)
mmap_flags |= MAP_STACK;
m_pmem = mmap( null,
0 );
if ( m_pmem == MAP_FAILED )
m_pmem = null;
else static if ( __traits( compiles, valloc ) )
m_pmem = valloc( sz );
else static if ( __traits( compiles, malloc ) )
m_pmem = malloc( sz );
m_pmem = null;
if ( !m_pmem )
version (StackGrowsDown)
m_ctxt.bstack = m_pmem + sz;
m_ctxt.tstack = m_pmem + sz;
void* guard = m_pmem;
m_ctxt.bstack = m_pmem;
m_ctxt.tstack = m_pmem;
void* guard = m_pmem + sz - guardPageSize;
m_size = sz;
static if ( __traits( compiles, mmap ) )
if (guardPageSize)
// protect end of stack
if ( mprotect(guard, guardPageSize, PROT_NONE) == -1 )
// Supported only for mmap allocated memory - results are
// undefined if applied to memory not obtained by mmap
Thread.add( m_ctxt );
// Free this fiber's stack.
final void freeStack() nothrow @nogc
assert( m_pmem && m_ctxt );
// NOTE: m_ctxt is guaranteed to be alive because it is held in the
// global context list.
scope(exit) Thread.slock.unlock_nothrow();
Thread.remove( m_ctxt );
version (Windows)
VirtualFree( m_pmem, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
import core.sys.posix.sys.mman; // munmap
static if ( __traits( compiles, mmap ) )
munmap( m_pmem, m_size );
else static if ( __traits( compiles, valloc ) )
free( m_pmem );
else static if ( __traits( compiles, malloc ) )
free( m_pmem );
m_pmem = null;
m_ctxt = null;
// Initialize the allocated stack.
// Look above the definition of 'class Fiber' for some information about the implementation of this routine
final void initStack() nothrow @nogc
assert( m_ctxt.tstack && m_ctxt.tstack == m_ctxt.bstack );
assert( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack % (void*).sizeof == 0 );
void* pstack = m_ctxt.tstack;
scope( exit ) m_ctxt.tstack = pstack;
void push( size_t val ) nothrow
version (StackGrowsDown)
pstack -= size_t.sizeof;
*(cast(size_t*) pstack) = val;
pstack += size_t.sizeof;
*(cast(size_t*) pstack) = val;
// NOTE: On OS X the stack must be 16-byte aligned according
// to the IA-32 call spec. For x86_64 the stack also needs to
// be aligned to 16-byte according to SysV AMD64 ABI.
version (AlignFiberStackTo16Byte)
version (StackGrowsDown)
pstack = cast(void*)(cast(size_t)(pstack) - (cast(size_t)(pstack) & 0x0F));
pstack = cast(void*)(cast(size_t)(pstack) + (cast(size_t)(pstack) & 0x0F));
version (AsmX86_Windows)
version (StackGrowsDown) {} else static assert( false );
// On Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2, an exploit mitigation
// technique known as SEHOP is activated by default. To avoid
// hijacking of the exception handler chain, the presence of a
// Windows-internal handler (ntdll.dll!FinalExceptionHandler) at
// its end is tested by RaiseException. If it is not present, all
// handlers are disregarded, and the program is thus aborted
// (see http://blogs.technet.com/b/srd/archive/2009/02/02/
// preventing-the-exploitation-of-seh-overwrites-with-sehop.aspx).
// For new threads, this handler is installed by Windows immediately
// after creation. To make exception handling work in fibers, we
// have to insert it for our new stacks manually as well.
// To do this, we first determine the handler by traversing the SEH
// chain of the current thread until its end, and then construct a
// registration block for the last handler on the newly created
// thread. We then continue to push all the initial register values
// for the first context switch as for the other implementations.
// Note that this handler is never actually invoked, as we install
// our own one on top of it in the fiber entry point function.
// Thus, it should not have any effects on OSes not implementing
// exception chain verification.
alias fp_t = void function(); // Actual signature not relevant.
EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION* next; // sehChainEnd if last one.
fp_t handler;
__gshared static fp_t finalHandler = null;
if ( finalHandler is null )
static EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION* fs0() nothrow
asm pure nothrow @nogc
mov EAX, FS:[0];
auto reg = fs0();
while ( reg.next != sehChainEnd ) reg = reg.next;
// Benign races are okay here, just to avoid re-lookup on every
// fiber creation.
finalHandler = reg.handler;
// When linking with /safeseh (supported by LDC, but not DMD)
// the exception chain must not extend to the very top
// of the stack, otherwise the exception chain is also considered
// invalid. Reserving additional 4 bytes at the top of the stack will
// keep the EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION below that limit
size_t reserve = EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION.sizeof + 4;
pstack -= reserve;
EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION( sehChainEnd, finalHandler );
auto pChainEnd = pstack;
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint ); // EIP
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack - reserve ); // EBP
push( 0x00000000 ); // EDI
push( 0x00000000 ); // ESI
push( 0x00000000 ); // EBX
push( cast(size_t) pChainEnd ); // FS:[0]
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // FS:[4]
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack - m_size ); // FS:[8]
push( 0x00000000 ); // EAX
else version (AsmX86_64_Windows)
// Using this trampoline instead of the raw fiber_entryPoint
// ensures that during context switches, source and destination
// stacks have the same alignment. Otherwise, the stack would need
// to be shifted by 8 bytes for the first call, as fiber_entryPoint
// is an actual function expecting a stack which is not aligned
// to 16 bytes.
static void trampoline()
asm pure nothrow @nogc
sub RSP, 32; // Shadow space (Win64 calling convention)
call fiber_entryPoint;
xor RCX, RCX; // This should never be reached, as
jmp RCX; // fiber_entryPoint must never return.
push( cast(size_t) &trampoline ); // RIP
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RBP
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R12
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R13
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R14
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R15
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RDI
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RSI
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM6 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM6 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM7 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM7 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM8 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM8 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM9 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM9 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM10 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM10 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM11 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM11 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM12 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM12 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM13 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM13 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM14 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM14 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM15 (high)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // XMM15 (low)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RBX
push( 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF ); // GS:[0]
version (StackGrowsDown)
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // GS:[8]
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack - m_size ); // GS:[16]
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // GS:[8]
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack + m_size ); // GS:[16]
else version (AsmX86_Posix)
push( 0x00000000 ); // Return address of fiber_entryPoint call
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint ); // EIP
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // EBP
push( 0x00000000 ); // EDI
push( 0x00000000 ); // ESI
push( 0x00000000 ); // EBX
push( 0x00000000 ); // EAX
else version (AsmX86_64_Posix)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // Return address of fiber_entryPoint call
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint ); // RIP
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // RBP
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RBX
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R12
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R13
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R14
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R15
else version (AsmPPC_Posix)
version (StackGrowsDown)
pstack -= int.sizeof * 5;
pstack += int.sizeof * 5;
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint ); // link register
push( 0x00000000 ); // control register
push( 0x00000000 ); // old stack pointer
// GPR values
version (StackGrowsDown)
pstack -= int.sizeof * 20;
pstack += int.sizeof * 20;
assert( (cast(size_t) pstack & 0x0f) == 0 );
else version (AsmPPC_Darwin)
version (StackGrowsDown) {}
else static assert(false, "PowerPC Darwin only supports decrementing stacks");
uint wsize = size_t.sizeof;
// linkage + regs + FPRs + VRs
uint space = 8 * wsize + 20 * wsize + 18 * 8 + 12 * 16;
(cast(ubyte*)pstack - space)[0 .. space] = 0;
pstack -= wsize * 6;
*cast(size_t*)pstack = cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint; // LR
pstack -= wsize * 22;
// On Darwin PPC64 pthread self is in R13 (which is reserved).
// At present, it is not safe to migrate fibers between threads, but if that
// changes, then updating the value of R13 will also need to be handled.
version (PPC64)
*cast(size_t*)(pstack + wsize) = cast(size_t) Thread.getThis().m_addr;
assert( (cast(size_t) pstack & 0x0f) == 0 );
else version (AsmMIPS_O32_Posix)
version (StackGrowsDown) {}
else static assert(0);
/* We keep the FP registers and the return address below
* the stack pointer, so they don't get scanned by the
* GC. The last frame before swapping the stack pointer is
* organized like the following.
* |-----------|<= frame pointer
* | $gp |
* | $s0-8 |
* |-----------|<= stack pointer
* | $ra |
* | align(8) |
* | $f20-30 |
* |-----------|
enum SZ_GP = 10 * size_t.sizeof; // $gp + $s0-8
enum SZ_RA = size_t.sizeof; // $ra
version (MIPS_HardFloat)
enum SZ_FP = 6 * 8; // $f20-30
enum ALIGN = -(SZ_FP + SZ_RA) & (8 - 1);
enum SZ_FP = 0;
enum ALIGN = 0;
enum ABOVE = SZ_GP;
enum SZ = BELOW + ABOVE;
(cast(ubyte*)pstack - SZ)[0 .. SZ] = 0;
pstack -= ABOVE;
*cast(size_t*)(pstack - SZ_RA) = cast(size_t)&fiber_entryPoint;
else version (AsmAArch64_Posix)
// Like others, FP registers and return address (lr) are kept
// below the saved stack top (tstack) to hide from GC scanning.
// fiber_switchContext expects newp sp to look like this:
// 19: x19
// ...
// 9: x29 (fp) <-- newp tstack
// 8: x30 (lr) [&fiber_entryPoint]
// 7: d8
// ...
// 0: d15
version (StackGrowsDown) {}
static assert(false, "Only full descending stacks supported on AArch64");
// Only need to set return address (lr). Everything else is fine
// zero initialized.
pstack -= size_t.sizeof * 11; // skip past x19-x29
push(cast(size_t) &fiber_trampoline); // see threadasm.S for docs
pstack += size_t.sizeof; // adjust sp (newp) above lr
else version (AsmARM_Posix)
/* We keep the FP registers and the return address below
* the stack pointer, so they don't get scanned by the
* GC. The last frame before swapping the stack pointer is
* organized like the following.
* | |-----------|<= 'frame starts here'
* | | fp | (the actual frame pointer, r11 isn't
* | | r10-r4 | updated and still points to the previous frame)
* | |-----------|<= stack pointer
* | | lr |
* | | 4byte pad |
* | | d15-d8 |(if FP supported)
* | |-----------|
* Y
* stack grows down: The pointer value here is smaller than some lines above
// frame pointer can be zero, r10-r4 also zero initialized
version (StackGrowsDown)
pstack -= int.sizeof * 8;
static assert(false, "Only full descending stacks supported on ARM");
// link register
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint );
* We do not push padding and d15-d8 as those are zero initialized anyway
* Position the stack pointer above the lr register
pstack += int.sizeof * 1;
else version (GNU_AsmX86_Windows)
version (StackGrowsDown) {} else static assert( false );
// Currently, MinGW doesn't utilize SEH exceptions.
// See DMD AsmX86_Windows If this code ever becomes fails and SEH is used.
push( 0x00000000 ); // Return address of fiber_entryPoint call
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint ); // EIP
push( 0x00000000 ); // EBP
push( 0x00000000 ); // EDI
push( 0x00000000 ); // ESI
push( 0x00000000 ); // EBX
push( 0xFFFFFFFF ); // FS:[0] - Current SEH frame
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // FS:[4] - Top of stack
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack - m_size ); // FS:[8] - Bottom of stack
push( 0x00000000 ); // EAX
else version (GNU_AsmX86_64_Windows)
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // Return address of fiber_entryPoint call
push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint ); // RIP
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RBP
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // RBX
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R12
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R13
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R14
push( 0x00000000_00000000 ); // R15
push( 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF ); // GS:[0] - Current SEH frame
version (StackGrowsDown)
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // GS:[8] - Top of stack
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack - m_size ); // GS:[16] - Bottom of stack
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack ); // GS:[8] - Top of stack
push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack + m_size ); // GS:[16] - Bottom of stack
else static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
getcontext( &m_utxt );
m_utxt.uc_stack.ss_sp = m_pmem;
m_utxt.uc_stack.ss_size = m_size;
makecontext( &m_utxt, &fiber_entryPoint, 0 );
// NOTE: If ucontext is being used then the top of the stack will
// be a pointer to the ucontext_t struct for that fiber.
push( cast(size_t) &m_utxt );
static assert(0, "Not implemented");
StackContext* m_ctxt;
size_t m_size;
void* m_pmem;
static if ( __traits( compiles, ucontext_t ) )
// NOTE: The static ucontext instance is used to represent the context
// of the executing thread.
static ucontext_t sm_utxt = void;
ucontext_t m_utxt = void;
ucontext_t* m_ucur = null;
else static if (GNU_Enable_CET)
// When libphobos was built with --enable-cet, these fields need to
// always be present in the Fiber class layout.
import core.sys.posix.ucontext;
static ucontext_t sm_utxt = void;
ucontext_t m_utxt = void;
ucontext_t* m_ucur = null;
// Storage of Active Fiber
// Sets a thread-local reference to the current fiber object.
static void setThis( Fiber f ) nothrow @nogc
sm_this = f;
static Fiber sm_this;
// Context Switching
// Switches into the stack held by this fiber.
final void switchIn() nothrow @nogc
Thread tobj = Thread.getThis();
void** oldp = &tobj.m_curr.tstack;
void* newp = m_ctxt.tstack;
// NOTE: The order of operations here is very important. The current
// stack top must be stored before m_lock is set, and pushContext
// must not be called until after m_lock is set. This process
// is intended to prevent a race condition with the suspend
// mechanism used for garbage collection. If it is not followed,
// a badly timed collection could cause the GC to scan from the
// bottom of one stack to the top of another, or to miss scanning
// a stack that still contains valid data. The old stack pointer
// oldp will be set again before the context switch to guarantee
// that it points to exactly the correct stack location so the
// successive pop operations will succeed.
*oldp = getStackTop();
atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.raw)(*cast(shared)&tobj.m_lock, true);
tobj.pushContext( m_ctxt );
fiber_switchContext( oldp, newp );
// NOTE: As above, these operations must be performed in a strict order
// to prevent Bad Things from happening.
atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.raw)(*cast(shared)&tobj.m_lock, false);
tobj.m_curr.tstack = tobj.m_curr.bstack;
// Switches out of the current stack and into the enclosing stack.
final void switchOut() nothrow @nogc
Thread tobj = Thread.getThis();
void** oldp = &m_ctxt.tstack;
void* newp = tobj.m_curr.within.tstack;
// NOTE: The order of operations here is very important. The current
// stack top must be stored before m_lock is set, and pushContext
// must not be called until after m_lock is set. This process
// is intended to prevent a race condition with the suspend
// mechanism used for garbage collection. If it is not followed,
// a badly timed collection could cause the GC to scan from the
// bottom of one stack to the top of another, or to miss scanning
// a stack that still contains valid data. The old stack pointer
// oldp will be set again before the context switch to guarantee
// that it points to exactly the correct stack location so the
// successive pop operations will succeed.
*oldp = getStackTop();
atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.raw)(*cast(shared)&tobj.m_lock, true);
fiber_switchContext( oldp, newp );
// NOTE: As above, these operations must be performed in a strict order
// to prevent Bad Things from happening.
// NOTE: If use of this fiber is multiplexed across threads, the thread
// executing here may be different from the one above, so get the
// current thread handle before unlocking, etc.
tobj = Thread.getThis();
atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.raw)(*cast(shared)&tobj.m_lock, false);
tobj.m_curr.tstack = tobj.m_curr.bstack;
unittest {
int counter;
class DerivedFiber : Fiber
super( &run );
private :
void run()
counter += 2;
void fiberFunc()
counter += 4;
counter += 8;
// create instances of each type
Fiber derived = new DerivedFiber();
Fiber composed = new Fiber( &fiberFunc );
assert( counter == 0 );
assert( counter == 2, "Derived fiber increment." );
assert( counter == 6, "First composed fiber increment." );
counter += 16;
assert( counter == 22, "Calling context increment." );
assert( counter == 30, "Second composed fiber increment." );
// since each fiber has run to completion, each should have state TERM
assert( derived.state == Fiber.State.TERM );
assert( composed.state == Fiber.State.TERM );
version (CoreUnittest)
class TestFiber : Fiber
void run()
foreach (i; 0 .. 1000)
sum += i;
enum expSum = 1000 * 999 / 2;
size_t sum;
void runTen()
TestFiber[10] fibs;
foreach (ref fib; fibs)
fib = new TestFiber();
bool cont;
do {
cont = false;
foreach (fib; fibs) {
if (fib.state == Fiber.State.HOLD)
cont |= fib.state != Fiber.State.TERM;
} while (cont);
foreach (fib; fibs)
assert(fib.sum == TestFiber.expSum);
// Single thread running separate fibers
// Multiple threads running separate fibers
auto group = new ThreadGroup();
foreach (_; 0 .. 4)
// Multiple threads running shared fibers
version (PPC) version = UnsafeFiberMigration;
version (PPC64) version = UnsafeFiberMigration;
version (OSX)
version (X86) version = UnsafeFiberMigration;
version (X86_64) version = UnsafeFiberMigration;
version (AArch64) version = UnsafeFiberMigration;
version (UnsafeFiberMigration)
// XBUG: core.thread fibers are supposed to be safe to migrate across
// threads, however, there is a problem: GCC always assumes that the
// address of thread-local variables don't change while on a given stack.
// In consequence, migrating fibers between threads currently is an unsafe
// thing to do, and will break on some targets (possibly PR26461).
version = FiberMigrationUnittest;
version (FiberMigrationUnittest)
shared bool[10] locks;
TestFiber[10] fibs;
void runShared()
bool cont;
do {
cont = false;
foreach (idx; 0 .. 10)
if (cas(&locks[idx], false, true))
if (fibs[idx].state == Fiber.State.HOLD)
cont |= fibs[idx].state != Fiber.State.TERM;
locks[idx] = false;
cont = true;
} while (cont);
foreach (ref fib; fibs)
fib = new TestFiber();
auto group = new ThreadGroup();
foreach (_; 0 .. 4)
foreach (fib; fibs)
assert(fib.sum == TestFiber.expSum);
// Test exception handling inside fibers.
enum MSG = "Test message.";
string caughtMsg;
(new Fiber({
throw new Exception(MSG);
catch (Exception e)
caughtMsg = e.msg;
assert(caughtMsg == MSG);
int x = 0;
(new Fiber({
assert( x == 1 );
nothrow unittest
new Fiber({}).call!(Fiber.Rethrow.no)();
new Fiber({}).call(Fiber.Rethrow.yes);
new Fiber({}).call(Fiber.Rethrow.no);
enum MSG = "Test message.";
(new Fiber(function() {
throw new Exception( MSG );
assert( false, "Expected rethrown exception." );
catch ( Throwable t )
assert( t.msg == MSG );
// Test exception chaining when switching contexts in finally blocks.
static void throwAndYield(string msg) {
try {
throw new Exception(msg);
} finally {
static void fiber(string name) {
try {
try {
throwAndYield(name ~ ".1");
} finally {
throwAndYield(name ~ ".2");
} catch (Exception e) {
assert(e.msg == name ~ ".1");
assert(e.next.msg == name ~ ".2");
auto first = new Fiber(() => fiber("first"));
auto second = new Fiber(() => fiber("second"));
assert(first.state == Fiber.State.TERM);
assert(second.state == Fiber.State.TERM);
// Test Fiber resetting
static string method;
static void foo()
method = "foo";
void bar()
method = "bar";
static void expect(Fiber fib, string s)
assert(fib.state == Fiber.State.HOLD);
assert(fib.state == Fiber.State.TERM);
assert(method == s); method = null;
auto fib = new Fiber(&foo);
expect(fib, "foo");
expect(fib, "foo");
expect(fib, "foo");
expect(fib, "bar");
fib.reset(function void(){method = "function";});
expect(fib, "function");
fib.reset(delegate void(){method = "delegate";});
expect(fib, "delegate");
// Test unsafe reset in hold state
auto fib = new Fiber(function {ubyte[2048] buf = void; Fiber.yield();}, 4096);
foreach (_; 0 .. 10)
assert(fib.state == Fiber.State.HOLD);
// stress testing GC stack scanning
import core.memory;
import core.time : dur;
static void unreferencedThreadObject()
static void sleep() { Thread.sleep(dur!"msecs"(100)); }
auto thread = new Thread(&sleep).start();
static class Foo
this(int value)
_value = value;
int bar()
return _value;
int _value;
static void collect()
auto foo = new Foo(2);
assert(foo.bar() == 2);
assert(foo.bar() == 2);
auto fiber = new Fiber(&collect);
// thread reference
auto foo = new Foo(2);
void collect2()
assert(foo.bar() == 2);
assert(foo.bar() == 2);
fiber = new Fiber(&collect2);
static void recurse(size_t cnt)
if (cnt)
auto fib = new Fiber(() { recurse(cnt); });
fiber = new Fiber(() { recurse(20); });
version (AsmX86_64_Windows)
// Test Windows x64 calling convention
void testNonvolatileRegister(alias REG)()
auto zeroRegister = new Fiber(() {
mixin("asm pure nothrow @nogc { naked; xor "~REG~", "~REG~"; ret; }");
long after;
mixin("asm pure nothrow @nogc { mov "~REG~", 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; }");
mixin("asm pure nothrow @nogc { mov after, "~REG~"; }");
assert(after == -1);
void testNonvolatileRegisterSSE(alias REG)()
auto zeroRegister = new Fiber(() {
mixin("asm pure nothrow @nogc { naked; xorpd "~REG~", "~REG~"; ret; }");
long[2] before = [0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF], after;
mixin("asm pure nothrow @nogc { movdqu "~REG~", before; }");
mixin("asm pure nothrow @nogc { movdqu after, "~REG~"; }");
assert(before == after);
version (D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
void testStackAlignment()
void* pRSP;
asm pure nothrow @nogc
mov pRSP, RSP;
assert((cast(size_t)pRSP & 0xF) == 0);
auto fib = new Fiber(&testStackAlignment);