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synced 2025-02-14 17:57:39 +01:00
* these are dependencies for gcc 4 Graphite engine build. * CLooG 0.18.0 includes ISL 0.11.1 which is the backend that the build script enables. * PPL is needed by GCC build even if it isn't the chosen backend.
393 lines
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393 lines
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/* Exploit smf when computing the intersection of NNC dual hypercubes.
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it>
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com)
This file is part of the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL).
The PPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
The PPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
For the most up-to-date information see the Parma Polyhedra Library
site: http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/ . */
#include "ppl_test.hh"
#include "timings.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
// Define EXP_EVAL to 1 if you want to reproduce the results
// of the experimental evaluation reported in Table 2 of the paper:
// R. Bagnara, P.M. Hill, E. Zaffanella
// Not Necessarily Closed Convex Polyhedra and the Double Description Method.
// Formal Aspects of Computing, 17, 2 (2005), pp. 222-257.
#ifndef EXP_EVAL
#define EXP_EVAL 0
namespace {
closure_points_dual_hypercube(const dimension_type dims,
const Linear_Expression& weight_center,
const Coefficient& half_diagonal,
Generator_System& gs) {
// An ill-formed (it has no points at all) generator system
// for a dual hypercube.
for (dimension_type axis = dims; axis-- > 0; ) {
gs.insert(closure_point(weight_center + half_diagonal * Variable(axis)));
gs.insert(closure_point(weight_center - half_diagonal * Variable(axis)));
add_facets(dimension_type& to_be_added,
Generator_System& gs,
const Linear_Expression& expr,
const dimension_type axis,
const dimension_type dims,
const Linear_Expression& weight_center,
const Coefficient& half_diagonal) {
// Return if we have already added all facets.
if (to_be_added == 0)
Linear_Expression expr1 = expr;
expr1 += half_diagonal * Variable(axis);
Linear_Expression expr2 = expr;
expr2 -= half_diagonal * Variable(axis);
if (axis == 0) {
gs.insert(point(dims * weight_center + expr1, dims));
if (to_be_added == 0)
gs.insert(point(dims * weight_center + expr2, dims));
// Here axis > 0.
// First recursive call with variable with index `axis'
// having coordinate 1/dims.
add_facets(to_be_added, gs, expr1,
axis-1, dims, weight_center, half_diagonal);
if (to_be_added == 0)
// Second recursive call with variable with index `axis'
// having coordinate -1/dims.
add_facets(to_be_added, gs, expr2,
axis-1, dims, weight_center, half_diagonal);
NNC_dual_hypercube(const dimension_type dims,
const Linear_Expression& weight_center,
const Coefficient& half_diagonal,
const int facet_percentage) {
Generator_System gs;
closure_points_dual_hypercube(dims, weight_center, half_diagonal, gs);
// Number of facets in the closed dual hypercube.
dimension_type num_facets = 1;
for (dimension_type axis = dims; axis-- > 0; )
num_facets *= 2;
dimension_type facets_to_be_added = (num_facets * facet_percentage) / 100;
if (facets_to_be_added == 0)
// There has to be a point, at least.
add_facets(facets_to_be_added, gs, Linear_Expression(0),
dims-1, dims, weight_center, half_diagonal);
// Actually build the polyhedron.
return NNC_Polyhedron(gs);
build_polyhedra(const dimension_type dims,
const int percentage,
std::vector<NNC_Polyhedron>& ph) {
Linear_Expression weight_center;
// 1st-polyhedron.
weight_center = Linear_Expression(0);
for (dimension_type axis = dims; axis-- > 0; )
weight_center += Variable(axis);
ph.push_back(NNC_dual_hypercube(dims, weight_center, 5, percentage));
// 2nd-polyhedron.
weight_center = Linear_Expression(0);
for (dimension_type axis = dims; axis-- > 0; )
weight_center += 2*Variable(axis);
ph.push_back(NNC_dual_hypercube(dims, weight_center, 4, percentage));
// 3rd-polyhedron.
weight_center = Linear_Expression(0);
for (dimension_type axis = dims; axis-- > 0; )
if (axis % 2 == 0)
weight_center += 10*Variable(axis);
weight_center += 2*Variable(axis);
ph.push_back(NNC_dual_hypercube(dims, weight_center, 5, percentage));
// 4th-polyhedron.
weight_center = Linear_Expression(0);
for (dimension_type axis = dims; axis-- > 0; )
if (axis % 2 == 0)
weight_center += 10*Variable(axis);
weight_center += Variable(axis);
ph.push_back(NNC_dual_hypercube(dims, weight_center, 4, percentage));
computation(std::vector<NNC_Polyhedron>& ph, bool enhanced) {
nout << endl;
if (enhanced)
nout << "Enhanced computation: ";
nout << "Standard computation: ";
nout << "working with 4 NNC dual hypercubes of dimension "
<< ph[0].space_dimension() << endl;
/**** Compute the intersection of ph[0] and ph[1]. ****/
// Print cardinalities of arguments.
nout << " - Computing intersection of ph[0] and ph[1]:" << endl;
const Generator_System& gs_0 = ph[0].generators();
nout << " # ph[0].generators() = "
<< std::distance(gs_0.begin(), gs_0.end()) << endl;
const Generator_System& gs_1 = ph[1].generators();
nout << " # ph[1].generators() = "
<< std::distance(gs_1.begin(), gs_1.end()) << endl;
// Very noisy dump of arguments.
vnout << "*** ph[0] generators ***" << endl;
vnout << "*** ph[1] generators ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
const Constraint_System& cs_0 = enhanced
? ph[0].minimized_constraints()
: ph[0].constraints();
const Constraint_System& cs_1 = enhanced
? ph[1].minimized_constraints()
: ph[1].constraints();
// Print cardinalities of constraint systems.
nout << " # ph[0].constraints() = "
<< std::distance(cs_0.begin(), cs_0.end()) << endl;
nout << " # ph[1].constraints() = "
<< std::distance(cs_1.begin(), cs_1.end()) << endl;
// Very noisy dump of arguments.
vnout << "*** ph[0] constraints ***" << endl;
vnout << "*** ph[1] constraints ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
/**** Compute the intersection of ph[2] and ph[3]. ****/
// Print cardinalities of arguments.
nout << " - Computing intersection of ph[2] and ph[3]:" << endl;
const Generator_System& gs_2 = ph[2].generators();
nout << " # ph[2].generators() = "
<< std::distance(gs_2.begin(), gs_2.end()) << endl;
const Generator_System& gs_3 = ph[3].generators();
nout << " # ph[3].generators() = "
<< std::distance(gs_3.begin(), gs_3.end()) << endl;
// Very noisy dump of arguments.
vnout << "*** ph[2] generators ***" << endl;
vnout << "*** ph[3] generators ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
const Constraint_System& cs_2 = enhanced
? ph[2].minimized_constraints()
: ph[2].constraints();
const Constraint_System& cs_3 = enhanced
? ph[3].minimized_constraints()
: ph[3].constraints();
// Print cardinalities of constraint systems.
nout << " # ph[2].constraints() = "
<< std::distance(cs_2.begin(), cs_2.end()) << endl;
nout << " # ph[3].constraints() = "
<< std::distance(cs_3.begin(), cs_3.end()) << endl;
// Very noisy dump of arguments.
vnout << "*** ph[2] constraints ***" << endl;
vnout << "*** ph[3] constraints ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
/**** Compute the poly-hull of ph[0] and ph[2]. ****/
const Generator_System& gs_01 = enhanced
? ph[0].minimized_generators()
: ph[0].generators();
const Generator_System& gs_23 = enhanced
? ph[2].minimized_generators()
: ph[2].generators();
// Print cardinalities of arguments.
nout << " - Computing poly-hull of ph[0] and ph[2]:" << endl;
nout << " # ph[0].generators() = "
<< std::distance(gs_01.begin(), gs_01.end()) << endl;
nout << " # ph[2].generators() = "
<< std::distance(gs_23.begin(), gs_23.end()) << endl;
// Very noisy dump of arguments.
vnout << "*** ph[0] generators ***" << endl;
vnout << "*** ph[2] generators ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
/**** Final conversion ****/
const Constraint_System& cs = ph[0].constraints();
nout << "Wmf final result timing: ";
nout << endl;
// How many constraints obtained?
const long cs_cardinality = std::distance(cs.begin(), cs.end());
// Print cardinality of weakly-minimized final result.
nout << " - Final (wmf) result is ph[0]:" << endl;
nout << " # ph[0].constraints() = " << cs_cardinality << endl;
// Very noisy dump of weakly-minimized final result.
vnout << "*** ph[0] constraints ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
/**** Final strong minimization ****/
nout << "Smf (cons) final result timing: ";
const Constraint_System& min_cs = ph[0].minimized_constraints();
nout << endl;
// How many constraints obtained?
const long min_cs_cardinality = std::distance(min_cs.begin(), min_cs.end());
// Print cardinality of strongly-minimized final result.
nout << " - Final (smf) result is ph[0]:" << endl;
nout << " # ph[0].minimized_constraints() = "
<< min_cs_cardinality << endl;
// Very noisy dump of strongly-minimized final result.
vnout << "*** ph[0] minimized constraints ***" << endl;
vnout << endl;
return enhanced ? min_cs_cardinality : cs_cardinality;
test01() {
std::vector<NNC_Polyhedron> ph;
dimension_type first_dim = 4;
dimension_type last_dim = 5;
dimension_type first_dim = 2;
dimension_type last_dim = 4;
// Storing cardinalities of known results.
// NOTE: the numbers reported here differ a little bit from those
// in the FAC paper in that here we do not count low-level constraints
// related to the epsilon dimension. The difference is at most 2
// (the eps_geq_zero and eps_leq_one constraints).
typedef std::map<std::pair<dimension_type, int>, long> My_Map;
My_Map::const_iterator known_result;
My_Map standard_cardinalities;
My_Map enhanced_cardinalities;
using std::make_pair;
standard_cardinalities[make_pair(4, 25)] = 331; // FAC 332
enhanced_cardinalities[make_pair(4, 25)] = 31; // FAC 33
standard_cardinalities[make_pair(4, 50)] = 519; // FAC 520
enhanced_cardinalities[make_pair(4, 50)] = 41; // FAC 43
standard_cardinalities[make_pair(5, 25)] = 2692; // FAC 2693
enhanced_cardinalities[make_pair(5, 25)] = 125; // FAC 127
standard_cardinalities[make_pair(5, 50)] = 4993; // FAC 4994
enhanced_cardinalities[make_pair(5, 50)] = 150; // FAC 152
int num_errors = 0;
for (dimension_type dims = first_dim; dims <= last_dim; dims++)
for (int percentage = 25; percentage <= 50; percentage += 25) {
nout << endl
<< "++++++++ DIMENSIONS = " << dims << " ++++++++"
<< endl
<< "++++++++ PERCENTAGE = " << percentage << " ++++++++"
<< endl;
// Standard evaluation strategy.
build_polyhedra(dims, percentage, ph);
const long standard_eval_card = computation(ph, false);
// Check if there is a known result.
known_result = standard_cardinalities.find(make_pair(dims, percentage));
if (known_result != standard_cardinalities.end()
&& known_result->second != standard_eval_card) {
nout << "Cardinality mismatch: "
<< "expected " << known_result->second << ", "
<< "obtained " << standard_eval_card << ".\n";
// Enhanced evaluation strategy.
build_polyhedra(dims, percentage, ph);
const long enhanced_eval_card = computation(ph, true);
// Check if there is a known result.
known_result = enhanced_cardinalities.find(make_pair(dims, percentage));
if (known_result != enhanced_cardinalities.end()
&& known_result->second != enhanced_eval_card) {
nout << "Cardinality mismatch: "
<< "expected " << known_result->second << ", "
<< "obtained " << enhanced_eval_card <<".\n";
return num_errors == 0;
} // namespace