<divclass="box-info">Tämän sivun kotoistaminen ei ole vielä täydellinen. Siihen asti keskeneräiset osat käyttävät englanninkielistä alkuperäistekstiä.</div>
<p>Repositories are collections of software packages. Set up by default, there's the <i>Haiku</i> repo with all of the operating system's packages and <i>HaikuPorts</i>, which provides a large number of ported and native Haiku software. There are several more repositories, curated by members of the Haiku community. Checkout <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/software">Software Sites</a> on the website.</p>
<p>This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from <ahref="../applications/haikudepot.html">HaikuDepot's</a><spanclass="menu">Tools</span> menu):</p>
<p>The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it doesn't have a checkmark, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or <spanclass="cli">pkgman</span> from the command line. Use the buttons to <spanclass="button">Enable</span> or <spanclass="button">Disable</span> the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.</p>
<p>Depending on the size of the repository and the speed of the internet connection, enabling a repository may take a few seconds. If it takes longer, you're informed of pending tasks in the little text box above the <spanclass="button">+/-</span> buttons. If it takes unusually long, you'll be asked to either cancel or retry.</p>
<p>To be able to remove a repository completely with the "<spanclass="button">-</span>" button, it has to be disabled.<br/>
You add a new repository with the "<spanclass="button"></span>" button, which will open this panel:</p>
<p>To add a new repository, just paste its URL into the text field. It'll be named "Unknown" until you enable it.</p>
<divclass="box-warning">It goes without saying that adding a repository and downloading and installing software from it is a matter of trust. Don't carelessly just add any URL you happen upon on the internets.</div>