2009-05-25 01:21:32 +00:00
# This file defines what ends up in the alternative GCC archive and it executes
# the rules building the archive. Included by HaikuImage.
2010-10-11 17:51:44 +00:00
#sanity check - make sure the primary gcc is different than the alternative gcc
Exit "Error: Your alternative gcc is the same as the main gcc!"
"You need to reconfigure your generated directories." ;
2009-05-25 01:21:32 +00:00
#pragma mark - Build The Archive
# archive target
HAIKU_ALTERNATIVE_GCC_ARCHIVE = alternative_system_libs.zip ;
# the pseudo target all archive contents is attached to
# prepare the script that initializes the shell variables
local initVarsScript = <AlternativeGCCArchive>haiku-alternative-gcc-init-vars ;
local script = $(initVarsScript) ;
MakeLocate $(script) : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
Always $(script) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : tmpDir : $(HAIKU_TMP_DIR) ;
AddVariableToScript $(script) : addBuildCompatibilityLibDir
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>copyattr ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : <build>zip ;
AddTargetVariableToScript $(script) : $(HOST_RM_ATTRS_TARGET) : rmAttrs ;
} else {
AddVariableToScript $(script) : rmAttrs : rm ;
# create the other scripts
local makeDirsScript = <AlternativeGCCArchive>haiku-alternative-gcc-make-dirs ;
local copyFilesScript
= <AlternativeGCCArchive>haiku-alternative-gcc-copy-files ;
MakeLocate $(makeDirsScript) $(copyFilesScript) : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
CreateAlternativeGCCArchiveMakeDirectoriesScript $(makeDirsScript) ;
CreateAlternativeGCCArchiveCopyFilesScript $(copyFilesScript) ;
# build the archive
# remove the scripts we have generated
NotFile haiku-alternative-gcc-archive ;
Depends haiku-alternative-gcc-archive : $(HAIKU_ALTERNATIVE_GCC_ARCHIVE) ;