8 bit signed value: TypeEditors 8 bita signed value:
Number: TypeEditors Nomor:
Save ProbeView Simpan
Stop ProbeView Stop
Number editor TypeEditors Editor angka
Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hex
No type editor available AttributeWindow Tidak ada editor tipe yang tersedia
Double precision floating-point value: TypeEditors Nilai double precision floating-point :
Device: ProbeView Perangkat:
Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Anda benar-benar ingin menghapus atribut \"%s\" dari file \"%s\"?\n\nAnda tidak dapat membatalkan tindakan ini.
Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Teks
8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Nilai 8 bita unsigned:
Block ProbeView Blok
Back ProbeView Mundur
Device ProbeView Perangkat
Unknown type TypeEditors Tipe tidak dikenal
Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Blok 0x%Lx
Quit FileWindow Keluar
Undo ProbeView Batalkan
Close ProbeView Tutup
Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Nomor
Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Desimal
16 bit signed value: TypeEditors Nilai 16 bita signed:
String editor TypeEditors Editor string
of 0x0 ProbeView This is a part of 'Block 0xXXXX of 0x0026' message. In languages without 'of' structure it can be replaced simply with '/'. dari 0x0
64 bit signed offset: TypeEditors ofset 64 bita signed:
Boolean editor TypeEditors Editor boolean
Copy ProbeView Salin
none ProbeView No attributes tidak ada
Boolean value: TypeEditors Nilai boolean:
32 bit size or status: TypeEditors Status atau ukuran 32 bita:
8 bit palette TypeEditors Palet 8 bita
Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Sesuaikan
Probe device OpenWindow Perangkat penyelidik
(native) ProbeView (asli)
Unknown format TypeEditors Format tak dikenal
Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Heksadesimal