Haiku bluetooth system, (ARCE)\n\nCreated by Oliver Ruiz Dorantes\n\nWith support of:\n\t- Mika Lindqvist\n\t- Maksym Yevmenkin\n\nThanks to the individuals who helped...\n\nShipping/donating hardware:\n\t- Henry Jair Abril Florez(el Colombian)\n\t\t & Stefanie Bartolich\n\t- Edwin Erik Amsler\n\t- Dennis d'Entremont\n\t- Luroh\n\t- Pieter Panman\n\nEconomically:\n\t- Karl vom Dorff, Andrea Bernardi (OSDrawer),\n\t- Matt M, Doug F, Hubert H,\n\t- Sebastian B, Andrew M, Jared E,\n\t- Frederik H, Tom S, Ferry B,\n\t- Greg G, David F, Richard S, Martin W:\n\nWith patches:\n\t- Michael Weirauch\n\t- Fredrik Ekdahl\n\t- Raynald Lesieur\n\t- Andreas Färber\n\t- Joerg Meyer\nTesting:\n\t- Petter H. Juliussen\n\t- Adrien Destugues\n\nWho gave me all the knowledge:\n\t- the yellowTAB team main Système bluetoothHaiku, (ARCE)\n\nCréé par Oliver Ruiz Dorantes\n\nAvec le soutien de :\n\t- Mika Lindqvist\n\t- Maksym Yevmenkin\n\nMerci à toutes les personnes qui ont aidé...\n\nDons de matériel :\n\t- Henry Jair Abril Florez(el Colombian)\n\t\t & Stefanie Bartolich\n\t- Edwin Erik Amsler\n\t- Dennis d'Entremont\n\t- Luroh\n\t- Pieter Panman\n\nFinancièrement :\n\t- Karl vom Dorff, Andrea Bernardi (OSDrawer),\n\t- Matt M, Doug F, Hubert H,\n\t- Sebastian B, Andrew M, Jared E,\n\t- Frederik H, Tom S, Ferry B,\n\t- Greg G, David F, Richard S, Martin W:\n\nRustines :\n\t- Michael Weirauch\n\t- Fredrik Ekdahl\n\t- Raynald Lesieur\n\t- Andreas Färber\n\t- Joerg Meyer\nTests:\n\t- Petter H. Juliussen\n\t- Adrien Destugues\n\nQui m'ont tout appris :\n\t- l'équipe yellowTAB
Refresh LocalDevices… Window Обновление на локали устройства
Settings Window Параметри
Check that the bluetooth capabilities of your remote device are activated. Press Inquiry to start scanning. The needed time for the retrieval of the names is unknown, although should not take more than 3 seconds per device. Afterwards you will be able to add them to your main list, where you will be able to pair with them Inquiry panel Убедете се че bluetooth устройството е активирано. Натиснете Сканиране за да започне процеса. Необходимото време за извличане на името не е известно, но не би трябвало да надвиши 3 секунди за всяко устройство. След това можете да добавите устройството към списъка, където може да заявите pairing с него.
Scanning progress Inquiry panel Процес на сканиране
There has not been found any bluetooth LocalDevice device registered on the system Inquiry panel Нее намерено bluetoothустройство, регистрирано в системата.
Stop bluetooth services… Window Спри bluetoothуслугите