<p>To the left you have the standardized blocks, together with a handy filter function. Optionally, you can choose to also <spanclass="menu">Show Private Blocks</span> from the <spanclass="menu">View</span> menu. The right shows the actual characters in these blocks, using the font specified in the <spanclass="menu">Font</span> menu. Below that you can change the font size. And below that, the values of the character currently under the mouse pointer is displayed in hex, decimal and UTF-8 notation.</p>
<p>You can drag&drop a character directly from the character map into a text editor, or right-click on one to either <spanclass="menu">Copy Character</span> (<spanclass="key">ALT</span> <spanclass="key">C</span>) or <spanclass="menu">Copy As Escaped Byte String</span> (<spanclass="key">SHIFT</span> <spanclass="key">ALT</span> <spanclass="key">C</span>). Resulting in, e.g. either <tt>€</tt> or <tt>\xe2\x82\xac</tt>.