<divclass="box-info">Solange die Übersetzung dieser Seite noch nicht ganz fertig ist, erscheint für die noch fehlenden Teile die englische Version.</div>
<p>NetworkStatus shows the status of your network connections. If it's not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar tray. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the <ahref="../gui.html#replicants">Replicant</a> handle to drag it to the Desktop.<br/>
Wherever it's installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.</p>
The first section contains network devices' names with their state. Below are wireless networks found by the first wireless adapter. You can <spanclass="menu">Open network preferences...</span> to change your <ahref="../preferences/network.html">network configuration</a> or <spanclass="menu">Quit</span> the applet.</p>
<p><imgsrc="../images/networkstatus-images/status.png"alt="NetworkStatus - status of the interface"/><br/>
Clicking on a network device's name in the context menu shows its IP, broadcast and netmask addresses.</p>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/networkstatus-images/icon-ready.png"/></td><tdstyle="width:15px;"></td><td>Ready</td><td>Link is established.</td></tr>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/networkstatus-images/icon-connecting.png"/></td><td></td><td>Configuring</td><td>Connecting in progress.</td></tr>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/networkstatus-images/icon-nosettings.png"/></td><td></td><td>No stateful configuration</td><td>Some settings are missing (check <ahref="../preferences/network.html">IP configuration</a>).</td></tr>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/networkstatus-images/icon-noconnection.png"/></td><td></td><td>No link</td><td>There is no physical connection (probably the network cable is not connected and wireless networks are unavailable).</td></tr>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/networkstatus-images/icon-nodevices.png"/></td><td></td><td>-</td><td>There are no network adapters available (if you are sure that at least one is connected, there are probably no drivers yet).</td></tr>