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* Copyright 2019 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Name, email@email.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/ChannelControl.h hrev49977
* src/kits/interface/ChannelControl.cpp hrev49495
\file ChannelControl.h
\ingroup interface
\brief Undocumented file.
\since Haiku R1
\class BChannelControl
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Undocumented class.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BChannelControl::BChannelControl(BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *model, int32 channelCount=1, uint32 resizingMode=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param frame Undocumented
\param name Undocumented
\param label Undocumented
\param model Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param resizingMode Undocumented
\param flags Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn BChannelControl::BChannelControl(const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *model, int32 channelCount=1, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param name Undocumented
\param label Undocumented
\param model Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param flags Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn BChannelControl::BChannelControl(BMessage *archive)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param archive Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual BChannelControl::~BChannelControl()
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::Archive(BMessage *data, bool deep=true) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param data Undocumented
\param deep Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual void BChannelControl::Draw(BRect updateRect)=0
\brief Undocumented public method
\param updateRect Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual void BChannelControl::MouseDown(BPoint where)=0
\brief Undocumented public method
\param where Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual void BChannelControl::KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes)=0
\brief Undocumented public method
\param bytes Undocumented
\param numBytes Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param newWidth Undocumented
\param newHeight Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::SetFont(const BFont *font, uint32 mask=B_FONT_ALL)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param font Undocumented
\param mask Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::AttachedToWindow()
\brief Undocumented public method
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::DetachedFromWindow()
\brief Undocumented public method
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::ResizeToPreferred()
\brief Undocumented public method
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual void BChannelControl::GetPreferredSize(float *width, float *height)=0
\brief Undocumented public method
\param width Undocumented
\param height Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::MessageReceived(BMessage *message)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param message Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual BHandler* BChannelControl::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 what, const char *property)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param message Undocumented
\param index Undocumented
\param specifier Undocumented
\param what Undocumented
\param property Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage *data)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param data Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::SetModificationMessage(BMessage *message)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param message Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn BMessage* BChannelControl::ModificationMessage() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::Invoke(BMessage *message=NULL)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param message Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::InvokeChannel(BMessage *message=NULL, int32 fromChannel=0, int32 channelCount=-1, const bool *_mask=NULL)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param message Undocumented
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param _mask Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::InvokeNotifyChannel(BMessage *message=NULL, uint32 kind=B_CONTROL_INVOKED, int32 fromChannel=0, int32 channelCount=-1, const bool *_mask=NULL)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param message Undocumented
\param kind Undocumented
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param _mask Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual void BChannelControl::SetValue(int32 value)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param value Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetCurrentChannel(int32 index)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param index Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn int32 BChannelControl::CurrentChannel() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual int32 BChannelControl::CountChannels() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual int32 BChannelControl::MaxChannelCount() const =0
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetChannelCount(int32 count)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param count Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn int32 BChannelControl::ValueFor(int32 channel) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual int32 BChannelControl::GetValue(int32 *_values, int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param _values Undocumented
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::SetValueFor(int32 channel, int32 value)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\param value Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetValue(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *values)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param values Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::SetAllValue(int32 values)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param values Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitsFor(int32 channel, int32 minimum, int32 maximum)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\param minimum Undocumented
\param maximum Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::GetLimitsFor(int32 channel, int32 *_minimum, int32 *_maximum) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\param _minimum Undocumented
\param _maximum Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *minima, const int32 *maxima)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param minima Undocumented
\param maxima Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::GetLimitsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, int32 *minima, int32 *maxima) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param minima Undocumented
\param maxima Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::SetLimits(int32 minimum, int32 maximum)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param minimum Undocumented
\param maximum Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BChannelControl::GetLimits(int32 *_minimum, int32 *_maximum) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param _minimum Undocumented
\param _maximum Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual bool BChannelControl::SupportsIndividualLimits() const =0
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitLabels(const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param minLabel Undocumented
\param maxLabel Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn const char* BChannelControl::MinLimitLabel() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn const char* BChannelControl::MaxLimitLabel() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitLabelsFor(int32 channel, const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\param minLabel Undocumented
\param maxLabel Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual virtual status_t BChannelControl::SetLimitLabelsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param fromChannel Undocumented
\param channelCount Undocumented
\param minLabel Undocumented
\param maxLabel Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn const char* BChannelControl::MinLimitLabelFor(int32 channel) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn const char* BChannelControl::MaxLimitLabelFor(int32 channel) const
\brief Undocumented public method
\param channel Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn int32 *const & BChannelControl::MinLimitList() const
\brief Undocumented protected method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn int32 *const & BChannelControl::MaxLimitList() const
\brief Undocumented protected method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn int32 *const & BChannelControl::ValueList() const
\brief Undocumented protected method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1