[18] <ahref="#moresoftware">Getting more and updating software</a><br/>
[19] <ahref="#end">The end</a><br/>
<h1><aid="start"name="start">Welcome to Haiku's Quick Tour</a></h1>
<p>While Haiku shares many ideas with other operating systems, it does have a unique approach in some areas that are worth pointing out. In just a few slides, you’ll learn about the most important Haiku features and peculiarities that’ll help you get a running start.</p>
<p>For each topic you can find a box with links for "further reading" that point to additional resources, like related topics in the <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/docs/userguide/ru/contents.html"target="_blank">Userguide</a>.</p>
<p>By default at the top right corner of the desktop, the Deskbar is the hub of interacting with Haiku. You can start applications, applets and preferences from there, for example, and switch between running applications.</p>
<!-- [screenshot of opened deskbar, annotated] -->
<p>Here's a typical Haiku window with its usual widgets:</p>
<!-- [screenshot of window, annotated: Close button, Zoom button (usually maximizes the window), Double-click the tab to hide/minimize a window (find it again in the Deskbar), Move a window by grabbing it at the tab or border, Resize from the corner or by dragging a border with the right mouse button.] -->
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/window.png"alt="A window and its widgets"/>
<p>The <spanclass="app">Keymap</span> preferences let you switch from the Haiku standard <spanclass="key">ALT</span> key to <spanclass="key">CTRL</span> (Windows/Linux mode). This is a global switch, so for example quitting a program in the shell will then be done with <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">C</span> instead the usual <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">C</span>.<br/>
This inconsistancy is one reason for the default <spanclass="key">ALT</span> shortcut in Haiku.</p>
<!-- [screenshot: Two edit menus (copy/paste/cut) with ALT and CTRL shortcut)] -->
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/alt-ctrl.png"alt="Shortcut key: ALT vs. CTRL"/>
<p>Holding <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">TAB</span> summons the <spanclass="app">Twitcher</span> where you switch between running applications.<br/>
Tapping the <spanclass="key">TAB</span> key only quickly while holding <spanclass="key">CTRL</span> switches to the last used application.</p>
<imgsrc="../images/quicktour/twitcher.png"alt="The Twitcher switching between apps"/>
<p>If some application crashed badly and maybe won't disappear from Deskbar's running application list, press <spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">DEL</span> to invoke the <spanclass="app">Team monitor</span>. Here you can select an entry and kill a misbehaving app.</p>
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/teammonitor.png"alt="The Team monitor"/>
<p>A neat way to quickly get rid of an app hanging in the Deskbar is the Vulcan Death Grip.<br/>
Hold <spanclass="key">SHIFT</span><spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span> and click on the offending entry in the Deskbar. Poof!</p>
<p>"Stacking" is putting windows on top of each other, automatically moving the yellow tabs into position.<br/>
While holding the <spanclass="key">OPT</span> key (normally that's <spanclass="key">WIN</span> on the keyboard), tabs change color when they overlap; drop the window to establish the stacking.<br/>
You un-stack by holding <spanclass="key">OPT</span> and dragging a window out of its group by the yellow tab.</p>
<!-- Gif created from 3 images at https://ezgif.com/maker/
<p>Double-clicking your way down folder after folder, you'll quickly end up with many open Tracker windows.<br/>
Holding the <spanclass="key">OPT</span> key (normally <spanclass="key">WIN</span> on the keyboard) prevents this as it automatically closes the parent folder.<br/>
Alternatively, you can activate <spanclass="menu">Single window navigation</span> from the <spanclass="app">Tracker</span> preferences.<br/>
<spanclass="menu">Show navigator</span> will add back/forward buttons.</p>
<!-- [screenshot: Tracker preferences and Tracker window with navigator] -->
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/singlewindow.png"alt="Using Single window navigation"/>
<p>A nice alternative to opening a deep hierarchy of folders is called "drill-down navigation". Right-clicking a folder or anywhere in a Tracker window (or the Desktop) will open a context menu. Beside various expected commands, there's a menu of the current folder at the top that contains all its subfolders.<br/>
Drill your way down until you find the folder or file to open.</p>
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/drilldown.png"alt="Drilling down folder hierarchies"/>
<p>In order to access a harddisk, CD, USB stick etc., you first have to mount the volume. Once mounted, its icon appears on the Desktop.<br/>
This is done with a right-click on the Desktop or an already mounted volume (like the boot disk) and choosing the volume from the <spanclass="menu">Mount</span> submenu. You find the same <spanclass="menu">Mount</span> menu in the Deskbar. ISO images can be mounted with a double-click.</p>
<divclass="box-warning">Before removing a USB drive etc., you have to right-click its icon and choose <spanclass="menu">Unmount</span> and wait for its icon to disappear. Otherwise you may lose data not yet written to it!</div>
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/mount.png"alt="Mounting a volume"/>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/quicktour/folder_haiku.png"alt="System"/><br/><spanclass="path">/boot/system/</span></td><td></td><td>The system hierarchy contains system files and settings for all users. The package management makes most folders under /system effectively read-only. Packages contain all their files in a fixed folder hierarchy. Upon installation, a package gets "mounted" and all its files just appear to be in that hierarchy in the /system folder.<br/>
The folders there (like <i>add-ons</i>, <i>apps</i>, <i>bin</i> etc.) are just a virtual amalgamation of all the installed packages and are therefore read-only. Exceptions are <i>cache</i>, <i>non-packaged</i>, <i>settings</i>, and <i>var</i>.
<li><spanclass="path">/system/packages/</span> is the default install location for software.</li>
<li><spanclass="path">/system/documentation/</span> is used by some applications to store their manual.</li>
<tr><td><imgsrc="../images/quicktour/folder_home.png"alt="Home"/><br/><spanclass="path">/boot/home/</span></td><td></td><td>The home hierarchy is your personal folder where you keep your data and settings. The folder /boot/home/config (or shortened ~/config) mirrors the /system folder described above and is likewise virtually read-only with the same exceptions of <i>cache</i>, <i>non-packaged</i>, <i>settings</i>, and <i>var</i>.
<li><spanclass="path">~/Desktop/</span> is where the files of your Desktop live.</li>
<li><spanclass="path">~/config/settings/</span> is where the system and applications store your settings.</li>
<p>The writable <i>non-packaged</i> folders mirror the hierarchy of the /system or ~/config/ hierarchy (<i>add-ons</i>, <i>apps</i>, <i>bin</i>…).<br/>
Software that doesn't come in form of a HPKG package can be installed here.</p>
<p>Files on Haiku formatted (BFS) volumes are quickly searched with <spanclass="menu">Find…</span> from the Deskbar. Instead of file and folder names, you can also look through filetype specific attributes, e.g. for an artist in your MP3 collection.</p>
<!-- [screenshot of Find window and result window of Artitst == Fairport] -->
<imgsrc="./images/quicktour/query.png"alt="Finding all MP3s of an artist"/>
<p>For more detailed information, check out the <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/docs/welcome/welcome_ru.html"target="_blank">Welcome page</a> and the <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/docs/userguide/ru/contents.html"target="_blank">User Guide</a>.<br/>
You can also join our <ahref="https://discuss.haiku-os.org/"target="_blank">Webforum</a> and <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/irc/"target="_blank">main IRC channel #haiku</a> to get help or discuss your ideas.</p>
<p>The Haiku website has information how to <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/getting-involved/"target="_blank">get involved</a> in driving Haiku forward. You can also make <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/donating_to_haiku"target="_blank">financial donations</a>.</p>
<ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org"><imgsrc="../images/quicktour/haiku_logo_square.png"alt="Visit the Haiku website at https://www.haiku-os.org"/></a>