<ahref="#list-of-apps">The list of running programs</a>
<h1>Barra de l'Escriptori</h1>
<p>The Deskbar is the little panel that by default is located in the upper right corner of the screen. It's Haiku's version of Windows' taskbar with its Start button. It contains the Deskbar menu from where you can start applications and preferences, a tray with a clock and other tools below that and a list of currently running programs at the bottom.</p>
<p>You can move the Deskbar to any corner or as a bar along the upper or lower border of the screen by gripping the knobbly area on one side of the tray and drag & drop it into the new position. You can also fold it into a more compact layout by drag & dropping the knobbly area onto the Deskbar menu.</p>
<p>By gripping the other knobbly widget of the tray, you can change the width of the Deskbar by dragging the mouse left or right:</p>
<p>A wider Deskbar allows for more icons in the tray on a single row. It also truncates longer application names in the list of running programs less often, especially if you use larger icons.</p>
<li><p><b>About this system...</b> - Shows some basic information of the system, licenses and the credits of the Haiku project.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Find...</b> - Opens the <ahref="queries.html">Query</a> dialog.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Show replicants</b> - Shows/hides the little <ahref="gui.html#replicants">Replicant</a> widget you use to drag it around, remove or access its context menu.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Mount</b> - Offers the same options as when invoked by right-clicking the Desktop (see <ahref="tracker.html#mounting-volumes">Mounting Volumes</a>).</p></li>
<li><p><b>Deskbar preferences...</b> - Opens a panel to configure the Deskbar (see below).</p></li>
<li><p><b>Shutdown</b> - Offers options to either <spanclass="menu">Restart system</span> or <spanclass="menu">Power off</span>.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Recent documents, folders, applications</b> - List of the last recently opened documents, folders and applications (see <spanclass="menu">Deskbar preferences</span> below).</p></li>
<li><p><b>Applications, Demos, Deskbar applets, Preferences</b> - List of installed applications, demos, applets and preferences.<br/>You can add links to other programs (or any folder, document, query etc.) by putting them into <spanclass="path">~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/</span>.</p></li>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Sort running applications</span></td><td></td><td>Sorts the list of running programs alphabetically.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Tracker always first</span></td><td></td><td>Even if you sort alphabetically, the Tracker entry always stays first in the list.</td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="onelinetop"><spanclass="menu">Show application expander</span></td><td></td><td>Provides a small widget to show/hide all windows of a program directly under its entry in the Deskbar.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Expand new applications</span></td><td></td><td>Newly launched programs have their windows automatically expanded under their entry in the Deskbar.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Hide application names</span></td><td></td><td>Removes the text labels of running applications.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Icon size</span></td><td></td><td>Adjusts the icon size of running applications. </td></tr>
<p>While the first couple of menu items of the Deskbar are fixed, you can customized the ones below <spanclass="menu">Shutdown...</span>.<br/>
Here you can set the number of recent documents, folders and applications that are shown in their menu in the Deskbar, or if you want to see them at all.<br/>
The button <spanclass="button">Edit in Tracker...</span> opens the folder <spanclass="path">~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/</span>. In it you'll find the files and folders that appear in the Deskbar, by default these are <spanclass="menu">Applications</span>, <spanclass="menu">Demos</span>, <spanclass="menu">Deskbar applets</span>, and <spanclass="menu">Preferences</span>.<br/>
<!-- <p _translation_id="432">It's even easier to simply drag a file, folder or saved query and drop it where you want it into the Deskbar.</p> -->
<divclass="box-info"><p>Programs installed from a package automatically put an entry into the Deskbar. Depending on the number of packages you have installed, this can become a bit crowded. If you prefer to have total control, and only want to see applications you link there yourself (possibly in categorizing sub-folders), here's how to do it:<br/>
You create a link of the <spanclass="path">menu</span> folder in <spanclass="path">~/config/settings/deskbar/</span> and rename to <spanclass="path">menu_entries</span>. From Terminal that is achieved with:</p>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Always on top</span></td><td></td><td>The Deskbar always stays above all other windows.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Auto-raise</span></td><td></td><td>The Deskbar pops to the front if the mouse pointer touches it.</td></tr>
<tr><td><spanclass="menu">Auto-hide</span></td><td></td><td>The Deskbar is reduced to only a few pixels and only pops up if the mouse pointer touches them.</td></tr>
<p>Among other things, the tray is housing the clock. Hover the mouse over it to display the date in a tooltip. Left-click it to show a calendar. Right-click it to hide/show the clock or launch the <ahref="preferences/time.html">Time</a> preferences to set it.</p>
<p>Any program can install an icon in the tray to provide an interface to the user. The email system, for instance, shows a different symbol when there's unread mail and offers a context menu to e.g. create or check for new mail. <spanclass="app">ProcessController</span> is another example that uses its icon in the tray to provide information (CPU/memory usage) and to offer a context menu.</p>
<p>You can change to a specific running application by clicking on its entry in the Deskbar and choosing (one of) its windows from the submenu. By right-clicking you can <spanclass="menu">Hide/Show all</span> windows or <spanclass="menu">Close all</span> and with them the entire application.</p>
<p>A <spanclass="key">SHIFT</span><spanclass="key">CTRL</span> click on an application hides all its windows, a <spanclass="key">CTRL</span> click shows them again.</p>
<divclass="box-info">Sometimes an application may hang and even though all its windows are gone, the entry in the list of running applications in the Deskbar just won't disappear. In such a situation you use the Vulcan Death Grip to get rid of it: hold <spanclass="key">SHIFT</span><spanclass="key">CTRL</span><spanclass="key">ALT</span> and click on the offending entry in the Deskbar. Fascinating!</div>
<p>If you activated Expanders in the Deskbar settings, you can expand/collapse the list of windows directly under an application's entry.</p>
<p>In front of every application's windows is a symbol providing info on its state. A bright symbol means a window is visible, a dark one that it's minimized. Three lines in front of a symbol shows that it's not on the current workspace.</p>