<divclass="box-info">Solange die Übersetzung dieser Seite noch nicht ganz fertig ist, erscheint für die noch fehlenden Teile die englische Version.</div>
<p>You can control playing media using a set of buttons - previous, play/pause, stop, next. Also, there is a progress bar, a volume controler and even an oscilloscope.</p>
<divclass="box-info">Once you play a video file, you can double right-click on the display to hide interface. Double left-click instead causes displaying video in full-screen mode.</div>
<p><b>Playing media</b></p>
<p>There are options especially useful while watching DVD video or other files which include different audio/video tracks or have subtitles included. You can change audio tracks from <spanclass="menu">Audio | Track</span> just as <spanclass="menu">Video | Track</span> for various video tracks. You can also make use of subtitles, MediaPlayer supports .srt format. All available subtitles are showed as options in <spanclass="menu">Video | Subtitles</span> menu. The player gets names for this positions from the filename, eg. videoclip.english.srt shows as "english" in the menu.</p>
<p>You can change the scale by resizing the window or simply from the <spanclass="menu">Video</span> menu. There are 50%, 100%, 200%, 300% and 400% options. There is an option to change the player to full-screen mode or to change ratio of the display.</p>
<p>MediaPlayer supports playlists. You can either select a few files in Tracker using <spanclass="key">ALT</span> and launched the application or add other files after launching the one using the drag and drop method. You can get to the playlist from menu - choose <spanclass="menu">MediaPlayer | Playlist</span> and the playlist window will pop-up.</p>
<p>You can save the current playlist or open one from the playlist window, of course. There is also a function that lets you to randomize your playlist. Use either <spanclass="menu">Edit | Randomize</span> menu position or <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">R</span> shortcut. You can also both remove any file from playlist and remove it from playlist and put into Trash. This functions are available from <spanclass="menu">Edit</span> menu, too.</p>
<p><b>Other options</b></p>
<p>If you would like to rate a file, you can do this directly from MediaPlayer, too! Choose a rate from 1 to 10 from <spanclass="menu">Attributes | Rating</span> menu.</p>
<p>MediaPlayer is also able to show you some information about the file you play. It is available from <spanclass="menu">MediaPlayer | File info... </span> menu.</p>
<p>You can configure the application from <spanclass="menu">MediaPlayer | Settings</span>. There are some interesting options concerning looping playback, closing window when playback finishes, size and placement of subtitles or volume level while playing in the background.</p>
<p>There are plenty of shortcuts for this application. <spanclass="key">SPACEBAR</span> is used to play/pause the playback. You can control the whole playback with one hand, because alternate keys are used - <spanclass="key">Z</span> to go to the previous track, <spanclass="key">X</span> to play, <spanclass="key">C</span> to pause and <spanclass="key">V</span> to go to the next track. Left/Right cursors are used to seek, they cause 10 seconds seeking while <spanclass="key">ALT</span> is pressed at the same time. Up and down cursors controls the volume and cause going to the previous/next track while <spanclass="key">ALT</span> is pressed.</p>
<p><spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">F</span> activates full-screen mode, <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">P</span> pops-up playlist window, <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">I</span> shows file information, <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">H</span> hides interface, <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">A</span> causes MediaPlayer is always on top, <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">S</span> moves you to the settings window and <spanclass="key">ALT</span><spanclass="key">Q</span> quits the application.</p>