<p>With every email being in a separate file, viewing them becomes just as easy as browsing through a folder (or query result) of images with <ahref="applications/showimage.html">ShowImage</a>. Leaving the Tracker window open, you'll see the moving selection of the currently viewed file while you use the previous/next button to move through them.<br/>
As they are independent files, using a viewer other than Haiku's <ahref="applications/mail.html">Mail</a> causes no problems whatsoever.</p>
<p>Similarly, creating a new message results in just another file that is handed to the mail_daemon that takes care of sending it off. Contact management is deferred to the <ahref="applications/people.html">People</a> application.</p>
<p>In a nutshell, where other mail clients do everything, from communicating with the mail servers to providing a view with all your mails and tools to search and filter them, Haiku uses a chain of smaller tools and general file management:</p>
<li><p>The <spanclass="app">mail_daemon</span> to fetch/send mail and save them as normal files.</p></li>
<li><p>Tracker windows and queries to find and show email files.</p></li>
<li><p>The <spanclass="app">Mail</span> application to view email files and create new messages relying on system-wide contact management by the <spanclass="app">People</span> app.</p></li>
<p>Especially using Tracker and queries to manage emails is a powerful idea. The experience you gain can be transferred to any other problem that is dealing with files. Be it images, music, video, contacts or any other documents, using Tracker is at the core of all file managing.<br/>
<p>Better use <spanclass="menu">Close and | Set to...</span> to create a new status and use that to categorize your mail. For example, you could call the status "<i>Later</i>", and then query for that when you find more time.<br/>
Or you use different statuses for specific projects. For example, I created a status "<i>HUG</i>" (for "Haiku user guide") under which I collect every mail that may influence the contents of the user guide, like commit messages about code changes that alter or introduce some feature or anything else I feel could improve the user guide.<br/>
In any case, try to keep the status name short. That way it always fits in a normally wide "Status" column in Tracker.</p>
<p>You don't have to open an email with the <spanclass="app">Mail</span> application to set its status. With the Tracker add-ons <spanclass="app">Mark as Read </span> and <spanclass="app">Mark as...</span> you can select some email files and set their status in one go.</p>
<p>Sure, you specify a folder to store all your email, you can open it et voilà, there's all you mail. But over time the folder becomes crowded and showing all will take longer and longer as thousands of files and their attributes have to be parsed and sorted. Also, most of the time you don't really care about two year old emails of Nigerian princes and their inheritory trouble ...</p>
<divclass="box-info">A lot of time when populating a folder is spent on putting files read from disk into the correct sorting order and displaying that in the window. If you do have to open a folder with a huge number of files, you can shorten the wait by making the Tracker window "invisible", i.e. either minimize it or change to another workspace. Watch <ahref="applications/processcontroller.html">ProcessController</a> to see how it affects CPU usage.</div>
<p><ahref="queries.html">Queries</a>, to the rescue!</p>
<p>By using queries, you can narrow down the view of your mails. Actually, the mailbox icon in the Deskbar uses queries.</p>
<p>The <spanclass="menu">Open Draft</span> submenu does a query for the status "<i>Draft</i>", which is set by <spanclass="app">Mail</span> when you save a message.</p>
<p><spanclass="menu">Open Inbox Folder</span> and <spanclass="menu">Open Mail Folder</span> are just links to regular folders (and not very useful in my opinion).</p>
<p>The <spanclass="menu"># new messages</span> submenu is populated by a query for email with the status "<i>New</i>" (that same query is used to change the mailbox icon to show some letters in it, by the way).</p>
<p>You can add your own queries (or folders, applications, scripts etc.) to that context menu too, by putting them or links to them into <spanclass="path">~/config/settings/Mail/Menu Links</span>.</p>
<divclass="box-info">The query <spanclass="path">~/config/settings/Mail/mailbox</span> is a special case: It is executed when left-clicking the mailbox icon in the Deskbar. If you want to change that behavior, you can replace it with any other file (or link to a file), just name it "<i>mailbox</i>". It doesn't have to be a query, a link to a folder of queries or a script or application works just as well.</div>
<li><p>If you don't save a query as "<i>Query</i>" but as "<i>Query template</i>", invoking it won't show the result window, but the Find... window instead. That way you can easily exchange the search string for the subject or sender, for example, or change a "<i>2 days</i>" time limit to "<i>3 days</i>".</p></li>
<li><p>Activating "type-ahead filtering" in <ahref="tracker.html#tracker-preferences">Tracker's preferences</a> allows you to very quickly filter a query result even further. Often it's enough to query for all mails of the last 3 days and go with type-ahead filtering from there. The big advantage is, that you don't have to exactly specify which attribute to search for, as all displayed are considered when filtering.</p></li>
<li><p><ahref="http://haikuware.com/directory/view-details/utilities/desktop-accessories/relatedmail">RelatedMail</a> is a nifty little application that will query for all mails with the same subject/sender/time-frame etc. of a dropped email. Kind of what the <spanclass="menu">Queries</span> menu in the <spanclass="app">Mail</span> app is supposed to do.</p></li>