Color (#%02x%02x%02x) Style name after dropping a color Spalva (#%02x%02x%02x)
Add Icon-O-Matic-StylesList Pridėti
Move Shape Icon-O-Matic-MoveShapesCommand Perkelti figūrą
Opening the document failed! Icon-O-Matic-Main Nepavyko atverti dokumento!
Move Paths Icon-O-Matic-MovePathsCmd Perkelti kontūrus
None Icon-O-Matic-Properties Nieko
New Icon-O-Matic-Menu-File Naujas
Icon-O-Matic might not have interpreted all data from the SVG when it was loaded. By overwriting the original file, this information would now be lost. Icon-O-Matic-SVGExport Gali būti, jog, atverdama šį SVG failą, programa nesuinterpretavo visų jo duomenų. Jeigu perrašysite failą, jūs prarasite tuos duomenis.