... <package/hpkg/PackageAttributes.h>, which also defines other
properties (name and type) for each attribute. It does so via a macro
that the caller can define to generate whatever code is desired.
Global and user settings files can be declared. For global ones an
update policy can be specified. If not specified, the settings file is
not included in the package, but created by the program (or user) later.
If an update type is specified, it defines what to do with the settings
file when updating the package to a newer version.
User settings files are never included in the package; they are always
created by the program or the user. If the package contains a template/
default settings file, it can be declared, but for informative purposes
It uses sub-namespace BPackage::BHPKG::V1. Unlike the one for the
current format version, the V1 version of BPackageInfoContentHandler
lives in BHPKG(::V1) sub-namespace and is private.
The implementation is temporary. Currently it reads through the packages
in the respective packages directory and checks against the package
links. Once package activation is tracked explicitly we'll use the
activation file/directory.
A BPackageContentHandler subclass that initializes a BPackageInfo from
the read package attributes. Pulled out of RepositoryWriterImpl's