The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
桌面栏: | ||
位置: | /boot/system/apps/ActivityMonitor | |
设置: | ~/config/settings/ActivityMonitor settings |
You can track system resources by launching the ActivityMonitor and activating different items of interest.
右键点击窗口, 你可以随意切换显示所有资源的利用情况:
Used/Cached Memory, Swap Space, CPU Usage, Network Receive/Send, Page faults, Semaphores, Ports, Threads, Teams, Running Applications, Raw/Text Clipboard Size, Media Nodes.
在图表的下方是个图例(可以从快捷菜单中进行隐藏)。你可以通过拖拽颜色来改变图表的颜色和背景;从任何一个颜色提取软件中提取颜色,例如,从图标套件 中。
菜单中打开面板来设置对系统利用情况更新的频率。每个视图都有自己的 Replicant 功能(自我复制功能),并且可以放置在某些位置,例如:桌面。