Protocols ========= Standard Replies ---------------- standard success reply message reply: - B_REG_SUCCESS [ ] fields: - : Request-specific fields. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- standard error reply message reply: - B_REG_ERROR "error": B_INT32_TYPE [ "error_description": B_STRING_TYPE ] [ ] fields: - "error": The error code (a status_t). - "error_description": Optional human readable description. - : Request-specific fields. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- General Requests ---------------- getting the messengers for MIME and clipboard management respectively target: registrar app looper (preferred handler) message: B_REG_GET_MIME_MESSENGER/B_REG_GET_CLIPBOARD_MESSENGER reply: standard success "messenger": B_MESSENGER_TYPE on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error (fatal) reply fields: - "messenger": The requested messenger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roster Requests --------------- app registration (BRoster::AddApplication()) BRoster::AddApplication(const char *mimeSig, const entry_ref *ref, uint32 flags, team_id team, thread_id thread, port_id port, bool fullReg, uint32 *_token, team_id *otherTeam) const target: roster message: B_REG_ADD_APP "signature": B_MIME_STRING_TYPE "ref": B_REF_TYPE "flags": B_UINT32_TYPE "team": B_INT32_TYPE "thread": B_INT32_TYPE "port": B_INT32_TYPE "full_registration": B_BOOL_TYPE reply: standard success [ "token": B_INT32_TYPE ] [ "other_team": B_INT32_TYPE ] on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "signature": The application signature. - "ref": An entry_ref to the application executable. - "flags": The application flags. - "team": The application team (team_id). - "port": The app looper port (port_id). - "full_registration": Whether full or pre-registration is requested. reply fields: - "token": If pre-registration was requested (uint32). Unique token to be passed to BRoster::SetThreadAndTeam(). - "other_team": For single/exclusive launch applications that are launched the second time. The team ID of the already running instance (team_id). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: The entry_ref doesn't refer to a file. - B_ALREADY_RUNNING: For single/exclusive launch applications that are launched the second time. - B_REG_ALREADY_REGISTERED: The team is already registered. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- app registration (BRoster::CompleteRegistration()) target: roster message: B_REG_COMPLETE_REGISTRATION "team": B_INT32_TYPE "thread": B_INT32_TYPE "port": B_INT32_TYPE reply: standard success on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "team": The application team (team_id). - "thread": The application looper thread (thread_id). - "port": The app looper port (port_id). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_REG_APP_NOT_REGISTERED: The team is unknown to the roster. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- app pre-registration check (BRoster::IsAppPreRegistered()) target: roster message: B_REG_IS_APP_PRE_REGISTERED "ref": B_REF_TYPE "team": B_INT32_TYPE reply: standard success "pre-registered": B_BOOL_TYPE on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "ref": An entry_ref to the application executable. - "team": The application team (team_id). reply fields: - "pre-registered": true, if the app is pre-registered, false otherwise. error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND: The entry_ref doesn't refer to a file. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- pre-registrated app unregistration (BRoster::RemovePreRegApp()) target: roster message: B_REG_REMOVE_PRE_REGISTERED_APP "token": B_INT32_TYPE reply: standard success on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "token": The token BRoster::AddApplication() returned (uint32). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_REG_APP_NOT_PRE_REGISTERED: The token does not identify a pre-registered application. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- app unregistration (BRoster::RemoveApp()) target: roster message: B_REG_REMOVE_APP "team": B_INT32_TYPE reply: standard success on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "team": The application team (team_id). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_REG_APP_NOT_REGISTERED: The team is unknown to the roster. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- app pre-registration, set thread/team (BRoster::SetThreadAndTeam()) target: roster message: B_REG_SET_THREAD_AND_TEAM "token": B_INT32_TYPE "team": B_INT32_TYPE "thread": B_INT32_TYPE reply: standard success on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "token": The token BRoster::AddApplication() returned (uint32). - "team": The application team (team_id). - "thread": The application looper thread (thread_id). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_REG_APP_NOT_PRE_REGISTERED: The token does not identify a pre-registered application. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- get an app info (BRoster::Get{Running,Active,}AppInfo()) target: roster message: B_REG_GET_APP_INFO [ "team": B_INT32_TYPE | "ref": B_REF_TYPE | "signature": B_STRING_TYPE ] reply: standard success "app_info": B_REG_APP_INFO_TYPE on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "team": The application team (team_id). - "ref": An entry_ref to the application executable. - "signature": The application signature. - If both are omitted the active application is referred to. reply fields: - "app_info": The requested app_info (flat_app_info). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_BAD_TEAM_ID: The supplied team ID does not identify a registered application. - B_ERROR: - An entry_ref or a signature has been supplied and no such application is currently running. - No team ID has been supplied and currently there is no active application. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- get an app list (BRoster::GetAppList()) target: roster message: B_REG_GET_APP_LIST [ "signature": B_STRING_TYPE ] reply: standard success "teams": B_INT32_TYPE[] on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "signature": The application signature. reply fields: - "teams": The requested list of team IDs (team_id). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- activate an app (BRoster::ActivateApp()) target: roster message: B_REG_ACTIVATE_APP "team": B_INT32_TYPE ] reply: standard success on error: - B_NO_REPLY (fatal) - standard error message fields: - "team": The application team (team_id). error reply fields: - "error": - B_BAD_VALUE: A request message field is missing or contains an invalid value. - B_BAD_TEAM_ID: The supplied team ID does not identify a registered application. - ... -----------------------------------------------------------------------