/* * Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #include "Statement.h" // #pragma mark - Statement Statement::~Statement() { } // #pragma mark - AbstractStatement AbstractStatement::AbstractStatement(const SourceLocation& start, const SourceLocation& end) : fStart(start), fEnd(end) { } SourceLocation AbstractStatement::StartSourceLocation() const { return fStart; } SourceLocation AbstractStatement::EndSourceLocation() const { return fEnd; } // #pragma mark - ContiguousStatement ContiguousStatement::ContiguousStatement(const SourceLocation& start, const SourceLocation& end, const TargetAddressRange& range) : AbstractStatement(start, end), fRange(range) { } TargetAddressRange ContiguousStatement::CoveringAddressRange() const { return fRange; } int32 ContiguousStatement::CountAddressRanges() const { return 1; } TargetAddressRange ContiguousStatement::AddressRangeAt(int32 index) const { return index == 0 ? fRange : TargetAddressRange(); } bool ContiguousStatement::ContainsAddress(target_addr_t address) const { return fRange.Contains(address); }