/* * Copyright 2022 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Niels Sascha Reedijk, niels.reedijk@gmail.com * * Corresponds to: * headers/private/netservices2/HttpFields.h hrev????? * src/kits/network/libnetservices2/HttpFields.cpp hrev????? */ #if __cplusplus >= 201703L /*! \file HttpFields.h \ingroup netservices \brief Provides the BHttpFields class. */ namespace BPrivate { namespace Network { /*! \class BHttpFields \ingroup netservices \brief Represents the field section of a HTTP header. The HTTP protocol (RFC 7230) specifies that each HTTP request and response has a header. Part of that header is a list of fields, which are name and value pairs. The high level protocol defines what valid field names and field values look like. When adding or modifying field data, the members of this class enforce those constraints. When you are processing a HTTP response, this object gives you the methods to query the headers in that response. When you are creating a HTTP request, this object gives you methods to add and modify header fields on your request. When retrieving data from the header fields, this data is often returned as an \c std::string_view. Please note that this object will only point to valid data for the lifetime of this object, which in case of a HTTP response, will be bound to the lifetime of the object that contains the HTTP response. When adding headers, the fields are stored in the order in which they were added. You can use \ref AddField() to add more than one field with the same key. The HTTP protocol does not prohibit multiple fields with the same name, but it does note that semantically this is only allowed for a limited set of explicitly named headers, like the 'Set-Cookie' field (see RFC 7230 section 3.2.2). Because most header fields will only exist once, the interface of this class is optimized for each header field existing only once. The onus is on the user to take additional steps when dealing with header fields that they know can occur more than once. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \class BHttpFields::InvalidInput \ingroup netservices \brief Error that represents when a string input contains characters that are incompatible with the HTTP specification. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \var BString BHttpFields::InvalidInput::input \brief The input that contains the invalid contents. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::InvalidInput::InvalidInput(const char *origin, BString input) \brief Constructor that sets the \a origin and the invalid \a input. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn virtual BString BHttpFields::InvalidInput::DebugMessage() const override \brief Retrieve a debug message that contains all info in this error. The output will be along the lines of: \code [Origin] Invalid format or unsupported characters in input [input] \endcode \exception std::bad_alloc In the future this method may throw this exception when the memory for the debug message cannot be allocated. \return A \ref BString object that contains the debug message. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn virtual const char* BHttpFields::InvalidInput::Message() const noexcept override \brief Get a pointer to the message describing the error. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \class BHttpFields::Field \ingroup netservices \brief Represents a HTTP header field. This type represents a combination of a field name and a field value. In order to be used in a HTTP header, each object must contain data that is in compliance with the HTTP specification (RFC 7230). Some official HTTP specifications give additional guidelines for how to interpret specific fields. This class, however, does not supply any additional parsing for those specializations. Manipulation of the contents of a HTTP field will in most cases be done through the interface of the \ref BHttpFields object that owns this field. This type has a special 'empty' state. This means that they do not have a key and value. Empty objects only come into existence when explicitly instantiated with the constructor with no arguments, or after the contents has been moved to another object. Empty objects cannot be added to \ref BHttpFields objets. You do not have to check for empty fields when working with fields coming from \ref BHttpFields objects. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::Field::Field() noexcept \brief Construct empty field. This constructs an empty field. Because empty fields cannot be used in combination with a \ref BHttpFields object, it is unlikely that you will construct these empty fields yourself. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::Field::Field(const std::string_view& name, const std::string_view& value) \brief Construct a field with a \a name and a \a value. The parameters are checked whether they only contain characters that are allowed by the HTTP specification. \param name The name of the header field. \param value The value of the header field. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \exception BHttpFields::InvalidInput This error indicates that the \a name or the \a value is empty or contains invalid characters. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::Field::Field(BString& field) \brief Construct a field from the raw \a field value. The raw header field is checked to determine whether it corresponds to the the HTTP specification. Note that the raw field should not include any newline characters at the end of the string. If succesful, the string is moved into the fields object, and the original input value will be empty. \param field The raw header field to move into the list of headers \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \exception BHttpFields::InvalidInput This error indicates that the \a name or the \a value is empty or contains invalid characters. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::Field::Field(const Field &other) \brief Copy constructor. \param other The other field to copy data from. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::Field::Field(Field&& other) noexcept \brief Move constructor. After moving, the \a other field object will be an empty field. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn Field& BHttpFields::Field::operator=(const Field &other) \brief Copy assignment. \param other The other field to copy data from. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn Field& BHttpFields::Field::operator=(Field &&other) noexcept \brief Move assignment. After moving, the \a other field object will be an empty field. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn const FieldName& BHttpFields::Field::Name() const noexcept \brief Get a const reference to the field name. \return The name of the field as a \ref BHttpFields::FieldName. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn std::string_view BHttpFields::Field::Value() const noexcept \brief Get a const reference to the field value. \return The contents of the field value as a \c std::string_view. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn std::string_view BHttpFields::Field::RawField() const noexcept \brief Get a view to the field value. \return The raw field value as a \c string_view. The raw value does not include the line ending (\\r\\n). \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BHttpFields::Field::IsEmpty() const noexcept \brief Check if the field is empty or has valid data. \retval true This field is empty. \retval false This field contains a valid name and value. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \class BHttpFields::FieldName \ingroup netservices \brief Representation of a HTTP header name. As per the HTTP specification, header fields have a name. There are limitations to which characters are supported. As per the specification, header field names are case insensitive. This means that the \c content-encoding is equal to \c Content-Encoding or even \c COnTenT-ENcOdING. A header field name can never be empty. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::FieldName::operator std::string_view() const \brief Return a \c std::string_view over the header name. \return A \c std::string_view object over the header name. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BHttpFields::FieldName::operator==(const BString &other) const noexcept \brief Compare the header name to a string. \param other The \c other string to compare it to. The comparison is case-insensitive. So if this header name is set to \c Content-Encoding, comparing it to \c content-encoding will return \c true. \retval true The current header name is equal to the \a other name. \retval false The current header name is different from the \a other name. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn bool BHttpFields::FieldName::operator==(const std::string_view& other) const noexcept \copydoc BHttpFields::FieldName::operator==(const BString &other) const noexcept */ /*! \fn bool BHttpFields::FieldName::operator==(const BHttpFields::FieldName& other) const noexcept \copydoc BHttpFields::FieldName::operator==(const BString &other) const noexcept */ /*! \typedef BHttpFields::ConstIterator \brief Define a constant iterator to iterate through the list of header fields. This iterator has the same semantics as other constant iterators in the C++ standard library. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \name Constructors & Destructor */ //! @{ /*! \fn BHttpFields::BHttpFields() \brief Construct an empty list of HTTP header fields. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::BHttpFields(std::initializer_list< Field > fields) \brief Initialize the object with a list of fields. This enables you to initialize the fields with a list of \ref BHttpFields::Field objects. Any empty fields will be skipped. Like \ref AddField(), this constructor keeps the fields in the original order. The example below will create an object with four fields, even though five fields have been passed in the initializer. The two \c Accept-Encoding will be added in this order, even though the HTTP specification does not explicitly allow this. \code const BHttpFields defaultFields = { {"Host"sv, "haiku-os.org"sv}, {"Accept-Encoding"sv, "gzip"sv} {"Accept"sv, "*\/*"sv}, {}, {"Accept-Encoding"sv, "bzip2"sv} }; \endcode \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \exception BHttpFields::InvalidInput This error indicates that some of the names or values in the list do not adhere to the HTTP specification. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::BHttpFields(const BHttpFields &other) \brief Copy constructor. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::BHttpFields(BHttpFields &&other) \brief Move constructor. The name and value from the \a other fields object will be moved to this object. The \a other object will be empty, meaning it no longer has any fields. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields::~BHttpFields() noexcept \brief Destructor. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Assignment operators */ //! @{ /*! \fn BHttpFields& BHttpFields::operator=(BHttpFields &&other) noexcept \brief Move assignment operator. The name and value from the \a other fields object will be moved to this object. The \a other object will be empty, meaning it no longer has any fields. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn BHttpFields& BHttpFields::operator=(const BHttpFields &other) \brief Copy assignment operator. Make a new fields object with a copy of the fields of the \a other header. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name List Access */ //! @{ /*! \fn const Field& BHttpFields::operator[](size_t index) const \brief Get the item at an \a index. \param index The zero-based index of the item in the list of fields. \return A const reference to the the field. \exception BRuntimeError Error in case the index is out of bounds. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Modifying the list */ //! @{ /*! \fn void BHttpFields::AddField(const std::string_view &name, const std::string_view &value) \brief Append a field with \a name and a \a value to the list of headers. The parameters are checked whether they only contain characters that are allowed by the HTTP specification. \param name The name of the header field. \param value The value of the header field. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \exception BHttpFields::InvalidInput This error indicates that the \a name or the \a value contains invalid characters. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BHttpFields::AddField(BString &field) \brief Append a field from the raw \a field line The raw header field is checked to determine whether it corresponds to the the HTTP specification. Note that the raw field should not include any newline characters at the end of the string. If succesful, the string is moved into the fields object, and the original input value will be empty. \param field The raw header field to move into the list of headers. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \exception BHttpFields::InvalidInput This error indicates that the \a name or the \a value is empty or contains invalid characters. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BHttpFields::AddFields(std::initializer_list< Field > fields) \brief Add a list of fields. This enables you to add a list of \ref BHttpFields::Field objects. Like \ref AddField(), the fields are added in the the original order. \exception std::bad_alloc Error in case memory cannot be allocated. \exception BHttpFields::InvalidInput This error indicates that some of the names or values in the list do not adhere to the HTTP specification. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BHttpFields::RemoveField(const std::string_view &name) noexcept \brief Remove all fields with the \a name. If there are no fields with this name, this method does nothing. Like all operations that involve a field name, the name matching is case insensitive. \param name The name of the field to remove. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BHttpFields::RemoveField(ConstIterator it) noexcept \brief Remove the specific field at the location of an iterator. \param it A valid iterator to the item that must be removed. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn void BHttpFields::MakeEmpty() noexcept \brief Clear all fields from this header. Removes all fields from the container. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Querying */ //! @{ /*! \fn ConstIterator BHttpFields::FindField(const std::string_view &name) const noexcept \brief Find a field with \a name. In case there are more than one fields with the same name, you cannot use this method to find all instances, and you should iterate through the fields instead. \param name The name of the field to be found. \return Returns a valid iterator to the first field with \a name in this container, or BHttpFields::end() in case the name is not found. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn size_t BHttpFields::CountFields() const noexcept \brief Get the number of fields. \return The number of fields in this container. If multiple fields have the same name, they will be counted individually. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} /*! \name Range-based iteration. Allows the usage of this object in a for loop. */ //! @{ /*! \fn ConstIterator BHttpFields::begin() const noexcept \brief Return an iterator to the first field. \since Haiku R1 */ /*! \fn ConstIterator BHttpFields::end() const noexcept \brief Return an iterator to the end of the fields. \since Haiku R1 */ //! @} } // namespace Network } // namespace BPrivate #endif