/* * Copyright 2003-2011, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ #ifndef _KERNEL_UTIL_TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_H #define _KERNEL_UTIL_TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_H #include // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTreeKey template class TwoKeyAVLTreeKey { public: inline TwoKeyAVLTreeKey(const PrimaryKey& primary, const SecondaryKey& secondary) : primary(primary), secondary(secondary), use_secondary(true) { } inline TwoKeyAVLTreeKey(const PrimaryKey* primary) : primary(primary), secondary(NULL), use_secondary(false) { } PrimaryKey primary; SecondaryKey secondary; bool use_secondary; }; // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTreeKeyCompare template class TwoKeyAVLTreeKeyCompare { private: typedef TwoKeyAVLTreeKey Key; public: inline TwoKeyAVLTreeKeyCompare(const PrimaryKeyCompare& primary, const SecondaryKeyCompare& secondary) : fPrimaryKeyCompare(primary), fSecondaryKeyCompare(secondary) { } inline int operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const { int result = fPrimaryKeyCompare(a.primary, b.primary); if (result == 0 && a.use_secondary && b.use_secondary) result = fSecondaryKeyCompare(a.secondary, b.secondary); return result; } private: PrimaryKeyCompare fPrimaryKeyCompare; SecondaryKeyCompare fSecondaryKeyCompare; }; // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTreeGetKey template class TwoKeyAVLTreeGetKey { private: typedef TwoKeyAVLTreeKey Key; public: TwoKeyAVLTreeGetKey(const GetPrimaryKey& getPrimary, const GetSecondaryKey& getSecondary) : fGetPrimaryKey(getPrimary), fGetSecondaryKey(getSecondary) { } inline Key operator()(const Value& a) const { return Key(fGetPrimaryKey(a), fGetSecondaryKey(a)); } private: GetPrimaryKey fGetPrimaryKey; GetSecondaryKey fGetSecondaryKey; }; // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTreeStandardCompare template class TwoKeyAVLTreeStandardCompare { public: inline int operator()(const Value& a, const Value& b) const { if (a < b) return -1; else if (a > b) return 1; return 0; } }; // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTreeStandardGetKey template class TwoKeyAVLTreeStandardGetKey { public: inline const Key& operator()(const Value& a) const { return a; } inline Key& operator()(Value& a) const { return a; } }; // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTreeNodeStrategy template class TwoKeyAVLTreeNodeStrategy { public: typedef TwoKeyAVLTreeKey Key; TwoKeyAVLTreeNodeStrategy( const PrimaryKeyCompare& primaryKeyCompare = PrimaryKeyCompare(), const SecondaryKeyCompare& secondaryKeyCompare = SecondaryKeyCompare(), const GetPrimaryKey& getPrimaryKey = GetPrimaryKey(), const GetSecondaryKey& getSecondaryKey = GetSecondaryKey()) : fPrimaryKeyCompare(primaryKeyCompare), fSecondaryKeyCompare(secondaryKeyCompare), fGetPrimaryKey(getPrimaryKey), fGetSecondaryKey(getSecondaryKey) { } struct Node : AVLTreeNode { Node(const Value& value) : AVLTreeNode(), value(value) { } Value value; }; inline Node* Allocate(const Key& key, const Value& value) const { return new(nothrow) Node(value); } inline void Free(Node* node) const { delete node; } // internal use (not part of the strategy) inline Key GetValueKey(const Value& value) const { return Key(fGetPrimaryKey(value), fGetSecondaryKey(value)); } inline Key GetKey(Node* node) const { return GetValueKey(node->value); } inline Value& GetValue(Node* node) const { return node->value; } inline AVLTreeNode* GetAVLTreeNode(Node* node) const { return node; } inline Node* GetNode(AVLTreeNode* node) const { return static_cast(node); } inline int CompareKeyNode(const Key& a, const Node* b) const { return _CompareKeys(a, GetKey(const_cast(b))); } inline int CompareNodes(const Node* a, const Node* b) const { return _CompareKeys(GetKey(const_cast(a)), GetKey(const_cast(b))); } private: inline int _CompareKeys(const Key& a, const Key& b) const { int result = fPrimaryKeyCompare(a.primary, b.primary); if (result == 0 && a.use_secondary && b.use_secondary) result = fSecondaryKeyCompare(a.secondary, b.secondary); return result; } PrimaryKeyCompare fPrimaryKeyCompare; SecondaryKeyCompare fSecondaryKeyCompare; GetPrimaryKey fGetPrimaryKey; GetSecondaryKey fGetSecondaryKey; }; // for convenience #define TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST template #define TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME TwoKeyAVLTree // #pragma mark - TwoKeyAVLTree template, typename GetSecondaryKey = TwoKeyAVLTreeStandardGetKey > class TwoKeyAVLTree { public: typedef TwoKeyAVLTreeKey Key; typedef TwoKeyAVLTreeNodeStrategy NodeStrategy; typedef AVLTreeMap TreeMap; typedef typename TreeMap::Iterator TreeMapIterator; typedef typename NodeStrategy::Node Node; class Iterator; public: TwoKeyAVLTree(); TwoKeyAVLTree( const PrimaryKeyCompare& primaryCompare, const GetPrimaryKey& getPrimary, const SecondaryKeyCompare& secondaryCompare, const GetSecondaryKey& getSecondary); ~TwoKeyAVLTree(); inline int CountItems() const { return fTreeMap.Count(); } Node* Previous(Node* node) const; Node* Next(Node* node) const; Value* FindFirst(const PrimaryKey& key, Iterator* iterator = NULL); Value* FindFirstClosest(const PrimaryKey& key, bool less, Iterator* iterator = NULL); Value* FindLast(const PrimaryKey& key, Iterator* iterator = NULL); inline Value* Find(const PrimaryKey& primaryKey, const SecondaryKey& secondaryKey, Iterator* iterator = NULL); inline void GetIterator(Iterator* iterator); inline void GetIterator(Node* node, Iterator* iterator); inline status_t Insert(const Value& value, Iterator* iterator); inline status_t Insert(const Value& value, Node** _node = NULL); inline status_t Remove(const PrimaryKey& primaryKey, const SecondaryKey& secondaryKey); inline status_t Remove(Node* node); private: Node* _FindFirst(const PrimaryKey& key, Node** _parent) const; private: TreeMap fTreeMap; PrimaryKeyCompare fPrimaryKeyCompare; GetPrimaryKey fGetPrimaryKey; }; // #pragma mark - Iterator TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST class TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Iterator { public: typedef typename TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::TreeMapIterator TreeMapIterator; inline Iterator() : fIterator() { } inline ~Iterator() { } inline Value* Current() { return fIterator.CurrentValuePointer(); } inline Node* CurrentNode() { return fIterator.CurrentNode(); } inline Value* Next() { fIterator.Next(); return Current(); } inline Value* Previous() { fIterator.Previous(); return Current(); } inline void Remove() { fIterator.Remove(); } private: friend class TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME; Iterator(const Iterator& other) : fIterator(other.fIterator) { } Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& other) { fIterator = other.fIterator; } Iterator(const TreeMapIterator& iterator) : fIterator() { } inline void _SetTo(const TreeMapIterator& iterator) { fIterator = iterator; } private: TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::TreeMapIterator fIterator; }; TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::TwoKeyAVLTree() : fTreeMap(NodeStrategy(PrimaryKeyCompare(), SecondaryKeyCompare(), GetPrimaryKey(), GetSecondaryKey())), fPrimaryKeyCompare(PrimaryKeyCompare()), fGetPrimaryKey(GetPrimaryKey()) { } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::TwoKeyAVLTree( const PrimaryKeyCompare& primaryCompare, const GetPrimaryKey& getPrimary, const SecondaryKeyCompare& secondaryCompare, const GetSecondaryKey& getSecondary) : fTreeMap(NodeStrategy(primaryCompare, secondaryCompare, getPrimary, getSecondary)), fPrimaryKeyCompare(primaryCompare), fGetPrimaryKey(getPrimary) { } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::~TwoKeyAVLTree() { } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST typename TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Node* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Previous(Node* node) const { return fTreeMap.Previous(node); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST typename TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Node* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Next(Node* node) const { return fTreeMap.Next(node); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST Value* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::FindFirst(const PrimaryKey& key, Iterator* iterator) { const NodeStrategy& strategy = fTreeMap.GetNodeStrategy(); Node* node = _FindFirst(key, NULL); if (node == NULL) return NULL; if (iterator != NULL) iterator->_SetTo(fTreeMap.GetIterator(node)); return &strategy.GetValue(node); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST Value* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::FindFirstClosest(const PrimaryKey& key, bool less, Iterator* iterator) { const NodeStrategy& strategy = fTreeMap.GetNodeStrategy(); Node* parent; Node* node = _FindFirst(key, &parent); if (node == NULL) { // not found -- try to get the closest node if (parent == NULL) return NULL; node = parent; int expectedCmp = less ? 1 : -1; int cmp = fPrimaryKeyCompare(key, fGetPrimaryKey(strategy.GetValue(strategy.GetNode(node)))); if (cmp != expectedCmp) { // The node's value is less although we were asked for a greater // value, or the other way around. We need to iterate to the next // node in the respective direction. If there is no node, we fail. node = less ? Previous(node) : Next(node); if (node == NULL) return NULL; } } if (iterator != NULL) iterator->_SetTo(fTreeMap.GetIterator(node)); return &strategy.GetValue(node); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST Value* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::FindLast(const PrimaryKey& key, Iterator* iterator) { const NodeStrategy& strategy = fTreeMap.GetNodeStrategy(); Node* node = fTreeMap.RootNode(); while (node) { int cmp = fPrimaryKeyCompare(key, fGetPrimaryKey( strategy.GetValue(node))); if (cmp == 0) { // found a matching node, now get the right-most node with that key while (node->right && fPrimaryKeyCompare(key, fGetPrimaryKey(strategy.GetValue( strategy.GetNode(node->right)))) == 0) { node = strategy.GetNode(node->right); } if (iterator) iterator->_SetTo(fTreeMap.GetIterator(node)); return &strategy.GetValue(node); } if (cmp < 0) node = strategy.GetNode(node->left); else node = strategy.GetNode(node->right); } return NULL; } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST Value* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Find(const PrimaryKey& primaryKey, const SecondaryKey& secondaryKey, Iterator* iterator) { TreeMapIterator it = fTreeMap.Find(Key(primaryKey, secondaryKey)); if (iterator) iterator->_SetTo(it); return it.CurrentValuePointer(); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST void TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::GetIterator(Iterator* iterator) { TreeMapIterator it = fTreeMap.GetIterator(); it.Next(); // Our iterator needs to point to the first entry already. iterator->_SetTo(it); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST void TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::GetIterator(Node* node, Iterator* iterator) { iterator->_SetTo(fTreeMap.GetIterator(node)); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST status_t TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Insert(const Value& value, Iterator* iterator) { NodeStrategy& strategy = const_cast(fTreeMap.GetNodeStrategy()); TreeMapIterator it; status_t status = fTreeMap.Insert(strategy.GetValueKey(value), value, &it); if (status != B_OK || !iterator) return status; iterator->_SetTo(it); return B_OK; } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST status_t TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Insert(const Value& value, Node** _node) { NodeStrategy& strategy = const_cast(fTreeMap.GetNodeStrategy()); return fTreeMap.Insert(strategy.GetValueKey(value), value, _node); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST status_t TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Remove(const PrimaryKey& primaryKey, const SecondaryKey& secondaryKey) { return fTreeMap.Remove(Key(primaryKey, secondaryKey)); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST status_t TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Remove(Node* node) { return fTreeMap.Remove(node); } TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_TEMPLATE_LIST TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::Node* TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_CLASS_NAME::_FindFirst(const PrimaryKey& key, Node** _parent) const { const NodeStrategy& strategy = fTreeMap.GetNodeStrategy(); Node* node = fTreeMap.RootNode(); Node* parent = NULL; while (node) { int cmp = fPrimaryKeyCompare(key, fGetPrimaryKey( strategy.GetValue(node))); if (cmp == 0) { // found a matching node, now get the left-most node with that key while (node->left && fPrimaryKeyCompare(key, fGetPrimaryKey(strategy.GetValue( strategy.GetNode(node->left)))) == 0) { node = strategy.GetNode(node->left); } return node; } parent = node; if (cmp < 0) node = strategy.GetNode(node->left); else node = strategy.GetNode(node->right); } if (_parent != NULL) *_parent = parent; return NULL; } #endif // _KERNEL_UTIL_TWO_KEY_AVL_TREE_H