/* * Copyright 2010-2013 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved. * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. * * Authors: * Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@pulkomandy.tk * John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com * * Corresponds to: * headers/private/netservices/HttpForm.h hrev54923 * src/kits/network/libnetservices/HttpForm.cpp hrev54923 */ /*! \file HttpForm.h \ingroup netservices \brief Management of HTTP form data */ /*! \enum BPrivate::Network::form_type \ingroup netservices */ /*! \var form_type B_HTTP_FORM_URL_ENCODED */ /*! \var form_type B_HTTP_FORM_MULTIPART */ /*! \enum BPrivate::Network::form_content_type \ingroup netservices */ /*! \var form_content_type B_HTTPFORM_UNKNOWN */ /*! \var form_content_type B_HTTPFORM_STRING */ /*! \var form_content_type B_HTTPFORM_FILE */ /*! \var form_content_type B_HTTPFORM_BUFFER */ /*! \class BPrivate::Network::BHttpFormData \ingroup netservices \brief Stores a form data entry sent or received during an HTTP request. Each element in a form is stored in an instance of this class. The values can be either strings, arbitrary binary buffers, or a pointer to a file. The latter allows reading data from the file as it is being sent through the network, removing hte need to buffer the whole file contents in memory. */ /*! \fn BHttpFormData::BHttpFormData(const BString& name, const BString& value) \brief Construct a BHttpFormData object with a string value. */ /*! \fn BHttpFormData::BHttpFormData(const BString& name, const BPath& file) \brief Construct a BHttpFormData object which value is a file contents */ /*! \fn BHttpFormData::BHttpFormData(const BString& name, const void* buffer, ssize_t size) \brief Construct a BHttpFormData object which value is a binary buffer. */ /*! \fn bool BHttpFormData::InitCheck() const \brief Checks the initialization of the object \return \c false if attempting to construct a BHttpFormData with a \c NULL buffer. */ /*! \fn const BString& BHttpFormData::Name() const \brief Get the form field name */ /*! \fn const BString& BHttpFormData::String() const \brief Get the string value of a form field. \return An empty string for buffer and file based fields. */ /*! \fn const BPath& BHttpFormData::File() const \brief Get the file path of a form field. \return An empty string for buffer and string based fields. */ /*! \fn const void* BHttpFormData::Buffer() const \brief Get a pointer to the data of a form field. \return An empty string for string and file based fields */ /*! \fn ssize_t BHttpFormData::BufferSize() const; \brief Get the buffer size \return 0 for string and file based fields. */ /*! \fn bool BHttpFormData::IsFile() const \return \c true if the field data is a file. */ /*! \fn const BString& BHttpFormData::Filename() const; \return The name of the file, for file based fields. */ /*! \fn const BString& BHttpFormData::MimeType() const \return The MIME type of the data. */ /*! \fn form_content_type BHttpFormData::Type() const \return The kind of field. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpFormData::CopyBuffer() \brief Make a copy of the internal buffer The constructor for buffer-based fields does not copy the data given to it, it just keeps a pointer. If you want to retain ownership of the data, call this method so the buffer copies and releases it. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpFormData::MarkAsFile(const BString& filename, const BString& mimeType) \brief Mark a field as a file. */ /*! \fn void BHttpFormData::UnmarkAsFile() \brief Unmark a field as a file. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpFormData::CopyBuffer() */ /*! \fn BHttpFormData& BHttpFormData::operator=(const BHttpFormData& other) \brief Assignment operator. */ /*! \class BPrivate::Network::BHttpForm \ingroup netservices \brief Container for all the BHttpFormData instances making up an HTTP form contents. */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::BHttpForm() \brief Create a new form object. */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::BHttpForm(const BHttpForm& other) \brief Create a new form object as a copy of \a other. */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::BHttpForm(const BString& formString) \brief Create a new form object and parse the \a formString. */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::~BHttpForm() \brief Clear the form and destroy the form object. */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::ParseString(const BString& formString) \brief Parse the \a formString. */ /*! \fn BString BHttpForm::RawData() const \brief Return the form's raw data as a BString. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpForm::AddString(const BString& fieldName, const BString& value) \brief Add a string to the form with the specified \a fieldName and \a value. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpForm::AddInt(const BString& fieldName, int32 value) \brief Add an int to the form with the specified \a fieldName and \a value. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpForm::AddFile(const BString& fieldName, const BPath& file) \brief Add a file to the form with the specified \a fieldName and \a value. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpForm::AddBuffer(const BString& fieldName, const void* buffer, ssize_t size) \brief Add a buffer to the form with the specified \a fieldName and \a buffer and \a size. */ /*! \fn status_t BHttpForm::AddBufferCopy(const BString& fieldName, const void* buffer, ssize_t size) */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::MarkAsFile(const BString& fieldName, const BString& filename, const BString& mimeType) */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::MarkAsFile(const BString& fieldName, const BString& filename) \brief Mark a field as a filename. */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::UnmarkAsFile(const BString& fieldName) \brief Unmark a field as a filename. */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::SetFormType(form_type type) \brief Change form type. */ /*! \fn bool BHttpForm::HasField(const BString& name) const \brief Returns whether or not a form has a field with the specified \a name. */ /*! \fn BString BHttpForm::GetMultipartHeader(const BString& fieldName) const */ /*! \fn form_type BHttpForm::GetFormType() const */ /*! \fn const BString& BHttpForm::GetMultipartBoundary() const */ /*! \fn BString BHttpForm::GetMultipartFooter() const */ /*! \fn ssize_t BHttpForm::ContentLength() const */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::Iterator BHttpForm::GetIterator() */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::Clear() */ /*! \fn BHttpFormData& BHttpForm::operator[](const BString& name) */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::_ExtractNameValuePair(const BString& formString, int32* index) */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::_GenerateMultipartBoundary() */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::Clear() */ /*! \class BPrivate::Network::BHttpForm::Iterator \ingroup netservices \brief Form Iterator. */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::Iterator::Iterator(BHttpForm* form) \brief Constructor. */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator& other); \brief Copy contstructor. */ /*! \fn bool BHttpForm::Iterator::HasNext() const */ /*! \fn BHttpFormData* BHttpForm::Iterator::Next() */ /*! \fn void BHttpForm::Iterator::Remove() */ /*! \fn BString BHttpForm::Iterator::MultipartHeader() */ /*! \fn BHttpForm::Iterator& BHttpForm::Iterator::operator=(const Iterator& other) \brief Assignment operator. */