/*! \class BLocale \ingroup locale \brief Class for representing a locale and its settings A locale is defined by the combination of a country and a language. Using these two informations, it is possible to determine the format to use for date, time, and number formatting. The BLocale class also provide collators, which allows you to sort a list of strings properly depending on a set of rules about accented chars and other special cases that vary over the different locales. */ /*! \fn const BCollator* Collator() const \brief Returns the collator associated to this locale Returns the collator in use for this locale, allowing you to use it to sort a set of strings. */ /*! \fn const BCountry* Country() const \brief Returns the country associated to this locale A locale is defined by the combination of a country and a language. This method gets the country part of this information, so you can access the data that is not language-dependant (such as the country flag). */ /*! \fn const BLanguage* Language() const \brief Returns the language associated to this locale */ /*! \fn int StringCompare(const char* s1, const char* s2) const \fn int StringCompare(const BString* s1, const BString* s2) const \brief Compares two strings using the locale's collator These methods are short-hands to Collator()->StringCompare. */ /*! \fn void GetSortKey(const char* string, BString* key) const \brief Computes the sort key of a string This method is a short-hand to Collator()->GetSortKey. */