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While a key philosophy of Haiku is to cut down on options and have sensible defaults instead, there are some things that have to be configured or can be set to individual preference.

Appearance Configure certain aspects of the graphical interface.
Backgrounds Set a color or image as background of the Desktop or any other folder.
DataTranslations Settings for all supported file formats.
E-mail Configure your email accounts.
FileTypes Add, remove and configure filetypes.
Fonts Set your system fonts.
Keyboard Configure repeat delay and rate.
Keymap Set the mapping of your keyboard.
Media Audio and video settings like volume and in/output devices.
Menu Configure the behaviour of menus and the command key (CTRL/ALT.
Mouse Configure your mouse.
Network Configure your network.
Printers Add, remove and configure printers.
Screen Configure resolution, depth and refresh rate.
ScreenSaver Add, remove and configure a screen saver.
Sounds Assign a sound to different system events.
Time Set time, date and timezone.
VirtualMemory Set the amount of swap space.

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