#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved. # Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. # # Authors: # Matt Madia, mattmadia@gmail.com # # Synopsis: # Provides a controlled mechanism for end-users to install certain pre-built # OptionalPackages. The script will determine the host information: the # default GCC, availability of secondary GCC libs, and revision. Using this # information, the user will be limited to the appropriate OptionalPackages # that were available for that specific revision. # # Disclaimer: # This is a temporary solution for installing OptionalPackages. # In time, there will be an official package manager. # See these URL's for info on the in-development package manager. # http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/PackageManagerIdeas # http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/PackageFormat # # Usage: ./installoptionalpackage [-l] [-a " [ ...]"] # -l List installable packages # -a Add one or more packages and all dependencies declare -A availablePackages declare availablePackagesKeys="" # Some Packages cannot be installed, # as they require either the source code or compiled binaries declare packageIgnoreList='Bluetooth Development DevelopmentMin \ DevelopmentBase P7zip UserlandFS Welcome Wifi-ipw2100+fw Wifi-iprowifi2200+fw \ WifiFirmwareScriptData' function CreateInstallerScript() { # This function will create a secondary script, containing all of the # information needed to install the optional package and its dependencies #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cat << EOF > ${tmpDir}/install-optpkg.sh #!/bin/bash tmpDir=${tmpDir} HAIKU_GCC_VERSION[1]=${HAIKU_GCC_VERSION[1]} isHybridBuild=${isHybridBuild} TARGET_ARCH=${TARGET_ARCH} HAIKU_IMAGE_HOST_NAME=`uname -n` $urlLine $sslPkgLine $sslUrlLine declare -a functionArgs function ParseFunctionArguments() { # ParseFunctionArguments # Parse arguments for Jam wrapper functions into an array. IN="\$@" OIFS=\$IFS IFS=":" local count=0 functionArgs=( ) for x in \$IN do functionArgs[\${count}]="\${x}" ((count++)) done IFS=\$OIFS } function TrimLeadingSpace() { # TrimLeadingSpace eval local text='\$'"\$1" local _outvar="\$1" local length=\${#text} ((length--)) if [ "\${text:0:1}" == ' ' ] ; then text=\${text#' '} fi eval \$_outvar="'\$text'" } function TrimEndingSpace() { # TrimEndingSpace eval local text='\$'"\$1" local _outvar="\$1" local length=\${#text} ((length--)) if [ "\${text:\$length}" == ' ' ] ; then text=\${text%' '} fi eval \$_outvar="'\$text'" } function Exit() { # Exit # Wrapper for Jam rule echo "\$@" exit 1 } function InstallOptionalHaikuImagePackage() { # InstallOptionalHaikuImagePackage package : url : dirTokens : isCDPackage # Wrapper for Jam rule echo "Installing \$1 ..." cd \$tmpDir archiveFile=\`echo \$3 | sed -s "s/http.*\///"\` if ! [ -f \$archiveFile ] ; then echo "Downloading \$3 ..." wget -nv \$3 fi local dirTokens='/boot' local count=4 local i=0 for possibleToken in "\$@" ; do if [ \$i -lt \$count ] ; then ((i++)) else ((i++)) if [ "\$possibleToken" != ':' ] ; then dirTokens=\${dirTokens}/\$possibleToken else break fi fi done echo "Extracting \$archiveFile ..." extractDir="\${dirTokens}" case "\$archiveFile" in *.zip) unzip -q -o -d "\$extractDir" "\$archiveFile" ;; *.tgz|*.tar.gz) tar -C "\$extractDir" -xf "\$archiveFile" ;; *) echo "Unhandled archive extension in InstallOptionalHaikuImagePackage()" exit 1 ;; esac if [ -f '/boot/.OptionalPackageDescription' ] ; then rm '/boot/.OptionalPackageDescription' fi rm "\$archiveFile" } function AddSymlinkToHaikuImage() { # AddSymlinkToHaikuImage : [ : ] # Wrapper for Jam rule ParseFunctionArguments "\$@" local dirTokens="/boot/\${functionArgs[0]}" TrimLeadingSpace dirTokens TrimEndingSpace dirTokens dirTokens=\${dirTokens//' '/\/} local linkTarget="\${functionArgs[1]}" TrimLeadingSpace linkTarget TrimEndingSpace linkTarget local linkName="\${functionArgs[2]}" TrimLeadingSpace linkName TrimEndingSpace linkName mkdir -p "\${dirTokens}" if [ "\${linkName}" == '' ] ; then ln -sf "\${linkTarget}" -t "\${dirTokens}" else ln -sf "\${linkTarget}" "\${dirTokens}/\${linkName}" fi } function AddUserToHaikuImage() { # AddUserToHaikuImage user : uid : gid : home : shell : realName # Wrapper for Jam rule ParseFunctionArguments "\$@" local user=\${functionArgs[0]} local uid=\${functionArgs[1]} local gid=\${functionArgs[2]} local home=\${functionArgs[3]} local shell=\${functionArgs[4]} local realName=\${functionArgs[5]} passwdLine="\${user}:x:\${uid}:\${gid}:\${realName}:\${home}:\${shell}" passwdLine=\${passwdLine//' :'/':'} passwdLine=\${passwdLine//': '/':'} local length=\${#passwdLine} ((length--)) if [ "\${passwdLine:\$length}" == ' ' ] ; then passwdLine=\${passwdLine%' '} fi passwdFile="\`finddir B_COMMON_ETC_DIRECTORY\`/passwd" touch \${passwdFile} local userExists=1 while read line ; do if [ "\${passwdLine}" == "\${line}" ] ; then userExists=0 fi done < \${passwdFile} if [ \$userExists -ge 1 ] ; then echo "\${passwdLine}" >> \${passwdFile} fi } EOF #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cat ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage2 >> ${tmpDir}/install-optpkg.sh rm ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage2 } function ContainsSubstring() { # ContainsSubstring local string="$1" local substring="$2" local newString=${string/${substring}/''} if [ ${#string} -eq `expr ${#newString} + ${#substring}` ] ; then return 0 fi return 1 } function ErrorExit() { echo $1 exit 1 } function Init() { # Set up some directory paths baseDir=`finddir B_COMMON_DATA_DIRECTORY`/optional-packages tmpDir=`finddir B_COMMON_TEMP_DIRECTORY` libDir=`finddir B_SYSTEM_LIB_DIRECTORY` # Make sure these files are empty. echo "" > ${tmpDir}/optpkg.jam echo "" > ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage1 if ! [ -d ${baseDir} ] ; then mkdir -p ${baseDir} fi # Retreive the necessary jam files from svn. local buildFiles="OptionalPackages OptionalPackageDependencies \ OptionalBuildFeatures" for file in ${buildFiles} ; do GetBuildFile ${file} done DetectSystemConfiguration ReadPackageNamesIntoMemory } function GetBuildFile() { # GetBuildFile # Downloads files from Haiku's svn local buildfile="$1" if ! [ -f ${baseDir}/${buildfile} ] ; then echo "Fetching ${buildfile} ..." cd ${baseDir} local baseURL=http://dev.haiku-os.org/export/ local revision=`uname -v | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/r//'` local url="${baseURL}${revision}/haiku/trunk/build/jam/${buildfile}" wget -q ${url} || ErrorExit "...failed to download $buildfile" fi } function DetectSystemConfiguration() { # Determine which GCC we're running and if we're a hybrid if [ -d "$libDir"/gcc4 ] ; then HAIKU_GCC_VERSION[1]=2 isHybridBuild=1 elif [ -d "$libDir"/gcc2 ] ; then HAIKU_GCC_VERSION[1]=4 isHybridBuild=1 elif [ -f "$libDir"/libsupc++.so ] ; then HAIKU_GCC_VERSION[1]=4 isHybridBuild="" else HAIKU_GCC_VERSION[1]=2 isHybridBuild="" fi # Determine the Architecture. if [ `uname -m` == "BePC" ] ; then TARGET_ARCH='x86' fi } function ReadPackageNamesIntoMemory() { local file="${baseDir}/OptionalPackageNames" if ! [ -f ${file} ] ; then GeneratePackageNames fi # read list into associative array while read line ; do local pkg=`echo ${line} | awk '{print $1}'` local pkgDeps=${line/':'/} availablePackages[${pkg}]="${pkgDeps}" availablePackagesKeys="${availablePackagesKeys} ${pkg}" done < ${file} } function GeneratePackageNames() { # GeneratePackageNames # Creates a file containing available package names # Each line shows a pakage and all of its recrusive dependencies # " : ..." echo "Generating a list of Package Names ..." local file="${baseDir}/OptionalPackageNames" touch ${file} local regExp='/^if\ \[\ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded/p' sed -n -e "$regExp" ${baseDir}/OptionalPackages > ${file}.temp while read line ; do # in each non-filtered line, the 4th word is the optional package local pkg=`echo ${line} | awk '{print $4}'` nonRepeatingDeps="" GetPackageDependencies "$pkg" if IsPackageAndDepsOkToInstall ${pkg} ; then echo "${pkg} : ${nonRepeatingDeps}" >> ${file} fi done < ${file}.temp rm ${file}.temp } function GetPackageDependencies() { # GetPackageDependencies # parse OptionalPackageDependencies for the single line that defines # this optional package's dependencies. local regExp="^OptionalPackageDependencies\ ${1}\ \:" local inputFile="${baseDir}/OptionalPackageDependencies" # print that single line sed -n -e "/${regExp}\ /p" ${inputFile} > ${tmpDir}/optpkg.temp # strip out "OptionalPackageDependencies PackageName :" # this leaves " .... ;" tempDeps=`sed -e "s/${regExp}\ //" ${tmpDir}/optpkg.temp` for foo in ${tempDeps%' ;'} ; do # Prevent duplicate entries of the same dependency package. if ! ContainsSubstring "${nonRepeatingDeps} " "${foo} " ; then nonRepeatingDeps="$foo $nonRepeatingDeps " nonRepeatingDeps="${nonRepeatingDeps// / }" fi done # Recursively get the dependencies of these dependencies. for dep in ${tempDeps%' ;'} ; do GetPackageDependencies "$dep" done } function IsPackageAndDepsOkToInstall() { # IsPackageAndDepsOkToInstall if ContainsSubstring "${packageIgnoreList}" "${1}"; then echo "...warning: ${1} cannot be installed" return 1 fi for foo in ${nonRepeatingDeps} ; do if ContainsSubstring "${packageIgnoreList}" "${foo}"; then echo "...warning: ${1} cannot be installed because of ${foo}" return 1 fi done return 0 } function AddPackage() { # AddPackage packagesToInstall="" proceedWithInstallation=false for desiredPackage in ${1}; do if IsPackageNameValid $desiredPackage ; then for item in ${availablePackages[${desiredPackage}]} ; do if ! ContainsSubstring "${packagesToInstall}" "${item}" ; then packagesToInstall="${packagesToInstall} ${item}" fi done proceedWithInstallation=true fi done # If one or more packages can be installed, do it. if $proceedWithInstallation ; then echo "To be installed: ${packagesToInstall}" for package in ${packagesToInstall} ; do # output the "if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded..." code block local regExp="if\ \[\ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded\ ${package}" local inputFile="${baseDir}/OptionalPackages" sed -n "/^$regExp/,/^\}/p" ${inputFile} >> ${tmpDir}/optpkg.jam done ConvertJamToBash "${tmpDir}/optpkg.jam" rm "${tmpDir}/optpkg.jam" CreateInstallerScript sh ${tmpDir}/install-optpkg.sh rm ${tmpDir}/install-optpkg.sh fi } function IsPackageNameValid() { # IsPackageNameValid for name in ${availablePackagesKeys} ; do if [ "$1" == "$name" ] ; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function ConvertJamToBash() { # ConvertJamToBash # The main Jam-to-Bash conversion function. local inputFile=$1 declare -a generatedBash countGenBashLine=0 # Parse out some variable declarations local regExp='/^HAIKU_OPENSSL_PACKAGE/p' sslPkgLine=`sed -n -e "$regExp" ${baseDir}/OptionalBuildFeatures` ConvertVariableDeclarationLines "$regExp" 'sslPkgLine' local regExp='/^HAIKU_OPENSSL_URL/p' sslUrlLine=`sed -n -e "$regExp" ${baseDir}/OptionalBuildFeatures` ConvertVariableDeclarationLines "$regExp" 'sslUrlLine' local regExp='/^local\ baseURL/p' urlLine=`sed -n -e "$regExp" ${baseDir}/OptionalPackages` urlLine=${urlLine/local\ /''} ConvertVariableDeclarationLines "$regExp" 'urlLine' # Convert the easy bits. while read line ; do line=${line/'Echo'/'echo'} ConvertIfStatements "$line" ConvertVariables "$line" ReplaceComparators "$line" line=${line/"IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded"/'"SomeText" !='} generatedBash[$countGenBashLine]=${line} ((countGenBashLine++)) done < ${tmpDir}/optpkg.jam # output stage 1 generated code local i=0 while [ $i -lt $countGenBashLine ] ; do echo ${generatedBash[$i]} >> ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage1 ((i++)) done # This converts multi-line jam statements into a single line. # --- Start awk --- awk ' /InstallOptionalHaikuImagePackage/,/\;/{ isRule=1; if($0~/\;/) ORS="\n"; else ORS=" "; print } /AddSymlinkToHaikuImage/,/\;/{ isRule=1; if($0~/\;/) ORS="\n"; else ORS=" "; print } /AddUserToHaikuImage/,/\;/{ isRule=1; if($0~/\;/) ORS="\n"; else ORS=" "; print } /Exit/,/\;/{ isRule=1; if($0~/\;/) ORS="\n"; else ORS=" "; print } { if($1!='InstallOptionalHaikuImagePackage' && isRule!=1 && $1!="\;") print $0 } { isRule=0; } ' ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage1 > ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage2 2>/dev/null # --- End awk --- rm ${tmpDir}/optpkg.stage1 } function ConvertVariableDeclarationLines() { # ConvertVariableDeclarationLines # One of the Jam-to-Bash conversion functions. # Jam lines that define variables need to be parsed differently. eval local input='$'"$2" local regex="$1" local _outvar="$2" input=${input/\ =\ /=} input=${input/\;/''} input=${input//\(/'{'} input=${input//\)/'}'} eval $_outvar="'$input'" } function ConvertIfStatements() { # ConvertIfStatements # One of the Jam-to-Bash conversion functions. line=${line//'} else {'/'else '} line=${line//'} else if '/'elif '} if ContainsSubstring "$line" "if " ; then if ! ContainsSubstring "$line" "if [" ; then line=${line/'if '/'if [ '} fi if ContainsSubstring "$line" '] {' ; then line=${line/'{'/' ; then'} elif ContainsSubstring "$line" '{' ; then line=${line/'{'/' ] ; then'} fi for compound in '&&' '||' ; do if ContainsSubstring "$line" "$compound" ; then line=${line/"$compound"/"] $compound ["} fi done fi # Assume all remaining closing braces are part of if statements line=${line/'}'/'fi'} } function ConvertVariables() { # ConvertVariables # One of the Jam-to-Bash conversion functions. # NOTE: jam's variables are normally '$(VARIABLE)'. \n # The issue is with '(' and ')', so let's replace them globally. if ContainsSubstring "$line" '$(' ; then line=${line//'('/'{'} line=${line//')'/'}'} fi } function ReplaceComparators() { # ReplaceComparators # One of the Jam-to-Bash conversion functions. # Preserve string comparators for TARGET_ARCH. if ! ContainsSubstring "$line" 'TARGET_ARCH' ; then line=${line//'>='/'-ge'} line=${line//'<='/'-le'} line=${line//'>'/'-gt'} line=${line//'<'/'-lt'} line=${line//'!='/'-ne'} fi } function DisplayUsage() { cat << EOF Disclaimer: This is a temporary solution for installing OptionalPackages. In time, there will be an official package manager. See these URL's for information on the in-development package manager. http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/PackageManagerIdeas http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/PackageFormat Usage: ./installoptionalpackage [-l] [-a " [ ...]"] -l List installable packages -a Add one or more packages and all dependencies EOF } function ListPackages() { # ListPackages echo "" echo "" echo "Available Optional Packages:" # single line: echo ${availablePackagesKeys} # one per line: #for package in ${availablePackagesKeys} ; do # echo ${package} #done } # If no arguments were passed to the script, display its usage and exit. if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] ; then DisplayUsage exit 0 else Init fi # Parse the arguments given to the script. while getopts "a:lh" opt; do case $opt in a) AddPackage "$OPTARG" exit 0 ;; h) DisplayUsage exit 0 ;; l) ListPackages exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done