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synced 2025-02-14 09:40:04 +01:00
It always did, this documentation was incorrect. Also, we introduced this method, it wasn't present on R5.
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582 lines
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* Copyright 2011 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/Alert.h rev 42274
* src/kits/interface/Alert.cpp rev 42274
\file Alert.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief BAlert class definition and support enums.
\enum alert_type
\ingroup interface
\brief Type of alert.
Determines which icon (if any) is displayed in the alert dialog.
Choose one option. If the constructor doesn't include an
alert_type argument than \c B_EMPTY_ALERT is used.
\since BeOS R3
\var alert_type B_EMPTY_ALERT
No icon
\since BeOS R3
\var alert_type B_INFO_ALERT
\image html https://www.haiku-os.org/images/alert_info_32.png
Info icon
\since BeOS R3
\var alert_type B_IDEA_ALERT
\image html https://www.haiku-os.org/images/alert_idea_32.png
Idea icon
\since BeOS R3
\var alert_type B_WARNING_ALERT
\image html https://www.haiku-os.org/images/alert_warning_32.png
Warning icon
\since BeOS R3
\var alert_type B_STOP_ALERT
\image html https://www.haiku-os.org/images/alert_stop_32.png
Stop icon
\since BeOS R3
\enum button_spacing
\ingroup interface
\brief Method of spacing of buttons in alerts.
Determines how the buttons on the alert dialog are spaced relative
to each other. Choose one option. If the constructor doesn't include a
button_spacing argument than \c B_EVEN_SPACING is used.
\since BeOS R3
\var button_spacing B_EVEN_SPACING
If the alert dialog has more than one button than the buttons are
spaced evenly across the bottom of the alert dialog.
\since BeOS R3
\var button_spacing B_OFFSET_SPACING
If the alert dialog has more than one button than the leftmost button
is offset to the left-hand side of the dialog while the rest of the
buttons are grouped on the right. This is useful to separate off a
leftmost "Cancel" or "Delete" button.
\since BeOS R3
\class BAlert
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief The BAlert class defines a modal alert dialog which displays a short
message and provides a set of labeled buttons that allow the user to
The alert can be configured with a set of one to three buttons. These
buttons are assigned indexes 0, 1, and 2 from right-to-left respectively
and are automatically positioned by the system. The user can either click
on one of the buttons or use a shortcut key to select a button.
The layout of the buttons can be configured by setting the #button_width
and #button_spacing properties in the BAlert constructor. The icon displayed
in the alert can also be configured by setting the #alert_type property. The
right-most button (index 0) is the default button which can be activated
by pushing the \key{Enter} key.
Below is an example of an unsaved changes alert dialog:
\image html BAlert_example.png
When the user responds by selecting one of the buttons the alert window is
removed from the screen. The index of the selected button is returned to
the calling application and the BAlert object is deleted.
The code used to create and display an alert dialog like the one shown
above is shown below:
BAlert* alert = new BAlert("Close and save dialog", "Save changes to...",
"Cancel", "Don't save", "Save", B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_OFFSET_SPACING,
alert->SetShortcut(0, B_ESCAPE);
int32 button_index = alert->Go();
The messaged displayed in the dialog window along with the button labels
are set by the strings in the contructor. The Cancel button is offset to
the left relative to the other buttons by setting the \c B_OFFSET_SPACING
flag. The \c B_WARNING_ALERT flag displays the exclamation mark icon in
the dialog.
Any alert with a Cancel button should map the \key{Escape} key as shown in
the example above. You can setup additional shortcut keys for the buttons
with the SetShortcut() method.
The Go() method does the work of loading up and removing the alert
window and returns the index of the button that the user selected.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BAlert::BAlert()
\brief Create an unconfigured BAlert dialog.
This method creates an unconfigured BAlert. You can configure it with
methods like SetText(), SetType() and SetButtonSpacing.
It is advised to use one of the other constructors that help set up all
the configuration in one go, instead of doing it piece by piece with this
\since BeOS R3
\fn BAlert::BAlert(const char* title, const char* text,
const char* button1, const char* button2, const char* button3,
button_width width, alert_type type)
\brief Creates and initializes a BAlert dialog.
\param title The title of the window. Since the alert window doesn't have
a title tab, the title is not actually displayed anywhere but is
useful for debugging purposes.
\param text The text that is displayed at the top of the window.
\param button1 Button 1 label
\param button2 Button 2 label
\param button3 Button 3 label
\param width A constant that describes how the button should be sized.
Options are
See button_width for details.
\param type Constant that determines which alert icon is displayed.
Options are
See alert_type for details.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BAlert::BAlert(const char* title, const char* text, const char* button1,
const char* button2, const char* button3, button_width width,
button_spacing spacing, alert_type type)
\brief Creates and initializes a BAlert dialog.
You can also set the \a spacing with this constructor.
\param title The title of the window. Since the alert window doesn't have
a title tab, the title is not actually displayed anywhere but is
useful for debugging purposes.
\param text The text that is displayed at the top of the window.
\param button1 Button 1 label
\param button2 Button 2 label
\param button3 Button 3 label
\param width A constant that describes how the button should be sized.
Options are
See button_width for details.
\param spacing Determines how the buttons are spaced. Options are
See button_spacing for details.
\param type Constant that determines which alert icon is displayed.
Options are
See alert_type for details.
\since BeOS R4
\fn BAlert::BAlert(BMessage* data)
\brief Unarchives an alert from a BMessage.
\param data The archive.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BAlert::~BAlert()
\brief Destructor method.
Standard Destructor method to delete a BAlert.
\since BeOS R3
\name Archiving
//! @{
\fn BArchivable* BAlert::Instantiate(BMessage* data)
\brief Instantiates a BAlert from a BMessage.
\param data The message to instantiate the BAlert.
\returns a BArchivable object of the BAlert.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BAlert::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const
\brief Archives the BAlert into \a archive.
\param data The target archive which the BAlert \a data will go into.
\param deep Whether or not to recursively archive the BAlert's children.
\return A status code.
\retval B_OK The archive operation was successful.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The archive operation failed.
\since BeOS R3
//! @}
\fn alert_type BAlert::Type() const
\brief Get the alert_type of this alert.
\return Returns one of the values from the alert_type enum.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BAlert::SetType(alert_type type)
\brief Set the type of the alert.
\param type Pass one of the alert_type enum values to set the type.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BAlert::SetIcon(BBitmap *bitmap)
\brief Set a custom icon for the alert.
\param bitmap A valid BBitmap. The BAlert assumes ownership of the bitmap.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BAlert::SetText(const char *text)
\brief Set the text for the alert.
\param text The text you want the alert to display.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BAlert::SetButtonSpacing(button_spacing spacing)
\brief Set the button spacing for the alert.
\param spacing Pass one of the button_spacing values to configure the
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BAlert::SetButtonWidth(button_width width)
\brief Set the button width for the buttons of the alert.
\param width Pass one of the button_width values to configure the width.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BAlert::SetShortcut(int32 index, char key)
\brief Sets the shortcut character which is mapped to a button at the
specified \a index.
A button can only have one shortcut except for the rightmost button which,
in addition to the shortcut you set, is always mapped to \c B_ENTER.
If you create a "Cancel" button then you should set its shortcut to
\param index The \a index of the button to set the shortcut to.
\param key The shortcut character to set.
\since BeOS R3
\fn char BAlert::Shortcut(int32 index) const
\brief Gets the shortcut character which is mapped to a button at the
specified \a index.
\param index The \a index of the button to get the shortcut of.
\return The shortcut character mapped to the button at the specified
\a index.
\since BeOS R3
\fn int32 BAlert::Go()
\brief Displays the alert window.
This version of Go() that does not include an invoker is
synchronous. Go() returns once the user has clicked a button and
the panel has been removed from the screen. The BAlert object is
deleted before the method returns.
If the BAlert is sent a \c B_QUIT_REQUESTED message while the alert
window is still on screen then Go() returns -1.
\returns The index of the button clicked.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BAlert::Go(BInvoker* invoker)
\brief Displays the alert window from a specified \a invoker.
This version of Go() with an \a invoker is asynchronous. It returns
immediately with \c B_OK and the button \a index is set to the field
of the BMessage that is sent to the target of the \a invoker.
Go() deletes the BAlert object after the message is sent.
If you call Go() with a \c NULL invoker argument than the BMessage
is not sent.
If the BAlert is sent a \c B_QUIT_REQUESTED method while the alert
window is still on screen then the message is not sent.
\returns A status code.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BAlert::MessageReceived(BMessage* message)
\brief Initiates an action from a received message.
\copydetails BWindow::MessageReceived()
\fn void BAlert::FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight)
\brief Resizes the alert dialog.
\copydetails BWindow::FrameResized()
\fn void BAlert::AddButton(const char *label, char key=0)
\brief Adds a button to the alert.
\param label The label of the button.
\param key The key a user can press to quickly select this button.
\since BeOS R3
\fn int32 BAlert::CountButtons() const
\brief Counts the number of buttons in the alert.
\return The number of buttons in this alert window.
\see AddButton() and ButtonAt()
\since BeOS R3
\fn BButton* BAlert::ButtonAt(int32 index) const
\brief Returns a pointer to the BButton at the specified \a index.
The \a index of the buttons begins at \c 0 and counts from left to right.
If a BButton does not exist for the specified \a index then \c NULL is
\param index The \a index of the desired button.
\return A pointer to the BButton at the specified \a index.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BTextView* BAlert::TextView() const
\brief Returns the Alert's TextView.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BHandler* BAlert::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index,
BMessage* specifier, int32 what, const char* property)
\copydoc BHandler::ResolveSpecifier()
\fn status_t BAlert::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data)
\copydoc BWindow::GetSupportedSuites()
\fn void BAlert::DispatchMessage(BMessage* msg, BHandler* handler)
\brief Sends out a message.
\copydetails BWindow::DispatchMessage()
\fn void BAlert::Quit()
\brief Quits the window closing it.
\copydetails BWindow::Quit()
\fn bool BAlert::QuitRequested()
\brief Hook method that gets called with the window is closed.
\copydetails BWindow::QuitRequested()
\fn BPoint BAlert::AlertPosition(float width, float height)
\brief Resizes the Alert window to the width and height specified and
return the Point of the top-left corner of the alert window.
\param width The desired \a width of the alert window.
\param height The desired \a height of the alert window.
\returns The BPoint of the top-left corner of the Alert window.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BAlert::Perform(perform_code code, void* _data)
\brief Perform some action. (Internal Method)
\param code The perform code.
\param _data A pointer to store some data.
\returns A status code.
\sa BLooper::Perform()
\since Haiku R1