mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 14:25:58 +01:00
UserInterface: - Add Clone() function to set of required virtuals. This asks the subclass to create a new instance of its respective type. {CommandLine,Graphical,Report}UserInterface: - Implement the above function. TeamDebugger: - Add accessor for the currently active UI. TargetHostInterface: - Set correct request type when setting up the options for a team restart. - Ask the TeamDebugger for its user interface and clone it in order to fill in that aspect of the debug options. This fixes a regression introduced in commit 880a64, which inadvertently resulted in team restarts no longer working.
301 lines
9.1 KiB
301 lines
9.1 KiB
* Copyright 2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de.
* Copyright 2013-2016, Rene Gollent, rene@gollent.com.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <debugger.h>
#include <Looper.h>
#include "Team.h"
#include "TeamSettings.h"
#include "ThreadHandler.h"
#include "UserInterface.h"
#include "util/Worker.h"
class DebugEvent;
class DebuggerInterface;
class DebugReportGenerator;
class FileManager;
class ImageCreatedEvent;
class ImageDebugInfoLoadingState;
class ImageDeletedEvent;
class PostSyscallEvent;
class SettingsManager;
class TeamDebugInfo;
class TeamDeletedEvent;
class TeamExecEvent;
class TeamMemoryBlockManager;
class Thread;
class ThreadCreatedEvent;
class ThreadDeletedEvent;
class ThreadRenamedEvent;
class ThreadPriorityChangedEvent;
class WatchpointManager;
class TeamDebugger : public BLooper, private UserInterfaceListener,
private JobListener, private Team::Listener {
class Listener;
TeamDebugger(Listener* listener,
UserInterface* userInterface,
SettingsManager* settingsManager);
status_t Init(DebuggerInterface* interface,
thread_id threadID, int argc,
const char* const* argv,
bool stopInMain);
void Activate();
team_id TeamID() const { return fTeamID; }
bool IsPostMortem() const { return fIsPostMortem; }
int ArgumentCount() const
{ return fCommandLineArgc; }
const char** Arguments() const
{ return fCommandLineArgv; }
SettingsManager* GetSettingsManager() const
{ return fSettingsManager; }
UserInterface* GetUserInterface() const
{ return fUserInterface; }
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
// UserInterfaceListener
virtual void FunctionSourceCodeRequested(
FunctionInstance* function,
bool forceDisassembly = false);
virtual void SourceEntryLocateRequested(
const char* sourcePath,
const char* locatedPath);
virtual void SourceEntryInvalidateRequested(
LocatableFile* sourceFile);
virtual void ImageDebugInfoRequested(Image* image);
virtual void ValueNodeValueRequested(CpuState* cpuState,
ValueNodeContainer* container,
ValueNode* valueNode);
virtual void ValueNodeWriteRequested(ValueNode* node,
CpuState* state,
Value* newValue);
virtual void ThreadActionRequested(thread_id threadID,
uint32 action, target_addr_t address);
virtual void SetBreakpointRequested(target_addr_t address,
bool enabled, bool hidden = false);
virtual void SetBreakpointEnabledRequested(
UserBreakpoint* breakpoint,
bool enabled);
virtual void SetBreakpointConditionRequested(
UserBreakpoint* breakpoint,
const char* condition);
virtual void ClearBreakpointConditionRequested(
UserBreakpoint* breakpoint);
virtual void ClearBreakpointRequested(target_addr_t address);
virtual void ClearBreakpointRequested(
UserBreakpoint* breakpoint);
virtual void SetStopOnImageLoadRequested(bool enabled,
bool useImageNames);
virtual void AddStopImageNameRequested(
const char* name);
virtual void RemoveStopImageNameRequested(
const char* name);
virtual void SetDefaultSignalDispositionRequested(
int32 disposition);
virtual void SetCustomSignalDispositionRequested(
int32 signal, int32 disposition);
virtual void RemoveCustomSignalDispositionRequested(
int32 signal);
virtual void SetWatchpointRequested(target_addr_t address,
uint32 type, int32 length, bool enabled);
virtual void SetWatchpointEnabledRequested(
Watchpoint *watchpoint, bool enabled);
virtual void ClearWatchpointRequested(target_addr_t address);
virtual void ClearWatchpointRequested(
Watchpoint* breakpoint);
virtual void InspectRequested(target_addr_t address,
TeamMemoryBlock::Listener* listener);
virtual void MemoryWriteRequested(target_addr_t address,
const void* data, target_size_t size);
virtual void ExpressionEvaluationRequested(
SourceLanguage* language,
ExpressionInfo* info,
StackFrame* frame = NULL,
::Thread* thread = NULL);
virtual void DebugReportRequested(entry_ref* targetPath);
virtual void WriteCoreFileRequested(entry_ref* targetPath);
virtual void TeamRestartRequested();
virtual bool UserInterfaceQuitRequested(
QuitOption quitOption);
// JobListener
virtual void JobStarted(Job* job);
virtual void JobDone(Job* job);
virtual void JobWaitingForInput(Job* job);
virtual void JobFailed(Job* job);
virtual void JobAborted(Job* job);
// Team::Listener
virtual void ThreadStateChanged(
const ::Team::ThreadEvent& event);
virtual void ThreadCpuStateChanged(
const ::Team::ThreadEvent& event);
virtual void ThreadStackTraceChanged(
const ::Team::ThreadEvent& event);
virtual void ImageDebugInfoChanged(
const ::Team::ImageEvent& event);
struct ImageHandler;
struct ImageHandlerHashDefinition;
struct ImageInfoPendingThread;
struct ImageInfoPendingThreadHashDefinition;
typedef BOpenHashTable<ImageHandlerHashDefinition> ImageHandlerTable;
typedef BOpenHashTable<ImageInfoPendingThreadHashDefinition>
static status_t _DebugEventListenerEntry(void* data);
status_t _DebugEventListener();
void _HandleDebuggerMessage(DebugEvent* event);
bool _HandleTeamDeleted(
TeamDeletedEvent* event);
bool _HandleThreadCreated(
ThreadCreatedEvent* event);
bool _HandleThreadRenamed(
ThreadRenamedEvent* event);
bool _HandleThreadPriorityChanged(
ThreadPriorityChangedEvent* event);
bool _HandleThreadDeleted(
ThreadDeletedEvent* event);
bool _HandleImageCreated(
ImageCreatedEvent* event);
bool _HandleImageDeleted(
ImageDeletedEvent* event);
bool _HandlePostSyscall(
PostSyscallEvent* event);
void _PrepareForTeamExec(TeamExecEvent* event);
void _HandleImageDebugInfoChanged(image_id imageID);
void _HandleImageFileChanged(image_id imageID);
void _HandleSetUserBreakpoint(target_addr_t address,
bool enabled, bool hidden);
void _HandleSetUserBreakpoint(
UserBreakpoint* breakpoint, bool enabled);
void _HandleClearUserBreakpoint(
target_addr_t address);
void _HandleClearUserBreakpoint(
UserBreakpoint* breakpoint);
void _HandleSetWatchpoint(target_addr_t address,
uint32 type, int32 length, bool enabled);
void _HandleSetWatchpoint(
Watchpoint* watchpoint, bool enabled);
void _HandleClearWatchpoint( target_addr_t address);
void _HandleClearWatchpoint(Watchpoint* watchpoint);
void _HandleInspectAddress(
target_addr_t address,
TeamMemoryBlock::Listener* listener);
void _HandleWriteMemory(
target_addr_t address, void* data,
target_size_t size);
void _HandleEvaluateExpression(
SourceLanguage* language,
ExpressionInfo* info,
StackFrame* frame,
::Thread* thread);
void _HandleWriteCoreFile(const entry_ref& ref);
status_t _HandleSetArguments(int argc,
const char* const* argv);
void _HandleDebugInfoJobUserInput(
ImageDebugInfoLoadingState* state);
ThreadHandler* _GetThreadHandler(thread_id threadID);
status_t _AddImage(const ImageInfo& imageInfo,
Image** _image = NULL);
void _LoadSettings();
void _SaveSettings();
void _NotifyUser(const char* title,
const char* text,...);
void _ResetUserBackgroundStatusIfNeeded();
// updates user interface to
// ready/completed message
// for background work status
Listener* fListener;
SettingsManager* fSettingsManager;
::Team* fTeam;
team_id fTeamID;
bool fIsPostMortem;
ThreadHandlerTable fThreadHandlers;
// protected by the team lock
ImageHandlerTable* fImageHandlers;
ImageInfoPendingThreadTable* fImageInfoPendingThreads;
DebuggerInterface* fDebuggerInterface;
TeamDebugInfo* fTeamDebugInfo;
FileManager* fFileManager;
Worker* fWorker;
BreakpointManager* fBreakpointManager;
WatchpointManager* fWatchpointManager;
thread_id fDebugEventListener;
UserInterface* fUserInterface;
volatile bool fTerminating;
bool fKillTeamOnQuit;
TeamSettings fTeamSettings;
int fCommandLineArgc;
const char** fCommandLineArgv;
bool fExecPending;
class TeamDebugger::Listener {
virtual ~Listener();
virtual void TeamDebuggerStarted(TeamDebugger* debugger) = 0;
virtual void TeamDebuggerRestartRequested(
TeamDebugger* debugger) = 0;
virtual void TeamDebuggerQuit(TeamDebugger* debugger) = 0;