@@ -145,11 +146,11 @@ Auf alle Fälle hängen wir an diese Dateien eine Reihe von Attributen. Hier mü
Attributname - Erscheint als Spaltenkopf im Tracker-Fenster
Interner Name - Wird für die Indizierung und Suche verwendet.
Type - Defines the value the attribute can hold and therefore how it can be queried.
Typ - Beschreibt die Art des Attributs und entsprechend wie es gesucht werden kann.
String for normal text
Boolean for binary data: 0 (false) or >=1 (true)
Integer for integer numbers with different ranges:
String - normaler Text
Boolean - für binäre Werte: 0 (falsch) oder >=1 (wahr)
Integer - für ganzzahlige Werte diesen Umfangs:
8 bit: ± 255
16 bit: ± 65,535
@@ -157,11 +158,10 @@ Auf alle Fälle hängen wir an diese Dateien eine Reihe von Attributen. Hier mü
64 bit: ± 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Float for floating-point numbers, single precision
Double for floating-point numbers, double precision
Time for time and date format
Float - Gleitkommazahlen einfacher Genauigkeit
Double - Gleitkommazahlen doppelter Genauigkeit
Time - Zeit- und Datumswerte
Visible - This checkbox determines if the attribute is visible in a Tracker window at all. Since the Tracker will be the interface to our DVD database, we check it and define its appearance with:
Pääteikkunan valikkorivit ovat itsestäänselviä. Niillä voit esimerkiksi tallentaa pääteikkunan (osa)tulosteita, tyhjentää pääteikkunan tai käynnistää/sammuttaa palvelimen ja nollata osumalaskurin.
Jos haluat kokeilla Pettuleipä-palvelimen toimintaa, valitse /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ kansioksi ja index.html aloitussivuksi. Aseta sitten selaimesi verkko-osoitteeksi, mikä on paikallinen verkkokoneesi.
Jos haluat kokeilla Pettuleipä-palvelimen toimintaa, valitse /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ kansioksi ja index.html aloitussivuksi. Aseta sitten selaimesi verkko-osoitteeksi, mikä on paikallinen verkkokoneesi.
Pakkauksesta automaattisesti asennetut ohjelmat laittavat valikkorivin Työpöytäpalkkiin. Asennettujen pakkausten lukumäärästä riippuen Työpöytäpalkki voi kasvaa liian laajaksi. Jos haluat mieluiten ohjata asetuksia itse ja haluat nähdä Työpöytäpalkissa vain ne sovellukset, jotka linkität sinne (mahdollisesti luokittelemalla alikansioihin), niin tee se näin:
-Luo valikolle menu-kansion linkki paikkaan ~/config/settings/deskbar/ ja nimeä uudelleen menu_entries. Pääteikkunassa linkki luodaan:
+Luo valikkoon menu-kansio linkkipaikkaan ~/config/settings/deskbar/ ja nimeä uudelleen menu_entries. Pääteikkunassa linkki luodaan:
Muiden asioiden lisäksi tarjotin on säilytyspaikka kellolle. Hiiren kohdistimen siirtäminen sen yläpuolelle näyttää päivämäärän työkaluvihjeessä. Hiiren vasemmalla painikkeella saa näkyviin kalenterin. Hiiren oikealla painikkeella piilotetaan/näytetään kello tai käynnistetään Aika-asetukset sen asettamiseksi.
Mikä tahansa ohjelma voi asentaa kuvakkeen tarjottimelle tarjoten käyttöliittymän käyttäjälle. Sähköpostijärjestelmä, esimerkiksi, näyttää erilaisen symbolin silloin kun on lukematonta postia ja tarjoaa asiayhteysvalikon esimerkiksi uuden sähköpostiviestin luomiseksi tai lukemiseksi. Prosessivalvonta on toinen esimerkki, joka käyttää tarjottimen kuvakkeita tietojen tarjoamiseen (prosessori/muistikäyttö) ja tarjoaa asiayhteysvalikon.
Muiden asioiden lisäksi tarjotin on säilytyspaikka kellolle. Hiiren kohdistimen siirtäminen sen yläpuolelle näyttää päivämäärän työkaluvihjeessä. Hiiren ykköspainikkeella (yleensä vasen painike) saa näkyviin kalenterin. Hiiren kakkospainikkeella (yleensä oikeanpuoleisin painike) piilotetaan/näytetään kello tai käynnistetään Aika-asetukset sen asettamiseksi.
Mikä tahansa ohjelma voi asentaa kuvakkeen tarjottimelle tarjoten käyttöliittymän käyttäjälle. Esimerkiksi sähköpostijärjestelmä näyttää erilaisen symbolin silloin kun on lukematonta postia ja tarjoaa asiayhteysvalikon esimerkiksi uuden sähköpostiviestin luomiseksi tai lukemiseksi. Prosessivalvonta on toinen esimerkki, joka käyttää tarjottimen kuvakkeita tietojen tarjoamiseen (prosessori/muistikäyttö) ja tarjoaa asiayhteysvalikon.
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ Luo valikolle menu-kansion linkki paikkaan Painamalla näppäimiä VAIHTOCTRL ja napsauttamalla sovellusta piilotat kaikki sen ikkunat, näppäin CTRL ja hiiren napsautus näyttää ne taas.
Joskus sovellus voi kaatua ja vaikka kaikki sen ikkunat ovat kadonneet, niin se voi näkyä käynnissä olevana sovelluksena Työpöytäpalkissa. Sellaisissa tapauksissa Vulcan-kuolonotteella pääset siitä: pidä alhaalla näppäimiä VAIHTOCTRLALT ja napsauta kyseistä valikkoriviä Työpöytäpalkissa. Mielenkiintoista!
Jos aktivoit Laajentajat Työpöytäpalkin asetuksissa, voit laajentaa/supistaa ikkunoiden luettelon suoraan sovellusrivin alla.
Jokaisen sovellusikkunan edessä on symboli, joka tarjoaa tietoa sen tilasta. Kirkas symboli tarkoittaa, että ikkuna on näkyvissä, tumma symboli tarkoittaa, että se on minimoitu. Kolme viivaa symbolin edessä näyttää, että se ei ole nykyisessä työtilassa.
Jokaisen sovellusikkunan edessä on symboli, joka tarjoaa tietoa ikkunan tilasta. Kirkas symboli tarkoittaa, että ikkuna on näkyvissä, tumma symboli tarkoittaa, että se on minimoitu. Kolme viivaa symbolin edessä näyttää, että se ei ole nykyisessä työtilassa.
Kaikki valitsimet tavoitetaan asiayhteysvalikosta:
Lisää painike tähän
Lisää tyhjän painikkeen.
Nollaa painikkeen
Tyhjentää painikkeen.
Lisää painike tänne
Lisää tyhjän painikkeen.
Nollaa painike
Tyhjentää painikkeen.
Poista painike
Poistaa painikkeen.
Aseta kuvaus...
Hiiren kohdistimen pitäminen kuvakkeen päällä näyttää työkaluvihjeen tiedostonimellä ja silloin kun kyse on sovelluksesta, sen lyhyen kuvauksen, jos se eroaa nimestä (katso aihe Tiedostotyypit). Tällä valikkorivillä voit muokata tämän työkaluvihjeen kuvausta.
Tasaa painikkeet vaakasuoraan.
Asettaa kuvakekooksi 16 ... 64 pikseliä.
Käynnistää objektin vain kerran, vaikka (vahingossa) kaksoisnapsauttaisit.
-Näyttää ikkunarajat.
+Näyttää ikkunarajan.
Käynnistysikkuna ponnahtaa näkyviin, jos hiiri on lähellä näytön reunaa.
Näyttää Käynnistysohjelma-sovelman jokaisessa työtilassa.
Pad - Uusi
-- Klooni
+- Kopio - Sulje
Lisää uusi ilmentymä.
Tee nykyisestä ilmentymästä kaksoiskappale.
diff --git a/userguide/fi/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html b/userguide/fi/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
index 148b2d73..608900f3 100644
--- a/userguide/fi/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
+++ b/userguide/fi/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
Tämän sivun kotoistaminen ei ole vielä täydellinen. Siihen asti keskeneräiset osat käyttävät englanninkielistä alkuperäistekstiä.
Pikanäppäimet ja näppäinyhdistelmät
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
Milloin vain muokkaat tekstiä – kyse voi olla tiedoston nimeämisestä uudelleen Seuraajassa, tiedoston muokkauksesta Tyylitetyssä editorissa, tai jutellessa Vision-ohjelmassa – on olemassa muutamia yleisiä pikanäppäimiä:
ALT← / → tai Alt Gr/OPT← / →
Hyppää sana kerallaan tekstin lävitse. (Huomaa: Se saattaa olla hyödyllistä tottua käyttämään Alt Gr/OPT-näppäinyhdistelmiä. Silloin sinulla on kaikki asennettuna, jos joku sovellus jo käyttää ALT-yhdistelmiä johonkin toiseen komentoon.)
Word-wise removing the text to the left of the cursor.
Word-wise removing the text to the right of the cursor.
Sanoittainen tekstin poistamiseksi kohdistimen vasemmalta puolelta.
Sanoittainen tekstin poistamiseksi kohdistimen oikealta puolelta.
Tietovarastot ovat ohjelmistopakkausten kokoelmia. Oletuksena asetetaan Haiku-tietovarasto kaikille käyttöjärjestelmäpakkauksille ja HaikuPorts, joka tarjoaa laajan määrän sovitettuja ja kotoperäisiä Haiku-ohjelmia. Haiku-yhteistön jäsenten toimiessa kuraattoreina tarjolla on useita muita tietovarastoja. Tarkista Software Sites webbisivustolla.
Tämä on asetuspaneeli tietovarastojesi hallintaan (voit avata sen myös HaikuVaraston Työkalut-valikosta):
Tunnettujen tietovarastojen luettelon ensimmäisessä sarakkeessa näytetään, että onko varasto tällä hetkellä käytössä. Jos sitä ei ole merkitty, HaikuVarasto kyselee sitä tai pkgman-sovellus komentoriviltä. Käytä valitun tietovaraston painikkeita Ota käyttöön tai Poista käytöstä, tai kaksoisnapsauta varastoa sen tilan vaihtamiseksi.
Tunnettujen tietovarastojen luettelon ensimmäisessä sarakkeessa näytetään, että onko varasto tällä hetkellä käytössä. Jos sitä ei ole merkitty, HaikuVarasto tai pkgman-komentorivisovellus ei kysele sitä. Käytä valitun tietovaraston painikkeita Ota käyttöön tai Poista käytöstä, tai kaksoisnapsauta varastoa sen tilan vaihtamiseksi.
Tietovaraston käyttöönotto voi kestää muutamia sekuntia riippuen tietovaraston koosta ja internet-yhteyden nopeudesta. Jos se kestää kauemmin, sinulle kerrotaan avoimena olevasta tehtävästä pienessä teksti-ikkunassa painikkeiden +/- yläpuolella. Jos se kestää epätavallisen kauan, sinua pyydetään perumaan tai yrittämään uudelleen.
Kykenet e tietovaraston kokonaan painikkeella "-", se on otettava pois käytöstä.
Kykenet poistamaan tietovaraston kokonaan painikkeella "-", sen on oltava pois käytöstä-asennossa.
Voit lisätä uuden tietovaraston ""-painikkeella, joka avaa tämän paneelin:
Uuden tietovaraston lisäämiseksi liitä vain sen verkko-osoite tekstikenttään. Se nimetään "Tuntematon"-nimellä, kunnes otat sen käyttöön.
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ L'onglet Advanced contient le paramétrage du nombre m
nettoyer la console ou les fichiers de traces, arrêter/démarrer le serveur ou réinitialiser le compteur des connexions.
Si vous voulez tester le fonctionnement de PoorMan, Choisissez
-le dossier /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ et la page d'accueil index.html. Ensuite, l'aide de votre navigateur, accédez à l'URL, votre hôte local.
+le dossier /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ et la page d'accueil index.html. Ensuite, l'aide de votre navigateur, accédez à l'URL, votre hôte local.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/applications/screenshot.html b/userguide/fr/applications/screenshot.html
index ef8aea87..27523870 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/applications/screenshot.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/applications/screenshot.html
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Gjestion disc
DriveSetup is a tool to create, delete and format partitions. At this time it can't resize or move existing partitions, so that you'll either need an unpartitioned volume (perhaps an external USB drive or another harddisk) or do the initial setup with a tool like the GParted LiveCD to provide the space for another partition.
Gjestion disc al è un strument par creâ, eliminâ e formatâ partizions. Pal moment nol pues ridimensionâ o spostâ lis partizions esistentis, siche duncje ti covente o un volum no partizionât (forsit une unitât USB esterne o un altri disc fis) opûr fâ la configurazion iniziâl cuntun altri strument come il GParted LiveCD par creâ il spazi par une altre partizion.
At the top is a graphical representation of all partitions inside the device chosen in the list below it. Each device, by default, can hold a maximum of 4 primary partitions. This limit can be removed by making one of those an extended partition, which in turn can hold theoretically an unlimited number of logical partitions (practical limitations depend on, for example, other OSes installed).
-You may have to expand such a list with the +/- widget that appears in that case in front of that device to see the details of every logical partition.
Colors and icons provide some more information about the available volumes and partitions.
-Besides the familiar icons for harddisks, CD drives and USB sticks etc., there are a few that indicate a their mount mode:
Te part superiôr e je une rapresentazion grafiche di dutis lis partizion dal dispositîf che si à sielt de liste disot. Ogni dispositîf, in maniere predefinide, al pues tignî un massim di 4 partizions primaris. Chest limit al pues jessi superât fasint deventâ une di chês une partizion estese, che a sô volte e pues tignî, in teorie, un numar ilimitât di partizions logjichis (lis limitazions pratichis a dipendin dai, par esempli, altris SOs instalâts).
+Tu podaressis vê di espandi chê liste cul widget +/- che in chel câs al ven fûr denant dal dispositîf, cussì di viodi i detais di ogni partizion logjiche.
Colôrs e iconis a furnissin cualchi informazion in plui sui volums disponibii e lis partizions.
+Di là di dutis lis iconis familiârs pai discs fis, unitâts CD e clavutis USB e vie indenant, e je cualchidune che e indiche la lôr modalitât di montaç:
When mounted, a colored bar shows the used space of a partition. The color depends on the kind of partition:
Cuant che si à montât (une partizion/file imagjin/...), une sbare colorade e mostre il spazi doprât di une partizion. Il colôr al dipent dal gjenar di partizion:
A BFS formatted partition
A non-BFS formatted partition
A read-only partition
An encrypted partition
Une partizion formatade in BFS
Une partizion NO formatade in BFS
Une partizion in dome-leture
Une partizion cifrade
You can select a partition and choose various commands from the context or Partition menu, like Mount/Unmount, or to Open in DiskProbe.
You can also Format or completely Delete a partition.
Dealing with creating/deleting/formatting partitions is very dangerous business. Always check twice to be sure you're working with the right one and always keep an up-to-date backup of your data in case something goes wrong!
Tu puedis selezionâ une partizion e sielzi varis comants dal menù contestuâl o dal menù Partizion, come Monte/Dismonte o Vierç cun Scandai dal disc.
Tu puedis ancje fâ Formate par formatâ o Elimine par eliminâ dal dut une partizion.
Vê a ce fâ cu la creazion/eliminazion/formatazion des partizions al è un lavôr une vore pericolôs. Controlait simpri dôs voltis par jessi sigûrs di lavorâ su chê juste e tignît simpri une copie di backup inzornade dai vuestris dâts tal câs che e ledi strucje!
If you don't plan to use just one of the partitions of a larger disk, but the entire drive as one partition, e.g. a USB stick or a Compact Flash card, you'll have to initialize the disk first.
You do this by selecting the raw disk from list of devices and choose a partition map from the Disk | Initialize menu. The Intel Partition Map is the right choice for classical booting via a BIOS.
Se no tu progjetis di doprâ dome une des partizions di un disc plui grant, ma la unitât interie come une uniche partizion, par esempli une clavute USB o un schede Compact Flash, tu varâs prime di inizializâ il disc.
Chest tu lu fasis selezionant il disc grês de liste dai dispositîfs e sielzint une mape di partizionament dal menù Disc | Inizialize. La Intel Partition Map e je la sielte juste pal classic inviament vie BIOS.
La inizializazion e distruzarà ducj i dâts te unitât!
Cuant che tu âs cjatât un toc di spazi no formatât suntune unitât, come il parsore <empty> (vueit), tu puedis creâ une gnove partizion in chel spazi lì cun Partizion | Cree...(ALTC).
You're prompted with this dialog that lets you adjust the partition size and type. Choose Be File System if you want to use the partition for an Haiku installation or if you want to use all the interesting Haiku features with it, like attributes and queries. Note, that other operating systems might not be able to access such a partition.
The Active partition checkbox is only available if you have created a primary partition instead of just another logical partition within an extended one. You'll have to tick that checkbox if you plan to use that partition to boot a Haiku installation.
Before you can use, or even mount the newly created partition, it has to be formatted with a filesystem.
Ti si presente chest dialic che ti permet di justâ la dimension de partizion e il sô gjenar. Sielç Be File System se tu desideris doprâ la partizion pe instalazion di Haiku o se tu desideris doprâ Haiku cun dutis lis sôs funzionalitâts interessantis, come par esempli i atribûts e lis interogazions. Fâs câs che altris sistemis operatîfs a podaressin no rivâ a jentrâ in chest gjenar di partizion.
La casele di selezion Partizion ative e je disponibile dome se tu âs creât une partizion primarie invezit che une altre partizion logjiche jenfri une estese. Tu varâs di segnâ chê casele di selezion se tu progjetis di doprâ chê partizion par inviâ une instalazion di Haiku.
Prime di podêle doprâ o ancje montâ, la partizion apene creade e à di jessi formatade cuntun filesystem.
Only unmounted partitions can be formatted by choosing a filesystem from the sub-menu of Partition | Format. The Be File System (BFS) is mandatory for a Haiku boot partition and recommended for data partitions to be used with Haiku. Only BFS formatted partitions can be queried and fully support Haiku's file attributes.
Dome lis partizions dismontadis a puedin jessi formatadis, par fâlu si sielç un filesystem dal sot-menù di Partizion | Formât. Il Be File System (BFS) al è obligatori par une partizion di inviament di Haiku e conseât pes partizions di dâts che a àn di jessi dopradis cun Haiku. Dome lis partizions formatadis in BFS a puedin jessi interogadis e supuartâ dal dut i atribûts dai file di Haiku.
Here you set the name for the partition and it's blocksize. The blocksize is the space in bytes that a file will allocate at minimum. 2048 bytes per block are recommended, but you can choose larger or smaller sizes if you have these very specific needs.
-If the future data on your partition won't need any querying, you can uncheck Enable query support to save a bit of overhead for managing the index.
Formatting will destroy all data on the partition!
Chi tu stabilissis il non pe partizion e la sô dimension dai blocs. La dimension dal bloc al è il spazi minim in byte che un file al ocuparà. 2048 byte par bloc a son conseâts, ma tu puedis sielzi dimensions plui grandis o piçulis se tu âs chestis necessitâts.
+Se i dâts che tu metarâs te partizion no varan bisugne de interogazion, tu puedis gjavâ la crosute di Abilite supuart pes interogazions par sparagnâ un pôc di lavôr tal gjestî la tabele.
Il formatâ ti disfarà ducj i dâts te partizion!
@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ If the future data on your partition won't need any querying, you can uncheck
« DiskUsage
:: Aplicazions
-:: Expander »
+:: Espansôr »
diff --git a/userguide/fur/applications/expander.html b/userguide/fur/applications/expander.html
index b06fcefa..36c8654c 100644
--- a/userguide/fur/applications/expander.html
+++ b/userguide/fur/applications/expander.html
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
+ * Translators:
+ * Fabio Tomat
- Expander
+ Espansôr
@@ -43,13 +45,14 @@
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
No entry, normally launched via double-clicking a supported file.
Nissune vôs, di norme al ven inviât fasint dopli clic suntun file supuartât.
Expander is a small tool to quickly unpack the most common archives, among them zip, gzip, bzip2, rar and tar.gz.
-Just double-click an archive to see this simple interface:
Espansôr al è un piçul strument par tirâ fûr in mût veloç i plui comuns archivis, tra tancj zip, gzip, bzip2, rar e tar.gz.
+Al baste fâ dopli clic suntun archivi par viodi cheste semplice interface:
will open a file dialog to find an archive to unpack.
will open a file dialog to set the destination.
will start the unpacking. It can be aborted with ALTK.
al vierzarà un barcon di dialic dai file, par cjatâ un archivi di decomprimi.
al vierzarà un barcon di dialic dai file, par stabilî la destinazion.
al tacarà a decomprimi. Si pues interompi cun ALTK.
You can toggle the display of the file listing by un/checking Show contents or pressing ALTL.
Expander can only unpack whole archives.
-You can't select individual files to expand or add/remove files from the archive.
Settings | Settings... or ALTS opens a preference panel that offers some useful settings to adjust Expander's behavior.
-The options are all self-explanatory:
Tu puedis comutâ la visualizazion de liste dai file, segnant o gjavant la crôs su Mostre contignût o fracant ALTL.
Espansôr al pues dome decomprimi archivis intîrs.
+No tu puedis selezionâ file ugnui di tirâ fûr o zontâ/gjavâ file dal archivi.
Impostazions | Impostazions... o ALTS al vierç un panel des preferencis che al ufrìs cualchi utile impostazion par regolâ il compuartament di Espansôr.
+Lis opzions si spieghin di bessolis:
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ The options are all self-explanatory:
-~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ - Cached icons, screenshots, descriptions etc.
+~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ - Iconis in cache, schermadis, descrizions e vie indenant...
HaikuDepot is the central application when it comes to managing your software packages. With it you can browse and search through package repositories and install, update and uninstall packages. By default, HaikuDepot starts up with a list of "Featured packages", software that's deemed interesting to many users.
HaikuDepot e je la aplicazion centrâl cuant che si cjacare di gjestî i pachets software. Cun lui tu puedis esplorâ, cirî sui dipuesits dai pachets, instalâ, inzornâ e disinstalâ pachets. In maniere predefinide HaikuDepot al partìs mostrant une liste di "Pachets in risalt", software che, de bande di tancj utents, a vegnin ritignûts interessants.
When the Show only featured packages checkbox is deactivated, all available packages are shown and the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
The second tab shows All packages, the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
Parsore o cjatin cualchi strument par filtrâ la liste dai pachets software disot:
The Category pop-up menu lets you limit the list to individual categories like "Audio" or "Games".
The Search terms text field filters the list to those packages that have all the entered (space-delimited) strings in their name or description.
The checkbox to Show only featured packages can be activated to further filter the results in the set category or of the entered search terms.
The Repositories menu of the menu bar determines which repos are being queried. "Local" packages are the ones that were installed from somewhere other than an online repo; maybe from a USB thumb drive or downloaded from some website or a package that you've built yourself.
Il menù a tende Categorie ti permet di limitâ la liste a specifichis categoriis come "Audio" o "Zûcs".
Il cjamp di test Tiermins di ricercje al filtre la liste a chei pachets che a àn la stringhe inseride (delimitade di spazi) tal lôr non o te lôr descrizion.
Il menù Dipuesits de sbare dai menù al determine cuâi dipuesits a àn di sei interogâts. I pachets "Locâl" a son chei che a son stâts instalâts di cualchi altre bande rispiet ai dipuesits in rêt; forsit di une clavute USB o discjariâts di cualchi sît web opûr un pachet che tu âs costruît di bessôl.
Like in any Tracker window, you can choose from a context menu which columns to display by right-clicking the column heading. A left-click sorts the list according to that column. Of course, you can rearrange the columns by dragging them to a new position.
The status column of a package can have one of several states:
Come in ogni barcon di Tracker, tu puedis sielzi di un menù contestuâl cuale colone visualizâ, fasint clic diestri su pe intestazion de colone. Un clic di çampe al ordenarà la liste in base a chê colone. E po sì, tu puedis rangjâ lis colonis strissinantlis suntune gnove posizion.
Il stât de colone di un pachet al pues vê diviers stâts:
Active: The package is currently installed and ready to be used.
Available: The package exists in that repository and can be downloaded and installed. If there are any dependencies on other packages, you'll be informed of that while installing and get the choice of downloading/installing all that's necessary.
Pending / %: Pending is shown for a package that is queued for download/installation. While a package is downloaded, the progress is shown as percentage.
Update available: There's a newer version than your installed one available.
Atîf: Il pachet al è instalât e pront par jessi doprât.
Disponibil: Il pachet al esist in chel dipuesit e al pues jessi discjariât e instalât. Se al à cualsisei dipendence su altris pachets, tu vignarâs informât in merit intal procès di instalazion e ti vignarà dade la sielte di discjariâ/instalâ dut ce che al covente.
In spiete / %: In spiete al ven mostrât par un pachet che al è in code pal discjariament/instalazion. Cuant che un pachet al ven discjariât, l'avanzament al ven mostrât tant che percentuâl.
Inzornament disponibil: E je disponibile une version plui gnove rispiet a chê che tu âs instalât.
You can grab the dotted line between the packages list and the info area to vertically resize the packages list.
Tu puedis cjapâ la linie a ponts tra la liste dai pachets e la aree des informazions par ridimensionâ in verticâl la liste dai pachets.
At the bottom is an area that displays information on the package that is currently selected in the list above it.
-To the right of package name, author, rating and version is a button, that – depending on the current state of the package – lets you Install, Uninstall or Update it. If a package is already installed, you'll find an additional button there to Open the application.
Below are four tabs: About, Ratings, Changelog and Contents.
In bas e je une aree che e mostre lis informazions sul pachet che si à selezionât te liste parsore.
+A drete dal non dal pachet, autôr valutazion e de version al è un boton, che – in base al stât atuâl dal pachet – ti permet di fâi Instale, Disinstale o Inzorne. Se un pachet al è za instalât, in diplui lì tu cjatarâs in boton Vierç, che ti fasarà vierzi la aplicazion.
Chi a son cuatri schedis: Informazions su, Valutazions, Regjistri modifichis e Contignût.
The first tab has a detailed description of the package, as well as screenshots and a contact address and URL of the team that maintains the packaged software, if available. Clicking the screenshot thumbnail will open it full-size in a new window
The second tab shows ratings and comments of users, if available.
Informazions su
La prime schede e à une descrizion detaiade dal pachet, cussì ancje videadis e direzion dal contat e URL dal grup che al manten il pachet software, se disponibii. Fasint clic su pe miniature de schermade caturade te vierzarà a plene dimension intun gnûf barcon
La seconde schede e mostre lis valutazions e i coments dai utents, se disponibii.
To the left is a statistic, showing the number of stars (1 to 5) the package got from how many users.
-In the middle are user comments with their nickname, the number of stars they gave the package and which version of the package they were rating or commenting on. You'll find more on how to rate a package yourself further down.
A çampe si cjate une statistiche, che e mostre il numar di stelis (di 1 a 5) che il pachet al à vût e di trops utents.
+Intal mieç a stan i coments dai utents cul lôr sorenon, il numar di stelis che a àn dât al pachet e cuale version dal pachet che a àn valutât o comentât. Tu cjatarâs plui informazions su ce mût valutâ un pachet di bessôl plui in bas.
Here you find a detailed history of all the versions of the package that have been released so far, if the maintainer of the package provides that information.
The last tab shows all the files and folders a package contains. This only works for already downloaded packages.
Regjistri modifichis
Chi tu cjatis une cronologjie detaiade di dutis lis version dal pachet che a son stadis publicadis fin cumò, se chel che lu manten al furnìs chê informazion.
La ultime schede e mostre ducj i file e lis cartelis che un pachet al conten. Chest al funzione dome pai pachets za discjariâts.
In the Tools menu at the top of the window, you'll find an item to Refresh repositories. This will request an up-to-date list of all available packages from the repositories.
-The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens the Repositories preferences, to add/remove or disable and enable repositories.
-Check for updates... opens the SoftwareUpdater to search and install updated packages.
Under Show you can choose to also display Develop packages and Source packages in the packages list. For the normal user those are of no interest and would only clutter the list. They are important, however, for people who need the libraries, headers etc. of a package to develop and compile programs depending on them.
Of more interest are the options to only show Available packages and Installed packages.
Intal menù Struments in alt tal barcon, tu cjatis l'element Inzorne dipuesits. Chest al domandarà dai dipuesits une liste inzornade dai pachets disponibii.
+Cul secont element, Gjestìs dipuesits..., tu gjestissis i dipuesits. Al vierç lis preferencis dai Dipuesits, par zontâ/gjavâ o disabilitâ e abilitât i dipuesits.
+Controle inzornaments... al vierç SoftwareUpdater par cirî e instalâ i pachets inzornâts.
Sot di Mostre tu puedis sielzi di mostrâ ancje i Pachets di svilup e i Pachets sorzint te liste dai pachets. Pal utent normâl chei no son di nissune utilitât e dome a confusionaran la liste. Dut câs a son impuartants pes personis che a àn dibisugne des librariis e dai header (...) di un pachet par disvilupâ e compilâ programs che a dipendin di chescj.
Plui interessantis a son lis opzions par mostrâ dome i Pachets disponibii e i Pachets instalâts.
To be able to rate a package, you need a user account at the Haiku Depot Server that serves all the packages and keeps track of ratings and user comments. You can create an account within the HaikuDepot application by clicking on the menu in the far right of the menu bar that shows your current status: Not logged in. Choosing Log in... opens a window with two tabs; one to enter your user name and password (once you have those) to log in, and the other to create a new account:
Par podê valutâ un pachet ti covente un account utent sul Servidôr di Haiku Depot che al servìs ducj i pachets e al ten olme des valutazions e dai coments dai utents. Tu puedis creâ un account di dentri de aplicazion HaikuDepot, fasint clic sul menù te bande diestre de sbare dal menù che al mostre il to stât atuâl: No jentrât. Sielzint Acès... al vierzarà un barcon cun dôs schedis; une par meti dentri il to non utent e la peraule di ordin (une volte che tu lis âs) par jentrâ, e chê altre par creâ un gnûf account:
To create an account you need to:
use an all lower-case user name without special characters
use a password that's at least 8 characters long with at least 2 capitals and 2 numbers
provide a valid email address (if you want a new password sent to you in case you forgot it)
solve the captcha
After logging in, the top-right menu of the HaikuDepot window will now say Logged in as (...), showing your user name. The menu now offers you to Switch account... or Log out.
Par creâ un account tu âs di:
doprâ un non utent fat di caratars minuscui e cence caratars speciâi
doprâ une peraule di ordin che e sedi lungje almancul 8 caratars cun almancul 2 letaris maiusculis e 2 numars
indicâ une direzion e-mail valide (se tu desideris che ti vegni inviade une gnove peraule di ordin tal câs che tu te dismenteedis)
risolvi il captcha
tick the checkmarks to confirm you're over 16 and have read the usage conditions linked below them.
Daspò sei jentrâts, il menù in alt a drete tal barcon di HaikuDepot al mostrarà Jentrât come (...), mostrant il to non utent. Cumò cul menù ti puedis sielzi tra Cambie account... o Termine session.
After you've created a user account and are logged in, you can rate a package and leave a comment, if you want. Just hover the mouse over the rating stars in the info area of a package and they turn into a Rating... button. Click it to open the rating window:
Daspò vê creât un account utent e jessi jentrâts, tu puedis valutâ un pachet e lassâ un coment, se tu lu desideris. Al baste passâ parsore il mouse su pes stelis di valutazion te aree des informazions di un pachet e chestis a deventaran un boton Vote pachet.... Fâsi clic par vierzi il barcon di valutazion:
Here you move the mouse over the stars to light them up and choose your rating, you can also choose from a number of levels to judge the stability of the application and pick the language of your optional comment. To make a comment meaningful, you should have worked with the application you're about to rate for a while to become familiar with its features, bugs and quirks. And don't write the next great American novel... keep it short, sweet and polite. :)
-After you click Send the data is transmitted to the server. You may have to go to the Tools menu to Refresh repositories before you can see your changes.
Chi tu spostis il mouse parsore des stelis par impiâlis e sielzi il to vôt, tu puedis ancje sielzi il grât di stabilitât de aplicazion e sielzi la lenghe dal to coment opzionâl. Par creâ un coment che al vedi sens, tu varessis di vê doprât par un pôc la aplicazion che tu stâs par valutâ, in mût di cognossi lis sôs funzionalitâts, erôrs e stramberiis. E no sta scrivi la gnove divine comedie... tegnilu curt, dolç e gjentîl. :)
+Dopo vê clicât su Invie, i dâts a vegnin trasmetûts al servidôr. Tu podaressis vê di lâ sul menù Struments e fâ Inzorne dipuesits prime di podê viodi lis tôs modifichis.
At any time, you can come back and edit your comment and re-rate it. You can also hide your rating from other users by deactivating the checkbox Other users can see this rating.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume.
-Upon launch it displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
L'instaladôr al ven doprât par copiâ Haiku suntu altri volum.
+Cuant che lu si invie, al mostre un barcon di inizi cun informazions impuartantis. No je une EULA cence sens, come che tu sês abituât a viodi e a fâ il clic necessari par parâle vie intun bati di cee, e declare che:
This is beta-quality software. Make backups or suffer the consequences!
The Installer needs a prepared partition. You can use DriveSetup to create and format a partition, but cannot yet resize existing partitions. For that you'll have to use a GParted LiveCD or a similar tool for now.
Haiku can be added manually to the bootmanager GRUB. How that is done exactly is available as an online guide.
Chest al è software di cualitât beta. Fâs copiis di backup o tu patirâs lis consecuencis!
L'instaladôr al à bisugne di une partizion preparade. Tu puedis doprâ Gjestion disc par creâ e formatâ une partizion, ma ancjemò no ridimensionâ partizions esistentis. Par chest lavôr tu scugnis doprâ un CD Live di GParted o un strument simil, pal moment.
Haiku al pues jessi zontât a man sul gjestôr di inviament GRUB. La maniere esate par fâlu e je disponibile te vuide in rêt.
Once you acknowledged with Continue, you're presented with the main window:
Une volte che tu âs acetât cun Continue, ti si presente il barcon principâl:
In the first pop-up menu you choose the source for the installation. It can be a currently installed Haiku or can come from an install CD or USB drive, etc.
-The second pop-up menu specifies the target for the installation. This target partition/volume will be completely overwritten and has to be set aside beforehand by a partitioning tool like GParted.
Clicking the little expander widget will Show optional packages, if available, that you can choose to install in addition to the basic Haiku.
You should do a last check if you really picked the right target before starting the installation process. Click on Setup partitions... to open DriveSetup and have a look at the naming and layout of the available volumes and partitions.
Begin starts the installation procedure, which basically copies the /home/ and /system/ folder onto the target volume and makes it bootable.
Tal prin menù a tende tu puedis sielzi la sorzint di instalazion. E pues jessi la instalazion atuâl di Haiku o e pues rivâ di un CD di instalazion o une unitât USB, e vie indenant.
+Il secont menù a tende al specifiche la destinazion de instalazion. Cheste partizion/volum di destinazion a vignarà sorescrite dal dut e e à di sei preparade in anticip cuntun strument di partizionament come GParted.
Fasint clic sul piçul widget par pandi Mostre pachets opzionâi, se disponibii, tu podarâs sielzi di instalâ pachets adizionâi al sisteme Haiku di base.
Tu varessis di fâ un ultin control se tu âs sielt la juste destinazion prime di tacâ il procès di instalazion. Fâs clic su Configure partizions... par vierzi Gjestion disc e vê une viodude sui nons e la disposizion dai volums e des partizions disponibii.
Scomence al tache la procedure di instalazion, che di fonde al copie lis cartelis /home/ e /system/ sul volum di destinazion e lu rint inviabil.
At the end of the installation procedure, the partition is automatically made bootable. However, it can happen that some other operating system or partitioning tool (accidentally) overwrites the boot sector of your Haiku volume. In this case, boot your installation CD and start the Installer. Select your Haiku boot partition from the Onto: Please choose target menu and select Write boot sector from the Tools menu to make it bootable again.
The other item in the Tools menu is used to Set up a boot menu that puts a menu in the boot sector to choose what operating system to boot. See topic BootManager for more information.
- You don't need to run the BootManager if you already use a bootmanager like GRUB, in which case you have to add Haiku manually (see above), or Haiku runs exclusively on your machine.
Ae fin de procedure di instalazion, la partizion e ven rindude inviabil in automatic. Dut câs, al pues sucedi che cualchi altri sisteme operatîf o strument di partizionament (par erôr) al sorescrivi il setôr di inviament dal to volum di Haiku. In chest câs, invie il to CD di instalazion e fâs partî l'Instaladôr. Selezione la partizion di inviament di Haiku dal menù Su : Sielç la destinazion e selezione Scrîf setôr di inviament dal menù Struments par rindilu di gnûf inviabil.
L'altri element tal menù Struments al Configure il menù di inviament, chest al met un menù tal setôr di inviament cussì di podê sielzi cuâl sisteme operatîf inviâ. Viôt l'argoment BootManager (Gjestôr di inviament) par vê plui informazions.
+ Nol covente eseguî il Gjestôr di inviament se tu dopris za un gjestôr di inviament come GRUB, in chel câs tu âs di zontâ Haiku a man (viôt parsore) opûr te to machine al zirarà dome Haiku.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
@@ -67,12 +69,12 @@
As the name suggests, MidiPlayer is used to playback MIDI music files. MIDI files are special, as they don't contain the actual digitized and in some way encoded music, but only a description of it: Hold this note for that long with this volume and use instrument X for it.
-While this keeps file sizes pretty small, it also follows that depending on the instrument library (the so-called "SoundFont") the results can differ hugely. Also, these SoundFonts tend to be quite large, increasingly so with the number and quality of the instrument samples.
Haiku releases include a small but relatively high quality SoundFont. People who use MIDI more seriously often already have very high quality or custom SoundFonts.
To use other SoundFonts (that don't come installable via HaikuDepot as a HPKG), just copy the .sf file to e.g. ~/config/non-packaged/data/synth/. You can select the active SoundFont in the Media preferences under MIDI.
Come che al sugjerìs il non, MidiPlayer al è doprât par scoltâ i file musicâi MIDI. I file MIDI a son speciâi, viodût che no contegnin la musiche digjitalizade e in cualchi mût codificade, ma dome une descrizion di chê: Ten cheste note par chel timp cun chest volum e par je dopre il strument X.
+Chest al ten la dimension dal file une vore contignude, ma al compuarte ancje che in base ae librarie dai struments doprâts (i cussì clamâts "SoundFont") i risultâts a puedin cambiâ di tant. In di plui, chescj SoundFonts a tindin a jessi vonde larcs, e a aumentin in base al numar e ae cualitât dai campions dai struments.
Lis publicazions di Haiku a includin un SoundFont piçul ma vonde di cualitât. La int che e dopre i MIDI in maniere serie di solit e à za SoundFont personalizâts e di cualitât une vore elevade.
Par doprâ altris SoundFont (che no si puedin instalâ cun HaikuDepot o come HPKG), al baste copiâ il file .sf su p.e. ~/config/non-packaged/data/synth/. Tu puedis selezionâ il SoundFont atîf intes preferencis di Multimedia sot MIDI.
MidiPlayer's interface is very simple. Just double-click or drag & drop a midi file and playback starts. You control the volume with the slider and add reverb effects from the Reverb pop-up menu. Activating the scope will show a visualization in form of an oscilloscope running at the top.
La interface di MidiPlayer e je une vore semplice. al baste fâ dopli clic o strissinâ e molâ un file midi e la riproduzion e tache. Tu controlis il volum cul cursôr e zontâ efiets di rivoc dal menù a tende Rivoc. Ativant l'ossiloscopi al mostrarà une grafiche in forme di ossiloscopi te bande superiôr.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
@@ -67,8 +69,8 @@
Pe is a sophisticated editor, with its syntax highlighting targeted mainly at programmers and HTML writers. Originally created by Maarten Hekkelmann, it's been open sourced and maintained by Haiku developers. A bugtracker and more information is available at the Pe project page.
Find out more about Pe's features in its local documentation.
Pe al è un editôr sofisticât, cu la sô evidenziazion di sintassi pensade soredut pai programadôrs e i scritôrs in HTML. Creât in origjin di Maarten Hekkelmann, al è deventât open source (codiç viert) e mantignût dai svilupadôrs di Haiku. Un bugtracker (segnaladôr di erôrs) e plui informazions a son disponibii te pagjine dal progjet Pe.
Cjate plui informazions in merit aes funzionalitâts di Pe te sô documentazion locâl.
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
The Advanced tab holds the setting for the maximum simultaneous connections.
The menu items of the console window are all self-explanatory. With them you can e.g. save (parts) of the console output, clear the console or logging file and start/stop the server or clear the hit counter.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@
WonderBrush is an editor for bitmap and vector graphics. Find more information and workshops at the YellowBites website and in the local documentation.
WonderBrush al è un editôr pe grafiche bitmap e vetoriâl. Cjate plui informazions e lavôrs sul sît web di YellowBites e inte documentation locâl.
Haiku timp indaûr al veve dai script par inviâsi e par distudâsi. Vuê, al lôr puest, al dopre il launch_daemon. Dut câs, l'utent al pues ancjemò aumentâ chest procès cun cierts propris script.
-Se no esistin za, tu varâs di creâ di bessôl i file che a coventin. In câs contrari, al baste zontâ i tiei comants dulà che tal procès tu ju desideris eseguîts.
Haiku, timp indaûr, al veve dai script par inviâsi e par distudâsi. Vuê, al lôr puest, al dopre il launch_daemon. Dut câs, l'utent al pues ancjemò miorâ chest procès cun determinâts script-utent.
+Se no esistin za, tu varâs di creâ di bessôl i file che a coventin. In câs contrari, al baste zontâ i tiei comants dulà che tu ju desideris eseguîts dilunc il procès .
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ Se no esistin za, tu varâs di creâ di bessôl i file che a coventin. In câs c
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Il Boot Loader
@@ -75,30 +77,34 @@
Select safe mode options
A son diviersis opzions di provâ tal câs di un probleme hardware o se il sisteme al devente instabil o no si pues inviâ par vie di un compuartament sbaliât di un component zontât. Cuant che si sposte la sbare di selezion suntune opzion, e ven fûr une curte spiegazion in bas tal schermi.
Safe mode
- Al met il sisteme in modalitât sigure. Chest al pues jessi abilitât in maniere indipendente di altris opzions.
+ Puts the system into safe mode. This can be enabled independently from the other options.
Disable user add-ons
- Al impedìs il cjariament di dutis lis zontis (add-on) instaladis dal utent. Dome lis zontis inte cartele di sisteme a vignaran dopradis. Viôt la Risoluzion dai problemis chi sot.
+ Prevents all user installed add-ons from being loaded. Only the add-ons in the system directory will be used. See Troubleshooting below.
Disable IDE DMA
- Al disabilite il DMA dal IDE, aumentant la compatibilitât IDE al cost des prestazions.
+ Disables IDE DMA, increasing IDE compatibility at the expense of performance.
Ignore memory beyond 4 GiB
- Al ignore dute la memorie che e supere il limit di direzion di 4 GiB, passant parsore de impostazion tal file des impostazions dal kernel.
+ Ignores all memory beyond the 4 GiB address limit, overriding the setting in the kernel settings file.
Use fail-safe graphics driver
- Il sisteme al doprarà la modalitât VESA e no cirarà di doprâ nissun driver grafic di schede video.
+ The system will use VESA mode and won't try to use any video graphics drivers.
Disable IO-APIC
- Al disabilite l'ûs dal IO APIC pal indreçament dai interrupt, sfuarçant invezit l'ûs dal PIC vecje maniere.
+ Disables using the IO APIC for interrupt routing, forcing the use of the legacy PIC instead.
Disable local APIC
- Al disabilite l'ûs dal APIC locâl, al disabilite ancje il SMP.
+ Disables using the local APIC, also disables SMP.
Disable X2APIC
+ Disables second generation APIC.
Disable SMEP and SMAP
+ Disables SMEP/SMAP security features of the CPU.
Disable SMP
- Al disabilite ducj i cûrs de CPU infûr di un.
+ Disables all but one CPU core.
Don't call the BIOS
- Al ferme il sisteme dal clamâ lis funzions dal BIOS.
+ Stops the system from calling BIOS functions.
Disable APM
- Al disabilite il supuart hardware dal Advanced Power Management (gjestion alimentazion avanzade), passant parsore de impostazion APM tal file des impostazions dal kernel.
+ Disables Advanced Power Management hardware support, overriding the APM setting in the kernel settings file.
Disable ACPI
- Al disabilite il supuart hardware dal Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (configurazion avanzade e interface di alimentazion), passant parsore de configurazion ACPI intal file des impostazions dal kernel.
+ Disables Advanced Configuration and Power Interface hardware support, overriding the ACPI setting in the kernel settings file.
Blacklist entries
- Al permet di selezionâ i file di sisteme che si à di ignorâ. Util p.e. par disabilitâ i driver in mût temponi. Viôt la Risoluzion dai problemis chi sot.
+ Allows to select system files that shall be ignored. Useful e.g. to disable drivers temporarily. See Troubleshooting below.
Select debug options
Chi tu cjatarâs diviersis opzions che a judin cul debug o a vê detais par fâ une segnalazion di erôr. Di gnûf, une curte spiegazion par ogni opzion e ven mostrade in bas.
Enable serial debug output
@@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ I simbui diferents a corispuindin sù par jù a chestis fasis:
@@ -77,12 +78,14 @@
- Icon size - Ignore double-click - Show window border
+- Autostart - Auto raise - Show on all workspaces
Aligns the buttons horizontally.
Sets the icon size between 16 and 64 pixel.
Launches the object only once, even when you (accidentally) double-click.
Shows the window border.
+Starts LaunchBox automatically on boot-up.
LaunchBox pops up if the mouse is near the screen edge.
Shows the LaunchBox on every workspace.
diff --git a/userguide/fur/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html b/userguide/fur/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
index aae67be1..f28e59e9 100644
--- a/userguide/fur/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
+++ b/userguide/fur/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
NetworkStatus shows the status of your network connections. If not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
Wherever installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
The primary task of the ProcessController applet is to show the activity of your CPU(s) and the amount of used memory. It allows monitoring of individual teams, change their priority, and kill them if the program freezes. In multiprocessor environments it allows you to disable individual processors/cores. When Tracker or Deskbar crash you can restart them from ProcessController's menu.
To move a window, you grab it in the Workspaces applet and simply drag it to another workspace. This has the advantage, that you can move it without leaving your current desktop. Of course, that only works well when there aren't too many windows in a workspace and your target isn't obscured by other windows. Another possibility is to grab a window by its tab and just holding on to it while switching workspaces with ALTFx.
For more information on workspaces in general and more keyboard shortcuts, see topic Workspaces.
Try this: Make the Workspaces window really big and hide the window tab and border. Now go to the Shortcuts preferences and assign CTRL^ to the Workspaces applet (/system/apps/Workspaces).
@@ -80,12 +83,12 @@ Now you can quickly summon the applet with a key combo and equally quickly dismi
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Filesystem layout
Disposizion dal filesystem
Haiku's filesystem layout is quite transparent, trying to always use non-cryptic names for files and folders, that don't leave the user guessing. Files and folders that are important for the system to function properly, are protected from accidental tempering by showing one of these alerts:
Il filesystem di Haiku al è vonde trasparent, cirint simpri di no doprâ nons criptics pai file e pes cartelis e fasint in mût di no lassâ l'utent a tirâ a induvinâle. I File e lis cartelis impuartants pal bon funzionament dal sisteme, a son protets des modifichis acidentâls cuntun di chescj messaçs di alerte:
The second alert pops up if you try to rename or delete something in the system hierarchy. Here, the "Rename" button will only become clickable when you're holding down the SHIFT key.
Generally, there are two separate branches springing from the root folder of the boot volume:
Il secont messaç di alerte al ven fûr se tu ciris di cambiâ non o eliminâ alc te gjerarchie dal filesystem. Achì, si podarà fâ clic sul boton "Cambie non" dome tignint fracât il tast MAIUSC.
In gjenerâl, si à doi rams separâts che a partissin de cartele lidrîs dal volum di inviament:
Contains system files and applications/packages shared by all users.
This is your personal folder where you keep your data and settings and the applications/packages that are not shared by all users.
Al conten i file dal sisteme e lis aplicazions/pachets condividûts cun ducj i utents.
Cheste e je la cartele personâl dulà che tu tegnis i tiei dâts, lis impostazions e lis aplicazions/pachets che NO son condividûts cun ducj i utents.
As long as Haiku isn't multi-user, this distinction between shared and not-shared applications/packages has no apparent effect, as there's only one user with one home folder. But since there will be support for more users than one eventually, it makes sense to learn the right way from the start.
Fintant che Haiku nol devente multi-utent, cheste distinzion tra aplicazions/pachets condividûdis e no-condividudis no à efiets aparents, viodût che al esist dome un utent cuntune cartele home. Ma viodût che in tal ultin si varà il supuart par plui utents, al è il câs di imparâ la juste maniere dal principi.
Under Haiku's predecessor BeOS, this folder was named /boot/beos/. You may still find it in some older documentation (e.g. in the original BeBook).
-Most of the folders inside /boot/system/ are read-only, which is sensible as they contain the files necessary for Haiku to function correctly and therefore have to be safe from (accidental) alteration. The only user-writable folders are:
Sot dal predecessôr di Haiku, BeOS, cheste cartele si clamave /boot/beos/. Tu podaressis cjatâle in cualchi vecje documentazion (p.e. tal BeBook origjinâl).
+La plui part des cartelis jenfri /boot/system/ a son in dome-leture, che al è sensât viodût che a contegnin i file necessaris pal bon funzionament di Haiku e duncje par vêju al sigûr di alterazions (acidentâls). Lis cartelis dulà che l'utent al pues scrivi a son dome:
Contains cached files and the temporary folder linked to /tmp/.
Contains a hierarchy for files that aren't part of a .hpkg (probably from old BeOS archives).
Besides holding Haiku's system packages, you can add/remove packages shared by all users.
Contains system-wide settings.
Contains logs like the syslog (important when troubleshooting) and is the default location for the swap file.
E conten i file in cache e la cartele temporanie colegade a /tmp/.
E conten une gjerarchie pai file che no son part di un .hpkg (probabil di vecjos archivis di BeOS).
In di plui a tignî i pachets di sisteme di Haiku, tu puedis zontâ/gjavâ pachets condividûts tra ducj i utents.
E conten lis impostazions globâls dal sisteme.
E conten i regjistris come il syslog (impuartant cuant che si à di risolvi i problemis) e e je la posizion predefinide pal file di scambi.
For more information on the packages and non-packaged folders, see topic Applications.
Par vê plui informazions su lis cartelis packages e non-packaged, viôt l'argoment Aplicazions.
This folder belongs to you. Here you can create and delete files and folders as you wish. (By the way, the tilde ("~") is a shortcut for your home folder, so you don't always have to write "/boot/home/" in Terminal.)
-Files that you'd like to share with other users in a future multi-user environment have do be put outside /boot/home/. For example, you could create a folder /boot/all-users/ and put the stuff there.
Cheste cartele e je tô. Chi tu puedis creâ e eliminâ ducj i file e lis cartelis che tu vûs. (A proposit, la tilde ("~") e je une scurte pe tô cartele home, cussì tu puedis evitâ di scrivi simpri "/boot/home/" tal Terminâl.)
+I file che tu desideris condividi cun altris utents, intun futûr ambient multi-utent, si àn di meti fûr di /boot/home/. Par esempli, tu puedis creâ une cartele /boot/all-users/ e butâ la robe lì.
Holds the files of your desktop. Double-clicking won't open it, as it is already always visible. When your files happen to be obscured by open windows, just switch quickly to another Workspace. Of course, drilling down by right-clicking is also possible.
E ten i file dal to scritori. Fasint dopli clic no le vierzarà, viodût che e je za simpri visibile. Cuant che i tiei file a vegnin platâts dai barcons vierts, ti baste passâ suntun altri Spazi di lavôr. Sigûr, si pues ancje sgarfâ te gjerarchie fasint un clic diestri.
This is the default location for your mails.
Cheste e je la posizion predefinide pe tô pueste.
This is the default location for you contact files, see People.
Cheste e je la posizion predefinide pai tiei file di contat, bute un voli su People.
Queries are stored here, by default temporarily for 7 days.
Lis Interogazions a vegnin archiviadis achì, in maniere predefinide par 7 dîs.
The folder /boot/home/config/ is special: just like /boot/system/ it's mostly under the control of the package management and therefore read-only. It too contains these similar user-writable folders:
La cartele /boot/home/config/ e je speciâl: propit come /boot/system/ e je soredut sot il control de gjestion dai pachets e duncje di dome-leture. Ancje jê e conten chestis cartelis similârs dulà che l'utent al pues scrivi:
Here you can add/remove packages that are not shared by all users.
Achì tu puedis zontâ/gjavâ i pachets che no son condividûts tra ducj i utents.
Contains a hierarchy for files that aren't part of a .hpkg (probably from old BeOS archives) and are not shared by all users.
E conten une gjerarchie pai file che no son part di un .hpkg (probabil di vecjos archivis di BeOS) e che no son condividûts tra ducj i utents.
This folder contains the settings to all applications and a few configurations for the system. Some applications manage their settings in their own subfolders, others simply put their configuration file in there.
Cheste cartele e conten lis impostazions par dutis lis aplicazions e cualchi configurazion pal sisteme. Cualchi aplicazion e gjestìs lis sôs impostazions intes sôs sot-cartelis, altris invezit a butin i lôr file di configurazion chi dentri.
For more information on the packages and non-packaged folders, see topic Applications.
Here are some of the more interesting subfolders in ~/config/settings/:
Par vê plui informazions su lis cartelis packages e non-packaged, viôt l'argoment Aplicazions.
Chi si à cualchidune des plui interessantis sot-cartelis di ~/config/settings/:
This folder is the place for User Scripts that are executed before or after the system boots up or shuts down.
Cheste cartele e je la posizion pai Script Utent che a vegnin eseguîts prime o dopo dal inviament dal sisteme o al moment di distudâlu.
Links to programs or documents in this folder are automatically launched on every boot-up.
I colegaments ai programs o ai documents in cheste cartele a son inviâts in automatic a ogni inviament dal sisteme.
In this MIME database Haiku keeps track of all the different filetypes and their settings.
In cheste base di dâts MIME Haiku al ten iniments ducj i diferents gjenars di file e lis lôr impostazions.
Copied or linked to files/folders/queries in this folder appear in the Deskbar menu.
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ Files that you'd like to share with other users in a future multi-user environme
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Gjenars di file
Other than Windows, Haiku doesn't rely on the 3-letter file extension for a file type (e.g. .txt, .jpg, .mp3). This method is only a last resort fallback. Haiku uses MIME types just like it's custom on the internet.
While there's no reason to use file extensions in Haiku, remember to add them to files you want to share with users of other operating systems, e.g. over email, uploading to a server or via exchange of an USB drive. Otherwise their system may not recognize the file type.
Haiku's graphical user interface is an integral part of the system. Unlike other Unix-like operating systems, there is no separate window manager and booting just into a command-line shell is not possible. Haiku's focus being on the desktop user, this is just not considered necessary.
As you probably have experience with other graphical environments, let's skip over the standards like menus, right-click context menus, drag & drop etc. Let's have a look at the few unique aspects of Haiku's GUI instead.
La interface utent grafiche di Haiku e je une part integrante dal sisteme. A diference dai sistemis operatîfs simil Unix, no si à un gjestôr dai barcons separât e l'inviament su shell a rie di comant nol è pussibil. Jessint Haiku rivolt al utent di scritori, cheste ultime funzionalitât no je considerade necessarie.
Viodût che al è probabil che tu vedis provât altris ambients grafics, saltin lis robis standard come i menù, i menù contestuâi cul clic diestri, il strissinâ e molâ e vie indenant. Viodin invezit cualchi aspiet unic de interface grafiche di Haiku.
There are only a few things in Haiku's GUI that aren't obvious and deserve an explanation.
A son dome pocjis robis, inte interface utent di Haiku, che no son scontadis e a meretin une spiegazion.
The Deskbar is Haiku's "Start" menu and taskbar, if you will. See topic Deskbar.
The yellow tab offers more than just a program's name or a document's filename:
You can move it by holding the SHIFT key while dragging it to another position, enabling you to stack a number of windows and conveniently access them by their named tab.
You minimize a window with a double-click on its tab (or with CTRLALTM). A such hidden window can be accessed by its entry in the Deskbar or the Twitcher.
You can send a window to the back with a right-click on its tab (or its border).
The close button.
The "zoom" button (or CTRLALTZ). In most applications, this will expand a window to maximum size without obscuring the Deskbar (hold SHIFT to cover the Deskbar as well). It doesn't have to, however. Tracker windows, for example, will resize to best fit the contents.
The window border. Left-dragging moves the window, right-dragging resizes.
The resize corner.
Il Deskbar al è il menù "Start" e la sbare des ativitâts di Haiku, se ti plâs viodile cussì. Viôt l'argoment Deskbar.
La lenghete zale e ufrìs plui che nome il non dal program o un non dal file dal document:
Tu puedis movile tignint fracât il tast MAIUSC intant che tu lu strissinis suntune altre posizion, permetint cussì di intassâ un numar di barcons e di passâ tra un e chel altri in maniere comude gracie al lôr non su pe lenghete.
Tu minimizis un barcon cuntun dopli clic su pe sô lenghete (o cun CTRLALTM). Un barcon cussì platât al pues jessi doprât gracie ae sô vôs tal Deskbar o al Twitcher.
Tu puedis inviâ un barcon daûr di chei altris, cuntun clic diestri su pe sô lenghete (opûr il so ôr).
Il boton par sierâ.
Il boton par "slargjâ" (o CTRLALTZ). Te plui part des aplicazions, chest al slargjarà il barcon ae massime dimension cence taponâ il Deskbar (ten fracât MAIUSC par cuvierzi ancje il Deskbar). Dut câs nol è obleât a compuartâsi cussì. I barcons di Tracker, par esempli, si ridimensionaran in mût di adatâsi al lôr contignût.
L'ôr dal barcon. Strissinâ cul clic di çampe al sposte il barcon, strissinâ cul clic di diestre al ridimensione.
Moving and resizing windows is a large part of interacting with several concurrently running applications. Instead of aiming at the small yellow title tab or the even tinier window border, there's a more convenient way to move a window. Also, additionally to its small size, the resize corner has another limitation: It only allows resizing at and in the direction of the lower right corner. Right-dragging a border for resizing works, but again you'll have to aim carefully.
To address these issues, Haiku provides a neat solution using the window management key combo CTRLALT and the mouse. See also chapter Shortcuts and key combinations for more shortcuts concerning window management.
Spostâ e ridimensionâ i barcons e je une part impuartante de interazion cun diviersis aplicazions in esecuzion contemporanie. Invezit di vê a ce fâ cun la piçule lenghete dal titul zale o l'ancjemò plui fin ôr dal barcon, al esist un mût plui convenient par spostâ un barcon. Cence contâ che, in diplui ae sô piçule dimension, l'angul par ridimensionâ al à un altri limit: al permet di ridimensionâ dome de bande dal angul in bas a diestre. Strissinâ cul tast diestri un ôr al funzione, ma tu âs di smicjâ ben e sta atent.
Par risolvi chescj fastidis, Haiku al furnìs une soluzion nete, doprant la cumbinazion di tascj pe gjestion dai barcons CTRLALT a il mouse. Viôt ancje il cjapitul Scurtis e cumbinazions di tascj par cognossi plui scurtis in merit ae gjestion dai barcons.
Holding down CTRLALT will highlight the window borders nearest to the mouse pointer. Move the mouse in the direction of another border to change the target. Click and dragging with the right mouse button will resize the window along the highlighted border(s).
Hold down CTRLALT and click and drag with the left mouse button anywhere in a window to move it around. A quick click with the right mouse button sends it to the back.
Tignint fracât jù CTRLALT si evidenziaran i ôrs dal barcon plui vicins dal pontadôr dal mouse. Sposte il mouse te direzion di un altri ôr par cambiâ l'ôr interessât. Fâ clic e strissinâ cul boton diestri dal mouse al ridimensionarà il barcon inte direzion dal ôr o dai ôrs evidenziâts.
Ten fracât jù CTRLALT fâs clic e strissine cul boton di çampe dal mouse dulà che tu vûs intun barcon par spostâlu ator. Un clic veloç cul boton diestri dal mouse lu mande daûr dai altris barcons.
Haiku's user interface provides a unique feature that puts the fact that windows have a yellow tab instead of a full-width title bar to perfect use. It's called "Stack & Tile".
-In the example below, a Tracker window with bookmarks is tiled to the left of a WebPositive window, which itself is stacked with another Tracker window showing the source folder haiku. In this animation, the user clicks on the tabs of the stacked windows to alternately bring one or the other to the front.
La interface utent di Haiku e furnìs une funzionalitât uniche che e sfrute la particolaritât che i barcons a àn une lenghete zale invezit di vê une sbare dal titul largje tant che il barcon. E je clamade "Intassâ e piastrelâ", in inglês "Stack & Tile".
+Tal esempli chi sot, un barcon di Tracker cui segnelibris al è "piastrelât" a çampe di un barcon di WebPositive, chel chi invezit al è intassât cuntun altri barcon di Tracker che al mostre la cartele sorzint haiku. In cheste animazion, l'utent al fâs clic su lis lenghetis dai barcons "intassâts" par puartâ denant prime un e dopo chel altri.
Connected like this, the group of windows can be moved and resized together - a nice arrangement to work in a more project centric environment. Instead of looking for the right browser window with documentation, editor and Tracker windows and maybe a related email concerning one project you are currently working on, just stack&tile them together.
Doing the actual arranging of windows is easy: Hold down OPT while dragging a window by its tab close to another window's tab or border until it's highlighted and release the mouse button.
Stack & Tile consists of two related parts.
Colegât cussì, il grup di barcons al pues jessi spostât e ridimensionât adun - une disposizion plasevule par lavorâ intun ambient plui orientât ai progjets. Invezit di stâ a cirî il just barcon, sedi il navigadôr di documentazions, un editôr o un barcon dal Tracker o magari ancje une mail che e rivuarde il progjet, metiju ducj adun intassant e piastrellant.
Eseguî chest mût di disponi i barcons al è facil: ten fracât OPT intant che tu strissinis un barcon pe sô lenghete, strissinilu dongje di une altre lenghete di un altri barcon o dal so ôr fintremai che al ven evidenziât, daspò mole il boton dal mouse e il lavôr al è fat.
Intassâ e piastrelâ al consist di dôs parts colegadis.
"Stacking" is putting windows on top of each other, automatically moving the yellow tabs into position.
-While holding OPT, tabs change color when they overlap; drop the window to establish the stacking.
"Intassâ" al significhe meti un barcon sore di chel altri, spostant in automatic lis lenghetis zalis in posizion.
+Intant che si ten fracât OPT, lis lenghetis a cambiin colôr cuant che si soreponin; mole il barcon par stabilî la tasse.
"Tiling" means gluing windows horizontally or vertically together.
-Again, while holding OPT, the borders that'll fuse together when you drop the window change color when brought near each other.
Separation is done in the same way, by holding OPT while dragging a window by its tab out of the group.
"Piastrelâ" al significhe incolâ in orizontâl o in verticâl i barcons.
+Di gnûf, intant che si ten fracât OPT, i ôrs che si cumbinaran cuant che tu molarâs il barcon, a cambiin colôr cuant che a saran dongje un di chel altri.
La separazion e ven fate te stesse maniere, fracant OPT intant che dal grup si strissine fûr un barcon pe sô lenghete.
Cuant che si vierç o si salve un file di cualsise aplicazion, si vierç un panel come chest:
It has all the usual things: A list of files of the current folder to choose from, in case of a save panel, a text field to enter a filename and a pop-up menu for different file formats and their settings.
-You can enter parent folders with the pop-up menu above the file listing.
If you already have a Tracker window with the location for a file open, you can simply drag either any file or the folder-representation (i.e. the symbol to the far right in its menu bar) into the panel. This changes the panel to that new location.
Al à dutis lis solitis robis: Une liste di file de cartele atuâl di podê sielzi, e tal câs di un panel par salvâ, un cjamp di test par inserî un non di file e un menù a tende pai diviers formâts di file e lis lôr impostazions.
+Tu puedis lâ tes cartelis superiôrs cul menù a tende parsore de liste di file.
Se tu âs za viert un barcon di Tracker cu la posizion dal file, al baste strissinâ o cualsisei file o la rapresentazion de cartele (p.e. il simbul in alt a drete te sô sbare dai menù) sul panel. Chest al puarte il panel dret te gnove posizion.
Many shortcuts in open and save panels are the same used in Tracker. Besides the commands that are also available through the File menu, there are a few not that obvious:
Tantis scurtis tai panei vierç e salve a son lis stessis dopradis in Tracker. Di là dai comants che a son ancje disponibii cul menù File, indi son un pâr che no son scontâts:
The Favorites menu in open and save panels provides recently visited folders and favorite locations that you can set up yourself. As indicated by the little arrow, you can also use these locations to navigate further down the hierarchy via submenus.
Il menù Preferîts intai panei vierç e salve al furnìs lis cartelis visitadis di resint e lis posizions preferidis che tu âs stabilît tu. Come indicât de piçule frece, tu puedis ancje doprâ chestis posizions par navigâ ancjemò plui jù te gjerarchie, cui sot-menù.
To add a Favorite, you simply navigate to your destination and choose Favorites | Add current folder. From now on it will appear in every open/save panel. To remove a Favorite, choose Favorites | Edit favorites... and delete its entry.
-All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Go/. So you might as well add and remove links to files and folders there directly.
Par zontâ un Preferît, tu âs dome di lâ te to destinazion e sielzi Preferîts | Zonte cartele atuâl. Di cumò indenant al vignarà fûr in ogni panel vierç/salve. Par gjavâ un Preferît, sielç Preferîtss | Modifiche preferîts... e elimine la sô vôs.
+Ducj i Preferîts a son tignûts in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Go/. Cussì che di lì tu puedis ancje zontâ e gjavâ i colegaments ai file.
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
I replicants a son piçulis parts di aplicazions auto-contignudis che a puedin jessi integradis in altris programs. Se la opzion dal Deskbar Mostre replicants e je ativade, tu ricognossarâs une part di aplicazion che si pues replicâ de sô piçule mantie, che di solit e sta tal angul in bas a diestre:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
Il puest prominent che al acete i Replicants al è il Scritori: tu âs dome di strissinâ e molâ la piçule mantie su di lui. Di cumò indenant al fâs part dal Scritori e la aplicazion che e à dât origjin al Replicant no covente che e sedi inviade par che al funzioni.
+Un clic diestri suntune mantie di Replicant al presente un menù contestuâl par mostrâ il barcon (About) Informazions de aplicazion di origjin e par fâ Gjave replicant (Remove replicant).
Âstu fastidis cuntun Replicant sul Scritori e no tu rivis a gjavâlu vie? Elimine ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Di cuintri, cheste operazion e gjavarà vie ducj i Replicants dal Desktop.
Additionally to the general shortcuts, here are some more for navigating with Tracker:
Opens the parent folder.
Opens the selected folder.
Opens the selected folder.
Holding it while opening a folder will automatically close the parent folder. This also works when navigating with the mouse.
Opens the Deskbar menu (leave with ESC).
Undo last action. The undo history is only limited by the available memory. Note, this only works for actions on the file itself, changed attributes and permission settings can't be undone with this. Also, once a file is removed from Trash it's gone for good.
Haiku provides a system that retrieves e-mail regularly via a Mail Service (also known as mail_daemon) and saves each mail as a single text file. It parses the mail and fills its attributes with all necessary header information, like from, to, subject and its unread status. Now it can be queried by you or any application. This system also makes switching e-mail clients easy as all the data and your configuration stays the same.
-The configuration is done in the E-Mail preference panel.
Haiku al furnìs un sisteme che al recupere lis e-mail in maniere regolâr gracie a un Servizi de Pueste (cognossût ancje come mail_daemon) e al salve ogni e-mail come singul file di test. Al analize la pueste e al jemple i siei atribûts cun dutis lis informazions di intestazion necessaris, come par esempli "di", "a", "ogjet" e il lôr stâts di leture. Cumò a puedin jessi interogâts di te o di cualsisei aplicazion. Chest sisteme al rint ancje facil il cambiâ client pe pueste, viodût che ducj i dâts e lis configurazions a restin i stes.
+La configurazion e ven fate tal panel des preferencis E-mail.
Let's go through the process of setting up an e-mail account.
-You start by clicking the Add button to create a new, unnamed account. This opens a panel where you fill in your account info:
Viodin ce mût che si fâs a configurâ un account e-mail.
+Tu tachis clicant il boton Zonte cussì di creâ un gnûf account cence non. Chest al vierzarà un panel dulà che tu inserirâs lis informazions dal to account:
First, you set how you get your mail, via POP3 or IMAP.
Now you enter your E-mail address, Login name and Password, give an Account name under which it will be known under Haiku and your Real name.
If your account is from a major e-mail provider, Haiku already knows all technical details like server IP addresses. If that is not the case, clicking Next will open another window to enter this information by hand:
Par prin, tu stabilissis ce mût che tu otegnis la tô pueste, vie POP3 o vie IMAP.
Cumò tu inserissis la tô Direzion e-mail, il Non di acès e la Peraule di ordin, da un Non account cussì di ricognossilu sot di Haiku e il to Non reâl.
Se il to account al ven dât di un dai furnidôrs plui cognossûts, Haiku al cognossarà za ducj i detais tecnics come par esempli la direzion IP dal servidôr. Se nol è chest il câs, fasint clic su Sucessîf si vierzarà un altri barcon par inserî chestis informazions a man:
You first set the Server name, Login type and Connection type for the incoming mail, below that for the outgoing mail. You should find the necessary information on your email provider's website.
-See below for more info about the various settings and additional options.
Prime tu stabilissis il Non servidôr, il Gjenar di acès e il Gjenar di conession pe pueste in jentrade, sot di chel i dâts pe pueste in jessude. Tu varessis di cjatâ lis informazions necessaris tal sît web dal to furnidôr di e-mail.
+Viôt chi sot par vê plui informazions su lis variis impostazions e su lis opzions adizionâls.
Selezionant il non di un account te liste a çampe, si pues cambiâ cualchi impostazions gjenerâl:
The Account name is the name that's shown for example in the list of accounts in the E-mail preferences. Real name is the name someone sees when she gets mail from you. Return address is the email address that is used when someone replies to your mail. Normally that is the same address you've sent your email from.
If you'd like to use an email account to only send or only receive email, you can de/activate that usage by right-clicking the account's name in the leftside list to set the checkmarks accordingly.
Il Non account al è il non che al ven mostrât, par esempli, te liste dai account intes preferencis di E-mail. Non reâl al è il non che al ven viodût cuant che cualchidun al ricêf la tô e-mail. Direzion pe rispueste e je la direzion e-mail che e ven doprade cuant che cualchidun al rispuint ae tô e-mail. Di solit cheste e je la stesse direzion che si dopre par inviâ la pueste.
Se tu preferissis doprâ un account e-mail dome par inviâ o ricevi pueste, tu puedis dis/ativâ chê funzion fasint clic diestri sul non dal account inte liste a çampe e meti i segns juscj secont lis tôs necessitâts.
Fâs clic su In jentrade sot dal non dal account par stabilî ce mût che lis e-mail a vegnin ricevudis.
First is the Mail server address for incoming mails. If your provider needs you to log into a specific port, you add that to the address, separated by a colon. For example, pop.your-provider.org:1400.
Then you enter your login information, Login name and Password, and if necessary change the Login type from the default Plain text to APOP for authentication.
If you use POP3 and retrieve mails of this account from different computers, you may want to activate the option to Leave mail on server and only Remove mail from server when deleted locally.
If you use IMAP instead, you have the option to Remove mail from server when deleted locally. You can specify IMAP folders to only synchronize with a specific folder and its subfolders.
Also, you can opt to only Partially download messages larger than a certain size. This will only get the header and you can decide if you want to download the rest of the message plus possible attachments after seeing the subject and who sent it. Useful if you have a slow connection.
You can change the Destination of your inbox (default: /boot/home/mail/in/), which is useful if you'd like to separate the mails from different accounts into their own folders. However, queries let you sort things out just as well.
Prime e je la direzion dal Servidôr di pueste pe pueste in jentrade. Se il to furnidôr lu domande, tu pedis fâ l'acès suntune specifiche puarte, al baste zontâle te direzion, separade di doi ponts. Par esempli: pop.your-provider.org:1400.
Daspò tu inserissis lis informazions di acès, Non utent e Peraule di ordin, e se al covente cambiâ il Gjenar di acès, di Test sempliç (che al è chel predefinît) a APOP pe autenticazion.
Se tu dopris POP3 e tu recuperis la pueste di chest account doprant altris computer, tu podaressis volê ativâ la opzionLasse la pueste sul servidôr e, dome in locâl, Elimine la pueste ancje sul servidôr.
Se invezit tu dopris IMAP, tu âs la pussibilitât di sielzi la opzion Elimine la pueste ancje dal servidôr in locâl. Tu puedis specificâ lis Cartelis IMAP par sincronizâsi dome cuntune specifiche cartele e lis sôs sot-cartelis.
Tu puedis ancje sielzi No sta discjariâ dal dut i messaçs plui grancj di une determinade dimension. Cheste opzion ti fasarâ vê dome la intestazion e tu podarâs decidi se, dopo vê viodût l'ogjet e il mitent, discjariâ il rest dal messaç e i pussibii alegâts. Util se si à une conession lente.
Tu puedis cambiâ la Destinazion de tô casele di pueste (predefinide: /boot/home/mail/in/), che al è util se tu desideris separâ la pueste di account diferents intes lôr cartelis. Dut câs, lis interogazions ti permin di risolvi istès ben lis robis.
Fâs clic su In jessude sot dal non dal to account name par configurâ ce mût che a vegnin inviadis lis e-mail.
First is the SMTP server address for outgoing mails. As with the incoming server before, you can use a specific port if needed, e.g. mail.your-provider.org:1200.
If you need to login, you change the Login Type to ESMTP and enter username and password above. The other type is used for providers that need you to check for mail with POP3 before SMTP for identification.
As with incoming mail, you can also change the Destination of your outbox (default: /boot/home/mail/out/).
Prime e je la direzion dal Servidôr SMTP pe pueste in jessude. Come pal servidôr in jentrade che o ven viodût prime, tu puedis doprâ une specifiche puarte se al covente, p.e. mail.your-provider.org:1200.
Se ti covente fâ l'acès, tu cambis il Gjenar di acès a ESMTP e tu inserissis il non utent e la peraule di ordin parsore. Chel altri gjenar al ven doprât pai furnidôrs di servizis di pueste che a àn bisugne dal control de pueste cun POP3 prime di SMTP pe identificazion.
Come pe pueste in jentrade, tu puedis ancje cambiâ la Destinazion de tô casele de pueste (predefinide: /boot/home/mail/out/).
Notifications for newly arrived email and methods to sort and filter emails are found in E-Mail filters under an account's name. You can add any number of filters that are applied one after the other and rearrange them by drag & dropping them to their new position.
-Currently there are three Incoming mail filters you can add. After adding a filter, you have to select it to see its options.
Lis notifichis pes gnovis e-mail rivadis e i metodis par ordenâ e filtrâ lis e-mail si cjatin in Filtris e-mail sot di un di account. Tu puedis zontâ cualsisei numar di filtris che a vegnin aplicâts un daûr di chel altri e rangjâju strissinant e molant te lôr gnove posizion.
+Pal moment a son trê filtris de pueste in jentrade che tu puedis zontâ. Dopo vê zontât un filtri, tu âs di selezionâlu par viodi lis sôs opzions.
-Spam filter (AGMS Bayesian)
+Filtri malvolûts (AGMS Bayesian)
The spam filter uses statistical methods to classify a mail as unwanted spam. It assigns a value between 0 and 1 to it and you can decide what are the limits for a genuine mail and what will be considered spam.
-You can have that spam rating added to the start of the subject.
-Also, the spam filter can learn from all incoming e-mail. Of course, you'll have to teach it by sorting out the false positives, mails that were mistakenly marked as spam. You'll find more on that when we discuss the application Mail.
Together with the following Rule filter, you're able to automatically sort out detected spam mails.
Il filtri pe pueste malvolude (spam) al dopre metodis statistics par classificâ une mail come spam malvolût. I assegne un valôr tra 0 e 1 e tu puedis decidi cuâi che a son i limits par une mail sane e ce che al vignarà considerât malvolût.
+Tu puedis vê chê valutazion di malvolûts zontade al inizi dal ogjet.
+In di plui, il filtri dai malvolûts al pues imparâ di dutis lis e-mail in jentrade. Clâr, tu varâs di insegnâi sbrumant i fals positîfs, la pueste che e je stade segnade par erôr come malvolude. Tu cjatarâs plui informazions in merit cuant che o cjacararin de aplicazion Mail.
Adun cul Filtri di regule chi sot, tu puedis organizâ in automatic la pueste malvolude rilevade.
-Rule filter
+Filtri di regule
This filter compares the mail header to a search pattern and performs some action according to the rules you set up.
- With the first text field you specify which header to check against. These are available:
Chest filtri al confronte la intestazion de pueste cuntun model di ricercje e al eseguìs cualchi azion in base aes regulis stabilidis.
+ Cul prin cjamp di test tu specifichis cuale intestazion controlâ. Chestis a son chês disponibilis:
the name of the sender
il non dal mitent
the e-mail address of the sender
la direzion e-mail dal mitent
your e-mail address (different for each e-mail account)
la tô direzion e-mail (diferente par ogni account e-mail)
Reply to
the e-mail address replies are sent to
la direzion e-mail dulà che si invie lis rispuestis
the date and time the mail was received
la date e la ore che e je stade ricevude la mail
the subject line
la rie dal ogjet
addresses of anyone receiving a carbon copy (Cc)
lis direzions di ducj chei che a àn ricevût une copie compagne (carbon copy) (Cc)
the name of the e-mail's account
il non dal account e-mail
The current status of the e-mail. Normally, this can be "Read", "Replied", "Sent", "Forwarded", "New", or anything you have defined yourself. However, unless you change it yourself in a filter, it will always be "New" after the Mail Service fetched the mail.
Il stât atuâl de e-mail. Di solit chest al pues jessi "Read" (let), "Replied" (rispuindût), "Sent" (inviât), "Forwarded" (mandât indenant), "New" (gnûf), o dut ce che tu âs definît tu. Dut câs, une volte che il Servizi de Pueste al à recuperât la pueste, se no tu lu cambiis cuntun filtri, il so stât al sarà simpri "New" (gnûf).
is set by the sender's e-mail program (e.g. "urgent")
al ven stabilît dal program e-mail dal mitent (p.e. "urgjent")
essentially the same as "Subject", but without things like Re: or Fwd:
in pratiche al è come "Subject", ma cence robis come Re: o Fwd:
Classification group
depending on what the spam filter classified it as, this will either be empty (if uncertain) or contain the word "Genuine" or "Spam"
in base a ce mût che il filtri malvolûts ju à classificâts, chest al sarà o vueit (se no sigûr) o al varà la peraule "Genuine" (san) o "Spam" (malvolût)
Spam/Genuine estimate
this is a numerical estimate that the spam filter assigned to the e-mail. They are shown in scientific notation, where 1.065e-12 translates to 1.065 divided by 10 to the 12th power, which in this case translates to 0.000000000001065.
cheste e je une stime numeriche che il filtri malvolûts al à assegnât ae e-mail. A vegnin mostrâts in notazion sientifiche, dulà che 1.065e-12 si tradûs in 1.065 dividût par 10 ae 12ᵐᵉ potence, che in chest câs si tradûs in 0.000000000001065.
The second text field holds your search pattern. It accepts regular expressions which gives it great flexibility, while unfortunately complicating things a bit. Read up on it a bit, it's well worth it and simple search patterns aren't that complicated at all.
With the pop-up menu below it, you assign an action when the pattern matches. You can move or delete a mail, set the status to "Read" or anything else or set the e-mail account you'll reply with.
Il secont cjamp di test al ten il to model di ricercje. Al acete espressions regolârs che a permetin grande flessibilitât, però par cuintri, complicant un tic lis robis. Lei alc in merit, al merete e sempliçs modei di ricercje no son cussì complicâts.
Cul menù a tendine sot di chel, tu assegnis une azion par chês voltis che al model al corispuint un risultât de ricercje. Tu puedis spostâ o eliminâ une e-mail, stabilî il stât a "Read" (let) o altri opûr stabilî cun cuâl account di e-mail rispuindi.
-New mails notification
+Notifiche gnove pueste
There are several ways you can choose to be notified of newly arrived email. Under Method you find a number of options that can be combined as well:
Tu puedis sielzi diviersis manieris par jessi notificât che e je rivade gnove pueste. Sot di Metodi tu cjatis un ciert numar di opzions che a puedin ancje jessi cumbinâts tra di lôr:
No notification
Plays the sound file of the "New E-mail" event set in the Sounds preferences for every new email
Shows an alert window for every new email
Keyboard LEDs
Blinks some LEDs like the caps-lock indicator
Central alert
Shows one alert window for all new mails
Central beep
Plays the sound file of the "New E-mail" event set in the Sounds preferences once for new mail
Log window
Shows the log window
Nissune notifiche
Al riprodûs il file sunôr dal event "New E-mail", stabilît tes preferencis Suns, par ogni gnove e-mail
Al mostre un barcon di alerte par ogni gnove e-mail
LED de tastiere
Al fâs lampâ cualchi LED come l'indicadôr bloc-maiusc
Alarme centrâl
Al mostre un barcon di alerte par dutis lis gnovis e-mail
Bip centrâl
Al riprodûs il file sunôr dal event "New E-mail", stabilît tes preferencis Suns, une volte sole pe gnove pueste
Barcon dal regjistri
Al mostre il barcon dal regjistri di stât
-Outgoing Mail Filters
At this moment, there's only one filter that deals with outgoing mail: fortune.
- It will attach a randomly chosen funny or wise "fortune cookie" to the end of every mail before it's sent out. You can do a dry run by issuing the command fortune in a Terminal.
+Filtris pe pueste in jessude
Pal moment, al è dome un filtri che al à a cefâ cu la pueste in jessude: fortune.
+ Al tacarà ae fin di ogni mail un "biscot de furtune" divertent o savi sielt a câs, prime di inviâle. Tu puedis fâ une prove a frêt inviant il comant fortune intun Terminâl.
Now that your incoming and outgoing mail servers (and maybe some filters, too), are configured, you have to tell the Mail Service that does all the actual checking and fetching how to do its job.
Cumò che i servidôrs di pueste in jentrade e jessude (e magari ancje cualchi filtri) a son configurâts, tu âs di dî al Servizi de Pueste che di fat al eseguìs il control e il recupar de pueste, ce mût fâ chest lavôr.
Under Mail checking you configure the interval at which the account's mail server is probed for new mail.
-If you're on a dial-up connection, you may want to do that Only when dial-up is connected and also Schedule outgoing mail when dial-up is disconnected to avoid dialing automatically in regularly only to check for mail.
The Mail Service has a status window which you can set to show up Never, While sending, While sending and receiving or Always.
Make sure to Start mail services on startup or there will be no mail_daemon running to do your bidding...
Sot di Control de pueste tu configuris ogni trop timp che si interogarà il servidôr par vê gnove pueste.
+Se tu stâs doprant une conession a consum, tu podaressis desiderâ chê funzion Dome cuant che il modem al è conetût e ancje Rimandâ l'inviamente de pueste cuant il modem al è disconetût al fin di evitâ di conetisi in automatic dome par controlâ la pueste.
Il Servizi de Pueste al à un barcon di stât che tu puedis configurâ in mût che al vegni fûr Mai, Dilunc l'inviament, Dilunc l'inviament e la ricezion opûr Simpri.
Siguriti che al sedi selezionât Invie i servizis de pueste al inviament o nol sarà in esecuzion nissun mail_daemon par eseguî lis tôs richiestis...
Edit mailbox menu... will open the folder /boot/home/config/Mail/Menu Links/. All folders or queries (!) or their links put into this folder will appear in the context menu of the mailbox icon of the Mail Services in the Deskbar tray.
From that menu, you can also Create new message..., Check for mail now or edit Preferences....
If you hold down SHIFT when invoking the context menu, you'll get additional commands:
Modifiche menù de casele de pueste al vierzarà la cartele /boot/home/config/Mail/Menu Links/. Dutis lis cartleis o lis interogazions (!) o i lôr colegaments metûts in cheste cartele a vignaran fûr tal menù contestuâl de icone a forme di casele di pueste dal Servizi de Pueste inte guantiere dal Deskbar.
Di chel menù tu puedis ancje fâ Cree un gnûf messaç..., Controle cumò la pueste o modificâ lis Impostazions....
Se tu tegnis fracât MAIUSC cuant che tu clamis il menù contestuâl, tu otignarâs comants adizionâi:
Check for mails only
Offers a submenu to check only one specific account
Send pending mails
Allows you to send pending mails without also checking for new mails
Shutdown mail services
Quits the whole email infrastructure (mail_daemon)
Controle dome la pueste
Al ufrìs un sot-menù par controlâ dome un specific account
Invie la pueste in spiete
Ti permet di inviâ la pueste in spiete cence ancje controlâ se e je rivade gnove pueste
Arest dai servizis di pueste
Al jes di dute la infrastruture de pueste (mail_daemon)
The mailbox icon itself shows if there are unread messages (status "New") when there are envelopes inside.
Za la icone a forme di casele de pueste e mostre se si à messaçs no lets (stât "New"), chest al è il câs di cuant che si à bustis dentri de casele de pueste.
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ If you're on a dial-up connection, you may want to do that On
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
@@ -67,10 +69,10 @@
Set the repeat rate, and the delay until a held down key starts to repeat. You can test your settings in the text field at the bottom.
Stabilìs il tas di ripetizion e il ritart di spietâ, cul tast fracât, prime di tacâ a ripeti. Tu puedis provâ lis impostazions intal cjamp di test in bas.
al puarte dut ai valôrs predefinîts.
Torne indaûr
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Keyboard preferences.
Torne indaûr
al puarte indaûr lis impostazions a chês che a jerin ativis cuant che tu âs inviât lis preferencis de Tastiere.
Repositories are collections of software packages. Set up by default, there's the Haiku repo with all of the operating system's packages and HaikuPorts, which provides a large number of ported and native Haiku software. There are several more repositories, curated by members of the Haiku community. Checkout Software Sites on the website.
This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from HaikuDepot'sTools menu):
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it doesn't have a checkmark, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it isn't, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
Depending on the size of the repository and the speed of the internet connection, enabling a repository may take a few seconds. If it takes longer, you're informed of pending tasks in the little text box above the +/- buttons. If it takes unusually long, you'll be asked to either cancel or retry.
To be able to remove a repository completely with the "-" button, it has to be disabled.
You add a new repository with the "" button, which will open this panel:
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ You add a new repository with the "" button, which
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best if with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger with
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
@@ -66,8 +68,8 @@
The Tracker preference panel is also available from every Tracker window with the menu Window | Preferences....
-Its functions are discussed in the topic on Tracker.
Il panel des preferencis di Tracker al è ancje disponibil su ogni barcon di Tracker cul menù Barcon | Preferencis....
+Lis sôs funzions a son spiegadis tal argoment su Tracker.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Memorie virtuâl
-~/config/settings/VM_data - Stores the panel's window position.
+~/config/settings/VM_data - Al archivie la posizion dal barcon dal panel.
Virtual memory let's the system swap out memory to harddisk, if the RAM can be used more sensibly for other things. So, even if you have lots of RAM, providing virtual memory is never a bad idea.
Memorie virtuâl al permet al sisteme di butâ sul disc fis la memorie, se la RAM e pues jessi doprade miôr par altris robis. Cussì, ancje se tu âs une vore di RAM, vê memorie virtuâl no je mai une brute idee.
You can set the size to even more than your physical memory size if needed. With today's huge harddisks, assigning the physical memory size shouldn't be a problem. Still, you can quickly adjust the size if your free space ever runs low. In that case you should also have a look at DiskUsage to find out what's eating up your diskspace.
Normally, the swap file's written to your boot partition. If you often run into disk thrashing due to the virtual memory system swapping memory in and out, you can try to use a separate harddisk for you swap file. Simply another partition on the same harddisk with your system/data won't help.
-Upgrading your RAM is of course the most effective way to go...
Di norme, il file di scambi al ven scrit te partizion di inviament (boot). Se tu âs pocje memorie libare lì, tu puedis disativâ la Gjestion automatiche de memorie di scambi e sielzi une altre partizion montade dal menù a tende. La dimension dal file di scambi e ven stabilide cul cursôr de sbare lì sot.
+Se al capite dispès che la testine dal disc fis e pinduli masse par vie memorie di scambi virtuâl, tu puedis provâ a doprâ un disc fis separât pal to file di scambi in mût di evitâ une congjestion dal I/O. Une altre partizion sul stes disc fis dal sisteme/dâts no judarà. Aumentâ la RAM e je di sigûr la vie plui buine par risolvi il fastidi...
al puarte dut ai valôrs predefinîts.
Torne indaûr
brings back the settings that were active when you started the VirtualMemory preferences.
Torne indaûr
al torne a puartâ indaûr lis impostazions a chês che si veve ativis cuant che si à inviât lis preferencis di Memorie virtuâl.
A BePDF egy PDF megjelenítő. A megjelenítésen kívül még támogatja a könyvjelzőket is (kódolatlan fájloknál). 20 nyelven érhető el, de újabbak adhatóak hozzá egyszerű szöveges fájlként.
Nincs bejegyzés, normál esetben a Telepítő Eszközök menüjéből érhető el.
Nincs. Az MBR biztonsági mentései alapértelmezetten a ~/config/settings/bootman/ mappában találhatóak.
Nincs. Az MBR biztonsági mentései alapértelmezetten a ~/config/settings/bootman/ mappában találhatóak.
Ha a Haiku-t nem egy már létező menühöz adod hozzá (például a GRUB-hoz), akkor ezzel a programmal telepíthetünk egy egyszerű menüt a fő rendszertöltőbe (MBR), ami nagyjából így néz ki:
A checkfs egy fontos program, ami a fájlrendszer hibáit ellenőrzi. Egyszerűen csak adjuk meg a lemez nevét, például /Haiku és az összes fájlt le fogja ellenőrizni.
A desklink lehetőséget ad arra, hogy bármilyen fájlt, mappát, lekérdezést vagy programot az Asztalsávra, a Polcra helyezzünk. Továbbá lehetőségünk van helyi menüvel is ellátni azt. Az alábbi példa a screenshot programot használja néhány opcióval (a "\\" az első sor végén a sortörést jelzi a Terminálban):
A desklink lehetőséget ad arra, hogy bármilyen fájlt, mappát, lekérdezést vagy programot az Asztalsávra, a Polcra helyezzünk. Továbbá lehetőségünk van helyi menüvel is ellátni azt. Az alábbi példa a screenshot programot használja néhány opcióval (a "\" az első sor végén a sortörést jelzi a Terminálban):
Az oldal fordítása még folyamatban van. Amíg tart a fordítás, addig a lefordítatlan részek angolul jelennek meg.
CodyCam lets you take pictures at a specified interval from a connected webcam or any other video-in device and save them via FTP.
A CodyCam használatával megadott időközönként készíthet képeket web-kameráról vagy bármilyen videó bemenetről, amit majd feltölt FTP-n keresztül egy megadott oldalra.
Az előnézet alatt balra megadható a fájlnév a sorszámmal együtt. Alatta pedig a formátum és a frissítés ideje adható meg.
A jobb oldalon pedig ki kell választani a protokolt, ami lehet FTP, sFTP vagy SSH (ha elérhető). Végül pedig meg kell adni a hozzáférési adatokat, illetve a kiszolgálót.
A LemezFürkész egy hexadecimális szerkesztő és nézegető, ezen kívül pedig fájlokat és lemezeket tud módosítani bájt szinten. A használatával legyünk óvatosak, mert könnyedén okozhatunk problémát!
A program grafikonon jeleníti meg a lemez kihasználtságát.
diff --git a/userguide/hu/applications/drivesetup.html b/userguide/hu/applications/drivesetup.html
index 9a6f9577..1ac48317 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/applications/drivesetup.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/applications/drivesetup.html
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
Az oldal fordítása még folyamatban van. Amíg tart a fordítás, addig a lefordítatlan részek angolul jelennek meg.
Lemezkezelő (DriveSetup)
DriveSetup is a tool to create, delete and format partitions. At this time it can't resize or move existing partitions, so that you'll either need an unpartitioned volume (perhaps an external USB drive or another harddisk) or do the initial setup with a tool like the GParted LiveCD to provide the space for another partition.
A Lemezkezelővel partíciókat tudunk létrehozni, törölni vagy formázni. Jelenleg nem képes meglévő partíciókat átméretezni vagy áthelyezni, így ehhez szükséges egy másik programot használni, mint például a GParted LiveCD.
At the top is a graphical representation of all partitions inside the device chosen in the list below it. Each device, by default, can hold a maximum of 4 primary partitions. This limit can be removed by making one of those an extended partition, which in turn can hold theoretically an unlimited number of logical partitions (practical limitations depend on, for example, other OSes installed).
-You may have to expand such a list with the +/- widget that appears in that case in front of that device to see the details of every logical partition.
Colors and icons provide some more information about the available volumes and partitions.
-Besides the familiar icons for harddisks, CD drives and USB sticks etc., there are a few that indicate a their mount mode:
A felső részen a listában kiválasztott eszközön lévő partíciók grafikus megjelenítését látjuk. Alap esetben minden eszközön maximum 4 elsődleges partícióval rendelkezhetünk. Ezt a limitet átléphetjük, amennyiben az egyiket kiterjesztett partícióként hozzuk létre, ami tartalmazhat (elméletileg) bármennyi további logikai partíciót.
+A +/- az eszköz előtt a partíciók részletes adatait jeleníti meg.
Színek és ikonok is jelzik a különféle információkat a lemezzel/partícióval kapcsoaltosan.
+Az ismert merevlemez, CD, USB, stb. jelölésein túl néhány ikon jelzi a lemez állapotát/típusát:
When mounted, a colored bar shows the used space of a partition. The color depends on the kind of partition:
Csatolt partíciók esetében színes sáv jelzi a használt terület mértékét. A szín a partíció típusától függően lehet:
A BFS formatted partition
A non-BFS formatted partition
A read-only partition
An encrypted partition
BFS típusú partíció
Nem BFS típusú partíció
Csak olvasható
Kódolt partíció
You can select a partition and choose various commands from the context or Partition menu, like Mount/Unmount, or to Open in DiskProbe.
You can also Format or completely Delete a partition.
Dealing with creating/deleting/formatting partitions is very dangerous business. Always check twice to be sure you're working with the right one and always keep an up-to-date backup of your data in case something goes wrong!
Minden partíció kiválasztható és különféle műveletek végezhetőek vele a helyi menüből vagy a Partíció menüből, mint például Csatolás/Leválasztás, vagy Megnyitás a LemezFürkészben.
Lehetőség van a partíció Formázására vagy teljes Törlésére is.
A partíciók létrehozása/törlése/előkészítése veszélyes folyamat. Mindig ellenőrizzük le kétszer is, hogy biztosan a jó partícióval dolgozunk-e, illetve a fájlokról is van-e biztonsági másolatunk!
If you don't plan to use just one of the partitions of a larger disk, but the entire drive as one partition, e.g. a USB stick or a Compact Flash card, you'll have to initialize the disk first.
You do this by selecting the raw disk from list of devices and choose a partition map from the Disk | Initialize menu. The Intel Partition Map is the right choice for classical booting via a BIOS.
Ha nem csak egy partíciót tervezel használni egy nagyobb lemezen, hanem az egész lemezt egyetlen partícióként, például USB vagy memória kártya esetén, akkor elsőként elő kell készíteni a lemezt.
Ezt megteheted, ha kiválasztasz egy lemezt a listában, majd a lemez formátumát a Lemez | Előkészítés menüből. Az Intel Partition Map szükséges a klasszikus BIOS/MBR lemez-kezeléshez.
Ha a lemezen formázatlan területet találsz, páldául <üres> partíciót, akkor egy újat hozhatsz létre erre a területre a Partíció | Létrehozás...(ALTC) menüjéből.
Ekkor egy ablak jelenik meg, ahol megadhatjuk a partíció méretét és típusát. Válasszuk a Be File System típust ha Haiku számára akarjuk létrehozni azt. Itt megjegyzendő, hogy más operációs rendszerek nem feltétlen férnek majd hozzá a létrehozott lemezhez.
The Active partition checkbox is only available if you have created a primary partition instead of just another logical partition within an extended one. You'll have to tick that checkbox if you plan to use that partition to boot a Haiku installation.
Before you can use, or even mount the newly created partition, it has to be formatted with a filesystem.
Ha elsődleges partíciót hozunk létre, nem pedig egy már meglévőn belül logikait, akkor a fenti ablakban megjelenik egy Aktív partíció jelölő négyzet is. Ezt be kell jelölni, ha a Haiku-t szeretnénk indítani a gépen.
Mielőtt használni szeretnénk az újonnan létrehozott partíciót, előtte formázni kell egy adott fájlrendszerre.
Only unmounted partitions can be formatted by choosing a filesystem from the sub-menu of Partition | Format. The Be File System (BFS) is mandatory for a Haiku boot partition and recommended for data partitions to be used with Haiku. Only BFS formatted partitions can be queried and fully support Haiku's file attributes.
Csak leválasztott partíciókat lehet előkészíteni a Partíció | Formázás menü használatával. Egy Be File System (BFS) feltétlen szükséges a Haiku indításához illetve bármely partíciónál, amin a Haiku adatokat tárol. Kizárólag a BFS partíciók nyújtanak a Haiku számára lehetőséget a lekérdezésekhez illetve a jellemzők kezeléséhez.
Here you set the name for the partition and it's blocksize. The blocksize is the space in bytes that a file will allocate at minimum. 2048 bytes per block are recommended, but you can choose larger or smaller sizes if you have these very specific needs.
-If the future data on your partition won't need any querying, you can uncheck Enable query support to save a bit of overhead for managing the index.
Formatting will destroy all data on the partition!
Most meg kell adnia a partíció nevét és a blokk-méretét. 2048 bájt blokkonként ajánlott, de ezen kívül kisebb és nagyobb méretet is választhatunk a felhasználástól függően.
+Ha nem szeretnénk lekérdezéseket futtatni a későbbiekben, akkor ajánlott a Lekérdezéstámogatás engedélyezése jelölést kikapcsolni, így ezzel némi gyorsulást tapasztalhatunk majd a későbbiekben.
A Kicsomagoló egy kis program, ami gyorsan kibontja a gyakori csomagolt fáljokat (zip, gzip, bzip2, rar, tar.gz).
diff --git a/userguide/hu/applications/haikudepot.html b/userguide/hu/applications/haikudepot.html
index 7835b643..18325f5f 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/applications/haikudepot.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/applications/haikudepot.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
A SzegényEmber egy remek kis internetes kiszolgáló (webserver), melyet könnyen beállíthatunk. Természetesen nem tartalmaz semmilyen speciális funkciót, vagy beállítást, éppen innen is ered a neve: SzegényEmber kiszolgálója.
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ A Naplózás fülön ki- illetve bekapcsolhatjuk a nap
Haladó beállítások esetén pedig a maximális egyidejű kapcsolatok számát tudjuk szabályozni.
A konzol ablakban lévő menüelemek magától értetődőek. Például elmenthetjük a konzolon látott naplót, vagy épp kiüríthetjük azt, leállíthatjuk/elindíthatjuk a kiszolgálót, illetve lenullázhatjuk a kapcsolatok számát.
Ha ki szeretnénk próbálni, hogy egyártalán működik-e, akkor csak meg kell adni a /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ mappában lévő index.html fájlt, mint kezdőoldalt. Ezután a böngészőbe írjuk be a címet, ami a saját gépünk magára mutató azonosítója.
Ha ki szeretnénk próbálni, hogy egyártalán működik-e, akkor csak meg kell adni a /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ mappában lévő index.html fájlt, mint kezdőoldalt. Ezután a böngészőbe írjuk be a címet, ami a saját gépünk magára mutató azonosítója.
Az oldal fordítása még folyamatban van. Amíg tart a fordítás, addig a lefordítatlan részek angolul jelennek meg.
SoftwareUpdater checks all active repositories (see the Repositories preferences) for updates to the installed packages, including system updates to Haiku itself. It downloads and installs the available updates in one go.
A leírás még hiányzik. Ha szeretnél írni egy leírást, akkor jelezd azt a Documentation mailing list levelező listán a többszöri változat megelőzése érdekében.
Az oldal fordítása még folyamatban van. Amíg tart a fordítás, addig a lefordítatlan részek angolul jelennek meg.
Repositories are collections of software packages. Set up by default, there's the Haiku repo with all of the operating system's packages and HaikuPorts, which provides a large number of ported and native Haiku software. There are several more repositories, curated by members of the Haiku community. Checkout Software Sites on the website.
This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from HaikuDepot'sTools menu):
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it doesn't have a checkmark, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it isn't, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
Depending on the size of the repository and the speed of the internet connection, enabling a repository may take a few seconds. If it takes longer, you're informed of pending tasks in the little text box above the +/- buttons. If it takes unusually long, you'll be asked to either cancel or retry.
To be able to remove a repository completely with the "-" button, it has to be disabled.
You add a new repository with the "" button, which will open this panel:
~/config/settings/system/app_server/workspaces ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa - csak VESA mód esetében ~/config/settings/Screen_data - az ablak pozícióját tartalmazza
~/config/settings/networktime settings - All the settings concerning synchronizing the time through the network
~/config/settings/networktime settings - All the settings concerning synchronizing the time through the network ~/config/settings/RTC_time_settings - The setting of the hardware clock (local or GMT) ~/config/settings/Time settings - The time zone setting ~/config/settings/Time_preflet_window - The panel's window position etc.
diff --git a/userguide/hu/preferences/touchpad.html b/userguide/hu/preferences/touchpad.html
index 8d9b546f..a0e658de 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/preferences/touchpad.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/preferences/touchpad.html
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
A Nyomkövető beállításai szintén elérhetőek az összes fájl ablakból az Ablak | Beállítások.... menüben.
diff --git a/userguide/hu/preferences/virtualmemory.html b/userguide/hu/preferences/virtualmemory.html
index 96670442..4f8d9343 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/preferences/virtualmemory.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/preferences/virtualmemory.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
HaikuDepot is the central application when it comes to managing your software packages. With it you can browse and search through package repositories and install, update and uninstall packages. By default, HaikuDepot starts up with a list of "Featured packages", software that's deemed interesting to many users.
When the Show only featured packages checkbox is deactivated, all available packages are shown and the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
The second tab shows All packages, the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
@@ -89,7 +92,6 @@
The Category pop-up menu lets you limit the list to individual categories like "Audio" or "Games".
The Search terms text field filters the list to those packages that have all the entered (space-delimited) strings in their name or description.
The checkbox to Show only featured packages can be activated to further filter the results in the set category or of the entered search terms.
The Repositories menu of the menu bar determines which repos are being queried. "Local" packages are the ones that were installed from somewhere other than an online repo; maybe from a USB thumb drive or downloaded from some website or a package that you've built yourself.
@@ -143,7 +145,8 @@ The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens
use an all lower-case user name without special characters
use a password that's at least 8 characters long with at least 2 capitals and 2 numbers
provide a valid email address (if you want a new password sent to you in case you forgot it)
solve the captcha
solve the captcha
tick the checkmarks to confirm you're over 16 and have read the usage conditions linked below them.
After logging in, the top-right menu of the HaikuDepot window will now say Logged in as (...), showing your user name. The menu now offers you to Switch account... or Log out.
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume.
-Upon launch it displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
Installer digunakan untuk menyalin Haiku ke volume lain. Setelah peluncuran itu akan menampilkan jendela awal dengan informasi penting. Ini bukan EULA yang tanpa difikirkan/ceroboh, yang Anda terbiasa mengklik dalam sekejap mata, itu menyatakan:
This is beta-quality software. Make backups or suffer the consequences!
The Installer needs a prepared partition. You can use DriveSetup to create and format a partition, but cannot yet resize existing partitions. For that you'll have to use a GParted LiveCD or a similar tool for now.
Ini adalah perangkat halus berkualitas beta. Buat cadangan atau menderita konsekuensinya!
Penginstall memerlukan partisi yang disiapkan. Anda dapat menggunakan DriveSetup untuk membuat dan memformat partisi, tetapi belum dapat mengubah ukuran partisi yang ada. Untuk itu, Anda harus menggunakan GParted LiveCD atau alat serupa untuk saat ini.
Haiku can be added manually to the bootmanager GRUB. How that is done exactly is available as an online guide.
diff --git a/userguide/id/applications/list-cli-apps.html b/userguide/id/applications/list-cli-apps.html
index 6a14bdab..96825cfe 100644
--- a/userguide/id/applications/list-cli-apps.html
+++ b/userguide/id/applications/list-cli-apps.html
@@ -10,19 +10,21 @@
* Authors:
* Daniel Marth
* Humdinger
+ * Translators:
+ * mazbrili abu ibrahim
- List of commands
+ Daftar perintah
All commandline applications shipped with Haiku are in /boot/system/bin/. Your own or additionally installed commandline apps will appear in ~/config/bin/ when installed from a .hpkg package. Otherwise you can put them into ~/config/non-packaged/bin/. All these locations are part of the PATH variable and are therefore automatically found.
-Here's a list of all commandline applications that are shipped with Haiku. Each with only a short description of what it does, for more detailed information on its usage execute the command with the parameter --help.
Semua aplikasi baris perintah yang dikirimkan bersama Haiku ada di /boot/system/bin/.Aplikasi Commandline Anda sendiri atau tambahan yang diinstal akan muncul di ~/config/bin/ ketika diinstal dari paket .hpkg. Atau bisa saja anda meletakannya di ~/config/non-packaged/bin/. Semua lokasi ini adalah bagian dari variabel PATH sehingga akan secara otomatis ditemukan .
+Berikut daftar semua aplikasi commandline yang dikirimkan bersama Haiku. Masing-masing hanya dengan deskripsi singkat tentang apa yang dilakukannya, untuk informasi lebih rinci tentang penggunaannya jalankan perintah dengan parameter --help.
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
The Advanced tab holds the setting for the maximum simultaneous connections.
The menu items of the console window are all self-explanatory. With them you can e.g. save (parts) of the console output, clear the console or logging file and start/stop the server or clear the hit counter.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Attributes are data fields that belong to a file but aren't part of that file, e.g. they are not computed into the file size and can be copied or changed without touching the file itself. The system uses these attributes to store e.g. file size, file type or date of the last modification. This is similar to other operating systems and their filesystems.
What's different is that you can add any kind of attribute to any file and display it or make it editable in a Tracker window. You just have to define the kind of attribute you want to add to a file type (e.g. string, integer or time) and give it a name and description.
The file itself doesn't even need any contents at all. Take a look at these People files for example:
Atribut adalah bidang data yang dimiliki file tetapi bukan bagian dari file itu, mis. mereka tidak dihitung ke dalam ukuran file dan dapat disalin atau diubah tanpa menyentuh file itu sendiri. Sistem menggunakan atribut ini untuk menyimpan mis. ukuran file, tipe file atau tanggal modifikasi terakhir. Ini mirip dengan sistem operasi lain dan sistem file mereka.
Yang berbeda adalah bahwa Anda dapat menambahkan segala jenis atribut ke file apa pun dan menampilkannya atau membuatnya dapat diedit di jendela Tracker. Anda hanya perlu mendefinisikan jenis atribut yang ingin Anda tambahkan ke jenis file (mis. String, integer atau waktu) dan berikan nama dan deskripsi.
File itu sendiri bahkan tidak memerlukan konten sama sekali. Lihatlah file Orang-orang ini misalnya:
As you can see, these are all 0-sized files with attached attributes, the E-mail attribute of "John Nox" being edited right in Tracker.
If you index these attributes, as People, Email or audio files are by default, they are also searchable with Haiku's fast query system.
Seperti yang Anda lihat, ini semua file berukuran 0 dengan atribut yang dilampirkan, atribut Email "John Nox" sedang diedit langsung di Tracker.
Jika Anda mengindeks atribut ini, karena Orang, Email atau file audio secara default, mereka juga dapat dicari dengan sistem kueri cepat Haiku.
Attributes are displayed quite similar to a database or spreadsheet. Using Tracker you can choose which attributes to display (columns) and sort file listings (rows) accordingly.
To do this, open a Tracker window, click on the Attributes menu, and select the attributes you want to display. Alternatively, simply right-click onto a column heading and mark the items in the context menu. You can rearrange the columns by a simple drag & drop of the column heading. Moving a column out of a window, is a fast way to get rid of columns you don't need.
Double-click on the line between two attributes in the heading to automatically resize a column to its optimal width.
Click on a column heading to toggle the sorting order from ascending to descending. You can establish a secondary sort order by pressing the SHIFT key while clicking on a column heading. You can sort your People files by company and within that order sort by contact name, for instance. See the above screenshot as an example. The secondary sort order is marked by a lighter colored indicator beside the heading.
Editing these attributes is as simple as renaming a file: Either click on an entry or press ALTE and move between the attributes with TAB and SHIFTTAB. ESC leaves the editing mode without applying the changes.
Atribut yang ditampilkan sangat mirip dengan database atau spreadsheet. Menggunakan Tracker Anda dapat memilih atribut mana yang akan ditampilkan (kolom) dan mengurutkan daftar file (baris) yang sesuai.
To do this, open a Tracker window, click on the Attributes menu, menu, dan pilih atribut yang ingin Anda tampilkan. Atau, cukup klik kanan ke judul kolom dan tandai item dalam konteks menu. Anda dapat mengatur ulang kolom dengan drag & drop sederhana dari judul kolom. Memindahkan kolom dari jendela, adalah cara cepat untuk menghilangkan kolom yang tidak Anda butuhkan.
Klik dua kali pada garis di antara dua atribut dalam heading untuk secara otomatis mengubah ukuran kolom ke lebar optimalnya.
Klik pada judul kolom untuk beralih urutan penyortiran dari naik ke turun. Anda dapat membuat urutan pengurutan sekunder dengan menekan SHIFT key while clicking on a column heading. You can sort your People files by company and within that order sort by contact name, for instance. See the above screenshot as an example. The secondary sort order is marked by a lighter colored indicator beside the heading.
Mengedit atribut ini semudah mengganti nama file: Entah klik pada entri atau tekan ALTE dan pindahkan diantara atribut dengan TAB dan SHIFTTAB. ESC meninggalkan mode sunting tanpa menyimpan perubahan.
If you prefer to use the commandline or plan to work with many files using scripting, there are several commands for controlling attributes from Terminal.
Jika Anda lebih suka menggunakan baris perintah atau berencana untuk bekerja dengan banyak file menggunakan skrip, ada beberapa perintah untuk mengendalikan atribut dari Terminal.
string, mime, int, llong, float, double, bool, icon, raw
or a numeric value (ie. 0x1234, 42, 'ABCD', ...)
The default is "string"
So, say dear Clara took a job with the multi-national Barkelbaer Inc., you fill the formerly empty "Company" attribute with that data (which is of type "string"):
Jadi, katakanlah Clara mengambil pekerjaan dengan perusahaan multi-nasional Barkelbaer Inc., Anda mengisi atribut "Perusahaan" yang sebelumnya kosong dengan data itu (yang bertipe "string"):
~/people ->addattr -t string META:company Barkelbaer\ Inc. Clara\ Botters
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Welcome to the Haiku User Guide
Selamat datang di panduan pengguna Haiku
Below, you'll find the documentation of the most important aspects of Haiku. Naturally, completing and extending the documentation is a continuing process (see the online version for updated pages and translations). If you find errors, would like to suggest topics or maybe even contribute yourself, please get in touch on the documentation mailing list. If you're interested in helping with translations, you'll find information on that at the i18n user guide wiki.
Di bawah, Anda akan menemukan dokumentasi aspek terpenting Haiku. Secara alami, melengkapi dan memperluas dokumentasi adalah proses yang berkelanjutan (lihat versi online untuk halaman dan terjemahan yang diperbarui). Jika Anda menemukan kesalahan, ingin menyarankan topik atau mungkin bahkan berkontribusi sendiri, Silahkan menghubungi milis dokumentasi. jika anda tertarik membantu penerjemahan, Anda akan menemukan informasi di panduan wiki i18n .
@@ -77,12 +78,14 @@
- Icon size - Ignore double-click - Show window border
+- Autostart - Auto raise - Show on all workspaces
Aligns the buttons horizontally.
Sets the icon size between 16 and 64 pixel.
Launches the object only once, even when you (accidentally) double-click.
Shows the window border.
+Starts LaunchBox automatically on boot-up.
LaunchBox pops up if the mouse is near the screen edge.
Shows the LaunchBox on every workspace.
diff --git a/userguide/id/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html b/userguide/id/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
index 678b04f8..fb179a5a 100644
--- a/userguide/id/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
+++ b/userguide/id/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
NetworkStatus shows the status of your network connections. If not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
Wherever installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
The primary task of the ProcessController applet is to show the activity of your CPU(s) and the amount of used memory. It allows monitoring of individual teams, change their priority, and kill them if the program freezes. In multiprocessor environments it allows you to disable individual processors/cores. When Tracker or Deskbar crash you can restart them from ProcessController's menu.
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ To remove the applet again from the Deskbar, uncheck Live in
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Filesystem layout
Layout Filesystem
Haiku's filesystem layout is quite transparent, trying to always use non-cryptic names for files and folders, that don't leave the user guessing. Files and folders that are important for the system to function properly, are protected from accidental tempering by showing one of these alerts:
Tata letak sistem file Haiku cukup transparan, berusaha untuk selalu menggunakan nama tak-samar untuk file dan folder, yang tidak membuat pengguna menebak-nebak. Berkas dan folder yang penting bagi sistem untuk berfungsi dengan baik, dilindungi dari penempaan tidak disengaja dengan menunjukkan salah satu peringatan ini:
The second alert pops up if you try to rename or delete something in the system hierarchy. Here, the "Rename" button will only become clickable when you're holding down the SHIFT key.
Generally, there are two separate branches springing from the root folder of the boot volume:
Lansiran kedua muncul jika Anda mencoba mengubah nama atau menghapus sesuatu di hierarki sistem. Di sini, tombol "Rename" hanya akan dapat diklik saat Anda menahan tombol SHIFT .
Secara umum, ada dua cabang terpisah yang muncul dari folder root volume boot:
Contains system files and applications/packages shared by all users.
This is your personal folder where you keep your data and settings and the applications/packages that are not shared by all users.
Berisi file sistem dan aplikasi/paket yang dipakai bersama oleh semua pengguna.
Ini adalah folder pribadi Anda tempat Anda menyimpan data dan pengaturan Anda serta aplikasi/paket yang tidak dipakai bersama oleh semua pengguna.
As long as Haiku isn't multi-user, this distinction between shared and not-shared applications/packages has no apparent effect, as there's only one user with one home folder. But since there will be support for more users than one eventually, it makes sense to learn the right way from the start.
@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ Files that you'd like to share with other users in a future multi-user environme
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Attributes and Queries are key features of Haiku. While attributes are useful on their own, to display additional information on a file, for a query on them, they need to be indexed. It puts them into a lookup table, which in turn makes queries lightning fast.
-The index is part of the filesystem and is kept for every volume/partition separately.
Atribut dan Kueri adalah fitur utama Haiku. Sementara atribut berguna sendiri, untuk menampilkan informasi tambahan pada file, untuk permintaan mereka, mereka perlu diindeks. Ini menempatkan mereka ke dalam tabel pencarian, yang pada gilirannya membuat pertanyaan secepat kilat.
+Indeks adalah bagian dari sistem file dan disimpan untuk setiap volume/partisi secara terpisah.
-Indexing commands in Terminal
There are several commands to manage the index:
+Perintah peng-indeks-an di Terminal
Ada beberapa perintah untuk mengatur indeks:
lsindex - Displays the indexed attributes on the current volume/partition.
-These are the attributes that are indexed by default:
lsindex - Menampilkan atribut yang diindeks pada volume/partisi saat ini.
+Ini adalah atribut yang diindeks secara default:
~ ->lsindex
@@ -112,59 +114,57 @@ name
mkindex - Adds an attribute to the index of a volume/partition.
mkindex - menambah atribut ke indeks volume/partisi.
Usage: mkindex [options] <attribute>
-Creates a new index for the specified attribute.
Penggunaan: mkindex [options] <attribute>
+Membuat indeks baru ke atribut spesifik.
- -d, --volume=PATH a path on the volume to which the index will be added,
- defaults to current volume.
- -t, --type=TYPE the type of the attribute being indexed. One of "int",
+ -d, --volume=PATH jalur pada volume yang indeks akan ditambahkan,
+ default ke volume saat ini.
+ -t, --type=TYPE Tipe atribut yang akan diindeks. salah satu dari "int",
"llong", "string", "float", or "double".
- Defaults to "string".
- --copy-from path to volume to copy the indexes from.
- -v, --verbose print information about the index being created
+ Scr standar ke "string".
+ --copy-from jalur ke volume yang akan disalin indeksnya.
+ -v, --verbose mencetak informasi tentang indeks yang akan dibuat
Only new files with that attribute come automatically into the index!
-Existing files have to be added manually by copying them and deleting the originals after that. Alternatively you can use the command reindex.
Hanya file baru dengan atribut itu yang secara otomatis masuk ke indeks!
+ File yang sudah ada harus ditambahkan secara manual dengan menyalinnya dan menghapus aslinya setelah itu. Atau Anda dapat menggunakan perintah reindex.
reindex - Puts the attributes of existing files into the newly created index of a volume/partition.
reindex - Masukkan atribut file yang ada ke dalam indeks volume/partisi yang baru dibuat.
Usage: reindex [-rvf] attr <list of filenames and/or directories>
- -r enter directories recursively
- -v verbose output
- -f create/update all indices from the source volume,
- "attr" is the path to the source volume
Penggunaan: reindex [-rvf] attr <daftar nama file dan/atau direktori>
+ -r masuk ke direktory secara rekursif
+ -v keluaran mendetil
+ -f buat/update semua indeks dari volume sumber,
+ "attr" adalah jalur ke volume sumber
rmindex - Removes an attribute from the index of a volume/partition.
rmindex - Membuang atribut dari indek volume/partisi.
Usage: rmindex [OPTION]... INDEX_NAME
Penggunaan: rmindex [OPTION]... INDEX_NAME
-Removes the index named INDEX_NAME from a disk volume. Once this has been
-done, it will no longer be possible to use the query system to search for
-files with the INDEX_NAME attribute.
+Menghapus indek dengan nama INDEX_NAME dari volume diska. Ketika ini sudah selesai ,akan tidak lagi bisa mencari
+berkas dengan antribut INDEX_NAME.
- -d, --volume=PATH a path on the volume from which the index will be
- removed
- -h, --help display this help and exit
- -p, --pattern INDEX_NAME is a pattern
- -v, --verbose print information about the index being removed
+ -d, --volume=PATH jalur menunjuk ke volume yang indeknya akan
+ dihapuskan
+ -h, --help menampilkan ini dan keluar
+ -p, --pattern INDEX_NAME adalah sebuat pola
+ -v, --verbose menampilkan informasi tentang indek yang akan dihapuskan
-INDEX_NAME is the name of a file attribute.
+INDEX_NAME adalah nama atribut file.
-If no volume is specified, the volume of the current directory is assumed.
+Jika tidak ada volume yang disebutkan, maka diasumsikan volume dari direktori saat ini.
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Backgrounds (latar)
@@ -67,11 +70,11 @@
~/config/settings/Backgrounds settings - stores the panel's window position
You can set a color or an image as background for every folder and the Desktop for every workspace.
Anda dapat mengatur warna atau gambar sebagai latar belakang untuk setiap folder dan Desktop untuk setiap workspace.
The top menu specifies if your changes are applied to the current workspace only, all workspaces, a specific folder or as default for every new folder.
Below that you can assign an image or select None if you want simply a colored background. Images can also be drag & dropped onto the preview to the left.
If you are using an image, you have to decide on the placement:
Menu atas menentukan apakah perubahan Anda diterapkan pada workspace saat ini saja, semua workspace, folder tertentu atau sebagai default untuk setiap folder baru.
Di bawah ini Anda dapat menetapkan gambar atau memilih tiada jika Anda inginkan hanya latar belakang berwarna. Gambar juga dapat didrag & drop ke pratinjau kiri.
Jika Anda menggunakan gambar, Anda harus memutuskan penempatan:
lets you specify the coordinates. You can drag the picture around in the preview to the left or enter X and Y manually.
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Locale (Pelokalan)
~/config/settings/Locale settings
Haiku's localization system does not only include replacing texts with their translations, but also more complex tasks such as formatting numbers, dates, and times in a way that matches your Locale preferences.
If you would like to help with translations or start with a language that is currently missing, please get in contact on the Haiku-i18n mailing list.
Sistem pelokalan Haiku tidak hanya mencakup penggantian teks dengan terjemahannya, tetapi juga tugas yang lebih kompleks seperti memformat angka, tanggal, dan waktu dengan cara yang sesuai dengan preferensi Lokal Anda.
Jika Anda ingin membantu dengan terjemahan atau mulai dengan bahasa yang saat ini masih belum lengkap, silakan hubungi di Haiku-i18n mailing list.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages, unfortunately some translations are not complete yet. For that reason, you can choose more than one language as “Preferred languages”. If some text is missing in a translation, it's replaced with the words of the next preferred language. English is the default fallback (also when not listed).
Haiku telah diterjemahkan ke banyak bahasa, sayangnya beberapa terjemahan belum lengkap. Karena alasan itu, Anda dapat memilih lebih dari satu bahasa sebagai “Bahasa pilihan”. Jika beberapa teks tidak ada dalam terjemahan, itu diganti dengan kata-kata dari bahasa pilihan berikutnya. Bahasa Inggris adalah fallback default (juga saat tidak terdaftar).
In this example, the preferred language is set to Spanish. The first fallback is Italian, and if the text is missing there too, it's back to default English.
As you can see, expanding a language entry on the left side reveals sub-entries for specific variations or dialects of a language (if available).
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Repositories are collections of software packages. Set up by default, there's the Haiku repo with all of the operating system's packages and HaikuPorts, which provides a large number of ported and native Haiku software. There are several more repositories, curated by members of the Haiku community. Checkout Software Sites on the website.
This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from HaikuDepot'sTools menu):
Repositori adalah kumpulan paket perangkat halus. Diatur secara default, ada repo Haiku dengan semua paket sistem operasi dan HaikuPorts, yang menyediakan sejumlah besar perangkat halus hasil port. Ada beberapa repositori tambahan, yang dibuat oleh anggota komunitas haiku. Silahkan cek di Situs perangkat halus di laman web.
Ini adalah panel preferensi untuk mengelola respositories Anda (Anda dapat membukanya juga dari HaikuDepot'sTools menu):
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it doesn't have a checkmark, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
Depending on the size of the repository and the speed of the internet connection, enabling a repository may take a few seconds. If it takes longer, you're informed of pending tasks in the little text box above the +/- buttons. If it takes unusually long, you'll be asked to either cancel or retry.
To be able to remove a repository completely with the "-" button, it has to be disabled.
-You add a new repository with the "" button, which will open this panel:
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it isn't, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
Bergantung pada ukuran repositori dan kecepatan koneksi internet, mengaktifkan repositori mungkin memakan waktu beberapa detik. Jika itu membutuhkan waktu lebih lama, Anda diberitahu tentang tugas yang tertunda di kotak teks kecil di atas tombol +/-. Jika terlalu lama, Anda akan diminta untuk membatalkan atau mencoba lagi.
Agar dapat menghapus repositori sepenuhnya dengan tombol "-" itu harus dinonaktifkan.
+Anda menambahkan repositori baru dengan tombol "" yang akan membuka panel ini:
To add a new repository, just paste its URL into the text field. It'll be named "Unknown" until you enable it.
It goes without saying that adding a repository and downloading and installing software from it is a matter of trust. Don't carelessly just add any URL you happen upon on the internets.
Untuk menambahkan repositori baru, cukup rekatkan URL-nya ke dalam bidang teks. Itu akan dinamai "Tidak Dikenal" sampai Anda mengaktifkannya.
Tak perlu dikatakan bahwa menambahkan repositori dan mengunduh serta menginstal perangkat halus darinya adalah masalah kepercayaan. Jangan sembarangan menambahkan URL apa pun yang Anda temui di internet.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best if with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Team Monitor
With CTRLALTDEL you invoke the Team Monitor which lists all currently running programs.
Dengan CTRLALTDEL Anda memohon Monitor Tim yang mencantumkan semua program yang sedang berjalan.
Programs that were launched by the system are blue, those started by the user black.
-Applications that are unresponsive, which is often a sign the program has crashed, are marked red. You can try to quit a program by selecting it and pressing Quit application (or either DEL or Q). If that doesn't work, try Kill application (or SHIFTDEL or K) instead.
You can summon a Terminal with OPTALTT.
If your Tracker or Deskbar crashed or froze, a new button appears (you may have to kill the offending team first): Restart the desktop will restart Tracker and/or Deskbar for you.
Program yang diluncurkan oleh sistem berwarna biru, yang dimulai oleh pengguna hitam.
+Aplikasi yang tidak responsif, yang sering merupakan tanda program mogok, ditandai merah. Anda dapat mencoba untuk keluar dari program dengan memilihnya dan menekan Quit application (or either DEL or Q).Jika tidak bekerja, coba Kill application (or SHIFTDEL or K) sebagai gantinya.
Anda dapat memanggil Terminal dengan OPTALTT.
Jika Tracker atau Deskbar Anda mogok atau membeku, tombol baru akan muncul (Anda mungkin harus membunuh tim yang melanggar terlebih dahulu): restart desktop akan memulai kembali Tracker dan/atau Deskbar untuk Anda.
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ Applications that are unresponsive, which is often a sign the program has crashe
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
Workspace (ruang kerja)
Workspaces are virtual desktops, complete with their own resolution, color depth and background. Up to 32 of these workspaces can be set from the Screen preferences.
Workspaces adalah desktop virtual, lengkap dengan resolusi, kedalaman warna, dan latar belakang mereka sendiri. Hingga 32 ruang kerja ini dapat diatur dari preferensi Screen.
You switch between workspaces by either clicking into the Workspaces applet (which is seen in the above image) or by using the keyboard shortcut ALTFx, where "x" is the workspace number. It's a good idea to arrange your workspaces in rows of four to mimick the layout of the Fx keys on the keyboard.
+Berpindah workspace
Anda beralih di antara Workspace dengan mengeklik ke dalam Workspaces applet (yang terlihat pada gambar di atas) atau dengan menggunakan pintasan keyboard ALTFx, di mana "x" adalah nomor workspace. Merupakan ide bagus untuk mengatur workspace Anda dalam baris empat untuk meniru tata letak tombol Fx pada keyboard. Fx keys on the keyboard.
Also, clicking on an application or one of its windows in the Deskbar will send you to the workspace it's in.
Another very convenient way is to use CTRLALT←/→/↑/↓ to navigate spatially the rows/columns of the available workspaces. If you additionally hold down SHIFT, the active window will move with you to the new workspace.
You can switch back and forth between two workspaces with ALT` (the actual key depends on the keymap you're using - it is the key below ESC). Again, holding SHIFT will take the active window with you.
@@ -80,8 +83,8 @@ Also, clicking on an application or one of its windows in the Deskbar will send
diff --git a/userguide/images/apps-images/showimage-toolbar.png b/userguide/images/apps-images/showimage-toolbar.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77ba008b
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/images/apps-images/showimage-toolbar.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/images/apps-images/webpositive-locator.png b/userguide/images/apps-images/webpositive-locator.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9017417
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/images/apps-images/webpositive-locator.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/images/apps-images/webpositive-tabbar.png b/userguide/images/apps-images/webpositive-tabbar.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8f8f472
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/images/apps-images/webpositive-tabbar.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/images/flags/fur.png b/userguide/images/flags/fur.png
index 4e62e248..391b215f 100644
Binary files a/userguide/images/flags/fur.png and b/userguide/images/flags/fur.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/images/flags/tr.png b/userguide/images/flags/tr.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38a41f1a
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/images/flags/tr.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/images/twitcher-images/twitcher.png b/userguide/images/twitcher-images/twitcher.png
index f44b0800..9c96d95a 100644
Binary files a/userguide/images/twitcher-images/twitcher.png and b/userguide/images/twitcher-images/twitcher.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/applications.html b/userguide/it/applications.html
index e1f4f07a..98576dc3 100644
--- a/userguide/it/applications.html
+++ b/userguide/it/applications.html
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
checkfs is an important tool to check for errors in your file system. Simply add a volume name like /Haiku or device path and it'll run through every file and correct inconsistencies where possible.
desklink può aggiungere un'icona per qualsiasi file, cartella, query o applicazione da mostrare nella Deskbar. Offre anche un'opzione che permette di mostrare un menù contestuale quando, per eseguire azioni speciali, si fa clic con il tasto destro su un'icona. Per esempio, digitate nel terminale quanto segue per aggiungere alla Deskbar il programma su riga di comando screenshot con le varie opzioni (il "\\" nella prima riga serve semplicemente per segnalare l'andata a capo al Terminale):
desklink può aggiungere un'icona per qualsiasi file, cartella, query o applicazione da mostrare nella Deskbar. Offre anche un'opzione che permette di mostrare un menù contestuale quando, per eseguire azioni speciali, si fa clic con il tasto destro su un'icona. Per esempio, digitate nel terminale quanto segue per aggiungere alla Deskbar il programma su riga di comando screenshot con le varie opzioni (il "\" nella prima riga serve semplicemente per segnalare l'andata a capo al Terminale):
La traduzione di questa pagina non è stata completata. Per questo motivo le parti non tradotte sono visibili in inglese.
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
La schede Advanced contiene l'impostazione per il numero massimo di connessioni simultanee.
Le voci di menu della finestra console sono tutti auto-esplicativo. Con loro si può per esempio salvare (parti) il rendimento della console, cancellare la console o il file di loggare e avviare / arrestare il server o sbarazzare il contatore visite.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
Se si vuole provare se funziona Poorman ,scegliere /boot/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ come cartella index.html come pagina iniziale. Poi puntate il vostro browser l’URL che e il vostro host locale.
-~/config/settings/profile - adds/overrides defaults in /boot/system/settings/etc/profile
-~/config/settings/inputrc - adds/overrides defaults in /boot/system/settings/etc/inputrc
+~/config/settings/profile – dodaje/nadpisuje domyślne ustawienia w /boot/system/settings/etc/profile
+~/config/settings/inputrc – dodaje/nadpisuje domyślne ustawienia w /boot/system/settings/etc/inputrc
The Terminal is Haiku's interface to bash, the Bourne Again Shell.
Please refer to the topic on Scripting for a few links to online tutorials on working in the shell and also have a look at Haiku's commandline applications. Here, we'll concentrate on the Terminal application itself.
Terminal jest interfejsem Haiku do basha (Bourne Again Shell).
You can open as many Terminals as needed, either each in it's own window by simply launching more Terminals or with ALTN from an already running Terminal. Or you use Terminal's tabbed view and open more tabs with ALTT.
Możesz uruchomić tyle Terminali ile potrzebujesz, w osobnych oknach po prostu uruchamiając aplikację jeszcze raz, albo używając kombinacji ALTN w już działającym Terminalu. Możesz też skorzystać z obsługi kart i użyć ALTT.
Double-clicking into the emtpy part of the tab bar opens a new tab; onto a tab opens a dialog to rename its title. There are several %-designated variables that are explained with a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the text field.
-By default, %1d: %p, a tab shows the current directory and, separated by a :, the name of the currently running process (or -- if it's just bash running, probably idling). The screenshot above shows the first tab with a FTP session in the Desktop folder and a second tab idling at home.
-Via Edit | Window title... the Terminal window's title can be edited in a similar way.
Right-clicking a tab shows a context menu to Close tab, Close other tabs or, like double-clicking, Edit tab title....
A Terminal window can be resized like any other window or you use the presets from the Settings | Window size menu. ALTENTER toggles fullscreen mode.
All the settings you change directly through the Settings menu, like Window title, Window size, Text encoding or Font size are only kept for the current session. If you want to make permanent changes, you have to apply them in the Settings... panel.
Dwukrotne kliknięcie na pustej części paska kart otwiera nową kartę; to samo na istniejącej karcie otworzy okno dialogowe do zmiany jej nazwy. Można w nim podać kilka wartości poprzedzonych znakiem %, których znaczenie jest wyjaśnione w podpowiedzi pojawiającej się po najechaniu wskaźnikiem myszy na pole tekstowe.
+Domyślna wartość, %1d: %p, wyświetli aktywny katalog oddzielony : od aktualnie działającego procesu (-- w przypadku bezczynności). Zrzut ekranu powyżej pokazuje sesję FTP na pulpicie w pierwszej karcie, i bezczynną powłokę w katalogu domowym w drugiej.
+Za pomocą Edycja | Tytuł okna… w podobny sposób można zmienić nazwę całego okna Terminala.
Kliknięcie prawym przyciskiem myszy na karcie pokazuje menu kontekstowe dodające możliwość zamknięcia jednej lub wszystkich innych kart oraz, opisanej wyżej, zmiany nazwy.
Rozmiar okna Terminala można zmieniać tak, jak wszystkich innych okien. Do zmiany rozmiaru można też skorzystać z menu Ustawienia | Rozmiar okna. ALTENTER przełącza tryb pełnoekranowy.
Wszystkie ustawienia zmienione przy pomocy menu Ustawienia, jak Tytuł okna, Rozmiar okna, Kodowanie tekstu lub Rozmiar fontu zostają zachowane tylko w aktywnej sesji. Zmiana na stałe wymaga użycia panelu Ustawienia….
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves.
-Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
-You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Use bright instead of bold text. The latter setting avoids the sometimes rather unsightly rendering of bold fonts in the Terminal.
Większość oferowanych opcji nie wymaga wyjaśnienia. Nie do końca oczywiste jest położenie menu rozmaru fontu: znajduje się ono w menu Font.
+Najechanie wskaźnikiem myszy na „formuły” nazw kart i okna pokaże podpowiedź dotyczącą dostępnych zmiennych.
+Schemat kolorów można skonstruować samodzielnie, wybierając Własny a następnie dostosowując Kolor wybranego elementu kontrolką pod spodem, lub wybrać jeden z predefiniowanych, jak Północ, czy Retro.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text.
+Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
Save to file...
let's you save different settings as separate profiles, which on double-click open an accordingly configured Terminal.
brings back the settings that were active when you opened the settings panel.
ustawia domyślne wartości dla każdego z pól.
Zapisz do pliku…
umożliwia zapisanie ustawień jako oddzielne profile, które po dwukrotnym kliknięciu otworzą odpowiednio skonfigurowany Terminal.
brings back the settings that were active when you opened the settings panel.
Another nice feature that is more a key & mouse combination: When holding ALT a path or URL under the mouse pointer gets highlighted. A left-click opens the file/folder or website. A right-click opens a context menu to either Copy path or Copy absolute path. Imagine you're in /MyData/source/haiku/ and have the path generated/objects/haiku/x86_gcc2/release/apps/stylededit/StyledEdit under the mouse pointer, the latter menu item will result in the combined, absolute path <deep breath>: /MyData/source/haiku/generated/objects/haiku/x86_gcc2/release/apps/stylededit/StyledEdit.
If you hold down ALTSHIFT, only the path from beginning to where your mouse pointer sits will be highlighted.
By the way, right-clicking into the Terminal window will insert the clipboard. In combination with copying parts of highlighted paths, this can be used for speedy navigation of deep folder hierarchies.
Inna niezła funkcjonalność to możliwość wciśnięcia ALT w celu podświetlenia ścieżki lub URL pod wskaźnikiem myszy. Kliknięcie lewym przyciskiem otwiera plik/katalog lub stronę WWW, prawym – menu kontekstowe umożliwiające skopiowanie ścieżki do schowka, lub jej absolutnej wersji. Wyobraź sobie że jesteś w katalogu /MyData/source/haiku/ i masz pod wskaźnikiem ścieżkę generated/objects/haiku/x86_gcc2/release/apps/stylededit/StyledEdit; ta druga opcja złączy je obie w <głęboki wdech>: /MyData/source/haiku/generated/objects/haiku/x86_gcc2/release/apps/stylededit/StyledEdit.
Jeżeli przytrzymasz ALTSHIFT skopiowany zostanie tylko fragment ścieżki od jej początku do pozycji pod wskaźnikiem myszy.
Przy okazji, kliknięcie na oknie Terminala prawym przyciskiem myszy wstawi zawartość schowka. W połączeniu z kopiowaniem fragmentów podświetlonych ścieżek, można użyć tej funkcjonalności do szybkiego nawigowania w głębokich strukturach katalogów.
Coming from Unix, there are countless possibilities to customize the bash itself. There are two files that are especially important to the user: profile and inputrc
-Both files can be created in the /boot/home/config/settings/ folder and add or override the system defaults that are defined in /boot/system/settings/etc/.
bash, z racji Uniksowego pochodzenia, daje niezliczone możliwości personalizacji. Szczególnie istotne w tej kwestii są dwa pliki: profile oraz inputrc
+Oba mogą zostać utworzone w katalogu /boot/home/config/settings/ folder i dodawać lub nadpisywać ustawienia systemowe znajdujące się w /boot/system/settings/etc/.
The profile is loaded every time you open a new Terminal. It sets all kinds of aliases and variables that will affect bash's behavior and appearance. You'll find many online resources that will detail all possibilities.
Plik profile jest ładowany za każdym razem, gdy otwierany jest nowy Terminal. Ustawia przeróżne aliasy i zmienne, które mają wpływ na zachowanie i wygląd basha. W Internecie znajdziesz wiele miejsc opisujących wszystkie możliwości.
The Haiku/BeOS Tip Server has quite a few tips to get you started, for example:
The inputrc deals with keybindings. Since Haiku provides useful defaults, you probably don't have to mess with these more involved settings. If you do have special needs here, consult one of the many online resources, e.g. The GNU Readline Library.
Plik inputrc ma wpływ na przypisanie funkcji do klawiszy klawiatury. Haiku dostarcza rozsądne ustawienia domyślne, więc prawdopodobnie nie musisz zajmować się tymi bardziej skomplikowanymi rzeczami. Jeżeli masz specyficzne potrzeby, przeczytaj inne źródła w sieci, np. The GNU Readline Library (ang.).
Dragging a file or folder from a Tracker window into the Terminal will insert its path at the location of the cursor. Dragging with the right mouse button offers additional actions in a context menu:
Insert path
Inserts the location of the file, same as drag & dropping with the left mouse button.
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ Both files can be created in the /boot/home/config/settings/<
Move here
Moves the dragged file into the current working directory of the Terminal.
Copy here
Copies the dragged file into the current working directory of the Terminal.
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
Możesz otworzyć dowolny plik w preferowanym programie komendą open [nazwa pliku]. Ta metoda działa również z aktualnym (".") i nadrzędnym ("..") katalogiem, które zostaną otwarte w Trackerze. Zatem, w celu otwarcia aktualnego katalogu musisz wpisać:
A tradução desta página ainda não está completa. Até lá, partes incompletas mostrarão o original em inglês.
Pobre Homem
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
A guia Avançado detém a definição para o máximo de conexões simultâneas.
Os itens de menu do console são todas auto-explicativas. Com elas pode-se, por exemplo, salvar (partes de) uma saída do console, limpar o console ou arquivo de registro e iniciar/parar o servidor ou limpar o contador de visitas.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
Se deseja ver se o Pobre Home está trabalhando, escolha /boot/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ como pasta e index.html como página inicial. Então aponte seu navegador para o endereço, que é a sua máquina local.
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@
Záložka Pokročilé obsahuje nastavenie maximálneho počtu súčasných pripojení.
Položky menu okna konzoly majú z názvov vyplývajúce použitie. S nimi môžete napr. ukladať (časti) konzolového výstupu, vyčistiť konzolu alebo súbor záznamu a spustiť/ukončiť server alebo vyčistiť počítadlo zásahov.
Ak chcete vyskúšať, či PoorMan funguje, vyberte ako priečinok /boot/apps/BePDF/docs/ a ako úvodnú stránku index.html. Potom v prehliadači zadajte URL, čo je váš lokálny počítač.
Ak chcete vyskúšať, či PoorMan funguje, vyberte ako priečinok /boot/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ a ako úvodnú stránku index.html. Potom v prehliadači zadajte URL, čo je váš lokálny počítač.
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Before diving into all the applications that come with Haiku, let's have a more detailed look at how to install and uninstall programs. The most convenient way to find, install, update and uninstall applications is via Haiku's package management system. However, since Haiku is largely binary and source compatible to its ancestor BeOS, you might find older archives (.zip and .pkg) that can still be installed as well.
Below you'll always find the /system/ hierarchy mentioned. If you intend to install packages only for a single user (once Haiku becomes multi-user aware), you should use the mirrored filesystem hierarchy under home: ~/config/. See topic Filesystem layout for more information.
The simplest way is to use HaikuDepot to find, download and automatically install and uninstall a package. If you have downloaded a package from somewhere else — maybe because it's not (yet) in a public repository — just double-click it to open in HaikuDepot and install from there.
You'll find the newly installed application in /system/apps/ or, in case of a commandline application, in /system/bin/. All other files the program depends upon (libraries, data, add-ons, etc.) appear automatically in the right locations in the filesystem.
Topics Deskbar or LaunchBox describe how to add shortcuts to your newly installed application.
By the way, although you can unpack a .hpkg file like any other archive, this is not what the package mangement is doing when you're installing a package. The underlying filesystem only appears to spread files in their respective folders, there's no physical moving around taking place. This is why installing/uninstalling is so very fast and clean.
If the package depends on some other library or package, a window will pop up, asking if the necessary files shall be downloaded and installed as well.
Uninstalling is just as easy: Simply find the package in HaikuDepot and click Uninstall.
If you're working in the Terminal or want to do un/installing of packages in a script, you should have a look at the command pkgman --help.
BeOS archives that include all they need in their app's folder can simply be unpacked (double clicking opens Expander or the old PackageInstaller) anywhere in /boot/home/ and run from there. Uninstalling such self-contained applications is easy: just delete the app's folder.
This is true for the majority of old BeOS applications. If you happen upon one that doesn't work out-of-the-box, because it wants to spread its files to hard-coded locations that are not guaranteed to exist, you can try to fix things manually. The folder /system/non-packaged/ allows you to recreate the needed folder hierarchy. As more and more real .hpkg packages become available and old BeOS applications get re-packaged, this will become less needed. Please consult this online article on how to use the non-packaged hierarchy.
Haiku comes with a set of mostly small but essential applications. You'll find all of them at /boot/system/apps/. Applications that are not usually launched by a double-click on a data file (e.g. ShowImage for image files) can be found in the Applications menu of the Deskbar.
Besides the normal commandline tools coming with the bash shell or are necessary to be POSIX compliant, there are a few Haiku-specific commandline applications worth mentioning. These commands are often useful for scripting purposes, see also topic Bash and Scripting.
Besides the above listed programs, which are all maintained by the Haiku project, there are a few essential applications bundled in a standard Haiku system. Bugs and feature requests for those have to be filed with the particular maintainer.
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~/config/settings/ActivityMonitor settings
You can track system resources by launching the ActivityMonitor and activating different items of interest.
By right-clicking into the window, you can toggle the display of all kinds of resources:
+Used/Cached Memory, Swap Space, CPU Usage, Network Receive/Send, Page faults, Semaphores, Ports, Threads, Teams, Running Applications, Raw/Text Clipboard Size, Media Nodes.
Below the graph is a legend (hideable from the context menu). You can change the colors and that of the graph's background via drag & drop from any color picker, e.g. from Icon-O-Matic.
You can add more views from the File menu if it gets too crowded.
The Settings menu opens a panel to set the update interval.
Each view has it's own Replicant handle and can thus be arranged, for example, on the Desktop.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
BePDF is a fast launching PDF viewer. Besides viewing, it supports annotating and user-defined bookmarking for unencrypted PDFs. It's fully localized for 20 languages at the moment with additional languages being easily added via text files.
Documentation is available as HTML or PDF. The latter will also open from the menu Help | Show Help....
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No entry, normally started from Installer's Tools menu
none MBR backups are saved by default in ~/config/settings/bootman/
If you don't add the Haiku partition to an existing boot manager like GRUB, BootManager can install a small boot menu in the Master Boot Record (MBR) that looks something like this:
BootManager isn't yet tested very well and still has a few restrictions that it will complain about if they aren't met: the menu can only be installed on your first harddisk and there has to be a 2KiB space after the Master Boot Record (MBR).
BootManager guides you through the installation process of the boot menu.
The BootManager starts off with a list of all available drives from which you choose the destination. If there's already a boot menu on that drive, the Uninstall button becomes active, leading you through the simple procedure to restore a formerly backed-up MBR, thereby removing the boot menu. Otherwise, choose Install to continue.
In case anything goes wrong or you want to remove the boot menu again, the Master Boot Record (MBR) is now saved. This is obviously a very important step, make sure you don't accidentally overwrite some other MBR-backup maybe from some earlier experimentation, for example!
Just select a destination for the backup file "MBR" or leave the default path. After clicking Next you'll get a confirmation if the backup was successful.
Next you're presented with a list of all partitions on the destination drive. By setting checkmarks you decide what entries will appear in the boot menu, the text boxes allow you to rename an entry.
After that, you pick from the pop-up menu which partition will be booted from by default and set a timeout with the slider below. Here, "Immediately" will skip the boot menu entirely, "Never" will just stop at the boot menu. You can override the timeout setting by holding ALT while booting.
Before the boot menu is written to the MBR, you'll get a summary of your configuration and then one last chance to abort the operation. Don't worry though, as long as you keep the MBR backup safe, you can easily revert the changes. Should things get thoroughly messed up, you can always boot from a Haiku install CD or USB stick and write back the MBR backup with BootManager.
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~/config/settings/CharacterMap settings
CharacterMap will show you the UTF-8 code of every character a font supports.
To the left you have the standardized blocks, together with a handy filter function. Optionally, you can choose to also Show private blocks from the View menu. The right shows the actual characters in these blocks, using the font specified in the Font menu. Below that you can change the font size. And below that, the values of the character currently under the mouse pointer is displayed in hex, decimal and UTF-8 notation.
You can drag & drop a character directly from the character map into a text editor, or right-click on one to either Copy character (ALTC) or Copy as escaped byte string (SHIFTALTC). Resulting in, e.g. either € or \xe2\x82\xac.
All commandline applications shipped with Haiku are in /boot/system/bin/. Your own or additionally installed commandline apps will appear there as well, or in ~/config/bin/, when installed from a .hpkg package. Otherwise you can put them into /boot/system/non-packaged/bin/ or ~/config/non-packaged/bin/. All these locations are part of the PATH variable and are therefore automatically found.
+The following isn't an exhaustive list of all Haiku-specific CLI apps, it serves just to highlight a few of the most useful to give you a taste. Feel encouraged to explore what's in the bin/ folders on your own a bit. Executing an app with the parameter --help shows the usage of the command and all its various options.
These commands are used to display, read out, add and remove attributes of files. Remember that these meta data are currently only available on BFS formatted volumes. Moving files onto other file systems will strip all attributes!
+All these commands are described in topic Attributes in Terminal.
With these commands you list, make, reindex and remove attributes to BFS' index. Every volume has it's own index, remember that when copying files from one volume to another.
+These commands are described in topic Index.
The package command is used to manage HPKG packages. Have a look at the article Installing applications to learn the very basics. Usually the tool haikuporter is used to automatically create packages from so-called recipes.
pkgman is used to search, install, update and uninstall packages. Package repositories can be added, dropped and their package lists refreshed. A special kind of update is invoked with the parameter full-sync: it is more aggressive and also downgrades or removes packages, if necessary.
+For more details on a parameter, append "--help", e.g. pkgman search --help
Here are a few commandline tools that are especially useful for scripting (see also topic Bash and Scripting).
alert conjures up the typical alert window with a pre-defined icon, explanatory text and up to three buttons. It will return the title of the pressed button and an exit status (starting with 0). For example, this is made of the line:
alert --idea "FantasticApp(tm) installed successfully! \
+Would you like a link to it?" "On Desktop" "In Deskbar" "No thanks"
filepanel displays a load or save file panel and lets the user choose a file or location. As a return value you'll get the chosen file or folder's path. There are several parameters available, for example to set a starting directory, a window title, a default name when saving or restrictions to the allowed types of files. This is an example of
filepanel -s -t "Save your logfile" -d ~/config/settings -n Fantastic.log
hey is a littler helper tool that sends BMessages to applications and prints out their answer. It can be used for application scripting, i.e. "remote controlling" a program from a script or the command line. It's usage is a bit complex... Humdinger's blog post serves as a good introduction, and thanks to Scot Hacker's BeOS Bible, there is a much more comprehensive hey tutorial by Chris Herborth.
notify shows a notification panel with a message. There are various parameters that are described when you call notify --help. A notification can also be used to show the progress of some action. When doing that, it's important to set a messageID and always use it when you update the progress (a float between 0.0 and 1.0 that's printed as percent). Otherwise you'll see several notification panels if you update quicker then the set timeout.
+An example:
query is the commandline version of the Find panel. In fact, a quick way to generate the search term is to build a query in the Find panel, switch to by formula, add double quotes (") in front and back and paste the whole string after your query command in Terminal or your script.
waitfor is a nice way to wait for a particular application or thread to be started or to have ended.
checkfs is an important tool to check for errors in your file system. Simply add a volume name like /Haiku or device path and it'll run through every file and correct inconsistencies where possible.
desklink can install an icon for any file, folder, query or application in the Deskbar tray. It also offers the option to provide a context menu when right-clicking an icon to execute special actions. As an example, try this to add the commandline app screenshot with various options (the "\" in the first line is just for the line break in Terminal):
diskimage lets you register a regular file as disk device. For example, you can register a Haiku anyboot image, mount it in Tracker and copy, edit or remove files there before using it as source in the Installer.
The launch_daemon starts all sorts of services and applications at boot-up. For some it was instructed to re-start them if they were quit. If you don't want that – maybe you'd like to test a modified Tracker, for example – you use launch_roster to stop the re-starting of the application before quitting it. Similarly, you can start it again or get info about it.c The parameter log prints out a log of all launch_daemon related events.
+Without parameter, launch_roster lists all apps/services that are under its control.
+For example, this will stop the re-launching of the Deskbar:
launch_roster stop x-vnd.be-tskb
mountvolume mount
mountvolume is preferred by many to mount local partitions and disks, because its usage is so easy: just call it with the name of the partition and you're done. Try --help for more options.
mount can additionally mount remote disks by using a network filesystem, like NFS4. You specify the used filesystem with the -t parameter and the remote location with the -p parameter. As filesystem parameter you can use anything you find in /system/add-ons/kernel/file_system (and corresponding file hierarchies under ~/config or "non-packaged", of course). You also have to create a folder as mountpoint. Here's an example:
open is a very handy little tool. With it you open any file with its preferred application, or start a specific application by its signature without the need to know its exact path. It also works with URLs and even with the "virtual" directories . for the current directory and .. for the parent, opening the folder in Tracker.
A ramdisk is like a harddisk running only in the computer's memory. That makes it very fast but also volatile, because its contents vanishes when you shut down the computer, or it crashes or you experience a blackout.
+To create a ramdisk of 1 GiB, format to the name "RAMses" and mount it, you enter this in Terminal or create a script of it:
ramdisk create -s 1gb
+mkfs -q -t bfs /dev/disk/virtual/ram/0/raw RAMses
+mountvolume RAMses
Note: When creating a ramdisk, the ramdisk command prints out the path to it. If you create several disks, that path /dev/disk/virtual/ram/0/raw will change!
To preserve the contents, at least if no calamity like a blackout etc. strikes, a ramdisk can be set up to read/write an image on the harddisk. For that, you need to supply a file of the desired size that will be read from every time you start your ramdisk, and written to when you unmount it. To create an image file "RAMimage" of 500MiB and format it, do this:
It's very important to always cleanly unmount you ramdisk, either from Tracker or with unmount /RAMimage, or the changes won't be written back to the image file!
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
CodyCam lets you take pictures at a specified interval from a connected webcam or any other video-in device and save them via FTP.
To the left under the preview, you set the filename that'll be suffixed with an increasing number for every picture taken. Beneath that you decide on the file format and the rate the pictures are taken.
To the right you choose either FTP or sFTP (if SSH is available) and enter the needed data to save the images on a server.
The Debugger is an application the common user hasn't much use for. It's targeted at developers to investigate bugs in programs. Sometimes those bugs result in crashes and that is when even end users come into contact with the Debugger. When a program crashes, you're confronted with this alert :
It offers four options to react to the crash:
Terminate will clean up after the crashed app but otherwise does nothing further.
Debug will start the Debugger for further investigation.
Save report creates a debug report which is saved as a text file on the Desktop and can be emailed to the developer of the crashed app or attached to a ticket at its bugtracker, if available.
+The debug report contains information on your hardware (type of CPU and used memory etc.), the exact version of Haiku and all available information on the state of the system that could be relevant to the crash.
Write core file creates a possibly huge dump of the system's state. Better attach a regular debug report first when submitting a bug report and only provide a core file on request.
The default action when a crash happens can be configured with a text file ~/config/settings/system/debug_server/settings.
+The file takes on a driver_settings style format as follows:
Save a (possibly very large) core file and terminate the team.
If no default_action is specified, "user" is assumed.
The executable_actions subsection contains individual overrides of the default. These take the form above, where the individual lines can be only a team name, or a path, with wildcards.
Describing the usage of the actual Debugger is out of scope for this guide that is addressing the needs of the common user of Haiku. For completeness sake, here's the window that'll come up if you choose the Debug option in the above alert:
As you'll quickly see when you start poking around a bit, the Debugger is one of the most complex and sophisticated applications for Haiku. If you're a developer and are used to graphical debuggers on other platforms, many features will be familiar to you.
Below are a few links that may shed some light on the intricacies of Haiku's Debugger. If you have a specific question, you may want to consider posting it on the development mailing list. If you find more useful resources, please file a bugreport with that info.
A video from the BeGeistert meeting in 2012, in which Ingo Weinhold demonstrates the state of the Debugger back then and shows other interesting tools like the profiler to hunt down bottlenecks.
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DeskCalc is a simple calculator that nevertheless has some nice features that aren't apparent on first sight.
DeskCalc understands much more than its simple keypad suggests.
+Besides the operators , -, *, /, %, ^ and the constants pi and e the following math functions are supported:
+!, acos, asin, atan, atan2, cbrt, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor, log, log10, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh.
Right-clicking offers these options:
Enable Num Lock on start up
Automatically activates the number block when launching DeskCalc.
Switch between "rad" and "deg" as unit for angular measure.
A minimal view mode that hides the keypad.
The standard look of DeskCalc.
Show additional buttons for advanced calculations.
When it comes to user input, DeskCalc is quite tolerant:
+/, :, \ are all interpreted as division operators,
+*, x are valid symbols for multiplication.
+Also, be aware that . and , are both considered floating points, which means you mustn't use them as 1000-separators.
You can resize the calculator until it fits your needs and then put it as Replicant onto the Desktop via drag & drop of the symbol in the bottom right corner. Make sure Show replicants is activated in the Deskbar.
The keypad can be colored with a drag & drop from any color well, e.g. from Icon-O-Matic.
You can move up and down in a history of past calculations with ↑ and ↓.
You can select DeskCalc's contents and drag & drop it into any application. Or you drop it into a Tracker window or onto the Desktop and a text file with that clipping is created there.
Even better, the reverse is also possible:
+Create clippings as described at various stages of your calculation and go back to them by drag & dropping them back into DeskCalc.
+Or you drag & drop a calculation directly out of an email onto DeskCalc.
DeskCalc can be used in Terminal. Just put the expression in double quotes, like this:
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
DiskProbe is a HEX editor to view and alter data of a file or on a device on a byte-level. It's a very low-level tool and has therefore the potential to really mess things up if you're not careful!
Always work with the backup of a file and be extra careful when working directly on a device.
When starting DiskProbe you'll first be asked for the file or the device to work on. After that you are presented with this interface:
The main view shows always one block of data, the size of which can be adjusted with View | BlockSize. To the left is the offset to the start of the block, in the middle the data as HEX values and to the right the same as ASCII symbols.
+You can move from block to block with the slider above or with ALT← and ALT→ and switch between the HEX and ASCII columns with TAB.
Block | Selection will not only show the selection with different endianess (and in HEX or decimal, set by View | Base), it will also interpret the selection as a block offset that you can jump to. It will be grayed out if the position is outside of the file/device.
+This is a handy feature mostly when looking at file systems, as they often contain pointers to other blocks.
If the file you're probing includes attributes, the Attributes menu can be used to open any of them in a new DiskProbe window. Here's the SYS:PACKAGE attribute of the AboutSystem application:
Depending on the kind of attribute, you'll get a different editor tab besides the always present Raw Editor. For example, there are editors for strings and MIME types or an icon viewer for the vectoricon attribute.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
DiskUsage shows graphically how the space on your volumes is utilized.
+A useful tool to answer the question, "Where has all my disk space gone?".
After launching, DiskUsage shows only an empty window with all mounted volumes as tabs at the top. You'll have to choose the one you're interested in and click Scan to start chugging through the disk. For larger disks this can take some time... While you wait, you may switch to a different tab and start exploring that volume or begin the scan process there as well.
+It's not recommended to start several concurrent scan processes on the same physical disk, as the constant repositioning of the heads of the drive will only extend the wait.
The concentric circles represent different levels in the file system hierarchy. Above, the circle in the center represents the /boot/home/ folder. Each segment of the ring immediately outside that circle is a file or folder under /boot/home/. Every segment farther outside brings you one level deeper in the file hierarchy. You may have to resize the window to accommodate very deep folders.
If the graphical representation of a file or folder comprises less than about 2° of a circle, it is excluded from the display.
The number of files that's reported for a folder includes files in subfolders too. A folder counts as a file.
DiskUsage ignores symbolic links.
As you move the mouse over a segment, information about that file or folder appears in the status bar at the bottom.
Right-clicking a segment offers a context menu to Get info, Open (with Tracker), Open with another suitable application or Rescan that particular folder.
+Left-clicking a segment makes that file/folder the center circle.
+Left-clicking the center circle moves you up one level.
You can drag files and folders from DiskUsage to other applications or to the Desktop or other Tracker windows for copying. Vice versa, dropped volumes and folders on DiskUsage's window will zoom directly to them, making them the new center circle.
You can also use the Tracker add-on from the context menu of any folder to start DiskUsage with that particular location.
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DriveSetup is a tool to create, delete and format partitions. At this time it can't resize or move existing partitions, so that you'll either need an unpartitioned volume (perhaps an external USB drive or another harddisk) or do the initial setup with a tool like the GParted LiveCD to provide the space for another partition.
At the top is a graphical representation of all partitions inside the device chosen in the list below it. Each device, by default, can hold a maximum of 4 primary partitions. This limit can be removed by making one of those an extended partition, which in turn can hold theoretically an unlimited number of logical partitions (practical limitations depend on, for example, other OSes installed).
+You may have to expand such a list with the +/- widget that appears in that case in front of that device to see the details of every logical partition.
Colors and icons provide some more information about the available volumes and partitions.
+Besides the familiar icons for harddisks, CD drives and USB sticks etc., there are a few that indicate a their mount mode:
When mounted, a colored bar shows the used space of a partition. The color depends on the kind of partition:
A BFS formatted partition
A non-BFS formatted partition
A read-only partition
An encrypted partition
You can select a partition and choose various commands from the context or Partition menu, like Mount/Unmount, or to Open in DiskProbe.
You can also Format or completely Delete a partition.
Dealing with creating/deleting/formatting partitions is very dangerous business. Always check twice to be sure you're working with the right one and always keep an up-to-date backup of your data in case something goes wrong!
If you don't plan to use just one of the partitions of a larger disk, but the entire drive as one partition, e.g. a USB stick or a Compact Flash card, you'll have to initialize the disk first.
You do this by selecting the raw disk from list of devices and choose a partition map from the Disk | Initialize menu. The Intel Partition Map is the right choice for classical booting via a BIOS.
When you found unformatted space on a drive, like the above <empty>, you can create a new partition in this space with Partition | Create...(ALTC).
You're prompted with this dialog that lets you adjust the partition size and type. Choose Be File System if you want to use the partition for an Haiku installation or if you want to use all the interesting Haiku features with it, like attributes and queries. Note, that other operating systems might not be able to access such a partition.
The Active partition checkbox is only available if you have created a primary partition instead of just another logical partition within an extended one. You'll have to tick that checkbox if you plan to use that partition to boot a Haiku installation.
Before you can use, or even mount the newly created partition, it has to be formatted with a filesystem.
Only unmounted partitions can be formatted by choosing a filesystem from the sub-menu of Partition | Format. The Be File System (BFS) is mandatory for a Haiku boot partition and recommended for data partitions to be used with Haiku. Only BFS formatted partitions can be queried and fully support Haiku's file attributes.
Here you set the name for the partition and it's blocksize. The blocksize is the space in bytes that a file will allocate at minimum. 2048 bytes per block are recommended, but you can choose larger or smaller sizes if you have these very specific needs.
+If the future data on your partition won't need any querying, you can uncheck Enable query support to save a bit of overhead for managing the index.
Formatting will destroy all data on the partition!
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
No entry, normally launched via double-clicking a supported file.
Expander is a small tool to quickly unpack the most common archives, among them zip, gzip, bzip2, rar and tar.gz.
+Just double-click an archive to see this simple interface:
will open a file dialog to find an archive to unpack.
will open a file dialog to set the destination.
will start the unpacking. It can be aborted with ALTK.
You can toggle the display of the file listing by un/checking Show contents or pressing ALTL.
Expander can only unpack whole archives.
+You can't select individual files to expand or add/remove files from the archive.
Settings | Settings... or ALTS opens a preference panel that offers some useful settings to adjust Expander's behavior.
+The options are all self-explanatory:
+~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ - Cached icons, screenshots, descriptions etc.
HaikuDepot is the central application when it comes to managing your software packages. With it you can browse and search through package repositories and install, update and uninstall packages. By default, HaikuDepot starts up with a list of "Featured packages", software that's deemed interesting to many users.
The second tab shows All packages, the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
At the top we find a few means to filter the list of available packages below:
The Category pop-up menu lets you limit the list to individual categories like "Audio" or "Games".
The Search terms text field filters the list to those packages that have all the entered (space-delimited) strings in their name or description.
The Repositories menu of the menu bar determines which repos are being queried. "Local" packages are the ones that were installed from somewhere other than an online repo; maybe from a USB thumb drive or downloaded from some website or a package that you've built yourself.
Like in any Tracker window, you can choose from a context menu which columns to display by right-clicking the column heading. A left-click sorts the list according to that column. Of course, you can rearrange the columns by dragging them to a new position.
The status column of a package can have one of several states:
Active: The package is currently installed and ready to be used.
Available: The package exists in that repository and can be downloaded and installed. If there are any dependencies on other packages, you'll be informed of that while installing and get the choice of downloading/installing all that's necessary.
Pending / %: Pending is shown for a package that is queued for download/installation. While a package is downloaded, the progress is shown as percentage.
Update available: There's a newer version than your installed one available.
You can grab the dotted line between the packages list and the info area to vertically resize the packages list.
At the bottom is an area that displays information on the package that is currently selected in the list above it.
+To the right of package name, author, rating and version is a button, that – depending on the current state of the package – lets you Install, Uninstall or Update it. If a package is already installed, you'll find an additional button there to Open the application.
Below are four tabs: About, Ratings, Changelog and Contents.
The first tab has a detailed description of the package, as well as screenshots and a contact address and URL of the team that maintains the packaged software, if available. Clicking the screenshot thumbnail will open it full-size in a new window
The second tab shows ratings and comments of users, if available.
To the left is a statistic, showing the number of stars (1 to 5) the package got from how many users.
+In the middle are user comments with their nickname, the number of stars they gave the package and which version of the package they were rating or commenting on. You'll find more on how to rate a package yourself further down.
Here you find a detailed history of all the versions of the package that have been released so far, if the maintainer of the package provides that information.
The last tab shows all the files and folders a package contains. This only works for already downloaded packages.
In the Tools menu at the top of the window, you'll find an item to Refresh repositories. This will request an up-to-date list of all available packages from the repositories.
+The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens the Repositories preferences, to add/remove or disable and enable repositories.
+Check for updates... opens the SoftwareUpdater to search and install updated packages.
Under Show you can choose to also display Develop packages and Source packages in the packages list. For the normal user those are of no interest and would only clutter the list. They are important, however, for people who need the libraries, headers etc. of a package to develop and compile programs depending on them.
Of more interest are the options to only show Available packages and Installed packages.
To be able to rate a package, you need a user account at the Haiku Depot Server that serves all the packages and keeps track of ratings and user comments. You can create an account within the HaikuDepot application by clicking on the menu in the far right of the menu bar that shows your current status: Not logged in. Choosing Log in... opens a window with two tabs; one to enter your user name and password (once you have those) to log in, and the other to create a new account:
To create an account you need to:
use an all lower-case user name without special characters
use a password that's at least 8 characters long with at least 2 capitals and 2 numbers
provide a valid email address (if you want a new password sent to you in case you forgot it)
solve the captcha
tick the checkmarks to confirm you're over 16 and have read the usage conditions linked below them.
After logging in, the top-right menu of the HaikuDepot window will now say Logged in as (...), showing your user name. The menu now offers you to Switch account... or Log out.
After you've created a user account and are logged in, you can rate a package and leave a comment, if you want. Just hover the mouse over the rating stars in the info area of a package and they turn into a Rating... button. Click it to open the rating window:
Here you move the mouse over the stars to light them up and choose your rating, you can also choose from a number of levels to judge the stability of the application and pick the language of your optional comment. To make a comment meaningful, you should have worked with the application you're about to rate for a while to become familiar with its features, bugs and quirks. And don't write the next great American novel... keep it short, sweet and polite. :)
+After you click Send the data is transmitted to the server. You may have to go to the Tools menu to Refresh repositories before you can see your changes.
At any time, you can come back and edit your comment and re-rate it. You can also hide your rating from other users by deactivating the checkbox Other users can see this rating.
Contrary to the BeOS, Haiku uses vector icons instead of bitmap icons. A special Haiku Vector Icon Format (HVIF) was developed that is highly optimized for small file sizes and fast rendering. That's why our icons are for the most part much smaller than either a bitmap or the widely used SVG format. Also, unlike BeOS' bitmap icons, Haiku isn't limited to an 8bit palette (256 colors).
+Take this icon of the Terminal, for example:
1,024 byte + 256 byte
7,192 byte
768 byte
Note that the BeOS used two versions of an icon, one 16x16 and one 32x32, to achieve good visuals in List and Icon View mode.
This trick isn't needed with vector icons. Besides only taking up a few hundred bytes in a file, vector icons also scale much better than bitmaps. (Note: BeOS offered only a 16x16 and 32x32 display.)
Icons are stored as an attribute with their file. However, that doesn't mean that every file has to have this attribute to appear with an icon in a Tracker window: data files inherit their icon from their filetype. To globally change the filetype's icon you use the FileTypes preferences. If you only want to add a special icon to an individual file, you use the FileType add-on on it instead. See topic Filetypes for more information.
Being an attribute, it follows that only filesystems supporting metadata can retain a file's individual icon. So, if you move files off your BFS volume, consider zipping them up so you don't lose icons or other attributes.
Icon-O-Matic is Haiku's icon editor that can save your work as HVIF, SVG or PNG. The icon can also be directly attached as attribute to an existing file or exported as a resource or source file used by developers. Since the application was tailored to the optimized HVIF format, its usage reflects the inner workings of this format.
Other than your normal vector graphics software, you don't deal with separate objects that each include all their specific properties like path, stroke width, stroke and fill color etc. Rather, you assemble your objects ("shapes") from shared paths and colors ("styles") and set certain properties. This re-using of elements is one secret of HVIF's efficiency. Although that imposes some constraints on the icon designer, there are a few advantages, too.
+For example, by re-using a path, several objects can be modified together by manipulating this one path. Think of an object and its shadow. Modifying their shared path will change the object itself and automatically its (maybe slightly distorted/translated) shadow.
Here's a quick overview of Icon-O-Matic's window:
To create any visible object on the canvas, you need a shape with a path and a style. Conveniently, you can create one, two or all three of those together from the Shape menu. Every kind of object (Paths, Shapes, Transformers, and Styles) has a menu above its list of elements, offering various commands. Every element has certain options that are set in the Properties view.
A path consists of several points which are connected with lines or Bezier curves. To add or change points, make sure the path is selected in the path list.
Simply clicking in the canvas will set the first point. While setting a point, you decide if the resulting line will be straight or curved: a simple click and release produces a straight line, holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse will drag out the handles for a Bezier curve. Of course, you can also change it all later on.
To get from "A" to "B", you have to transform some points from corner-points to curve-points. That's done by holding ALT while clicking on a point and dragging out the handles. This results in a symmetrical Bezier: the second handle follows the movement of the other. If you need to move the handles independently, again click & drag on a Bezier handle while holding ALT.
+Vice versa, to go from Bezier to a corner-point, hold ALT and click on a point.
To move a point, simply click & drag it. To select more than one point, hold down SHIFT and draw a selection rectangle. Selected points are marked with a red border instead of the usual black.
+To insert a point into a path you click on the connecting line between two points.
+Selected points are deleted by pressing DEL or by clicking on any point while holding CTRL.
The mouse pointer indicates the current mode:
Move point(s)
Insert point
Add point
Delete point CTRL
Corner↔Bezier ALT
Select points SHIFT
You can invoke a context menu by right-clicking a point or a selection of points:
Select all
Selects all points of the current path.
Puts all selected points in a transformation box, so you can move, resize and rotate them together. It works just like with shapes, described a bit further down.
Splits selected points into two, one sitting on top of the other.
Rotates selected points by 180°. Only has an effect on Bezier points.
The Path menu offers a few obvious entries to Add rectangle and Add circle or to Duplicate or Remove a path. Here are some that may need a bit more explaining:
If your path isn't "closed" (see Path Properties below), a click into the canvas always creates a new point, connecting it with the last one. "Reverse" will reverse this order and your new point will connect to original start point instead.
Clean up
Most useful with imported SVGs, this function will remove redundant points.
Rotate indices right
Practically, this rotates the opening of a path. It's best seen when using a not-closed path with a style and a shape with a stroke transformer. Now, if your path looks like a ⊂ it will rotate like this: ⊂ ∩ ⊃ ∪.
Properties at the bottom left of the window offers all available settings of the currently selected object. A path only has two: a Name and if it's Closed or not.
A shape groups together one or more paths with a style. Practically, it's the object that you'll actually see on the canvas. The grouping is done with the checkboxes in front of the paths and styles: Just select your shape and tick off the desired path(s) and a style.
A shape defines how a path and style is applied, e.g. if the object is filled or only stroked (which is done by using Transformers on the shape, we'll get to that later). Also, a shape can be moved, rotated or resized without touching the used path. That way, you can re-use a single path and get different, but related, shapes.
When a shape is selected from the list, a rectangle is drawn around it. Depending on where exactly you grab it, the shape is moved, resized or rotated around a point in its center, which itself can be moved. Holding SHIFT will lock direction when moving, limit rotating to 45° angles and restrict the aspect ratio while resizing. The mouse pointer again indicates the current mode:
Move rotation point
Shapes lie on top of each other, each is on its own layer, if you will. To reorder them you drag & drop their entry to a different position in the list.
The Shape menu offers the before mentioned possibility to Add empty, with path/style/path & style and to Duplicate or Remove a shape. Then, there is:
Reset transformation
Reverts all the move, resize and rotate transformations you have applied to the shape.
Freeze transformation
When you transform a shape, its assigned path(s) stay in their original position. This may be intended; maybe more than one shape is using that path, maybe you intentionally used Options | Snap to grid to set the points at precise pixel borders.
+If not, "Freeze transformation" will apply the current shape transformation to the assigned path(s). A future "Reset Transformation" will then return to this new state.
See how there are no numbers in the 16px version of the BeVexed icon? That's done with the "Level of Detail" setting of their shapes.
+With the LOD you control the visibility of a shape depending on its size. That way, you can leave away details of an icon that look good on a bigger icon, but maybe not so much on its smaller version.
This is how it works: A LOD of 1.0 is defined as a 64px icon size. To get the LOD of a particular icon size you simply divide it by 64, e.g. a 16px icon has a LOD of 16/64 = 0.25. A shape won't be visible below its Min LOD and above its Max LOD.
So, if you set a shape's Min LOD to 0.0 and the Max LOD to 0.5, this means that the shape will only be visible for icon sizes smaller or equal to 32px. If you wanted to exclude the 32px icon size, you'd have to stay below 0.5, say 0.49.
The LOD is not only for leaving out detailing shapes, but also to e.g. change the stroke width at different sizes, if you feel that's needed. Simply duplicate a shape, make your changes and set both of their LOD settings to show either one or the other. Here lies the only source of potential confusion, when you unwittingly overlap LODs of shapes, and wonder why at some size both are visible...
+For example, if Shape 1 were to be shown below 48px and Shape 2 from 48px upward (LOD: 48/64 = 0.75):
A style can either be a solid color or some type of gradient.
+Besides the predefined colors under Swatches, you can mix your own by clicking on the current color. Also, note the slider under the color spectrum which sets the alpha-channel (transparency).
You quickly create a new style by mixing your color and simply drag & dropping it into the list of styles.
If you go for a gradient, you set the type (Linear, Radial, Diamond, Cone) and then define the start and end colors. This is done with a drag & drop from a color bucket into the respective color indicator under the gradient.
+Of course you can move these indicators to change the gradient to your liking. You can also insert more indicators to add more colors by double-clicking into the gradient. Pressing DEL removes the selected indicator.
You can move, resize and rotate the representing box of a gradient on the canvas until it fits your needs. This works just like with shapes.
There's your usual menu bar at the top, File, Edit, Options. The usage is pretty much self-explaining, so we'll only look at how to save your work.
File | Save as... will save in a special Icon-O-Matic format that retains additional information like the names of paths, shapes and styles. These will be stripped from the actual icon once you export it to save space. It's a good idea to back-up your work like this, because without named objects everything's named "<path>/<shape>/<style>" which makes specific changes tedious.
File | Export as... opens a familiar save panel with a file format pop-up menu at the bottom, offering these choices:
Haiku Vector Icon Format
Saves as resource used by programmers
HVIF source code
Saves as source code used by programmers
Saves as SVG
Saves as a 64px sized PNG
PNG set
Saves as 16, 32 and 64px sized PNGs
BEOS:ICON attribute
Choose a file and set its icon attribute directly
META:ICON attribute
Choose a file and attach the icon as mere meta data
A few things you should keep in mind when working with Icon-O-Matic and some general tips for its usage:
Read the Icon Guidelines to learn about important characteristics of Haiku icons, e.g. perspective, shadows and the Haiku color palette.
You should always try to minimize your use of paths, those are the most expensive, file size wise. Re-use paths wherever possible and work with manipulated shapes and their transformers instead. Smart use of gradients can also save space.
Wherever possible, you should activate Snap-to-Grid from the Options menu when editing paths. Path points that align with the 64x64 pixel grid use less storage space. You'll also get the crispest look if points are set on exact pixel borders. For example, it is important to align the most prominent outlines with the 16x16 grid.
Check the preview to see if your icon still looks good in 16x16. You may want to use the Level Of Detail settings described in the Shapes section.
There's an easy way to produce letters, even if Icon-O-Matic doesn't provide such a tool. Just enter the text in a text editor such as StyledEdit, adjust font type and style, and drag & drop or copy & paste the selected text into Icon-O-Matic. This will create the according paths and shapes.
If you assign more than one path to a shape, their overlapping areas will cancel each other out. When one path is completely inside another, it practically creates a hole in the resulting shape.
You can zoom in and out of the canvas with the mouse wheel. Panning is done either by click & drag with the middle mouse button or with a normal left-click & drag while holding SPACE.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume.
+Upon launch it displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
This is beta-quality software. Make backups or suffer the consequences!
The Installer needs a prepared partition. You can use DriveSetup to create and format a partition, but cannot yet resize existing partitions. For that you'll have to use a GParted LiveCD or a similar tool for now.
Haiku can be added manually to the bootmanager GRUB. How that is done exactly is available as an online guide.
Once you acknowledged with Continue, you're presented with the main window:
In the first pop-up menu you choose the source for the installation. It can be a currently installed Haiku or can come from an install CD or USB drive, etc.
+The second pop-up menu specifies the target for the installation. This target partition/volume will be completely overwritten and has to be set aside beforehand by a partitioning tool like GParted.
Clicking the little expander widget will Show optional packages, if available, that you can choose to install in addition to the basic Haiku.
You should do a last check if you really picked the right target before starting the installation process. Click on Setup partitions... to open DriveSetup and have a look at the naming and layout of the available volumes and partitions.
Begin starts the installation procedure, which basically copies the /home/ and /system/ folder onto the target volume and makes it bootable.
At the end of the installation procedure, the partition is automatically made bootable. However, it can happen that some other operating system or partitioning tool (accidentally) overwrites the boot sector of your Haiku volume. In this case, boot your installation CD and start the Installer. Select your Haiku boot partition from the Onto: Please choose target menu and select Write boot sector from the Tools menu to make it bootable again.
The other item in the Tools menu is used to Set up a boot menu that puts a menu in the boot sector to choose what operating system to boot. See topic BootManager for more information.
+ You don't need to run the BootManager if you already use a bootmanager like GRUB, in which case you have to add Haiku manually (see above), or Haiku runs exclusively on your machine.
All commandline applications shipped with Haiku are in /boot/system/bin/. Your own or additionally installed commandline apps will appear in ~/config/bin/ when installed from a .hpkg package. Otherwise you can put them into ~/config/non-packaged/bin/. All these locations are part of the PATH variable and are therefore automatically found.
+Here's a list of all commandline applications that are shipped with Haiku. Each with only a short description of what it does, for more detailed information on its usage execute the command with the parameter --help.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Magnify shows an enlarged version of the area around your mouse pointer.
At the top you'll find the size and magnification level of the area. "64 x 32 @ 8 pixels/pixel" means that you look at a 64x32 pixel rectangle around your mouse pointer and every pixel is enlarged by a factor of 8.
Below that is the color of the pixel that's marked by a red outline. Its color is presented as RGB and hex value.
+You can move the red outline with ← / → / ↑ / ↓.
To measure distances and align objects, you can add up to two blue crosshairs with ALTH. Their X/Y coordinates toward the top left corner and, if both are added, their X/Y distance from each other, are displayed at the bottom.
+They can also be moved with ← / → / ↑ / ↓. The active crosshair is marked with an "x".
You can move the mouse pointer pixel by pixel with ALT← / → / ↑ / ↓.
Clicking on the pop-up menu or right-clicking into the pixel grid gives you a number of options:
Save image
Saves the current display as a PNG image.
Copy image
Copies the current display to the clipboard.
Show info
Shows additional information.
Add a crosshair
Adds a crosshair you can drag around.
Remove a crosshair
Removes the last added crosshair.
Show grid
Shows a grid overlay.
Freeze image
Stops updating the magnification area.
Stick coordinates
Keeps updating the magnification area, but doesn't follow the mouse pointer any more.
Make square
Reverts back to a square display after resizing the window.
Decrease window size
Shrinks the magnified area around the mouse pointer.
Increase window size
Enlarges the magnified area around the mouse pointer.
+~/config/settings/Mail/Menu Links/ - Objects put here appear in the mailbox' context menu
+~/config/settings/Mail/signatures/ - Location to store signatures
+~/config/settings/Mail/status/ - Location to store custom statuses
Mail is Haiku's default viewer and editor of emails. It has nothing to do with the actual fetching and sending of mails, which is done by the mail_daemon and can be configured via the E-mail preferences.
This page is a general overview of the application Mail. For more information how email in Haiku works, refer to the Workshop on managing email.
You double-click an email file to open it in Mail. The interface is quite simple:
A menu and optional tool bar on top, with an area of the interesting attributes of a mail (to, from, subject, date) below that, and then the actual body of the mail. If the mail appears with strange characters or empty, try to change the Decoding from the pop-up menu.
If there are files attached to an email, they are listed at the end of the message. A right-click on one opens a context menu to Save attachment... or Open attachment. You can also drag & drop directly to the Desktop or another Tracker window.
Most of the menu and tool bar items are pretty self-explaining, so we'll concentrate just on the highlights.
When you close the window of a new mail, its status is normally switched from "New" to "Read". But you can set other statuses as well, by choosing from the Close and... submenu. There you'll also find the option Set to... to create your own custom statuses, which are saved under ~/config/settings/Mail/status/.
Here you'll find an item to open Mail's Preferences... (see below) and a shortcut to manage your Accounts..., which will open the E-mail preference panel.
You'll only seldomly need these two items, if at all:
Show header
Shows the complete header of a mail, in case you need to track down the path of your mail, for example.
Show raw message
Displays a mail in its raw state, i.e. with all its control characters and without Mail's coloring of quotes or URLs, for example..
The different options to reply to a mail may need a bit of explanation.
The standard reply to the server that has sent the mail to you. NOTE: In case of a mailing list post, this normally replies back to the mailing list, not just the person that wrote the post!
Reply to sender
This on the other hand, sends directly and only to the person listed in the "From" attribute.
Reply to all
Replies to the original sender plus all other (cc'ed) recipients of the original mail.
If you mark a passage in the email before replying to it, only the marked text will be quoted in your answering mail. A nice way to cut down on excessive quoting, which is frowned upon by pretty much everybody...
The items to Forward, Resend and Copy to new are again pretty self-explaining.
When you've opened an email from a Tracker or query result window, Previous message and Next message will move to the previous/next email in the list.
Save address collects all email addresses from the header and the actual email body in a submenu. Choosing an address will open the People application in order to complete and save the contact information.
This menu holds queries that show all mails related to the currently open mail. Selecting Same recipient, Same sender or Same subject opens a query that lists all corresponding mails:
A new email is created by invoking the New mail message menu or the corresponding icon from the tool bar of an open email. Or you just start the Mail application or choose Create new message... from the context menu of the mailbox icon in the Deskbar.
The window is pretty similar to the one when reading mails. The menu and tool bar items are slightly different and the text boxes have to be filled with the recipient's email address, subject and so on, of course.
Cc is short for the anachronistic term "carbon copy" and results in copies of your mail being sent to the listed people. The difference to just listing a buch of addresses in the "To" field is, that you don't directly address the cc'ed people, thereby signaling that you probably don't expect an answer of them.
+Bcc means "blind carbon copy" which does practically the same as "Cc", but hides the recipients from each other.
You can enter several recipients by separating their addresses with a comma.
+To, CC, and BCC are pop-up menus. They contain all email addresses on your system found by a query for People files. Their "Group" attribute will sort them in corresponding submenus.
Again, we'll focus on the more interesting features in the menus.
With Save as draft you can store your work so far and come back to it later. To load it again, choose it from the Open draft submenu that will list the result of a query for all mails with the status "Draft".
Increase and Decrease quote level or their respective shortcuts ALT / - are used to add/remove a level of quoting by adjusting the number of ">" symbols in front of quoted lines. Just select some text in all the lines you want un/quoted and invoke the menu item.
Check spelling currently only offers corrections of English texts by marking wrong or unknown words red and showing them in italic.
+Right-clicking such a word opens a context menu offering suggestions to correct the word or to Add it to the accepted vocabulary.
Then, there are again the items to open Mail's Preferences... (see below) and a shortcut to managing your Accounts..., which will open the E-mail preference panel.
With Add signature you can add predefined texts to the end of your mail. From its submenu you can choose a specific or Random one.
You create new or edit existing signatures with Edit signatures..., which will open a window where you enter the text itself and the title of your new sig. There, in the Signature menu, you find items to Open a specific signature or Save or Delete the currently loaded one, Signatures should be saved in ~/config/settings/Mail/signatures.
Use Add enclosure... and Remove enclosure to add/remove files as attachments. You can also drag & drop files from a Tracker window. Be careful though to drop those in the header section (To/From/Subject area at the top) or they'll get pasted into the email body if they are text files.
File attachments are listed below the header section. You can remove a file by invoking a context menu or by selecting it and pressing DEL.
This doesn't work yet, but is intended to hold queries that would show all mail related to the currently open mail, like all to the same recipient or same subject/thread.
Options to show labels under the icons or hide the tool bar completely.
Sets the type of font used for the email text.
Sets the font size.
Colored quotes
Colors different levels of quotation.
Initial spell check mode
Turns the spell checker on/off on startup.
Automatically mark mail as read
If you close an email with the Status "New", you can have it automatically marked as "Read".
Default account
If you have several email accounts, this specifies which to use by default when creating a new message.
Reply account
When you reply to a mail, you can either always Use default account set in the pop-up menu above, or use the Account from mail, which will send the mail from the same account that received the original message.
Reply preamble
This is inserted before the quoted text in your reply. You can use various variables from the pop-up menu next to the text field. Example: "Hello %n!\n\nOn %d you wrote:\n" produces this:
Hello Dr. Hawking!
+On Mon, 18 Jan 1998 02:55:16 +0800 you wrote:
+> so thanks again for the inspiration concerning the cosmological constant.
+> ...and the rest of the quoted text following...
Auto signature
Adds a signature automatically to the end of the mail.
Sets the default encoding.
Warn unencodable
If your mail contains characters that can't be encoded with the currently set encoding method, you can turn on being warned about that. That gives you the opportunity to change the encoding before sending. Otherwise unencodable characters are replaced by rectangle symbols.
Text wrapping
Inserts line-breaks every 76 characters which makes mails easier to read.
Attach attributes
You can choose to send BFS' attributes of a file alongside the attachments. This is nice for other Haiku users, as they'll get a "complete" file (think artist, album, title attributes of MP3 files), but may cause confusion (or even suspicion) with others, who will wonder what the additional "BeOS Attributes" attachment might be...
+Should you opt not to send attributes with your attachments, remember zip up your files before you send them or you'll strip away BFS attributes.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
MediaPlayer is the default player for all audio and video files. Thanks to it's ffmpeg backend, a plethora of widely used formats are supported. Its simple interface has all the controls you'd expect:
The slider of the progress bar allows you to quickly skim to a position, resting the mouse over it shows the current and remaining time of the clip. Clicking on the time display to the right of it, toggles between length, current and remaining time.
+Below that you find the usual controls to skip to the previous track, play/pause, stop and jump to the next track. Then comes a volume control (clicking the speaker symbol toggles muting) and a VU meter.
Audio and video playback
Since there aren't any specific features for for audio playback, we'll go straight to video or general features.
Available to all media is the File info... (ALTI). It shows information about the currently loaded file, like playing time or details of the audio/video track and its codec.
Most of the often used commands from the menus are also available from a right-click context menu on the video area. Convenient when in full-screen mode.
+Under Video you'll find options to zoom the window to various levels or force the aspect ratio to some standard values. Leaving the aspect ration to the default Stream settings should work best for correctly encoded files.
MediaPlayer supports subtitles in SRT format. To have them show up under Subtitles, their filenames have to be identical to their video file, with a suffixed language name and ".srt" instead of the video's extension. For example:
Multiple audio tracks, most often used for several languages inside one video file, are available from the Audio track submenu. The Video | Track submenu offers the same when having multiple video streams available.
You can toggle the Full screen mode (ALTENTER or F or a double left-click), hide MediaPlayer's window borders and controls with Hide interface (ALTH or a double right-click) or have it's window Always on top (ALTA).
MediaPlayer | Playlist... (ALTP) opens a window with the files currently queued up for playback. Double-clicking an entry starts playing it.
You can add more files by dropping them into the list and rearrange their position via drag & drop. From the Edit menu you can Randomize or Remove (DEL) an entry from the list or delete the actual file with Move to Trash (ALTT).
Of course, you can Save a playlist and later Open it again, or start it with simply double-clicking the playlist file.
There are several settings to fine-tune MediaPlayer's behavior:
The first batch, Play mode, is pretty self-explaining. Start playback automatically, close windows when finished or play clips in a loop.
Next are different View options.
+You can opt to Use hardware overlay if available, which cuts down CPU usage but only works for one video window and needs a supporting video card driver.
+You can Scale movies smoothly (when not in overlay mode) which uses very fast filtering to smooth over otherwise blocky pixels when zooming video or watching in full-screen mode.
+Scale controls in full-screen mode if you prefer slightly bigger controls, maybe because you watch the screen from a bit farther away when in full-screen mode.
+Then there are settings for Subtitle size and Subtitle placement. They can be shown at the Bottom of video, which will always have them overlayed over the picture. Or Bottom of window, which allows you to resize the window vertically and have the subtitles appear in the black bar at the bottom instead.
The last setting determines the volume of clips whose windows are not currently active. You can have them all blaring at Full volume, at less confusing Low volume or quietly Muted.
Keyboard controls
MediaPlayer offers convenient key combinations to control playback without using the mouse.
Skip to previous track
Skip to next track
These keys are assigned to the functions of the control buttons. They are always the bottom left letter keys on the keyboard, i.e. they are used independently of your current keymapping. The above keys correspond to a standard US-american keymap.
← / →
Seek backwards/forwards
SHIFT← / →
Jump backwards/forwards 10 seconds
ALT← / →
Jump backwards/forwards 30 seconds
↓ / ↑
Decrease/Increase volume
ALT↓ / ↑
Skip to next/previous Track
Toggle play/pause
Toggle full-screen mode (also done by double left-clicking the video area or pressing F or TAB)
ALTSHIFT0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Changes aspect ratio to Stream settings (how the video was encoded), No aspect correction (maps the pixels of the video 1:1 to the screen), 4:3, 16:9
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
As the name suggests, MidiPlayer is used to playback MIDI music files. MIDI files are special, as they don't contain the actual digitized and in some way encoded music, but only a description of it: Hold this note for that long with this volume and use instrument X for it.
+While this keeps file sizes pretty small, it also follows that depending on the instrument library (the so-called "SoundFont") the results can differ hugely. Also, these SoundFonts tend to be quite large, increasingly so with the number and quality of the instrument samples.
Haiku releases include a small but relatively high quality SoundFont. People who use MIDI more seriously often already have very high quality or custom SoundFonts.
To use other SoundFonts (that don't come installable via HaikuDepot as a HPKG), just copy the .sf file to e.g. ~/config/non-packaged/data/synth/. You can select the active SoundFont in the Media preferences under MIDI.
MidiPlayer's interface is very simple. Just double-click or drag & drop a midi file and playback starts. You control the volume with the slider and add reverb effects from the Reverb pop-up menu. Activating the scope will show a visualization in form of an oscilloscope running at the top.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
No entry, normally launched via
+double-clicking a supported file.
This page is currently only a first draft. Please check back later for a refined version.
LegacyPackageInstaller is an installer for BeOS packages in PKG format. It provides an easy-to-use GUI that helps in fast package installation in Haiku.
It is being executed automatically when you try to open files with .pkg extension.
The main window gives access to two configurations:
type of installation (depending on the developer there might be more than one (standard) installation option).
Installation location (only entire partitions/hard disks can be chosen, not custom paths)
After clicking Install the extraction and installation process will begin.
At this point warnings and errors can appear saying which libraries and dependencies are missing in order to run the program. It might be required to install these packages before attempting to install desired program.
When the installation is complete, package should appear in the Deskbar applications menu.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Pe is a sophisticated editor, with its syntax highlighting targeted mainly at programmers and HTML writers. Originally created by Maarten Hekkelmann, it's been open sourced and maintained by Haiku developers. A bugtracker and more information is available at the Pe project page.
Find out more about Pe's features in its local documentation.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
People is a simple contact database using the attributes of Haiku's filesystem to store addresses and other contact information. Every contact is saved as one Person file with its data in separate attributes. All are indexed and therefore searchable with a query.
The Group attribute at the bottom allows assigning a person to one or more groups. Useful for "mass mailing" a number of people who, for example, work on a specific project. The pop-up menu offers all currently existing groups. If a person belongs to more than one group, the group names are delimited with a ",".
These Person files are usually all saved in /boot/home/people/. To get a list of all your contacts, just open your people folder and display all attributes of interest. If you choose to organize your Person files in different folders, just use a query to display them all in one window.
You can treat these files like any other: You can sort according to attributes (even a second sorting order by holding SHIFT while clicking) and of course delete, duplicate or rename Person files. Even the contact information can be edited directly: Clicking on an attribute (or ALTE) to edit works just like renaming a file. Once you're in edit mode, TAB and SHIFTTAB will jump from column to column.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
~/config/settings/PoorMan Settings
PoorMan is a nice little webserver that's extremely easy to set up. Naturally it doesn't offer any advanced features like other heavy duty server software, it's after all only a poor man's webserver.
Upon its first launch, PoorMan asks for the folder that is about to be served to the web. If you go with the Default, a new folder /boot/home/public_html is created for you. As a start page a HTML file named by default index.html has to be present there.
PoorMan presents itself with a simple console that logs its activity. Then, there's status information if the server is running, which folder is being served, and a hit counter. Settings are changed with Edit | Settings...:
The settings panel is divided into three tabs:
In Site you can select another folder to serve, enter another start page and have the option to send a file listing if the start page isn't present.
+Logging lets you de/activate logging to the console or optionally to a separate logfile.
+The Advanced tab holds the setting for the maximum simultaneous connections.
The menu items of the console window are all self-explanatory. With them you can e.g. save (parts) of the console output, clear the console or logging file and start/stop the server or clear the hit counter.
If you want to try out if PoorMan's working, choose /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ as folder and index.html as start page. Then point your browser to the URL, which is your local host.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Screenshots are taken by either starting the Screenshot application or by pressing the PRINT key,
In the Screenshot panel you can toggle between taking the whole screen or just the active window and decide if the window border and mouse pointer should be included. You can also enter a delay before a screenshot is taken.
Below that you set the name, format and location for the screenshot that will be used when you click Save. Instead of saving the file to disk you can also decide to Copy to clipboard to be able to paste the shot directly into another application, or take a New screenshot.
All settings are remembered the next time you take a screenshot, enabling these convenient keyboard shortcuts:
Takes a screenshot with zero delay and launches the Screenshot panel.
Takes a screenshot silently (without opening the panel), while still respecting the last used settings.
Also takes a screenshot silently with the saved settings, but instead of saving it as a file, it's just copied to the clipboard.
+Taking a screenshot from Terminal
There's a special screenshot application to be used from Terminal or a script.
+screenshot --help shows the familiar options as parameters:
~> screenshot --help
+screenshot [OPTIONS] [FILE] Creates a bitmap of the current screen
+FILE is the optional output path / filename used in silent mode. An exisiting
+file with the same name will be overwritten without warning. If FILE is not
+given the screenshot will be saved to a file with the default filename in the
+user's home directory.
+ -m, --mouse-pointer Include the mouse pointer
+ -b, --border Include the window border
+ -w, --window Capture the active window instead of the entire screen
+ -d, --delay=seconds Take screenshot after the specified delay [in seconds]
+ -s, --silent Saves the screenshot without showing the application
+ window
+ -f, --format=image Give the image format you like to save as
+ [bmp], [gif], [jpg], [png], [ppm], [tga], [tif]
+ -c, --clipboard Copies the screenshot to the system clipboard without
+ showing the application window
+Note: OPTION -b, --border takes only effect when used with -w, --window
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
No entry, normally launched via
+double-clicking a supported file.
ShowImage allows you to view images in all formats that are supported through DataTranslators. New formats are automatically recognized when their translator is added to the system. This has been done for Haiku's vector icon files, WonderBrush images or when WebP images became available, for example.
+ShowImage provides minimal editing features to crop, rotate and flip images and to save them in another format.
The View menu offers to start a Slide show of all images in a folder (or query result window) and set a Slide delay from 2 to 20 seconds.
Other commands apply to the currently displayed image (without changing the size of the window):
+Original size shows the image with a 100% zoom factor.
+Fit to window shrinks the image back into the window frame, e.g. after having zoomed into it or after resizing the window.
+Zoom in and Zoom out move into and out of the image in 10% steps. Zooming is also done with the mouse wheel; to pan an image bigger than the window, simply left-click and drag your mouse around.
Two settings don't just apply to the currently displayed image and are remembered when browsing from one image to the next:
+High quality zooming applies a very fast filter when zooming to reduce jagged lines and produce a smoother result.
+Stretch to window will stretch smaller images to fill the current window frame.
Then there's a Full screen mode with an option to Show caption in full screen mode which overlays the file name at the bottom of the image.
Lastly, Show tool bar will show/hide the graphical controls:
From left to right: Previous image, next image, start slide show (in full screen mode), selection mode, original size, fit to window, zoom in, zoom out, previous and next page (when an image format like TIFF allows multiple pages in one file, see below).
Most of the more often used commands are also available from a right-click context menu on the image. Convenient when in full-screen mode.
After opening an image you can quickly browse through all the other images in its folder (or query result window) by pressing ↑/↓ or ←/→. You can see the selection change accordingly in the Tracker window.
There is a quick way to open the folder of the current image and even navigate to its parent and subfolders. It works just like with drill-down navigating in Tracker by clicking in the info area in the status bar that shows size and format of the current image.
Looking at the Browse menu, shows another type of browsing: Some image formats, like TIFF, can contain several pages in one file. Commands like First page and Next page let you navigate those pages.
The Image menu offers the few image manipulations necessary for an image viewer: rotating and flipping the image. Note however, that the actual image data won't be changed. Only an attribute is added to the file so it'll be shown rotated or flipped the next time you open it.
Use as backgroud... will open the Backgrounds preferences to set the current picture as image for your workspaces.
Cropping is another feature that's needed sometimes. To define the frame to cut to, you can switch to Selection mode from the Edit menu and drag out a box with your left mouse button. If you don't want to change modes first, you can create this box in "normal mode" by simply holding CTRL while left-click-dragging, which otherwise would just pan the image around.
+Clear selection or ESC will remove the selection box.
The following chapter shows how to actually save the cropped area.
Saving and converting
To save or convert an image into any available format, you can invoke the normal Save as... item from the File menu, select the format and choose a file name.
+Often quicker, especially when the Tracker window with the destination folder is already open, is using drag & drop.
This is also how the above mentioned cropping is finalized. Either select a frame as described above, or choose Edit | Select all for the whole image. Then drag & drop the selection onto the Desktop or any Tracker window to create a new image clipping in the same format of the original image.
To save in another file format, do the dragging with the right mouse button and choose a format from the context menu when dropping the image.
Keyboard shortcuts
Here's a list of the most useful shortcuts:
← / ↑
Previous image
→ / ↓
Next image
Move to Trash
Zoom in
Zoom out
Original size (100% zoom)
Fit to window
Toggle full screen mode (also via doubleclick)
While holding CTRL you can create a selection frame without explicitly switching to selection mode.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
SoftwareUpdater checks all active repositories (see the Repositories preferences) for updates to the installed packages, including system updates to Haiku itself. It downloads and installs the available updates in one go.
After launching, SoftwareUpdater checks for updates to packages and displays them in a list with their new version and a short description. You can opt to Show more details to include the name of the repository for each package and show both the old and new package versions.
Update now will start the download of all the packages and their subsequent installation.
Depending on the packages that were updated, you may have to reboot Haiku to actually complete the update process. Updated applications usually only need to be restarted, while changes to Haiku itself may require a reboot of the system to take effect.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
StyledEdit is Haiku's simple text editor. Although it saves files in plain text format, additional attributes are written in order to have limited formatting capabilities when viewed with StyledEdit.
If you're interested, this is what those additional attributes look like when examined in Terminal with listattr:
~> listattr /boot/home/Desktop/test.txt
+File: /boot/home/Desktop/test.txt
+ Type Size Name
+----------- --------- -------------------------------
+ Int-32 4 "be:encoding"
+MIME String 11 "BEOS:TYPE"
+ Int-32 4 "wrap"
+ Int-32 4 "alignment"
+ Raw Data 1048 "styles"
+1071 bytes total in attributes.
As you can see, all the formatting options from StyledEdit's menu are present: line wrapping (on/off) and alignment (left/center/right), each in one attribute. Styles (font, size, color) of each letter mangled into another.
Because these attributes are a file system feature of BFS, this means that not only other platforms just see a plain text file, it also follows, that the formatting will be lost when a file is stored on a non-BFS partition. The above attributes are simply stripped and what's left is the ordinary, plain text file.
In any case, it's a nice idea having the possibility of colored text in different fonts and sizes while still being a normal text file. A ReadMe.txt, for example, is therefore readable in a shell on any platform and still has a bit of style when viewed via double-click from Haiku.
Actually using StyledEdit is so simple, we'll skip explaining every mundane menu item. Just write down your text then select the words you'd like to format and apply font, size and color from the Font menu. Line wrapping and alignment from the Document menu only work on the whole file.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
+~/config/settings/profile - adds/overrides defaults in /boot/system/settings/etc/profile
+~/config/settings/inputrc - adds/overrides defaults in /boot/system/settings/etc/inputrc
The Terminal is Haiku's interface to bash, the Bourne Again Shell.
Please refer to the topic on Scripting for a few links to online tutorials on working in the shell and also have a look at Haiku's commandline applications. Here, we'll concentrate on the Terminal application itself.
You can open as many Terminals as needed, either each in it's own window by simply launching more Terminals or with ALTN from an already running Terminal. Or you use Terminal's tabbed view and open more tabs with ALTT.
Double-clicking into the emtpy part of the tab bar opens a new tab; onto a tab opens a dialog to rename its title. There are several %-designated variables that are explained with a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the text field.
+By default, %1d: %p, a tab shows the current directory and, separated by a :, the name of the currently running process (or -- if it's just bash running, probably idling). The screenshot above shows the first tab with a FTP session in the Desktop folder and a second tab idling at home.
+Via Edit | Window title... the Terminal window's title can be edited in a similar way.
Right-clicking a tab shows a context menu to Close tab, Close other tabs or, like double-clicking, Edit tab title....
A Terminal window can be resized like any other window or you use the presets from the Settings | Window size menu. ALTENTER toggles fullscreen mode.
All the settings you change directly through the Settings menu, like Window title, Window size, Text encoding or Font size are only kept for the current session. If you want to make permanent changes, you have to apply them in the Settings... panel.
Settings | Settings... opens a panel to configure the standard settings of a Terminal.
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves. Not entirely obvious though, the font size is set in the submenu of the Font popup menu.
+Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
+You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text.
+Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
+Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
Save to file...
let's you save different settings as separate profiles, which on double-click open an accordingly configured Terminal.
brings back the settings that were active when you opened the settings panel.
Another nice feature that is more a key & mouse combination: When holding ALT a path or URL under the mouse pointer gets highlighted. A left-click opens the file/folder or website. A right-click opens a context menu to either Copy path or Copy absolute path. Imagine you're in /MyData/source/haiku/ and have the path generated/objects/haiku/x86_gcc2/release/apps/stylededit/StyledEdit under the mouse pointer, the latter menu item will result in the combined, absolute path <deep breath>: /MyData/source/haiku/generated/objects/haiku/x86_gcc2/release/apps/stylededit/StyledEdit.
If you hold down ALTSHIFT, only the path from beginning to where your mouse pointer sits will be highlighted.
By the way, right-clicking into the Terminal window will insert the clipboard. In combination with copying parts of highlighted paths, this can be used for speedy navigation of deep folder hierarchies.
Coming from Unix, there are countless possibilities to customize the bash itself. There are two files that are especially important to the user: profile and inputrc
+Both files can be created in the /boot/home/config/settings/ folder and add or override the system defaults that are defined in /boot/system/settings/etc/.
The profile is loaded every time you open a new Terminal. It sets all kinds of aliases and variables that will affect bash's behavior and appearance. You'll find many online resources that will detail all possibilities.
The Haiku/BeOS Tip Server has quite a few tips to get you started, for example:
The inputrc deals with keybindings. Since Haiku provides useful defaults, you probably don't have to mess with these more involved settings. If you do have special needs here, consult one of the many online resources, e.g. The GNU Readline Library.
Dragging a file or folder from a Tracker window into the Terminal will insert its path at the location of the cursor. Dragging with the right mouse button offers additional actions in a context menu:
Insert path
Inserts the location of the file, same as drag & dropping with the left mouse button.
Change directory
Changes to the folder of the dragged file.
Create link here
Creates a link to the dragged file in the current working directory of the Terminal.
Move here
Moves the dragged file into the current working directory of the Terminal.
Copy here
Copies the dragged file into the current working directory of the Terminal.
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
No entry, normally launched via Tracker Add-on
TextSearch looks for a string in text files. Typically it is invoked from Tracker's Add-on context menu on the selection of files or folders you want to search.
You enter a search string in the text box on top and hit RETURN or click Search to start. If Show lines is checked, the hits are automatically expanded to show the lines of the file containing the search string.
Only a few words on some of the otherwise self-explaining menu items:
File menu
New window
Opens a new window where you can enter another string and search through the same files/folders.
Set target...
Lets you choose a new set of files and folders to search through. Alternatively you can drag and drop files/folders into the window.
Action menu
Trim selection
Removes all entries from the list that are not currently selected.
Open selection
Opens the currently selected files with their preferred application (same as a double-click). If it's a text editor supporting it (like Pe), you can jump to the exact line the search string was found.
Show files in Tracker
Opens the location of the currently selected files in Tracker.
Copy text to clipboard
Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
Settings menu
Skip folders starting with a dot
This is useful when working in a "unixy" environment, where often administrative files are hidden inside ".folders/". Source versioning systems like SVN and CVS are examples of applications using this and are also widely used in Haiku.
Regular expression
TextSearch uses the command line tool grep. For it, special characters like '"*\$?! and spaces have to be escaped with a \. Activating this setting means you have to do this yourself, but in exchange grants you the power of regular expressions.
Text files only
TextSearch is currently only useful for finding strings in plain text files. Deactivating this setting will have it look through any kind of file anyway.
Open files in code editor
Forces files to be opened in the preferred code editor (that handles text/x-source-code). Otherwise a file will be opened in whatever app is set for its filetype. Useful, for example, when editing HTML files that normally would open in your browser.
History menu
Contains recently used search strings.
Encoding menu
Lets you choose different character encodings if needed.
Vision is an IRC client originally developed for the BeOS. More documentation and a bug tracker are available at the Vision homepage.
You can find help from other Haiku users and developers on Haiku channels in various languages.
+The most frequented channel is the English speaking #haiku at irc.freenode.net.
Some advice, especially if you're new to IRC:
Search the web for "IRC etiquette" to learn about the do's and don'ts of chatting. Without much searching, I found Getting help on IRC by Christoph Haas to be quite helpful.
By registering your nickname you make sure nobody can pull any shenanigans and you gain the trust of the residents. See Freenode's FAQ on that matter.
Set up a sound in Haiku's Sounds preferences to be notified if someone mentions your nickname. People don't always watch their IRC client screen. Putting the nickname of the person you're talking to at the beginning of what you're about to post increases your chance to be noticed. Similar to the Terminal, Vision supports tab-completion for nicknames, i.e. if you enter the starting letters of a nickname and press the tab key, Vision completes it with the first name that matches.
Tab-completion like in Terminal: After entering a few letters of a nickname, hitting TAB completes to the first matching nickname.
↑ / ↓
When the input control has focus, this will cycle through your recently entered text.
ALT↑ / ↓
Activates the window that appears above / below the currently active (selected) one in the "Window list"
Similar to ALT↑ / ↓, but with a twist. Instead of activating the window immedietly above / below the current one, it looks ahead. If there are any windows with higher status bits then the current window, it jumps to those. It jumps to the highest found status bit first.
+To understand this, you must know that Vision color codes windows in the list with different "status bits" depending on how its contents have changed since it last had focus:
black - no new text
gray - new text, but nothing exciting (joins, parts, etc.)
green - someone has said something
red - someone has said something, and mentioned your nickname
+Vision treats these with sequential priority. When you press SHIFTALT↑ / ↓, Vision will first jump to a red window above / below the current one if it sees one. If it doesn't see a red one, it will jump to a green one, and so on.
Here's a list of built-in commands, taken with permission from Vision's website.
The syntax:
the command
a required parameter
an optional parameter
a logical OR
more parameters possible
+Opens Vision's About window.
/ACRONYM [word]
+Opens www.acronymfinder.com with your current html handler. (Note: If the file-handler is not a browser, it opens the application specified in FileTypes.)
/AWAY [away-reason]
+Sets away status on current network. If no away reason is specified, it is set to 'BRB'. (be right back)
+Sets your status to 'back' on current network.
+Clears the contents of the current text buffer.
+Executes the specified ctcp command on a channel or nick.
/DCC <CHAT> <nick>
+Opens a private dcc chat session with the specified nick.
/DCC <SEND> <nick> [file]
+Sends a file to <nick>. If no file is specified, a File panel will open.
/DEOP /DOP /DEVOICE <nick1> [nick2] ...
+De-ops or de-voices <nick(s)>.
/DESCRIBE <nick> <message>
+Like a private /ME, only <nick> can see it.
/DNS <domain name/IP address>
+Resolves the given IP or domain name.
+Quits Vision.
/GAWAY [away-reason]
+Same as /AWAY [away-reason], but applies to all connected networks.
+Same as /BACK, but on applies to all connected networks.
/GOOGLE [search-string]
+Opens www.google.com with your current html handler. (Note: If the file-handler is not a browser, it opens the application specified in FileTypes.)
/INVITE /I <nick> <channel>
+Invites <nick> to the <channel>.
/JOIN /J <channel> [channel-key]
+Joins the <channel>. Provide a [channel-key] if necessary.
/KICK /K <nick> [reason]
+Kicks <nick> from current channel. If [reason] is not specified, it will be set to the reason specified in Preferences.
/KILL <nick> [message]
+IRC operator command to disconnect a user from the network.
+Opens a new view which lists all the channels on the current network. [except hidden channels]
+Displays the channel modes of the current channel.
/M < -ohvbeqa> <nick1> [nick2] ...
+Same as /MODE <channel> <modes> <nick>, but on current channel.
/M <+-kfL,l,psmntirRcOAQKVHGCuzN>
+Same as /MODE <channel> <modes>, but on current channel.
/MODE <channel> <+-kfL,l,psmntirRcOAQKVHGCuzN>
+Sets the mode of <channel>. (Note: Commata just for optical separation.)
+e.g. /MODE #channel +ms
/MSG <nick> <message>
+Sends a <message> to <nick>.
+Displays all channels and all nicks of the network in the network window. (Careful with this one)
/NAMES <channel>
+Displays nick(s) in <channel>.
/NICK <newnick>
+Changes your nick to <newnick>.
/NOTICE <nick> <message>
+Sends a notice to <nick> with the given <message>.
/NOTIFY <nick1> [nick2] ...
+Adds <nick(s)> to your notify list.
/PEXEC /RRUN <app1> [ | <app2> | ... ]
+Executes the given <app>. If more than one application is provided, they will be executed in a pipe.
+e.g. /PEXEC Terminal | StyledEdit opens a new Terminal, and afterwards StyledEdit
+or /PEXEC ls -la ~/Downloads/ displays the contents of your ~/Downloads/ directory in the current window (Attention!)
/OP /VOICE <nick1> [nick2] ...
+Ops or voices to <nick(s)>.
+Leaves current channel or network.
/PING <nick>
+Pings the <nick> and returns the ping-time. Equivalent to /CTCP <nick> PING.
/QUERY /Q <nick> [message]
+Opens a query window on <nick>, optionally along with a [message].
/QUIT /QUI [custom-quit-message]
+Quits current network. If [custom-quit-message] is not specified, the default set in Preferences will be used.
/RAW /QUOTE <command|text>
+Sends a raw IRC command.
+Will reconnect you to the current network if the 47 automatic reconnection attempts have failed.
/SLEEP <deciseconds>
+Causes current thread to sleep for the specified time ; for future scripting use.
+IRC operator command to disconnect a server.
/TIME <nick>
+Returns local time of <nick>. Equivalent to /CTCP <nick> TIME.
/TOPIC /T [channel]
+Displays the topic of the current channel or, if provided, of <channel>.
/TOPIC <channel> <new-channel-topic>
+Sets the topic of <channel> to <new-channel-topic>.
/TOPIC <new-channel-topic>
+Same as /TOPIC <channel> <new-channel-topic>, but on current channel.
/UNNOTIFY <nick1> [nick2] ...
+Removes <nick(s)> from your notify list.
/UPTIME [-l]
+Displays the systems uptime. If [-l] is specified, the uptime will be echoed locally, and not sent to the network.
/VERSION <nick>
+Returns the client-version of <nicks> IRC-client. Equivalent to /CTCP <nick> VERSION.
/VISIT <url>
+Opens <url> with your current html handler. (Note: If the handler is not a browser, it opens the application specified in FileTypes.)
+Opens www.m-w.com (Merriam Webster) with your current html handler. (Note: If the handler is not a browser, it opens the application specified in FileTypes.)
+Displays the Vision uptime. If [-l] is specified, the uptime will be echoed locally, and not sent to the network.
+IRC operator command that sends a wallops message (visible to those with umode w active).
/WHOIS /W <nick>
+Returns whois information of <nick>.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
~/config/settings/WebPositive/ - Configuration files, cookies, cache and browsing history
~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks - All bookmarks as single files
WebPositive, or Web+ for short, is Haiku's native web browser. One part of its name is a tip of the hat to BeOS' simple NetPositive, the other points to its modern foundation: the WebKit. This open source HTML rendering library is at the heart of other mainstream browsers as well, like Safari of Mac OS X and Google's Chrome. By using the ever evolving WebKit, Web+ will be able to keep up with new web technologies.
WebPositive's interface is pretty straight forward: Under a menu bar is another bar with buttons to navigate to the previous and next sites in your browsing history, to stop the loading of a page and (optionally) a button to jump to your starting page.
+Then comes the locator field to enter a site's URL.
+Below this navigating bar appear the webpages. You can open many pages in parallel by loading them into their own tab.
+At the bottom of the window is a status bar, showing the URL of the site being loaded or of the link the mouse pointer is hovering over. While a page is being loaded, a progress bar appears to the right.
From the Window menu you can open a Settings panel to configure a few essentials of WebPositive.
The first tab deals with general settings: What file or URL serves as a Start page, what's used as a Search page, what Download folder is used for stuff you get from the net.
+Two pop-up menus let you decide what page to load - if any - when opening a new window or tab.
+Via the following checkboxes you can avoid showing the tab bar when there's only one page open anyway. WebPositive's interface can be told to automatically hide in full screen mode, and the mouse pointer can be automatically hidden whenever it's not moved for a while.
+Finally, you can decide to include the "Home" button in the navigation bar and set the number of days the browser remembers the sites you have visited in its history.
In the second tab you can choose the fonts used for standard, serif, non-serif and monospaced fonts and set their default sizes.
The last tab is used to configure a proxy server.
If you have used any browser before, WebPositive shouldn't provide too many surprises. Instead of going through every menu item and feature, let's have a look at just a few points.
New tabs are created with the + button to the right in the tab bar or, if there's still enough space, by double-clicking into an empty area of it. If there are more tabs open than fit into the bar, the <> scroll-buttons become active, allowing you to scroll the tab bar left and right. The ∨ button to the far right hosts a pop-up menu with all open tabs for even quicker navigation.
Clicking on a link with the middle mouse button opens the page in a new tab in the background. Holding SHIFT while middle-clicking, opens it in the foreground.
From the View menu you can Zoom in and Zoom out of a page. There's also an option to Zoom text only, leaving all images with their original size.
If you switch to full screen mode and have activated the setting to hide the interface, it will disappear after a second. To slide it temporarily back in, simply move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen.
While you type in the locator text field, the browser matches the string to sites you have visited in the past and lists them below the text field. You either keep adding more letters to shorten the list of possible sites, or choose an entry with ↑ or ↓. ENTER will load the page. You can also use the button to the far right which also serves to reload a page.
+Strings not recognized as URLs will get looked up with Google, so the locator field doubles as quick shortcut to web searches.
Right-clicking opens a context menu which, depending on the object you've clicked on, offers to open the link in a new window or a new tab, download the object etc.
Edit | Find shows a find bar at the bottom to start an in-page search. Matches are highlighted in the page.
WebPositive's bookmarks are managed as files and folders in ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks/. Adding a bookmark will create a new file there. You can quickly open the folder with Manage Bookmarks....
You can change a bookmark's URL, name, title and enter keywords just like with any other file with attributes. Just make sure you have all their columns displayed via Tracker's Attributes menu, then select a file, press ALTE and start editing the attribute; change attribute columns with TAB. You can sort bookmarks into different folders you create yourself.
By using Tracker to manage and navigate bookmarks you can lift its unique features to quickly find what you're looking for.
+Activating Type-ahead filtering in Tracker's preferences, you can instantly trim down your list of bookmarks to matches of your filter-string. A few more ↑ or ↓ to move the selection and pressing ENTER opens the site. Make sure to display all attribute columns to have the filter applied to name, title, URL and keywords.
For this to work, all bookmarks should be kept in the ~/config/settings/WebPositive/Bookmarks/ folder and only copies should be sorted into custom subfolders for usage in WebPositive's Bookmarks menu (if at all). Also, actually filling the keywords attribute helps...
Window | Downloads opens a window listing all past and ongoing downloads:
Currently downloading files are shown with a growing progress bar and, similar to copying files in Tracker, information on the download speed, file size and expected finishing time. Buttons to the right let you Cancel and Restart a download, or Open the file, or Remove its entry from the list. The Remove missing and Remove finished buttons at the bottom do this for all entries in this list. "Missing" are files that were deleted in the meantime.
Moving a file that is currently being downloaded to Trash will stop the download. You'll also notice, that its icon becomes "ghosted".
+Generally, WebPositive is very tolerant when it comes to managing files with Tracker. Files can be renamed or moved even while they are being downloaded and even after the download is finished, these changes are reflected in the Downloads window.
Ever wondered from what site you downloaded a particular package, image or any other file? You can track that down by opening the file with DiskProbe and have a look at its META:url attribute.
Want to have the URL permanently shown in your downloads folder? Just copy a bookmark into it, have the bookmark's URL attribute column displayed and remove the bookmark again.
Keyboard shortcuts
Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts:
Opens a new tab.
Closes the current tab.
Opens a new window.
Closes the current window.
Toggles full screen mode.
ALTR or F5
Refreshes the current page.
Opens the home page.
Shows/hides the Downloads window.
Shows the find bar for in-page searching (hide with ESC).
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
/boot/system/apps/WonderBrush/Documentation en
WonderBrush is an editor for bitmap and vector graphics. Find more information and workshops at the YellowBites website and in the local documentation.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Attributes are data fields that belong to a file but aren't part of that file, e.g. they are not computed into the file size and can be copied or changed without touching the file itself. The system uses these attributes to store e.g. file size, file type or date of the last modification. This is similar to other operating systems and their filesystems.
What's different is that you can add any kind of attribute to any file and display it or make it editable in a Tracker window. You just have to define the kind of attribute you want to add to a file type (e.g. string, integer or time) and give it a name and description.
The file itself doesn't even need any contents at all. Take a look at these People files for example:
As you can see, these are all 0-sized files with attached attributes, the E-mail attribute of "John Nox" being edited right in Tracker.
If you index these attributes, as People, Email or audio files are by default, they are also searchable with Haiku's fast query system.
Attributes are displayed quite similar to a database or spreadsheet. Using Tracker you can choose which attributes to display (columns) and sort file listings (rows) accordingly.
To do this, open a Tracker window, click on the Attributes menu, and select the attributes you want to display. Alternatively, simply right-click onto a column heading and mark the items in the context menu. You can rearrange the columns by a simple drag & drop of the column heading. Moving a column out of a window, is a fast way to get rid of columns you don't need.
Double-click on the line between two attributes in the heading to automatically resize a column to its optimal width.
Click on a column heading to toggle the sorting order from ascending to descending. You can establish a secondary sort order by pressing the SHIFT key while clicking on a column heading. You can sort your People files by company and within that order sort by contact name, for instance. See the above screenshot as an example. The secondary sort order is marked by a lighter colored indicator beside the heading.
Editing these attributes is as simple as renaming a file: Either click on an entry or press ALTE and move between the attributes with TAB and SHIFTTAB. ESC leaves the editing mode without applying the changes.
If you prefer to use the commandline or plan to work with many files using scripting, there are several commands for controlling attributes from Terminal.
listattr lists a file's attributes, but doesn't show the contents of the attributes.
usage: listattr 'filename' ['filename' ...]
From our screenshot example above:
~/people ->listattr Clara\ Botters
+File: Clara Botters
+ Type Size Name
+----------- --------- -------------------------------
+MIME String 21 "BEOS:TYPE"
+ Text 14 "META:name"
+ Text 6 "META:nickname"
+ Text 1 "META:company"
+ Text 18 "META:address"
+ Text 8 "META:city"
+ Text 1 "META:state"
+ Text 1 "META:zip"
+ Text 1 "META:country"
+ Text 1 "META:hphone"
+ Text 13 "META:wphone"
+ Text 1 "META:fax"
+ Text 19 "META:email"
+ Text 1 "META:url"
+ Text 5 "META:group"
+ Raw Data 20 "_trk/pinfo_le"
+131 bytes total in attributes.
Besides all the "META:*" attributes that hold the contact's information, there are two attributes that are managed by the system:
BEOS:TYPE holds the file type as a MIME string, here "application/x-person". It determines the default icon and the application that opens the file when you e.g. double click it.
"_trk/pinfo_le" is the attribute with which Tracker keeps track of a file's icon position.
Note the backslash after "Clara". In Terminal you have to "escape" special characters like '"*\$?!. The space between "Clara" and "Botters" is also one of those. Therefore the backslash is really in front of the space character, and not after "Clara".
addattr adds an attribute to a file and/or fills it with a value.
usage: addattr [-t type] attr value file1 [file2...]
+ or: addattr [-f value-from-file] [-t type] attr file1 [file2...]
+ Type is one of:
+ string, mime, int, llong, float, double, bool, icon, raw
+ or a numeric value (ie. 0x1234, 42, 'ABCD', ...)
+ The default is "string"
So, say dear Clara took a job with the multi-national Barkelbaer Inc., you fill the formerly empty "Company" attribute with that data (which is of type "string"):
~/people ->addattr -t string META:company Barkelbaer\ Inc. Clara\ Botters
rmattr completely removes an attribute from a file.
usage: rmattr [-p] attr filename1 [filename2...]
+ 'attr' is the name of an attribute of the file
+ If '-p' is specified, 'attr' is regarded as a pattern.
Though in all practicality it would be enough to just not fill the "Fax" attribute, you can completely remove it from Clara's file by typing:
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Bash and Scripting
"Scripting" is the technique of automating procedures by stringing together commands and saving it all as text files, so called "scripts". Every time you run such a script, the commands are processed one after the other just like they would if you entered them into the Terminal by hand.
+Scripts can range from simply executing a few commands in a specific order to sophisticated pieces of code that solve complex tasks.
Since scripts rely naturally a lot on the shell they are interpreted by, you should first familiarize yourself with the BASH that's used by Haiku. There are many resources online as it's a widely used shell. One nice document is Johan Jansson's Introduction to bash - a tutorial for bash under BeOS.
+The Bash Reference Manual (PDF, 720 KiB) is a nice resource to get into the details.
After you've learned a few basics about working in the shell, it's time to slowly ease yourself into the world of scripting. Again, you'll find loads of tutorials and reference material online as well as in bookstores. A very nice introduction that's practically tailor-made for Haiku is the online available Scripting Chapter (PDF, 900 KiB) of Scot Hacker's BeOS Bible.
Haiku used to have scripts for booting and shutting down. Today it uses the launch_daemon instead. However, the user can still augment this process with certain user scripts.
+If they don't exist already, you'll have to create the needed files yourself. Otherwise simply add your commands where in the process you want them to be executed.
/boot/home/config/settings/boot/UserBootscript will be executed after the system has finished its boot process. For example, you could launch a number of programs that would then be automatically started on every boot up:
Remember to end a command with an "&" to start it as a background process, or the script will halt until that command has finished (in this case: the launched app was closed).
A simple alternative to the above for launching applications at boot up is to put links to them in the /boot/home/config/settings/boot/launch directory. This can be done simply by right-clicking on the application you wish to have started automatically, going to Create Link and then navigating to the above directory.
/boot/home/config/settings/boot/UserShutdownScript will be executed as the first step in the shutdown process. If the script returns a non-zero exit status, the shutdown is aborted.
/boot/home/config/settings/boot/UserShutdownFinishScript is executed as the last step in the shutdown process. Note, that most parts of the system have terminated by the time this script is executed.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Boot Loader
Haiku's Boot Loader Options can help when you experience hardware related problems or want to choose which Haiku installation to start, if you have more than one (maybe on an installation CD or USB stick). It's also handy if you have installed a software component that acts up and prevents you from booting Haiku, see Troubleshooting below.
To enter the Boot Loader Options, you have to press and keep holding the SHIFT key before the beginning of Haiku's boot process. If there's a boot manager installed, you can start holding SHIFT before invoking the boot entry for Haiku. If Haiku is the only operating system on the machine, you can begin holding the key while still seeing boot messages from the BIOS.
On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to use the SPACEBAR instead.
Choose which Haiku installation/state to start (see Troubleshooting below).
Select safe mode options
There are several options to try in case of hardware related trouble or if the system becomes unstable or unbootable because of a misbehaving add-on. When moving the selection bar to an option, a short explanation appears at the bottom of the screen.
Safe mode
+ Puts the system into safe mode. This can be enabled independently from the other options.
Disable user add-ons
+ Prevents all user installed add-ons from being loaded. Only the add-ons in the system directory will be used. See Troubleshooting below.
Disable IDE DMA
+ Disables IDE DMA, increasing IDE compatibility at the expense of performance.
Ignore memory beyond 4 GiB
+ Ignores all memory beyond the 4 GiB address limit, overriding the setting in the kernel settings file.
Use fail-safe graphics driver
+ The system will use VESA mode and won't try to use any video graphics drivers.
Disable IO-APIC
+ Disables using the IO APIC for interrupt routing, forcing the use of the legacy PIC instead.
Disable local APIC
+ Disables using the local APIC, also disables SMP.
Disable X2APIC
+ Disables second generation APIC.
Disable SMEP and SMAP
+ Disables SMEP/SMAP security features of the CPU.
Disable SMP
+ Disables all but one CPU core.
Don't call the BIOS
+ Stops the system from calling BIOS functions.
Disable APM
+ Disables Advanced Power Management hardware support, overriding the APM setting in the kernel settings file.
Disable ACPI
+ Disables Advanced Configuration and Power Interface hardware support, overriding the ACPI setting in the kernel settings file.
Blacklist entries
+ Allows to select system files that shall be ignored. Useful e.g. to disable drivers temporarily. See Troubleshooting below.
Select debug options
Here you'll find several options that help with debugging or getting details for a bug report. Again, a short explanation for each option is displayed at the bottom.
Enable serial debug output
+ Turns on forwarding the syslog output to the serial interface (default: 115200, 8N1).
Enable on screen debug output
+ Display debug output on screen while the system is booting, instead of the normal boot logo.
Disable on screen paging
+ Disables paging when on screen debug output is enabled.
Enable debug syslog
+ Enables a special in-memory syslog buffer for this session that the boot loader will be able to access after rebooting.
Display current boot loader log
+ Displays the debug info the boot loader has logged (press Q to exit the log)
Add advanced debug option
+ Allows advanced debugging options to be entered directly.
If Enable debug syslog is activated, a warm reboot after a crash shows these additional options:
Save syslog from previous session during boot
+ Saves the syslog from the previous Haiku session to /var/log/previous_syslog when booting.
Display syslog from previous session
+ Displays the syslog from the previous Haiku session.
Save syslog from previous session
+ Saves the syslog from the previous Haiku session to disk. Currently only FAT32 volumes are supported.
Select screen resolution
Lets you force a certain screen resolution and color depth.
If Haiku refuses to boot on your hardware from the get-go, try out setting different options under Select safe mode options. Consider filing a bug report in any case.
On the other hand, if Haiku only suddenly acts up after you have installed some software, especially hardware drivers, you have several options to get Haiku bootable again so you can uninstall the offending package:
Activating Safe mode will prevent most servers, daemons and the UserBootscript from being started.
Activating Disable user add-ons will prevent using any add-ons (drivers, translators, etc.) you have installed in the user hierarchy under your Home folder.
If activating Use fail-safe graphics driver solves your troubles by falling back to VESA graphics, you can make the setting permanent by removing the # of the line #fail_safe_video_mode true in the text file /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Blacklist entries comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Welcome to the Haiku User Guide
Below, you'll find the documentation of the most important aspects of Haiku. Naturally, completing and extending the documentation is a continuing process (see the online version for updated pages and translations). If you find errors, would like to suggest topics or maybe even contribute yourself, please get in touch on the documentation mailing list. If you're interested in helping with translations, you'll find information on that at the i18n user guide wiki.
The Deskbar is the little panel that by default is located in the upper right corner of the screen. It's Haiku's version of Windows' taskbar with its Start button. It contains the Deskbar menu from where you can start applications and preferences, a tray with a clock and other tools below that and a list of currently running programs at the bottom.
You can move the Deskbar to any corner or as a bar along the upper or lower border of the screen by gripping the knobbly area on one side of the tray and drag & drop it into the new position. You can also fold it into a more compact layout by drag & dropping the knobbly area onto the Deskbar menu.
By gripping the other knobbly widget of the tray, you can change the width of the Deskbar by dragging the mouse left or right:
A wider Deskbar allows for more icons in the tray on a single row. It also truncates longer application names in the list of running programs less often, especially if you use larger icons.
Show replicants - Shows/hides the little Replicant widget you use to drag it around, remove or access its context menu.
Mount - Offers the same options as when invoked by right-clicking the Desktop (see Mounting Volumes).
Deskbar preferences... - Opens a panel to configure the Deskbar (see below).
Shutdown - Offers options to either Restart system or Power off.
Recent documents, folders, applications - List of the last recently opened documents, folders and applications (see Deskbar preferences below).
Applications, Demos, Deskbar applets, Preferences - List of installed applications, demos, applets and preferences. You can add links to other programs (or any folder, document, query etc.) by putting them into ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/.
+Deskbar Preferences
The Deskbar preference panel is divided into three sections.
The following settings don't apply to your installed applications, but to the behavior and visuals of the list of running applications.
Sort running applications
Sorts the list of running programs alphabetically.
Tracker always first
Even if you sort alphabetically, the Tracker entry always stays first in the list.
Show application expander
Provides a small widget to show/hide all windows of a program directly under its entry in the Deskbar.
Expand new applications
Newly launched programs have their windows automatically expanded under their entry in the Deskbar.
Hide application names
Removes the text labels of running applications.
Icon size
Adjusts the icon size of running applications.
While the first couple of menu items of the Deskbar are fixed, you can customized the ones below Shutdown....
+Here you can set the number of recent documents, folders and applications that are shown in their menu in the Deskbar, or if you want to see them at all.
+The button Edit in Tracker... opens the folder ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/. In it you'll find the files and folders that appear in the Deskbar, by default these are Applications, Demos, Deskbar applets, and Preferences.
+You can delete or add entries like links to applications, documents or even queries by simply copying/deleting them to/from this folder.
Programs installed from a package automatically put an entry into the Deskbar. Depending on the number of packages you have installed, this can become a bit crowded. If you prefer to have total control, and only want to see applications you link there yourself (possibly in categorizing sub-folders), here's how to do it:
+You create a link of the menu folder in ~/config/settings/deskbar/ and rename to menu_entries. From Terminal that is achieved with:
Among other things, the tray is housing the clock. Hover the mouse over it to display the date in a tooltip. Left-click it to show a calendar. Right-click it to hide/show the clock or launch the Time preferences to set it.
Any program can install an icon in the tray to provide an interface to the user. The email system, for instance, shows a different symbol when there's unread mail and offers a context menu to e.g. create or check for new mail. ProcessController is another example that uses its icon in the tray to provide information (CPU/memory usage) and to offer a context menu.
You can change to a specific running application by clicking on its entry in the Deskbar and choosing (one of) its windows from the submenu. By right-clicking you can Hide/Show all windows or Close all and with them the entire application.
A SHIFTCTRL click on an application hides all its windows, a CTRL click shows them again.
Sometimes an application may hang and even though all its windows are gone, the entry in the list of running applications in the Deskbar just won't disappear. In such a situation you use the Vulcan Death Grip to get rid of it: hold SHIFTCTRLALT and click on the offending entry in the Deskbar. Fascinating!
If you activated Expanders in the Deskbar settings, you can expand/collapse the list of windows directly under an application's entry.
In front of every application's windows is a symbol providing info on its state. A bright symbol means a window is visible, a dark one that it's minimized. Three lines in front of a symbol shows that it's not on the current workspace.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Desktop Applets
One or more LaunchBox applets can be started to organize shortcuts to your favorite applications or documents. You decide if each is shown on all or just the current workspace. They can also serve to quickly open a document in a specific application. For example, you could drag & drop a HTML file onto a text editor in a LaunchBox to open it in the editor instead of its preferred application, the browser.
All options are reached from the context menu:
Add button here
Adds an empty button.
Clear button
Empties a button.
Remove button
Removes a button.
Set description...
Hovering the mouse over an icon shows a tooltip with the file's name and, in case of an application, its short description if it differs from its name (see topic FileTypes). With this menu item you can customize the description for this tooltip.
+- Horizontal layout
+- Icon size
+- Ignore double-click
+- Show window border
+- Autostart
+- Auto raise
+- Show on all workspaces
+Aligns the buttons horizontally.
+Sets the icon size between 16 and 64 pixel.
+Launches the object only once, even when you (accidentally) double-click.
+Shows the window border.
+Starts LaunchBox automatically on boot-up.
+LaunchBox pops up if the mouse is near the screen edge.
+Shows the LaunchBox on every workspace.
+- New
+- Clone
+- Close
+Add a new pad.
+Duplicate the current pad.
+Close the current pad.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Desktop Applets
NetworkStatus shows the status of your network connections. If not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
+Wherever installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
+The first section contains all network devices' names and their state. Clicking on such an entry brings up a window showing its IP, broadcast and netmask address.
+Below is a list of all wireless networks found by the first wireless adapter and an indicator of their signal strength. Have a look at the Workshop: Wireless networking for more information on how to set up a connection.
+Lastly, you can Open network preferences... to change your network configuration or Quit the applet.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Desktop Applets
~/config/settings/PowerStatus settings
PowerStatus shows information about the battery level, so it's only useful on mobile computers. If not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
+Wherever installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
Note: PowerStatus requires a working ACPI support.
The context menu offers these options:
Show text label
Shows battery level in percent or remaining time.
Show status icon
Shows icon of the applet.
Show percent / time
Switch between showing battery level in percent or remaining time (Show text label has to be active).
Battery info...
Shows the extended battery info window.
Shows the About window.
Quits the PowerStatus applet.
When Show text label is active, the battery level is shown in brackets while charging.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Desktop Applets
The primary task of the ProcessController applet is to show the activity of your CPU(s) and the amount of used memory. It allows monitoring of individual teams, change their priority, and kill them if the program freezes. In multiprocessor environments it allows you to disable individual processors/cores. When Tracker or Deskbar crash you can restart them from ProcessController's menu.
Indicators on the left show each CPU's usage, while the bar on the right shows the memory consumption. Remember that the number of indicators depend on the number of processors/cores in the computer.
If not yet running, launching ProcessController asks if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you can resize the bar-display by resizing the window and then use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
+Wherever it's installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
+To remove the applet again from the Deskbar, uncheck Live in the Deskbar in its context menu.
Quit an application
To quit an application just choose its name from the Quit an application menu. This is a clean way to close app, just like clicking its close button. Be careful not to quit system processes like servers or daemons, however. Your system may stop working reliably.
Memory usage
Monitoring memory usage can be rather inaccurate.
This menu allows you to monitor memory usage of different teams in your system. Next to the team's name there are two columns: first with the amount reserved for writable memory, while the second shows all memory including read-only space (shared libraries for example).
The first row System resources & caches... shows the total amount of memory used by the system and all applications. The length of the blue bar is based on the total physical memory in your computer. The next rows show memory used by each process. Note that the length of the bar is based only on the actually used part of the memory.
Memory used only by given application (with write access)
Memory including read-only space (can be shared with other applications)
Threads and CPU usage
This menu allows you to change thread priorities, kill teams or debug them.
Changes via the commands in this menu reach deep into the system and can cause data loss and system instability. Keep that mouse hand steady!
Kernel code
User code
Idle thread
At the first level you see team names. By clicking on one, you can kill the whole team. The dark-blue part of the bar is time spent in kernel code, the light-blue part in user code, the green part in the idle thread(s). A bar completely filled with blue means that the team is using all processoring power.
The second level shows particular threads of a team. By clicking on one, you can debug or kill it. A bar completely filled with blue means that the thread is pegging one processor/core.
The last level of the menu allows you to change a thread's priority. Be careful with that! As a rule of thumb the priority of a thread should be inverse its CPU usage. That is, the more it tries to claim CPU time, the lower should be it's priority. In general, don't mess with an app's priorities; contact its author, that's his business.
+~/config/settings/Workspaces_settings - Stores the panel's window position.
You find the Workspaces applet with the other Desktop applets in the Deskbar. It shows a miniature version of all workspaces. There are several options available from the context menu of the applet's window, which are all pretty self-explaining.
+Change workspace count... will open the Screen preferences where you set the number of workspaces and their arrangement (how many rows and columns).
Since the applet is a Replicant, you can resize the window as desired and then drag & drop it by its handle onto the desktop (make sure Show replicants is activated in the Deskbar menu). Hold SHIFT while resizing to keep your screen's aspect ratio.
To move a window, you grab it in the Workspaces applet and simply drag it to another workspace. This has the advantage, that you can move it without leaving your current desktop. Of course, that only works well when there aren't too many windows in a workspace and your target isn't obscured by other windows. Another possibility is to grab a window by its tab and just holding on to it while switching workspaces with ALTFx.
For more information on workspaces in general and more keyboard shortcuts, see topic Workspaces.
Try this: Make the Workspaces window really big and hide the window tab and border. Now go to the Shortcuts preferences and assign CTRL^ to the Workspaces applet (/system/apps/Workspaces).
+Now you can quickly summon the applet with a key combo and equally quickly dismiss it again with ESC.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Filesystem layout
Haiku's filesystem layout is quite transparent, trying to always use non-cryptic names for files and folders, that don't leave the user guessing. Files and folders that are important for the system to function properly, are protected from accidental tempering by showing one of these alerts:
The second alert pops up if you try to rename or delete something in the system hierarchy. Here, the "Rename" button will only become clickable when you're holding down the SHIFT key.
Generally, there are two separate branches springing from the root folder of the boot volume:
Contains system files and applications/packages shared by all users.
This is your personal folder where you keep your data and settings and the applications/packages that are not shared by all users.
As long as Haiku isn't multi-user, this distinction between shared and not-shared applications/packages has no apparent effect, as there's only one user with one home folder. But since there will be support for more users than one eventually, it makes sense to learn the right way from the start.
Under Haiku's predecessor BeOS, this folder was named /boot/beos/. You may still find it in some older documentation (e.g. in the original BeBook).
+Most of the folders inside /boot/system/ are read-only, which is sensible as they contain the files necessary for Haiku to function correctly and therefore have to be safe from (accidental) alteration. The only user-writable folders are:
Contains cached files and the temporary folder linked to /tmp/.
Contains a hierarchy for files that aren't part of a .hpkg (probably from old BeOS archives).
Besides holding Haiku's system packages, you can add/remove packages shared by all users.
Contains system-wide settings.
Contains logs like the syslog (important when troubleshooting) and is the default location for the swap file.
For more information on the packages and non-packaged folders, see topic Applications.
This folder belongs to you. Here you can create and delete files and folders as you wish. (By the way, the tilde ("~") is a shortcut for your home folder, so you don't always have to write "/boot/home/" in Terminal.)
+Files that you'd like to share with other users in a future multi-user environment have do be put outside /boot/home/. For example, you could create a folder /boot/all-users/ and put the stuff there.
Holds the files of your desktop. Double-clicking won't open it, as it is already always visible. When your files happen to be obscured by open windows, just switch quickly to another Workspace. Of course, drilling down by right-clicking is also possible.
This is the default location for your mails.
This is the default location for you contact files, see People.
Queries are stored here, by default temporarily for 7 days.
The folder /boot/home/config/ is special: just like /boot/system/ it's mostly under the control of the package management and therefore read-only. It too contains these similar user-writable folders:
Here you can add/remove packages that are not shared by all users.
Contains a hierarchy for files that aren't part of a .hpkg (probably from old BeOS archives) and are not shared by all users.
This folder contains the settings to all applications and a few configurations for the system. Some applications manage their settings in their own subfolders, others simply put their configuration file in there.
For more information on the packages and non-packaged folders, see topic Applications.
Here are some of the more interesting subfolders in ~/config/settings/:
This folder is the place for User Scripts that are executed before or after the system boots up or shuts down.
Links to programs or documents in this folder are automatically launched on every boot-up.
In this MIME database Haiku keeps track of all the different filetypes and their settings.
Copied or linked to files/folders/queries in this folder appear in the Deskbar menu.
There's one settings file that may be of interest: kernel offers some low level configurations like disabling SMP, activating serial debugging or enabling advanced power management. You activate a configuration line by removing the commentary symbol "#". Be careful here!
Besides the various settings files for Tracker, there are some interesting subfolders:
Show and arrange all attributes and the window size to your liking. Every new folder you create will use it as a template.
You can define the layout of query result windows for certain filetypes. See topic Query: The result window.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Other than Windows, Haiku doesn't rely on the 3-letter file extension for a file type (e.g. .txt, .jpg, .mp3). This method is only a last resort fallback. Haiku uses MIME types just like it's custom on the internet.
While there's no reason to use file extensions in Haiku, remember to add them to files you want to share with users of other operating systems, e.g. over email, uploading to a server or via exchange of an USB drive. Otherwise their system may not recognize the file type.
You can change the type of a specific file, its icon and the associated application. Select the file and invoke the Add-Ons | Filetype add-on from the right-click context menu.
The above is a PNG file, it's MIME string image/png. Let's say you definitely know that it's not a PNG but a GIF. You can change that either by entering the correct MIME string by hand or with one of the two buttons below the textbox:
shows a hierarchical list of filetypes where you navigate to image | GIF Image.
Same as...
opens a file dialog where you choose any file that already has the filetype you're looking for.
This pop-up menu shows a list of all applications that can handle this particular filetype. From here you can choose which program should open this specific file when it's double-clicked. You could, for example, change a HTML file's preferred application from the browser to a text editor while you're working on it. Every other HTML file still opens in the browser, only this particular one starts in your text editor.
The Default application is the one that's set globally for that filetype. If you don't find the program you want to associate with this file in the pop-up menu, you'll again find the buttons Select... and Same as... which do the similar thing described under "The File Type" above.
If you're wondering why the icon well on the top right is empty: Icons are normally inherited from the system default for that filetype. You can open the Filetype add-on of a file that contains an icon and drag & drop it into your file's icon well. Or you double-click the icon well and create or edit your own icon. For more info on icons and how to create your own, see topic Icon-O-Matic.
If you invoke the Filetype add-on on an executable (here: StyledEdit), you'll get a different dialog:
On top, you'll see, instead of a standardized MIME string, the unique application signature. With it, the system finds the program wherever it's installed.
Below it are several flags, controlling the app's behaviour:
Single launch
Only one instance of the app can be running per executable file. If you have two copies of that app, however, they can run side by side.
Multiple launch
Many instances of the app can run simultaneously.
Exclusive launch
Really only one instance with that app's signature is allowed to run at a time.
Args only
Indicates the app doesn't respond to messages.
Background app
The app won't appear in Twitcher or the list of running apps of the Deskbar.
Then there's the list of supported filetypes. You can add (and remove) filetypes if you think the application can handle them. As a consequence, the app will appear in the menu for preferred applications or Tracker's Open with... context menu when you right-click on a file of that type.
At the bottom are version and copyright information. Like the application signature, they are filled in by the app's author and shouldn't be altered.
The FileTypes preferences don't deal with individual files but with global settings of filetypes. You can change default icons and preferred applications or add, remove, or alter attributes of whole filetypes. You can even create your own filetype from scratch.
All filetypes and their configurations are stored in /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Before you start experimenting, it may be prudent to make a backup of that folder...
Haiku's graphical user interface is an integral part of the system. Unlike other Unix-like operating systems, there is no separate window manager and booting just into a command-line shell is not possible. Haiku's focus being on the desktop user, this is just not considered necessary.
As you probably have experience with other graphical environments, let's skip over the standards like menus, right-click context menus, drag & drop etc. Let's have a look at the few unique aspects of Haiku's GUI instead.
There are only a few things in Haiku's GUI that aren't obvious and deserve an explanation.
The Deskbar is Haiku's "Start" menu and taskbar, if you will. See topic Deskbar.
The yellow tab offers more than just a program's name or a document's filename:
You can move it by holding the SHIFT key while dragging it to another position, enabling you to stack a number of windows and conveniently access them by their named tab.
You minimize a window with a double-click on its tab (or with CTRLALTM). A such hidden window can be accessed by its entry in the Deskbar or the Twitcher.
You can send a window to the back with a right-click on its tab (or its border).
The close button.
The "zoom" button (or CTRLALTZ). In most applications, this will expand a window to maximum size without obscuring the Deskbar (hold SHIFT to cover the Deskbar as well). It doesn't have to, however. Tracker windows, for example, will resize to best fit the contents.
The window border. Left-dragging moves the window, right-dragging resizes.
Moving and resizing windows is a large part of interacting with several concurrently running applications. Instead of aiming at the small yellow title tab or the even tinier window border, there's a more convenient way to move a window. Also, additionally to its small size, the resize corner has another limitation: It only allows resizing at and in the direction of the lower right corner. Right-dragging a border for resizing works, but again you'll have to aim carefully.
To address these issues, Haiku provides a neat solution using the window management key combo CTRLALT and the mouse. See also chapter Shortcuts and key combinations for more shortcuts concerning window management.
Holding down CTRLALT will highlight the window borders nearest to the mouse pointer. Move the mouse in the direction of another border to change the target. Click and dragging with the right mouse button will resize the window along the highlighted border(s).
Hold down CTRLALT and click and drag with the left mouse button anywhere in a window to move it around. A quick click with the right mouse button sends it to the back.
Haiku's user interface provides a unique feature that puts the fact that windows have a yellow tab instead of a full-width title bar to perfect use. It's called "Stack & Tile".
+In the example below, a Tracker window with bookmarks is tiled to the left of a WebPositive window, which itself is stacked with another Tracker window showing the source folder haiku. In this animation, the user clicks on the tabs of the stacked windows to alternately bring one or the other to the front.
Connected like this, the group of windows can be moved and resized together - a nice arrangement to work in a more project centric environment. Instead of looking for the right browser window with documentation, editor and Tracker windows and maybe a related email concerning one project you are currently working on, just stack&tile them together.
Doing the actual arranging of windows is easy: Hold down OPT while dragging a window by its tab close to another window's tab or border until it's highlighted and release the mouse button.
Stack & Tile consists of two related parts.
"Stacking" is putting windows on top of each other, automatically moving the yellow tabs into position.
+While holding OPT, tabs change color when they overlap; drop the window to establish the stacking.
"Tiling" means gluing windows horizontally or vertically together.
+Again, while holding OPT, the borders that'll fuse together when you drop the window change color when brought near each other.
Separation is done in the same way, by holding OPT while dragging a window by its tab out of the group.
When opening or saving a file from any application, a panel like this opens:
It has all the usual things: A list of files of the current folder to choose from, in case of a save panel, a text field to enter a filename and a pop-up menu for different file formats and their settings.
+You can enter parent folders with the pop-up menu above the file listing.
If you already have a Tracker window with the location for a file open, you can simply drag either any file or the folder-representation (i.e. the symbol to the far right in its menu bar) into the panel. This changes the panel to that new location.
Many shortcuts in open and save panels are the same used in Tracker. Besides the commands that are also available through the File menu, there are a few not that obvious:
The Favorites menu in open and save panels provides recently visited folders and favorite locations that you can set up yourself. As indicated by the little arrow, you can also use these locations to navigate further down the hierarchy via submenus.
To add a Favorite, you simply navigate to your destination and choose Favorites | Add current folder. From now on it will appear in every open/save panel. To remove a Favorite, choose Favorites | Edit favorites... and delete its entry.
+All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Go/. So you might as well add and remove links to files and folders there directly.
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Attributes and Queries are key features of Haiku. While attributes are useful on their own, to display additional information on a file, for a query on them, they need to be indexed. It puts them into a lookup table, which in turn makes queries lightning fast.
+The index is part of the filesystem and is kept for every volume/partition separately.
+Indexing commands in Terminal
There are several commands to manage the index:
lsindex - Displays the indexed attributes on the current volume/partition.
+These are the attributes that are indexed by default:
mkindex - Adds an attribute to the index of a volume/partition.
Usage: mkindex [options] <attribute>
+Creates a new index for the specified attribute.
+ -d, --volume=PATH a path on the volume to which the index will be added,
+ defaults to current volume.
+ -t, --type=TYPE the type of the attribute being indexed. One of "int",
+ "llong", "string", "float", or "double".
+ Defaults to "string".
+ --copy-from path to volume to copy the indexes from.
+ -v, --verbose print information about the index being created
Only new files with that attribute come automatically into the index!
+Existing files have to be added manually by copying them and deleting the originals after that. Alternatively you can use the command reindex.
reindex - Puts the attributes of existing files into the newly created index of a volume/partition.
Usage: reindex [-rvf] attr <list of filenames and/or directories>
+ -r enter directories recursively
+ -v verbose output
+ -f create/update all indices from the source volume,
+ "attr" is the path to the source volume
rmindex - Removes an attribute from the index of a volume/partition.
Usage: rmindex [OPTION]... INDEX_NAME
+Removes the index named INDEX_NAME from a disk volume. Once this has been
+done, it will no longer be possible to use the query system to search for
+files with the INDEX_NAME attribute.
+ -d, --volume=PATH a path on the volume from which the index will be
+ removed
+ -h, --help display this help and exit
+ -p, --pattern INDEX_NAME is a pattern
+ -v, --verbose print information about the index being removed
+INDEX_NAME is the name of a file attribute.
+If no volume is specified, the volume of the current directory is assumed.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Shortcuts and key combinations
By default, Haiku's shortcut key, to invoke commands from menus for example, is not the usual CTRL key, but ALT instead. This has historical reasons, because the BeOS was inspired somewhat by MacOS. After you get used to it, it actually has advantages as e.g. ALTC and ALTV integrate seamlessly into the bash shell of the Terminal, where CTRLC quits the running process.
In any case, you can switch to the maybe more familiar CTRL key in the Keymap preferences. The user guide always describes the default configuration with the command key being ALT.
If you're in doubt which keys are the OPT or MENU keys on your particular keymap/keyboard-layout, again use the Keymap preferences. There you can see what keystroke is sent when you press a key on your keyboard.
Whenever you edit text – be it when renaming a file in Tracker, editing a file in StyledEdit, or chatting in Vision – there are some universal shortcuts:
ALT← / → or OPT← / →
Jump word-wise through the text. (Note: It may be useful to get used to using the OPT combination. Then you're all set if some app already uses the ALT combination for another command.)
Word-wise removing the text to the left of the cursor.
Word-wise removing the text to the right of the cursor.
Jumps to the beginning of the line.
Jumps to the end of the line.
Jumps to the beginning of the document.
Jumps to the end of the document.
Holding SHIFT additionally when using the above key combinations will select the text between the cursor jumps.
Additionally to the general shortcuts, here are some more for navigating with Tracker:
Opens the parent folder.
Opens the selected folder.
Holding it while opening a folder will automatically close the parent folder. This also works when navigating with the mouse.
Opens the Deskbar menu (leave with ESC).
Undo last action. The undo history is only limited by the available memory. Note, this only works for actions on the file itself, changed attributes and permission settings can't be undone with this. Also, once a file is removed from Trash it's gone for good.
Redo the action you just reverted with ALTZ.
SHIFT + Mousewheel
When scrolling through a long list of files in a Tracker window or when you're drilling down submenus, this will speed things up by doing page-wise scrolling.
Tab-completion. After entering a few letters, press TAB once to auto-complete a filename or path. If there is more than one match, it stops where the name starts to differ and you have to provide some more letters to further distinguish them. You can also press TAB twice to have all matches listed.
↑ / ↓
Moves up or down in a history of all previously entered commands.
Bash history. All the commands you enter
+are stored in the file ~/config/settings/bash_history. Press CTRLR and start to enter a command and you'll be provided with the first match from the bash history. Keep pressing CTRLR until you find the right command line and press ENTER to execute it.
You can add or remove items to/from a selection by holding down a modifier key while clicking on a entry (or file in case of Tracker).
This will select everything between the first selected item and the one you click on.
Adds or removes the item you're clicking on from the selection.
In a Tracker window, if you just start typing, Tracker scrolls to and selects the file that best fits your incremental search. If there's no file starting with your typed letters, files that contain the search string anywhere in their name or other displayed attributes are selected. This search is not case-sensitive.
+The letters you type appear at the bottom-left, where normally the number of items is listed. After a second it reverts back and you could start a new incremental search.
+Instead of jumping to the first occurrence of your search string, Tracker can be configured to filter out all non-matching files. See the topic on type-ahead filtering.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
While a key philosophy of Haiku is to cut down on options and have sensible defaults instead, there are some things that have to be configured or can be set to individual preference. You find all panels in Deskbar's Preferences menu.
Haiku defines three standard fonts for different purposes. You set plain, bold and fixed font types and sizes that will be used throughout the system. Besides these, there's also a separate setting for the font used in menus.
New fonts that don't come as part of a regular .hpkg package, can be installed by copying them into a subfolder according to the font type (psfonts or ttfonts) into their respective non-packaged folder (see topic Filesystem layout). For TrueType fonts that would be:
In the Colors tab, you can change the colors of different parts of the user interface. The color well accepts drag & drops from other programs, letting you drag colors over from e.g. WonderBrush, Icon-O-Matic or the Backgrounds panel.
Decorators determine the look and feel of windows and all GUI elements. Currently Haiku comes with only one default decorator. Should you find and install other decorators, you can choose a different one from the pop-up menu.
Haiku's default decorator lets you set the arrow style of the scroll bar: either single arrows at the end of scrollbars to conserve a bit of space, or double arrows — the traditional BeOS way — potentially saving some mouse moving when scrolling up and down or left and right...
The tab Antialiasing provides different settings for how things are rendered on screen.
+Glyph hinting
An activated Glyph hinting aligns all letters in such a way that their vertical and horizontal edges rest exactly between two pixels. The result is a perfect contrast, especially when dealing with black on white. Text appears crisper. There's also a setting for Monospaced fonts only that's especially helpful with low resolution devices like netbooks. Small fonts can look pretty bad when hinting is turned on, but with this setting you still have the advantage of hinting for text editors and Terminal.
See the difference hinting makes with these magnified screenshots:
Hinting: off
Hinting: on
It should be pointed out that all the Magnify windows on this page are of course rendered themselves with the different options as well. So, you get a real world impression of the settings by comparing, for example, the bold yellow tab title or the text "33 x 15 @ 8 pixels/pixel".
+Antialiasing type
Another technique to improve rendering is Antialiasing, which supports all vector graphics as well as text. It smooths lines by changing the color of certain pixels. There are two methods for that:
Grayscale changes the intensity of pixels at the edge.
+LCD subpixel does an even better job, especially with (high resolution) LCD monitors. Instead of the intensity of a pixel, it changes its color which moves an edge by a fraction of a pixel, because LCD displays produce every pixel with a red, green and blue component.
Again, the two different methods with magnified screenshots:
Grayscale, Hinting: off
LCD subpixel, Hinting: off
Subpixel based antialiasing adds a slight colored shine to objects. Something not everyone tolerates. In Haiku you can mix the two antialiasing methods and find the right setting for you by using a slider.
The subpixel based antialiasing in combination with the glyph hinting is subject of a software patent and is therefore not available by default. Depending on where in the world you live, you may get an unlocked version. Sorry about that. Talk with your representative.
If you do activate hinting plus LCD subpixel rendering by changing the source and recompiling, this is how it looks compared to hinting with Grayscale:
Grayscale, Hinting: on
LCD subpixel, Hinting: on
At the bottom of the panel are two buttons:
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Appearance preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
+~/config/settings/Backgrounds settings - stores the panel's window position
You can set a color or an image as background for every folder and the Desktop for every workspace.
The top menu specifies if your changes are applied to the current workspace only, all workspaces, a specific folder or as default for every new folder.
Below that you can assign an image or select None if you want simply a colored background. Images can also be drag & dropped onto the preview to the left.
If you are using an image, you have to decide on the placement:
lets you specify the coordinates. You can drag the picture around in the preview to the left or enter X and Y manually.
centers the picture in the middle of the screen.
Scale to fit
enlarges the picture with no regard to its aspect ratio until it fills the screen.
fills the screen by repeating the picture.
Activating Icon label outline puts a thin contour around icon labels.
Whether an icon label's actual text is black or white depends on the setting of the color picker. A dark color sets the text to white, a light color to black. So, if you assign a very bright image to the background, you should also set the color picker to a bright color in order to have icon labels readable in black. (Or use the outline option above.)
+The selected color is also reflected in the Workspaces applet, which ignores images as backgrounds.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Backgrounds preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
~/config/settings/* - Every Translator creates its own settings file here after you've changes its defaults.
+~/config/settings/system/DataTranslations settings - Stores the panel's window position.
Every application has the ability to open and save every file format for which there's a Translator installed. The settings for these Translators are configured in the DataTranslations preferences.
Depending on its capabilities, each Translator offers different settings. At least you'll get an Info... button that opens a window with the credits and the installation path.
+The following table gives an overview of the default Translators and their most useful options.
Apple icons
Valid image sizes are 16, 32, 48, 128, 256, 512, 1024 (RGB32 and RGBA32)
BMP images
24bit, uncompressed, no transparency
EXR images
ILM's high dynamic-range (HDR) format
GIF images
8bit, lossless compression, transparency
+You can reduce the filesize by limiting the number of used colors and the palette.
+You can write images with transparency, either by automatically using the alpha channel or by setting the RGB value that will be transparent by hand.
HVIF icons
Translator for Haiku's vector icon format
JPEG2000 images
24bit, compressed, no transparency
+Here, you normally only care about the output quality.
JPEG images
24bit, compressed, no transparency
+Besides the output quality you can also set a smoothing that will lessen compression artefacts but can blur the picture a little.
PCX images
24bit, uncompressed, no transparency, PC Paintbrush Exchange format
Photoshop images
32bit, lossless compression, transparency
+The translator reduces all layers to one bitmap layer.
PNG images
32bit, lossless compression, transparency
PPM images
24bit, uncompressed, no transparency, Portable PixMap format
8-bit YUV 4:2:0 image format, compressed, no transparency
Windows icons
Valid image sizes are 16, 32, 48
WonderBrush images
32bit, layers, transparency, vector/pixel data
Screenshots, charts, black&white drawings and other images with few used colors, as well as small pictures are best saved as GIF (up to 256 colors) or PNG (millions of colors). JPEG, for example, introduces compression artefacts without gain in smaller filesize.
Haiku provides a system that retrieves e-mail regularly via a Mail Service (also known as mail_daemon) and saves each mail as a single text file. It parses the mail and fills its attributes with all necessary header information, like from, to, subject and its unread status. Now it can be queried by you or any application. This system also makes switching e-mail clients easy as all the data and your configuration stays the same.
+The configuration is done in the E-Mail preference panel.
Let's go through the process of setting up an e-mail account.
+You start by clicking the Add button to create a new, unnamed account. This opens a panel where you fill in your account info:
First, you set how you get your mail, via POP3 or IMAP.
Now you enter your E-mail address, Login name and Password, give an Account name under which it will be known under Haiku and your Real name.
If your account is from a major e-mail provider, Haiku already knows all technical details like server IP addresses. If that is not the case, clicking Next will open another window to enter this information by hand:
You first set the Server name, Login type and Connection type for the incoming mail, below that for the outgoing mail. You should find the necessary information on your email provider's website.
+See below for more info about the various settings and additional options.
By selecting the name of an account in the left list, you can change some general settings:
The Account name is the name that's shown for example in the list of accounts in the E-mail preferences. Real name is the name someone sees when she gets mail from you. Return address is the email address that is used when someone replies to your mail. Normally that is the same address you've sent your email from.
If you'd like to use an email account to only send or only receive email, you can de/activate that usage by right-clicking the account's name in the leftside list to set the checkmarks accordingly.
Click on Incoming under your account's name to set up how e-mails are received.
First is the Mail server address for incoming mails. If your provider needs you to log into a specific port, you add that to the address, separated by a colon. For example, pop.your-provider.org:1400.
Then you enter your login information, Login name and Password, and if necessary change the Login type from the default Plain text to APOP for authentication.
If you use POP3 and retrieve mails of this account from different computers, you may want to activate the option to Leave mail on server and only Remove mail from server when deleted locally.
If you use IMAP instead, you have the option to Remove mail from server when deleted locally. You can specify IMAP folders to only synchronize with a specific folder and its subfolders.
Also, you can opt to only Partially download messages larger than a certain size. This will only get the header and you can decide if you want to download the rest of the message plus possible attachments after seeing the subject and who sent it. Useful if you have a slow connection.
You can change the Destination of your inbox (default: /boot/home/mail/in/), which is useful if you'd like to separate the mails from different accounts into their own folders. However, queries let you sort things out just as well.
Click on Outgoing under your account's name to set up how e-mails are sent.
First is the SMTP server address for outgoing mails. As with the incoming server before, you can use a specific port if needed, e.g. mail.your-provider.org:1200.
If you need to login, you change the Login Type to ESMTP and enter username and password above. The other type is used for providers that need you to check for mail with POP3 before SMTP for identification.
As with incoming mail, you can also change the Destination of your outbox (default: /boot/home/mail/out/).
Notifications for newly arrived email and methods to sort and filter emails are found in E-Mail filters under an account's name. You can add any number of filters that are applied one after the other and rearrange them by drag & dropping them to their new position.
+Currently there are three Incoming mail filters you can add. After adding a filter, you have to select it to see its options.
+Spam filter (AGMS Bayesian)
The spam filter uses statistical methods to classify a mail as unwanted spam. It assigns a value between 0 and 1 to it and you can decide what are the limits for a genuine mail and what will be considered spam.
+You can have that spam rating added to the start of the subject.
+Also, the spam filter can learn from all incoming e-mail. Of course, you'll have to teach it by sorting out the false positives, mails that were mistakenly marked as spam. You'll find more on that when we discuss the application Mail.
Together with the following Rule filter, you're able to automatically sort out detected spam mails.
+Rule filter
This filter compares the mail header to a search pattern and performs some action according to the rules you set up.
+ With the first text field you specify which header to check against. These are available:
the name of the sender
the e-mail address of the sender
your e-mail address (different for each e-mail account)
Reply to
the e-mail address replies are sent to
the date and time the mail was received
the subject line
addresses of anyone receiving a carbon copy (Cc)
the name of the e-mail's account
The current status of the e-mail. Normally, this can be "Read", "Replied", "Sent", "Forwarded", "New", or anything you have defined yourself. However, unless you change it yourself in a filter, it will always be "New" after the Mail Service fetched the mail.
is set by the sender's e-mail program (e.g. "urgent")
essentially the same as "Subject", but without things like Re: or Fwd:
Classification group
depending on what the spam filter classified it as, this will either be empty (if uncertain) or contain the word "Genuine" or "Spam"
Spam/Genuine estimate
this is a numerical estimate that the spam filter assigned to the e-mail. They are shown in scientific notation, where 1.065e-12 translates to 1.065 divided by 10 to the 12th power, which in this case translates to 0.000000000001065.
The second text field holds your search pattern. It accepts regular expressions which gives it great flexibility, while unfortunately complicating things a bit. Read up on it a bit, it's well worth it and simple search patterns aren't that complicated at all.
With the pop-up menu below it, you assign an action when the pattern matches. You can move or delete a mail, set the status to "Read" or anything else or set the e-mail account you'll reply with.
+New mails notification
There are several ways you can choose to be notified of newly arrived email. Under Method you find a number of options that can be combined as well:
No notification
Plays the sound file of the "New E-mail" event set in the Sounds preferences for every new email
Shows an alert window for every new email
Keyboard LEDs
Blinks some LEDs like the caps-lock indicator
Central alert
Shows one alert window for all new mails
Central beep
Plays the sound file of the "New E-mail" event set in the Sounds preferences once for new mail
Log window
Shows the log window
+Outgoing Mail Filters
At this moment, there's only one filter that deals with outgoing mail: fortune.
+ It will attach a randomly chosen funny or wise "fortune cookie" to the end of every mail before it's sent out. You can do a dry run by issuing the command fortune in a Terminal.
Now that your incoming and outgoing mail servers (and maybe some filters, too), are configured, you have to tell the Mail Service that does all the actual checking and fetching how to do its job.
Under Mail checking you configure the interval at which the account's mail server is probed for new mail.
+If you're on a dial-up connection, you may want to do that Only when dial-up is connected and also Schedule outgoing mail when dial-up is disconnected to avoid dialing automatically in regularly only to check for mail.
The Mail Service has a status window which you can set to show up Never, While sending, While sending and receiving or Always.
Make sure to Start mail services on startup or there will be no mail_daemon running to do your bidding...
Edit mailbox menu... will open the folder /boot/home/config/Mail/Menu Links/. All folders or queries (!) or their links put into this folder will appear in the context menu of the mailbox icon of the Mail Services in the Deskbar tray.
From that menu, you can also Create new message..., Check for mail now or edit Preferences....
If you hold down SHIFT when invoking the context menu, you'll get additional commands:
Check for mails only
Offers a submenu to check only one specific account
Send pending mails
Allows you to send pending mails without also checking for new mails
Shutdown mail services
Quits the whole email infrastructure (mail_daemon)
The mailbox icon itself shows if there are unread messages (status "New") when there are envelopes inside.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
~/config/settings/Keymap/* - Location of user modified keymaps.
To the right, the Keymap window shows a representation of your keyboard. When you press a key, the corresponding key is darkened and the assigned symbol is entered into the Sample and Clipboard text field at the bottom. From there you can also copy and paste it into a document.
+Thus, the Keymap preferences are not only for configuring your local keymap, but are also useful when looking for a special symbol used in other languages. For example, you can switch the keymap to "French", find the "ç" and copy it into your mail to François. (Though you'll find the "cedil" also in other keymaps...)
Pressing modifier keys like SHIFT, CONTROL or OPTION changes the displayed keyboard accordingly.
Then there are the keys that are marked with a blue background. These keys are called Dead Keys that can change the key you press after that. If you click on such a blue key with your mouse, those changeable keys light up yellow. Click again and everything's back to normal. Examples are é, ñ, ó or ë.
Below the keyboard representation are two more options:
Select dead keys
for setting the above mentioned blue keys.
Switch shortcut key...
for using the shortcut key in Windows/Linux mode, i.e. CONTROL (normally CTRL) or Haiku mode, i.e. COMMAND (normally ALT).
The lists on the left offer the available pre-configured keymaps of the system, and below that, if available, user-defined maps. You can change a keymap in the keyboard representation: drag & drop one key on another and they switch places.
Alternatively to this drag & dropping of keys, there's the menu File | Set modifier keys... that opens this window:
Here, you can assign keys to their respective roles or even completely disable the role of a key. You can even assign the same key to different roles, though that's not a good idea most of the time and you'll be warned by a small exclamation mark beside the pop-up menus if you do that.
+Pressing Set modifier keys applies your changes and closes the window.
When you're done you can save the result from the menu File | Save.... Your modified map will only appear in the user-defined list if it's stored in ~/config/settings/Keymap/. Otherwise you'll have to manually load it via File | Open....
To better match the Keymap panel to your physical keyboard, there are several different settings available from the Layout menu.
The font used in the keyboard representation is set from the Font menu. Note, that it may or may not contain all symbols for a specific keymap.
Finally, there's a Revert button to bring back the settings that were active when you started the Keymap preferences.
There's another method to customize your keymap besides the Keymap preference panel. It involves editing a text file containing loads of hex values, which may appear daunting on first sight, but isn't really that impossible to grasp.
You can dump the current keymap with a command in Terminal:
keymap -d > MyKeymap
The generated text file can then be opened in a text editor. Make sure to use a fixed font in that editor or you'll never grok that file...
+At the beginning of that file, you'll find a legend of a stylized keyboard with the hex value corresponding to each key. Below that are the actual assignments of every value. You can do all the customizing that's also available from the Keymap preference panel, and then some. If you happen to have some special keys on your keyboard, you may be able to activate them. That is, use them as ordinary keys or like an option or control key. You won't be able to, for example, have your multimedia keys de/increase the volume or start some application. For this you can use the Shortcuts preferences.
When you're finished, you'll save the file and have your system load the modified keymap with this command:
keymap -s < MyKeymap
If you'd like to import this keymap into the Keymap panel, you have to compile it first to a binary format:
keymap -c < MyKeymap
This will produce a file keymap.out which you can load into Keymap via its Open... menu. By the way, the keymap command is able to load this binary format as well: keymap -l < keymap.out
This is the dumped file (the rightmost keys of the stylized keyboard are cut-off for a nicer display on this page):
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
~/config/settings/Locale settings
Haiku's localization system does not only include replacing texts with their translations, but also more complex tasks such as formatting numbers, dates, and times in a way that matches your Locale preferences.
If you would like to help with translations or start with a language that is currently missing, please get in contact on the Haiku-i18n mailing list.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages, unfortunately some translations are not complete yet. For that reason, you can choose more than one language as “Preferred languages”. If some text is missing in a translation, it's replaced with the words of the next preferred language. English is the default fallback (also when not listed).
In this example, the preferred language is set to Spanish. The first fallback is Italian, and if the text is missing there too, it's back to default English.
+As you can see, expanding a language entry on the left side reveals sub-entries for specific variations or dialects of a language (if available).
On the Formatting tab you can set up the formatting of date, time, number and currency formats independently from the settings of your preferred language.
You may be a Spanish fellow located in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. So, you'd prefer your system in Spanish, but numbers and currency formatted like at work: Swiss/Italian.
+If you're more comfortable with your Spanish names for days and months (think of the modified dates of files, for example), you can override this time-specific formatting with the checkbox at the top to Use month/day-names from preferred language.
Granted, the above example is maybe not the most common scenario, but it demonstrates the flexibility of the system.
The last tab provides an option that will Translate application and folder names in Deskbar and Tracker. Disable the checkbox if you prefer the graphical interface localized, while retaining the original English names for preference panels, applications and standard folder names.
Changes are applied immediately, though currently running applications may require to be closed and restarted before showing the new setting.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Locale preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
The Network preference is the one-stop panel to configure all available network devices and services. To the left is a collapsible list of your devices and services, the right has information or settings for the selected entry.
+At the bottom you find a checkbox to Show Network status in Deskbar. Revert brings back the settings that were active when you've started the panel.
Here we see the wireless device, using the iprowifi4965 driver. From the pop-up menu you select the WLAN to connect to. After every WLAN name in the menu, you're shown a little icon representing the signal strength.
+Once a WLAN is selected, Haiku will try to connect to it automatically on every bootup. Select Choose automatically and it'll try to connect to the WLAN with the best signal around.
If you're connecting to a protected network, you'll be asked for the password and if to either allow that connection only once, or always, which will save the password so you won't be bothered to enter it in the future.
The buttons below let you Disable the device, or Renegotiate the connection.
Beneath a device you find a list of the available protocols, IPv4 and IPv6:
From the pop-up menu you set the mode to assign the vital network parameters IP Address, Netmask and Gateway. You can choose DHCP to dynamically get the configuration from your network (router etc.), or specify them yourself by selecting Static and pressing Apply when finished.
The settings for a tethered device are similar, without the WLAN connecting pop-up menu, obviously.
DNS settings
If you're using DHCP the IP address for a DNS server and the domain are provided by you network (router etc.). You can add and remove other DNS servers and adjust their priorities by moving them up and down in the list with the buttons to the right of it.
+Apply will activate your new settings.
FTP, SSH, Telnet
Haiku provides a few servers that you can Enable or Disable. On the right side of the window, you'll find information on that particular server that you should heed: The FTP and the Telnet server are insecure and unencrypted. By default they're turned off and should only be turned on, if you're aware of the security risks.
Settings files
The network settings are found in the folder /system/settings/network/. Normally you don't have to care about those, other than maybe having to delete them to begin with a clean slate after things have gone terribly wrong...
One file however can be really useful, especially when working from the Terminal. The hosts file lets you define aliases to specific IP addresses in the network. For example:
+ localhost #loopback
+ NAS #Synology
+ XIOS #Mediaplayer
Besides the loopback to the localhost, I have the IP to my Synology storage under "NAS" and to my media player under "XIOS". To start an FTP session with my network storage, I don't have to remember it's IP address, but can simply enter:
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Repositories are collections of software packages. Set up by default, there's the Haiku repo with all of the operating system's packages and HaikuPorts, which provides a large number of ported and native Haiku software. There are several more repositories, curated by members of the Haiku community. Checkout Software Sites on the website.
This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from HaikuDepot'sTools menu):
The first column in the list of known repositories shows if a repo is currently enabled. If it isn't, it will not be queried by HaikuDepot or pkgman from the command line. Use the buttons to Enable or Disable the selected repositories, or double-click a repo to toggle the status.
Depending on the size of the repository and the speed of the internet connection, enabling a repository may take a few seconds. If it takes longer, you're informed of pending tasks in the little text box above the +/- buttons. If it takes unusually long, you'll be asked to either cancel or retry.
To be able to remove a repository completely with the "-" button, it has to be disabled.
+You add a new repository with the "" button, which will open this panel:
To add a new repository, just paste its URL into the text field. It'll be named "Unknown" until you enable it.
It goes without saying that adding a repository and downloading and installing software from it is a matter of trust. Don't carelessly just add any URL you happen upon on the internets.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
+~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa - Only when running in VESA mode.
+~/config/settings/Screen_data - Stores the panel's window position.
Each of your workspaces can have its own resolution, color depth and refresh rate.
The top menu specifies if your changes are applied only to the current or to all workspaces. Depending on your graphics card, the other menus contain all supported resolution, color depth and refresh rate settings.
After clicking on Apply, the graphics mode is changed and an alert appears, asking you to keep or cancel the changes. If you don't answer that alert, the graphics mode reverts after 12 seconds to the previous setting. Maybe you couldn't see the alert because your monitor didn't support the setting.
There's a key combination that always works, not only when the Screen preferences are open: SHIFTCTRLALTESC sets a fall-back video safe mode. Handy if your monitor doesn't report its capabilities correctly and your settings result in a distorted or black screen. Here too, an alert pops up and if you do nothing for 12 seconds or press ESC you'll revert back.
On the left side of the window, you see a representation of your screen with the manufacturer and model it reports and it's resolution in dots per inch (dpi). It also shows the name of graphics card if it's supported by a driver. Otherwise it says "VESA", the quick fallback solution that works with pretty much every hardware.
While Haiku's VESA mode performs very well, you may experience some limitations. You may not be able to drive your widescreen display in its native resolution, resulting in a somewhat blurred picture. There may also be limitations with regard to available color depths and refresh rates.
Revert brings back the setting that was active when you started the Screen preferences.
To the bottom left you can set the number of workspaces and arrange them in columns and rows and open the Backgrounds preferences.
The top checkbox enables/disables the screen saver.
+With the slider below it, you control after how long an idle time the screen saver kicks in.
The next two sliders are only usable after you activated their checkboxes:
+One slider determines after how many minutes the screen is powered off.
+The other, after how many minutes you need a password to unlock your machine.
By clicking into different corners of the two screens at the bottom, you tell the system when to immediately start the screen saver or when to prevent it from kicking in when you rest the mouse in the indicated corner. Click in the middle of the screens to disable that feature again.
The second tab shows a list of all installed screen savers and their individual settings. You can test your settings with the Test button below the list.
+New screen savers that don't come as part of a regular .hpkg package, can be installed by copying them into their respective non-packaged folder (see topic Filesystem layout):
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
You can assign sounds to certain events in the system. Just select the event from the list and choose a sound from the pop-up menu below.
will silence an event.
will open a file panel to find a new sound that isn't yet in the menu.
You can use any format that's supported by the system. If MediaPlayer can deal with it, so can any other program.
+You can "pre-hear" an event's sound by selecting it and using the Play and Stop buttons.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
~/config/settings/networktime settings - All the settings concerning synchronizing the time through the network
+~/config/settings/RTC_time_settings - The setting of the hardware clock (local or GMT)
+~/config/settings/Time settings - The time zone setting
+~/config/settings/Time_preflet_window - The panel's window position etc.
The panel of the Time preferences is split into four tabs:
On the left side, you can set the day of the month by simply clicking on it in the calendar. You change the month and year by clicking on it and using the up/down arrows to the right or the cursor keys on your keyboard.
Similarly, you set the time at the right. Or simply move the hands of the clock directly.
Simply find and choose your country in the list of continents and press Set time zone. For countries with more than one time zone you'll have to expand one level deeper.
+To the right you'll find the time of the currently set time zone and the preview time of the the zone you've chosen.
Also on the right side is a setting for the hardware clock of your computer. There are two modes for the clock:
Local time
to display your local time, which you normally want if you dual-boot into Windows.
to display Greenwich Mean Time, which is the UNIX compatible setting.
Setting date and time manually is pretty much obsolete if you're connected to the internet. There are public servers that supply very exact time signals.
With the +/- buttons you can add/remove NTP-servers to/from the list.
The checkboxes below tell the system to Try all servers when synchronizing, not only the currently selected one, and to Synchronize at boot, so you can be sure you're clock always shows the correct time.
You can Reset to default server list if you accidentally deleted working NTP-servers and Synchronize your clock manually. The synchronization can be achieved from the command line (or a script) as well:
The last tab shows the options of the clock displayed in the Deskbar. You can disable the clock there completely with the top checkbox. The rest are equally self-explanatory.
In every tab is a button Revert that brings back the settings that were active when you started the Time preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
+The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
+If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
+Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
+Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
The Tracker preference panel is also available from every Tracker window with the menu Window | Preferences....
+Its functions are discussed in the topic on Tracker.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
+~/config/settings/VM_data - Stores the panel's window position.
Virtual memory lets the system swap out memory to the harddisk, if the RAM can be used more sensibly for other things. So, even if you have lots of RAM, providing virtual memory is never a bad idea.
Normally, the swap file is written to the boot partition. If you're running low on free memory there, you can deactivate the Automatic swap management and choose another mounted partition from the popup menu. The swap file size is set with the slider below.
+If you often run into disk thrashing due to the virtual memory system swapping memory in and out, you can try to use a separate harddisk for you swap file to avoid I/O congestion. Simply another partition on the same harddisk with your system/data won't help. Upgrading your RAM is of course the most effective way to go...
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the VirtualMemory preferences.
A query is a file search based on file attributes and can be performed within Tracker or in Terminal. Queries are saved in /boot/home/queries/ and by default last seven days before being purged. Note, these aren't static result lists of your search, but are the query formulas which trigger a new search whenever you open them.
+Even better, you don't have to double-click to re-do a query. You can drill down a saved query just like any folder by right-clicking on it and navigating through the submenus.
You start a query by invoking the Find... menu either from the Deskbar menu or any Tracker window or the Desktop (which is actually a fullscreen Tracker window). The shortcut is ALTF. You're presented with the Find window:
Select recent or saved queries or save the current search parameters as Query Template.
Narrow down your search from All files and folders to specific file types.
Define the search method:
by name - a basic search by file or folder name
by attribute - an advanced search, you specify search terms for one or more attributes
by formula - an even more advanced search, you can fine-tune a complex query term
Select which drives to search on.
Enter the search term.
The expander hides/unhides the additional options.
Uncheck the Temporary checkbox if you don't want this query self-destruct after 7 days.
Check if your query is supposed to Include trash.
Optionally, enter a name for this query if you want to save it.
You can drag & drop the icon anywhere to save a query. Doing that with the right mouse button, offers the option to save as template.
If you simply want to find all files and folders on your mounted disks that match a certain pattern, simply leave the search method at by Name, enter the search term into the text box and press ENTER.
You can create more advanced queries by searching within the attributes of specific file types. For that to work, these attributes have to be indexed.
You start by setting the filetype from All files and folders to, for example, Text | E-mail and change the search method to by attribute.
This adds a pop-up menu to the left of the textbox and the buttons Add and Remove under that. From the menu you choose which attribute to query. With Add and Remove you can query additional attributes or remove them again. These attributes can be logically linked with AND/OR.
Let's do an email query as an example:
This is your Find window when you're looking for all emails Clara Oswald has sent to you in the last two months that had in the subject "sufflé" or "impossible".
+As you see, searching through time-based attributes supports some useful phrases: besides for the "last 2 months", you could also use "today", "yesterday", "Monday" or "last Monday" (which would be the Monday last week), or "last 2 minutes/hours/days/weeks".
+A good way to cut down the number of search results.
Typing in a formula query by hand is daunting and really quite unpractical. It still has its uses.
Take the above query by attribute of Clara's mails concerning vibraphones etc. If you have all the attributes and their search terms set, try switching to by formula mode and be overwhelmed by this one line query string:
You could copy and paste the string into an email, forum or IRC for others to use or debug.
You can use this method to construct a query in Attribute mode and then switch to Formula mode, to comfortably generate a search string. Enclosed in single quotes, that string can then be used with the query command in the Terminal.
You can fine tune your query by inserting parenthesis where needed, make parts case-sensitive or negate logical combinations by changing. e.g. "==" to "!=" for a NOT AND. All you need is a basic understanding of regular expressions and maybe some scripting basics.
After you start a search, the Find window will be replaced by a result window. Here is an example that queried for "server":
Besides the gray background, result windows work exactly like any other Tracker window. Some things are worth noting:
You can open the location of a file or folder by double clicking on its path attribute.
With File | Edit query or ALTG you get back to your Find window to refine your query.
A query is live, i.e. if a file that matches your search criteria appears or disappears from your system, this change is reflected in your results in real-time.
You can assign a sensible attribute layout for query results of a specific filetype. Open a folder containing files of the filetype you'd like to create a template for and arrange the attributes how you'd like to have query results presented. Copy this layout with Attributes | Copy layout.
Open /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/DefaultQueryTemplates, create a new folder named group/filetype, replacing the slash with an underscore, e.g. "audio_x-mp3". Open the new folder and paste in the previously copied layout with Attributes | Paste layout.
If you double click a saved query, the file search is at once started and the result window opens immediately. However, you may not want to search with these exact search parameters, but use it as starting point to only slightly tweak the formula.
+By using the Save query as template menu item (see (1) in screenshot at the top) or drag & dropping the icon (10) anywhere with the right mouse button, you can create just such a template. Double clicking it won't open a result window, but the Find panel, giving you the opportunity to quickly change search strings or add/remove attributes.
Wherever you choose to save query templates, they'll be listed in the Find panel's menu of recent queries.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Team Monitor
With CTRLALTDEL you invoke the Team Monitor which lists all currently running programs.
Programs that were launched by the system are blue, those started by the user black.
+Applications that are unresponsive, which is often a sign the program has crashed, are marked red. You can try to quit a program by selecting it and pressing Quit application (or either DEL or Q). If that doesn't work, try Kill application (or SHIFTDEL or K) instead.
You can summon a Terminal with OPTALTT.
If your Tracker or Deskbar crashed or froze, a new button appears (you may have to kill the offending team first): Restart the desktop will restart Tracker and/or Deskbar for you.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Tracker Add-Ons
Applications can install add-ons so they can be invoked easily on a selection of files from Tracker. Only the add-ons that can handle a specific filetype are presented under Add-Ons from the context menu or the File menu of a Tracker window. Some add-ons don't necessarily need a file to work on and are thus always present.
New Tracker add-ons that don't come as part of a regular .hpkg package, can be installed by copying them into their respective non-packaged folder (see topic Filesystem layout):
for add-ons available to every user.
for add-ons only available to yourself.
The file name of an add-on can be suffixed with a dash and capital letter, and is then available via keyboard shortcut. For example, Open Target Folder-O opens with ALTOPTO.
+Of course, you have to take care of possible shortcut collisions when deciding on a shortcut. You can't have the same for different add-ons.
These Tracker Add-Ons come with every Haiku installation:
Opens the Background preferences to change the color or image of the Desktop or any folder. Invoked on an image file the Background panel is launched with that image already loaded as a potential background.
Starts the DiskUsage application with the according folder as basis.
Invoked on a file, opens its specific FileType panel, otherwise the general FileTypes preferences are launched.
Open Target Folder-O
Can only be used on a linked file and opens the folder that file lives in.
Starts the TextSearch application to look for a string in the selected folder (and its subfolders).
A selection of files will be added to a zip archive, invoked without a selection opens a panel to create an archive via drag & drop.
The Tracker is the graphical interface to all your files. It lets you create new files and folders or find, launch or rename as well as copy or delete existing ones.
Being an application like any other (the Desktop with its icons is really just a fullscreen window in the background), Tracker appears with its windows in the Deskbar and can be quit and restarted. The easiest way to quit and restart a crashed or frozen Tracker (or a wayward Deskbar) is to call the Team Monitor.
In order to access a harddisk, CD, USB stick etc., you first have to mount the volume, that is, let the system know it's there. This is done with a right-click on the Desktop or an already mounted volume (like the boot disk) and choosing the volume from the Mount submenu. You find the same Mount menu in the Deskbar.
There are also Settings so you don't have to mount everything manually after every bootup.
+The above settings will automatically mount any storage device you connect/insert and also mount all disks on bootup that were mounted previously.
Before you disconnect e.g. a harddrive or USB stick, make sure you have successfully unmounted the volume and its icon has disappeared. This guarantees that all data transfer has finished. Otherwise you may lose data or corrupt the disk!
Haiku is able to mount non-BFS formatted volumes. Be warned, however, that these non-BFS filesystems haven't been rigorously tested. Writing to those volumes may cause corruption in some cases. If you want to be on the safe side, always choose Mount read-only when mounting!
By default, when you double-click a folder, Tracker opens a new window while leaving the parent window open. This can quickly lead to an overcrowded desktop.
+You can prevent that by holding down the OPT key, which automatically closes the parent window.
+This is also true for keyboard navigation. For more on that, see topic Shortcuts and key combinations.
Moving through your folders is one of Trackers main purposes, just like the file managers on other platforms. Haiku's Tracker has some unique features that will help you doing that efficiently.
Instead of double-clicking your way down folder after folder, there's a better way to drill down:
Right-click onto a folder, and at the top of the usual context menu you'll find a submenu of the current folder that let's you navigate down a level. Just move down the hierarchy until you find the file or folder you're looking for and click on it to open it. The above shows the contents of the folder /boot/home/config/.
+If you do the above while dragging a file with you, it will be moved to where you eventually drop it.
A similar method can be used from any Tracker window:
Click on the area in the lower left, where the number of items is listed, and you'll get submenus for every level above your current location. From there you can drill down through the folders as usual.
Note, that the Desktop is always the topmost level as that is where Tracker shows mounted volumes. So, if you want to go to another disk, you first have to navigate to the top (Desktop) and cross over to your other disk from there.
You'll get the same submenu-navigating when you drag a file over a folder. After a short while of hovering, a submenu pops up and you can drill down to your destination. If you initiated the drag with the right mousebutton, you can choose between copying, moving or linking the file when you release the mouse.
You may be familiar with the concept from file managers of other operating systems: typing the first few letters of a filename will jump to the first file matching these starting characters. Haiku took the idea a step further. If there isn't a file starting with those letters it will jump to the first file including the string anywhere in its name. And if there's nothing with the string in its filename, the attributes are searched next.
In the above example, there are many files starting with "Haiku logo", rendering simpler approaches to typing ahead quite useless. In Haiku however, typing "web" jumps right to its first occurence in "Haiku logo - website". The characters you enter appear in the bottom left corner where you normally find the item count of all files in the folder. A second after entering a character, the display jumps back to normal and you're ready for a new type ahead search.
Instead of jumping to a file while typing, there's also the option to filter out all files not matching your type-ahead string. This can improve clarity dramatically, especially when dealing with crowded folders. By using SHIFTSPACE as delimiter, you can even filter on multiple strings.
+Contrary to type-ahead jumping, the filtering will stick until you press ESC or close the window (or leave the folder if you're using Single Window Navigation).
+This type-ahead filtering is set in the Tracker preferences.
Tracker windows offer three different viewing modes from the Window menu:
Icon view (ALT1) - Big icons, you can change the size from the submenu or in/decrease their size with ALT+/-.
Mini icon view (ALT2) - Small icons.
List view (ALT3) - A detailed list of your files enabling you to show/hide file attributes (see topic Attributes.)
The Window menu offers a number of other functions:
Resize to fit (ALTY) - Resizes the window to its ideal size.
Arrange by... - Only available in Icon or Mini icon view, a submenu allows to set the sorting order to various properties:
Name, Real name, Size, Modified, Created, Kind, Location, Permissions
Reverse order - Inverts the sorting order
Clean up (ALTK) - Aligns all icons to an invisible grid. Hold down SHIFT and the menu becomes Clean up all which additionally sorts all icons according to the above selected criterium.
Close (ALTW) - Closes the window. Hold down SHIFT and the menu becomes Close all which closes every Tracker window.
Close all in workspace (ALTQ) - Closes every Tracker window in the current workspace. A useful shortcut if you forgot to hold the OPT key while clicking through folders and all those still open Tracker windows clutter your workspace.
Sometimes you just want to rearrange a few icons without doing a complete Clean up (ALTK). In that case, you select these icons and start to drag them to their new location. Before you drop them there, keep ALT pressed. This will align the icons to the invisible grid.
The rest of the functions are pretty self-explanatory, leaving the Tracker preferences.
Window | Preferences... opens a panel that offers a number of settings that, where not obvious, should become clear once tried out. Since all settings are applied live, you'll immediately see the changes.
+ So, in short, the not so obvious settings:
Desktop - Decide if all mounted disks appear directly on the Desktop or in a window after clicking a single Disk icon sitting on the Desktop.
Windows - You can set Single window navigation, i.e. a double-clicked folder doesn't open in its own window, but inside the already open window instead, replacing the view of its parent folder. This is not the same as clicking while holding the OPT key, as described above, because you'll lose the per window saved position and size.
Before you switch Tracker to Single window navigation mode, because that may feel more familiar to you, we recommend giving the menu based browsing a try first, as that may actually work much faster for you after getting used to. On the other hand, single window browsing offers a Navigator where you can enter or copy & paste a path name and use back, forward and up buttons.
Activating Type-ahead filtering will filter the contents of a Tracker window while you type to only display the files matching your string in their name or any currently displayed attribute. See above.
Volume icons - Set the color of an optional indicator of free space that's shown besides a disk's icon.
Disk mount - Define when and what disks are mounted automatically, as described above under "Mounting volumes".
This panel, by the way, is also available as Tracker from Deskbar's Preferences.
When invoked on a selected file, most of the File menu commands are also offered in the context menu by right-clicking that file.
As usual the commands are pretty clear.
Find... - Find a file or folder. See topic Query for more info.
New - Create a new folder or any other file based on a template.
Choosing Edit templates... opens the folder /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Tracker New Templates. Creating a file in that folder will offer its filetype with the file's name and other attributes as template in the New menu. Here, there's a file "Text" with the filetype text/plain. See topic Filetypes for more info.
Open with... - A submenu offers all applications that can handle this filetype.
The preferred application that would open the file when double-clicked, is checkmarked. This submenu lists first those applications that can handle the exact filetype, in this case it's a text file, the type text/plain. Next come all applications that can handle that supertype in general, here text/*. Last in the list are those that can deal with any file. If you don't click on an app in the submenu, but on the Open with... entry instead, a panel opens:
Here you'll again find the programs that were listed in the submenu. By selecting one and clicking the Open and make preferred button, you changed the preferred application for every file of that filetype, here text/plain.
Get info
This opens a panel that shows the meta data of a file and lets you edit its permissions. You can rename it by clicking on the file name at the top.
The panel consists of three tabs:
Information: Shows standard data like size, date of creation/modification, file type and location. Click on the location path to open the files parent folder. The Open with menu sets the preferred application to open this particular file.
Permissions: Lets you change owner, group and file permissions.
Attibutes: Lists all extra file attributes with their value and type.
Edit name, Duplicate and Move to trash - lets you rename or duplicate a file or put the selected file(s) to the trash.
Move to, Copy to and Create link - lets you move, copy or link the selected file(s) using the submenu navigating method. Holding SHIFT while invoking the menu offers the option to create a relative link.
Cut, Copy and Paste - lets you cut, copy and paste files using the clipboard. By holding SHIFT while invoking the menu you can Copy/Cut more files, maybe from another folder that you can paste somewhere else later. Also, while holding SHIFT you can paste the copied files in the clipboard as links.
Identify - will sniff out and set the type of files if they didn't have one before, e.g. if you transferred a file with wget which doesn't set a filetype itself. Holding SHIFT while invoking the menu changes the item to Force identify which identifies the filetype and corrects it if it was false before.
Add-Ons - offers you every generic Tracker add-on and those that can handle the selected file(s). See topic Tracker Add-ons for more information.
When you copy, move or delete files, Tracker shows its progress with a status window. If you initiate more than one transaction, each job gets its own status display.
To the right are two buttons to pause or stop a transaction entirely. Sometimes it can be useful to temporarily pause a large transaction. For example, you may need to quickly launch a large application. Copying large amounts of data chokes your harddisk's IO bandwidth and thus delays your workflow.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
The Twitcher is a task switcher to jump between running applications and their windows.
Just tap CTRLTAB to switch between the current and the last application/window. Tapping CTRLTAB very quickly will switch between all applications. Or press and hold CTRLTAB to go through all running applications by repeatedly hitting TAB or ←/→. If you need to get to a specific window of a program, move to its icon as described and then go through its open windows with the ↑/↓ keys.
You cycle through all an applications visible windows on the current workspace with CTRL~ (which, depending on the keymap you're using, is the key below ESC).
It's also possible to invoke the Twitcher with CTRLTAB and then use the mouse to choose the application/window you'll jump to when releasing the CTRL key.
The Twitcher also offers a few more advanced keyboard shortcuts:
Aborts the twitching and returns to the formerly active window.
This workshop takes a look on how to manage email under Haiku. It assumes that the email services are correctly configured with the E-Mail preferences and you're familiar with the basic features of the Mail application.
If you come to Haiku from other operating systems, you're probably used to big applications like MS Outlook or Mozilla's Thunderbird. You have to configure them by entering all the info on mail server addresses etc. and they use their own contacts database. They take care of sending and fetching email and store them in some big special file.
+Changing you email client can be a hassle with quite some ex/importing and converting going on. Using more than one client in parallel to check out what else is available is also not without the occasional kerfuffle.
Haiku's mail system is different. It breaks down into smaller separate modules.
There's the mail_daemon that takes care of the communication with your mail servers. The E-Mail preferences is the one central point to configure your email accounts and how often they're checked, for example.
Every message that is fetched or sent is saved as one single email file, with its header information (like sender, subject, date) and status (like New, Replied, Sent) in BFS attributes. This enables searching/filtering them with Haiku's fast queries.
With every email being in a separate file, viewing them becomes just as easy as browsing through a folder (or query result) of images with ShowImage. Leaving the Tracker window open, you'll see the moving selection of the currently viewed file while you use the previous/next button to move through them.
+As they are independent files, using a viewer other than Haiku's Mail causes no problems whatsoever.
Similarly, creating a new message results in just another file that is handed to the mail_daemon that takes care of sending it off. Contact management is deferred to the People application.
In a nutshell, where other mail clients do everything, from communicating with the mail servers to providing a view with all your mails and tools to search and filter them, Haiku uses a chain of smaller tools and general file management:
The mail_daemon to fetch/send mail and save them as normal files.
Tracker windows and queries to find and show email files.
The Mail application to view email files and create new messages relying on system-wide contact management by the People app.
Especially using Tracker and queries to manage emails is a powerful idea. The experience you gain can be transferred to any other problem that is dealing with files. Be it images, music, video, contacts or any other documents, using Tracker is at the core of all file managing.
+Also, improvements in any of these system areas benefit not just emailing, but all applications that make use of them.
When you browse through your newly arrived email, you may want to come back to some of them later to think about it in more depth. While you could use Mail's menu Close and | Leave as New to keep them in your "New messages" query, things tend to pile up that way...
One solution is of course to just start a reply and save it as draft. But if you don't expect to write a reply and just want to re-read the mail later, that isn't ideal.
Better use Close and | Set to... to create a new status and use that to categorize your mail. For example, you could call the status "Later", and then query for that when you find more time.
+Or you use different statuses for specific projects. For example, I created a status "HUG" (for "Haiku user guide") under which I collect every mail that may influence the contents of the user guide, like commit messages about code changes that alter or introduce some feature or anything else I feel could improve the user guide.
+In any case, try to keep the status name short. That way it always fits in a normally wide "Status" column in Tracker.
You don't have to open an email with the Mail application to set its status. With the Tracker add-ons Mark as Read and Mark as... you can select some email files and set their status in one go.
Sure, you specify a folder to store all your email, you can open it et voilà, there's all you mail. But over time the folder becomes crowded and showing all will take longer and longer as thousands of files and their attributes have to be parsed and sorted. Also, most of the time you don't really care about two year old emails of Nigerian princes and their inheritory trouble ...
A lot of time when populating a folder is spent on putting files read from disk into the correct sorting order and displaying that in the window. If you do have to open a folder with a huge number of files, you can shorten the wait by making the Tracker window "invisible", i.e. either minimize it or change to another workspace. Watch ProcessController to see how it affects CPU usage.
By using queries, you can narrow down the view of your mails. Actually, the mailbox icon in the Deskbar uses queries.
The Open Draft submenu does a query for the status "Draft", which is set by Mail when you save a message.
Open Inbox Folder and Open Mail Folder are just links to regular folders (and not very useful in my opinion).
The # new messages submenu is populated by a query for email with the status "New" (that same query is used to change the mailbox icon to show some letters in it, by the way).
You can add your own queries (or folders, applications, scripts etc.) to that context menu too, by putting them or links to them into ~/config/settings/Mail/Menu Links.
The query ~/config/settings/Mail/mailbox is a special case: It is executed when left-clicking the mailbox icon in the Deskbar. If you want to change that behavior, you can replace it with any other file (or link to a file), just name it "mailbox". It doesn't have to be a query, a link to a folder of queries or a script or application works just as well.
If you don't save a query as "Query" but as "Query template", invoking it won't show the result window, but the Find... window instead. That way you can easily exchange the search string for the subject or sender, for example, or change a "2 days" time limit to "3 days".
Activating "type-ahead filtering" in Tracker's preferences allows you to very quickly filter a query result even further. Often it's enough to query for all mails of the last 3 days and go with type-ahead filtering from there. The big advantage is, that you don't have to exactly specify which attribute to search for, as all displayed are considered when filtering.
Workshop: Filetypes, Attributes, Index and Queries
This is a workshop to show the use of Attributes, Queries, the Index and custom Filetypes. As an example, we build a database to keep track of our DVD library.
Let's first decide what filetype and attributes would serve our needs. Originally, I planned to use a bookmark file with a link to the movie's IMdB page, but since Haiku didn't have a "bookmarkable" browser like BeOS' NetPositive at that time, I came up with this: The file itself will be a JPEG image for the movie cover.
+With WebPositive, Haiku now has a browser using bookmark files again, so you could as well use a bookmark file instead of an image as basic filetype for our database files.
+In any case, to these files we add a couple of attributes. Here we have to decide if we want to query it later (then we have to add it to the index) and if so, what type of attribute it should be. Numbers (int, float) can be evaluated differently than text (</=/> vs. is/contains/starts with).
Here are the attributes I'd like to see for my DVDs:
Movie title
URL to e.g. IMdB
My rating from 1 to 10
Coordinates in my shelf, e.g. A2, B3, so I find the DVD also in Real Life :)
Start the Filetypes preferences, and click on the Add... button below the hierarchical list on the left. A small dialog opens and you specify in which MIME Group your new filetype will reside. You can also create a completely new group. Let's put it into "applications" and set the "Internal name" to DVDdb.
Double-click the icon well to open Icon-O-Matic to design an icon for your filetype. You can also drag & drop an icon from the icon well of another type, maybe as starting point for a modified version.
You can add suffixes like .txt, .jpg, .mp3 to recognize files by their extention. Useful when working with files from systems without MIME typing. We don't need that for our example.
This pop-up menu shows a list of all applications that can handle this particular filetype. From here you can choose which program should open this specific file when it's double-clicked.
opens a file dialog where you choose the application to open with this filetype. Here, we set ShowImage to display the DVD's cover.
Same as...
opens a file dialog where you choose any file that already has the preferred application set that you're looking for.
Here we enter all the custom attributes we decided on in our preparations. Clicking the Add... button opens a panel to enter all the data for the new attribute. You can edit an existing attribute with a double-click.
Attribute name - Appears e.g. as the column heading in Tracker windows.
Internal name - Is used for indexing and querying the attribute.
Type - Defines the value the attribute can hold and therefore how it can be queried.
String for normal text
Boolean for binary data: 0 (false) or >=1 (true)
Integer for integer numbers with different ranges:
8 bit: ± 255
16 bit: ± 65,535
32 bit: ± 4,294,967,295
64 bit: ± 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Float for floating-point numbers, single precision
Double for floating-point numbers, double precision
Time for time and date format
Visible - This checkbox determines if the attribute is visible in a Tracker window at all. Since the Tracker will be the interface to our DVD database, we check it and define its appearance with:
Display as - Left on "Default" if the values are to be displayed according to the attribute's "Type" (e.g. string/integer/float etc.). The other options are:
Checkbox - Can be used to show either one of two symbols, see Special below.
Duration - Shows an integer as 1/60, e.g. "90" becomes "1:30".
Rating - Shows a rating between 0 and 10 as star symbols.
Editable - Determines if the attribute shall be editable in Tracker.
Special - Defines the two symbols used for a checkbox display. For example, "xo" will show a "x" for all values >0 and "o" for 0.
Width - The default width of that attributes column in a Tracker window.
Alignment - The attribute can be displayed left, center, or right aligned.
Before we start entering data in our little DVD database, we should add certain attributes to the Index. Only indexed attributes can use Haiku's fast Queries.
+So, what will we be searching in the future? We probably won't ask "What's in the B4 coordinate in my shelf?" or "Does the IMdB URL or the plot of the movie contain the word 'pope-shenooda'?".
This leaves these attributes:
Internal Name
Attribute type
To index them, we open a Terminal and simply add one attribute after the other:
Now, everything's set and we can begin putting some data into our base.
+Since our basic file is a cover image, we go to some online resource like IMdB, look for our first movie and save the cover or movie poster in a new folder where we want to keep our DVDdb files.
Opening that folder we see a typical Tracker window with one JPEG in it. Right-clicking it, we change its filetype to application/DVDdb with the Filetype Addon. There's more info on this in the Filetypes document.
Now, we activate all our DVDdb attributes from the Attributes menu of the Tracker window and rearrange the columns to our taste:
By clicking on a yet empty attribute (or pressing ALTE) we enter editing mode and fill each attribute. With TAB and SHIFTTAB you can navigate between attributes.
In our example, we usually start with a downloaded JPG cover and change its type to applications/DVDdb. There's another elegant way to produce a file to work with. Just copy an empty file of our filetype to /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Tracker New Templates and rename it to DVDdb.
Right-clicking into a Tracker window, you'll find a new entry under New... besides the default "New folder".
Several hours of grunt work later, we have a nice little database that you can query to find all your Christina Ricci movies that have a 7+ rating... :)
You can assign a sensible attribute layout for query results of a specific filetype.
+Open the folder containing your DVDdb files and arrange the attributes how you'd like to have query results presented. Copy this layout with Attributes | Copy layout.
Open /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/DefaultQueryTemplates, create a new folder and rename it to group/filetype, replacing slashes with underscores; in our case "applications_DVDdb".
Open the new folder and paste in the layout with Attributes | Paste layout. Voilà:
Getting the networking to run is essential in today's need for permanent internet connection. As keeping up to date with all the different and ever changing hardware and drivers is quite impossible for a small project, Haiku relies on a FreeBSD compatibility layer for its networking drivers.
+This ensures a massive amount of supported hardware, though probably not 100% of what's out there. See FreeBSD 12.0's release hardware notes for a list of supported models.
Currently only PCI, PCI-X, PCI-Express, Mini PCI, and Mini PCI-Express devices are expected to work.
+PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, USB and ISA devices still need more work to become functional.
By default, Haiku will join the first unencrypted wireless network it finds after booting up. To connect to a specific network, you use the Desktop applet NetworkStatus.
Right-click on its icon in the Deskbar and choose the network's public name (which is the "SSID" it broadcasts) from the context menu.
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Once it reads "Ready" and the NetworkStatus icon in the Deskbar shows a green round light, the connection is established. If the notifications end in "No link" and a yellow triangle, something went wrong, probably an incorrect password.
If you prefer to use the command line or would like to use scripting or the ~/config/settings/boot/UserBootscript to automate things to join a specific network on bootup, there's the command ifconfig.
Start a Terminal and enter the first line to scan for available wireless networks:
The path to your wireless network adapter has to be adjusted, of course.
+The output shows the public name (SSID), MAC address, signal strength and authentication method of all found networks.
To join a network, use this line and insert the respective public name (SSID) and password:
Make sure the initial configuration of the wireless network adapter after booting up has finished, before issuing ifconfig commands or they might be ignored. Depending on your hardware and network configuration that may take a while. Watch those notifications...
All supported modern wireless hardware works out of the box.
A few quite old chipsets (Intel 2100/2200/2225/2915, Broadcom 43xx, Marvell 88w8335) require binary firmware modules that Haiku cannot include due to licensing issues, though. To get these wireless cards to work, a simple script is included which will retrieve and install all of the needed proprietary bits for you.
Open a Terminal and type:
Now review the licenses and accept them to install all of the available firmware files.
If you cannot obtain the binary firmware files via the install-wifi-firmwares.sh script (for example due to lack of internet connection within Haiku), you can also download this shell script, and run it from another OS that has wget and zip installed.
+Windows users need to have wget and zip for Windows installed in their default locations and use this batch script.
+The script will download the needed files and create a zip file that is to be extracted to Haiku's /boot. Once unpacked, open a Terminal and type:
Review the licenses and accept them to install all of the now available firmware files.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
Workspaces are virtual desktops, complete with their own resolution, color depth and background. Up to 32 of these workspaces can be set from the Screen preferences.
You switch between workspaces by either clicking into the Workspaces applet (which is seen in the above image) or by using the keyboard shortcut ALTFx, where "x" is the workspace number. It's a good idea to arrange your workspaces in rows of four to mimick the layout of the Fx keys on the keyboard.
+Also, clicking on an application or one of its windows in the Deskbar will send you to the workspace it's in.
Another very convenient way is to use CTRLALT←/→/↑/↓ to navigate spatially the rows/columns of the available workspaces. If you additionally hold down SHIFT, the active window will move with you to the new workspace.
You can switch back and forth between two workspaces with ALT` (the actual key depends on the keymap you're using - it is the key below ESC). Again, holding SHIFT will take the active window with you.
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@
Вкладка Додатково (Advanced) містить налаштування максимальної кількості одночасних з'єднань.
Пункти меню вікна консолі говорять самі за себе. З ними ви можете, наприклад, зберегти вихід консолі або його частини, очистити консоль або журнал, запустити / зупинити сервер або очистити лічильник відвідувань.
Якщо ви хочете спробувати, як працює PoorMan, виберіть /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/ як теку та index.html як стартову сторінку. Потім спрямуйте ваш браузер на URL-адресу, яка є Вашим локальним хостом.
Якщо ви хочете спробувати, як працює PoorMan, виберіть /boot/system/apps/BePDF/docs/docs-build/ як теку та index.html як стартову сторінку. Потім спрямуйте ваш браузер на URL-адресу, яка є Вашим локальним хостом.
Since our developers are unable to test every hardware combination, nor every different way of interacting with the operating system, we are relying on users to give us some input on how things work at their end. Since Haiku is still quite young, it's very likely that you will encounter bugs. We thank you for taking the time to report these. Together we can improve Haiku, bit by bit.
To keep our bugtracker effective, it's essential to abide by the Bug Tracker Etiquette.
To file a ticket, you need to have an account at Haiku's Bugtracker.
+When creating a new account, be certain to provide your email address as it is necessary to obtain basic ticket modification privileges. Be sure to check your spam folder shortly afterwards, as the all important verification mail often ends up there.
Before reporting a bug, please make sure that it does not yet exist. You can also use the search function for this.
+After you have established that it's a unique bug, make your information as accurate as possible:
Attempt to reproduce your issue on the current revision of Haiku. Pre-built images for testing purposes are available online.
Include basic information such as how you are testing Haiku (on real hardware, on VMWare, on QEMU, etc.).
Mention which revision you are running. You can find this information in About Haiku... from the Deskbar menu. Also mention what kind of Haiku build you are testing (x86_gcc2, x86_64). The downloadable images are named accordingly, for a self-built image you should know how you built it.
Describe the problem you are experiencing. Try to be as accurate as you can: describe the actual behavior, and the behavior you expected.
Describe what steps you need to perform in order to expose the bug. This will help developers reproduce the bug.
Attach as much information as you have. If it is a GUI bug, or a bug in one of the applications, try to take a screenshot by pressing the PRINT key.
When an application crashed, you can either save a report or write a core file (both saved to the Desktop) that you can attach to a bugreport, or you can evoke the Debugger.
When vital servers like the app server, the registrar or the input server crash, you won't see the usual crash alert. Instead the whole screen will be cleared white and the Debugger will be started in text-mode, its output appearing directly on screen. Likely you will still be able to move the mouse, which will overwrite the white and Debugger output on screen. Applications still running (like ProcessController or the clock in the Deskbar) might also draw over the debugger output on screen.
+Besides everything being more ugly and inconvenient, basically the same applies as for application bugs. Most importantly procure a back trace (bt command). You may need to take a picture of the screen with a digital camera, since you won't be able to copy the text anywhere.
+Depending on what exactly crashed, you can try to save a crash report on the Desktop with save-report or write-core for a core file, and then press the power button once to try shutting cleanly down. If the power button doesn't work, there are also the commands shutdown and reboot.
Kernel bugs are usually the ones with the most severe effects while at the same time being the hardest to debug. There are different kinds of symptoms, which most likely point to a kernel or driver issue:
The system enters kernel debugging land (KDL) on its own volition. The upper part of the screen is cleared white and several lines of text are printed on it. The second line says "Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...", the one above it states the immediate reason for entering KDL.
The system reboots spontaneously.
The system freezes completely. You can't move the mouse and no application draws anything anymore. An important test in that situation is, whether you still can enter KDL via the shortcut ALTSysReqD (SysReq being PRINT on most keyboards). Wait at least a minute to see, if anything happens.
The system doesn't boot up correctly. It may reboot spontaneously or stop at some point (e.g. at some icon of the boot screen). In the latter case also try ALTSysReqD.
The whole system or some piece of hardware doesn't behave correctly. For example, it could be very slow, errors occur, or something doesn't work at all. If some hardware doesn't work at all, the first obvious check is whether Haiku supports it at all at the moment (e.g. ask on a mailing list or a forum).
Note that while only the last point seems to indicate hardware relation, all the other symptoms could be caused by a bug in a hardware driver as well. If you have a suspicion what piece of hardware or corresponding driver might have to do with the problem, check whether removing/disabling the hardware or the driver makes a difference. For example, if you suspect Wifi you may find that your BIOS has an option to disable it. Or if not, you could blacklist the responsible Wifi driver from your Haiku installation (see Boot Loader).
If the system hasn't entered KDL by itself, you can do that intentionally by invoking the keyboard shortcut ALTSysReqD (SysReq being the Print key, normally).
+Note that in KDL your keyboard may not work. PS/2 keyboards always do, with USB keyboards it depends on the type of USB controller (UHCI/EHCI). Generally, the keyboard should be plugged into the port directly, not via any hubs. In some circumstances, the keyboard only works if one has entered KDL via the keyboard shortcut at least once. USB OHCI is not supported at the moment.
KDL itself is a kind of a shell. One can execute commands that print information about the system. The following commands might be of interest:
bt (aka sc)
Prints a back trace (aka stack crawl). If the system entered KDL on its on volition, a back trace is normally printed automatically. Enter the command if that didn't happen or part of it is obscured (e.g. when the stack trace is so long that it wrapped around) and your only way of providing the information to developers is by taking a picture of the screen.
Shows the handled and unhandled hardware interrupts.
co (aka continue)
Leaves the kernel debugger and continues normal operation of the system, if that is possible.
Reboots the system immediately. You will lose all unsaved data and even those that have been saved, but have not yet been written back to disk.
The KDL output is written to the serial port (if you have one, a respective cable, and a second computer to connect with, you can capture the output there via a terminal program) and to the syslog. If you can't leave KDL it won't be written to the syslog file, though. There's a boot loader debug option that allows you to capture it nonetheless (see below).
You can generate QR codes from KDL output that can then be converted to text using smartphones or similar devices. See the blog post QR Encode your KDL Output on how to get data out of KDL using that feature.
This is the preferred method for extracting information from a non-booting system.
+The syslog (short for system log) contains valuable information about what has happened in your system, including the output of KDL sessions. It's usually a good idea to attach it to the kernel related Trac ticket. The syslog is written to the file /boot/system/var/log/syslog. Since writing to a file requires a working system, the most recent output might not have made it to the syslog when a kernel problem occurs (particularly on spontaneous reboots or uncontinuable KDL sessions).
The option Enable debug syslog in the boot loader's Debug menu makes the syslog persistent. If the option Save syslog from previous session during boot is activated in the boot loader options (as it is by default), you'll find the syslog of your last session as /boot/system/var/log/previous_syslog.
+If you're not able to boot to get to the previous_syslog, you have to enter the boot loader menu by holding down SHIFT while booting.
+In the boot loader's Debug menu you should find the entries Display syslog from previous session and Save syslog from previous session. The former displays the syslog on screen, the latter allows you to save it as a file to disk. Note that at the moment only FAT32 volumes are supported for saving the file. If you want to use a USB stick, but have plugged it in too late so that it isn't recognized yet, you can reset the machine and re-enter the boot loader menu. Note: Don't accidentally boot any operating system or the data will be lost.
The on-screen debug output is useful only for debugging very specific issues and is known to have (timing) issues. Don't use it, if you don't have to.
+This is only relevant when Haiku fails to boot on your machine and the Debug syslog option doesn't work for some reason. Before the Haiku boot logo appears, hold SHIFT to enter the boot loader menu. Select Select safe mode options. Near the bottom, [ ] Enable on screen debug output will be listed. (Note: The other options could be enabled in an attempt to boot Haiku. If Haiku will boot only when one or more options are activated, be sure to mention which ones.)
+Finally select Return to main menu and then Continue booting.
+One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines need to be included on your ticket. There's more information on the Boot Loader.
When dealing with a hardware/driver related bug, you should attach the following information as text files:
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
- ints
Only available within Kernel Debugging Land (see above). Shows interrupt usage. There shouldn't be too many that are shared by different devices.
- On screen debug output (a safe mode boot time option, see above).
The first four commands are entered into Terminal. Add a > output.txt after a command, and it's piped into a text file called "output.txt" that you can attach to your bug report or email.
After the bug has been reported, a developer will look at your bug and try to classify it. Remember, we are all volunteers, and as such, sometimes a bug report might go unanswered for a while. Adding new information when it becomes available usually helps getting a bug picked up quicker, but do not try to 'bump' the bug up by adding
+non-descriptive comments.
Remember, reporting a bug is not something you spend a little time on and then you are done. If you reported a bug, then you are part of the Haiku development process. Developers might come up with questions while they are trying to fix your bug. Please stay around to answer these. Consider your participation 'done' when the bug is marked
+as 'fixed'.
Haiku'nun diğer işletim sistemleri ile birçok ortak noktası olmasına rağmen, belirtmeye değer kendine özel yaklaşımının olduğu bazı alanlar bulunmaktadır. Birkaç slayt ile Haiku ile çalışmaya başlamak ve daha üretken olmak için bilmeniz gereken önemli özelliklerini öğreneceksiniz.
Her sayfanın alt kısmında bulabileceğiniz "Ek okuma" bağlantıları sizi okuduğunuz konu ile ilgili Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'ndaki ek bağlantılara yönlendirir.
By default at the top right corner of the desktop, the Deskbar is the hub of interacting with Haiku. You can start applications, applets and preferences from there, for example, and switch between running applications.
Klavye Dizilimi tercihleri Haiku standardı olan ALT kısayol düğmesinden CTRL (Windows/Linux kipi) düğmesine geçmenize izin verir. Bu global bir anahtardır, örneğin kabukta programlardan çıkış alışılagelen CTRLC kısayolu yerine ALTC kısayolu ile yapılır.
+Bu uyumsuzluk nedeniyle Haiku'daki öntanımlı kısayol düğmesi ALT olarak belirlenmiştir.
CTRLTAB düğmelerini basılı tutmak uygulamalar arasında geçiş yapmak için kullanabileceğiniz Seğirtici'yi çağırır.
+CTRL düğmesini basılı tutarken TAB düğmesine bir kez basmak en son kullanılan uygulamaya geçer.
Eğer bazı uygulamalar düzgün davranmıyor ve Masaüstü Çubuğu'nun çalışan uygulamalar listesinden çıkmamakta direniyorsa CTRLALTDEL düğmelerine basarak Takım Monitörü'nü çağırın. Buradaki listeden bir uygulama seçebilir ve düzgün davranmayan uygulamayı sonlandırabilirsiniz.
Takılan bir uygulamadan çıkmanın şekilli bir yolu olarak Vulkan Ölüm Kavrayışı'nı deneyebilirsiniz.
+SHIFTCTRLALT düğmelerini basılı tutun ve takılan uygulamanın Masaüstü Çubuğu'ndaki simgesine tıklayın. İşte bu kadar!
Haiku ile pencerelerinizi hızlıca taşıyabilir veya yeniden boyutlandırabilirsiniz:
+CTRLALT düğmelerini basılı tutmak fare imlecine en yakın olan pencere kenarlarını vurgular.
+Vurgulanan pencere kenarı üzerinde sağ fare düğmesine tıklayıp basılı tutmak pencereyi yeniden boyutlandırmanıza olanak sağlar.
+Aynı işlemi sol fare düğmesi ile yaparak pencereyi taşıyabilirsiniz.
"Stacking" is putting windows on top of each other, automatically moving the yellow tabs into position.
+While holding the OPT key (normally that's WIN on the keyboard), tabs change color when they overlap; drop the window to establish the stacking.
+You un-stack by holding OPT and dragging a window out of its group by the yellow tab.
"Tiling" means gluing windows horizontally or vertically together.
+While holding OPT, the borders that'll fuse together when you drop the window change color when brought near each other.
+You un-tile by holding OPT and dragging a window out of its group by the yellow tab.
Workspaces are virtual desktops, complete with their own resolution, color depth and background.
+Up to 32 of these workspaces can be set from the Screen preferences.
The Workspaces desktop applet can be used to change workspaces or to drag a window from one to another.
The quick keyboard shortcut to change workspaces is CTRLALT← / → / ↑ / ↓.
+If you add SHIFT to that, the active window is taken with you to that workspace.
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into the Desktop (and other programs).
+Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, replicants are indicated by a small handle.
+You can drag & drop them by the handle onto the Desktop, where they are fully functional without their parent app running.
You can move a replicant by its handle and remove it with a right-click on it and choosing Remove replicant.
Double-clicking your way down folder after folder, you'll quickly end up with many open Tracker windows.
+Holding the OPT key (normally WIN on the keyboard) prevents this as it automatically closes the parent folder.
+Alternatively, you can activate Single window navigation from the Tracker preferences.
+Show navigator will add back/forward buttons.
A nice alternative to opening a deep hierarchy of folders is called "drill-down navigation". Right-clicking a folder or anywhere in a Tracker window (or the Desktop) will open a context menu. Beside various expected commands, there's a menu of the current folder at the top that contains all its subfolders.
+Drill your way down until you find the folder or file to open.
In order to access a harddisk, CD, USB stick etc., you first have to mount the volume. Once mounted, its icon appears on the Desktop.
+This is done with a right-click on the Desktop or an already mounted volume (like the boot disk) and choosing the volume from the Mount submenu. You find the same Mount menu in the Deskbar. ISO images can be mounted with a double-click.
Before removing a USB drive etc., you have to right-click its icon and choose Unmount and wait for its icon to disappear. Otherwise you may lose data not yet written to it!
While Haiku is currently not multi-user, there are already two branches in the filesystem tree:
The system hierarchy contains system files and settings for all users. The package management makes most folders under /system effectively read-only. Packages contain all their files in a fixed folder hierarchy. Upon installation, a package gets "mounted" and all its files just appear to be in that hierarchy in the /system folder.
+The folders there (like add-ons, apps, bin etc.) are just a virtual amalgamation of all the installed packages and are therefore read-only. Exceptions are cache, non-packaged, settings, and var.
/system/packages/ is the default install location for software.
/system/documentation/ is used by some applications to store their manual.
The home hierarchy is your personal folder where you keep your data and settings. The folder /boot/home/config (or shortened ~/config) mirrors the /system folder described above and is likewise virtually read-only with the same exceptions of cache, non-packaged, settings, and var.
~/Desktop/ is where the files of your Desktop live.
~/config/settings/ is where the system and applications store your settings.
The writable non-packaged folders mirror the hierarchy of the /system or ~/config/ hierarchy (add-ons, apps, bin…).
+Software that doesn't come in form of a HPKG package can be installed here.
Files on Haiku formatted (BFS) volumes are quickly searched with Find… from the Deskbar. Instead of file and folder names, you can also look through filetype specific attributes, e.g. for an artist in your MP3 collection.
You can connect to your WLAN router either by right-clicking the NetworkStatus icon in Deskbar's tray,
+or by selecting your network from the Network preferences.
+When the connection is established, you'll be asked for the network's encryption and password.
HaikuDepot from the Deskbar's applications menu is where to search, install and uninstall software packages.
+SoftwareUpdater should be started from time to time to update installed software as well as Haiku itself.
While the first release(s) of Haiku will be very much like the BeOS R5, the operating system it is reimplementing, there are many additions and improvements that were developed by the Haiku team over the years. So, if you're a returning BeOS user or are new user, have a look at these links:
While the first release(s) of Haiku will be very much like the BeOS R5, the operating system it is reimplementing, there are many additions and improvements that were developed by the Haiku team over the years. So, if you're a returning BeOS user or are new user, have a look at these links:
Haiku は再実装のため、API は BeOS R5 とまだ同じです (少しの追加があります)。そのため、Be Book にあるドキュメントはまだ有用な情報です。かつての Be Inc. の所有物の権利を持つ ACCESS に感謝します。私たちは Be Book のコピーを提供することを許可されました。 BeOS API から離れたところ、および Haiku 特有の追加事項は Haiku Book に集められています。
Haiku は再実装のため、API は BeOS R5 とまだ同じです (少しの追加があります)。そのため、Be Book にあるドキュメントはまだ有用な情報です。かつての Be Inc. の所有物の権利を持つ ACCESS に感謝します。私たちは Be Book のコピーを提供することを許可されています。 BeOS API から離れたところ、および Haiku 特有の追加事項は Haiku Book に集められています。
Haiku'yu denediğiniz için teşekkür ederiz. Bu bizim beşinci yayımlanan sürümümüz ve amacımız Haiku'ya yeni geliştiricilerin katılması ve yeni kullanıcıların Haiku ile tanışması. Bu ilk beta sürüm yayınlanacak 1.0 sürümünde kullanıcılara sunulması tasarlanan tüm özellikleri içeriyor, ancak düzeltilmesi ve ince ayar çekilmesi gereken birçok hatayı da beraberinde barındırıyor. Yine de bu sürümün gayet kullanılabilir olduğunu belirtir ve Haiku'nun potansiyelini keşfetmenize ve heyecanımızı paylaşmasına araç olmasını dileriz.
Son yenilikler ve duyurular için proje web sitesi haiku-os.org'u ziyaret ediniz. UYARI: Bu belgelerin Türkçeye çevrilmesi sürmektedir. Aşağıda ziyaret edeceğiniz bağlantıların bir Türkçe sürümü henüz var olmayabilir.
Kritik hataları düzeltmek için sürekli çalışıyoruz, ancak bir beta sürümü olduğundan henüz keşfedilmemiş hatalar olabilir.
Beta sürümleri iş amaçlı kullandığınız makinelerde kullanmanız kesinlikle önerilmez. Verilerinizin bütünlüğü kaybolabilir veya silinebilir. Güncel yedekler tutmak kesinlikle gereklidir.
Beta sürüm yayınlamamızın nedenlerinden bir tanesi de Haiku'yu sınayacak daha çok kişiyi çekmek ve dolayısıyla daha çok hatanın keşfedilmesini ve ileriki iyileştirmeler için öneriler sunulmasını sağlamaktır. Daha önce girilip girilmediğini denetledikten sonra Hata İzleyicimize hataları veya iyileştirme önerilerini girebilirsiniz.
Haiku'nun ilk sürümleri, yeniden canlandırmaya çalıştığı işletim sistemi olan BeOS R5 ile çok benzer olacak olsa da, yıllar boyunca eklenen bir çok iyileştirmeyi ve ek özellikleri de içinde barındırıyor. Eğer eski bir BeOS kullanıcısı iseniz, lütfen aşağıdaki bağlantılara bir göz atın.
Haiku içinde gelen Haiku Depo uygulaması ile ek yazılımlar yüklenebilir.
+Mevcut BeOS uygulamalarının birçoğu Haiku'nun sağladığı kaynak ve ikili uyumluluğu katmanı sayesinde çalışacaktır. Bu uygulamaların çoğu Haiku için yeniden paketlenmiştir ve bazıları da hiç değiştirilmeye gerek kalmadan olduğu gibi çalışabilmektedir. Uygulama yükleme ile ilgili daha çok bilgiyi kullanıcı kılavuzunun Uygulamalar bölümünde bulabilirsiniz.
Topluluk tarafından desteklenen uygulama koleksiyonları da mevcuttur. Ek bilgi için Uygulama Siteleri bölümüne bakın.
Haiku WPA/WPA2 veya WEP ile şifrelenen bağlantıları ve şifrelenmemiş açık kablosuz ağları desteklemektedir. Donanım üreticilerinin değişik lisans politikaları ve gereksinimleri nedeniyle bu gömülü yazılımların el ile yüklenmesi gerekebilir. Desteklenen donanımlar, gömülü yazılım yüklemesi ve kablosuz ağlara nasıl bağlanacağınız ile ilgili daha çok bilgiyi Haiku Kullanıcı Kılavuzu'nun Atölye: Kablosuz ağlar bölümünde bulabilirsiniz.
Haiku bir yeniden canlandırma projesi olduğundan, API'ı BeOS R5 ile hâlâ aynıdır (bazı eklemelerle birlikte). Dolayısıyla Be Kitabı içerisindeki belgelendirme hâlâ geçerliliğini korumaktadır. Geçmiş Be Inc. mülkünün günümüzdeki hak sahibi olan ACCESS'in izin vermesi sayesinde Be Kitabı'nın bir kopyasını sağlayabiliyoruz.
+BeOS API'ından sapılan noktalar ve Haiku'ya özel eklemelerle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiyi Haiku Kitabı içerisinde bulabilirsiniz.
Aşağıda size yardımcı olabilecek belgelerin bir listesini bulabilirsiniz:
Yazışmalıklarımızda, posta listelerimizde, veya IRC'de diğer geliştiricilerle iletişime geçin ve tartışmalara katılın (web sayfası: #haiku). Bu kadar değişik kişinin bir arada olduğu ortamlarda iletişimin etkili olması için bazı kuralların olması da kaçınılmazdır. Lütfen Posta Listesi Görgü Kuralları'mıza saygı gösterin.