diff --git a/userguide/ca/bootloader.html b/userguide/ca/bootloader.html
index df5118b8..7aa8615c 100644
--- a/userguide/ca/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/ca/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Contingut
-:: Filesystem layout »
+ « Bash and Scripting
+:: Contingut
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -168,10 +167,9 @@ Els símbols corresponent aproximadament a aquestes etapes del procés d'arrenca
diff --git a/userguide/ca/deskbar.html b/userguide/ca/deskbar.html
index eef2d1c4..c7aba1dd 100644
--- a/userguide/ca/deskbar.html
+++ b/userguide/ca/deskbar.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Barra de l'Escriptori »
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
La traducció d'aquesta pàgina encara no està acabada. Fins que ho sigui, algunes part correspondrà a la versió anglesa.
Barra d'eines:
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
Opcions per Omissió
Reinicia tot als valors per omissió.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
La traducció d'aquesta pàgina encara no està acabada. Fins que ho sigui, algunes part correspondrà a la versió anglesa.
Barra d'eines:
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
Opcions per Omissió
Reinicia tot als valors per omissió.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
Attribute werden ähnlich wie in einer Datenbank oder Tabellenkalkulation dargestellt. Im Tracker kann ausgewählt werden, welche Attribute gezeigt werden sollen (Spalten), und die Dateiliste (Reihen) anschließend entsprechend sortiert werden.
Dazu öffnet man ein Tracker-Fenster und wählt aus dem Menü Attribute die darzustellenden Attribute aus. Oder man führt einen Rechtsklick auf einen Spaltentitel aus und wählt die entsprechenden Einträge aus dem Kontextmenü. Die Spalten können durch Ziehen der Spaltentitel verschoben werden. Um Spalten, die man nicht braucht, schnell zu entfernen, zieht man sie einfach ganz aus dem Fenster.
Dazu öffnet man ein Tracker-Fenster und wählt aus dem Menü Attribute die darzustellenden Attribute aus. Oder man führt einen Rechtsklick auf einen Spaltentitel aus und wählt die entsprechenden Einträge aus dem Kontextmenü. Die Spalten können durch Ziehen der Spaltentitel verschoben werden. Um Spalten, die man nicht braucht, schnell zu entfernen, zieht man sie einfach ganz aus dem Fenster.
Ein Doppelklick auf die Trennlinie zweier Spaltentitel stellt automatisch die optimale Breite ein.
Klickt man auf einen Spaltentitel, ändert sich die Sortierreihenfolge von auf- zu absteigend. Hält man SHIFT gedrückt während man auf einen Spaltentitel klickt, lässt sich eine zweite Sortierung einrichten. So kann man zum Beispiel seine People Dateien nach Firmen sortieren und innerhalb dieser Sortierung nach Kontaktnamen. Obiger Screenshot zeigt ein Beispiel dafür. Die zweite Sortierordnung ist mit einem helleren Pfeil neben dem Titel gekennzeichnet.
Diese Attribute zu bearbeiten ist genauso einfach wie das Umbenennen einer Datei: Entweder klickt man auf einen Eintrag oder drückt ALTE und bewegt sich zwischen den Attributen mit TAB und SHIFTTAB. ESC verlässt den Bearbeitungsmodus ohne die Änderungen zu übernehmen.
Eine einfache Alternative zum oben genannten ist es, die Anwendungen, die nach dem Hochfahren gestartet werden sollen, im Verzeichnis /boot/home/config/settings/boot/launch zu verlinken. Am einfachsten klickt man dazu mit der rechten Maustaste auf die entsprechende Anwendung, geht auf Verknüpfung erstellen und navigiert dann zum oben genannten Verzeichnis.
diff --git a/userguide/de/bootloader.html b/userguide/de/bootloader.html
index c7694194..e916f3a7 100644
--- a/userguide/de/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/de/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Inhalt
-:: Dateisystem Layout »
+ « Bash und Skripten
+:: Inhalt
@@ -141,10 +140,10 @@ Wird per UEFI anstatt dem klassischen BIOS gebootet, muss anstatt Safe mode, verhindert das den Start der meisten Server, Daemons und dem UserBootScript.
Aktiviert man Disable user add-ons, verhindert das die Nutzung jeglicher Add-Ons (Treiber, Translatoren etc.), die in der Benutzer-Hierarchie unter Home installiert wurden.
Falls das Zurückfallen in den VESA Modus durch Aktivieren von Use fail-safe graphics driver die Bootprobleme löst, kann diese Einstellung "fest verdrahtet" werden. Dazu muss man einfach nur in der Textdatei /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel das # der Zeile #fail_safe_video_mode true entfernen.
Befindet sich der problematische Treiber oder Add-On etc. allerdings in der System Hierarchie, wird die Sache etwas komplizierter, da dieser Teil des Dateisystems nicht beschreibbar ist. Hier kommt die Option Blacklist entries zum Einsatz. Mit ihr lässt sich durch die System-Verzeichnisse navigieren, um die entsprechende Komponente mittels LEERTASTE oder RETURN zu deaktivieren. ESC führt wieder eine Verzeichnisebene zurück nach oben.
Online zeigt der Artikel "Disabling components of packages" wie man diese Einstellung festlegt, damit sie bei jedem Hochfahren erhalten bleibt.
Befindet sich der problematische Treiber oder Add-On etc. allerdings in der System Hierarchie, wird die Sache etwas komplizierter, da dieser Teil des Dateisystems nicht beschreibbar ist. Hier kommt die Option Disable system components zum Einsatz. Mit ihr lässt sich durch die System-Verzeichnisse navigieren, um die entsprechende Komponente mittels LEERTASTE oder RETURN zu deaktivieren. ESC führt wieder eine Verzeichnisebene zurück nach oben.
Online zeigt der Artikel "Disabling components of packages" was man tun muss, damit diese Einstellung bei jedem Hochfahren erhalten bleibt.
Unter Select boot volume kann man angeben welcher frühere Zustand von Haiku gebootet werden soll. Jedesmal wenn ein Paket installiert oder deinstalliert wird, wird der alte Zustand gespeichert und er kann in den Boot Loader Optionen aus einer Liste ausgewählt werden, um Haiku in diesen alten Zustand zu booten.
-Wenn Haiku also nach der Installation eines Pakets nicht mehr hochfahren kann, einfach eine Haiku Version vor diesem Zeitpunkt booten und dann das betreffende Paket wieder deinstallieren.
+Wenn Haiku also nach der Installation eines Pakets nicht mehr hochfahren kann, einfach eine Haiku Version vor diesem Zeitpunkt booten und dann das betreffende Paket wieder deinstallieren. Es ist auch möglich fest zu dieser bestimmten Haiku Version zurückzukehren, siehe dazu SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -169,10 +168,9 @@ Die unterschiedlichen Symbole repräsentieren die verschiedenen Phasen des Boot-
diff --git a/userguide/de/deskbar.html b/userguide/de/deskbar.html
index d29670cd..d3b3ff58 100644
--- a/userguide/de/deskbar.html
+++ b/userguide/de/deskbar.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Deskbar »
@@ -156,18 +157,19 @@ Man kann Verknüpfungen zu Dateien und Ordnern also auch dort direkt anlegen und
Replikanten sind kleine autarke Module von Anwendungen, die in andere Programme integriert werden können. Sofern Deskbars Option Replikanten einblenden aktiviert ist, erkennt man "replizierbare" Teile einer Anwendung durch ein kleines Symbol, normalerweise rechts unten:
Das nächstgelegene Objekt, das Replikanten aufnehmen kann, ist der Desktop: Man lässt einfach das kleine Symbol per Drag&Drop darauf fallen. Ab sofort ist es ein Teil des Desktops und die ursprüngliche Anwendung muss nicht mehr laufen damit es funktioniert.
-Ein Rechtsklick auf ein Replikanten-Symbol öffnet ein Kontextmenü, um das Über Fenster der ursprünglichen Anwendung anzuzeigen und zum Entfernen den Befehl Replikant entfernen.
Sollte ein Replikant auf dem Desktop mal Schwierigkeiten machen und sich auch nicht mehr entfernen lassen, kann man die Datei ~/Konfiguration/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf löschen. Dadurch werden allerdings alle Replikanten vom Desktop entfernt.
Das nächstgelegene Objekt, das Replikanten aufnehmen kann, ist der Desktop: Man lässt einfach das kleine Symbol per Drag&Drop darauf fallen. Ab sofort ist es ein Teil der Arbeitsfläche und die ursprüngliche Anwendung muss nicht mehr laufen damit es funktioniert.
+Ein Rechtsklick auf ein Replikanten-Symbol öffnet ein Kontextmenü, um das Über Fenster der ursprünglichen Anwendung anzuzeigen und zum Entfernen den Befehl Replikant entfernen. Um einen Replikanten von der Arbeitsfläche zu entfernen, kann man ihn auch einfach auf das Mülleimer Icon ziehen.
Sollte ein Replikant auf dem Desktop mal Schwierigkeiten machen und sich auch nicht mehr entfernen lassen, kann man die Datei ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf löschen. Dadurch werden allerdings alle Replikanten vom Desktop entfernt.
Hier eine Liste mit den meist genutzten Tastaturkürzel, die immer zur Verfügung stehen, auch falls es dafür gerade kein entsprechendes Menü gibt:
Wechselt zur Arbeitsfläche X (Fx ist dabei die der Arbeitsfläche entsprechende Funktionstaste). Hält man dabei zusätzlich die SHIFT-Taste, wird das aktive Fenster zur neuen Arbeitsfläche mitgenommen.
STRGALT← / → / ↑ / ↓
Zum Bewegen durch die Reihen und Spalten der verfügbaren Arbeitsflächen. Hält man dabei zusätzlich die SHIFT-Taste, wird das aktive Fenster zur neuen Arbeitsfläche mitgenommen.
Wechselt zum Workspace X (Fx ist dabei die der Arbeitsfläche entsprechende Funktionstaste). Hält man dabei zusätzlich die SHIFT-Taste, wird das aktive Fenster zur neuen Arbeitsfläche mitgenommen.
STRGALT← / → / ↑ / ↓
Zum Bewegen durch die Reihen und Spalten der verfügbaren Workspaces. Hält man dabei zusätzlich die SHIFT-Taste, wird das aktive Fenster zur neuen Arbeitsfläche mitgenommen.
Zieht man ein Fenster bei gedrückter OPT Taste in die Nähe von Reiter oder Rahmen eines anderen Fensters, lassen sie sich stapeln oder andocken (siehe Stack & Tile).
OPT↑ / ↓
Wechselt durch alle offenen Fenster des aktuellenArbeitsfläche.
OPT↑ / ↓
Wechselt durch alle offenen Fenster des aktuellenArbeitsfläche.
STRGALT + Linksklick
Klickt und zieht man mit der linken Maustaste wird das Fenster verschoben (siehe dazu Haikus Benutzeroberfläche).
STRGALT + Rechtsklick
Klickt und zieht man mit der rechten Maustaste wird die Fenstergröße geändert (siehe dazu Haikus Benutzeroberfläche).
Es sei angemerkt, dass alle Lupe Fenster auf dieser Seite natürlich auch selbst mit den verschiedenen Optionen dargestellt werden. So bekommt man einen echten Eindruck der Einstellungen, indem man zum Beispiel die fetten Titel der Fensterreiter vergleicht, oder den Text "33 x 15 @ 8 pixels/pixel".
Es sei angemerkt, dass alle Magnify Fenster auf dieser Seite natürlich auch selbst mit den verschiedenen Optionen dargestellt werden. So bekommt man einen echten Eindruck der Einstellungen, indem man zum Beispiel die fetten Titel der Fensterreiter vergleicht, oder den Text "33 x 15 @ 8 pixels/pixel".
Die Option Icon-Textkontur legt eine dünne Kontur um Icon-Beschriftungen, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen.
Ob die Icon-Beschriftung auf dem Desktop schwarz oder weiß dargestellt wird, entscheidet der Farbeinsteller. Eine dunkle Farbwahl erzeugt weißen Text, eine helle umgekehrt schwarzen. Wenn man also beispielsweise ein sehr helles Hintergrundbild verwenden will, sollte man auch den Farbeinsteller entsprechend hell einstellen, damit der Icon-Text in schwarz erscheint. (Oder man benutzt die erwähnte Kontur-Option.)
-Die ausgewählte Farbe findet sich auch in der Arbeitsflächen App wieder, welche eventuell benutzte Hintergrundbilder ignoriert.
+Die ausgewählte Farbe findet sich auch in der Workspaces App wieder, welche eventuell benutzte Hintergrundbilder ignoriert.
setzt die Einstellungen auf die Werte zurück, die beim Start des Hintergründe Panels aktiv waren.
übernimmt die aktuellen Einstellungen.
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ Die ausgewählte Farbe findet sich auch in der
Hier kann die Wiederholrate für einen Tastendruck und die Verzögerung eingestellt werden, die das System wartet, bis eine gedrückte Taste wiederholt wird. Die Einstellungen können in dem Textfeld getestet werden.
Setzt alle Einstellungen auf die Standardwerte zurück.
stellt die Einstellungen wieder her, die aktiv waren als Keyboard gestartet wurde.
Im Auswahlmenü links kann die Art der Maus, respektive deren Tastenzahl, ausgewählt werden. Insbesondere für 1-Tasten Mäuse interessant: der Rechtsklick kann mit STRG-Linksklick und ein Klick auf die mittlere Taste mit STRGALT-Linksklick erzeugt werden.
Die Tastenbelegung kann über das Markieren der entsprechenden Taste und dem dazugehörigen Auswahlmenü geändert werden.
Über die Schieberegler rechts kann die Doppelklick-Geschwindigkeit, die Geschwindigkeit des Mauszeigers und seine Beschleunigung eingestellt werden. Im Testfeld unter der Mausgrafik kann die Doppelklick-Geschwindigkeit getestet werden: Wird ein Wort durch Doppelklick nicht markiert, ist die entsprechende Geschwindigkeit zu hoch eingestellt (oder man muss halt lernen schneller zu klicken...).
Im Auswahlmenü Modus wird bestimmt, wie Programmfenster auf Klicks reagieren. Hierfür gibt es drei Möglichkeiten:
Klicken aktiviert und bringt nach vorn
Das Fenster wird durch Klicken aktiviert und ganz nach vorn geholt. Dies ist die Standardeinstellung.
Klicken aktiviert Fenster
Beim Klicken auf ein Fenster wird dieses nur aktiviert, aber nicht automatisch in den Vordergrund geholt. Dies gelingt entweder durch Klicken auf den Fensterreiter beziehungsweise -rahmen oder durch Klicken irgendwo im Fenster, während die Fenstermanagement-TastenSTRGALT gehalten werden.
Ohne Klicken aktivieren
Das Fenster unter dem Mauszeiger wird automatisch aktiviert. Um es in den Vordergrund zu holen, geht man vor wie bei Klicken aktiviert Fenster beschrieben.
Die Option Auf ersten Klick reagieren vermeidet, ein Fenster erst aktivieren zu müssen, bevor eine Schaltfläche gedrückt oder ein Menü geöffnet werden kann. Allerdings besteht dann Gefahr, aus Versehen beispielsweise statt des Fensterreiters den "Schließen"-Button zu treffen und ein Programm ungewollt zu beenden. Andererseits kann damit der Arbeitsfluss deutlich beschleunigt werden.
Alle Einstellungen werden sofort im System übernommen.
Setzt alle Einstellungen auf die Standardwerte zurück.
die Einstellungen, die aktiv waren, als das Programmfenster geöffnet wurde, werden wieder hergestellt.
öffnet einen Dialog, um einen neuen Klang zu laden, der sich noch nicht im Menü befindet.
Es können Klänge in jedem vom System unterstützten Format verwendet werden. Wenn Media-Player damit umgehen kann, funktioniert es auch mit jedem anderen Program.
Es können Klänge in jedem vom System unterstützten Format verwendet werden. Wenn MediaPlayer damit umgehen kann, funktioniert es auch mit jedem anderen Program.
Mit Wiedergabe und Stop lässt sich ein markiertes Ereignis probehören.
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ Mit Wiedergabe und Stop
diff --git a/userguide/de/preferences/time.html b/userguide/de/preferences/time.html
index 6ebdec9e..abb723f1 100644
--- a/userguide/de/preferences/time.html
+++ b/userguide/de/preferences/time.html
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- Time
+ Datum & Zeit
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- « Sounds
+ « Klänge
:: Einstellungen
:: Tracker »
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Rechts wird die Zeit der aktuell eingestellten Zeitzone gezeigt, sowie eine Vors
In diesem Panel befinden sich alle Touchpad relevanten Einstellung, die für den Notebook Besitzer von Bedeutung sind.
Mit den vertikalen und horizontalen roten Linien der Touchpad Darstellung lässt sich ein Scroll-Bereich definieren (rötlich gefärbt gegenüber der grauen normalen Navigationsfläche). Streicht man mit dem Finger über diesen Teil des Touchpads, bewegen sich die Scrollbalken eines Fensters entsprechend.
Mit den Schiebereglern rechts daneben lässt sich die allgemeine Scroll-Beschleunigung und die vertikalen und horizontalen Scroll-Geschwindigkeiten einstellen.
-Je größer die Beschleunigung, desto schneller scrollt eine Liste wenn man den Finger ganz schnell über den Scroll-Bereich bewegt. Die Scroll-Geschwindigkeit bestimmt das Verhalten beim "normal-schnellen" Überstreichen des Bereichs.
Unter der Touchpad Grafik lässt sich "Zwei-Finger-Scrollen" für horizontales und vertikales Scrollen aktivieren. Bewegt man zwei Finger parallel in der Vertikalen oder Horizontalen, bewegen sich die Scrollbalken eines Fensters entsprechend. Zumindest bei mir funktioniert das am besten mit jeweils einem Finger der linken und der rechten Hand.
-Wer mit diesem Feature zurecht kommt, der kann auf Scroll-Bereiche verzichten und das gesamte Touchpad zum normalen Navigieren nutzen
Ganz unten ist noch ein Regler zum einstellen der Berührungsempfindlichkeit. Werden Klicks per Antippen immer wieder ignoriert, sollte man die Empfindlichkeit erhöhen. Werden im Gegenteil immer irgendwelche Klicks registriert, obwohl eigentlich nur der Mauszeiger bewegt werden soll, sollte sie verringert werden.
Setzt alle Einstellungen auf die Standardwerte zurück.
setzt wieder die Werte, die aktiv waren als das Touchpad Panel gestartet wurde.
Folgender Tip bezieht sich nicht so sehr auf dieses Einstellungs Panel, sondern auf die Nutzung von Touchpads allgemein:
-Wusstest Du, dass man ein Drag & Drop nur per Touchpad ausführen kann, also ohne die Tasten zu benutzen? Dazu macht einfach einen Doppelklick, ohne jedoch den Finger nach dem zweiten Klick anzuheben. Das so aufgenommene Icon hängt nun am Mauszeiger und kann mit dem Finger auf dem Touchpad umher bewegt werden. Hebt man den Finger, wird das Icon fallen gelassen.
Angenommen der Finger erreicht beim Ziehen eines Icons den Rand des Touchpads, der Mauszeiger ist aber noch nicht am Bildschirmrand angekommen. Sobald man den Finger hebt, wird ja das Icon fallen gelassen. Wie also lässt sich das Icon weiterziehen?
-Je nach verbauter Hardware gibt es da ein nettes Feature: man lässt den Finger einfach am Rand des Touchpads, aber ohne den Finger zu heben. Der Mauszeiger fliegt dann einfach weiter wie auf Auto-Pilot
Die Tracker Einstellungen lassen sich auch aus jedem Trackerfenster mit dem Menü Fenster | Einstellungen.... aufrufen.
Die Tracker Einstellungen lassen sich auch aus jedem Trackerfenster mit dem Menü Fenster | Einstellungen ... aufrufen.
Die einzelnen Einstellungen werden im Thema Tracker besprochen.
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ Die einzelnen Einstellungen werden im Thema
Anwendungen können Add-Ons installieren, um im Tracker von einer Dateiauswahl aus aufgerufen werden zu können. Im Kontextmenü unter Add-ons oder dem Datei Menü des Tracker-Fensters werden nur die Add-Ons angezeigt, die auch mit dem betreffenden Dateityp umgehen können. Add-Ons, die auch ohne eine markierte Datei benutzt werden können, werden immer angezeigt.
Anwendungen können Add-Ons installieren, um im Tracker von einer Dateiauswahl aus aufgerufen werden zu können. Im Kontextmenü unter Add-ons oder dem Datei> Menü des Tracker-Fensters werden nur die Add-Ons angezeigt, die auch mit dem betreffenden Dateityp umgehen können. Add-Ons, die auch ohne eine markierte Datei benutzt werden können, werden immer angezeigt.
Tracker Add-Ons, die nicht als ordentliches .hpkg Paket vorliegen, können in den entsprechenden non-packaged Ordner kopiert werden (siehe Dateisystem Layout:
Add-Ons, die für jeden Benutzer verfügbar sind
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ Da es keine zwei Add-On mit dem gleichen Kürzel geben kann, muss man bei der Ve
Öffnet die Einstellung Hintergründe zum Anpassen des Bildschirm- oder Ordnerhintergrunds. Wird dieses Add-On auf einer Bilddatei aufgerufen, ist dieses Bild im Einstellungsdialog bereits als mögliches Hintergrundbild vorausgewählt.
Startet DiskUsage mit dem aktuellen Ordner als Basis.
Der für diese Datei spezielle Dateitypen-Dialog wird geöffnet. Wenn das Add-On nicht auf einer Datei aufgerufen wird, öffnen sich die Einstellungen für die globalen Dateitypen.
Open Target Folder-O
Wird nur bei einer Verknüpfung angeboten und öffnet den Ordner, in dem die eigentliche Datei gespeichert ist.
Öffnet die Anwendung TextSearch um nach einem beliebigen Text innerhalb eines Ordners und dessen Unterordner zu suchen.
Eine Auswahl an Dateien wird zu einer ZIP-Datei zusammengepackt. Wenn dieses Add-On aufgerufen wird, ohne dass eine oder mehrere Dateien markiert sind, öffnet sich ein Dialogfeld, mit dem man per Ziehen und Ablegen von Dateien ein Archiv erstellen kann.
Arbeitsflächen sind virtuelle Desktops, mit eigener Auflösung, Farbtiefe und eigenem Hintergrund. Es können bis zu 32 dieser Arbeitsflächen in den Bildschirm Einstellungen konfiguriert werden.
Workspaces sind virtuelle Desktops, mit eigener Auflösung, Farbtiefe und eigenem Hintergrund. Es können bis zu 32 dieser Arbeitsflächen in den Bildschirm Einstellungen konfiguriert werden.
Die Arbeitsfläche kann mit einem Klick auf das Arbeitsflächen Applet (zu sehen im Bild oben) oder mit der Tastenkombination ALTFx gewechselt werden; "x" ist dabei die Arbeitsflächen-Nummer. Organisiert man seine Arbeitsflächen in Viererreihen, kann die Anordnung der Fx Tasten auf der Tastatur nachgeahmt werden.
+Workspace wechseln
Die Arbeitsfläche kann mit einem Klick auf das Workspaces Applet (zu sehen im Bild oben) oder mit der Tastenkombination ALTFx gewechselt werden; "x" ist dabei die Workspace-Nummer. Organisiert man seine Workspaces in Viererreihen, kann die Anordnung der Fx Tasten auf der Tastatur nachgeahmt werden.
Das Klicken auf eine Anwendung in der Deskbar bringt einen ebenfalls auf die entsprechende Arbeitsfläche.
Eine andere komfortable Möglichkeit ist, mit STRGALT←/→/↑/↓ räumlich durch die Spalten und Reihen der verfügbaren Arbeitsflächen zu navigieren. Hält man dabei zusätzlich SHIFT gedrückt, wird das aktive Fenster auf die neue Arbeitsfläche mitgenommen.
Zwischen der aktuellen und letzten Arbeitsfläche kann man mit ALT^ hin und her wechseln. Welches Zeichen das genau ist, hängt vom verwendeten Tastaturlayout ab - es ist immer die Taste unter ESC. Auch hier nimmt man das aktive Fenster mit, hält man dabei SHIFT gedrückt.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Das Klicken auf eine Anwendung in der Deskbar bringt einen ebenfalls auf die ent
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -164,10 +163,9 @@ The different symbols roughly correspond to these boot stages:
diff --git a/userguide/en/deskbar.html b/userguide/en/deskbar.html
index 417f7edf..8eb8aaf4 100644
--- a/userguide/en/deskbar.html
+++ b/userguide/en/deskbar.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Deskbar »
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
diff --git a/userguide/eo/bootloader.html b/userguide/eo/bootloader.html
index 03480348..e0fdcf79 100644
--- a/userguide/eo/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/eo/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Contents
-:: Filesystem layout »
+ « Bash and Scripting
+:: Contents
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -165,10 +164,9 @@ The different symbols roughly correspond to these boot stages:
Replikiloj estas malgrandaj memstaraj partoj de programoj, integrigeblaj en aliajn programojn. Se ŝalti opcion de la Laborstrio Montri replikilojn do vi povos rekoni replikeblajn partojn de programoj per speciala piktogramo, lokiĝanta kutime en malsupra dekstra angulo.
La plej taŭga loko kapabla uzi replikilojn estas la labortablo: simple trenu & ĵetu la piktogramon sur ĝin. La replikilo fariĝos parto de la labortablo kaj vi plu ne bezonos lanĉi patran programon por funkciigi la replikilon.
-La dekstra alklako sur la replikilo vokos kuntekstan menuon de patra programo entenantan punkton Pri por kompreni fonton de la replikilo kaj punkton Forigi replikilon.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Okaze de problemo kun iu replikilo kaj se vi ne povas ĝin forigi for de labortablo - simple forigu la dosieron ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Bedaŭrinde, sed tio forigos ĉiujn replikiloj for de la labortablo.
~/config/settings/HaikuDepot/main_settings ~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ - descripciones, capturas de pantallas, íconos y demás, almacenados en memoria caché
HaikuDepot is the central application when it comes to managing your software packages. With it you can browse and search through package repositories and install and uninstall packages. By default, HaikuDepot starts up with a list of "Featured packages", software that's deemed interesting to many users.
HaikuDepot es la aplicación principal para administrar los paquetes de software. Con ella puede navegar y buscar en los repositorios de paquetes e instalar, actualizar y desinstalar paquetes. De forma predeterminada, HaikuDepot inicia con una lista de "paquetes destacados", software considerado de interés para la mayoría de los usuarios.
The second tab shows All packages, the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
La segunda pestaña muestra todos los paquetes, que cambia la vista a una con íconos de menor tamaño y se muestra más información, organizada en columnas:
En la parte superior se encuentran varias opciones para filtrar la lista de paquetes disponibles, que son:
El menú emergente Categoría le permite limitar la lista a categorias individuales como "Audio" o "Juegos".
El campo de texto de los Términos de búsqueda filtra la lista a sólo esos paquetes que tienen todas los términos ingresados (separados por espacios) en su nombre o descripción.
Al igual que cualquier ventana de Tracker, puede elegir desde un menú contextual cuales columnas mostrar haciendo clic con el botón derecho en el encabezado de la columna. Un clic izquierdo ordenará la lista de acuerdo a esa columna. Desde luego, puede reordenar las columnas arrastrándolas a una nueva posición.
La columna de estado de un paquete puede tener uno de varios estados:
La columna Fecha muestra cuándo un paquete fue añadido o actualizado. Ordene por esta columna para ver en la parte superior de la lista qué hay de nuevo o qué se ha actualizado.
La columna Estado de un paquete puede presentar uno de varios estados:
Activo: El paquete está instalado actualmente y listo para ser usado.
Disponible: El paquete existe en ese repositorio y puede ser descargado e instalado. Si hay alguna dependencia en otros paquetes, será informado de ellos cuando se esté instalando y tendrá la opción de descargar/instalar todo lo que sea necesario.
Pending / %: Pending (Pendiente) se muestra para un paquete que está en cola para descarga/instalación. Mientras un paquete se descarga, el progreso se muestra como porcentaje.
Pendiente / %: Pendiente aparece cuando un paquete está en cola para su descarga o instalación. Mientras un paquete se descarga, el progreso se muestra como porcentaje.
Puede agarrar la línea punteada entre la lista de paquetes y el área de información para cambiar el tamaño vertical de la lista de paquetes.
At the bottom is an area that displays information on the package that is currently selected in the list above it.
-To the right of package name, author, rating and version is a button, that – depending on the current state of the package – lets you Install or Uninstall it. If a package is already installed, you'll find an additional button there to Open the application.
En la parte inferior hay un área que muestra información sobre el paquete seleccionado actualmente en la lista de arriba.
+A la derecha del nombre del paquete, el autor y versión hay un botón que —dependiendo de su estado actual— permite Instalar, Desinstalar o Actualizar el paquete. Si ya está instalado, encontrará a su lado un botón adicional para Abrir la aplicación.
Abajo hay cuatro pestañas: Acerca de, Valoraciones, Registro de cambios, y Contenido
Acerca de...
@@ -133,16 +134,16 @@ En el medio hay comentarios de usuarios con su seudónimo, cuantas estrellas le
In the HaikuDepot menu at the top of the window, you'll find an item to Refresh repositories. This will request an up-to-date list of all available packages from the repositories.
-The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens the Repositories preferences, to add/remove or disable and enable repositories.
-Check for updates... opens the SoftwareUpdater to search and install updated packages.
-Settings... opens a window with the currently only option: Share anonymous usage data with HaikuDepotServer. The data is used to, for example, increase a counter on how often a package is viewed and installed, which then can determine if a package is promoted to the "Featured packages" list.
En el menú de HaikuDepot en la parte superior de la ventana, encontrará un elemento para Actualizar repositorios. Esta opción descargará una lista actualizada de todos los paquetes disponibles en los repositorios.
+El segundo elemento es Administrar repositorios.... Abre las preferencias de Repositorios, para añadir, quitar, activar o desactivar repositorios.
+Buscar actualizaciones... abre SoftwareUpdater para buscar e instalar actualizaciones de los paquetes.
+Configuración... abre una ventana que actualmente cuenta con una sola opción: Compartir datos de uso anónimos con HaikuDepotServer. Los datos se usan, por ejemplo, para aumentar la cuenta de cuán seguido se visualiza e instala un paquete, lo que luego ayuda a determinar si un paquete es promovido a la lista de "Paquetes destacados".
Bajo Mostrar puede escoger ver los display Paquetes de desarrollo y Paquetes fuente en la lista de paquetes. Para el usuario normal estos no son de ningún interés y solamente sobrecargaría la lista. No obstante, son importantes para quienes necesitan las bibliotecas, encabezados, etc. de un paquete para desarrollar y compilar programas que dependan de ellos.
De mayor interés son las opciones para sólo mostrar Paquetes disponibles y Paquetes instalados.
Para poder calificar un paquete, necesita una cuenta de usuario en el Servidor de Haiku Depot que sirve todos los paquetes y lleva control de los comentarios y valoraciones de los usuarios. Puede crear una cuenta con la aplicación de HaikuDepot haciendo clic en el menú a la derecha extrema de la barra de menú que muestra su estado actual: No conectado. Si selecciona Entrar... abrirá una ventana con dos pestañas, una para ingresar su nombre de usuario y contraseña (una vez que las tenga) para ingresar, y la otra para crear una nueva cuenta:
Para crear una cuenta debe:
@@ -150,33 +151,32 @@ The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens
usar una contraseña de al menos 8 caracteres con al menos 2 mayúsculas y 2 números
proveer una dirección de correo electrónico válida (si quiere una nueva contraseña enviada en caso que la olvide)
resolver el captcha
tick the checkboxes to confirm you're over 16 and have read the usage conditions linked below them.
activar la casilla de verificación para confirmar ser mayor de 16 años y haber leído las condiciones de uso enlazadas debajo.
Luego de ingresar, el menú de la parte derecha superior de la ventana de HaikuDepot ahora mostrará Conectado como (...), mostrando su nombre. El menú ahora le ofrece Cambiar de cuenta... o Salir.
As a reminder of what you actually agreed to when you ticked the above mentioned checkbox, there are menu items to View latest/agreed usage conditions...
Hay una opción de menú para Ver las últimas condiciones de uso acordadas... como un recordatorio de lo que se haya aceptado al activar esa casilla de verificación.
Después que haya creado una cuenta de usuario y haya ingresado a ella, puede calificar un paquete y dejar un comentario, si quiere.
Sólo coloque el ratón sobre las estrellas de calificación en el área de información de un paquete, y estas se tornarán en un botón de Valoración.... Haga clic para abrir la ventana de valoración:
Aquí puede mover el ratón sobre las estrellas para encenderlas y escoger su valoración, también puede escoger de un número de niveles para juzgar la estabilidad de la aplicación y escoger el idioma de su comentario opcional. Para que su comentario tenga mayor significado, debería haber trabajado por un tiempo con la aplicación que está a punto de calificar para familliarizarse con sus características, fallos y singularidades. No escriba una novela... manténgalo corto y cortés. :)
-Luego de hacer clic en Enviar los datos son transmitidos al servidor. Puede que tenga que ir al menú Herramientas para Refrescar repositorios antes que pueda ver sus cambios.
At any time, you can come back and edit your comment and re-rate it. You can also hide your rating from other users by deactivating a checkbox This rating is visible to other users, that appears in this window once you've rated a package.
Aquí puede mover el ratón sobre las estrellas para encenderlas y escoger su valoración, también puede escoger de un número de niveles para juzgar la estabilidad de la aplicación y escoger el idioma de su comentario opcional. Para que su comentario tenga mayor significado, debería haber trabajado por un tiempo con la aplicación que está a punto de calificar para familliarizarse con sus características, fallos y singularidades. No escriba una novela... manténgalo corto y cortés.
+Luego de hacer clic en Enviar los datos son transmitidos al servidor. Puede que tenga que ir al menú Herramientas para Actualizar repositorios antes que pueda ver sus cambios.
En cualquier momento, puede regresar y editar su comentarios y cambiar la valoración. También puede ocultar su calificación de otros usuarios desactivando la marca Otros usuarios pueden ver esta calificación, que aparece en esta ventada luego de haber valorado un paquete.
As HaikuDepot is used, it interacts with network as well as local services. Things can go wrong, sometimes in ways that were not anticipated when the application was written. In those cases the error message may be quite unspecific. To help diagnosing a given problem, HaikuDepot can provide a log of what the application does.
An error message may suggest to view the logs to get further in-depth information or you may be asked to provide the log when you file an issue at the Haiku bug tracking system.
To see the diagnostic logs, HaikuDepot needs to be started from Terminal:
A medida que se usa HaikuDepot, este interactúa con la red así como con servicios locales. Puede suceder que algo funcionó mal, a veces en formas que no se previeron al desarrollar la aplicación, en cuyo caso el mensaje de error puede ser demasiado ambiguo. Para ayudar a diagnosticar un problema determinado, HaikuDepot puede ofrecer un registro de lo que la aplicación hace.
Un mensaje de error podría sugerir ver los registros para obtener información más detallada o podría pedírsele el registro cuando abra un ticket en el sistema de rastreo de fallos de Haiku.
Para ver los registros de diagnóstico, HaikuDepot debe iniciarse desde la Terminal:
HaikuDepot -v debug
The command uses the -v flag to control the verbosity of the diagnostic logs. Possible values are: off, info, debug and trace. Using off will do only a small amount of logging, while trace does it in the highest detail.
As HaikuDepot starts up and when interacting with the application, you will see text scroll by in the Terminal window; this is the diagnostic log.
El comando usa el parámetro -v para controlar el nivel de detalle de los registros de diagnóstico. Los valores permitidos son: off, info, debug y trace. Usar off hará que sólo se emita una cantidad reducida de registros, mientras que trace lo hará en el nivel máximo de detalle.
A medida que HaikuDepot se inicia y al interactuar con la aplicación, podrá observarse que aparece texto en la ventana de la Terminal; eso es el registro de diagnóstico.
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
-Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
Hay otra forma de mantenerse al tanto de las actualizaciones de paquetes y los paquetes nuevos además de la opción de ordenar la columna Fecha de la lista de paquetes. Para ello, debe crearse una suscripción ATOM de RSS en el sitio web de Haiku Depot Server. Allí, debe hacer clic en el control "hamburguesa" en la esquina superior derecha y elegir Armar URL de feed ubicada en la sección Datos.
+La opción de configuración más interesante de las pocas opciones en esa página es esta: además de obtener una suscripción para todos los paquetes nuevos o actualizados, también es posible añadir tan solo los nombres de los paquetes en los que esté interesado. Haga clic en el botón Armar URL de feed y obtendrá una URL de RSS que podrá pegar en un lector de suscripciones RSS como BePoder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
La traducción de esta página aún no está completa. Hasta que lo esté, las partes sin traducir se muestran en el original en inglés.
Barra de escritorio:
Barra de escritorio:
Magnify muestra una versión ampliada del área alrededor del puntero del ratón.
At the top you'll find the size and magnification level of the area. "64 x 32 @ 8 pixels/pixel" means that you look at a 64x32 pixel rectangle around your mouse pointer and every pixel is enlarged by a factor of 8.
En la parte superior se encuentra el tamaño y nivel de aumento del área. "64 x 32 @ 8 píxeles/píxel" significa que se muestra un cuadrado de 64x32 píxeles alrededor del cursor y cada píxel es ampliado ocho veces.
Debajo está el color del píxel marcado con una línea roja. Su color se muestra como un valor RGB hexadecimal.
Se puede mover el marco rojo con las teclas ← / → / ↑ / ↓.
Para medir distancias y alinear objetos, se pueden agregar dos guías azules con ALTH. Sus respectivas coordenadas X/Y se dirigen hacia la esquina superior, y, si se añaden ambas, su distancia X/Y mutua se muestra en la parte inferior. Pueden también ser movidas con las teclas ← / → / ↑ / ↓. La guía activa se marca con una "x".
You can move the mouse pointer pixel by pixel with ALT← / → / ↑ / ↓.
Clicking on the pop-up menu or right-clicking into the pixel grid gives you a number of options:
Se puede mover el puntero de píxel en píxel con las teclas ALT← / → / ↑ / ↓.
Hacer clic en el menú emergente o hacer clic derecho en la cuadrícula de píxeles muestra diversas opciones:
Guardar Imagen
Guarda lo mostrado en pantalla como un archivo PNG.
Copiar Imagen
Guarda lo que se está visualizando en el portapapeles.
Show info
Shows additional information.
Mostrar información
Muestra información adicional.
Añadir una guía
Añade una marca alrededor de la que se puedea arrastrar.
Eliminar una guía
Elimina la última guía añadida.
Show grid
Shows a grid overlay.
Freeze image
Stops updating the magnification area.
Mostrar cuadrícula
Muestra la cuadrícula superpuesta.
Congelar imagen
Deja de actualizar la zona ampliada.
Coordinación de stick
Permanece actualizando la zona ampliada,pero deja de seguir el cursor.
Hacer cuadrado
Devuelve el cuadro mostrado antes de redimensionar la ventana.
Reducir tamaño de ventana
Reduce el tamaño de la zona ampliada alrededor del cursor.
diff --git a/userguide/es/bootloader.html b/userguide/es/bootloader.html
index 1b93b16e..d1ab5759 100644
--- a/userguide/es/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/es/bootloader.html
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
- Contenido
-:: Disposición del sistema de archivos »
+ « Bash y scripting
+:: Contenido
La traducción de esta página aún no está completa. Hasta que lo esté, las partes sin traducir se muestran en el original en inglés.
Cargador de arranque
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ En computadoras que para arrancar usan UEFI en vez del antiguo BIOS, tendrá que
Si logra resolver sus problemas al activar la opción de Utilizar controlador de gráficos a prueba de fallas recurriendo a gráficos VESA, puede hacer que el ajuste sea permanente, quitando el # de la línea que dice #fail_safe_video_mode true en el archivo de texto /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
Si un controlador, extensión, etc. problemático está instalado bajo la jerarquía del sistema, las cosas se vuelven un poco más complicadas, porque esa área es de sólo léctura. En estos casos es que la opción Disable system components (Desactivar componentes del sistema) resulta útil. Con ella, puede navegar a través de todo el árbol del sistema y deshabilitar el componente que está causando problemas, al activar una de las entradas con la BARRA ESPACIADORA o con RETORNO. ESC lo regresa un nivel arriba al directorio padre.
Bajo Select boot volume (Elija el volumen de arranque) puede especificar cuál versión anterior de Haiku a arrancar. Cada vez que instale/desinstale un paquete, el estado anterior se guarda y puede iniciar en él seleccionandolo de la lista presentada en las opciones del cargador de arranque.
-Por tanto, si encuentra problemas de arranque después de instalar algún paquete, inicie una versión de Haiku previa a ese momento, y desinstale el paquete infractor.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -175,10 +175,9 @@ Los deferentes símbolos se corresponden con estas etapas de inicio:
Los replicantes son pequeñas partes autocontenidas de aplicaciones que pueden integrarse dentro de otros programas. Cuando está activada la opción para
are Mostrar Replicantes del Deskbar, podrá reconocer una parte capaz de ser replicante por su pequeño manejador, normalmente en la esquina inferior derecha:
El lugar más prominente que acepta replicantes es el escritorio. Simplemente arrastre y suelte el pequeño manejador dentro de él. Desde ese momento es parte del escritorio y la aplicación que origina al replicante no tiene que iniciarse para que trabaje.
-Un clic derecho en un manejador de replicante ofrece un menú contextual para mostrar el cuadro de diálogo Acerca de de la aplicación que le origina y la opción de Remover Replicante.
El lugar más destacado que acepta replicantes es el escritorio. Simplemente arrastre y suelte el pequeño manejador dentro de él. Desde ese momento será parte del escritorio y la aplicación de origen del replicante no tiene que iniciarse para que funcione.
+Hacer clic derecho sobre el manipulador del replicante ofrece un menú contextual para mostrar el cuadro de diálogo Acerca de de la aplicación de origen y la opción de Remover replicante. Para quitar un replicante también puede arrastrar y soltarlo en el ícono de la Papelera.
Si llegara a experimentar dificultades con un replicante en el escritorio y simplemente no pudiera deshacerse de él, borre a ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Desafortunadamente, esto removerá todos los replicantes del escritorio.
The Input preferences combine the formerly separate panels for keyboard, mouse and touchpad, plus any other input device recognized by the system. The devices are listed to the left, while the panel to the right changes according to the available settings for the selected device.
El panel de preferencias de entrada combina los cuadros de configuración de teclado, ratón y panel táctil anteriormente separados, más cualquier otro dispositivo de entrada reconocido por el sistema. La lista de dispositivos se encuentra a la izquierda, mientras que el panel a la derecha cambia de acuerdo con las configuraciones disponibles para el dispositivo seleccionado.
Set the repeat rate, and the delay until a held down key starts to repeat. You can test your settings in the text field at the bottom.
Selecciona la velocidad de repetición y el retardo para que una tecla presionada comience a repetirse. Puede probar las selecciones en el campo de texto en la parte inferior.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Keyboard preferences.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
restaura los ajustes a como estaban al iniciar el panel de ajustes de teclado.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Primero seleccione su tipo de ratón: de 1, 2 o 3 botones. Se puede simular el segundo botón (o sea, el derecho) del ratón manteniendo presionado CTRL mientras hace clic con el botón izquierdo. Para el tercer botón de ratón (es decir, el central), la combinación es CTRLALT y hacer clic con el botón izquierdo.
Se pueden cambiar de lugar los botones haciendo clic sobre ellos y eligiendo su nueva poición en el menú emergente.
Con los deslizadores a la derecha podrá ajustar la velocidad del doble clic, la velocidad del ratón y su aceleración. El área de prueba debajo de la imagen de un ratón puede usarse para verificar si la velocidad del doble clic es la adecuada: si al hacer doble clic sobre una palabra no la selecciona, es por que el ajuste está establecido en un nivel demasiado rápido (o tendrá que habituarse a hacer clic más rápidamente).
Hay tres Modos de enfoque que determinan cómo reaccionan las ventanas a los clics:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Click to focus and raise
Esta es la configuración predeterminada: al hacer clic en la ventana esta recibe el enfoque y es traída a primer plano.
Click to focus
Hacer clic en una ventana solamente le da enfoque, pero no la traerá a primer plano automaticamente. Para hacer eso, deberá hacer clic en su pestaña de título o borde o hacer clic en cualquier lugar mientras mantiene presionadas las teclas de gestión de ventanasCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
Todas las configuraciones se aplican inmediatamente.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
restaura los ajustes a como estaban al iniciar el panel de ajustes de ratón.
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish
If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
restaura los ajustes a como estaban al iniciar el panel de ajustes de panel táctil.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
Selecciona la velocidad de repetición y el retardo para que una tecla presionada comience a repetirse. Puede probar las selecciones en el campo de texto en la parte inferior.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
regresa las selecciones que estuvieron activas cuando se abrió el cuadro de diálogo de preferencias Keyboard.
Primero seleccione su tipo de ratón: de 1, 2 o 3 botones. Se puede simular el segundo botón (=derecho) del ratón manteniendo presionado CTRL mientras hace clic con el botón izquierdo. Para el tercer botón de ratón (=centro), la combinación es CTRLALT y hacer clic con el botón izquierdo. Un clic central es simulado también haciendo clic a la vez con los botones izquierdo y derecho. Útil para notebooks, que no suelen tener un tercer botón.
Se pueden cambiar de lugar los botones dando clic sobre ellos y eligiendo su nueva poición en el menú emergente.
Con los controles de deslizador a la derecha, se ajusta la velocidad del doble click, la velocidad del ratón y la aceleración. El área de prueba bajo el gráfico del ratón puede usarse para revisar si la velocidad del doble clic es de su gusto: si el hacer doble clic sobre una palabra no la selecciona, es por que el ajuste está establecido en muy rápido (o tendrá que habituarse a hacer clic más rapidamente…
Hay tres Modalidades de enfoque que determinan cómo reaccionan las ventanas a los clics:
Clic para enfocar y traer a primer plano
Este es la configuración predeterminada: haga clic en la ventana y recibe el enfoque y es traída a primer plano.
Clic para enfocar
Hacer clic en una ventana solamente le da enfoque, pero no la traerá a primer plano automaticamente. Para hacer eso, deberá hacer clic en su pestaña de título o borde o hacer clic en cualquier lugar mientras mantiene presionadas las teclas de gestión de ventanasCTRLALT.
Enfoque sigue al ratón
La ventana bajo el ratón automaticamente obtiene el enfoque. Esto la trae a primer plano, tal como se describe en el modo clic para enfocar.
Activar la opción Aceptar primer clic le libera de tener que primero poner el enfoque en la ventana inactiva para poder activar los "widgets" como botones o menú. Esto conlleva el riesgo de involuntariamente cerrar una ventana, por ejemplo, por presionar accidentalmente el botón de cerrar cuando apunta por la pestaña de la ventana. Por el otro lado acelera su flujo de trabajo considerablemente.
Todas las configuraciones se aplican inmediatamente.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
restaura la configuración que había en funcionamiento cuando se inició "Mouse preferences" (Preferencias del ratón)
Este panel ofrece bastantes opciones de configuración relacionadas con el Touchpad que son interesantes cuando se esté usndo en una notebook.
Al arrastrar las líneas rojas horizontal y vertical en la representación del touchpad, se seleccionan el área de desplazamiento (ligeramente roja contra el área general de toque, en gris). Al mover un dedo en esa parte del pad se moverán las barras de desplazamiento de una ventana de forma correspondiente.
A la derecha hay deslizadores para seleccionar la aceleración de desplazamiento y la velocidad de desplazamiento horizontal y vertical.
-La selección de aceleración decide cuán más rápida se desplaza una lista si se mueve sobre el área de desplazamiento muy rápido. Las velocidades de desplaamiento controlan la velocidad general cuando se usa el área de desplazamiento de manera "normal".
Debajo del gráfico del touchpad hay casillas de verificación para habilitar el "Desplazamiento con dos dedos" para el deslizamiento horizontal y vertical. Se mueven dos dedos en paralelo para mover las barras de desplazamiento de una ventana. Al menos para algunas personas, funciona mejor si con un dedo se mueve con un dedo de la mano izquierda y otro con uno de la mano derecha.
-Si se siente cómodo con esta característica, puede usarla con la selección de áreas de desplazamiento y en su lugar utilizar todo el pad para la navegación normal.
Al fondo está otro deslizador para seleccionar la sensibilidad de clic al dar golpe. Si se ignoran sus golpes, incremente la sensibilidad. Si el sistem registra clics todo el tiempo, mientras todo lo que desea es mover el puntero del ratón, intente decrementarla.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
(Revertir) regresa las configuraciones que estuvieron activas cuando se abrió el cuadro de diálogo preferencias del Touchpad.
Aquí hay un consejo no relacionado a las preferencias de Touchpad, pero cabe mencionarlo en el tema general:
-¿Sabía que se puede arrastrar y colocar sólo con el touchpad, p. ej., sin usar los botones? Sólo haga doble clic sin levantar el dedo después del segundo clic. El icono elegido se pegará al puntero del ratón y podrá desplazarlo moviendo el dedo. Al levantar el dedo se soltará el icono.
Si el dedo alcanzara una orilla del touchpad mientras se arrastra un icono, pero el puntero del ratón todavía no haya alcanzado la orilla de la pantalla, ̉cómo puede mantener el objeto en movimiento? Tan pronto como levante su dedo, el icono se soltaría.
-Dependiendo de su hardware, hay una linda característica: sólo deje su dedo sin levantarlo en la orilla del touchpad. El puntero del ratón se mantendrá moviendo en piloto automático.
La traducción de esta página aún no está completa. Hasta que lo esté, las partes sin traducir se muestran en el original en inglés.
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
La memoria virtual permite al sistema intercambiar memoria hacia el disco duro, si la RAM pudiera usarse más sensiblemente para otras cosas. Así, incluso si se tuvieran montones de RAM, el proporcionar memoria virtual nunca es una mala idea.
Normally, the swap file is written to the boot partition. If you're running low on free memory there, you can deactivate the Automatic swap management and choose another mounted partition from the popup menu. The swap file size is set with the slider below.
-If you often run into disk thrashing due to the virtual memory system swapping memory in and out, you can try to use a separate harddisk for you swap file to avoid I/O congestion. Simply another partition on the same harddisk with your system/data won't help. Upgrading your RAM is of course the most effective way to go...
Por lo general, el archivo de intercambio se escribe en la partición de arranque. En caso de tener poco espacio libre en esa partición, es posible desactivar la Gestión automática del archivo de intercambio y elegir otra partición montada desde el menú emergente. El tamaño del archivo de intercambio se configura con el deslizador ubicado abajo.
+Si sucede frecuentemente que el disco se sobrecargue por haber un intercambio constante entre la memoria y la memoria de intercambio, intente usar un disco duro aparte para el archivo de intercambio, para evitar atascos en la entrada y salida. En estos casos de alta demanda, utilizar otra partición en el mismo disco duro en donde está el sistema o los datos no será de ayuda. Por supuesto, la forma más efectiva de mejorar el rendimiento es añadir más memoria RAM.
Valores predeterminados
restablece todo a los valores predeterminados.
regresa las selecciones que estaban activas cuando se inició el cuadro de diálogo de preferencias VirtualMemory.
Getting the networking to run is essential in today's need for permanent internet connection. As keeping up to date with all the different and ever changing hardware and drivers is quite impossible for a small project, Haiku relies on a FreeBSD compatibility layer for its networking drivers.
-This ensures a massive amount of supported hardware, though probably not 100% of what's out there. See FreeBSD 13.0's release hardware notes for a list of supported models.
Hoy en día existe la necesidad de tener una conexión permanente a internet, y para ello es esencial tener la red funcionando. La variedad de controladores y dispositivos existentes es amplia y siempre cambiante, y lograr mantener compatibilidad al día es prácticamente imposible para un pequeño proyecto. Por esta razón, Haiku se ampara de una capa de compatibilidad con FreeBSD para sus controladores de red.
+Con esto, se asegura una cantidad masiva de hardware compatible, aunque probablemente no el 100% de lo que hay en el mercado. Véase las notas de publicación FreeBSD 13.0 sobre el hardware para consultar una lista de los modelos admitidos.
Actualmente sólo está previsto que funcionen los dispositivos PCI, PCI-X, PCI-Express, Mini PCI, y Mini PCI-Express.
Los dispositivos PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, ISA y USB todavía requieren de trabajo adicional para que puedan ser funcionales.
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ Los dispositivos PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, ISA y USB todavía requieren de t
Haiku se unirá, de forma predeterminada, a la primera red inalámbrica no cifrada que encuentre después de arrancar. Para unirse a una red específica, use el applet de Escritorio NetworkStatus.
Dele un clic derecho en el ícono de la Barra de Escritorio y seleccione el nombre público de la red (que es la "SSID" que difunde) desde el menú contextual.
Se abrirá una ventana donde ingresa el tipo de autenticación (probablemente WPA/WPA2, WEP ya no es un cifrado seguro!) y la contraseña para esa red inalámbrica. Dele clic a Aceptar para iniciar el proceso de inicio de sesión. Dependiendo de su configuración de red y hardware esto podría llevar algo de tiempo. Se le mantendrá informado sobre el avance a través de notificaciones:
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Una vez que aparezca "Listo" y el ícono NetworkStatus de la Barra de Escritorio muestre una luz verde, la conexión estará establecida. Si las notificaciones terminan en "Sin conexión" y un triángulo amarillo, algo salió mal, tal vez una contraseña incorrecta.
@@ -109,12 +110,12 @@ La salida muestra el nombre público (SSID), dirección MAC, intensidad de la se
All supported modern wireless hardware works out of the box and you don't have to download/install any additional firmware.
Todo el hardware de comunicación inalámbrica soportado funciona de forma predeterminada y no va a ser necesario descargar o instalar algún archivo de firmware suplementario.
Only a few quite old chipsets (Intel 2100/2200/2225/2915, Broadcom 43xx, Marvell 88w8335) require binary firmware modules that Haiku cannot include due to licensing issues, though. To get these wireless cards to work, a simple script is included which will retrieve and install all of the needed proprietary bits for you.
Sólo algunos circuitos integrados o «chipsets» (como Intel 2100/2200/2225/2915, Broadcom 43xx, Marvell 88w8335) necesitan módulos de firmware binarios que sin embargo Haiku no puede incluir por cuestiones legales. Para hacer que estas tarjetas de inalámbricas funcionen, existe un comando sencillo que descargará e instalará en su lugar todos estos archivos propietarios.
Abra una Terminal y escriba:
Ahora repase la licencia y aceptela si está de acuerdo para instalar todos los archivos de firmware disponibles.
Ahora lea la licencia y acéptela si está de acuerdo para instalar todos los archivos de firmware disponibles.
En caso que no pudiera obtener los archivos binarios de firmware a través del script install-wifi-firmwares.sh (por ejemplo, debido a una falta de conexión de otro tipo desde adentro de Haiku), también puede descargar este script de intérprete de comandos, y ejecutarlo desde otro sistema operativo que tenga instalados wget y zip.
Los usuarios de Windows deberán tener wget y zip para Windows instalados en sus ubicaciones predeterminadas y usar este archivo por lotes.
diff --git a/userguide/es/workspaces.html b/userguide/es/workspaces.html
index 98689571..0e59f6b5 100644
--- a/userguide/es/workspaces.html
+++ b/userguide/es/workspaces.html
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
+ * Vincent Duvert
* miguel~1.mx
* Oscar Carballal
- * Vincent Duvert
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
diff --git a/userguide/fi/bootloader.html b/userguide/fi/bootloader.html
index a9f8938c..2bae81a5 100644
--- a/userguide/fi/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/fi/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Sisältö
-:: Tiedostojärjestelmäsijoittelu »
+ « Bash ja skriptaus
+:: Sisältö
Tämän sivun kotoistaminen ei ole vielä täydellinen. Siihen asti keskeneräiset osat käyttävät englanninkielistä alkuperäistekstiä.
@@ -79,35 +77,35 @@
Valitse turvatilavalitsimet
Laitteistopulmien tapahtuessa voit kokeilla useita valitsimia tai jos järjestelmä tulee epästabiiliksi tai sitä ei pysty käynnistämään huonosti käyttäytyvän lisäosan vuoksi. Kun valintapalkin siirtää valitsimelle, niin näytön alalaitaan ilmaantuu lyhyt selite.
Safe mode
- Puts the system into safe mode. This can be enabled independently from the other options.
Disable user add-ons
- Prevents all user installed add-ons from being loaded. Only the add-ons in the system directory will be used. See Troubleshooting below.
Disable IDE DMA
- Disables IDE DMA, increasing IDE compatibility at the expense of performance.
Ignore memory beyond 4 GiB
- Ignores all memory beyond the 4 GiB address limit, overriding the setting in the kernel settings file.
+ Laittaa järjestelmän turvatilaan. Tämä voidaan ottaa käyttöön riippumatta muista valitsimista.
Ota pois käytöstä käyttäjälisäosat
+ Estää kaikkien käyttäjän asentamien lisäosien latauksen. Vain järjestelmähakemistossa sijaitsevia lisäosia käytetään. Katso alla Vianjäljitys.
Ota IDE DMA pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä IDE DMA:an, lisää IDE-yhteensopivuutta suorituskyvyn kustannuksella.
Ohita muisti 4:n gibitavun takana
+ Ohittaa kaiken muistin 4:n gibitavun rajan takana, korvaa asetukset käyttöjärjestelmäytimen asetustiedostossa.
Use fail-safe graphics driver
- The system will use VESA mode and won't try to use any video graphics drivers.
Disable IO-APIC
- Disables using the IO APIC for interrupt routing, forcing the use of the legacy PIC instead.
Disable local APIC
- Disables using the local APIC, also disables SMP.
Disable X2APIC
- Disables second generation APIC.
Disable SMEP and SMAP
- Disables SMEP/SMAP security features of the CPU.
Disable SMP
- Disables all but one CPU core.
Don't call the BIOS
- Stops the system from calling BIOS functions.
Disable APM
- Disables Advanced Power Management hardware support, overriding the APM setting in the kernel settings file.
Disable ACPI
- Disables Advanced Configuration and Power Interface hardware support, overriding the ACPI setting in the kernel settings file.
Disable system components
- Allows to select system files that shall be ignored. Useful e.g. to disable drivers temporarily. See Troubleshooting below.
Käytä vikasietoista grafiikka-ajuria
+ Järjestelmä käyttää VESA-tilaa eikä yritä käyttää videografiikka-ajureita.
Ota pois käytöstä IO-APIC
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä IO APIC-keskeytysreitityksen, pakotetaan sen sijaan perinne-PIC-keskeytysreititykseen.
Ota paikallinen APIC pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä paikallisen APIC:in, ottaa pois käytöstä myös SMP:n.
Ota X2APIC pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä toisen sukupolven APIC:n
Ota SMEP ja SMAP pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä prosessorin SMEP/SMAP-turvaominaisuudet.
Ota SMP pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä kaiken muun paitsi yhden prosessoriytimen.
Älä kutsu BIOS:ia
+ Estää järjestelmää kutsumasta BIOS-funktioita.
Ota APM pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä Advanced Power Management -laitetuen, korvaa APM-asetukset käyttöjärjestelmäytimen asetustiedostossa.
Ota ACPI pois käytöstä
+ Ottaa pois käytöstä Advanced Configuration ja Power Interface -laitetuen, korvaa ACPI-asetukset käyttöjärjestelmäytimen asetustiedostossa.
Poista järjestelmäkomponentteja käytöstä
+ Sallii valita järjestelmätiedostoja, jotka ohitetaan. Hyödyllinen esim. otettaessa tilapäisesti ajureita pois käytöstä. Katso alla Vianjäljitys.
Valitse vianjäljitysvalitsimet
Tästä löydät useita valitsimia, jotka opastavat vianjäljityksessä tai lisätietojen hakemisessa vikailmoitukseen. Taas näytön alalaidassa näytetään lyhyt selite.
@@ -140,11 +138,11 @@
Turvatila-aktivointi estää useimpien palvelin-, taustaprosessi- ja KäyttäjäKäynnistysSkriptien käynnistymisen.
Ota pois käytöstä käyttäjälisäosat-aktivointi estää kaikkien lisäosien käytön (ajurit, kääntäjät, jne.), jotka olet asentanut kotikansion alaiseen hierarkkiaan.
Jos Käyttäjäturvallisen grafiikkaohjaimen käyttö-aktivointi ratkaisee pulmasi putoamalla takaisin VESA-grafiikkaan, voit tehdä tämän asetuksen pysyväksi poistamalla merkin # riviltä #fail_safe_video_mode true tekstitiedostosta /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Kohdasta Valitse käynnistyslevy voit määritellä, että minkä aikaisemman ”version” käynnistät. Joka kerta kun asennat pakkauksen tai poistat sen, vanha tila tallennetaan ja voit käynnistää järjestelmän siihen tilaan valitsemalla sen käynnistyslatausvalitsimissa esitetystä luettelosta.
-Joten jos kohtaat käynnistyspulmia jonkun pakkauksen asentamisen jälkeen, käynnistä Haiku-versioon ennen sitä aikaa ja poista haittallinen pakkaus.
Jos Käytä vikasietoista grafiikka-ajuria-aktivointi ratkaisee pulmasi putoamalla takaisin VESA-grafiikkatilaan, voit tehdä tämän asetuksen pysyväksi poistamalla merkin # riviltä #fail_safe_video_mode true tekstitiedostosta /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
Jos häiritsevä ajuri, lisäosa jne. on asennettu järjestelmähierarkiaan, asiat ovat hiukan mutkikkaampia, koska se alue on kirjoitussuojattu. Tässä Poista järjestelmäkomponentteja käytöstä voi näytellä tärkeää roolia. Sen avulla voit navigoida läpi koko järjestelmähierarkian ja ottaa pois käytöstä komponentit, jotka sotkevat järjestelmää merkitsemällä kohteita VÄLILYÖNTI-näppäimellä tai RETURN-näppäimellä. ESC-näppäin palauttaa sinut yhden tason ylöspäin ylempään hakemistoon.
Kohdasta Valitse käynnistyslevy voit määritellä, että minkä aikaisemman Haikun ”version” käynnistät. Joka kerta kun asennat pakkauksen tai poistat sen, vanha tila tallennetaan ja voit käynnistää järjestelmän siihen tilaan valitsemalla sen käynnistyslatausvalitsimissa esitetystä luettelosta.
+Joten jos kohtaat käynnistyspulmia jonkun pakkauksen asentamisen jälkeen, käynnistä Haiku-versioon ennen sitä aikaa ja poista haittallinen pakkaus. Voit palata pysyvästi määrättyyn Haiku-versioon kuten kuvaillaan kohdassa Ohjelmistopäivittäjä.
@@ -168,10 +166,9 @@ Joten jos kohtaat käynnistyspulmia jonkun pakkauksen asentamisen jälkeen, käy
Sovellus ei ole näkyvissä Vaihtajaohjelmassa tai Työpöytäpalkin suoritettavien ohjelmien luettelossa.
Sitten siellä on tuettujen tiedostotyyppien luettelo. Voit lisätä (tai poistaa) tiedostotyyppejä, jos ajattelet, että sovellus voi käsitellä niitä. Seurauksena sovellus ilmaantuu ensisijaisen sovelluksen valikkoon tai Seuraajan Avaa sovelluksella...-asiayhteysvalikkoon, kun napsautat hiiren kakkospainikkeella tuon tyyppistä tiedostoa.
Sitten siellä on tuettujen tiedostotyyppien luettelo. Voit lisätä (tai poistaa) tiedostotyyppejä, jos ajattelet, että sovellus voi käsitellä niitä. Siitä seuraa, että sovellus ilmaantuu ensisijaisen sovelluksen valikkoon tai Seuraajan Avaa sovelluksella...-asiayhteysvalikkoon, kun napsautat hiiren kakkospainikkeella tuon tyyppistä tiedostoa.
Alimmaisen on versio- ja copyright-tiedot. Kuten sovellusallekirjoitus, ne täyttää sovelluksen kehittäjä eikä niitä pitäisi muuttaa.
Tiedostotyypit-asetukset ei käsittele yksittäisiä tiedostoja vaan yleisiä tiedostotyypin asetuksia. Voit vaihtaa oletuskuvaketta ja ensisijaista ohjelmaa tai lisätä, poistaa ja muuttaa koko tiedostotyypin attribuuttteja. Voit jopa luoda oman tiedostyypin tyhjästä.
Kaikki tiedostotyypit ja niiden asetukset tallennetaan kansioon /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Ennenkuin aloitat kokeilun, saatta olla järkevä tehdä varmuuskopio tuosta kansiosta...
Kaikki tiedostotyypit ja niiden asetukset tallennetaan kansioon /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Ennenkuin aloitat kokeilun, saatta olla järkevä tehdä varmuuskopio tuosta kansiosta...
@@ -151,7 +152,8 @@ Pidä taas alhaalla painiketta Alt Gr/OPT, ja ne reunat
Kopiot ovat pieniä itsensä sisältäviä sovellusosia, jotka on integroitu toisiin sovelluksiin. Edellyttäen, että Seuraajan valitsin Näytä kopiot on aktivoitu, tunnistat sovelluksen kopio-osan pienestä kahvasta, joka on normaalisti oikeassa alakulmassa:
Huomioonherättävin paikka, joka hyväksyy kopiot on työpöytä. Yksinkertaisesti raahaat ja pudotat pienen kahvan sille. Siitä alkaen se on osa työpöytää ja sovellus, josta Kopio on lähtöisin, ei tarvitse käynnistyä toimiakseen. Hiiren kakkospainikkeen painallus kopiokahvassa tarjoaa asiayhteysvalikon, joka näyttää alkuperäsovelluksen Ohjelmasta-ikkunan ja Poista kopio-valikon.
Huomioonherättävin paikka, joka hyväksyy kopiot on työpöytä. Yksinkertaisesti raahaat ja pudotat pienen kahvan sille. Siitä alkaen se on osa työpöytää ja sovellus, josta Kopio on lähtöisin, ei tarvitse käynnistyä toimiakseen.
+Hiiren kakkospainikkeen painallus kopiokahvassa tarjoaa asiayhteysvalikon, joka näyttää alkuperäsovelluksen Ohjelmasta-ikkunan ja Poista kopio-valikon. Toinen tapa kopion poistamiseen on yksinkertaisesta raahata & pudottaa se Roskakori-kuvakkeeseen.
Jos sinulla on vaikeuksia kopion kanssa työpöydällä ja et pääse niistä eroon, poista ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Valitettavasti tämä poistaa kaikki kopiot työpöydältä.
Navigoi avaruudellisesti käytettävissä olevien työtilojen rivejä tai sarakkeita. Lisää yhdistelmään VAIHTO niin saat aktiivin ikkunan mukanasi.
Alt Gr/OPT
Näppäimen Alt Gr pitäminen alhaalla raahattaessa ikkuna lähelle toisen ikkunan välilehteä tai reunaa aiheuttaa niiden pinoamisen tai asettumisen rinnakkaisiksi tiiliksi (katso kappale Haikun graafinen käyttöliittymä).
Alt Gr/OPT↑ / ↓
Askeltaa nykyisen työtilan avoimien ikkunoiden lävitse.
Alt Gr/OPT↑ / ↓
Askeltaa nykyisen työtilan avoimien ikkunoiden lävitse.
Asetat ensimmäisenä hiiresi tyypin: 1-, 2- tai 3-painikkeinen hiiri. Voit matkia 2. (=oikeaa) hiiren painiketta pitämällä alhaalla CTRL-näppäintä samalla kun napsautat vasemmalla painikkeella. Hiiren 3. (=keskimmäinen) painiketta varten voit käyttää CTRL- ja ALT-näppäintä sekä hiiren vasenta painiketta.
Voit järjestää uudelleen hiiren painikkeet napsauttamalla niitä ja valitsemalla uusi merkitys ponnahdusvalikosta.
Oikealla olevilla liukukytkimillä voit säätää kaksoisnapsautuksen nopeutta, hiiren nopeutta ja kiihtyvyyttä. Testialuealuetta hiiren graafisen kuvan alla voidaan käyttää tarkistamaan, että kaksoisnapsautusnopeus vastaa omaa makuasi: jos kaksoisnapsautus ei valitse sitä se asettuu liian nopeasti (tai sinun on totuttava napsauttamaan nopeammin....
Ikkunat reagoivat hiiren napsautuksiin kolmen Kohdistustila-valikon määrittelyn mukaisesti:
Napsauta kohdistusta ja nostoa varten
Tämä on oletusasetus: napsautat ikkunaa, se saa kohdistuksen ja nousee päällimmäiseksi.
Napsauta kohdistamista varten
Ikkunan napsauttaminen antaa sille kohdistuksen, mutta ei nosta sitä automaattisesti. Sen tekemiseksi sinun on joko napsautettava sen otsaketta tai rajaa tai napsauttaa mihin tahansa pitäen samalla ikkunan hallintanäppäimiäCTRLALT alhaalla.
Kohdistin seuraa hiirtä
Hiiren kohdistimen alla oleva ikkuna saa automaattisesti kohdistuksen. Sen todellinen nostaminen päällimmäiseksi tapahtuu, kuten on kuvatu valikossa Napsauta kohdistamista varten
Aktivoimalla Hyväksy ensimmäinen napsautus vapauttaa sinut laittamasta ensin kohdistuksen epäaktiiviin ikkunaan, jotta voit aktivoida käyttöliittymäkomponentin kuten painikkeen tai valikon. Tämä sisältää riskin ikkunan sulkemisesta tahattomasti, esimerkiksi lyömällä vahingossa sulje-painiketta, kun tähdätään ikkunan välilehteen. Toisaalta se nopeuttaa työnkulkuasi merkittävästi.
Kaikki asetukset toteutetaan välittömästi.
nollaa kaikki oletusarvoihin.
tuo takaisi asetukset, jotka olivat voimassa Hiiriasetus-sovellusta käynnistettäessä.
Tämä paneeli tarjoaa useita levyhiiren asetusta, jotka ovat mielenkiintoisia, jos käytät tablettia tai sylimikroa.
Raahattaessa levyhiiriesittelyalueella punaista pystysuoraa ja vaakasuoraa viivaa, asetat vieritysalueen (lievästi punertava vasten harmaata yleistä kosketusaluetta). Liikuttamalla sormeasi levyhiirialueen tuolla osalla liikutat ikkunan vierityspalkkeja vastaavasti.
Oikealla on liukukytkimet yleisen vieritysnopeuden sekä pystysuoran ja vaakasuoran nopeuden asettamiseksi.
-Kiihtyvyysasetus päättää, kuinka paljon nopeammin luettelo vierii, jos huiskaiset vieritysalueen yli hyvin nopeasti. Vieritysnopeudet ohjaavat yleistä nopeutta kun käytät vieritysaluetta "normaalilla" tavalla.
Levyhiirigrafiikan alapuolella on valintaruudut "Kaksisormivieritys"-ominaisuuden käyttöönottoon pystysuorassa ja vaakasuorassa vierityksessä. Kahden sormen siirtäminen rinnakkain pystysuoraan tai vaakasuoraan siirtää ikkunan vierityspalkkeja. Ainakin minulle se toimii paremmin yhdellä sormella vasemmasta kädestä ja toisella sormella oikeasta kädestä.
-Jos tämän ominaisuuden käyttö tuntuu mukavalta, voit jättää väliin vieritysalueiden asetuksen ja käyttää sen sijaan koko levyaluetta normaaliin navigointiin.
Pohjalla on toinen liukukytkin naputuskosketuksen herkkyyden asettamiseksi. Jos sinun napautuksiin ei reagoida, lisää herkkyyttä. Jos järjestelmä rekisteröi naputuksia koko ajan silloin kun haluat siirtää hiiren kohdistinta, yritä herkkyyden pienentämistä.
nollaa kaikki oletusarvoihin.
tuo takaisin asetukset, jota olivat voimassa kun käynnistit Levyhiiri-sovelluksen.
Tässä on vihje, joka ei koske Levyhiiriasetuksia, vaan sopii yleiseen aiheeseen:
-Tiesitkö, että voit raahata ja pudottaa käyttäen vain levyhiirtä, toisin sanoen. käyttämättä painikkeita? Kaksoisnapsauta vain ilman että nostat sormea jälkimmäisen napsautuksen jälkeen. Ylöspoimintakuvake kiinnittyy hiiriosoittimeen ja voit raahata sitä ympäriinssä siirtämällä sormeasi. Sormen nostaminen pudottaa kuvakkeen.
Jos sormesi kohtaa levyhiirialueen rajan kuvaketta raahatessa, mutta hiiren osoitin ei ole vielä tavoittanut näytön rajan, kuinka voit jatkaa kuvakkeen raahaamista? Kuvake putoaa heti kun nostat sormea.
-Laitteistosta riippuen on olemassa näppärä ominaisuus: jätä vain sormesi nostamatta levyhiirialueen reunalla. Hiiren kohdistin jatkaa siirtymistä autopilotilla.
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BePDF est un visualisateur PDF rapide à se lancer. En plus de la visualisation simple, il support l'ajout de notes et de marque-pages sur les PDF non protégés. Il est traduit en 20 langues (dont le français) et des langues supplémentaires peuvent être facilement ajoutées via des fichiers texte.
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Gestionnaire d'amorçage
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Pas d'entrée, normalement le démarrage se fait à partir du menu Outil de l'Installeur
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aucun Par défaut les MBR sont sauvegardés dans ~/config/settings/bootman/
Pas d'entrée, normalement le démarrage se fait à partir du menu Outil de l'Installeur
aucun Par défaut les MBR sont sauvegardés dans ~/config/settings/bootman/
Si vous n'ajoutez pas la partition Haiku à un gestionnaire d'amorçage existants comme GRUB, BootManager peut installer dans le Master Boot Record (MBR) un petit menu de démarrage qui ressemble à ceci :
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CodyCam vous permet de pendre des photos intervalle régulier à partir d'une webcam connectée ou de toute autre source vidéo et de les enregistrer via FTP.
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DiskProbe est un éditeur hexadécimal pour afficher et modifier les données d'un fichier ou d'un périphérique octet par octet. C'est un outil très bas niveau, qui peut donc potentiellement faire vraiment n'importe quoi si vous ne faites pas attention !
DriveSetup is a tool to create, delete and format partitions. At this time it can't resize or move existing partitions, so that you'll either need an unpartitioned volume (perhaps an external USB drive or another harddisk) or do the initial setup with a tool like the GParted LiveCD to provide the space for another partition.
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Pas d'entrée : normalement, un double clic sur les fichiers pris en charge assure le lancement.
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Pas d'entrée : normalement, un double clic sur les fichiers pris en charge assure le lancement.
Expander est un petit outil pour décompresser rapidement les archives les plus courantes, parmi lesquelles, zip, gzip, bzip2, rar et tar.gz.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/applications/haikudepot.html b/userguide/fr/applications/haikudepot.html
index 97610896..b354135e 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/applications/haikudepot.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/applications/haikudepot.html
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
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~/config/settings/HaikuDepot/~/config/settings/HaikuDepot/main_settings ~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ -mise en cache des icônes, des captures d'écrans, des descriptions, etc.
Comme dans une fenêtre du Tracker, il est possible de choisir quels colonnes afficher avec un clic droit sur l’entête de la colonne. Un clic gauche trie la liste en fonction de la colonne. Bien sûr, il est possible de réorganiser les colonnes en les glissant vers une nouvelle position.
La colonne de statut d’un paquet peut avoir pour valeur :
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Active: le paquet est déjà installé et prêt à être utilisé.
Available: The package exists in that repository and can be downloaded and installed. If there are any dependencies on other packages, you'll be informed of that while installing and get the choice of downloading/installing all that's necessary.
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ After you click Send the data is transmitted to the
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
Tous les programmes en ligne de commande fournies avec Haiku se trouvent soit dans /boot/system/bin, soit dans /boot/common/bin.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/applications/magnify.html b/userguide/fr/applications/magnify.html
index 84fc4a55..5e5c92fb 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/applications/magnify.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/applications/magnify.html
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
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Magnify montre une version agrandie de la zone autour de votre pointeur de souris.
~/config/settings/Mail/ ~/config/settings/Mail/Menu Links/ - Les objets mis ici apparaissent dans le menu contextuel de la boite de réception ~/config/settings/Mail/signatures/ - Emplacement pour stocker les signatures ~/config/settings/Mail/status/ - Emplacement pour stocker les statuts personnels
MediaPlayer is the default player for all audio and video files. Thanks to its ffmpeg backend, a plethora of widely used formats are supported. Its simple interface has all the controls you'd expect:
Comme son nom l'indique, MidiPlayer est utilisé pour la lecture des fichiers de musique MIDI. Les fichiers Midi sont spéciaux, car ils ne contiennent pas réellement la musique numérisées et encodées, mais seulement sa description : telle note avec tel instrument, avec telle force et telle durée.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/applications/packageinstaller.html b/userguide/fr/applications/packageinstaller.html
index 2ca6e676..c2775906 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/applications/packageinstaller.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/applications/packageinstaller.html
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Pas d'entrée : normalement, un double clic sur les fichiers pris en charge assure le lancement.
Cette page est actuellement qu'une première ébauche. Veuillez revenir plus tard pour une version plus affinée.
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Pe est un éditeur sophistiqué, avec sa coloration syntaxique, il est destiné principalement aux programmeurs et aux rédacteurs HTML. Initialement créé par Maarten Hekkelmann, il a été placé sous licence libre et maintenu par les développeurs de Haïku. Un gestionnaire de bugs et de plus amples informations sont disponibles sur la page du projet Pe.
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People est une base de données simple de contacts utilisant les attributs du système de fichier de Haiku pour stocker les adresses et autres informations des contacts. Chaque contact est enregistré dans un fichier de type Person et chaque donnée est placée dans un attribut séparé. Ceux-ci sont tous indexés et peuvent donc être recherchés via une requête.
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~/config/settings/PoorMan Settings
~/config/settings/PoorMan Settings
Poorman est un sympatique petit serveur web, extrêmement facile à configurer. Bien entendu, il ne propose pas des fonctionnalités avancées des autres poids lourds que sont les logiciels pour serveurs, mais ce n'est après tout qu'un serveur du pauvre.
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Pas d'entrée : normalement, un double clic sur les fichiers pris en charge assure le lancement.
ShowImage (la visionneuse) vous permet d'afficher des images dans tous les formats pris en charge par les traducteurs de données (DataTranslators). De nouveaux formats sont automatiquement reconnues au fur et à mesure que de nouveaux traducteurs sont ajoutés au système, comme cela a été par exemple le cas pour les icônes vectorielles d'Haiku, les images WonderBrush, ou bientôt les images WebP quand ce format sera devenu disponible.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/applications/softwareupdater.html b/userguide/fr/applications/softwareupdater.html
index 0d026e5d..91960f43 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/applications/softwareupdater.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/applications/softwareupdater.html
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@@ -62,12 +62,13 @@
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StyledEdit est un éditeur de texte simple intégré à Haiku. Bien qu’il enregistre les fichiers dans un format texte brut, des attributs supplémentaires sont écrits afin de disposer de capacités de mise en forme lorsque le document est utilisé dans StyledEdit.
~/config/settings/Terminal ~/config/settings/profile - ajoute/surcharge les paramètres par défaut définis dans /boot/system/settings/etc/profile. ~/config/settings/inputrc - ajoute/surcharge les paramètres par défaut définis dans /boot/system/settings/etc/inputrc.
@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ comme Window title (Titre de la fenêtre),
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves. Not entirely obvious though, the font size is set in the submenu of the Font popup menu.
Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
-You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
+You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which Color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
You can also configure "ANSI colors" with the Color menu. Those are the first 8 named colors in the color palette of terminal applications. You choose a color, for example "ANSI red color", and then adjust it with the color picker below. The effect is not visible unless you run a terminal application that makes use of that color. The exact colors used in various places are documented at Wikipedia.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text. Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
@@ -150,9 +151,10 @@ Si le bouton droit de la souris est utilisé, un menu contextuel s’affichera,
Move Here
Déplace le fichier déposé dans le dossier courant du shell.
Copy Here
Copie le fichier déposé dans le dossier courant du shell.
Vous pouvez ouvrir n'importe quel fichier avec son application préférée à l'aide de la commande open [nom de fichier]. Ça fonctionnerait aussi avec les répertoires courant (".") et parent ("..") qui alors s'ouvrent dans un fenêtre du Tracker. Ainsi, pour ouvrir le répertoire de travail actuel, vous pouvez saisir :
open .
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
open .
If a command generates lots of output, things scroll by rapidly. Use a few of those commands and it gets difficult to scroll back and find the start of the last output. With Edit | Clear all or ALTL you can clear the scroll back buffer before issuing your command. Presto, a pristine empty scroll back buffer, you can just scroll back right to the top to catch the beginning of your output.
Pas d'entrée, normalement vous y accédez via les Extensions du Tracker
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Pas d'entrée, normalement vous y accédez via les Extensions du Tracker
TextSearch recherche une chaîne de caractères dans des fichiers texte. En général, il est appelé à partir du menu contextuel Extensions du Tracker sur la selection de fichiers ou dossiers que vous souhaitez examiner.
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/boot/system/apps/WonderBrush/Documentation en
Réglages :
WonderBrush est un éditeur d'images bitmap et vectorielles. Pour obtenir plus d'informations et des ateliers consacrés à ce logiciel, consultez le site Web YellowBites, et la documentation incluse.
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ Voici, une courte explication pour chaque option affichée ci-dessous.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -175,10 +174,9 @@ Ces symboles correspondent grossièrement aux étapes de démarrage suivantes :
Pour organiser les raccourcis vers vos applications préférées ou vers vos documents vous pouvez démarrer une ou plusieurs appliquettes LaunchBox.
vous choisissez pour chacune d'elle, si elle est affichée seulement sur l'espace de travail actuel ou sur tous.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html b/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
index c4978f28..72fc5b89 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/networkstatus.html
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Deskbar :
Desktop Applets
Localisation :
Réglages :
Desktop Applets
NetworkStatus affiche l'état de vos connexions réseaux
Si elle n'est pas déjà ouverte, l'appliquette demandera à son lancement si elle doit ouvrir une fenêtre ou s'insérer dans le cartouche de la Deskbar.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/powerstatus.html b/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/powerstatus.html
index 4f05a829..36322116 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/powerstatus.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/powerstatus.html
@@ -63,12 +63,13 @@
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Deskbar :
Desktop Applets
Localisation :
Réglages :
~/config/settings/PowerStatus settings
Desktop Applets
~/config/settings/PowerStatus settings
Powerstatus affiche le niveau de charge des batteries, et n'est donc utile que pour un ordinateur portable.
Si ce n'est pas déjà fait, le démarrage de l'appliquette demandera si elle doit ouvrir une fenêtre normale ou si elle doit s'insérer dans le cartouche de la Deskbar.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html b/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html
index 6c861934..a7ce68ac 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html
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Desktop Applets
Localisation :
Réglages :
Desktop Applets
La principale fonction de ProcessController est de visualiser l'activité processeur et la quantité de mémoire utilisée. Il permet de suivre des différents processus, de changer leurs priorités, et de les tuer en cas de blocage. Dans les environnements multiprocesseurs, il vous permet de désactiver les différents processeurs/cœurs. Lorsque le Tracker ou la Deskbar plantent, vous pouvez les redémarrer à partir du menu de ProcessController.
Le panneau de réglage FileTypes ne traite pas les fichiers individuellement, mais les paramètres globaux des types de fichiers. Vous pouvez modifier les icônes par défaut, les applications préférées, ou ajouter, modifier ou supprimer les attributs pour un type de fichier entier. Vous pouvez même créer votre propre type de fichier à partir de zéro.
Tous les types de fichiers et leurs configurations sont conservés dans /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Avant de commencer vos expérimentations, il peut être prudent de faire une sauvegarde de ce dossier...
Tous les types de fichiers et leurs configurations sont conservés dans /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Avant de commencer vos expérimentations, il peut être prudent de faire une sauvegarde de ce dossier...
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@@ -159,9 +161,8 @@ Vous pouvez donc y ajouter et supprimer directement des liens vers des fichiers
Les réplicants
Les réplicants sont de petites applications autonomes, qui peuvent être intégrés dans d'autres programmes. Pour peu que l'option Show Replicants soit activée dans la Deskbar, vous reconnaîtrez une partie réplicable d'une application par sa petite poignée, généralement situé dans son coin inférieur droit.
L'endroit le plus important qui accepte les réplicants est le bureau : faites-y simplement glisser leur petite poignée.
-Le Réplicant fait maintenant partie du bureau, et l'application d'origine n'a pas besoin d'être démarrée pour que cela fonctionne.
-Un clic droit sur la poignée d'un Réplicant ouvrira un menu contextuel, où About vous affichera une fenêtre avec l'application d'origine, et d'où vous pourrez supprimer le Réplicant (Remove Replicant).
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec un Replicant sur le bureau et que vous ne pouvez pas vous en débarrasser, supprimez ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Malheureusement, cela enlèvera tout les réplicants du bureau.
Se déplace entre les lignes/colonnes des espaces de travail disponibles. Comme ci-dessus, utilisez Maj pour déplacer la fenêtre active.
En maintenant la touche OPT pendant que vous déplacer une fenêtre au dessus du titre d'une autre fenêtre ou à coté de sa bordure, vous permettra d'empiler ou d'accoler les deux fenêtres (Voir le chapitre GUI).
OPT↑ / ↓
Fait défiler les fenêtres ouvertes dans l'espace de travail courant.
OPT↑ / ↓
Fait défiler les fenêtres ouvertes dans l'espace de travail courant.
CTRLCMD + left mouse
cliquez avec le bouton gauche de la souris et faites glisser pour déplacer une fenêtre (voir le chapitre sur l'Interface graphique).
CTRLCMD + right mouse
cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris et faites glisser pour redimensionner une fenêtre (voir le chapitre sur l'Interface graphique).
@@ -172,9 +173,9 @@ Au lieu de sauter sur la première occurrence de la chaîne recherchée, Le Trac
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Localisation :
Réglages :
~/config/settings/* - Chaque traducteur crée son propre fichier de paramètres ici quand vous changez ses paramètres par défaut.
~/config/settings/* - Chaque traducteur crée son propre fichier de paramètres ici quand vous changez ses paramètres par défaut. ~/config/settings/system/DataTranslations settings - Conserve les positions de la fenêtre du panneau de configuration
Chaque application a la capacité d'ouvrir et d'enregistrer tous les formats de fichier pour lequel il y a un traducteur installé. Les paramètres de ces traducteurs peuvent être configurés dans le panneau de préférences DataTranslations.
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@@ -78,9 +79,9 @@
Deskbar :
Localisation :
Réglages :
Haiku fournit un système qui relève régulièrement les emails via un service de courrier (aussi appelé « mail_daemon ») et qui enregistre chaque email dans un fichier texte individuel.
Les attributs de ce fichier (De, À, Sujet, Lu/Non Lu) sont réglés à partir des données d’en-tête du message. Ils peuvent ensuite être consultés par vous-même ou toute application. Ceci permet aussi d’utiliser facilement plusieurs clients email car toutes les données qu’ils manipulent sont enregistrées dans le même format.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/preferences/filetypes.html b/userguide/fr/preferences/filetypes.html
index 8b9d67d2..5cb0940c 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/preferences/filetypes.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/preferences/filetypes.html
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
+ * Humdinger
* Loïc
@@ -61,13 +62,14 @@
La traduction de cette page n'est pas achevée. Les parties non encore traduites apparaîtrons en anglais.
Deskbar :
Localisation :
Réglages :
~/config/settings/FileTypes settings
-~/config/settings/beos_mime/* - conserve tous les types MIME sous forme de dossiers.
~/config/settings/FileTypes settings
+~/config/settings/mime_db/* - conserve tous les types MIME sous forme de dossiers.
Réglez la vitesse de répétition et le délai à partir duquel une touche enfoncée commence à répéter. Vous pouvez tester vos paramètres dans le champ de texte en bas.
réinitialise toutes les réglages.
restaure les paramètres qui étaient actifs quand vous êtes entré dans les préférences du clavier.
~/config/settings/Keymap/* - Dossier où sont conservés les dispositions de claviers modifiés par l'utilisateur.
~/config/settings/Keymap/* - Dossier où sont conservés les dispositions de claviers modifiés par l'utilisateur. ~/config/settings/Key_map
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Appuyer sur Set modifier keys applique les changemen
Afin que le clavier virtuel corresponde le plus possible à votre clavier réel, différents réglages sont disponibles dans le menu Layout.
La police utilisée pour la représentation du clavier peut être configurée dans le menu Font. Notez qu’elle peut ou non contenir tous les symboles d’une disposition de clavier spécifique.
Enfin, un bouton Revert restaurera les paramètres qui étaient actifs avant que vous ne commenciez à modifier la disposition du clavier.
The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.
Le système de localisation d'Haiku ne comprend pas uniquement le remplacement des textes par leurs traductions, mais aussi des tâches plus complexes telles que la mise en forme des nombres, des dates et de l'heure conformément à vos préférences linguistiques.
Définissez votre type de souris : 1, 2 ou 3 boutons.
-Vous pouvez simuler le 2ème bouton de la souris (=à droite) en maintenant la touche CTRL tout en faisant un clic à gauche.
-Pour le 3ème bouton de la souris (=au centre), c'est CTRLALT et un clic gauche.
Vous pouvez réorganiser les boutons de la souris en choisissant leur nouvelle affectation dans menu contextuel qui apparait quand vous cliquer au dessus.
Les curseurs à droite, vous permettent de régler la vitesse du double-clic, vitesse de la souris et l'accélération.
-La zone de test sous l'image de la souris peut être utilisée pour vérifier si la vitesse du double-clic correspond à vos attentes : si un double-clic sur un mot ne le sélectionne pas, le réglage est trop rapide (ou vous devrez vous habituer à cliquer plus vite…)
Il existe trois Focus modes qui règlent les réactions des fenêtres aux clics.
Cliquer pour donner le focus et réhausser
C'est le réglage par défaut : quand vous cliquez sur une fenêtre elle obtient le focus et passe au premier plan.
Cliquer pour donner le focus
Cliquer sur une fenêtre ne fait que lui donner le focus, mais de l'amène pas à l'avant plan automatiquement. À cet effet, vous devez soit cliquer sur sa bordure ou sa barre de titre, soit cliquer dessus en maintenant les touches de gestion de fenêtresCTRLALT.
Le focus suit la souris
La fenêtre sous le pointeur de la souris capture le focus automatiquement. La mise au premier plan de la fenêtre se fait comme cela est décrit dans le mode Cliquer pour donner le focus.
L'activation de Accept first click (Accepter le premier clic), vous évite d'avoir à donner le focus à une fenêtre inactive avant d'accéder à ses contrôles comme les boutons ou les menus.
-Si cela augmente, par exemple, le risque de fermer une fenêtre sans le vouloir en appuyant, par mégarde sur le bouton fermer alors que vous essayer d'atteindre l'onglet de titre, cela accélère considérablement votre flux de travail.
Tous les réglages sont appliqués immédiatement.
réinitialise toutes les réglages.
Restaure les réglages qui étaient actifs lorsque vous êtes entré dans le panneau de configuration de la souris.
The Network preference is the one-stop panel to configure all available network devices and services. To the left is a collapsible list of your devices and services, the right has information or settings for the selected entry.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/preferences/printers.html b/userguide/fr/preferences/printers.html
index 60f07f7c..f59012fe 100644
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La documentation n'est pas encore disponible. Si vous voulez y participer, veuillez l'annoncer sur la liste de diffusion pour la documentation afin d'éviter les les doubles emplois.
Ce panneau présente plusieurs paramètres liés au touchpad qui sont intéressants quand vous utilisez un ordinateur portable.
En faisant glisser les lignes rouges verticales ou horizontales sur la représentation touchpad, vous définissez la zone de défilement (légèrement rougeâtre sur le coté de la zone de contact générale grise).
-Le déplacement de votre doigt sur cette partie de la plaque déplacera les barres de défilement de la fenêtre en conséquence.
Les curseurs à droite, règlent l'accélération générale, la vitesse de défilement vertical et horizontal. Le paramètre d'accélération influe sur la vitesse de défilement des listes lorsque vous frotter la zone de défilement rapidement.Les vitesses de défilement contrôlent la vitesse générale quand vous utilisez la zone de défilement de façon "normale".
Au dessous de l'illustration du touchpad, des cases à cocher vous permettent d'activer le "Défilement à deux doigts" vertical (Two finger scrolling) et éventuellement horizontal. Déplacez deux doigts en parallèle verticalement ou horizontalement pour déplacer les barres de défilement d'une fenêtre. Comme pour moi, il se pourrait que ça fonctionne mieux si vous utilisez un doigt de chaque main.
-Si vous vous sentez à l'aise avec cette fonctionnalité, vous pouvez vous passer des zones de défilement et ainsi utiliser toute la zone de contact pour la navigation normale.
Le curseur du bas sert à régler la sensibilité du tapotement pour le clic. Si vos tapotement sont ignorés, augmentez la sensibilité. Si le système génère sans arrêt des clics, alors que vous souhaitez juste déplacer le curseur de la souris, essayez de la diminuer.
réinitialise toutes les réglages.
restaure les réglages qui étaient actifs quand vous êtes entré dans le panneau de préférences du Touchpad.
Voici une astuce qui n'est pas liée aux préférences du touchpad, mais qui traite d'un sujet plus général :
-Saviez-vous que vous pouvez faire un glisser-déposer en utilisant simplement le touchpad, c'est à dire sans utiliser les boutons ? Il suffit de faire un double clic sans lever le doigt après le deuxième clic. L'icône ramassée collera à la souris et vous pourrez la faire glisser en déplaçant votre doigt. En enlevant votre doigt, vous déposerez l'icône.
Si votre doigt atteint le bord du touchpad pendant que vous faites glisser une icône, mais que le pointeur de la souris n'a pas encore atteint le bord de l'écran, comment pouvez-vous continuer à faire glisser votre icône ? Au moment même où vous relèveriez votre doigt, l'icône serait relâchée.
-Selon votre matériel, il existe une option très utile : il suffit de laisser votre doigt au bord du touchpad sans le relever. Le pointeur de la souris continuera son déplacement en "pilotage automatique".
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Le panneau de préférences Tracker est également disponible depuis n'importe quelle fenêtre Tracker grâce au menu Window | Preferences....
diff --git a/userguide/fr/preferences/virtualmemory.html b/userguide/fr/preferences/virtualmemory.html
index 907d2ee3..b8cb8215 100644
--- a/userguide/fr/preferences/virtualmemory.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/preferences/virtualmemory.html
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
VirtualMemory (Mémoire virtuelle)
Deskbar :
Localisation :
Réglages :
~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/virtual_memory ~/config/settings/VM_data - Enregistre la position du panneau de préférences.
La mémoire virtuelle permet au système de placer une partie de l'espace mémoire des applications sur le disque dur, si la RAM peut être utilisée pour d'autres tâches plus utiles. Même si vous avez beaucoup de RAM, activer la mémoire virtuelle n'est jamais une mauvaise idée.
diff --git a/userguide/fr/workshop-wlan.html b/userguide/fr/workshop-wlan.html
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--- a/userguide/fr/workshop-wlan.html
+++ b/userguide/fr/workshop-wlan.html
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
* Humdinger
* Translators:
* Humdinger
- * Loïc
* Wabouz
+ * Loïc
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ This ensures a massive amount of supported hardware, though probably not 100% of
Par défaut, Haiku rejoint le premier réseau sans-fils non chiffré qu'il trouve après le démarrage. Pour rejoindre un réseau particulier, utilisez l'appliquette NetworkStatus.
Faites un clic-droit sur son icône dans la Deskbar et choisissez le nom public du réseau (qui correspond au « SSID » qu'il diffuse) à partir du menu contextuel.
Une fenêtre s'ouvre où entrer le type d'authentication (probablement WPA/WPA2, ce dernier étant préférable au WEP dont le chiffrage n'est plus suffisamment sécurisé !) et le mot de passe pour ce réseau sans-fils. Cliquez OK pour démarrer la procédure de connexion.
-En fonction de votre configuration matérielle et réseau, cela peut prendre un certain temps. Vous serez tenu informé de l'état d'avancement par des notifications :
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Une fois que l'icône d'état réseau affiche la mention « Prêt » et une lumière verte, la connexion est établie. Si les notifications se terminent par «Pas de lien» et un triangle jaune, alors quelque chose c'est mal passé : probablement un mot de passe incorrect.
diff --git a/userguide/fur/bootloader.html b/userguide/fur/bootloader.html
index 54c8dd7a..205c7a57 100644
--- a/userguide/fur/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/fur/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Contignûts
-:: Disposizion dal filesystem »
+ « Bash e Scripting
+:: Contignûts
@@ -141,8 +140,8 @@ Sui computers che, al puest dal classic BIOS, a doprin UEFI pal inviament, tu sc
Se ativant Use fail-safe graphics driver al risolf i tiei problemis cessant ae grafiche VESA, tu puedis rindi permanente la impostazion lant a gjavâ il # de rie #fail_safe_video_mode true intal file di test /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
Se il driver incriminât, o la zonte e v.i., al è instalât te jerarchie dal sisteme, lis robis a diventin un tic plui complicadis, parcè che chê aree e je in dome-leture. Chi, il Disable system components al jentre in zûc. Cun chel, tu puedis navigâ su dute la jerarchie dal sisteme e disabilitâ il component che al fâs dams segnant une vôs cul tast SPAZI o INVIE. ESC ti fâs tornâ insù di un nivel ae cartele superiôr.
Sot di Select boot volume tu puedis specificâ cuale "version" precedente di Haiku inviâ. Ogni volte che tu dis/instalis un pachet, il stât vecjo al ven salvât etu puedis inviâlu sielzintlu de liste presentade intes opzions dal boot loader.
-Cussì, se ti si presentin problemis di inviament dopo vê instalât cualchi pachet, invie un stât di Haiku precedent a chê volte e disinstale il pachet incriminât.
Sot di Select boot volume tu puedis specificâ cuale "version" precedente di Haiku inviâ. Ogni volte che tu dis/instalis un pachet, il stât vecjo al ven salvât e tu puedis inviâlu se tu lu sielzis de liste presentade intes opzions dal boot loader.
+Cussì, se ti si presentin problemis di inviament dopo vê instalât cualchi pachet, invie un stât di Haiku precedent a chê volte e disinstale il pachet incriminât. Tu puedis tornâ in maniere definitive a une specifiche version di Haiku, come descrit tal argoment SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -167,10 +166,9 @@ I simbui diferents a corispuindin sù par jù a chestis fasis:
Lis preferencis Gjenars di file no àn a ce fâ cui singui file ma cu lis impostazions globâls dai gjenars di file. Tu puedis cambiâ lis iconis predefinidis e lis aplicazions preferidis o zontâ, gjavâ, o alterâ i atribûts di ducj i gjenars di file. Tu puedis adiriture creâ di zero il to gjenar di file.
Ducj i gjenars di gile e lis lôr configurazions a vegnin archiviâts in /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Prime di tacâ a sperimentâ, al sarès prudent fâ une copie di backup di chê cartele...
Ducj i gjenars di gile e lis lôr configurazions a vegnin archiviâts in /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Prime di tacâ a sperimentâ, al sarès prudent fâ une copie di backup di chê cartele...
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ Ducj i Preferîts a son tignûts in /boot/home/config/setting
I replicants a son piçulis parts di aplicazions auto-contignudis che a puedin jessi integradis in altris programs. Se la opzion dal Deskbar Mostre replicants e je ativade, tu ricognossarâs une part di aplicazion che si pues replicâ de sô piçule mantie, che di solit e sta tal angul in bas a diestre:
Il puest prominent che al acete i Replicants al è il Scritori: tu âs dome di strissinâ e molâ la piçule mantie su di lui. Di cumò indenant al fâs part dal Scritori e la aplicazion che e à dât origjin al Replicant no covente che e sedi inviade par che al funzioni.
-Un clic diestri suntune mantie di Replicant al presente un menù contestuâl par mostrâ il barcon (About) Informazions de aplicazion di origjin e par fâ Gjave replicant (Remove replicant).
+Un clic diestri suntune mantie di Replicant al presente un menù contestuâl par mostrâ il barcon (About) Informazions de aplicazion di origjin e par fâ Gjave replicant (Remove replicant). Une altre maniere par gjavâ un replicant dal Scritori e je chê di strissinale e molâle inte icone de Scovacere.
Âstu fastidis cuntun Replicant sul Scritori e no tu rivis a gjavâlu vie? Elimine ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Di cuintri, cheste operazion e gjavarà vie ducj i Replicants dal Desktop.
Al navighe tra lis riis/colonis dai spazis di lavôr disponibii. Zonte MAIUSC par puartâ cun te il barcon atîf.
Tignint fracât OPT intant che si strissine un barcon dongje di une altre lenghete di barcon o dal ôr, jù intassarà opûr intasselarà (viôt il cjapitul Interface grafiche di Haiku).
OPZ↑ / ↓
Al passe, un daûr di chel altri, ai barcons vierts intal spazi di lavôr atuâl.
OPZ↑ / ↓
Al passe, un daûr di chel altri, ai barcons vierts intal spazi di lavôr atuâl.
CTRLALT + clic di çampe
Clic e strissinâ cul boton di çampe dal mouse par spostâ un barcon (viôt il cjapitul Interface grafiche di Haiku).
CTRLALT + clic di diestre
Clic e strissinâ cul boton di diestre dal mouse par ridimensionâ un barcon (viôt cjapitul Interface grafiche di Haiku).
@@ -169,9 +170,9 @@ Al puest di saltâ al prin câs che al corispuint ae stringhe di ricercje, Track
Stabilìs il tas di ripetizion e il ritart di spietâ, cul tast fracât, prime di tacâ a ripeti. Tu puedis provâ lis impostazions intal cjamp di test in bas.
al puarte dut ai valôrs predefinîts.
Torne indaûr
al puarte indaûr lis impostazions a chês che a jerin ativis cuant che tu âs inviât lis preferencis de Tastiere.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
al puarte dut ai valôrs predefinîts.
Torne indaûr
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
al puarte dut ai valôrs predefinîts.
Torne indaûr
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
Mint minden Nyomkövető ablakban, az oszlopfejlécen jobb egérgombbal kattintva itt is megadhatjuk, hogy melyik oszlop jelenjen meg. A bal gombbal kattintva pedig rendezhetjük a lista tartalmát, és persze az oszlopok sorrendje is módosítható azok mozgatásával.
A csomag állapota több féle is lehet:
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Aktív: A csomag már telepítve van és használatra készen áll.
Available: The package exists in that repository and can be downloaded and installed. If there are any dependencies on other packages, you'll be informed of that while installing and get the choice of downloading/installing all that's necessary.
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ After you click Send the data is transmitted to the
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
diff --git a/userguide/hu/applications/icon-o-matic.html b/userguide/hu/applications/icon-o-matic.html
index f8954b86..8fbf4fbd 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/applications/icon-o-matic.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/applications/icon-o-matic.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Dancsó Róbert
* Humdinger
+ * Dancsó Róbert
diff --git a/userguide/hu/applications/installer.html b/userguide/hu/applications/installer.html
index 8e1f7a45..5e31ad75 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/applications/installer.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/applications/installer.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
diff --git a/userguide/hu/applications/showimage.html b/userguide/hu/applications/showimage.html
index 972d6102..5c5a615f 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/applications/showimage.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/applications/showimage.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Dancsó Róbert
* Humdinger
+ * Dancsó Róbert
diff --git a/userguide/hu/applications/softwareupdater.html b/userguide/hu/applications/softwareupdater.html
index 5c7bdbbf..d41dde50 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/applications/softwareupdater.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/applications/softwareupdater.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ Via Settings | Window title... the Terminal window's t
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves. Not entirely obvious though, the font size is set in the submenu of the Font popup menu.
Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
-You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
+You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which Color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
You can also configure "ANSI colors" with the Color menu. Those are the first 8 named colors in the color palette of terminal applications. You choose a color, for example "ANSI red color", and then adjust it with the color picker below. The effect is not visible unless you run a terminal application that makes use of that color. The exact colors used in various places are documented at Wikipedia.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text. Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
@@ -145,11 +146,11 @@ Mind a kettőt a /boot/home/config/settings/ mappában
A behúzott fájl/mappa a Terminál jelenlegi mappájába mozgatása.
A behúzott fájl/mappa a Terminál jelenlegi mappájába másolása.
Bármilyen fájl megnyitható az alapértelmezett programmal a open [fájlnév] paranccsal. Ez szintén működik a jelenlegi mappa (".") és a szülő mappa ("..") megfelelőjével is, amikor az adott mappa fog megnyílni a Nyomkövetőben. Tehát, a jelenlegi mappa megnyitásához az alábbi parancsot kell kiadni:
open .
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
open .
If a command generates lots of output, things scroll by rapidly. Use a few of those commands and it gets difficult to scroll back and find the start of the last output. With Edit | Clear all or ALTL you can clear the scroll back buffer before issuing your command. Presto, a pristine empty scroll back buffer, you can just scroll back right to the top to catch the beginning of your output.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -170,10 +169,9 @@ A különféle szimbólumok az alábbi betöltési szakaszokat jelölik:
A Fájltípusok beállítások esetében nem külön fájlonként, hanem általánosságban módosíthatóak a beállítások. Módosítható az ikon, az előnyben részesített program, hozzáadható, törölhető illetve módosítható egy egész fájltípus és annak a jellemzői. Továbbá egyéni fájltípust is létrehozhat.
Minden fájltípus és a hozzájuk tartozó beállítás a /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/ mappában található. Mielőtt módosítanád ennek a tartalmát, előtte mindenképp ajánlott róla készíteni egy másolatot...
Minden fájltípus és a hozzájuk tartozó beállítás a /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/ mappában található. Mielőtt módosítanád ennek a tartalmát, előtte mindenképp ajánlott róla készíteni egy másolatot...
@@ -154,8 +155,8 @@ A kedvencek a /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Go/ m
A replikánsok egy program egyéni felülettel rendelkező részei, amiket más programokban felhasználhatunk. Az Asztalsáv Replikánsok megjelenítése bejelölésével a programok replikánsait jelző kis kéz szerű jel megjelenik, mely általában a jobb alsó sarokban található:
A legkiválóbb hely a replikánsok tárolására az Asztal: egyszerűen a kis kéz ikonnál fogva húzzuk ki az ablak tartalmát az Asztalra, mely ettől fogva az Asztal részét képezi, és a replikáns szülőprogramja már nem is kell, hogy tovább fusson.
-A jobb gombbal kattintva a replikáns jelén kapunk egy helyi menüt, amiben az eredeti program Névjegye és a Replikáns eltávolítása gombot találjuk.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Ha bármi probléma van az Asztalra dobott replikánssal, akkor csak töröld ki a ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf bejegyzést. Sajnos ezzel az összes replikáns törlődik az Asztalról.
Egy virtuális táblázat/rács segítségével navigálhatunk, váltogathatunk a munkaasztalok között. Az aktuális ablakot magunkal is vihetjük az új munkaasztalra, ha közben lenyomva tartjuk a SHIFT-et.
Ha az OPT-ot lenyomva tartjuk miközben mozgatjuk az ablakot egy másik ablak közelében, akkor azokat csoportba rendezhetjük (további információk A Haiku felhasználói felülete témakörben).
OPT↑ / ↓
A jelenlegi munkaasztalon megnyitott ablakok között váltogathatunk.
OPT↑ / ↓
A jelenlegi munkaasztalon megnyitott ablakok között váltogathatunk.
Elsőként megadhatjuk az egér típusát: 1, 2 vagy 3 gombos. A 2. egérgomb (=jobb) szimulálható, ha lenyomva tartjuk a CTRL-t miközben kattintunk a bal egérgombbal. A 3. gomb (=középső) pedig a CTRLALT lenyomásakor a bal gombbal kattintva.
A gombok felcserélhetőek ha a gombon a helyi menüből kiválasztjuk az új gomb számát.
A jobb oldali csuszkák használatával az egér dupla-kattintási sebessége, az egér sebessége és gyorsulása módosítható. Az egér képe alatti területen gyakorolva beállíthatjuk az optimális sebességeket: csak jelöljük ki valamelyik szót és szükség esetén állítsuk gyorsabbra vagy lassabbra, ezután pedig próbálkozzunk újra.
Az Ablak aktiválása három módon történhet:
Kattintással (az előre hozáshoz is)
Ez az alap beállítás. Az ablak aktiválásához és a többi ablak elé hozásához is az ablakon történő kattintás szükséges.
Ebben az esetben ha egy ablakra kattintunk, akkor aktiválja azt, azonban nem hozza a többi ablak elé. Ehhez az szükséges, hogy miközben az ablak keretére vagy a sárga fülre kattintunk, közben lenyomva kell tartania az ablakkezelő gombokat (CTRLALT).
Ha az egér felette van
Az egér-kurzor alatti ablak automatikusan aktiválásra kerül. Az ablak előrehozása fedig a Kattintással módnál leírtak szerint történik.
Az Első kattintásra opció bejelölével mindjárt az első kattintásra aktiválódnak az ablak vezérlői, mint például a menü vagy a gombok. Ennek a használatakor fennáll az a veszély, hogy véletlenül bezárjuk az ablakot, azonban a munkát felgyorsíthatja.
Ezen a panelen több, az érintőpad tulajdonságait módosító beállítás található, melyek elsősorban notebook esetén hasznosak.
A vízszintes vagy függőleges vonalak mozgatásával a görgetősáv mérete módosítható az érintőpadon. Ha ezen a görgetősávon mozgatjuk az ujjunkat, az egyenértékű azzal, ha az ablak görgetősávját mozgatjuk az egérrel.
A jobb oldali csúszkák segítségével az általános gyorsulás, és a vízszintes és függőleges görgetés sebessége állítható.
-A gyorsulás megadja, hogy a listát milyen gyorsan görgesse, amikor a görgetősávon húzzuk az ujjunkat. A görgetés sebessége pedig azt, hogy a többi, görgethető vezérlő milyen sebességgel mozogjon.
Az érintőpad grafikus megfelelője alatt a jelölőnégyzetekkel engedélyezhetjük a "Kétujjas görgetést" a vízszintes és a függőleges grögetősáv esetén. Mozgassuk párhuzamosan a két ujjunkat vízszintesen vagy függőlegesen az ablak görgetősávjának mozgatásához. A legjobban akkor működik, ha mindkét kezünk egy-egy ujját használjuk.
-Ha úgy kényelmesebb, akkor feloszthatjuk, hogy az érintőpad nagyobb része legyen használatos a görgetéshez a navigáláshoz képest.
Az alsó csúszka pedig az érintőpad "kattintási" érdékenységét adja meg. Ha a "kattintások" kihagynak, akkor növelni, ha pedig minden mozdulatot kattintásnak érzékel a rendszer, akkor csökkenteni kell azt.
Az eredeti beállítások megadása.
A panel megnyitásakori állapot vsszaállítása.
Ez az ötlet bár nem tartozik ehhez a beállításhoz, de a témához igen:
-Tudtad azt, hogy az érintőpaddal is mozgathatsz objektumokat épp úgy, mint a gombok használatával? Ehhez csak annyit kell tenni, hogy kattints duplán az ujjaddal, de a második kattintás után ne engedd fel azt. Ekkor a "megfogott" objektum az ujjaink mozgatásával mozgatható. Az érintőpad elengedésével pedig az objektum elengedhető.
Hogyan húzhatjuk tovább az objektumot, ha az ujjunkkal már elértük az érintőpad szélét, de még szeretnénk tovább húzni azt? Hiszen ha felemeljük az ujjunkat, ezzel elengedjük az objektumot is.
-Attól függően, hogy milyen hardverrel rendelkezünk, lehetőségünk van arra, hogy az érintőpad széléhez érve nem engedjük fel az ujjunkat, hanem várunk egy kicsit. Ekkor automatikusan folytatódik a mozgás.
diff --git a/userguide/hu/workshop-wlan.html b/userguide/hu/workshop-wlan.html
index 4a2161b3..6b5367a4 100644
--- a/userguide/hu/workshop-wlan.html
+++ b/userguide/hu/workshop-wlan.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Dancsó Róbert
* Humdinger
+ * Dancsó Róbert
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ A PCMCIA, a CardBus, az ExpressCard, az USB és az ISA esetében további fejles
Alap esetben a Haiku az első nyílt hálózathoz automatikusan csatlakozni fog. A Hálózat állapot kisalkalmazásból választhatunk másik hálózatot is.
Jobb gombbal kattitnva az ikonon az Asztalsávon válasszuk ki a használni kívánt nyilvános hálózatot (amelyik "SSID"-je látható) a menüből.
Ekkor kapunk egy ablakot, ahol a biztonság típusát (WPA/WPA2, WEP, Open (nyílt, nem védett)) és a jelszót megadva a Rendben gombra kattintás után elkezdődik a bejelentkezés a hálózatra. Ez az eszköz és a hálózat tulajdonságaitól fuggően hosszabb időt is igénybe vehet. A folyamat aktuális állapotáról az információs ablak tájékoztat minket (FIGYELEM: jelenleg ha a Nyelvi beállításoknál a mappa és fájlnevek lefordítása be van jelölve, akkor ez nem jelenik meg!):
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Mikor azt látjuk, hogy "Kész." és az Asztalsávon a Hálózat állapota ikonja zöld pöttyre változik, akkor a kapcsolódás sikeres volt. Ha "Nincs kapcsolat." üzenetet kapunk, és egy sárga háromszög jelenik meg az Asztalsávon, akkor lehetséges, hogy rossz jelszót adtunk meg.
diff --git a/userguide/id/bootloader.html b/userguide/id/bootloader.html
index 2e3e31ec..2e1ea9a2 100644
--- a/userguide/id/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/id/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Daftar Isi
-:: Layout Filesystem »
+ « Bash dan Scripting
+:: Daftar Isi
@@ -147,9 +146,8 @@ Menyimpan syslog dari sesi Haiku sebelumnya ke disk. Saat ini hanya volume FAT32
Jika mengaktifkan Use fail-safe graphics driver menyelesaikan masalah Anda dengan kembali ke grafik VESA, Anda dapat menjadikan pengaturan ini permanen dengan menghapus # dari baris #fail_safe_video_mode true dalam text file /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
Jika driver yang menyinggung, add-on dll diinstal dalam hierarki sistem, hal-hal menjadi sedikit lebih rumit, karena area itu hanya baca. Di sini, Blacklist entries ikut bermain. Dengan itu, Anda dapat menavigasi keseluruhan hierarki sistem dan nonaktifkan komponen yang mengacaukan Anda dengan memeriksa entri dengan kunci SPACE or RETURN key. ESC mengembalikan Anda satu tingkat ke direktori induk.
Di bawah Select boot volume Anda dapat menentukan "versi" Haiku mana yang akan di-boot. Setiap kali Anda menghapus paket, kondisi lama disimpan dan Anda dapat mem-boot-nya dengan memilihnya dari daftar yang disajikan dalam opsi boot loader.
-Jadi, jika Anda mengalami masalah boot setelah menginstal beberapa paket, boot kondisi Haiku dari sebelum waktu itu dan hapus instalan paket yang menyinggung.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -174,10 +172,9 @@ Simbol yang berbeda kira-kira sesuai dengan tahapan boot ini:
Preferensi FileType tidak berurusan dengan file individual tetapi dengan pengaturan global dari tipe file. Anda dapat mengubah ikon default dan aplikasi pilihan atau menambah, menghapus, atau mengubah atribut dari seluruh tipe file. Anda bahkan dapat membuat tipe file Anda sendiri dari awal.
Semua tipe file dan konfigurasinya disimpan di /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Sebelum Anda mulai bereksperimen, mungkin bijaksana untuk membuat cadangan folder itu ...
Semua tipe file dan konfigurasinya disimpan di /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Sebelum Anda mulai bereksperimen, mungkin bijaksana untuk membuat cadangan folder itu ...
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
@@ -157,8 +159,8 @@ Semua Favorit disimpan di /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants adalah bagian kecil aplikasi mandiri yang dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam program lain. Menyediakan opsi Deskbar untuk Show replicants diaktifkan, Anda akan mengenali bagian yang dapat direplikasi dari aplikasi dengan gagang kecilnya, biasanya di sudut kanan bawah:
Tempat paling menonjol yang menerima Replicants adalah Desktop: Anda cukup drag & drop gagang kecil ke atasnya. Mulai sekarang ini adalah bagian dari Desktop dan aplikasi yang berasal dari Replicant tidak harus dimulai agar dapat berfungsi.
-Klik kanan pada pegangan Replicant menawarkan menu konteks untuk menunjukkan jendela About aplikasi asal dan Menghapus replicant.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan dengan Replicant di Desktop dan tidak bisa menghilangkannya, hapus ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Sayangnya, ini akan menghapus semua Replicants dari Desktop.
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
Terjemahan halaman ini belum lengkap. Sampai saat itu, bagian yang belum selesai menggunakan aslinya bahasa Inggris.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
Come in ogni finestra di Tracker, puoi scegliere da un menù contestuale quali colonne visualizzare attraverso un clic destro nell'intestazion delle colonne. Un clic di sinistra ordina la lista secondo quella colonna. Certo, puoi sempre riordinare le colonne trascinandole su una nuova posizione.
Per ogni pacchetto la colonna di stato può avere uno solo tra diversi stati:
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Attivo: Il pacchetto è attualmente installato e pronto all'uso.
Disponibile: Il pacchetto esiste in quel repository e può essere scaricato e installato. Se c'è qualche dipendenza con altri pacchetti, si verrà informati in merito quando si procederà con l'installazione e verrà posta un scelta riguardo a tutto ciò che occorre scaricare/installare.
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ Dopo aver fatto clic su Invia i dati vengono trasmes
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
La traduzione di questa pagina non è stata ancora completata. Finché non lo sarà, le parti non tradotte saranno visualizzate in inglese.
Il programma di installazione
@@ -71,8 +72,8 @@
L'installer è utile per copiare Haiku all'interno di un altro volume.
-Appena avviato, mostra in una finestra iniziale con importanti informazioni; questa non è la solita EULA da saltare in un batter d'occhio, essa afferma che:
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume. You can use it to clone your currently running Haiku - with all installed software and all data and settings. And of course you use it for the initial installation after booting from install CD or USB drive, see the online Installation Guide.
Upon launch Installer displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
Questo è un software in fase beta. Si raccomanda di effettuare un backup prima che sia troppo tardi.
L'installazione necessita di una partizione già pronta. Per questo compito puoi usare DriveSetup per creare e formattare una partizione, ma non puoi alterare le dimensioni delle partizioni già esistenti. Per far ciò, per il momento devi usare GParted LiveCD o un'applicazione simile
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -173,10 +172,9 @@ Le icone corrispondono grossomodo alle diverse fasi di caricamento dell'OS e son
Il pannello delle preferenze Tipi di File non si occupa dei singoli file, ma delle impostazioni globali per i tipi di file, ad esempio si possono modificare le icone di default, le applicazioni preferite oppure è possibile aggiungere, rimuovere e modificare le proprietà dell'intero tipo. È possibile anche creare un nuovo tipo di file completamente da zero.
Tutti i filetype e le loro configurazioni sono conservati nella directory /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Prima di iniziare a sperimentare, può essere prudente fare un backup della cartella...
Tutti i filetype e le loro configurazioni sono conservati nella directory /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Prima di iniziare a sperimentare, può essere prudente fare un backup della cartella...
@@ -162,9 +163,8 @@ Tutti i favoriti sono conservati nella cartella /boot/home/co
I replicanti sono piccole parti di applicazioni che possono essere integrate in altri programmi.
A patto che l'opzione della Deskbar Visualizza i Replicanti sia stata attivata, si potrà riconoscere una parte "replicabile" di un'applicazione dalla sua piccola maniglia, normalmente nell'angolo in basso a destra:
Il luogo più significante che accetta i replicanti è la Scrivani: basta semplicemente trascinare la piccola maniglia su di esso.
-Da quel momento in poi sarà parte della Scrivania e l'applicazione principale del replicante non deve essere avviata per farlo funzionare.
-Un tasto destro sull'uncino del replicante permette di visualizzare la finestra Informazioni dell'applicazione principale e rimuovere il replicante.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
In caso di difficoltà con un replicante sul Desktop e se non si riesce a rimuoverlo, basta cancellare ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Sfortunatamente questo rimuoverà
tutti i replicanti dal Desktop.
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-mixer-1.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-mixer-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57ceb1bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-mixer-1.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-mixer-2.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-mixer-2.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3e7a6da
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-mixer-2.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-settings.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-settings.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1227ff2a
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-audio-settings.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-hdaudio.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-hdaudio.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3acc9ef4
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-hdaudio.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-midi.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-midi.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8be2bd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-midi.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-replicant.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-replicant.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03e9ebec
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-replicant.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-video-settings.png b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-video-settings.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ecd24ce2
Binary files /dev/null and b/userguide/it/images/prefs-images/media-video-settings.png differ
diff --git a/userguide/it/index.html b/userguide/it/index.html
index 4b3c27cf..20526797 100644
--- a/userguide/it/index.html
+++ b/userguide/it/index.html
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
« Attributi
:: Contenuti
-:: Le interrogazioni »
+:: La struttura del FileSystem di Haiku »
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ If no volume is specified, the volume of the current directory is assumed.
Permette di navigare spazialmente tra le righe/colonne delle aree di lavoro disponibili, è sufficiente aggiungere SHIFT per trascinare la finestra attiva verso il nuovo workspace.
Tenendo premuto OPT mentre trascini una finestra vicino alla tab o al boardo di un'altra finestra, queste verranno affiancate o sovrapposte (consulta la guida al capitolo Interfaccia utente).
OPT↑ / ↓
Cicla attraverso tutte le finestre aperte dello spazio di lavoro corrente
OPT↑ / ↓
Cicla attraverso tutte le finestre aperte dello spazio di lavoro corrente
CTRLALT + tasto sinisto del mouse
Clicca e trascina con il pulsante sinistro del mouse per spostare una finestra (consulta la guida al capitolo Interfaccia utente).
CTRLALT + tasto destro del mouse
Clicca e trascina con il pulsante destro del mouse per ridimensionare una finestra (consulta al guida al capitolo Interfaccia utente).
@@ -172,9 +173,9 @@ Invece di saltare alla prima corrispondenza della stringa di ricerca, il Tracker
La traduzione di questa pagina non è stata completata. Per questo motivo le parti non tradotte sono visibili in inglese.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
riporta tutto ai valori predefiniti.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
La traduzione di questa pagina non è stata completata. Per questo motivo le parti non tradotte sono visibili in inglese.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
riporta tutto ai valori predefiniti.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
diff --git a/userguide/it/workshop-wlan.html b/userguide/it/workshop-wlan.html
index ed2effb8..4fae5de5 100644
--- a/userguide/it/workshop-wlan.html
+++ b/userguide/it/workshop-wlan.html
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, USB and ISA devices still need more work to become
By default, Haiku will join the first unencrypted wireless network it finds after booting up. To connect to a specific network, you use the Desktop applet NetworkStatus.
Right-click on its icon in the Deskbar and choose the network's public name (which is the "SSID" it broadcasts) from the context menu.
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Once it reads "Ready" and the NetworkStatus icon in the Deskbar shows a green round light, the connection is established. If the notifications end in "No link" and a yellow triangle, something went wrong, probably an incorrect password.
diff --git a/userguide/it/workspaces.html b/userguide/it/workspaces.html
index eb214e10..ced4daae 100644
--- a/userguide/it/workspaces.html
+++ b/userguide/it/workspaces.html
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
* Humdinger
* Translators:
* Barrett
- * Francesco Franchina
* Vincent Duvert
+ * Francesco Franchina
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
問題のあるドライバー、アドオンなどが、システム階層にインストールされている場合は、もう少し複雑になります。なぜなら、そこは読み取り専用だからです。ここで、Disable system components オプションが出てきます。それにより、システム階層全体を検索して、それから SPACE または RETURN キーでチェックすれば、状況を混乱させるコンポーネントを無効にします。ESC はひとつ上の親ディレクトリーへ戻ります。
Tak jak w oknie Trackera, możesz wybrać wyświetlane kolumny z menu kontekstowego klikając prawym przyciskiem myszy na nagłówkach kolumn. Kliknięcie lewym przyciskiem sortuje listę według tej kolumny. Oczywiście można również zmieniać kolejność kolumn przeciągając je na nową pozycję.
Kolumna Status może być w jednym z kilku stanów:
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Aktywny: pakiet jest zainstalowany i gotowy do pracy.
Dostępny: pakiet istnieje w repozytorium oraz może być pobrany i zainstalowany. Jeżeli występują zależności od innych pakietów, otrzymasz o tym informację podczas instalacji oraz dostaniesz wybór czy pobrać/zainstalować wszystkie brakujące pakiety.
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ Po kliknięciu Wyślijdane zostają przesłane na se
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
diff --git a/userguide/pl/bootloader.html b/userguide/pl/bootloader.html
index 91740a94..9ff18ec7 100644
--- a/userguide/pl/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/pl/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Spis treści
-:: Układ systemu plików »
+ « Bash i skrypty
+:: Spis treści
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -167,10 +166,9 @@ Każdy z symboli mniej więcej odpowiada poniższym etapom rozruchu:
Ten panel preferencji nie dotyczy pojedynczych plików, tylko ustawień dla całego systemu. Możesz zmienić domyślne ikony i preferowane aplikacje, oraz dodawać, usuwać i zmieniać atrybuty nawet typów nadrzędnych (takich jak text, image, itd.). Można również stworzyć własny typ od zera.
Wszystkie typy i ich ustawienia są przechowywane w /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Zanim zaczniesz eksperymentowanie, rozsądnie byłoby zrobić kopię zapasową tego katalogu.
Wszystkie typy i ich ustawienia są przechowywane w /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Zanim zaczniesz eksperymentowanie, rozsądnie byłoby zrobić kopię zapasową tego katalogu.
diff --git a/userguide/pl/gui.html b/userguide/pl/gui.html
index 6e13ebee..41b1c6c0 100644
--- a/userguide/pl/gui.html
+++ b/userguide/pl/gui.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+Spis treści
+:: Deskbar »
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
Najpierw ustawia się typ myszy: jedno-, dwu- lub trójprzyciskowa. Można zasymulować prawoklik trzymając klawisz CTRL podczas kliknięcia lewym przyciskiem, natomiast dla efektu kliknięcia środkowym przyciskiem należy przytrzymać CTRLALT.
Istnieje możliwość zmiany znaczenia przycisków, poprzez kliknięcie jednego z nich i wybór nowego działania z rozwijanego menu.
Suwakami po prawej dostosowuje się szybkość podwójnego kliknięcia, szybkość wskaźnika i wspomaganie. Obszar testowy poniżej odzwierciedlenia myszy służy sprawdzeniu, czy szybkość dwukrotnego kliknięcia jest odpowiednia: jeżeli dwuklik na słowie nie zaznaczy go, szybkość jest za duża (albo trzeba będzie przywyknąć do szybszego klikania...).
Są trzy Tryby aktywowania które zmieniają sposób reagowania okien na kliknięcia:
Kliknij aby aktywować i przesunąć na wierzch
Ustawienie domyślne: kliknięcie na oknie aktywuje je i przesuwa na wierzch.
Kliknij aby aktywować
Kliknięcie na oknie jedynie je aktywuje, nie zostanie ono przesunięte na wierzch. Aby to zrobić należy kliknąć albo pasek tytułu lub obramowanie, albo gdziekolwiek przytrzymując klawisze zarządzania oknamiCTRLALT.
Podąża za wskaźnikiem
Okno aktualnie znajdujące się pod kursorem zostaje aktywowane. Przesuwanie na wierzch odbywa się w ten sam sposób, co w trybie wyżej.
Włączenie opcji Akceptuj pierwsze kliknięcie umożliwia interakcję z oknem (klikanie przycisków, rozwijanie menu, itd.) bez jego wcześniejszego aktywowania. Podnosi to ryzyko przypadkowego zamknięcia okna, np. poprzez kliknięcie przycisku zamykania zamiast paska tytułu. Z drugiej strony znacząco przyspiesza pracę.
Wszystkie ustawienia są zapisywane automatycznie.
Przywróć domyślne
ustawia domyślne wartości dla każdego z pól.
przywraca ustawienia aktywne w momencie uruchomienia panelu preferencji.
Tłumaczenie tej strony jest niekompletne. Nieukończone części wyświetlane są w języku angielskim.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
Przywróć domyślne
ustawia domyślne wartości dla każdego z pól.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
diff --git a/userguide/pt_BR/bootloader.html b/userguide/pt_BR/bootloader.html
index 7ca37498..0bee1682 100644
--- a/userguide/pt_BR/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/pt_BR/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Conteúdo
-:: Disposição do sistema de arquivos »
+ « Bash e Scripting
+:: Conteúdo
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -170,10 +169,9 @@ Os diferentes símbolos grosseiramente correspondem aos seguintes estágios de i
As preferências dos Tipos de Arquivos não lidam com arquivos individuais mas com definições globais de tipos de arquivos. Pode-se mudar ícones padrão e aplicativos preferidos ou adicionar, remover ou alterar atributos de tipos de arquivos inteiros. Pode-se ainda criar seu próprio tipo de arquivo do zero.
Todos os tipos de arquivos e suas configurações estão armazenadas em /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Antes de começar a experimentar, seria prudente fazer um backup daquela pasta...
Todos os tipos de arquivos e suas configurações estão armazenadas em /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Antes de começar a experimentar, seria prudente fazer um backup daquela pasta...
@@ -154,8 +155,8 @@ Todos os Favoritos são mantidos em /boot/home/config/setting
Replicantes são pequenas partes fechadas de aplicativos que pode ser integrados a outros programas. Habilitados quando a opção Mostrar replicantes do Deskbar está ativa, reconhece-se uma parte replicante de um aplicativo por sua pequena alça, normalmente no canto direito inferior:
O local que mais aceita Replicantes é a Área de Trabalho: simplesmente arraste e solte a pequena alça sobre ela. A partir desse momento passa a fazer parte da Área de Trabalho e o aplicativo de origem do Replicante não pode ser iniciado por ela.
-Um clique com o botão direito do mouse em uma alça Replicante oferece um menu de contexto que mostra a janela Sobre do aplicativo de origem e a opção Remover replicante.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Caso tenha dificuldades com um Replicante na Área de Trabalho e não consiga livrar-se dele, exclua ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Lamentavelmente, isto removerá todos os Replicantes da Área de Trabalho.
Defina a taxa de repetição e o atraso até que uma tecla pressionada comece a repetir. Pode-se testar as definições no campo de texto na parte inferior.
redefine tudo para os valores padrão.
traz de volta as definições que estavam ativas quando iniciou as preferências de Teclado.
Primeiro defina seu tipo de mouse: 1, 2 ou 3 botões. Pode-se simular o segundo (=direito) botão do mouse segurando CTRL enquanto clica com o botão esquerdo. Para o terceiro (=meio) botão do mouse, é CTRLALT e um clique com o botão esquerdo.
Pode-se rearranjar os botões do mouse clicando neles e escolhendo seus novos significados a partir do menu pop-up.
Com os botões deslizantes à direita, ajuste a velocidade do duplo clique, velocidade do mouse e aceleração. A área de teste abaixo do gráfico do mouse pode ser usada para verificar se a velocidade do duplo clique está a seu gosto: se ao clicar duas vezes sobre uma palavra não a seleciona, está definida muito rápido (ou terá que se acostumar a clicar mais rápido)...
Existem três Modos de foco que determinam como as janelas reagem aos cliques:
Clicar para focar e realçar
Esta é a configuração padrão: clique em uma janela e ela é focada e fica acima das demais.
Clicar para focar
Clicar numa janela apenas a coloca no foco, mas não irá realçá-la automaticamente. Para fazer isso, é necessário também clicar na sua guia de título ou borda ou clicar em qualquer lugar enquanto segura as teclas de gerenciamento de janelasCTRLALT.
Foco segue o mouse
A janela sob o ponteiro do mouse automaticamente é focada. Para efetivamente realçá-la, deve ser feito como descrito no modo Clicar para focar.
Ativar Aceitar primeiro clique facilita ter que primeiro colocar o foco em uma janela inativa para que possa acionar ferramentas como um botão ou menu. Corre-se o risco de fechar uma janela de forma não intencional, por exemplo, por tocar acidentalmente no botão de fechar ao visar a guia da janela. Por outro lado, aumenta a velocidade do fluxo de trabalho consideravelmente.
Todas as definições são aplicadas imediatamente.
redefine tudo para os valores padrão.
retorna as definições que estavam ativas quando abriu as preferências do Mouse.
Esta janela de diálogo oferece váriaas definições relacionadas ao touchpad que são interessantes quando executando o sistema a partir de um notebook.
Arrastando as linhas vermelhas verticais ou horizontais na representação do touchpad, definimos a área de rolagem (levemente avermelhada contra a área de toque geral, em cinza). Mover seu dedo naquela parte do touchpad irá mover as barras de rolagem de uma janela conforme o movimento.
À direita estão controles deslizantes para definir a aceleração de rolagem geral e a velocidade de rolagem vertical e horizontal.
-A definição de aceleração decide o quão rápido uma lista rola ao se deslizar pela área de rolagem muito rápido. A velocidade de rolagem controla a velocidade geral ao usar a área de rolagem de maneira "normal".
Abaixo do gráfico do touchpad estão caixas de verificação para disponibilizar "Rolagem com dois dedos" para rolagem vertical e horizontal. Mova dois dedos em parelelo vertical ou horizontalmente para mover as barras de rolagem de uma janela. Ao menos para mim, funciona melhor se com um dedo da mão esquerda e um da mão direita.
-Caso sinta-se confortável usando esta funcionalidade, pode dispensar a definição de áreas de rolagem e, ao invés disso, utilizar o touchpad inteiro para navegação normal.
Na base está outro controle deslizante para definir a sensibilidade do clique tocando o touchpad (tapping). Se seus toques continuam sendo ignorados, aumente a sensibilidade. Se o sistema registra cliques o tempo todo, enquanto tudo o que quer é mover o ponteiro do mouse, tente diminuí-la.
redefine tudo para os valores padrão.
retorna às definições que estavam ativas quando iniciadas as preferências do Touchpad.
Esta dica não está relacionada às preferências do Touchpad, mas se encaixa no tópico em geral:
-Você sabia que pode fazer o arrastar e soltar apenas usando o touchpad, ou seja, sem usar os botões? Apenas faça um clique duplo sem levantar o dedo após o segundo clique. O ícone selecionado irá acompanhar o ponteiro do mouse e pode arrastá-lo pelo movimento do seu dedo. Levantar o dedo irá soltar o ícone.
Se seu dedo alcança a margem do touchpad enquanto arrasta um ícone, mas o ponteiro do mouse ainda não alcançou o fim da tela, como continuar arrastando o ícone? Assim que levantar o dedo, o ícone será solto.
-Dependendo do seu hardware, existe uma funcionalidade elegante: apenas deixe seu dedo sem levantar na borda do touchpad. O ponteiro do mouse manter-se-á movendo no piloto automático.
diff --git a/userguide/pt_PT/bootloader.html b/userguide/pt_PT/bootloader.html
index 2167e5e5..018f46b0 100644
--- a/userguide/pt_PT/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/pt_PT/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Contents
-:: Filesystem layout »
+ « Bash and Scripting
+:: Contents
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -165,10 +164,9 @@ The different symbols roughly correspond to these boot stages:
diff --git a/userguide/pt_PT/contents.html b/userguide/pt_PT/contents.html
index faebdf52..f498f6ae 100644
--- a/userguide/pt_PT/contents.html
+++ b/userguide/pt_PT/contents.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Vasco Costa
* Humdinger
+ * Vasco Costa
* Máximo Castañeda
diff --git a/userguide/pt_PT/deskbar.html b/userguide/pt_PT/deskbar.html
index af60bb03..9d26d775 100644
--- a/userguide/pt_PT/deskbar.html
+++ b/userguide/pt_PT/deskbar.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Deskbar »
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
The translation of this page isn't yet complete. Until it is, unfinished parts use the English original.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
After launching, SoftwareUpdater checks for updates to packages and displays them in a list with their new version and a short description. You can opt to Show more details to include the name of the repository for each package and show both the old and new package versions.
Update now will start the download of all the packages and their subsequent installation.
Depending on the packages that were updated, you may have to reboot Haiku to actually complete the update process. Updated applications usually only need to be restarted, while changes to Haiku itself may require a reboot of the system to take effect.
Every time packages are updated, installed or uninstalled (either with SoftwareUpdater/HaikuDepot or in Terminal via pkgman), a new "state" is saved at /system/packages/administrative/. This makes it possible to boot into any past state from the Boot Options, making it easy to solve issues that may arise from having installed/updated a package that doesn't work as expected.
As these "state" folders hold copies of the updated/uninstalled packages, the "administrative" folder can grow quite significantly over time. Until there's an option for an automatic clean-up, it's a good idea to check the size of the "administrative" folder from time to time and remove the oldest states, that you probably won't have to boot into again.
It's rare but possible that an update to the latest Haiku revision ("hrev") introduced a regression you're not willing to live with. From the boot options menu you can load a former, working state (see Boot Loader - Troubleshooting). Find the last working state and boot into it.
To permanently downgrade to this revision, you have to point the 'Haiku' repository to that hrev. You find the current revision under "About Haiku" from the Deskbar. As example, to downgrade to hrev56231, open a Terminal and enter:
Note, that you're now stuck with that revision, Haiku won't get any new updates. You should report the regression and help to fix it, if you can. Once fixed - watch the commit logs - you can change back to the "current" repo with:
diff --git a/userguide/ro/bootloader.html b/userguide/ro/bootloader.html
index 76c7008a..d7ef573b 100644
--- a/userguide/ro/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/ro/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Conținut
-:: Filesystem layout »
+ « Bash și Scriptare
+:: Conținut
@@ -141,8 +140,8 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
Dacă activarea a Utilizeaază driver de grafice care eșuează în siguranță rezolvă problemele prin reîntoarcerea la grafice VESA, puteți să faceți configurarea permanentă prin eliminarea # liniei #fail_safe_video_mode true în fișierul text /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Sub Selectează volumul de pornire puteți specifica „versiunea” de Haiku anterioară pe care doriți să o porniți. De fiecare dată când dez/instalați un pachet, starea veche este salvată și puteți să o porniți prin alegerea acesteia din lista prezentată în opțiunile încărcătorului de pornire.
-Deci, dacă întâlniți probleme de pornire după instalarea unui pachet, porniți o stare Haiku înaintea acelui timp și dezinstalați pachetul care are probleme.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -167,10 +166,9 @@ Diferitele simboluri corespund aproximativ cu aceste etape de boot:
diff --git a/userguide/ro/deskbar.html b/userguide/ro/deskbar.html
index e3c22cae..92df5874 100644
--- a/userguide/ro/deskbar.html
+++ b/userguide/ro/deskbar.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Deskbar »
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Dacă întâmpinați dificultăți cu un Replicant pe Desktop și nu puteți să scăpați de acesta, ștergeți ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Din păcate această acțiune va elimina toți Replicanții de pe Desktop.
Stabilește rata de repetare și amânarea până când o tastă apăsată începe să se repete. Puteți să testați configurările în câmpul de text din partea de jos.
resetează totul la valorile implicite.
aduce înapoi configurările care au fost active când ați pornit preferințele Keyboard.
Traducerea acestei pagini nu este completă încă. Până când va fi, părțile incomplete utilizează originalul în limba engleză.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
Toate configurările sunt aplicate imediat.
resetează totul la valorile implicite.
aduce înapoi configurările care au fost active când ați pornit preferințele Mouse.
Traducerea acestei pagini nu este completă încă. Până când va fi, părțile incomplete utilizează originalul în limba engleză.
Acest panou oferă mai multe configurări în legătură cu touchpad-ul care sunt interesante când rulați de pe un laptop.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resetează totul la valorile implicite.
aduce înapoi configurările care au fost active atunci când ați pornit preferințele Touchpad.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
Как и в любом окне Tracker, вы можете выбрать из контекстного списка, какие колонки отображать, кликнув правой кнопкой по заголовку любой из них. Левый клик сортирует список по конкретной колонке. Конечно же, вы можете изменить порядок расположения колонок, перетаскивая их на новую позицию.
Колонка "Статус" может иметь одно из нескольких значений:
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Активирован: Пакет в данный момент установлен и готов к использованию.
Доступен: Пакет существует в репозитории и может быть скачан и установлен. Если присутствуют какие-либо зависимости от других пакетов, вы будете проинформированы об этом в процессе установки и вам будет дана возможность выбрать установку всего необходимого.
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
Установщик служит для установки Haiku на другой раздел.
-После запуска отображается окно с важной информацией. Это не бессмысленное пользовательское соглашение (EULA), поэтому не стоит сразу же подтверждать соглашение, в нем говорится следующее:
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume. You can use it to clone your currently running Haiku - with all installed software and all data and settings. And of course you use it for the initial installation after booting from install CD or USB drive, see the online Installation Guide.
Upon launch Installer displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
This is beta-quality software. Make backups or suffer the consequences!
The Installer needs a prepared partition. You can use DriveSetup to create and format a partition, but cannot yet resize existing partitions. For that you'll have to use a GParted LiveCD or a similar tool for now.
diff --git a/userguide/ru/applications/list-cli-apps.html b/userguide/ru/applications/list-cli-apps.html
index b381b7c5..817fd9f8 100644
--- a/userguide/ru/applications/list-cli-apps.html
+++ b/userguide/ru/applications/list-cli-apps.html
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
* Translators:
* Sergei Reznikov
* Rodastahm Islamov
- * mrNoisy
* Vsevolod
+ * mrNoisy
diff --git a/userguide/ru/applications/people.html b/userguide/ru/applications/people.html
index 3824830f..8f02a311 100644
--- a/userguide/ru/applications/people.html
+++ b/userguide/ru/applications/people.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Michael Smirnov
* Vsevolod
+ * Michael Smirnov
diff --git a/userguide/ru/applications/poorman.html b/userguide/ru/applications/poorman.html
index 0af46896..d7f2a1ba 100644
--- a/userguide/ru/applications/poorman.html
+++ b/userguide/ru/applications/poorman.html
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
* Translators:
* Sergei Reznikov
* Humdinger
- * Michael Smirnov
* Vsevolod
+ * Michael Smirnov
diff --git a/userguide/ru/applications/softwareupdater.html b/userguide/ru/applications/softwareupdater.html
index b839ad58..67c67191 100644
--- a/userguide/ru/applications/softwareupdater.html
+++ b/userguide/ru/applications/softwareupdater.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ Via Settings | Window title... the Terminal window's t
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves. Not entirely obvious though, the font size is set in the submenu of the Font popup menu.
Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
-You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
+You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which Color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
You can also configure "ANSI colors" with the Color menu. Those are the first 8 named colors in the color palette of terminal applications. You choose a color, for example "ANSI red color", and then adjust it with the color picker below. The effect is not visible unless you run a terminal application that makes use of that color. The exact colors used in various places are documented at Wikipedia.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text. Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
@@ -147,11 +148,11 @@ Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exis
Переместить сюда
Перемещает перетаскиваемый файл в текущую директорию Терминала.
Копировать сюда
Копирует перетаскиваемый файл в текущую директорию Терминала.
Вы можете открыть любой файл, назначенной ему программой, используя команду open [имя_файла]. Это также сработает для открытия текущей (".") и родительской ("..") папки, которые откроются в окне Tracker-а. Так, чтобы открыть текущую директорию, следует набрать:
open .
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
open .
If a command generates lots of output, things scroll by rapidly. Use a few of those commands and it gets difficult to scroll back and find the start of the last output. With Edit | Clear all or ALTL you can clear the scroll back buffer before issuing your command. Presto, a pristine empty scroll back buffer, you can just scroll back right to the top to catch the beginning of your output.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -175,10 +174,9 @@ So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku s
Репликанты - это небольшие автономные части приложений, которые могут быть интегрированы в другие приложения. Если активировать в Deskbar опцию Отображать репликанты, то вы сможете отличить область репликанта по маленькому значку в правом нижнем углу:
Наиболее подходящее место для репликантов - Рабочий стол: просто перетащите репликант на него за эту маленькую иконку в правом нижем углу. Теперь репликант является частью рабочего стола и для его работы не требуется запуск оригинального приложения.
-Правым щелчком мыши по иконке репликанта можно вызвать контекстное меню, которое содержит пункты О репликанте и Удалить репликант.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Если вы испытываете трудности с репликантом и не можете его удалить, то просто удалите файл ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. К сожалению, это приведет к удалению всех репликантов с рабочего стола.
Перемещение по рабочим столам. Для перемещения активного окна следует также удерживать клавишу SHIFT.
Перемещайте одно окно за ярлычок к ярлычку другого и удерживайте в это время клавишу OPT и окна соединятся.(более подробно в теме Графический интерфейс).
OPT↑ / ↓
Переключаться между открытыми окнами в пределах текущего рабочего стола.
OPT↑ / ↓
Переключаться между открытыми окнами в пределах текущего рабочего стола.
CTRLALT + левый щелчок мыши
Для перемещения окна щёлкните левой кнопкой мыши и потащите его. (более подробно в теме Графический интерфейс).
CTRLALT + правый щелчок мыши
Для изменения размера окна щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши и потащите его. (более подробно в теме Графический интерфейс).
В выпадающем меню Тип мыши выберите тип своей мыши: одно-, двух- или трёхкнопочную. Имеется возможность имитировать 2-ю (правую) кнопку мыши, удерживая клавишу CTRL и щёлкнув левой кнопкой, а также 3-ю (среднюю) кнопку мыши, нажимая CTRLALT совместно с левой кнопкой мыши.
Вы можете переназначить кнопки мыши, нажав на них и выбрав их новое значение из выпадающего меню.
С помощью ползунков справа можно настроить скорость двойного клика, скорость мыши и её ускорение.
Есть три Режима фокуса, которые определяют, как окно реагирует на клики:
Нажать для фокуса и поднятия окна
Это режим по умолчанию: при клике на окно оно получает фокус и поднимается наверх.
Нажать для фокусировки окна
Клик по окну перемещает на него фокус, но не поднимает автоматически. Для этого нужно кликнуть либо на заголовке или рамке окна, либо в любом месте окна с зажатыми горячими клавишамиCTRLALT.
Фокус следует за мышью
Окно под курсором мыши получает фокус. Поднятие происходит так же, как в режиме Нажать для фокусировки окна.
Опция Принимать первое нажатие позволяет использовать элементы неактивного окна, такие, как кнопки или меню, не перемещая предварительно на него фокус. При этом возникает риск ненамеренно закрыть окно, например, случайно нажав кнопку "закрыть" при клике по заголовку окна. С другой стороны, это существенно ускоряет рабочий процесс.
Все настройки применяются на лету.
По умолчанию
сбросить текущие настройки и установить их на значения по умолчанию.
возвращает настройки, которые были активны при открытии этого окна.
Перевод этой страницы еще не завершен. Пока это не произойдет, незавершенные части будут на английском.
Экран (Screen)
@@ -81,8 +82,11 @@
Слева, вы видите изображение вашего экрана с указанием модели и производителя и его разрешение в числе точек на дюйм (dpi). При наведении курсора вы увидите подсказку с моделью видеокарты, если последняя поддерживается драйвером. В противном случае подсказка сообщит "VESA", запасной вариант, работающий почти со всем оборудованием.
Хотя режим VESA в Haiku работает очень хорошо, вы можете столкнуться с рядом ограничений. Может оказаться, что вы не сможете использовать широкий экран в его родном разрешении, что приводит к несколько размытому изображению.
Также могут наблюдаться ограничения, связанные с числом доступных разрешений и частот обновления.
Clicking on the screen representation opens the Backgrounds preferences.
Below is a slider to set the screen's Brightness, if you're running on a notebook and the graphics driver supports it. In Terminal, screenmode --help shows how to control brightness and other options from the command line.
To the bottom left you can set the number of workspaces and arrange them in columns and rows.
Кнопка Вернуть возвращает установки, которые были активны при открытии окна настроек экрана.
В левом нижнем углу вы можете задать количество рабочих столов в порядке их расположения (Столбцы и Ряды) и открыть настройки Фона.
Предлагает настройки сенсорной панели, которые будут полезны при использовании Haiku на ноутбуке.
Перемещая красные вертикальные или горизонтальные линии на изображении сенсорной панели, вы устанавливаете область прокрутки (выделена красным фоном). Движение вашего пальца на этой части панели соответственно переместит полосы прокрутки окна.
Справа расположены ползунки, которые устанавливают общее ускорение прокрутки, вертикальную и горизонтальную скорость прокрутки.
-Настройка ускорения определяет, насколько быстрее будут пролистываться страницы, если вы быстро проведёте пальцем по области прокрутки. Скорости прокрутки управляют общей скоростью при использовании этой области при обычном движении пальца.
Под изображением сенсорной панели находятся опции для активации возможности вертикальной и горизонтальной прокрутки двумя пальцами. Двигайте двумя пальцами параллельно в вертикальной или горизонтальной плоскости для перемещения полосы прокрутки окна. Возможно, вам будет удобнее использовать один палец на левой и один на правой руке для такой прокрутки.
-Если вы считаете использование этой функции удобным, то можете обойтись без установки областей прокрутки и вместо этого использовать всю площадь панели для навигации.
Внизу находится ползунок для настройки чувствительности касания. Если ваши касания продолжают игнорироваться, то увеличьте чувствительность. Если в системе постоянно срабатывают клики во время перемещения курсора мыши, то попытайтесь уменьшить её.
По умолчанию
сбросить текущие настройки и установить их на значения по умолчанию.
возвращает настройки, которые были активны при открытии этого окна.
Совет, не связанный напрямую с настройками сенсорной панели, но подходящий к этой теме:
-Знаете ли вы, что можно осуществить перетаскивание, используя только сенсорную панель без использования кнопок? Достаточно сделать двойной клик, не отрывая палец после второго касания. Выделенная иконка будет захвачена курсором мыши, и вы сможете тащить её, передвигая палец. Поднятие пальца прекратит перетаскивание иконки.
Если палец достиг границы сенсорной панели при перетаскивании иконки, но курсор мыши еще не достиг края экрана, то как можно продолжить перемещать иконку? Как только вы поднимите палец, иконка будет отпущена.
-В зависимости от аппаратных возможностей сенсорной панели, имеется отличный способ: остановите палец, не отрывая его от края сенсорной панели - курсор мыши продолжит двигаться на автопилоте.
diff --git a/userguide/ru/workshop-wlan.html b/userguide/ru/workshop-wlan.html
index e189ac18..76d1a7cd 100644
--- a/userguide/ru/workshop-wlan.html
+++ b/userguide/ru/workshop-wlan.html
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, USB and ISA devices still need more work to become
По умолчанию Haiku после загрузки подключается к первой найденной незашифрованной беспроводной сети. Чтобы подключиться к определенной сети, используйте апплет рабочего стола Статус сети (NetworkStatus).
Кликните правой кнопкой мыши на его иконке в Deskbar и выберите из контекстного меню публичное имя сети (передаваемый ей "SSID").
Откроется окно, где нужно выбрать тип аутентификации (возможно, WPA/WPA2, WEP больше не считается безопасным шифрованием!) и ввести пароль для этой беспроводной сети. Нажмите OK, чтобы начать процесс подключения. В зависимости от вашего оборудования и настроек сети это может занять некоторое время. О состоянии подключения вас проинформирует уведомление:
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Once it reads "Ready" and the NetworkStatus icon in the Deskbar shows a green round light, the connection is established. If the notifications end in "No link" and a yellow triangle, something went wrong, probably an incorrect password.
Ako v ľubovoľnom okne Trackera si môžete vybrať z kontextového menu ktoré stĺpce chcete zobraziť kliknutím pravým tlačidlom na záhlavie stĺpca. Kliknutie ľavým tlačidlom zoradí zoznam podľa vybraného stĺpca. Samozrejme môžete zmeniť poradie stĺpcov tým, že ich pretiahnete na nové miesto.
Stavový stĺpec balíka môže obsahovať jeden z niekoľkých stavov:
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Aktívny: Balík je momentálne nainštalovaný a pripravený na použitie.
Dostupný: Balík existuje v danom zdroji softvéru a je možné ho stiahnuť a nainštalovať. Ak závisí od iných balíkov, informáciu o tom dostanete pred jeho inštaláciou a budete sa môcť rozhodnúť, či chcete stiahnuť a nainštalovať všetko potrebné.
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ After you click Send the data is transmitted to the
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves. Not entirely obvious though, the font size is set in the submenu of the Font popup menu.
Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
-You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
+You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which Color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
You can also configure "ANSI colors" with the Color menu. Those are the first 8 named colors in the color palette of terminal applications. You choose a color, for example "ANSI red color", and then adjust it with the color picker below. The effect is not visible unless you run a terminal application that makes use of that color. The exact colors used in various places are documented at Wikipedia.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text. Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
@@ -146,11 +147,11 @@ Oba súbory môžu byť vytvorené v priečinku /boot/home/co
Presunúť sem
Presunie ťahaný súbor do aktuálneho pracovného adresára Terminálu.
Skopírovať sem
Kopíruje ťahaný súbor do aktuálneho pracovného adresára Terminálu.
Ktorýkoľvek súbor môžte otvoriť jeho preferovanou aplikáciou príkazom open [nazov_suboru]. To tiež pracuje so zastúpením aktuálneho (".") a materského ("..") priečinka, ktoré sa potom otvoria v Tracker okne. Takže, otvorte aktuálny pracovný adresár, zadajte:
open .
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
open .
If a command generates lots of output, things scroll by rapidly. Use a few of those commands and it gets difficult to scroll back and find the start of the last output. With Edit | Clear all or ALTL you can clear the scroll back buffer before issuing your command. Presto, a pristine empty scroll back buffer, you can just scroll back right to the top to catch the beginning of your output.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -170,10 +169,9 @@ Rozličné symboly zhruba zodpovedajú týmto fázam zavádzania:
Nastavenia Typov súborov sa nezaoberajú jednotlivými súbormi, ale globálnymi nastaveniami typov súborov. Môžete meniť predvolené ikony a preferované aplikácie alebo pridávať, odoberať alebo meniť atribúty typov súborov. Dokonca môžete vytvoriť váš vlastný typ súboru.
Všetky typy súborov a ich konfigurácie sú uložené v /boot/home/config/settings/beos_mime/. Predtým, než začnete experimentovať, bolo by rozumné zálohovať si daný priečinok...
Všetky typy súborov a ich konfigurácie sú uložené v /boot/home/config/settings/mime_db/. Predtým, než začnete experimentovať, bolo by rozumné zálohovať si daný priečinok...
@@ -156,8 +157,8 @@ Všetky Obľúbené sú uložené v /boot/home/config/setting
Replikanti sú malé samostatné súčasti aplikácií, ktoré sa dajú integrovať do iných programov. Po aktivovaní možnosti Panela Zobraziť replikantov môžete rozoznať aplikácie s replikantom podľa tejto malej rúčky v pravom dolnom rohu:
Najprominentnejšie miesto na použitie replikantov je Plocha: Jednoducho na ňu myšou pretiahnite rúčku replikanta. Odteraz je táto aplikácia súčasťou Plochy a ak s ňou chcete pracovať, pôvodnú aplikáciu už nemusíte spúšťať.
-Pravým kliknutím na rúčku replikanta vyvoláte menu s možnosťami zobraziť ďalšie informácie O aplikácií alebo Odstrániť replikanta.
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Ak sa s replikantom vyskytnú problémy a vy sa ho neviete zbaviť, odstráňte ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Bohužiaľ, toto odstráni všetky replikanty z Plochy.
Naviguje po riadkoch/stĺpcoch dostupných pracovných plôch. Pridaním SHIFT sa presunie aj aktívne okno.
Držaním OPT počas ťahania okna v blízkosti karty alebo okraja iného okna ho naskladá alebo dlaždicovo rozloží (pozri kapitolu Používateľské rozhranie Haiku).
OPT↑ / ↓
Dokola prepína medzi otvorenými oknami na aktuálnej pracovnej ploche.
OPT↑ / ↓
Dokola prepína medzi otvorenými oknami na aktuálnej pracovnej ploche.
Nastaví rýchlosť opakovania a oneskorenie, po akom sa začne podržaný kláves posielať opakovane. Svoje nastavenia môžete otestovať v textovom poli dolu.
vráti všetko na predvolené hodnoty
Vrátiť späť
obnoví nastavenia, ktoré boli aktívne, keď ste spustili nastavenia Klávesnice.
Najprv nastavíte typ myši: 1, 2 alebo 3 tlačidlová myš. Môžete simulovať druhé (=pravé) tlačidlo myši, ak držíte kláves CTRL počas klikania ľavým tlačidlom. Pre tretie (=stredné) tlačidlo, je to CTRLALT a kliknutie ľavým tlačidlom.
Môžete preskupiť tlačidlá myši, kliknutím na ne a vybratím nového významu z výsuvného menu.
Posuvníkmi vpravo nastavujete rýchlosť dvojitého kliknutia, rýchlosť myši a zrýchlenie myši. Testovacia oblasť pod obrázkom myši môže byť použitá na skontrolovanie nastavení dvojitého kliknutia a či vám vyhovuje: ak dvojitým kliknutím na slovo ho nevyberiete, je to nastavené na príliš vysokú rýchlosť (alebo si budete musieť zvyknúť na rýchlejšie klikanie...
Sú tri Režimy aktivácie, ktoré rozhodujú, ako okná reagujú na kliknutie:
Kliknutím aktivovať a preniesť do popredia
Toto je prednastavená možnosť: kliknite na okno, to sa aktivuje a prenesie do popredia.
Kliknutím aktivovať
Kliknutie na okno ho len aktivuje, ale neprenáša ho automaticky do popredia. Aby ste spravili to, musíte buď kliknúť na jeho titulok alebo okraj alebo kliknúť kdekoľvek, zatiaľ čo držíte klávesy správy okienCTRLALT.
Aktivovať okná po kurzorom myši
Okno pod kurzorom myši je automaticky aktívne. Aby ste ho preniesli do popredia, spravte to, čo je popísané v Kliknutím aktivovať.
Ak zapnete Prijať prvé kliknutie už nebudete musieť najskôr kliknutím aktivovať neaktívne okno, aby ste mohli pracovať s ovládacími prvkami ako tlačidlo alebo menu. Toto ale prináša so sebou riziko neúmyselného zavretia okna, ak napríklad omylom kliknete na tlačidlo zavrieť, keď ste v skutočnosti chceli kliknúť na titulok okna. Na druhú stranu, podstatne to zrýchli prácu.
Všetky nastavenia sa použijú okamžite.
vráti všetko na predvolené hodnoty
Vrátiť späť
obnoví nastavenia, ktoré boli aktívne, keď ste spustili nastavenia Myši.
Tento panel ponúka niekoľko nastavení súvisiacich s touchpadom, čím je zaujímavý hlavne pre používateľov notebookov.
Presúvaním červenej zvislej a vodorovnej čiary nastavujete oblasť posúvania (mierne červenšia oproti všeobecným šedým oblastiam dotyku). Hýbaním vášho prsta po tejto časti touchpadu sa bude zodpovedajúcim spôsobom posúvať aj posuvník.
Vpravo sa nachádzajú posuvníky na nastavenie všeobecného zrýchlenia a vodorovnej/zvislej rýchlosti posúvania.
-Nastavenie zrýchlenia určuje, ako rýchlo sa má zoznam posúvať keď rýchlo prstom presvištíte po oblasti posúvania. Rýchlosti posúvania ovládajú všeobecnú rýchlosť pri normálnom hýbaní.
Pod znázornením touchpadu sa nachádzajú dve zaškrtávacie políčka na „Posúvanie dvomi prstami“ pre zvislé aj vodorovné posúvanie. Rovnobežným hýbaním oboma prstami zvisle alebo vodorovne posúvate posuvníky okien. Aspoň pre mňa to funguje najlepšie s jedným prstom z pravej a jedným z ľavej ruky.
-Ak vám toto nastavenie vyhovuje, môžete sa úplne zbaviť oblastí posúvania a namiesto toho používať celý touchpad na normálnu navigáciu..
V dolnej časti je ďalší posuvník, ktorý nastavuje citlivosť na klikanie. Ak sa vám zdá, že vaše kliknutia sú často ignorované, zvýšte citlivosť. Ak sa vám zdá, že často nechcene klikáte, tak citlivosť skúste znížiť.
vráti všetko na predvolené hodnoty
Vrátiť späť
vráti nastavenia, ktoré boli aktívne v momente zapnutia nastavení Touchpadu.
Ešte jedna rada, ktorá sa netýka nastavení Touchpadu, no súvisí s témou:
-Vedeli ste, že môžete položky uchopiť a pretiahnuť iba s použitím touchpadu, teda bez tlačidiel? Iba spravte dvojité kliknutie bez toho, aby ste prst po druhom kliknutí zdvihli. Vybraná položka sa tak prilepí na kurzor myši a vy ho môžete pretiahnuť hýbaním vášho prsta. Zdvihnutím vášho prsta znova ikonu pustíte.
Ak váš prst dosiahol okraj touchpadu počas ťahania ikony, no váš kurzor ešte nedosiahol okraj obrazovky, ako môžete ďalej ťahať ikonu? Akonáhle zdvihnete váš prst, ikona bude pustená.
-V závislosti od vášho hardvéru máte možno túto užitočnú funkciu: Jednoducho nechajte váš prst na hrane touchpadu bez toho, aby ste ho zdvihli. Kurzor sa tak bude automaticky posúvať ďalej.
diff --git a/userguide/sk/workshop-wlan.html b/userguide/sk/workshop-wlan.html
index 64aee9ac..ee19e640 100644
--- a/userguide/sk/workshop-wlan.html
+++ b/userguide/sk/workshop-wlan.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * helix84
* Humdinger
+ * helix84
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ Zariadenia PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, USB a ISA ešte vyžadujú ďalšiu pr
Haiku sa štadardne pripojí k prvej nešifrovanej sieti, ktorú po spustení nájde. Ak sa chcete pripojiť ku konkrétnej sieti, použite v Paneli aplet Stav siete.
Kliknite na jeho ikonu na Paneli pravým tlačidlom a zvoľte z kontextového menu verejné meno siete (SSID, ktoré vysiela).
Otvorí sa okno, kde napíšete typ overenia totožnosti (pravdepodobne WPA/WPA2; WEP u6 nie je bezpečné šifrovanie!) a heslo danej bezdrôtovej siete. Kliknutím na OK spustíte prihlasovanie. V závislosti od vášho hardvéru a nastavenia siete to môže chvíľu trvať. O priebehu vás budú informovať oznámenia:
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Keď sa zobrazí „Pripravené“ a ikona Stavu siete v Paneli zobrazí zelené okrúhle svetielko, spojenie je nadviazané. Ak oznámenie hlási „Bez spojenia“ so žltým trojuholníkom, niečo nie je v poriadku - zrejme nesprávne heslo.
You can track system resources by launching the ActivityMonitor and activating different items of interest.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/bepdf.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/bepdf.html
index 299ebf58..c6322e6d 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/bepdf.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/bepdf.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Victor Widell
* Jimmy Olsson
+ * Victor Widell
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
BePDF är en snabbstartande PDF-läsare. Förutom visning stöder den anteckningar och användardefinerade bokmärken för okrypterade PDF:er. Den är helt översatt till 20 språk för tillfället, och fler språk kan enkelt läggas till via textfiler.
No entry, normally started from Installer's Tools menu
none MBR backups are saved by default in ~/config/settings/bootman/
none MBR backups are saved by default in ~/config/settings/bootman/
If you don't add the Haiku partition to an existing boot manager like GRUB, BootManager can install a small boot menu in the Master Boot Record (MBR) that looks something like this:
DiskProbe is a HEX editor to view and alter data of a file or on a device on a byte-level. It's a very low-level tool and has therefore the potential to really mess things up if you're not careful!
DiskUsage shows graphically how the space on your volumes is utilized.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/drivesetup.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/drivesetup.html
index 6bbaff56..955801ea 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/drivesetup.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/drivesetup.html
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
DriveSetup is a tool to create, delete and format partitions. At this time it can't resize or move existing partitions, so that you'll either need an unpartitioned volume (perhaps an external USB drive or another harddisk) or do the initial setup with a tool like the GParted LiveCD to provide the space for another partition.
Finns ej. Startas genom att dubbel-klicka på ett arkiv.
Expanderaren är ett litet verktyg som kan packa upp några av de vanligaste arkivformaten, exempelvis zip, gzip, bzip2, rar och tar.gz.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/haikudepot.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/haikudepot.html
index 2e4f99d9..6fb3d5e9 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/haikudepot.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/haikudepot.html
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Andrew Lindesay
+ * Translators:
+ * Jorma Karvonen
@@ -77,13 +79,13 @@
-~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ - Cached icons, screenshots, descriptions etc.
+~/config/cache/HaikuDepot/ - Ikoner i cacheminne, skärmbilder, beskrivningar osv.
HaikuDepot is the central application when it comes to managing your software packages. With it you can browse and search through package repositories and install and uninstall packages. By default, HaikuDepot starts up with a list of "Featured packages", software that's deemed interesting to many users.
HaikuDepot är ett centralt program för att hantera dina programvara paketen. With it you can browse and search through package repositories and install and uninstall packages. By default, HaikuDepot starts up with a list of "Featured packages", software that's deemed interesting to many users.
The second tab shows All packages, the display changes to smaller icons and more information arranged in columns:
Like in any Tracker window, you can choose from a context menu which columns to display by right-clicking the column heading. A left-click sorts the list according to that column. Of course, you can rearrange the columns by dragging them to a new position.
The status column of a package can have one of several states:
The Date column shows when a packge was added or updated. Sort by this column to see what's new or updated at the top of the list.
The Status column of a package can have one of several states:
Active: The package is currently installed and ready to be used.
Available: The package exists in that repository and can be downloaded and installed. If there are any dependencies on other packages, you'll be informed of that while installing and get the choice of downloading/installing all that's necessary.
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ In the middle are user comments with their nickname, the number of stars they ga
In the HaikuDepot menu at the top of the window, you'll find an item to Refresh repositories. This will request an up-to-date list of all available packages from the repositories.
The second item is to Manage repositories.... It opens the Repositories preferences, to add/remove or disable and enable repositories. Check for updates... opens the SoftwareUpdater to search and install updated packages.
@@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ After you click Send the data is transmitted to the
Not directly from within the HaikuDepot application, but there is a way to keep track of new and updated packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
There is another way to keep track of new and updated packages besides sorting the Date column of the list of packages. For that, you need to create an RSS ATOM feed at the Haiku Depot Server website. Click the "hamburger" widget at the top right, and choose Build Feed URL under Data.
Most interesting of the few settings on that page: Besides getting a feed for all new/updated packages, you are also able to add just the names of the packages you're interested in. Click the Build Feed URL button and you get an RSS URL that you can paste into an RSS feed reader like BePodder, QuiteRSS, fRiSS etc.
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume.
-Upon launch it displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
The Installer is used to copy Haiku onto another volume. You can use it to clone your currently running Haiku - with all installed software and all data and settings. And of course you use it for the initial installation after booting from install CD or USB drive, see the online Installation Guide.
Upon launch Installer displays a start window with important information. It's not a mindless EULA you're used to click away in the blink of an eye, it states:
This is beta-quality software. Make backups or suffer the consequences!
The Installer needs a prepared partition. You can use DriveSetup to create and format a partition, but cannot yet resize existing partitions. For that you'll have to use a GParted LiveCD or a similar tool for now.
All commandline applications shipped with Haiku are in /boot/system/bin/. Your own or additionally installed commandline apps will appear in ~/config/bin/ when installed from a .hpkg package. Otherwise you can put them into ~/config/non-packaged/bin/. All these locations are part of the PATH variable and are therefore automatically found.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/magnify.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/magnify.html
index 79b22598..ad369649 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/magnify.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/magnify.html
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
Magnify shows an enlarged version of the area around your mouse pointer.
~/config/settings/Mail/ ~/config/settings/Mail/Menu Links/ - Objects put here appear in the mailbox' context menu ~/config/settings/Mail/signatures/ - Location to store signatures ~/config/settings/Mail/status/ - Location to store custom statuses
MediaPlayer is the default player for all audio and video files. Thanks to its ffmpeg backend, a plethora of widely used formats are supported. Its simple interface has all the controls you'd expect:
As the name suggests, MidiPlayer is used to playback MIDI music files. MIDI files are special, as they don't contain the actual digitized and in some way encoded music, but only a description of it: Hold this note for that long with this volume and use instrument X for it.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/packageinstaller.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/packageinstaller.html
index d153a011..659cace1 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/packageinstaller.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/packageinstaller.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Gerard Stanczak (Google Code-In student)
* Translators:
- * Victor Widell
* Jimmy Olsson
+ * Victor Widell
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
Finns ej i Deskbar. Startas normalt genom att dubbelklicka på en fil som stöds av programmet.
This page is currently only a first draft. Please check back later for a refined version.
Pe is a sophisticated editor, with its syntax highlighting targeted mainly at programmers and HTML writers. Originally created by Maarten Hekkelmann, it's been open sourced and maintained by Haiku developers. A bugtracker and more information is available at the Pe project page.
People is a simple contact database using the attributes of Haiku's filesystem to store addresses and other contact information. Every contact is saved as one Person file with its data in separate attributes. All are indexed and therefore searchable with a query.
PoorMan is a nice little webserver that's extremely easy to set up. Naturally it doesn't offer any advanced features like other heavy duty server software, it's after all only a poor man's webserver.
Finns ej i Deskbar. Startas normalt genom att dubbelklicka på en fil som stöds av programmet.
ShowImage allows you to view images in all formats that are supported through DataTranslators. New formats are automatically recognized when their translator is added to the system. This has been done for Haiku's vector icon files, WonderBrush images or when WebP images became available, for example.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/softwareupdater.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/softwareupdater.html
index 1fea7779..5b1d7573 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/softwareupdater.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/softwareupdater.html
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
@@ -63,9 +65,9 @@
SoftwareUpdater checks all active repositories (see the Repositories preferences) for updates to the installed packages, including system updates to Haiku itself. It downloads and installs the available updates in one go.
@@ -73,6 +75,18 @@
After launching, SoftwareUpdater checks for updates to packages and displays them in a list with their new version and a short description. You can opt to Show more details to include the name of the repository for each package and show both the old and new package versions.
Update now will start the download of all the packages and their subsequent installation.
Depending on the packages that were updated, you may have to reboot Haiku to actually complete the update process. Updated applications usually only need to be restarted, while changes to Haiku itself may require a reboot of the system to take effect.
Every time packages are updated, installed or uninstalled (either with SoftwareUpdater/HaikuDepot or in Terminal via pkgman), a new "state" is saved at /system/packages/administrative/. This makes it possible to boot into any past state from the Boot Options, making it easy to solve issues that may arise from having installed/updated a package that doesn't work as expected.
As these "state" folders hold copies of the updated/uninstalled packages, the "administrative" folder can grow quite significantly over time. Until there's an option for an automatic clean-up, it's a good idea to check the size of the "administrative" folder from time to time and remove the oldest states, that you probably won't have to boot into again.
It's rare but possible that an update to the latest Haiku revision ("hrev") introduced a regression you're not willing to live with. From the boot options menu you can load a former, working state (see Boot Loader - Troubleshooting). Find the last working state and boot into it.
To permanently downgrade to this revision, you have to point the 'Haiku' repository to that hrev. You find the current revision under "About Haiku" from the Deskbar. As example, to downgrade to hrev56231, open a Terminal and enter:
Note, that you're now stuck with that revision, Haiku won't get any new updates. You should report the regression and help to fix it, if you can. Once fixed - watch the commit logs - you can change back to the "current" repo with:
StyleEdit är Haikus enkla textredigerare. Fastän filer sparas som ren text, sparas även utökade attribut för att möjliggöra enklare formatering när de visas med StyleEdit.
~/config/settings/Terminal ~/config/settings/profile - adds/overrides defaults in /boot/system/settings/etc/profile ~/config/settings/inputrc - adds/overrides defaults in /boot/system/settings/etc/inputrc
@@ -95,13 +96,14 @@ Via Settings | Window title... the Terminal window's t
Most of the offered settings speak for themselves. Not entirely obvious though, the font size is set in the submenu of the Font popup menu.
Hover your mouse over the "formulas" for naming tab and window titles to get tooltips for the available variables.
-You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
+You can choose pre-defined color schema like Midnight or Retro or create a Custom one by selecting which Color you want to change (Text, Background, Cursor etc.) and then use the color picker below.
You can also configure "ANSI colors" with the Color menu. Those are the first 8 named colors in the color palette of terminal applications. You choose a color, for example "ANSI red color", and then adjust it with the color picker below. The effect is not visible unless you run a terminal application that makes use of that color. The exact colors used in various places are documented at Wikipedia.
A few more options follow: you can have a Blinking cursor and choose to Allow bold text. Use left Option as Meta key if you work with certain UNIX software that relies on accessing an extended portion of the ASCII character set, like e.g. GNU Emacs and the GNU readline library.
Activate the checkbox to Confirm exit if active programs exist and you'll be warned when trying to close a Terminal window while an app is still being executed.
Save to file...
let's you save different settings as separate profiles, which on double-click open an accordingly configured Terminal.
brings back the settings that were active when you opened the settings panel.
Spara i fil...
let's you save different settings as separate profiles, which on double-click open an accordingly configured Terminal.
brings back the settings that were active when you opened the settings panel.
resets everything to default values.
@@ -144,10 +146,10 @@ Both files can be created in the /boot/home/config/settings/<
Copy here
Copies the dragged file into the current working directory of the Terminal.
You can open any file with its preferred application with the command open [filename]. This also works with the representation of the current (".") and parent ("..") folder which then open in a Tracker window. So, to open the current working directory, you type:
open .
open .
If a command generates lots of output, things scroll by rapidly. Use a few of those commands and it gets difficult to scroll back and find the start of the last output. With Edit | Clear all or ALTL you can clear the scroll back buffer before issuing your command. Presto, a pristine empty scroll back buffer, you can just scroll back right to the top to catch the beginning of your output.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/textsearch.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/textsearch.html
index 6d223aea..3ec6dc83 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/textsearch.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/textsearch.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Victor Widell
* Jimmy Olsson
+ * Victor Widell
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
No entry, normally launched via Tracker Add-on
TextSearch looks for a string in text files. Typically it is invoked from Tracker's Add-on context menu on the selection of files or folders you want to search.
Dokumentation saknas fortfarande. Om du vill arbeta med den, anmäl dig i e-postlistan för dokumentation för att undvika dubbelarbete.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/vision.html b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/vision.html
index 29373ae8..9df61dd6 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/applications/vision.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/applications/vision.html
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Victor Widell
+ * Jorma Karvonen
* Jimmy Olsson
+ * Victor Widell
@@ -73,14 +74,14 @@
Vision is an IRC client originally developed for the BeOS. More documentation and a bug tracker are available at the Vision homepage.
You can find help from other Haiku users and developers on Haiku channels in various languages.
-The most frequented channel is the English speaking #haiku at irc.oftc.net.
Vision är en IRC-klient ursprungligen utvecklad för BeOS. Dokumentation och bugghanterare finns på Visions hemsida.
Du kan få hjälp från andra Haikuanvändare och -utvecklare på Haiku kanaler på olika språk.
+The mest välbesökta är den engelskspråkiga #haiku på irc.oftc.net.
Some advice, especially if you're new to IRC:
Search the web for "IRC etiquette" to learn about the do's and don'ts of chatting. Without much searching, I found Getting help on IRC by Christoph Haas to be quite helpful.
WonderBrush is an editor for bitmap and vector graphics. Find more information and workshops at the YellowBites website and in the local documentation.
Haiku's Boot Loader Options can help when you experience hardware related problems or want to choose which Haiku installation to start, if you have more than one (maybe on an installation CD or USB stick). It's also handy if you have installed a software component that acts up and prevents you from booting Haiku, see Troubleshooting below.
För att få fram valen i Boot Loader måste du tycka på, och fortsätta hålla ner tangenten SKIFT innan Haikus startprocess. Om du har en boot manager installerad kan du börja hålla ner SKIFT innan du väljer att starta Haiku. Om Haiku är det enda installerade operativsystemet på datorn kan du börja hålla ner tangenten när du fortfarande ser startmeddelanden från BIOS.
With some hardware, you'll have to make sure USB keyboards are enabled in the BIOS.
-On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to use the SPACEBAR instead of SHIFT.
Haiku's starthanterare kan hjälpa när du har hårdvarurelaterade problem eller vill välja vilken Haikuinstallation du vill starta, om du har mer än en (kanske på en installations-CD eller ett USB-minne). Det är också användbart efter att man installerat en mjukvarukomponent som krånglar och som hindrar dig från att starta systemet, se artikel om Felsökning.
För att få fram valen i starthanterare måste du trycka på, och fortsätta hålla ner tangenten SKIFT innan Haikus startprocess. Om du har en boot manager installerad kan du börja hålla ner SKIFT innan du väljer att starta Haiku. Om Haiku är det enda installerade operativsystemet på datorn kan du börja hålla ner tangenten när du fortfarande ser startmeddelanden från BIOS.
Med några hårdvaror, ska du säkerställa att tangentbordet via USB-porten är aktiverat i BIOS.
+Med datorer som använder UEFI för att starta i stället för den klassiska BIOS, måste du använda MELLANSLAG i stället för SKIFT.
Choose which Haiku installation/state to start (see Troubleshooting below).
Select safe mode options
There are several options to try in case of hardware related trouble or if the system becomes unstable or unbootable because of a misbehaving add-on. When moving the selection bar to an option, a short explanation appears at the bottom of the screen.
Select boot volume
Välj vilken Haikuinstallation/typvärde du vill starta (se artikel om Felsökning nedan).
Select safe mode options
Det finns flera alternativ att prova om det skulle uppstå hårdvarurelaterade problem eller systemet blir instabil eller hindrar dig att starta det eftersom någon tillägg bär sig dåligt. När du flyttar markeringen mellan alternativen dyker en kort förklaring upp längst ner på skärmen.
Safe mode
- Puts the system into safe mode. This can be enabled independently from the other options.
+ Detta sätter systemet i säkert läge. Detta kan inaktiveras till ett självständigt alternativ.
Disable user add-ons
- Prevents all user installed add-ons from being loaded. Only the add-ons in the system directory will be used. See Troubleshooting below.
+ Detta hindrar alla användarinställda tillägg att laddas ner. Bara de tillägg som lagras i systemkatalog skulle användas. Se artikel om Felsökning nedan.
Disable IDE DMA
- Disables IDE DMA, increasing IDE compatibility at the expense of performance.
+ Detta inaktiverar IDE DMA, detta ökar IDE-kompatibilitet på bekostnad av prestanda.
Ignore memory beyond 4 GiB
- Ignores all memory beyond the 4 GiB address limit, overriding the setting in the kernel settings file.
+ Detta ignorar alla minnesadresser ovanför 4 GiB-gränsen, åsidosätter sättningar i inställningsfiler för en kärna.
Use fail-safe graphics driver
- The system will use VESA mode and won't try to use any video graphics drivers.
+ Systemet vill använda VESA-läge och will inte prova att använda några andra skärmens grafikdrivrutiner.
Disable IO-APIC
- Disables using the IO APIC for interrupt routing, forcing the use of the legacy PIC instead.
+ Detta inaktiverar att använda IO APIC för avbrottsroutning, detta tvingar snarast för att använda en företagsägd PIC.
Disable local APIC
- Disables using the local APIC, also disables SMP.
+ Detta inaktiverar att använda lokal APIC, detta även inaktiverar SMP.
Disable X2APIC
- Disables second generation APIC.
+ Detta inaktiverar andra generationens APIC.
Disable SMEP and SMAP
- Disables SMEP/SMAP security features of the CPU.
+ Detta inaktiverar SMEP/SMAP-säkerhetskännetecken av kärnan.
Disable SMP
- Disables all but one CPU core.
+ Detta inaktiverar alla utom en processorkärna.
Don't call the BIOS
- Stops the system from calling BIOS functions.
+ Detta stoppar systemet att anropa BIOS-funktioner.
Disable APM
- Disables Advanced Power Management hardware support, overriding the APM setting in the kernel settings file.
+ Detta inaktiverar Advanced Power Management hårdvarastöd, ersätter APM-inställningar i inställningsfiler för en kärna.
Disable ACPI
- Disables Advanced Configuration and Power Interface hardware support, overriding the ACPI setting in the kernel settings file.
+ Detta inaktiverar Advanced Configuration och Power Interface hårdvarastöd, ersätter ACPI-inställningar i ställingsfiler för en kärna.
Disable system components
- Allows to select system files that shall be ignored. Useful e.g. to disable drivers temporarily. See Troubleshooting below.
Select debug options
Here you'll find several options that help with debugging or getting details for a bug report. Again, a short explanation for each option is displayed at the bottom.
+ Detta låter att välja systemfil som ska ignoreras. Nyttig exempelvis för att inaktivera divrutiner tillfälligt. Se artikel om Felsökning nedan.
Select debug options
Här hittar du flera alternativ som är användbara för felsökning eller för att få detaljer till en buggrapport. Som förut visas en kort förklaring för varje alternativ längst ner på skärmen.
Enable serial debug output
- Turns on forwarding the syslog output to the serial interface (default: 115200, 8N1).
+ Detta sätter på vidarebeforda syslog-utdata till seriellt gränssnitt (standard: 115200, 8N1).
Enable on screen debug output
- Display debug output on screen while the system is booting, instead of the normal boot logo.
+ Detta visar felsökningsutdata på skärmen under systemstarten, istället för den vanliga logon för starten.
Disable on screen paging
- Disables paging when on screen debug output is enabled.
+ Detta inaktiverar sidbrytning när vidarebefordan av utdatan på skärmen är aktiverad.
Enable debug syslog
- Enables a special in-memory syslog buffer for this session that the boot loader will be able to access after rebooting.
+ Detta aktiverar en speciell minneinbyggd syslog-buffert för denna session som starthanteraren vill ha åtkomst efter omstart.
Display current boot loader log
- Displays the debug info the boot loader has logged (press Q to exit the log)
+ Detta visar felsökningsinformation som starthanteraren har skrivit ut (tryck på Q för att lämna logg)
Add advanced debug option
- Allows advanced debugging options to be entered directly.
If Enable debug syslog is activated, a warm reboot after a crash shows these additional options:
+ Detta låter direkt skrivandet av felsökningsalternativ.
Om Enable debug syslog är aktiverad, varm omstart efter krasch visar vissa ytterliga alternativ:
Save syslog from previous session during boot
- Saves the syslog from the previous Haiku session to /var/log/previous_syslog when booting.
+ Detta lagrar syslog från föregående session under starten i /var/log/previous_syslog när starten pågår.
Display syslog from previous session
- Displays the syslog from the previous Haiku session.
+ Detta visar syslog från föregående Haiku session.
Save syslog from previous session
- Saves the syslog from the previous Haiku session to disk. Currently only FAT32 volumes are supported.
Select screen resolution
Lets you force a certain screen resolution and color depth.
+ Detta lagrar syslog från föregående Haiku session i skiva. För närvarande bara FAT32-volymer är stödd.
Select screen resolution
Låter dig att tvinga en viss skärmupplösning och färgdjup.
If Haiku refuses to boot on your hardware from the get-go, try out setting different options under Select safe mode options. Consider filing a bug report in any case.
On the other hand, if Haiku only suddenly acts up after you have installed some software, especially hardware drivers, you have several options to get Haiku bootable again so you can uninstall the offending package:
Om Haiku startar inte din hårdvara från första början, prova att inställa olika alternativ inom Select safe mode options. Tänk på fylla i en buggrapport i alla fall.
Å andra sidan, om Haiku bara plötsligt missköter sig efter du har installerat någon mjukvara, särkilt hårdvara drivrutiner, har du flera alternativ att göra Haiku bootbar igen så att du kan ta bort det kränkande paketet:
Activating Safe mode will prevent most servers, daemons and the UserBootscript from being started.
Activating Disable user add-ons will prevent using any add-ons (drivers, translators, etc.) you have installed in the user hierarchy under your Home folder.
If activating Use fail-safe graphics driver solves your troubles by falling back to VESA graphics, you can make the setting permanent by removing the # of the line #fail_safe_video_mode true in the text file /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Aktivering Safe mode vill hindra de flesta servrarna, bakgrundsprocesserna och UserBootscript för att starta.
Aktivering Disable user add-ons vill hindra att använda något tillägg (drivrutiner, översättare, osv.) som du har inställt i kataloghierarkin för användaren nedanför din Home-katalog.
Om aktivering av Use fail-safe graphics driver löser dina problem genom att komma tillbaka till VESA grafik, kan du göra inställningen permanent genom att ta bort # från radet #fail_safe_video_mode true i textfil /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel.
Om en kränkande drivrutin, tillägg osv. är inställd på en hierarki av systemet, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
Deskbar är den lilla panelen som som standard är placerad i det övre högra hörnet på skärmen. Det är Haiku's version av Windows aktivitetsfält med startknappen. Deskbar innehåller en meny från vilken du kan starta program och inställningar, ett verktygsfält med en klocka och längst ner en lista över de program som är aktiva.
You can move the Deskbar to any corner or as a bar along the upper or lower border of the screen by gripping the knobbly area on one side of the tray (see arrows above) and drag & drop it into the new position.
-You can also fold it into a more compact layout by drag & dropping the knobbly area onto Deskbar's Leaf menu. Being only the height of a regular window tab, even windows that take up the whole screen won't obscure the Deskbar tray with its clock and icons.
Du kan flytta Deskbar till vilket hörn som helst, eller placera det som en list överst eller underst på Skrivbordet. Du flyttar Deskbar genom att greppa vid den knottriga fältet bredvid verktygsfältet och sedan dra och släppa Deskbar på dess nya position.
+Du kan också fälla ihop Deskbar till en mer kompakt utformning genom att dra det knottriga fältet och släppa det på Deskbar's meny. Being only the height of a regular window tab, even windows that take up the whole screen won't obscure the Deskbar tray with its clock and icons.
By gripping the other knobbly widget of the tray, you can change the width of the Deskbar by dragging the mouse left or right:
A wider Deskbar allows for more icons in the tray on a single row. It also truncates longer application names in the list of running programs less often, especially if you use larger icons.
@@ -105,33 +106,34 @@ You can also fold it into a more compact layout by drag & dropping the knobb
The Deskbar preference panel is divided into three sections.
The following settings don't apply to your installed applications, but to the behavior and visuals of the list of running applications.
Sort running applications
Sorts the list of running programs alphabetically.
Tracker always first
Even if you sort alphabetically, the Tracker entry always stays first in the list.
Show application expander
Provides a small widget to show/hide all windows of a program directly under its entry in the Deskbar.
Expand new applications
Newly launched programs have their windows automatically expanded under their entry in the Deskbar.
Sortera aktiva program
Sorterar listan över aktiva program i alfabetisk ordning.
Visa Tracker först
Även om du sorterar efter alfabetet så kommer Tracker att vara först i listan.
Visa program-expanderare
Visar en pil som kan visa/gömma alla fönster som tillhör ett program.
Expandera nya program
Visar ett programs alla fönster vid start.
Hide application names
Removes the text labels of running applications.
Icon size
Adjusts the icon size of running applications.
While the first couple of menu items of the Deskbar are fixed, you can customized the ones below Shutdown....
-Here you can set the number of recent documents, folders and applications that are shown in their menu in the Deskbar, or if you want to see them at all.
-The button Edit in Tracker... opens the folder ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/. In it you'll find the files and folders that appear in the Deskbar, by default these are Applications, Demos, Deskbar applets, and Preferences.
-You can delete or add entries like links to applications, documents or even queries by simply copying/deleting them to/from this folder.
+Här kan du ange hur många senaste dokument, appar och program som skall visas i Deskbar's meny, eller om du inte vill se dom över huvud taget.
+Knappen Redigera meny... öppnar mappen ~/config/settings/deskbar/menu/. I den hittar du filerna och mapparna som syns i Deskbar; Program, Exempelprogram, Skrivbordsprogram, och Inställningar.
+Du kan ta bort eller lägga till länkar till program, dokument eller till och med sökningar genom att kopiera/ta bort dom från denna mapp.
Det är till och med enklare att dra en fil, mapp eller en sparad sökning och släppa den där du vill ha den i Deskbar.
Programs installed from a package automatically put an entry into the Deskbar. Depending on the number of packages you have installed, this can become a bit crowded. If you prefer to have total control, and only want to see applications you link there yourself (possibly in categorizing sub-folders), here's how to do it:
You create a link of the menu folder in ~/config/settings/deskbar/ and rename to menu_entries. From Terminal that is achieved with:
You can change to a specific running application by clicking on its entry in the Deskbar and choosing (one of) its windows from the submenu. By right-clicking you can Hide/Show all windows or Close all and with them the entire application.
Du kan växla till ett aktivt program genom att klicka på dess fält i Deskbar och i menyn välja (en av) dess fönster. Genom att höger-klicka kan du Gömma/Visa alla fönstren eller Stänga alla och med dem hela programmet.
A SHIFTCTRL click on an application hides all its windows, a CTRL click shows them again.
When using the "expander" setting to show all windows of an application, you can middle-click on a window or app to start a new instance. For example, middle-clicking a running StyledEdit will open a new document window.
Maybe more useful: while holding SHIFT, a middle-click on a window closes it. Handy when you'd like to close some of many open Tracker windows, for example.
@@ -158,9 +160,9 @@ Maybe more useful: while holding SHIFT, a middle-click
One or more LaunchBox applets can be started to organize shortcuts to your favorite applications or documents. You decide if each is shown on all or just the current workspace. They can also serve to quickly open a document in a specific application. For example, you could drag & drop a HTML file onto a text editor in a LaunchBox to open it in the editor instead of its preferred application, the browser.
NetworkStatus shows the status of your network connections. If not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
Wherever installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
PowerStatus shows information about the battery level, so it's only useful on mobile computers. If not yet running, launching the applet will ask if it should open in window mode or live in the Deskbar. In window mode you're able to resize the icon by resizing the window and use the Replicant handle to drag it to the Desktop.
Wherever installed, it's operated via a right-click context menu.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html b/userguide/sv_SE/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html
index 203e717b..68844a40 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/desktop-applets/processcontroller.html
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
* Maciej Bałuta (Google Code-In student)
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Victor Widell
* Jimmy Olsson
+ * Victor Widell
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
The primary task of the ProcessController applet is to show the activity of your CPU(s) and the amount of used memory. It allows monitoring of individual teams, change their priority, and kill them if the program freezes. In multiprocessor environments it allows you to disable individual processors/cores. When Tracker or Deskbar crash you can restart them from ProcessController's menu.
-~/config/settings/Workspaces_settings - Stores the panel's window position.
+~/config/settings/Workspaces_settings - Lagrar the panel's window position.
You find the Workspaces applet with the other Desktop applets in the Deskbar. It shows a miniature version of all workspaces. There are several options available from the context menu of the applet's window, which are all pretty self-explaining.
-Change workspace count... will open the Screen preferences where you set the number of workspaces and their arrangement (how many rows and columns).
Du kan hitta skrivbordsprogrammet Arbetsytor med andra Skrivbordsprogram i Deskbar. Det visar en miniatyrversion av alla arbetsytor. Det finns flera alternativ att välja från kontextmeny av skrivbordsprogramfönstret, som alla är rätt självförklarande.
+Ändra antalet arbetsytor... kommer att öppna Skärminställningar där du kan ange antalet arbetsytor och deras arrangemang (hur många rader och kolumner).
Since the applet is a Replicant, you can resize the window as desired and then drag & drop it by its handle onto the desktop (make sure Show replicants is activated in the Deskbar menu). Hold SHIFT while resizing to keep your screen's aspect ratio.
To move a window, you grab it in the Workspaces applet and simply drag it to another workspace. This has the advantage, that you can move it without leaving your current desktop. Of course, that only works well when there aren't too many windows in a workspace and your target isn't obscured by other windows. Another possibility is to grab a window by its tab and just holding on to it while switching workspaces with ALTFx.
For more information on workspaces in general and more keyboard shortcuts, see topic Workspaces.
Try this: Make the Workspaces window really big and hide the window tab and border. Now go to the Shortcuts preferences and assign CTRL^ to the Workspaces applet (/system/apps/Workspaces).
@@ -82,8 +84,8 @@ Now you can quickly summon the applet with a key combo and equally quickly dismi
Skrivbordsprogram Arbetsytor anskaffar några ytterligare funktionalitet när man klickar fönstret medan du håller nergtryckt vissa modifier keys:
Brings the window to the front.
Minimizes the window.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/filesystem-layout.html b/userguide/sv_SE/filesystem-layout.html
index d47e9892..7016b61b 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/filesystem-layout.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/filesystem-layout.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Deskbar »
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
~/config/settings/* - Every Translator creates its own settings file here after you've changes its defaults.
~/config/settings/* - Every Translator creates its own settings file here after you've changes its defaults. ~/config/settings/system/DataTranslations settings - Stores the panel's window position.
Every application has the ability to open and save every file format for which there's a Translator installed. The settings for these Translators are configured in the DataTranslations preferences.
Haiku provides a system that retrieves e-mail regularly via a Mail Service (also known as mail_daemon) and saves each mail as a single text file. It parses the mail and fills its attributes with all necessary header information, like from, to, subject and its unread status. Now it can be queried by you or any application. This system also makes switching e-mail clients easy as all the data and your configuration stays the same.
The configuration is done in the E-Mail preference panel.
Let's go through the process of setting up an e-mail account.
You start by clicking the Add button to create a new, unnamed account. This opens a panel where you fill in your account info:
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ See below for more info about the various settings and additional options.
By selecting the name of an account in the left list, you can change some general settings:
The Account name is the name that's shown for example in the list of accounts in the E-mail preferences. Real name is the name someone sees when she gets mail from you. Return address is the email address that is used when someone replies to your mail. Normally that is the same address you've sent your email from.
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ See below for more info about the various settings and additional options.
Click on Incoming under your account's name to set up how e-mails are received.
First is the Mail server address for incoming mails. If your provider needs you to log into a specific port, you add that to the address, separated by a colon. For example, pop.your-provider.org:1400.
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ See below for more info about the various settings and additional options.
Click on Outgoing under your account's name to set up how e-mails are sent.
First is the SMTP server address for outgoing mails. As with the incoming server before, you can use a specific port if needed, e.g. mail.your-provider.org:1200.
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ Currently there are three Incoming mail filters you ca
-Spam filter (AGMS Bayesian)
+Skräppostfilter (AGMS Bayesian)
The spam filter uses statistical methods to classify a mail as unwanted spam. It assigns a value between 0 and 1 to it and you can decide what are the limits for a genuine mail and what will be considered spam.
You can have that spam rating added to the start of the subject.
@@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ Also, the spam filter can learn from all incoming e-mail. Of course, you'll have
-Rule filter
This filter compares the mail header to a search pattern and performs some action according to the rules you set up.
With the first text field you specify which header to check against. These are available:
@@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ Rule filter
-New mails notification
+Ett nytt e-post meddelande
There are several ways you can choose to be notified of newly arrived email. Under Method you find a number of options that can be combined as well:
@@ -203,13 +205,13 @@ New mails notification
-Outgoing Mail Filters
+Utgående e-post filtren
At this moment, there's only one filter that deals with outgoing mail: fortune.
It will attach a randomly chosen funny or wise "fortune cookie" to the end of every mail before it's sent out. You can do a dry run by issuing the command fortune in a Terminal.
Now that your incoming and outgoing mail servers (and maybe some filters, too), are configured, you have to tell the Mail Service that does all the actual checking and fetching how to do its job.
Under Mail checking you configure the interval at which the account's mail server is probed for new mail.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/filetypes.html b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/filetypes.html
index 33502ff8..2297ca5f 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/filetypes.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/filetypes.html
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
+ * Humdinger
* deejam
@@ -66,9 +67,9 @@
~/config/settings/FileTypes settings
-~/config/settings/beos_mime/* - Lagrar alla MIME-typer som mappar.
~/config/settings/FileTypes settings
+~/config/settings/mime_db/* - Lagrar alla MIME-typer som mappar.
Set the repeat rate, and the delay until a held down key starts to repeat. You can test your settings in the text field at the bottom.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Keyboard preferences.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Keyboard preferences.
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
All settings are immediately applied.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
Översättningen av denna sida är inte komplett. Delar av innehållet kommer därför att visas på engelska.
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
Alla inställningarna börjar att gälla direkt.
återställer allt till standardinställningarna.
återställer inställningarna som de var när du startade Mus.
The Network preference is the one-stop panel to configure all available network devices and services. To the left is a collapsible list of your devices and services, the right has information or settings for the selected entry.
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/printers.html b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/printers.html
index 8fb246df..246d3b61 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/printers.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/printers.html
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
Dokumentation saknas fortfarande. Om du vill arbeta med den, anmäl dig i e-postlistan för dokumentation för att undvika dubbelarbete.
Repositories are collections of software packages. Set up by default, there's the Haiku repo with all of the operating system's packages and HaikuPorts, which provides a large number of ported and native Haiku software. There are several more repositories, curated by members of the Haiku community. Checkout Software Sites on the website.
This is the preference panel to manage your respositories (you can open it also from HaikuDepot'sTools menu):
The panel of the ScreenSaver preferences is split into two tabs:
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/shortcuts.html b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/shortcuts.html
index 65b6d572..71efae5d 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/shortcuts.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/shortcuts.html
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/sounds.html b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/sounds.html
index c5301ba3..423b5d56 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/sounds.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/sounds.html
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
+ * Jorma Karvonen
* Victor Widell
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
« Shortcuts
:: Inställningar
-:: Time »
+:: Tid »
@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ You can "pre-hear" an event's sound by selecting it and using the
« Shortcuts
:: Inställningar
-:: Time »
+:: Tid »
diff --git a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/time.html b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/time.html
index 5d87bd1f..9363da43 100644
--- a/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/time.html
+++ b/userguide/sv_SE/preferences/time.html
@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
+ * Jorma Karvonen
* Victor Widell
- Time
+ Tid
@@ -63,11 +64,11 @@
Översättningen av denna sida är inte komplett. Delar av innehållet kommer därför att visas på engelska.
~/config/settings/networktime settings - All the settings concerning synchronizing the time through the network
~/config/settings/networktime settings - All the settings concerning synchronizing the time through the network ~/config/settings/RTC_time_settings - The setting of the hardware clock (local or GMT) ~/config/settings/Time settings - The time zone setting ~/config/settings/Time_preflet_window - The panel's window position etc.
@@ -77,14 +78,14 @@
On the left side, you can set the day of the month by simply clicking on it in the calendar. You change the month and year by clicking on it and using the up/down arrows to the right or the cursor keys on your keyboard.
Similarly, you set the time at the right. Or simply move the hands of the clock directly.
Simply find and choose your country in the list of continents and press Set time zone. For countries with more than one time zone you'll have to expand one level deeper.
To the right you'll find the time of the currently set time zone and the preview time of the the zone you've chosen.
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ To the right you'll find the time of the currently set time zone and the preview
Setting date and time manually is pretty much obsolete if you're connected to the internet. There are public servers that supply very exact time signals.
With the +/- buttons you can add/remove NTP-servers to/from the list.
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ To the right you'll find the time of the currently set time zone and the preview
The last tab shows the options of the clock displayed in the Deskbar. You can disable the clock there completely with the top checkbox. The rest are equally self-explanatory.
Översättningen av denna sida är inte komplett. Delar av innehållet kommer därför att visas på engelska.
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
resets everything to default values.
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
Trackers inställningspanel finns även tillgänglig i Tracker-fönster via menyvalet Fönster > Inställningar....
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Dess funktioner beskrivs i kapitlet
Virtuellt minne låter systemet temporärt lägga ut data på hårddisken om RAM-minnet kan utnyttjas bättre till något annat. Så även om du har massor av RAM är det aldrig en dålig idé att avsätta virtuellt minne.
Normally, the swap file is written to the boot partition. If you're running low on free memory there, you can deactivate the Automatic swap management and choose another mounted partition from the popup menu. The swap file size is set with the slider below.
-If you often run into disk thrashing due to the virtual memory system swapping memory in and out, you can try to use a separate harddisk for you swap file to avoid I/O congestion. Simply another partition on the same harddisk with your system/data won't help. Upgrading your RAM is of course the most effective way to go...
Normalt lagras den temporära filen på din startpartition. If you're running low on free memory there, you can deactivate the Automatic swap management and choose another mounted partition from the popup menu. The swap file size is set with the slider below.
+Om du ofta råkar ut för att hårddisken rasslar långa stunder när systemet för virtuellt minne skriver och läser data kan du prova att använda en separat hårddisk till den temporära filen. Det räcker inte att bara använda en annan partition på samma hårddisk. Att uppgradera RAM-minnet är självklart den mest effektiva lösningen.
återställer allt till standardinställningarna.
ställer tillbaka inställningarna som de var när du startade intällningarna för VirtualMemory.
Översättningen av denna sida är inte komplett. Delar av innehållet kommer därför att visas på engelska.
Program kan installera tillägg som enkelt kan köras på urval av filer i Tracker. Endast de tillägg som kan hantera filtypen i urvalet av filer visas under Add-Ons i kontextmenyn och i Tracker-fönstrets File-meny. Vissa tillägg behöver inte nödvändigtvis någon fil och presenteras därför alltid i listan.
New Tracker add-ons that don't come as part of a regular .hpkg package, can be installed by copying them into their respective non-packaged folder (see topic Filesystem layout):
Ny Tracker-tillägg som inte fungerar som del av ordinarie .hpkg packning, kan installeras genom att kopiera dem till respektive icke-packade mappar (se artikel om Filsystemets mappstruktur):
för tillägg åt samtliga användare
för tillägg åt enskilda användare
för tillägg åt samtliga användare.
för tillägg åt enskilda användare.
The file name of an add-on can be suffixed with a dash and capital letter, and is then available via keyboard shortcut. For example, Open Target Folder-O opens with ALTOPTO.
-Of course, you have to take care of possible shortcut collisions when deciding on a shortcut. You can't have the same for different add-ons.
Ett tilläggs filnamn kan ges ett suffix bestående av streck och stor bokstav, vilket gör tillägget åtkomligt via ett snabbkommando. Till exempel kan man köra Open Target Folder-O genom att trycka ALTOPTO.
+Man måste förstås se upp när man väljer bokstav så att snabbkommandot inte kolliderar med ett annat tilläggs snabbkommando. Du kan inte använda samma snabbkommando till flera tillägg.
Workshop: Filetypes, Attributes, Index and Queries
Verkstad: Filtyper, Attributer, Index och Frågor
This is a workshop to show the use of Attributes, Queries, the Index and custom Filetypes. As an example, we build a database to keep track of our DVD library.
Let's first decide what filetype and attributes would serve our needs. Originally, I planned to use a bookmark file with a link to the movie's IMdB page, but since Haiku didn't have a "bookmarkable" browser like BeOS' NetPositive at that time, I came up with this: The file itself will be a JPEG image for the movie cover.
With WebPositive, Haiku now has a browser using bookmark files again, so you could as well use a bookmark file instead of an image as basic filetype for our database files.
In any case, to these files we add a couple of attributes. Here we have to decide if we want to query it later (then we have to add it to the index) and if so, what type of attribute it should be. Numbers (int, float) can be evaluated differently than text (</=/> vs. is/contains/starts with).
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ In any case, to these files we add a couple of attributes. Here we have to decid
Type name - Appears e.g. in the Attribute menu of Tracker windows and the "Kind" attribute of a file.
Type name - Appears e.g. in the"Attribute" menu of Tracker windows and the "Kind" attribute of a file.
Description - A bit more detailed description.
@@ -236,9 +238,9 @@ Open the folder containing your DVDdb files and arrange the attributes how you'd
Getting the networking to run is essential in today's need for permanent internet connection. As keeping up to date with all the different and ever changing hardware and drivers is quite impossible for a small project, Haiku relies on a FreeBSD compatibility layer for its networking drivers.
This ensures a massive amount of supported hardware, though probably not 100% of what's out there. See FreeBSD 13.0's release hardware notes for a list of supported models.
@@ -81,17 +83,18 @@ PCMCIA, CardBus, ExpressCard, USB and ISA devices still need more work to become
By default, Haiku will join the first unencrypted wireless network it finds after booting up. To connect to a specific network, you use the Desktop applet NetworkStatus.
Right-click on its icon in the Deskbar and choose the network's public name (which is the "SSID" it broadcasts) from the context menu.
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
Once it reads "Ready" and the NetworkStatus icon in the Deskbar shows a green round light, the connection is established. If the notifications end in "No link" and a yellow triangle, something went wrong, probably an incorrect password.
If you prefer to use the command line or would like to use scripting or the ~/config/settings/boot/UserBootscript to automate things to join a specific network on bootup, there's the command ifconfig.
Start a Terminal and enter the first line to scan for available wireless networks:
ifconfig /dev/net/iprowifi3945/0 scan
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ The output shows the public name (SSID), MAC address, signal strength and authen
All supported modern wireless hardware works out of the box and you don't have to download/install any additional firmware.
Only a few quite old chipsets (Intel 2100/2200/2225/2915, Broadcom 43xx, Marvell 88w8335) require binary firmware modules that Haiku cannot include due to licensing issues, though. To get these wireless cards to work, a simple script is included which will retrieve and install all of the needed proprietary bits for you.
Open a Terminal and type:
Öppna kommandotolken och skriv:
Now review the licenses and accept them to install all of the available firmware files.
Use fail-safe graphics driver seçeneği sorununuzu VESA grafik kipine dönerek çözdüyse bu seçeneği /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel dosyasında #fail_safe_video_mode true satırının başında bulunan # karakterini kaldırarak sürekli duruma getirebilirsiniz.
Soruna neden olan sürücü, eklenti vb. sistem hiyerarşisi içindeyse durum biraz daha çetrefilli olabilir; çünkü bu bölüm salt okunur olarak işlem görür. Bu noktada Disable system components seçeneği işe yarar. Bu seçenekle birlikte tüm sistem hiyerarşisi içinde dolanabilir ve soruna neden olan bileşeni SPACE veya RETURN düğmesine basarak devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. ESC düğmesi sizi bir düzey yukarıya götürür.
Select boot volume seçeneği altında hangi önceki Haiku "sürümünü" önyükleyeceğinizi seçebilirsiniz. Bir paketi her yüklediğinizde veya kaldırdığınızda eski durum kaydedilir ve önyükleyici içinde seçebileceğiniz girdilerden başlatacağınız durumu seçebilirsiniz.
-Yüklediğiniz bir paket Haiku'yu başlatmanıza engel oluyorsa yalnızca eski durumu başlatın ve sorun çıkaran paketi kaldırın.
Select boot volume seçeneği altında hangi önceki Haiku "sürümünü" önyükleyeceğinizi seçebilirsiniz. Bir paketi her yüklediğinizde veya kaldırdığınızda eski durum kaydedilir ve önyükleyici içinde seçebileceğiniz girdilerden başlatacağınız durumu seçebilirsiniz. Herhangi bir paketi yükledikten sonra önyükleme sorunlarıyla karşılaşırsanız önceki bir Haiku durumuna önyükleyin ve sorun çıkaran paketi kaldırın. Yazılım Güncelleyici konu başlığında anlatılan yöntemleri kullanarak kalıcı olarak belirli bir Haiku revizyonuna geri dönebilirsiniz.
@@ -166,10 +164,9 @@ Simgelerin her biri kabaca aşağıdaki önyükleme durumlarına denk gelirler:<
Yinenenler, uygulamaların başka uygulamalar içine entegre edilebilecek kısımlarıdır. Masaüstü Çubuğu'nda Yinelenenleri göster seçeneği etkinleştirildiğinde kullanılabilir uygulamaların sağ alt köşesinde el biçiminde ufak bir tutaç göreceksiniz:
Yinenenleri kullanabileceğiniz en belirgin ber Masaüstü'dür: Tutacı sürükleyip Masaüstü'ne bırakın. Bu andan itibaren bu uygulama Masaüstü'nün bir parçası olarak işlem görür ve uygulamayı yeniden açmanıza gerek kalmaz.
-Yinelenen üzerinde sağ tıklama kaynak uygulamanın Hakkında penceresini görebileceğiniz bir seçenek ve yineleneni kaldırabileceğiniz Yineleneni kaldır seçeneğini içerir.
+Yinelenen üzerinde sağ tıklama kaynak uygulamanın Hakkında penceresini görebileceğiniz bir seçenek ve yineleneni kaldırabileceğiniz Yineleneni kaldır seçeneğini içerir. Yinelenen'i kaldırmanın başka bir yolu da tutacı Çöp simgesine sürükleyip bırakmadır.
Yinelenen size sorun çıkartıyor ve onu kaldıramıyorsanız ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf dosyasını silin. Ancak bu seçenek tüm yinelenenleri Masaüstü'nden kaldıracaktır.
Bu sayfanın çevrilmesi henüz tamamlanmamıştır. Tamamlanana kadar henüz bitirilmeyen kısımlar İngilizce metni kullanır.
Masaüstü Çubuğu:
First you set your type of mouse: 1, 2 or 3 button mouse. You can simulate the 2nd (=right) mouse button by holding down CTRL while left-clicking. For the 3rd (=middle) mouse button, it's CTRLALT and a left-click.
You can rearrange the mouse buttons by clicking on them and choosing their new meaning from the pop-up menu.
With the sliders to the right, you adjust double-click speed, mouse speed and acceleration. The test area below the mouse graphics can be used to check if the double-click speed meets your taste: if double-clicking a word doesn't select it, it's set too fast (or you'll have to get used to clicking quicker...).
There are three Focus modes that determine how windows react to clicks:
Click to focus and raise
This is the default setting: you click a window and it gets focus and is raised to the top.
Click to focus
Clicking a window only gives it the focus, but won't raise it automatically. To do that, you'd have to either click on its title tab or border or click anywhere while holding the window management keysCTRLALT.
Focus follows mouse
The window under the mouse pointer automatically gets the focus. Actually raising it, is done as described in the Click to focus mode.
Activating Accept first click relieves you of having to first put the focus on an inactive window in order to trigger widgets like a button or menu. This bears the risk of unintentionally closing a window, for example, by accidentally hitting the close button when aiming for the window tab. On the other hand it speeds up your workflow considerably.
All settings are immediately applied.
Her şeyi öntanımlı değerlerine sıfırlar.
Eski haline döndür
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Mouse preferences.
Bu sayfanın çevrilmesi henüz tamamlanmamıştır. Tamamlanana kadar henüz bitirilmeyen kısımlar İngilizce metni kullanır.
Masaüstü Çubuğu:
This panel offers several touchpad related settings that are interesting when you're running on a notebook.
By dragging the red vertical or horizontal lines on the touchpad representation, you set the scroll area (slightly reddish against the gray general touch area). Moving your finger on that part of the pad will move the scrollbars of a window accordingly.
To the right are sliders to set the general scroll acceleration and the vertical and horizontal scrolling speed.
-The acceleration setting decides how much quicker a list scrolls by if you swish over the scroll area very fast. The scrolling speeds control the general speed when using the scroll area in a "normal" way.
Below the touchpad graphic are checkboxes to enable "Two finger scrolling" for vertical and horizontal scrolling. Move two fingers in parallel vertically or horizontally to move the scrollbars of a window. At least for me, it works best with one finger from the left and one from the right hand.
-If you feel comfortable using this feature, you can dispense with setting scroll areas and instead use the whole pad for normal navigation.
At the bottom is another slider to set the tap click sensitivity. If your taps keep getting ignored, increase the sensitivity. If the system registers clicks all the time, while all you want is to move the mouse pointer, try decreasing it.
Her şeyi öntanımlı değerlerine sıfırlar.
Eski haline döndür
brings back the settings that were active when you started the Touchpad preferences.
Here is a tip that's not related to the Touchpad preferences, but fits the general topic:
-Did you know that you can do a drag and drop just by using the touchpad, i.e. not using the buttons? Just do a double click without lifting the finger after the second click. The picked up icon will stick to the mouse pointer and you can drag it around by moving your finger. Lifting your finger will drop the icon.
If your finger reaches a border of the touchpad while dragging an icon, but the mouse pointer hasn't yet reached the screen edge, how can you keep on dragging your icon? As soon as you lift your finger, the icon would be dropped.
-Depending on your hardware, there's a nifty feature: just leave your finger without lifting at the touchpad edge. The mouse pointer will keep on moving on auto-pilot.
diff --git a/userguide/uk/bootloader.html b/userguide/uk/bootloader.html
index 3ed350b2..ab01cd4a 100644
--- a/userguide/uk/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/uk/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- Зміст
-:: Filesystem layout »
+ « Bash і написання скриптів
+:: Зміст
@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
-So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -169,10 +168,9 @@ So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku s
diff --git a/userguide/uk/deskbar.html b/userguide/uk/deskbar.html
index db1deed0..4e89b7fe 100644
--- a/userguide/uk/deskbar.html
+++ b/userguide/uk/deskbar.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+:: Панель задач - Deskbar »
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ All Favorites are kept in /boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/
Replicants are small self-contained parts of applications that can be integrated into other programs. Provided Deskbar's option to Show replicants is activated, you'll recognize a replicantable part of an application by its small handle, normally in the bottom right corner:
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
-A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
Should you experience difficulties with a Replicant on the Desktop and just can't get rid of it, delete ~/config/settings/Tracker/tracker_shelf. Unfortunately, this will remove all Replicants from the Desktop.
просторовий перехід рядками / стовпчиками доступних робочих місць. Додавання клавіші SHIFT дозволяє взяти активне вікно з собою.
утримання клавіші OPT при перетягуванні вікна на іншу вкладку або межу буде об'єднувати або розділяти їх (дивись розділ Графічний інтерфейс користувача (GUI)).
OPT↑ / ↓
зациклити відкриті вікна у поточному робочому місці.
OPT↑ / ↓
зациклити відкриті вікна у поточному робочому місці.
Спочатку треба встановити тип мишки: 1, 2 або 3 кнопкова. Ви можете моделювати другу (=праву) кнопку мишки утримуючи клавішу CTRL при кліканні лівою. Для третьої (=середньої), це буде утримання CTRLALT та клік лівою кнопкою мишки.
Ви можете перепризначити кнопки мишки, натиснувши на них і вибираючи їх нове значення у спливаючому меню.
За допомогою повзунків справа Ви регулюєте швидкість подвійного клікання, швидкість мишки та прискорення. Випробувальна зона нижче зображення мишки може бути використана для перевірки, чи швидкість подвійного клікання відповідає вашим смакам: якщо двоклік по слові не виділяє його, то вона занадто велика ( Вам доведеться звикати до швидшого натискування...
Існує три Режими фокусу (Focus modes) що визначають реакцію вікна на клік:
Натиснути для фокусу та підняти (Click to focus and raise)
Це типове налаштування: Ви клікаєте по вікну, фокусуєтесь на ньому та перетягуєте його на перед.
Натиснути для фокусу (Click to focus)
Клікання по вікну тільки дає йому фокус, але не піднімає автоматично. Щоб зробити це Ви маєте або клінути по заголовку вікна чи межі або клікнути будь-де утримуючи клавіші обслуговування вікнаCTRLALT.
Фокус перслідує мишку (Focus follows mouse)
Вікно під курсором миші автоматично отримує фокус. Насправді це підняття робиться так само як у режимі Натиснути для фокусу (Click to focus).
Активація пункту Прийняти перший клік (Accept first click) позбавляє Вас можливості фокусування на неактивному вікні при виклику віджетів, таких як кнопки або меню. Це несе ризик несподіваного закриття вікна, наприклад, випадково зупинивши курсор на кнопці закриття при наведенні на вкладку вікна. З іншого боку, це значно прискорює робочий процес.
Всі налаштування застосовуються негайно.
Типово (Defaults)
Скинути всі налаштування до типових значень.
Повернути (Revert)
повертає налаштування які були активні до запуску панелі настройок мишки.
Дана панель надає кілька параметрів, пов'язаних з сенсорною панеллю, які цікаві, коли ви працюєте на ноутбуці.
Переміщаючи червоні вертикальні або горизонтальні лінії на зображенні сенсорної панелі, ви встановлюєте область прокрутки (злегка червонуватий проти сірої загальної площі торкання). Переміщення пальця на цю частину майданчика перемістить відповідно смуги прокрутки вікна.
Справа знаходяться повзунки для встановлення загального прискорення прокрутки і вертикальної та горизонтальної її швидкості.
-Налаштування прискорення визначає, наскільки швидко список прокручуватиметься якщо ви розмахуєте над областю прокрутки дуже швидко. Швидкості прокручування керують загальною швидкістю при використанні області прокрутки у звиклому порядку.
Під зображенням тачпаду є прапорці, щоб включити "Двохпальцеву" вертикальну та горизонтальну прокрутки. Переміщуйте два пальця паралельно вертикально або горизонтально, щоб перемістити смуги прокрутки вікна. Для мене принаймні, це працює краще, ніж переміщувати один палець зліва один справа.
-При комфортному відчутті, використовуючи цю функцію, ви можете обійтися без встановлення областей прокрутки і замість того використовувати весь майданчик для нормальної навігації.
У нижній частині знаходиться ще один повзунок, щоб встановити чутливість зони клікання. Якщо ваша зона продовжує ігнорувати клікання, підвищіть чутливість. Якщо система реєструє кліки постійно, в той час як всі ви хочете перемістити курсор мишки, спробуйте зменшити її.
Типово (Defaults)
Скинути всі налаштування до типових значень.
Повернути (Revert)
повертає назад всі налаштування, які існували до запуску Налаштувань Тачпаду.
Ось порада, яка не має відношення до налаштування тачпаду, але вкладається в загальну тему:
-Чи знаєте ви, що ви можете зробити перетягування тільки за допомогою сенсорної панелі, тобто без допомоги кнопок? Просто зробіть подвійне клацання, не піднімаючи палець після другого клацання. Захопіть іконку курсором і Ви зможете тягнути її за курсором, якщо палець підняти, то курсор відпустить іконку.
Якщо ваш палець досягає межі сенсорної панелі при переміщенні значка, але покажчик миші ще не досяг краю екрану, як можна продовжити перетягування іконки? При підніманні пальця іконка буде відпущена.
-Залежно від вашого обладнання, є відмінна особливість: якщо просто залишити свій палець, не піднімаючи, на краю сенсорної панелі, курсор мишки продовжить свій рух на "автопілоті".
diff --git a/userguide/zh_CN/bootloader.html b/userguide/zh_CN/bootloader.html
index 8ddf9cc4..7ab70d6f 100644
--- a/userguide/zh_CN/bootloader.html
+++ b/userguide/zh_CN/bootloader.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- 内容
-:: 文件系统布局 »
+ « Bash 和脚本
+:: 内容
@@ -145,8 +144,8 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
如果激活 Use fail-safe graphics driver 通过回退到 VESA 显卡模式解决了您的问题,您可以通过在 /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel 文本文件中移除 #fail_safe_video_mode true 之前的 # 注释符永久的解决该问题。
If the offending driver, add-on etc. is installed in the system hierarchy, things get a bit more complicated, because that area is read-only. Here, the Disable system components comes into play. With it, you can navigate through the whole system hierarchy and disable the component that's messing things up for you by checking an entry with the SPACE or RETURN key. ESC returns you up one level to the parent directory.
Under Select boot volume you can specify what former "version" of Haiku to boot. Every time you un/install a package, the old state is saved and you can boot into it by choosing it from the list presented in the boot loader options.
+So, if you encounter boot problems after installing some package, boot a Haiku state from before that time and uninstall the offending package. You can permanently revert to a specific Haiku revision as described in the topic SoftwareUpdater.
@@ -171,10 +170,9 @@ On computers that use UEFI for booting instead of the classic BIOS, you need to
Replicants 是可以集成到其他软件的应用程序中小的独立部分。假如桌面栏的 Show Replicants 是激活的,您将能够通过应用程序的小控件看到它的可复制部分,控件通常处于窗体的右下角:
接受复制体最突出的地方是桌面:您可以直接将小控件拖到其上。而且从此,它将成为桌面的一部分, 不需要复制体的原程序也可以进行工作。
-右键点击复制体的小控件将会显示一个右键菜单,用于显示原程序的 About 窗体和 Remove Replicant。
The most prominent place that accepts Replicants is the Desktop: You simply drag & drop the little handle onto it. From now on it's part of the Desktop and the Replicant's originating app doesn't have to be started for it to work.
+A right-click on a Replicant handle offers a context menu to show the originating app's About window and to Remove replicant. Another way to remove a replicant from the Desktop is to simply drag & drop it onto the Trash icon.
A window opens where you enter the type of authentication (probably WPA/WPA2, WEP is not a secure encryption anymore!) and the password for that wireless network. Tick the checkbox below to Store this configuration so you don't have to enter all the information again next time you connect to this network.
+Click OK to start the login process. Depending on your hardware and network configuration this may take a while. You'll be kept informed of the progress by notifications:
当其状态显示为 "Ready" 时,桌面栏中的网络状态显示为圆浅绿色,网络连接也已建立。。如果通知显示为 "No link" ,网络状态图标将会显示为三角黄色,这也就意味着网络连接出现错误,有可能是密码错误。
diff --git a/welcome/ca/bugreports.html b/welcome/ca/bugreports.html
index b9364369..3a4df67e 100644
--- a/welcome/ca/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/ca/bugreports.html
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
diff --git a/welcome/en/bugreports.html b/welcome/en/bugreports.html
index a3db63e5..f202e68a 100644
--- a/welcome/en/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/en/bugreports.html
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
diff --git a/welcome/eo/bugreports.html b/welcome/eo/bugreports.html
index 1a2a7233..f25d7a14 100644
--- a/welcome/eo/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/eo/bugreports.html
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
Vaikka Haiku jakaa muiden käyttöjärjestemien monia ajatuksia, siinä on joillakin alueilla ainutlaatuisia ominaisuuksia, jotka on hyvä mainita. Muutamalla kalvolla opit tärkeimmistä Haiku-ominaisuuksista ja erikoisuuksista, jotka helpottavat nopeaa käyttöäsi.
For each topic you can find a box with links for "further reading" that point to additional resources, like related topics in the Userguide.
Jokaista aihetta varten voit löytää laatikon, joka sisältää linkin "lisälukemista", joka osoittaa lisäresursseihin, kuten asiaan liittyiin kohtiin Käyttäjäopas.
diff --git a/welcome/fr/bugreports.html b/welcome/fr/bugreports.html
index 9afc44bd..513cff56 100644
--- a/welcome/fr/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/fr/bugreports.html
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
* Humdinger
* Translators:
* Humdinger
+ * Vincent Duvert
* Loïc
* Máximo Castañeda
* roptat
- * Vincent Duvert
diff --git a/welcome/fur/bugreports.html b/welcome/fur/bugreports.html
index d862d3c0..ee2cbda2 100644
--- a/welcome/fur/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/fur/bugreports.html
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
diff --git a/welcome/hu/bugreports.html b/welcome/hu/bugreports.html
index b3456ebe..992bdcd9 100644
--- a/welcome/hu/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/hu/bugreports.html
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
* http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/ and http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/ReportingBugs
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Dancsó Róbert
* Humdinger
+ * Dancsó Róbert
diff --git a/welcome/id/bugreports.html b/welcome/id/bugreports.html
index 15de0864..87e05052 100644
--- a/welcome/id/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/id/bugreports.html
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/ca.png b/welcome/images/flags/ca.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 775f4f25..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/ca.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/de.png b/welcome/images/flags/de.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ef1aea..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/de.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/eo.png b/welcome/images/flags/eo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 95117cec..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/eo.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/es.png b/welcome/images/flags/es.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ef65e1..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/es.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/fi.png b/welcome/images/flags/fi.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 113e179a..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/fi.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/fr.png b/welcome/images/flags/fr.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c9c5950..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/fr.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/fur.png b/welcome/images/flags/fur.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 391b215f..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/fur.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/gb.png b/welcome/images/flags/gb.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 95117cec..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/gb.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/hu.png b/welcome/images/flags/hu.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ddb72d9..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/hu.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/id.png b/welcome/images/flags/id.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a9b51ca..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/id.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/it.png b/welcome/images/flags/it.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b8aafe0a..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/it.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/jp.png b/welcome/images/flags/jp.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fe284a40..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/jp.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/pl.png b/welcome/images/flags/pl.png
deleted file mode 100644
index debe359e..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/pl.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/pt_BR.png b/welcome/images/flags/pt_BR.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c6ee03..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/pt_BR.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/pt_PT.png b/welcome/images/flags/pt_PT.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 28ee2053..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/pt_PT.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/ro.png b/welcome/images/flags/ro.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7778d2..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/ro.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/ru.png b/welcome/images/flags/ru.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c5ddb7..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/ru.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/sk.png b/welcome/images/flags/sk.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7335d77a..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/sk.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/sv_SE.png b/welcome/images/flags/sv_SE.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f016654..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/sv_SE.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/tr.png b/welcome/images/flags/tr.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 38a41f1a..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/tr.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/uk.png b/welcome/images/flags/uk.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 7143306f..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/uk.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/images/flags/zh_CN.png b/welcome/images/flags/zh_CN.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d8c89054..00000000
Binary files a/welcome/images/flags/zh_CN.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/welcome/it/bugreports.html b/welcome/it/bugreports.html
index e92c0655..01a2acbd 100644
--- a/welcome/it/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/it/bugreports.html
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
diff --git a/welcome/it/quicktour.html b/welcome/it/quicktour.html
index d9514868..2c7eea07 100644
--- a/welcome/it/quicktour.html
+++ b/welcome/it/quicktour.html
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
* Authors:
* Humdinger
* Translators:
- * Máximo Castañeda
* Gabriele
+ * Máximo Castañeda
diff --git a/welcome/pt_BR/bugreports.html b/welcome/pt_BR/bugreports.html
index 7caf1e66..63ec328d 100644
--- a/welcome/pt_BR/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/pt_BR/bugreports.html
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
* Humdinger
* Translators:
* Humdinger
- * Máximo Castañeda
* Adriano Duarte
+ * Máximo Castañeda
* tiagoms
diff --git a/welcome/pt_PT/bugreports.html b/welcome/pt_PT/bugreports.html
index d249fa2c..09f6f025 100644
--- a/welcome/pt_PT/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/pt_PT/bugreports.html
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
Since our developers are unable to test every hardware combination, nor every different way of interacting with the operating system, we are relying on users to give us some input on how things work at their end. Since Haiku is still quite young, it's very likely that you will encounter bugs. We thank you for taking the time to report these. Together we can improve Haiku, bit by bit.
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
diff --git a/welcome/tr/bugreports.html b/welcome/tr/bugreports.html
index 2ff05693..08644d11 100644
--- a/welcome/tr/bugreports.html
+++ b/welcome/tr/bugreports.html
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines ne
- listdev
A detailed listing of your hardware, including vendor and pci id's, similar to Linux' lshw and lspci.
- listusb -v
Assuming its a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- listusb -v
Assuming it's a USB related issue, similar to lsusb.
- open /var/log/syslog
The primary system log used by Haiku, see Syslog above, akin to on screen debugging during boot. With the open command you can crop down the relevant part of the syslog in a text editor.
- listimage | grep drivers/
Lists all used drivers.
- usb_hid_report
In case of USB input devices, add the /tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin file.
If you haven't already, our online Installation Guide explains how to prepare a partition and install Haiku on your harddrive.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
+For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
-For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the Locale and Keymap preferences.
+The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.
If you haven't already, our online Installation Guide explains how to prepare a partition and install Haiku on your harddrive.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
+For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
-For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the Locale and Keymap preferences.
+The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the Locale and Keymap preferences.
+The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.
If you haven't already, our online Installation Guide explains how to prepare a partition and install Haiku on your harddrive.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
+For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
-For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the Locale and Keymap preferences.
+The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.
If you haven't already, our online Installation Guide explains how to prepare a partition and install Haiku on your harddrive.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
+For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application SoftwareUpdater. When it's finished, reboot.
-For more details, see the guide Updating and downgrading your system on our website.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the Locale and Keymap preferences.
+The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.
Haiku, iki düzineden fazla dile çevrilmiştir ve çok sayıda klavye dizilimi için destek içerir. Haiku'yu ilk kez önyüklerken dili ve klavye dizilimini seçebilirsiniz. Bu seçenekler daha sonra istediğiniz bir zaman Yerelleştirme ve Klavye Dizilimi tercihlerinden değiştirilebilir.
+Eğer gereksiniminiz varsa HaikuDepot uygulamasından Çince, Japonca ve Korece için giriş yöntemleri yükleyebilirsiniz.
Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the Locale and Keymap preferences.
+The HaikuDepot application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.