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Barra de escritorio:Aplicaciones

SoftwareUpdater revisa todos los repositorios activos (vea las Preferencias de Repositorios) para actualizaciones a paquetes instalados, incluyendo actualizaciones de sistema en el propio Haiku. Descarga e instala las actualizaciones disponibles de una vez.

SoftwareUpdater's main window

Luego de iniciarlo, SoftwareUpdater revisa por actualizaciones a paquetes y los muestra en una lista con su nueva versión y una descripción corta. Puede optar a Mostrar más detalles para incluir el nombre del repositorio para cada paquete y mostrar tanto la versión de paquete anterior y la nueva.

Actualizar ahora iniciará la descarga de todos los paquetes y su instalación subsiguiente.

Dependiendo de los paquetes que fueron actualizados, puede que deba reiniciar Haiku para completar el proceso de actualización. Las aplicaciones actualizadas normalmente sólo requieren ser reiniciadas, mientras que los cambios al propio Haiku pueden requerir reiniciar todo el sistema para que tomen efecto.

Every time packages are updated, installed or uninstalled (either with SoftwareUpdater/HaikuDepot or in Terminal via pkgman), a new "state" is saved at /system/packages/administrative/. This makes it possible to boot into any past state from the Boot Options, making it easy to solve issues that may arise from having installed/updated a package that doesn't work as expected.

As these "state" folders hold copies of the updated/uninstalled packages, the "administrative" folder can grow quite significantly over time. Until there's an option for an automatic clean-up, it's a good idea to check the size of the "administrative" folder from time to time and remove the oldest states, that you probably won't have to boot into again.

Downgrading to a previous Haiku revision

It's rare but possible that an update to the latest Haiku revision ("hrev") introduced a regression you're not willing to live with. From the boot options menu you can load a former, working state (see Boot Loader - Troubleshooting). Find the last working state and boot into it.

To permanently downgrade to this revision, you have to point the 'Haiku' repository to that hrev. You find the current revision under "About Haiku" from the Deskbar. As example, to downgrade to hrev56231, open a Terminal and enter:

pkgman add$(getarch)/r1~beta3_hrev56231
pkgman full-sync

Note, that you're now stuck with that revision, Haiku won't get any new updates. You should report the regression and help to fix it, if you can. Once fixed - watch the commit logs - you can change back to the "current" repo with:

pkgman add$(getarch)/current
pkgman full-sync