402 lines
12 KiB
402 lines
12 KiB
// Main background colors:
r = 206 : g = 226 : b = 236
// Open main window:
window open 100, 250 to 600, 650, "MainView", "Loop-World"
window set "MainView", "flags","not-zoomable"
window set "MainView", "minimumto",500,400
window set "MainView", "maximumto",500,400
draw set "bgcolor", r, g, b, "MainView"
draw set "lowcolor", r-75, g-75, b-75, "MainView"
draw line 10, 365 to 490, 365, "MainView"
draw set "lowcolor", r+40, g+40, b+40, "MainView"
draw line 10, 366 to 490, 366, "MainView"
draw set "lowcolor", r, g, b, "MainView"
draw set "Swis721 BT, Bold, 14", "MainView"
draw text 10, 20, "Loop-World", "MainView"
draw text 200, 20, "Sourcecode:", "MainView"
// make views inside the main window:
view 0, 30 to 190, 360, "ExplainView", "MainView"
draw set "bgcolor", r, g, b, "ExplainView"
draw set "Swis721 BT, Roman, 10", "ExplainView"
view 200, 30 to 490, 360, "SourceView", "MainView"
draw set "bgcolor", r+39, g+39, b+39, "SourceView"
draw set "Swis721 BT, Roman, 10", "SourceView"
//draw text 10, 265, "Choose a kind of loop:", "MainView"
button 10, 370 to 60, 390, "For_Loop_", "for/next", "MainView"
button 65, 370 to 115, 390, "While_Loop_", "while", "MainView"
button 120, 370 to 170, 390, "Do_Loop_", "do/loop", "MainView"
button 175, 370 to 225, 390, "Sub_Loop_", "sub m(n)", "MainView"
button 230, 370 to 280, 390, "Other_Loop_", "Other", "MainView"
//button 285, 370 to 335, 390, "None_", "None", "MainView"
button 345, 370 to 395, 390, "None_", "Back", "MainView"
button 405, 370 to 490, 390, "Exec_", "Execute", "MainView"
dim SourceLine$(20)
// mainloop of the program:
dim cmd$(1)
inloop = true
while (inloop)
msg$ = message$
if (split(msg$, cmd$(), ":|") > 2) item$ = cmd$(2)
if (msg$ <> "") print msg$
switch msg$
case "For_Loop_|"
if (CurrentSource$ = "For_Loop") break
case "While_Loop_|"
if (CurrentSource$ = "While_Loop") break
case "Do_Loop_|"
if (CurrentSource$ = "Do_Loop") break
case "Sub_Loop_|"
if (CurrentSource$ = "Sub_Loop") break
case "Other_Loop_|"
if (CurrentSource$ = "Other_Loop") break
case "None_|"
if (CurrentSource$ = "none") break
case "Exec_|"
if (DemoWin = true) break
if (CurrentSource$ = "none") break
case "Quit_|"
case "MainView:_QuitRequested|"
inloop = false
end switch
sleep 0.01
sub ShowSource(CurrSource$)
CurrentSource$ = CurrSource$
draw flush "SourceView"
draw flush "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 10, "#!yab", "SourceView"
draw text 5, 35, "window open 100, 100 to 200, 200, ''MainView'', ''Loop''", "SourceView"
draw text 5, 50, "window set ''MainView'', ''minimumto'',100,100", "SourceView"
draw text 5, 65, "window set ''MainView'', ''maximumto'',100,100", "SourceView"
if (CurrSource$ = "none") then
draw text 5, 10, "Welcome to LoopWorld!", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 35, "This program will show you the different", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 50, "kinds of loops in yab.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 75, "On the left you see the sourcecode", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 90, "that is used in the examples.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 105, "Please see GUI-World(2), if you want to", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 120, "know more about that code, as I won't", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 135, "explain that here in Loop-World.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 160, "Each loop will run about 10 seconds", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 175, "and show its loop number and its", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 190, "name in the window.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 205, "Therefore I will simply execute the", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 220, "whole sourcecode shown right.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 245, "Select the loop you want to know more", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 260, "about with the buttons down right.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 285, "Note: While each loop is running", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 300, "this main window will be blocked !", "ExplainView"
z = 1
SourceLine$(1) = "// the loop will appear here."
if (CurrSource$ = "For_Loop") then
draw text 5, 10, "The 'for next' loop.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 35, "The 'for next' loop works in a defined", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 50, "range that must be set.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 75, "This loop is counting the range from", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 90, "the first to the last number.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 105, "For each count it puts the number into", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 120, "the given variable and executes the lines", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 135, "down to 'next'.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 160, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 175, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 190, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 205, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 220, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 245, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 260, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 285, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 300, "", "ExplainView"
z = 7
SourceLine$(0) = ""
SourceLine$(1) = "for n = 1 to 10"
SourceLine$(2) = " draw flush ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(3) = " draw text 50, 50, str$(n), ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(4) = " draw text 10, 90, ''For_Loop'', ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(5) = " sleep 1"
SourceLine$(6) = "next n"
SourceLine$(7) = "exit"
if (CurrSource$ = "While_Loop") then
draw text 5, 10, "The 'while wend' loop.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 35, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 50, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 75, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 90, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 105, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 120, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 135, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 160, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 175, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 190, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 205, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 220, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 245, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 260, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 285, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 300, "", "ExplainView"
z = 9
SourceLine$(0) = ""
SourceLine$(1) = "n = 1"
SourceLine$(2) = "while (n < 11)"
SourceLine$(3) = " draw flush ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(4) = " draw text 50, 50, str$(n), ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(5) = " draw text 10, 90, ''While_Loop'', ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(6) = " n = n+1"
SourceLine$(7) = " sleep 1"
SourceLine$(8) = "wend"
SourceLine$(9) = "exit"
if (CurrSource$ = "Do_Loop") then
draw text 5, 10, "The 'do loop' loop", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 35, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 50, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 75, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 90, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 105, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 120, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 135, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 160, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 175, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 190, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 205, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 220, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 245, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 260, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 285, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 300, "", "ExplainView"
z = 8
SourceLine$(0) = ""
SourceLine$(1) = "do"
SourceLine$(2) = " n = n+1"
SourceLine$(3) = " draw flush ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(4) = " draw text 50, 50, str$(n), ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(5) = " draw text 10, 90, ''Do_Loop'', ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(6) = " sleep 1"
SourceLine$(7) = "loop"
SourceLine$(8) = "exit"
if (CurrSource$ = "Sub_Loop") then
draw text 5, 10, "The 'sub' loop.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 35, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 50, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 75, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 90, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 105, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 120, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 135, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 160, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 175, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 190, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 205, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 220, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 245, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 260, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 285, "", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 300, "", "ExplainView"
z = 13
SourceLine$(0) = ""
SourceLine$(1) = "Counter(n)"
SourceLine$(2) = ""
SourceLine$(3) = "sub Counter(n)"
SourceLine$(4) = " if (n < 11) then"
SourceLine$(5) = " draw flush ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(6) = " draw text 50, 50, str$(n), ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(7) = " draw text 10, 90, ''Sub_Loop'', ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(8) = " sleep 1"
SourceLine$(9) = " Counter(n+1)"
SourceLine$(10) = " fi"
SourceLine$(11) = " return"
SourceLine$(12) = "end sub"
SourceLine$(13) = "exit"
if (CurrSource$ = "Other_Loop") then
draw text 5, 10, "Other loops!", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 35, "There are no other loops known", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 50, "or known to be described.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 75, "If there is one it could be entered", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 90, "very easily.", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 105, "Just see the source, yabman! ;-)", "ExplainView"
z = 2
SourceLine$(0) = ""
SourceLine$(1) = "// there is no other loop, my friend."
SourceLine$(2) = "exit"
for s = 0 to z
draw text 5, 80+s*15, SourceLine$(s), "SourceView"
next s
end sub
sub ExecSource(ExecLoop$)
DemoWin = true
window open 100, 100 to 200, 200, "DemoView", "Loop"
window set "DemoView", "minimumto", 100, 100
window set "DemoView", "maximumto", 100, 100
if (ExecLoop$ = "For_Loop") then
for n = 1 to 10
draw flush "DemoView"
draw text 50, 50, str$(n), "DemoView"
draw text 10, 90, ExecLoop$, "DemoView"
sleep 1
next n
window close "DemoView"
if (ExecLoop$ = "While_Loop") then
n = 1
while (n < 11)
draw flush "DemoView"
draw text 50, 50, str$(n), "DemoView"
draw text 10, 90, ExecLoop$, "DemoView"
sleep 1
n = n+1
window close "DemoView"
if (ExecLoop$ = "Do_Loop") then
n = 0
msg$ = message$
if (msg$ = "QuitDemo_|") break
n = n+1
draw flush "DemoView"
draw text 50, 50, str$(n), "DemoView"
draw text 10, 90, ExecLoop$, "DemoView"
if (n = 11) then
draw text 5, 100, "You see that this loop won't be ended", "ExplainView"
draw text 5, 115, "by itself.", "ExplainView"
if (n = 13) draw text 5, 130, "For this, we need a Quit-button!", "ExplainView"
if (n = 15) then
draw flush "SourceView"
draw text 5, 10, "#!yab", "SourceView"
draw text 5, 35, "window open 100, 100 to 200, 200, ''MainView'', ''Loop''", "SourceView"
draw text 5, 50, "window set ''MainView'', ''minimumto'',100,100", "SourceView"
draw text 5, 65, "window set ''MainView'', ''maximumto'',100,100''", "SourceView"
SourceLine$(0) = "button 30, 70 to 90, 90, ''Quit_'', ''Quit'', ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(1) = ""
SourceLine$(2) = "do"
SourceLine$(3) = " msg$ = message$"
SourceLine$(4) = " if (msg$ = ''Quit_'') break"
SourceLine$(5) = " n = n+1"
SourceLine$(6) = " draw flush ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(7) = " draw text 50, 50, str$(n), ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(8) = " draw text 10, 90, ''Do_Loop'', ''MainView''"
SourceLine$(9) = " sleep 1"
SourceLine$(10) = "loop"
SourceLine$(11) = "exit"
for s = 0 to 11
draw text 5, 80+s*15, SourceLine$(s), "SourceView"
next s
button 10, 10 to 90, 30, "QuitDemo_", "Quit", "DemoView"
draw text 5, 145, "Press the Quit button to exit that loop.", "ExplainView"
sleep 1
window close "DemoView"
if (ExecLoop$ = "Sub_Loop") then
window close "DemoView"
if (ExecLoop$ = "Other_Loop") then
sleep 0.1
window close "DemoView"
msg$ = ""
DemoWin = false
end sub
sub Counter(n)
if (n < 11) then
draw flush "DemoView"
draw text 50, 50, str$(n), "DemoView"
draw text 10, 90, "Sub_Loop", "DemoView"
sleep 1
end sub