445 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Set Backgroundcolors as variables.
bgr = 216 : bgg = 216 : bgb = 226
window open 100, 100 to 610, 400, "MainView" ,"GUI - World"
window set "MainView", "flags", "not-h-resizable"
draw set "bgcolor", bgr, bgg, bgb, "MainView"
draw set "lowcolor", bgr, bgg, bgb, "MainView"
draw set "highcolor", 0, 0, 0, "MainView"
draw set "Zurich, Bold, 16", "MainView"
draw text 10, 20, "GUI - World", "MainView"
listbox 200, 5 to 505, 235, "SourceView", 1, "MainView"
view 5, 241 to 505, 265, "LineView", "MainView"
draw set "bgcolor", bgr-16, bgg-16, bgb-16, "LineView"
draw set "lowcolor", bgr-16, bgg-16, bgb-16, "LineView"
draw set "highcolor", 155, 0, 0, "LineView"
draw set "Zurich, Bold, 14", "LineView"
view 0, 270 to 510, 300, "ButtonView", "MainView"
draw set "bgcolor", bgr, bgg, bgb, "ButtonView"
button 10, 0 to 70, 20, "Quit_", "Quit", "ButtonView"
button 205, 0 to 500, 20, "Step_", "Next step", "ButtonView"
layout "left, top", "MainView"
view 5, 25 to 190, 240, "StatusView", "MainView"
draw set "bgcolor", bgr, bgg, bgb, "StatusView"
draw set "Zurich, Roman, 10", "StatusView"
option set "Step_", "focus", true
dim choice$(1)
inloop = true
while (inloop)
msg$ = message$
if (split(msg$, choice$(), ":|") > 2) btn$ = choice$(3)
if (msg$ <> "") print msg$
switch msg$
case "Step_|"
stp = stp+1
L = 0
option set "Step_", "focus", true
case "SourceView:_Invoke:"+btn$+"|"
if (L = 0) stp = stp-1
L = 1
case "Quit_|":
case "MainView:_QuitRequested|":
inloop = false
end switch
sleep 0.01
sub NextStep(n)
draw flush "StatusView"
m = n
if (n = 0) then
draw text 5, 20, "With GUI-World you can", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 35, "create a window with a few", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 50, "contents, as examples.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 75, "The currently executed line will be", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 90, "shown down above the buttons.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "The complete source will be", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 130, "collected in the right list.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to start ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("Welcome to GUI-World!")
if (n = 1) then
draw text 5, 20, "At first, we need to create the window.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 35, "We will create a window", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "with a size of 400, 300 (x, y)", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 75, "at the position 200x200", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 90, "of your monitor.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 110, "The name of the window is ''New App''.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("window open 200, 200 to 600, 500, ''View1'', ''New App''")
if (n = 2) then
if (L = 0) window open 200, 450 to 600, 750, "View1", "New App"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "window open 200, 200 to 600, 500, ''View1'', ''New App''"
draw text 5, 20, "The window should be opened now.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "It has no function yet,", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "so we'll change that.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "But first let us define the", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "background color of the window.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 125, "We'll choose white for background.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 140, "Red 255 + Green 255 + Green 255", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 155, " = white.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw set ''bgcolor'', 255, 255, 255, ''View1''")
if (n = 3) then
if (L = 0) draw set "bgcolor", 255, 255, 255, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "draw set ''bgcolor'', 255, 255, 255, ''View1''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Ok, white. But still no function!!", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "We can now drop in some widgets,", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "such as buttons, checkboxes, etc.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "Let's start with a simple button.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "The button will be named 'Quit'", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "and will appear down-right.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 140, "Its ID is 'Button1' so it would return", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 155, "'Button1' if is pressed.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("button 330, 270 to 390, 270, ''Button1'', ''Quit'', ''View1''")
if (n = 4) then
if (L = 0) button 330, 270 to 390, 270, "Button1", "Quit", "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "button 330, 270 to 390, 270, ''Button1'', ''Quit'', ''View1''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Creating views.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "For further widgets, we should create", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "extra views inside the View1", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "The name of the view is 'View2'", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "and we want it in the upper-left corner", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "inside the Window (View1).", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("view 5, 5 to 150, 60, ''View2'', ''View1''")
if (n = 5) then
if (L = 0) view 5, 5 to 150, 60, "View2", "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "view 5, 5 to 150, 60, ''View2'', ''View1''"
draw text 5, 60, "We'd like to change the background", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 75, "color of that new view...", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw set ''bgcolor'', 216, 230, 250, ''View2''")
if (n = 6) then
if (L = 0) draw set "bgcolor", 216, 230, 250, "View2"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", " draw set ''bgcolor'', 216, 230, 250, ''View2''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Radiobuttons.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Now we drop a radiobutton", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "in the new view.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "Note that we have to use the", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "coordinates of 'View2' for everything", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "we want to put into it!", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("radiobutton 5, 10, ''rb1'', ''Radiobutton 1'', 0, ''View2''")
if (n = 7) then
draw text 5, 20, "Our radiobutton should", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 45, "appear at 5, 10 on 'View2',", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 60, "be named 'RadioButton 1'", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 75, "have the ID 'rb1'", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 90, "not be activated (activated = 0)", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "It will return the ID and if", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 130, "not activated = 0", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 145, "activated = 1", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
if (n = 8) then
if (L = 0) radiobutton 5, 10, "rb1", "Radiobutton 1", 0, "View2"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "radiobutton 5, 10, ''rb1'', ''Radiobutton 1'', 0, ''View2''"
draw text 5, 20, "What about another one?", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "This time activated.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "Because they are on the same view,", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "you can switch between them.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "Just try it out...", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("radiobutton 5, 30, ''rb2'', ''Radiobutton 2'', 1, ''View2''")
if (n = 9) then
if (L = 0) radiobutton 5, 30, "rb2", "Radiobutton 2", 1, "View2"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "radiobutton 5, 30, ''rb2'', ''Radiobutton 2'', 1, ''View2''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Checkbuttons.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Let's make checkbuttons!", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "This time placed on 'View1' again.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "It is named 'Checkbox 1',", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "has the ID 'cb1' and is", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "not activated.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("checkbox 10, 70, ''cb1'', ''Checkbox 1'', 0, ''View1''")
if (n = 10) then
if (L = 0) checkbox 10, 70, "cb1", "Checkbox 1", 0, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "checkbox 10, 60, ''cb1'', ''Checkbox 1'', 0, ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "And another one for switching...", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "This time activated.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("checkbox 10, 90, ''cb2'', ''Checkbox 2'', 1, ''View1''")
if (n = 11) then
if (L = 0) checkbox 10, 90, "cb2", "Checkbox 2", 1, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "checkbox 10, 60, ''cb2'', ''Checkbox 2'', 1, ''View1''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Textcontrol - Input from the user.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "This shows a text inputfield with a", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "short text before it.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "It has the ID 'tc1' and returns it, if", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "a user pressed enter after typing", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "in the textfield.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("textcontrol 10, 120 to 180, 130, ''tc1'', ''Tell me:'', ''Text...'', ''View1''")
if (n = 12) then
if (L = 0) textcontrol 10, 120 to 180, 130, "tc1", "Tell me:", "Text...", "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "textcontrol 10, 120 to 180, 130, ''tc1'', ''Tell me:'', ''Text...'', ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "And now a listbox.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "It's a list, where dropboxs can be added to.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "It has the ID 'list1' and returns it,", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "followed by the chosen dropbox.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "The '1' in here affects the scrollbars", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 115, "0 = no scrollbar", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 130, "1 = vertikal scrollbar", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 145, "2 = horizontal scrollbar", "StatusView"
draw text 15, 160, "3 = both scrollbars", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 185, "We'll take just the vertikal one.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("listbox 200, 10 to 380, 260, ''list1'', 1, ''View1''")
if (n = 13) then
if (L = 0) listbox 200,10 to 380,260,"list1",1, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "listbox 200, 10 to 380, 260, ''list1'', 1, ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "Add items to the list.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Now let's put some items into it.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "We will add 3 entries in the list.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "Look on the line and then watch out", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "what happens.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 125, "At first we enter 'Hello World'.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("listbox add ''list1'', ''Hello world!'''")
if (n = 14) then
if (L = 0) listbox add "list1", "Hello world!"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "listbox add ''list1'', ''Hello world!''"
draw text 5, 20, "Just another entry.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "Now we enter 'How are you?'.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("listbox add ''list1'', ''How are you?''")
if (n = 15) then
if (L = 0) listbox add "list1", "How are you?"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "listbox add ''list1'', ''How are you?''"
draw text 5, 20, "The third and last entry.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Last but not least, we enter", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "'I am fine' to the listbox.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
if (L = 0) ShowLine("listbox add ''list1'', ''I am fine!''")
if (n = 16) then
if (L = 0) listbox add "list1", "I am fine!"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "''dropbox add ''list1'', ''I am fine!''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Selfexplaining...", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "You see everything what differs them", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "is the text for the entry.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "So it is important, where you place", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "the entries in the sourcecode.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
if (n = 17) then
if (L = 0) draw set "highcolor", 0, 0, 0, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "draw set ''highcolor'', 0, 0, 0, ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "Change highcolor.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "If you'd like to draw something", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "e.g. a rectangle, you should control", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 75, "the background color of the view", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 90, "which shall appear in.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "We chose black (0, 0, 0).", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 130, "(see sourcecode)", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw set ''highcolor'', 0, 0, 0, ''View1''")
if (n = 18) then
draw text 5, 20, "Now we set the color, we can draw.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "A rectangle will now be drawn", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, " with the previously chosen color", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 75, "in the window.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw rect 10, 150 to 180, 190, ''View1''")
if (n = 19) then
if (L = 0) draw rect 10, 150 to 180, 190, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "draw rect 10, 150 to 180, 190, ''View1''"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", ""
draw text 5, 20, "Draw text on the rectangle.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Now we'll do some writing but", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "first we should control the color.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "The highcolor is the color the", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "text will be in.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 125, "We chose red here.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 205, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw set ''highcolor'', 255, 0, 0, ''View1''")
if (n = 20) then
if (L = 0) draw set "highcolor", 255, 0, 0, "View1"
if (L = 0) draw set "lowcolor", 0, 0, 0, "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "draw set ''highcolor'', 255, 0, 0, ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "Font -type and -size.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Next we have to define the", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "fonttype and its size.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "You can see the font-idents best", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "in GoBe productive or something", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "like that.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw set ''Zurich, Bold, 24'', ''View1''")
if (n = 21) then
if (L = 0) draw set "Zurich, Bold, 24", "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "draw set ''Zurich, Bold, 24'', ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "Let's go writing.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "The text shall appear in red", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "right on the rectangle.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "We will write the word", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "'easy", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("draw text 40, 180, ''easy'', ''View1''")
if (n = 22) then
if (L = 0) draw text 40, 180, "easy", "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "draw text 40, 180, ''easy'', ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "Dropboxes.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "If you want to provide the user a selection", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "on a small room, take a dropbox!", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "This dropbox has the ID ''db1'' and returns", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "it, if there are entries in it, together with", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "that entry.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("dropbox 10, 200 to 180, 220, ''db1'', ''Choose'', ''View1''")
if (n = 23) then
if (L = 0) dropbox 10, 200 to 180, 220, "db1", "Choose", "View1"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "dropbox 10, 200 to 180, 220, ''db1'', ''Choose'', ''View1''"
draw text 5, 20, "Add items to the dropbox.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "Adding items to a dropbox is the same", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "procedure as for listboxes.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "We give the ID of the dropbox", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "which is 'db1' and the name, the", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "dropbox should have, followed by the", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 130, "view the dropbox is on.", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 155, "We'll make three entries again and", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 170, "start with that line below. ", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to go on ...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("dropbox add ''db1'', ''yab interpreter''")
if (n = 24) then
if (L = 0) dropbox add "db1", "yab interpreter"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "dropbox add ''db1'', ''yab interpreter''"
ShowLine("dropbox add ''db1'', ''yet another''")
sleep 0.5
if (L = 0) dropbox add "db1", "yet another"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "dropbox add ''db1'', ''yet another''"
ShowLine("dropbox add ''db1'', ''basic''")
sleep 0.5
if (L = 0) dropbox add "db1", "basic"
if (L = 0) listbox add "SourceView", "dropbox add ''db1'', ''basic''"
draw text 5, 20, "That's it for today, man!", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "More help do you get from the file", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "DONE_AND_TODO", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "To be continued...", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to go insane...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("Nothing more to tell ...")
if (n = 25) then
draw text 5, 20, "That's it for today, man!", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 45, "More help do you get from the file", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 60, "DONE_AND_TODO", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 85, "", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 100, "To be continued...", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 115, "", "StatusView"
draw text 5, 200, "Click on 'Next step' to go insane...", "StatusView"
ShowLine("Nothing more to tell ...")
stp = stp-1
end sub
sub ShowLine(CurrLine$)
draw flush "LineView"
draw text 10, 17, CurrLine$, "LineView"
end sub