116 lines
3.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

window open 200, 200 to 710, 600, "MainView" ,"YAB-Keyboard"
window set "MainView", "flags", "not-h-resizable, not-v-resizable"
view 10,10 to 500, 180, "TextView", "MainView"
draw set "bgcolor", 0, 50, 0, "TextView"
draw set "lowcolor", 0, 50, 0, "TextView"
draw set "highcolor", 245, 245, 245, "TextView"
draw set "Zurich, Bold, 20", "TextView"
button 10, 200 to 50, 240, "Button:Q", "Q", "MainView"
button 60, 200 to 100, 240, "Button:W", "W", "MainView"
button 110, 200 to 150, 240, "Button:E", "E", "MainView"
button 160, 200 to 200, 240, "Button:R", "R", "MainView"
button 210, 200 to 250, 240, "Button:T", "T", "MainView"
button 260, 200 to 300, 240, "Button:Z", "Z", "MainView"
button 310, 200 to 350, 240, "Button:U", "U", "MainView"
button 360, 200 to 400, 240, "Button:I", "I", "MainView"
button 410, 200 to 450, 240, "Button:O", "O", "MainView"
button 460, 200 to 500, 240, "Button:P", "P", "MainView"
button 20, 250 to 60, 290, "Button:A", "A", "MainView"
button 70, 250 to 110, 290, "Button:S", "S", "MainView"
button 120, 250 to 160, 290, "Button:D", "D", "MainView"
button 170, 250 to 210, 290, "Button:F", "F", "MainView"
button 220, 250 to 260, 290, "Button:G", "G", "MainView"
button 270, 250 to 310, 290, "Button:H", "H", "MainView"
button 320, 250 to 360, 290, "Button:J", "J", "MainView"
button 370, 250 to 410, 290, "Button:K", "K", "MainView"
button 420, 250 to 460, 290, "Button:L", "L", "MainView"
button 465, 250 to 500, 340, "Enter_", "Enter", "MainView"
button 30, 300 to 70, 340, "Button:Y", "Y", "MainView"
button 80, 300 to 120, 340, "Button:X", "X", "MainView"
button 130, 300 to 170, 340, "Button:C", "C", "MainView"
button 180, 300 to 220, 340, "Button:V", "V", "MainView"
button 230, 300 to 270, 340, "Button:B", "B", "MainView"
button 280, 300 to 320, 340, "Button:N", "N", "MainView"
button 330, 300 to 370, 340, "Button:M", "M", "MainView"
button 380, 300 to 415, 340, "Button:,", ",", "MainView"
button 425, 300 to 460, 340, "Button:.", ".", "MainView"
button 10, 350 to 60, 390, "About_", "About", "MainView"
button 70, 350 to 430, 390, "Spacebar_", "", "MainView"
button 440, 350 to 500, 390, "Clear_", "Clear all", "MainView"
a = 10 : b = 25
dim choice$(1)
inloop = true
while (inloop)
msg$ = message$
if (split(msg$, choice$(), ":|") >= 2) btn$ = choice$(2)
if (msg$ <> "") print msg$
switch msg$
case "MainView:_QuitRequested|"
inloop = false
case "Button:"+btn$+"|"
draw text a, b, btn$, "TextView"
if (btn$ = "J" ) then
a = a+10
elsif (btn$ = "I" or btn$ = "," or btn$ = ".") then
a = a+6
elsif (btn$ = "W") then
a = a+20
elsif (btn$ = "F" or btn$ = "T") then
a = a+12
elsif (btn$ = "M") then
a = a+18
elsif (btn$ = "N" or btn$ = "G" or btn$ = "Q" or btn$ = "O") then
a = a+14
case "Enter_|"
a = 10 : b = b+25
case "Spacebar_|"
a = a+12
case "Clear_|"
draw flush "TextView"
a = 10 : b = 25
case "About_|"
end switch
sleep 0.01
sub ShowAbout()
for i = 0 to 215
msg$ = message$
draw flush "TextView"
draw text 200, 190-i, "This is:", "TextView"
draw text 160, 215-i, "YAB - Keyboard", "TextView"
if (msg$ = "About_|") break
sleep 0.01
next i
a = 10 : b = 25
draw flush "TextView"
end sub