#!yab SCREEN_W = peek("desktopwidth") SCREEN_H = peek("desktopheight") W = 400 H = 200 X = (SCREEN_W/2) - (W/2) Y = (SCREEN_H/2) - (H/2) THE_TEXT$ = "HELLO" screenshot 0, 0 to SCREEN_W-1, SCREEN_H-1, "BMP_screen_" window open -10-W, 0 to -10, H, "Main_", "PAPA" window set "Main_", "look", "modal" window set "Main_", "flags", "not-h-resizable, not-v-resizable, not-zoomable" canvas 0, 0 to W, H, "CV_main_", "Main_" if(peek$("os") = "Haiku") then draw set "DejaVu Sans,Condensed Bold,122", "CV_main_" else draw set "Swis721 BT, Bold, 122", "CV_main_" endif th = draw get "max-text-height", "CV_main_" tw = draw get "text-width", THE_TEXT$, "CV_main_" tx = (W/2)-(tw/2) ty = (H/3)*2 draw bitmap -X, -Y, "BMP_screen_", "copy", "CV_main_" draw text tx, ty, THE_TEXT$, "CV_main_" window set "Main_", "moveto", X, Y dim m$(1) while (not instr(msg$, "Quit")) msg$ = message$ if (X <> window get "Main_", "position-x") then X = window get "Main_", "position-x" Moved = true fi if (Y <> window get "Main_", "position-y") then Y = window get "Main_", "position-y" Moved = true fi if (Moved) then draw bitmap -X, -Y, "BMP_screen_", "copy", "CV_main_" draw text tx, ty, THE_TEXT$, "CV_main_" Moved = false fi wend exit