208 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File

dir$ = attribute get$ "", ""
// This example demonstrates all widgets
// open the window
window open 100,100 to 640,500, "Win", "yab Demo"
window set "Win", "Flags", "Not-Resizable, Not-Zoomable"
// set the title
view 10,10 to 530,50, "Title", "Win"
draw set "bgcolor", 50,50,200, "Title"
draw set "lowcolor", 50,50,200, "Title"
draw set "highcolor", 255,255,255, "Title"
if(peek$("os") = "Haiku") then
draw set "DejaVu Sans,Condensed Bold,32", "Title"
draw set "Zurich,Bold,32", "Title"
draw text 10,32, "yab Widgets and Views", "Title"
// make the tabview
tabview 10,60 to 530,390, "Box", "top", "Win"
tabview add "Box", "Widgets"
tabview add "Box", "Views and More"
// button
button 10,10 to 100,30, "Button", "Button", "Box1"
tooltip "Button", "BUTTON"
// button image
button image 10,40, "ButtonImage", dir$+"img/button_pressed.png", dir$+"img/button_norm.png", "", "Box1"
tooltip "ButtonImage", "BUTTON IMAGE"
// checkbox
checkbox 10,70, "Check", "Checkbox", true, "Box1"
tooltip "Check", "CHECKBOX"
// checkbox image
checkbox image 10,92, "CheckImage", dir$+"img/checkbutton_enabledOn.png", dir$+"img/checkbutton_enabledOff.png", "", "", true, "Box1"
tooltip "CheckImage", "CHECKBOX IMAGE"
// radiobutton
radiobutton 10,130, "Radio1", "1. Radiobutton", true, "Box1"
tooltip "Radio1", "RADIOBUTTON"
radiobutton 10,150, "Radio2", "2. Radiobutton", false, "Box1"
tooltip "Radio2", "RADIOBUTTON"
// dropbox
dropbox 10,175 to 120,195, "Drop", "Dropbox", "Box1"
dropbox add "Drop", "Foo"
dropbox add "Drop", "Bar"
tooltip "Drop", "DROPBOX"
// listbox
listbox 10,210 to 100,290, "List", 1, "Box1"
listbox add "List", "Foo"
listbox add "List", "Bar"
tooltip "List", "LISTBOX"
// columnbox
columnbox 130,10 to 270,150, "Column", 1, "", "Box1"
columnbox column "Column", " ", 1, 30,30,30, "align-center"
columnbox column "Column", "Column", 2, 90,90,90, "align-center"
columnbox add "Column", 1,1, 20, "__Mime__=application/x-vnd.yab-app"
columnbox add "Column", 1,2, 20, "__Mime__=application/x-vnd.Be-elfexecutable"
columnbox add "Column", 2,1, 20, "Foo"
columnbox add "Column", 2,2, 20, "Bar"
columnbox add "Column", 2,3, 20, "Baz"
tooltip "Column", "COLUMNBOX"
// treebox
treebox 130,160 to 270,290, "Tree", 1, "Box1"
treebox add "Tree", "Root"
treebox add "Tree", "Root", "Foo", true
treebox add "Tree", "Root", "Bar", true
tooltip "Tree", "TREEBOX"
// text
text 300,10, "Text", "Text (cannot be flushed)", "Box1"
tooltip "Text", "TEXT"
// texturl
texturl 300,30, "TextURL", "Team MAUI", "http://www.team-maui.org", "Box1"
tooltip "TextURL", "TEXTURL"
// textcontrol
textcontrol 300,50 to 500,70, "TextCtrl", "TextControl", "", "Box1"
tooltip "TextCtrl", "TEXTCONTROL"
// spincontrol
spincontrol 300,80, "Spin", "Spincontrol", 0,100,1, "Box1"
tooltip "Spin", "SPINCONTROL"
// calendar
calendar 300,120, "Cal", "DDMMYYYY.", "01.01.1970", "Box1"
tooltip "Cal", "CALENDAR"
// textedit
textedit 300,150 to 500,215, "TextEd", 3, "Box1"
textedit add "TextEd", "Simply edit your text..."
tooltip "TextEd", "TEXTEDIT"
// slider
slider 300,225 to 500,245, "Slider", "Slider", 1, 23, "Box1"
tooltip "Slider", "SLIDER"
// statusbar
statusbar 300,265 to 500,290, "Status", "Start", "Finish", "Box1"
statusbar set "Status", "Start", "Finish", 66
tooltip "Status", "STATUSBAR"
// view
view 10,10 to 100,100, "View", "Box2"
draw set "bgcolor", "jan-favorite-color", "View"
draw text 20,35, "Plain View", "View"
tooltip "View", "VIEW"
// canvas
canvas 10,110 to 100,195, "Canvas", "Box2"
draw text 20,35, "Canvas", "Canvas"
tooltip "Canvas", "CANVAS"
// boxview
boxview 10,205 to 100,290, "Boxview", "Boxview", 2, "Box2"
tooltip "Boxview", "BOXVIEW"
// tabview
tabview 120,10 to 260,100, "Tab", "top", "Box2"
tabview add "Tab", "First"
tabview add "Tab", "Second"
tooltip "Tab", "TABVIEW"
// splitview
splitview 120,110 to 260,195, "Split", true, false, "Box2"
draw set "bgcolor", "Panel-Background-Color, Darken-1-Tint", "Split1"
draw set "bgcolor", "Panel-Background-Color, Lighten-1-Tint", "Split2"
tooltip "Split", "SPLITVIEW"
// colorcontrol
colorcontrol 120,203, "Color", "Box2"
tooltip "Color", "COLORCONTROL"
// popupmenu (only button, code in messageloop)
button 120,270 to 245,290, "Popup", "Popupmenu", "Box2"
tooltip "Popup", "POPUPMENU"
// filepanel (only button, code in messageloop)
button 255,270 to 350,290, "File", "Filepanel", "Box2"
tooltip "File", "FILEPANEL"
// menu
view 280,10 to 500,100, "Menu", "Box2"
menu "Menu", "Foo", "", "Menu"
menu "Menu", "--", "", "Menu"
menu "Menu", "Bar", "", "Menu"
draw set "bgcolor", "Panel-Background-Color, Darken-1-Tint", "Menu"
draw text 20,35, "View with menu", "Menu"
tooltip "Menu", "MENU"
// scrollbar
view 280,110 to 500-peek("scrollbarwidth"),195-peek("scrollbarwidth"), "ScrollView", "Box2"
scrollbar "Scroll", 3, "ScrollView"
scrollbar set "Scroll", "horizontal-range", 0,100
scrollbar set "Scroll", "vertical-range", 0,50
if(peek$("os") = "Haiku") then
draw set "DejaVu Sans,Condensed Bold,32", "ScrollView"
draw set "Zurich,Bold,32", "ScrollView"
draw text 130,90, "Foobar", "ScrollView"
tooltip "Scroll", "SCROLLBAR"
// stackview
stackview 420,205 to 500,260, "StackView", 2, "Box2"
button 360,270 to 425,290, "Stack1", "Stack1", "Box2"
button 435,270 to 500,290, "Stack2", "Stack2", "Box2"
draw set "bgcolor", 200,200,255, "StackView1"
draw text 10,20, "First view", "StackView1"
draw set "bgcolor", 200,255,255, "StackView2"
draw text 10,20, "Second view", "StackView2"
tooltip "StackView", "STACKVIEW"
// messageloop
while(not quitting)
msg$ = message$
if(instr(msg$, "Popup")) then
// popupmenu
select$ = popupmenu 120,270, "Foo|--|Bar", "Box2"
elsif(instr(msg$, "File")) then
// filepanel
select$ = filepanel "Load-File", "Example Filepanel", "/boot/home"
elsif(instr(msg$, "Stack1")) then
// set stackview
stackview set "StackView", 1
elsif(instr(msg$, "Stack2")) then
// set stackview
stackview set "StackView", 2
elsif(instr(msg$, "Quit")) then
// exit
quitting = true
window close "Win"