844 lines
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844 lines
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-= A =-
ALERT Text$, ButtonLabel$, Type$
Opens an alert window with Text$ and the button Label$ of type Type$
Type$ = "none/info/idea/warning/stop"
Selected = ALERT Text$, Button1$, Button2$, Button3$, Type$
A more general Alert window. Specify a text and up to three buttons.
If Button2$ or Button3$ is set to "", the button is not shown.
The selected button is returned, where Selected = 1 is the left, 2 the middle and 3 the right button.
Type$ = "none/info/idea/warning/stop"
ATTRIBUTE SET Type$, Name$, Value$, Filename$
Set the attribute Name$ of type Type$ for the file Filename$ with the string Value$.
These are valid types Type$:
"String", "Int", "Long", "Double", "Float", "Mime", "Bool"
ues a value$ of "true" or "false" for Bool type attributes
ATTRIBUTE CLEAR Name$, Filename$
Delete the attribute Name$ from file Filename$.
Value$ = ATTRIBUTE GET$ Name$, Filename$
Get the string value of the attribute Name$ for file Filename$.
Returns "true" or "false" for "Bool" type attributes.
If Name$="", returns a list of attribute names and their types separated
by " | ". returns "Unsupported" for types that are not valid for yab.
If Name$ and Filename$ both = "", returns the current program directory.
Value = ATTRIBUTE GET Name$, Filename$
Get the number value of the attribute Name$ for file Filename$.
-= B =-
BITMAP Width, Height, ID$
Creates a new bitmap in memory, you can draw on it
A bitmap is always initialized with a white transparent background
color = BITMAP COLOR x,y, ID$, ColorPart$
ColorPart$ = "red" or "green" or "blue"
Returns the color of the pixel at position (x,y) of the bitmap ID$
BITMAP GET x1, y1 to x2, y2, Target_bitmap$, Source_view$
Copies specified area of Source_view$ to Target_bitmap$.
BITMAP GET IconSize, Bitmap$, File$
Copies the icon, shown in Tracker, of File$ in the specified IconSize onto Bitmap$. The icon will be resized to IconSize, and properly scaled if it is an hvicon.
BITMAP GET ID$, Option$, Path$
copies an icon to a bitmap
An Option can be:
"Path" = Path$ must be the path to a file
"Mime" or "Mime16" = Path$ must be the mimetype of the file which icon is to be swown.
The resulting bitmap is 16 to 16.
"Mime32" = Path$ must be the mimetype of the file which icon is to be swown.
The resulting bitmap is 32 to 32.
Option$ = "height" or "width" delivers height and width of bitmap ID$
Removes Bitmap$ from memory
ErrCode = BITMAP IMAGE ImageFile$, Bitmap$
Load image file ImageFIle$ into a new Bitmap called Bitmap$
ErrCode = BITMAP SAVE Bitmap$, FileName$, Format$
Saves a bitmap as FileName$ (overwrites existing ones!) in a Format$ of one of the following:
{"png", "tiff", "ppm", "bmp", "jpeg", "tga"}
ErrCode = 0 everything worked fine
ErrCode = 1 file could not be saved
BOXVIEW x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Label$, LineType, View$
Adds a box, note: the actual view of the BOXVIEW (where you can place your widgets) is at
(x1+5,y1+10) to (x2-5,y2-5). This may be a subject of change!
LineType = 0 means no border
LineType = 1 means simple line border
LineType = 2 means fancy line border
BOXVIEW SET ID$, Option$, Value$
Option$="Label" Value$=new label
Option$="Line" Value$= "0" / "1" / "2"
BUTTON x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Label$, View$
Sets a button at position (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with label Label$ on the view View$
BUTTON IMAGE x,y, ID$, EnabledPressed$, EnabledNormal$, Disabled$, View$
Create an image button at (x,y) on View$ with three files:
EnabledNormal$ The image of the released button
EnabledPressed$ The image of the pressed button
Disabled$ The image of the disabled button (you can put in an empty string "" if you don't need a
disabled button)
-= C =-
CALENDAR x,y, ID$, Format$, Date$, View$
Open a calendar widget at (x,y), giving the format, the date and put that on the view View$.
Format$ = ("DDMMYYYY" or "MMDDYYYY") + ("." or "/" or "-"); default: "DDMMYYYY."
CALENDAR SET Calendar$, Date$
Set the date according to the current format (DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY).
date$ = CALENDAR GET$ Calendar$
Get the current date selected in Calendar$.
CANVAS x1,y1 to x2,y2, ID$, View$
A canvas is a special view for flicker-free drawing. It always shows a bitmap
and thus cannot be resized. However, it does not have a drawing queue, so you
do not need DRAW FLUSH
A canvas is always initialized with a white background
CHECKBOX x1,y1, ID$, Label$, IsActivated, View$
Display a checkbox at (x1,y1) with Label$ on View$; if IsActivated is set to 0, the checkbox is
off else it is on.
CHECKBOX SET CheckBox$, IsActivated
(De-)Activate the check box CheckBox$.
CHECKBOX IMAGE x,y, ID$, EnabledOn$, EnabledOff$, DisabledOn$, DisabledOff$, IsActivated, View$
Create an image checkbox at (x,y) on View$ with four files:
EnabledNormal$ The image of the released checkbox
EnabledPressed$ The image of the pressed checkbox
DisabledNormal$ The image of the normal disabled checkbox (you can put in an empty string ""
if you don't need a disabled button)
DisabledPressed$ The image of the pressed disabled checkbox (you can put in an empty string ""
if you don't need a disabled button)
Set isActivated to true/false when the checkbox should be on/off.
Copy Text$ to the system clipboard.
Paste ASCII text from the system clipboard into Text$.
Create a color control widget at x,y. Note: it's width is 276 and it's height is 54 pixels.
COLORCONTROL SET ColorControl$, r,g,b
Set the color control ID$ to the color r,g,b.
Value = COLORCONTROL GET ColorControl$, "Red|Blue|Green"
Get the currently selected red/green/blue value of the colorcontrol.
COLUMNBOX x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, HasHScrollbar, Option$, View$
HasHScrollbar is true, when the columnbox should get a horizontal scrollbar (it always has a vertical).
Option$ affects all columns! The columns can be made movable, resizable, removable
Option$ = "movable, resizable, popup, removable"
Option$ = "no-border" sets up the columnbox without border
COLUMNBOX COLUMN ColumnBox$, Name$, Position, MaxWidth, MinWidth, Width, Option$
Option$ = "align-left, align-center, align-right"
COLUMNBOX ADD ColumnBox$, Column, Row, Height, Item$
If Item$ = "__Icon__="+FileName$ then the image file FileName$ will be shown,
if Item$ = "__Path__="+FileName$ then the large Trackericon of the file FileName$ will be shown
if Item$ = "__SmIC__="+FileName$ then the small Trackericon of the file FileName$ will be shown
if Item$ = "__Mime__="+Signature$ then the small icon of the mime type Signature$ will be shown
Selects Row of ColumnBox$.
Row = 0 means deselect.
Removes the entries in Row of ColumnBox$
Removes all entries of ColumnBox$.
COLUMNBOX COLOR ColumnBox$, Option$, r,g,b
Option$ = "selection-text, non-focus-selection, selection, text, row-divider, background"
Returns the number of entries in ColumnBox$.
Item$ = COLUMNBOX GET$ ColumnBox$, Column, Row
Returns the entry at Row in Column of Columbox$.
-= D =-
DRAW TEXT x1,y1, Text$, View$
Draws text at position (x1,y1) on View$
DRAW RECT x1,y1 TO x2,y2, View$
Draws a rectangle from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) in the current high color on View$
DRAW BITMAP x,y, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$
Draw a bitmap on a view, another bitmap or a canvas.
Possible Mode$:
"Copy" -- copy the bitmap to the target ignoring transparency
"Alpha" -- copy the bitmap to the target supporting transparency
DRAW BITMAP x1,y1 TO x2,y2, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$
Draws and scales the bitmap Bitmap$.
If x2 is set to -1, the width is scaled according to the height;
if y2 is set to -1, the height is scaled according to the width;
if x2 and y2 are set to -1, the image is not scaled at all (this is like DRAW BITMAP x,y, Bitmap$, Mode$, View$).
Possible Mode$:
"Copy" -- copy the bitmap to the target ignoring transparency
"Alpha" -- copy the bitmap to the target supporting transparency
DRAW DOT x1,y1, View$
DRAW LINE x1,y1 TO x2,y2, View$
DRAW CIRCLE x1,y1, Radius, View$
DRAW CURVE x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4, View$
DRAW ELLIPSE x1,y1, xRadius, yRadius, View$
Deletes all former drawing commands from the drawing queue on View$
LoadError = DRAW IMAGE x,y, ImageFile$, View$
Draws the image ImageFile$ at position x,y on View$, returns LoadError
0 = success
1 = file not found
2 = translator roster not found
3 = translation failed
4 = ditaching bitmap failed
err = DRAW IMAGE x1,y1 TO x2,y2, Image$, View$
Draws and scales the image file Image$. Transparent images are set correctly now.
If x2 is set to -1, the width is scaled according to the height;
if y2 is set to -1, the height is scaled according to the width;
if x2 and y2 are set to -1, the image is not scaled at all (this is like DRAW IMAGE x1,y1, Image$, View$).
Width = DRAW GET "Text-Width", Text$, View$
Return the width in pixel of the string Text$ in the current font of View$.
Height = DRAW GET "Max-Text-Height", View$
Return the maximum height in pixel of the current font of View$. This is the size of the font plus
how far characters can descend below the baseline.
FontFamilies$ = DRAW GET$ "FontFamily"
Returns a list of all installed fonts separated by "|".
FontStyles$ = DRAW GET$ FontFamily$
Returns a list of all font styles for a font FontFamily$ separated by "|".
DRAW SET FillOrStroke, Pattern$
FillOrStroke = 0 means fill
FillOrStroke = 1 means stroke
Pattern$ is a 8x8 1 bit map; one line is one character
Pattern$ = "HighSolidFill" means solid fill with the current high color
Pattern$ = "LowSolidFill" means solid fill with the current low color (default)
Pattern$ = "CheckeredFill" means checkered fill
DRAW SET Color$, r,g,b, View$
Color$ is one of the following:
"BGColor", r,g,b (216,216,216 default)
"HighColor", r,g,b (0,0,0 default)
"LowColor", r,g,b (216,216,216 default)
DRAW SET Color$, Option$, View$
Option$ is one of the following:
To those options the following can be added:
draw set "bgcolor", "Menu-Background-Color, Lighten-1-Tint", View$
DRAW SET Font$, View$
Set the drawing font on View$.
Font$ = FontFamily$ + "," + FontStyle$ + "," + Size + "," + FontOption$ + "," Rotation + "," + Shear
where FontOption$ can contain the following options (only used when supported by the font):
FontOption$ = "bold" or "italic" or "outlined" or "underscore" or "strikeout" or "regular" (regular is default)
where Rotation is between 0.0 (default) and 360.0
where Shear is between 45.0 (slanted to right) and 135.0 (slanted to left) with 90.0 default
or Font$ = "system-plain" for the plain system font,
or Font$ = "system-bold" for the bold system font,
or Font$ = "system-fixed" for the fixed system font
DRAW SET "Alpha", Alpha-Value
Sets the Alpha-Channel for the transparency of the drawing colors. Use this before setting the color
Alpha-Value is a value between 0 and 255 where 0 is total transparency and 255 is opaque.
Note: When Alpha-Value is below 255, use only HighSolidFill, patterns are ignored!
Note: Transparent drawing (that is Alpha-Value below 255) is not printed (see PRINTER) correctly!
DROPBOX x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Label$, View$
Adds an empty dropbox (BMenuField) at (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) known as ID$ and with a label on View$.
DROPBOX ADD DropBox$, Item$
Add Item$ to the dropbox. Use Item$ = "--" for a separator.
Clear the drop box from all items.
Count the number of items.
Item$ = DROPBOX GET$ DropBox$, Position
Get the item at Position.
DROPBOX REMOVE DropBox$, Position
Removes item number Position.
Note: If the removed item was marked, the item before it will be marked instead. You will NOT get
a message that the marked item has changed. If the first item will be deleted, the next item in
the drop box will be marked.
Note: Each time an item was removed, the drop box count will change too!
DROPBOX SELECT DropBox$, Position
Select the item at position Position. Counting starts at 0.
-= F =-
File$ = FILEPANEL Mode$, Title$, Directory$
Mode$ = "Load-File"
Mode$ = "Load-Directory"
Mode$ = "Load-File-and-Directory"
Mode$ = "Save-File"
Opens a filepanel in Directory$. According to the Mode$, you can either select a file,
a directory or both for loading or select/enter a file for saving. The selected file is File$.
File$ = FILEPANEL Mode$, Title$, Directory$, Filename$
Same as above, except that you can provide preset Filename$ for the mode "Save-File"
-= I =-
State = ISMOUSEIN(View$)
State = 0 the mouse cursor is not in the view View$
State = 1 the mouse cursor is in the view View$
-= K =-
Works like INKEY$ on the command line (well, nearly; it does not wait for input as inkey$ does).
-= L =-
LAUNCH FileName$
Launch the program FileName$ or the associated executable
LAYOUT Layout$, WindowOfView$
Set the layout for all views on the window of View$. The layout will affect all following new widgets,
but not the already created. Draw commands are not affected by the layout, put them on an own view.
Layout$ (not case sensitive):
"Standard" = default layout, all widgets follow bottom and right side of the window
except for listboxes and textedit which follow all sides.
"All" = follow all sides (widgets resize)
"None" = follow the top and the left side (equals "top, left")
-OR- Layout$ is a combination of a horizontal and a vertical command (e.g. "Right, Top" etc.).
"Left" = follow left side (default, when no other horizontal layout is given)
"Right" = follow the right side
"Left, Right" = follow the left and the right side (resize)
"H-Center" = follow the horizontal center
"Top" = follow the top side (default, when no other vertical layout is given)
"Bottom" = follow the bottom side
"Top, Bottom" = follow the top and bottom side (resize)
"V-Center" = follow the vertical center
LISTBOX x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, ScrollbarType, View$
Adds an empty listbox at (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) known as ID$ and with a ScrollbarType on View$.
0 = none
1 = vertical scrollbars
2 = horizontal scrollbars
3 = vertical & horizontal scrollbars
LISTBOX ADD ListBox$, Item$
Add the item Item$ to the listbox; note: this replaces ITEM ADD, which is obsolete and will be removed.
LISTBOX ADD ListBox$, Position, Item$
Add the item Item$ at the position Position.
removes all entries in ListBox$.
Count the number of entries in the list box ListBox$
Entry$ = LISTBOX GET$ ListBox$, Row
Returns the Entry$ of Row in ListBox$.
Removes an item Item$ from the Listbox ID$.
LISTBOX REMOVE ListBox$, Position
Remove the item at position Position.
LISTBOX SELECT ListBox$, Position
Select the item at position Position.
Position = 0 means deselect
Sort the entries of ListBox$ alphabetically.
LOCALIZE Mimetype$
Initialize automatic translation and use the locale mimetype Mimetype$. See also the Localizer help program.
Turn automatic translation off.
Turn automatic translation on again.
-= M =-
MENU Head$, Menu$, Shortcut$, View$
Add a menu to the menubar with the menu head Head$, the menu item Menu$ and the shortcut Shortcut$
on View$.
Shortcut$ can contain the following modifiers at the beginning and the shortcut character at the end:
"S" for the shift key
"C" for the control key
"O" for the option key (on most keyboards probably the Windows button)
These modifiers can be combined, but the following combinations do not work:
"SO", "SC" and "SCO"
Note: The command key (ALT) is always part of the shortcut.
MENU SET MenuHead$, SetRadioMode, View$
Put the menu in radio mode, so up to one item is marked.
Note: you have to set the first marked item yourself.
MENU SET MenuHead$, MenuItem$, Option$, View$
Enable/Disable or mark/unmark or remove a menu item.
Option$ = "Disable|Enable|Mark|Plain|Remove"
Translation$ = MENU TRANSLATE$(Source$)
Translation$ holds the translation of Source$. Different to TRANSLATE$, the Source$ is splitted at colons : and
and the string parts are translated separatly. This is useful for comparing translated menu messages.
if(myMenuMessage$ = menu translate$("File:Open")) ...
msg$ = MESSAGE$
Collects the messages generated by the GUI elements.
Arrived = MESSAGE SEND Application$, Message$
Send a string to the yab application with signature Application$
(default signature is: "application/x-vnd.yab-app", you can change the signature when you add
a comment in the first or second line of your program like this:
// mimetype "application/x-vnd.myapp"
Note: this does not work for bound programs currently!)
The destination yab application will produce a message$ stating:
where the ... are the Message$.
The command returns one of the following error codes:
0: Message was delivered
1: The destination program was not found
2: The target's message queue is full
3: Time out, the message never made it to the target
4: An other error occurred
mouse$ = MOUSE MESSAGE$(View$)
Returns the state of the mouse related to View$.
It consists out of X:Y:LMB:MMB:RMB (where MB is the corresponding left, middle, right mousebutton).
Returns the state of the mouse related to the application.
It consists out of VIEW:X:Y:LMB:MMB:RMB (where VIEW is the View$ the mouse is over, MB is the
corresponding left, middle, right mousebutton).
Hide or show the mouse cursor for this application.
Option$ = "Hide" -- hide the mouse cursor
Option$ = "Show" -- show the mouse cursor
Option$ = "Obscure" -- hide the mouse cursor until the mouse is moved
-= O =-
OPTION SET View$, "Auto-Resize"
Automatically resize the view View$ to preferred (when this is supported by the view).
OPTION SET View$, "Focus", HasFocus
Set/remove the focus of View$ (when this is supported by the view).
OPTION SET Control$, "Enabled", IsEnabled
Enable/disable the control Control$.
OPTION SET Control$, "Label", NewLabel$
Give a Control a new label.
OPTION SET Control$, "Visible", IsVisible
Set the control Control$ unvisible or visible
Note: The following widgets are controls:
OPTION COLOR View$, "BGColor", r,g,b
Set the background color of any view (note: this is different to DRAW SET!)
-= P =-
x = PEEK("DesktopWidth")
Returns the current X-resolution of the current desktop
y = PEEK("DesktopHeight")
Returns the current Y-resolution of the current desktop
x = PEEK("Deskbar-x")
Returns the position of the left side of the Deskbar
y = PEEK("Deskbar-y")
Returns the position of the top side of the Deskbar
w = PEEK("DeskbarWidth")
Returns the height of the Deskbar
h = PEEK("DeskbarHeight")
Returns the width of the Deskbar
p = PEEK("Deskbarposition")
Returns the position of the Deskbar as follows (clockwise):
1 = top-left
2 = top
3 = top-right
4 = bottom-right
5 = bottom
6 = bottom-left
i = PEEK("Deskbarexpanded")
Returns true if the Deskbar is expanded (only possibe in position 1 and 3) and false if not.
Height = PEEK("menuheight")
Returns the height of the menu (which is related to the user's font settings).
This returns the height only when any window already has a menu, otherwise it returns -1.
Width = PEEK("scrollbarwidth")
Returns the width of the scrollbars.
Different to "menuheight", it returns the correct width even if no scrollbars are used.
Height = PEEK("tabheight")
Returns the height of the tabfield.
Directory$ = PEEK$("directory")
Returns application directory. Use this in the following way:
if (peek("isbound")) then
Directory$ = peek$("directory")
Directory$ = system$("pwd")
TrackerItem$ = PEEK$("refsreceived")
Returns TrackerItem which you used 'open with...' your application on.
Selected$ = POPUPMENU x,y, MenuItems$, View$
Pop up a menu at position (x,y) on View$ with the menu items MenuItems$ which are separated
by "|". Waits until an item is selected and returns it's label as Selected$.
Setup the printing enviroment and store it in file named SetupFile$.
PrintingError = PRINTER JobName$, SetupFile$, View$
Load the settings from SetupFile$ (or ask for them when the file is invalid) and print
the view View$ as the job named JobName$.
Note: Alpha transparency is not printed correctly!
Note: Due to a bug in BeOS and ZETA, there are probably problems printing CHECKBOX IMAGE and
BUTTON IMAGE images, use DRAW IMAGE instead!
Note: currently untested in Haiku
Error codes for PrintingError:
0 = No Problems
1 = Page setup failed (probably communication problems with the print server)
2 = The configuration file was loaded but page setup failed
3 = The view View$ was not found
4 = The number of pages is 0 or less
5 = The printing was canceled or something went wrong with printing
Note: PrintingError = 4 can happen because of a bug in the PDF printing driver; although
a page size is shown, none is selected. If this happens, you may want to call a PRINTER SETUP
for the user and try to print again.
Note: When an error with code 1,2,3 or 4 occurs, you can be shure that nothing was sent to the printer yet.
-= R =-
RADIOBUTTON x1,y1, ID$, Label$, IsActivated, View$
Add a radio button at (x1,y1) and Label$ on View$. If isActivated is set to 0, the radio button is
off else it is on. Radio buttons should be grouped together in one view.
RADIOBUTTON SET RadioButton$, IsActivated
(De-)Activate the radio button RadioButton$.
-= S =-
SCREENSHOT x1, y1 to x2, y2, Bitmap$
Takes a screenshot and copies the specified region of the desktop onto Bitmap$, which will be created!
SCROLLBAR ID$, ScrollbarType, View$
Make View$ scrollable.
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, Borderoption$
Borderoption$ = "no-border" or "plain-border" or "fancy-border" (default)
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, "Vertical Position", Position
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, "Horizontal Position", Position
Set the scrollbar to the position Position. Default is (0,0).
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, "Vertical Range", Min, Max
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, "Horizontal Range", Min, Max
Set the scrollbars to a maximum range, default is (1000,1000).
Note: the Max value will be added to the view's actual width/height.
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, "Vertical Steps", SmallSteps, BigSteps
SCROLLBAR SET Scrollbar$, "Horizontal Steps", SmallSteps, BigSteps
Set the scrollbar steps.
SmallSteps are the scrolling steps when the user clicks on the arrow buttons (default is 1.0).
BigSteps are the scrolling steps when the user clicks on the empty part of the scrollbar (default is 10.0).
Position = SCROLLBAR GET Scrollbar$, "Horizontal"
Position = SCROLLBAR GET Scrollbar$, "Vertical"
Get the current position of the scrollbars.
SHORTCUT View$, Shortcut$, MyMessage$
Set a key Shortcut$ on View$, giving back the Message$ when used.
This is comparable to the shortcuts used in menus, but NOTE:
in opposite to a menu, you can't use command -X, -C, -V, -A, -W, -Q !
SLIDER x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Label$, Min, Max, View$
Add a slider with a minimum and and a maximum value (Min, Max).
SLIDER x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Label$, Min, Max, Option$, View$
Option$ = "block/triangle, horizontal/vertical"
SLIDER LABEL Slider$, StartLabel$, EndLabel$
Set start and end limit labels
SLIDER SET Silder$, Location$, Count
Set the hashmarks.
Note: The Zeta sliders do not distinguish between top/bottom/left/right marks, just use "both"
Location$ = "none/bottom/top/both" use hashmarks for horizontal sliders
Location$ = "none/left/rigth/both" use hashmarks for vertical sliders
Count = number of hashmarks
SLIDER COLOR Silder$, Part$, r,g,b
Part$ = "barcolor"
Part$ = "fillcolor"
SLIDER SET Silder$, Value
Set the slider to Value.
Value = SLIDER GET Slider$
Get the currently selected value of the slider.
ID = SOUND PLAY SoundFile$
Play the sound file SoundFile$ (can be anything like wav, mp3, etc.).
You are given an ID to handle the playback later in your code.
Note: Currently not supported by Haiku!
Stop the sound with ID
Waits until the sound with ID is finished playing.
SPINCONTROL x,y, ID$, Label$, Min, Max, Step, View$
Set a spin control for the range (Min,Max), counting by Step.
SPINCONTROL SET SpinControl$, Value
Set the spin control SpinControl$ to Value.
Value = SPINCONTROL GET SpinControl$
Get the current spin control value.
SPLITVIEW x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, IsVerticalSplit, NormalStyle, View$
Set up the new view ID$ and split it into two new views ID$+"1" and ID$+"2".
If IsVerticalSplit = true, a vertical splitter is set,
if IsVerticalSplit = false, a horizontal splitter is set.
If NormalStyle = true, the splitter is 10 pixels thick,
If NormalStyle = false, the splitter is 4 pixels thick.
SPLITVIEW SET SplitView$, "Divider", Position
Set the position of the divider, default is the half of the total split view.
SPLITVIEW SET SplitView$, "MinimumSizes", LeftOrTop, RightOrBottom
Set the minimum sizes of the left (or top) view and the right (or bottom) view.
Position = SPLITVIEW GET SplitView$, "Divider"
Get the current position of the divider.
STACKVIEW x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, NumberOfViews, View$
Set up a stack of views where only one is always visible.
STACKVIEW SET StackView$, ViewNumber
Set the view number ViewNumber as the visible view.
ViewNumber = STACKVIEW GET StackView$
Get the current number of the visible view.
STATUSBAR x1, y1 to x2, y2, ID$, Label1$, Label2$, View$
Creates a statusbar with ID$ and label(s) on View$.
Label1$ is on the left side above the actual bar and so is Label2$ on the right.
STATUSBAR SET ID$, Label1$, Label2$, State
Sets Statusbar ID$ to State and changes the Labels to specified ones.
Set the color of the statusbar
Set the height of the statusbar
SUBMENU MenuHead$, MenuItem$, SubMenuItem$, Modifier$, View$
This is the same as MENU, it just adds a submenu instead. Deeper leveling is not possible
in yab, as a deeper menu structure would be bad style anyway.
SUBMENU SET MenuHead$, MenuItem$, SetRadioMode, View$
Put the submenu in radio mode, so up to one item is marked.
Note: you have to set the first marked item yourself.
SUBMENU SET MenuHead$, MenuItem$, SubMenuItem$, Option$, View$
Enable/Disable or mark/remove a submenu item.
Option$ = "Disable|Enable|Mark|Plain|Remove"
-= T =-
TABVIEW x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Option$, View$
Option$ = "top, bottom" where to place the tabs.
TABVIEW ADD TabView$, TabName$
For each tab, a new view is created; you can add widgets or draw on these views as ususal.
The ids for the views ist TabView$+"1" for the first, TabView$+"2" for the second view, etc.
TABVIEW SET TabView$, TabNumber
Open the tab number TabNumber.
Get the current opened tab.
TEXT x,y, ID$, Text$, View$
Displays Text$ at position (x,y) on View$. This cannot be flushed like DRAW TEXT and is meant for
permanent labels.
TEXT x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Text$, View$
Displays Text$ on View$. This cannot be flushed like DRAW TEXT and is meant for permanent labels.
Furthermore you can set the alignment for this command with the TEXT SET command.
TEXT SET Text$, Alignment$
Set the alignment of Text$ to either "align-left", "align-center" or "align-right".
TEXTCONTROL x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Label$, Text$, View$
Opens a textcontrol from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with Label$ and preset Text$ on View$
TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, Text$
Set the text control's text to Text$.
TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, IsPassword
IsPassword = false Normal typing
IsPassword = true Hide typing
TEXTCONTROL SET TextControl$, Option$, Value$
Option$="align" Value$= "left" / "right" / "center"
*** note *** Haiku has issues align right. There are open tickets.
Option$="exclude", Value$=characters to disallow.
Option$="include", Value$=characters to allow.
Option$="length", Value$=str$(number) of characters allowed.
Sets the font used to the system fixed font.
Value$="number" Only allow to characters 0-9 and ".", full stop.
Value$=""alphanumeric" allow all characters.
Option$="focus" Value$ = "true" / "false" Set the focus of TextControl$.
Option$="Cursor", Value$=str$(number) positions the cursor, sets the focus to true.
Delete the text of the text control.
Text$ = TEXTCONTROL GET$ TextControl$
Get the entry of the text control TextControl$. Even works, when Return was not pressed.
TEXTEDIT x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, ScrollbarType, View$
Opens an editor at (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with ID$ (not displayed) on View$. For the
scrollbartypes look at the listbox entry.
TEXTEDIT also follows all sides in standard layout.
TEXTEDIT ADD TextEdit$, Text$
Insert Text$ in the textedit TextEdit$ on View$.
Clears the text from the textedit TextEdit$ on View$.
EnteredText$ = TEXTEDIT GET$ TextEdit$
EnteredText$ holds the text of the textedit ID$ on View$
SelectedText$ = TEXTEDIT GET$ TextEdit$, Option$
Returns the current selected text, can be empty of course.
Option$ = "Selection"
TextLine$ = TEXTEDIT GET$ TextEdit$, LineNumber
Width = TEXTEDIT GET TextEdit$, "Line-Width", LineNumber
Height = TEXTEDIT GET TextEdit$, "Line-Height", LineNumber
LineNumber = TEXTEDIT GET TextEdit$, Option$, Search$
LineNumber = Option$ = "Find", Search$
LineNumber = Option$ = "Case-Sensitive-Find", Search$
LineNumber = TEXTEDIT GET TextEdit$, Option$
IsChanged = Option$ = "hasChanged"
LineNumber = Option$ = "countlines" -- /n characters
LineNumber = Option$ = "countphysicallines" -- displayed lines
LineNumber = Option$ = "currentline"
YOffset = Option$ = "vertical-scrollbar"
XOffset = Option$ = "horizontal-scrollbar"
Position = Option$ = "cursor-position"
TextLength = Option$ = "textlength"
TEXTEDIT SET TextEdit$, Option$
Applys an option to the textedit TextEdit$ on View$.
Option$ = "cut, copy, paste, clear, select-all, undo"
TEXTEDIT SET TextEdit$, Option$, Value
Option$ = "autoindent", true/false
Option$ = "wordwrap", true/false
Option$ = "editable", true/false
Option$ = "color-case-sensitive", true/false
Options = "Cursor", ofset
Option$ = "changed", true/false
Option$ = "gotoline", LineNumber
Option$ = "select", LineNumber
Option$ = "tabwidth", TabWidth
Option$ = "textwidth", TextWidth
Option$ = "autocomplete-start"
Option$ = "has-autocompletion"
Option$= "align", left/center/right
Option$= "focus", true/false
Default options are:
autoindent = false
wordwrap = true
editable = true
color-case-sensitive = false
changed = false
has-autocompletion = true
autocomplete-start = 4
align = left
TEXTEDIT SET TextEdit$, Option$, Value$
Option$ = "autocomplete"
Add a word Value$ to the auto-completion list.
Option$ = "font"
Set the font to Value$ (similar to DRAW SET); default is "system-plain"
TEXTEDIT COLOR TextEdit$, Option$, Command$
Option$ = "color1, color2, color3, color4, char-color", Command$
Add the command Command$ to the list of words that are checked for syntax highlighting
The char-color behaves differently and highlights only the first character of Command$
(this happens after the highlighting of the other colors).
TEXTEDIT COLOR TextEdit$, Option$, r,g,b
Option$ = "bgcolor, textcolor, color1, color2, color3, color4, char-color", r,g,b
Default colors are:
bgcolor = 255,255,255 (white)
textcolor = 0,0,0 (black)
color1 = 0,0,255 (blue)
color2 = 255,0,0 (red)
color3 = 0,250,0 (green)
color4 = 185,185,185 (gray)
char-color = 200,0,255 (magenta)
TEXTURL x,y, ID$, Label$, Address$, View$
Set the web/email/ftp address at (x,y) with the label Label$ and the url Address$.
This widget is quite nice, it launches the appropriate application when clicked, it supports
a right-click popup-menu and you can drag the url to create either a person file or a bookmark.
Email can be either of the style: "mailto:foo@bar.com" or just "foo@bar.com"
A web url starts either with "http://" or with "file://"
And a ftp address starts with "ftp://"
TEXTURL COLOR TextURL$, Option$, r,g,b
Set the colors for the URL. Valid options are:
"Label" for the color of the label,
"Click" for the color of the label, when clicked and
"Mouse-over" for the color of the label, when the mouse is moved over the label.
Id = THREAD GET Option$, Program$
Option$ = "TeamID" returns the team ID for the program named Program$
Specify the whole path with parameters (only the first 64 characters are important)
for the team, the first team with this path and parameters will be returned.
Option$ = "ThreadID" returns the thread ID for the program named Program$
Specify the program name, the first thread with this name will be returned.
Returns -1 when the program was not found.
Success = THREAD REMOVE Option$, ID
Option$ = "TeamID" kills the team with number ID
Option$ = "ThreadID" kills the thread with number ID
Returns True when successful and False otherwise.
Note: You can crash your system with this command! If you don't know what this command is meant for,
then don't use it!
TOOLTIP View$, Text$
Set Text$ as the tooltip information for any Widget or View View$.
Set Test$ = "" to remove the tooltip again.
TOOLTIP COLOR "bgcolor/textcolor", r,g,b
Set the background/text color of all tooltips to r,g,b. Note: This is currently not supported.
Translation$ = TRANSLATE$(Source$)
Translation$ holds the translation of Source$
TREEBOX x1,y1 to x2,y2, ID$, ScrollbarType, View$
Adds a tree box. This behaves just like a LISTBOX but is able to show nested trees.
Note: ITEM ADD does not work here. Use TREEBOX ADD instead. ITEM ADD will be depricated in
one of the next releases.
TREEBOX ADD TreeBox$, RootItem$
Add the item RootItem$ to the top level of the tree.
TREEBOX ADD TreeBox$, HeadItem$, ListItem$, IsExpanded
Add the item ListItem$ under the level of HeadItem$ of the tree.
Clear the tree.
TREEBOX REMOVE TreeBox$, ListItem$
Removes the first list item ListItem$ from the tree. Note: this also removes all subitems!
Returns the number of entries in TreeBox$
Item$ = TREEBOX GET$ TreeBox$, Position
Returns the Item$ at position Position in TreeBox$.
Expands Head$ in TreeBox$.
Collapses Head$ in TreeBox$.
TREEBOX REMOVE TreeBox$, Position
Removes the entry at position Position in TreeBox$.
TREEBOX REMOVE TreeBox$, Head$, ListItem$
Removes ListItem$ under Head$ in TreeBox$.
TREEBOX SELECT TreeBox$, Position
Selects theitem at position Position in TreeBox$.
Sorts the entries of TreeBox$ alphabetically.
-= V =-
VIEW x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, View$
Adds a view
Define View$ as a drop zone that accepts dropped files.
DROPZONE now accepts multiple files (and sends them in inversed order as message)
Remove View$. The window view cannot be removed. Should be much more stable now.
Warning: Currently clears all internal information about menues and drop boxes. It is only safe to
use it, when you don't have any menues or drop boxes on views that will not be removed.
Warning: Never remove menus with shortcuts, otherwise yab will crash when the shortcut key is pressed!
Result = VIEW GET View$, Option$
Option$ = "Position-X/Position-Y/Width/Height/Exists/Focused"
Returns the requested property or if used with Exists/Focused returns 1 if so and 0 if not.
-= W =-
WINDOW OPEN x1,y1 TO x2,y2, ID$, Title$
Open window at position x1,y1 to x2,y2 in screen coordinates with title Title$.
Automatically generates a window-sized view called ID$.
Closes window containing the view View$. Warning: this might destabilize your program if you try
to reconstruct your old window or further use old views! The yab-taskforce is set on the tracks of
this bug ;)
Returns the number of open windows
Result = WINDOW GET View$, Option$
Option$ = "Position-X/Position-Y/Width/Height/Minimum-Width/Minimum-Height/Maximum-Width/Maximum-Height/Exists"
Returns the requested property or if used with Exists returns 1 if found and 0 if not.
WINDOW SET Window$, Option$, Value$
"Look", "Document/Titled(default)/Floating/Modal/Bordered/No-Border"
"Feel", "Normal(default)/Modal-App/Modal-All/Floating-App/Floating-All"
See "BeBook->Interface Kit->BWindow->Constants and Defined Types" for details.
"Title", Title$
"Flags", "Not-Closable, Not-Zoomable, Not-Minimizable, Not-H-Resizable, Not-V-Resizable,
Not-Resizable, No-Workspace-Activation, Accept-First-Click"
See "BeBook->Interface Kit->BWindow->Constants and Defined Types" for details.
"Flags", "Reset"
Resets the flags back to none.
"Workspace", "All"
Causes the window to appear on all workspaces.
"Workspace", "Current"
Causes the window to appear on only the current workspace.
"Workspace", "n" (where n is a number >= 1)
Causes the window to appear on workspace number n
WINDOW SET Window$, Option$, x,y
"ResizeTo", x,y
"MoveTo", x,y
"MinimumTo", x,y
"MaximumTo", x,y
WINDOW SET WindowView$, Option$
Option$ = "Activate"
Activate the window, so it is in the foreground.
Option$ = "Deactivate"
Deactivate the window, so it is in the background.
Option$ = "Minimize"
Minimize the window, or restore the window if it is already minimized.
Option$ = "Maximize"
Maximize (zoom) the window.
Option$ = "Enable-Updates"
Updates the window again after a "Disable-Updates".
Option$ = "Disable-Updates"
Disables the automatic window updates.