<aid="welcome"name="welcome">Välkommen till Haiku!</a></h2>
<p>Tack så mycket för att du testar Haiku! Detta är vår tredje publika utgivning. Vi hoppas kunna locka till oss nya utvecklare till vårt projekt och ge framtida användare en chans att testa Haiku. Vi förstår att denna <i>alfa utgåva</i> ännu inte når upp till dom mål som vi har satt upp för oss själva och erbjuder därmed inte all funktionallitet och den fulländade användarupplevelsen som är planerad för den slutgiltiga R1 versionen. Hur som helst, vi hoppas att denna utgåva låter dig upptäcka Haiku's stora potensial och att du kommer att dela vår förtjusning.</p>
<aid="bugreport"name="bugreport">Varning för buggar</a></h2>
<p>Vi har arbetat hårt för att åtgärda alla möjliga buggar som har kunnat förhindra en utgivning. Men eftersom detta är en alfa-utgåva så finns det fog för att det är många oupptäckta buggar kvar.</p>
<divclass="box-warning">Vi rekommenderar inte att använda alfa-versioner i ett produktionssystem. Din data kan mycket väl ändras, eller helt enkelt förstöras.</div>
<p>One of the main reasons for releasing an alpha version is to attract more people to test the system and discover bugs or provide suggestions for future enhancements. Please file bugs and enhancements in our bug tracker after using its search function to avoid duplicates.</p>
<p>The first release(s) of Haiku will be very much like the BeOS R5, the operating system it is reimplementing. If you never experienced it, have a look at these links:</p>
<li><ahref="../userguide/sv_SE/contents.html">Haiku User Guide</a></li>
<li><ahref="http://www.haiku-os.org/community/"class="printurl">List of BeOS/Haiku websites</a></li>
<p>Because of our binary and source compatibility, many BeOS applications run on Haiku (you may have to install the optional package "beoscompatibility" for some programs, see below). After downloading a package, simply unzip it (double clicking opens <spanclass="app">Expander</span>) to <spanclass="path">/boot/apps/</span> and start the application from there.</p>
<li><ahref="http://ports.haiku-files.org/"class="printurl">HaikuPorts</a> - maintains patches for ported software</li>
<li><ahref="http://www.osdrawer.net/"class="printurl">OsDrawer</a> - hosts native BeOS and Haiku open source software projects</li>
<p>There are also so-called Optional Packages, which are used by Haiku's build system. It is not intended for end users to manually extract and install them. Instead, a utility script is provided, <tt>installoptionalpackage</tt>. This script is meant to bridge the gap while Haiku's package management is still under construction. It will allow you to install most of the available Optional Packages.<br/>
You'll have to run a command in Terminal: <tt>installoptionalpackage -h</tt> explains its usage.</p>
<p>Wifi does work to some extent. At the moment you can only connect to unencrypted or WEP encrypted wireless networks. Due to several different licensing policies of different vendors, a manual installation process for the firmware may be required. A list of working devices and instructions for installation can be found on our <ahref="sv_SE/wifi.html">Wifi</a> page (also <ahref="http://www.haiku-os.org/guides/wifi">online</a>).</p>
<p>Since Haiku is a reimplementation, the API is still the same as for BeOS R5 (with some additions). Therefore the documentation in the Be Book is still a valid resource. Thanks to ACCESS, who owns the rights to former Be Inc. property, we are allowed to provide a copy of the Be Book.</p>
<p>There are additional resources that should help you getting started:</p>
<p>Get in contact with other developers and users and join the discussions on IRC, in our forums or the mailing lists. When many different people come together, rules have to established to keep communication effective. Please respect our <ahref="http://www.haiku-os.org/community/ml/etiquette">Mailing List Etiquette</a>.</p>