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2014-04-05 18:48:32 +02:00
<div class="box-info">本节的翻译还未完成。在未完成之前,所有的未完成部分都将使用英语原文。</div>
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<tr class="heading"><td>索引</td></tr>
<tr class="index"><td><a href="#account">获取Trac账户</a><br />
<a href="#report">创建错误报告</a><br />
<a href="#app">软件错误</a><br />
<a href="#server">服务错误</a><br />
<a href="#kernel">内核错误</a><br />
<a href="#kdl">内核调试- KDL</a><br />
<a href="#syslog">系统日志</a><br />
<a href="#onscreen">屏幕调试</a><br />
<a href="#hardware">硬件错误</a><br />
<a href="#next">下一步?</a></td></tr>
<p>为了确保我们的错误跟踪系统的有效性,遵守共同的<a href="">错误报告规范</a>是很有必要的。</p>
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<a id="account" name="accout">获取Trac账户</a></h2>
2014-05-31 00:02:36 +02:00
<p>为了提交任务单,您需要在<a href="" title="Register at Haiku's Bugtracker">Haiku 的错误跟踪系统</a>中注册一个账户。
<br />
新建账户时,您需要<b>提供自己的电子邮箱</b> ,否则您将不具备基本的任务单修改权限。完成之后,您必须要保证<b>检查您的垃圾邮箱</b>,因为所有重要的验证邮件可能都会被发送到那里。</p>
<h2><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="report" name="report">创建错误报告</a></h2>
<p>在报告一个错误之前,请您<a href=";status=assigned&amp;status=reopened&amp;status=closed&amp;summary=%7Etext+you+want+to+search+for&amp;order=priority">确保</a>该错误报告之前不存在。你可以使用<a href=";noquickjump=1&amp;ticket=on">查找</a>功能来查找其是否存在。
<br />
<li><p>尝试在当前版本的Haiku系统中重现您的问题。  有许多用于测试的预编译镜像都是<a href="">可用的</a></p></li>
2014-05-31 00:02:36 +02:00
<li><p>包括基本的信息,例如以何种方式测试 Haiku利用真实的硬件VMware还是 QEMU</p></li>
<li><p>Mention which revision you are running. You can find this information in <span class="menu">About Haiku...</span> from the Deskbar menu. Also mention what kind of Haiku build you are testing (x86_gcc2, x86_64). The downloadable images are named accordingly, for a self-built image you should know how you built it.</p></li>
<li><p>附带你所掌握的尽可能多的信息。如果是一个GUI错误或者其中的程序错误尽量使用 <span class="key">PRINT</span> 键来截取当时的屏幕图像。</p></li>
<h2><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="app" name="app">程序错误</a></h2>
<p>When an application crashed, you can either save a report or write a core file (both saved to the Desktop) that you can attach to a bugreport, or you can evoke the <a href="../../userguide/zh_CN/applications/debugger.html">Debugger</a>.</p>
<p>If it's not a crashing bug, you may get useful information when starting the application from Terminal. Some applications provide logging and other options when started with certain parameters; try <tt>-h</tt> or <tt>--help</tt> to see if that is the case. As example, see the different logging levels of <a href="../../userguide/zh_CN/applications/haikudepot.html#logs">HaikuDepot</a>.</p>
<h2><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="server" name="server">服务错误</a></h2>
<p>When vital servers like the app server, the registrar or the input server crash, you won't see the usual crash alert. Instead the whole screen will be cleared white and the Debugger will be started in text-mode, its output appearing directly on screen. Likely you will still be able to move the mouse, which will overwrite the white and Debugger output on screen. Applications still running (like ProcessController or the clock in the Deskbar) might also draw over the debugger output on screen.<br />
Besides everything being more ugly and inconvenient, basically the same applies as for application bugs. Most importantly procure a back trace (<span class="cli">bt</span> command). You may need to take a picture of the screen with a digital camera, since you won't be able to copy the text anywhere.<br />
Depending on what exactly crashed, you can try to save a crash report on the Desktop with <span class="cli">save-report</span> or <span class="cli">write-core</span> for a core file, and then press the power button once to try shutting cleanly down. If the power button doesn't work, there are also the commands <span class="cli">shutdown</span> and <span class="cli">reboot</span>.</p>
<h2><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="kernel" name="kernel">内核错误</a></h2>
<li><p>系统自动进入了内核调试状态KDL屏幕上方显示为白色并且打印出几行文本。文本第二行显示为“<i>Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...</i>”,而第一行则声明了进入内核调试状态的实时原因。</p></li>
<li><p>系统完全冻结。您无法移动鼠标,并且屏幕中无任何程序显示。在此情况下,重要的是测试能否使用快捷键 <span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">SysReq</span> <span class="key">D</span> 进入内核调试状态(在多数键盘上,<span class="key">SysReq</span><span class="key">PRINT</span> 键)。然后等待至少一分钟,查看系统反应状态。</p></li>
<li><p>系统无法实现正确引导。它可能自动重启,或停止在某个步骤(例如,某个启动图标)。对于后一种情况,可以尝试使用快捷键 <span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">SysReq</span> <span class="key">D</span></p></li>
<p>需要注意的是,只有最后这种情况与硬件相关,而所有其他的问题也可能由硬件驱动中的错误引起。如果您对引起该问题的硬件或相关的驱动有所疑问,您可以检查删除/禁用该硬件或驱动是否会产生影响。例如,如果您怀疑无线网络有问题,您会发现 BIOS 中有可禁用它的选项。如果其中没有该选项,您可以从安装的 Haiku 中删除相关的无线网络驱动(参见 <a href="../../../userguide/zh_CN/bootloader.html">引导程序</a>)。</p>
<h3><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="kdl" name="kdl">内核调试 - KDL</a></h3>
<p>If the system hasn't entered KDL by itself, you can do that intentionally by invoking the keyboard shortcut <span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">SysReq</span> <span class="key">D</span> (<span class="key">SysReq</span> being the <span class="key">Print</span> key, normally).<br />
Note that in KDL your keyboard may not work. PS/2 keyboards always do, with USB keyboards it depends on the type of USB controller (UHCI/EHCI). Generally, the keyboard should be plugged into the port directly, not via any hubs. In some circumstances, the keyboard only works if one has entered KDL via the keyboard shortcut at least once. USB OHCI is not supported at the moment.</p>
2014-05-31 00:02:36 +02:00
<p>KDL 本身是 shell 中的一类。它可以执行命令,打印系统信息。下面是一些感兴趣的命令:</p>
<table summary="layout" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><span class="cli">bt</span> (等同 <span class="cli">sc</span>)</td><td> </td><td>打印回溯信息即堆栈抓取。如果系统自主进入内核KDL 状态,通常会自动打印回溯信息。如果没有显示,或者部分内容超出范围(如,堆栈跟踪太长,以至于超出屏幕),您可以输入该指令;并且您只能通过抓取屏幕截图为开发者提供相关信息。</td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="cli">ints</span></td><td> </td><td>显示已处理和未处理的硬件中断。</td></tr>
<tr><td class="onelinetop"><span class="cli">co</span> (aka continue)</td><td> </td><td>离开内核调试状态;如果可能的话,继续正常的系统操作。</td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="cli">reboot</span></td><td> </td><td>立即重启系统。您将会丢失所有未保存的数据,甚至包括那些已经保存,但是还未写入硬盘的数据。</td></tr>
<p>获取更多信息,请参阅 <a href="">欢迎使用内核调试工具</a></p>
<p>您可以从KDL输出中生成 QR 代码,而它们可以通过智能手机或相似设备转换为文本内容。有关如何使用该功能从 KDL 获取数据,详情参考 <a href="">QR Encode your KDL Output</a></p>
<h3><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="syslog" name="syslog">系统日志</a></h3>
2014-05-31 00:02:36 +02:00
<br />
系统日志syslogsystem log 的缩写)中包含了关于系统问题的有用信息,包括 KDL 会话的输出信息 。通常将它附带到有关内核问题的报告中是个不错的主意。系统日志将会写入文件 <span class="path">/boot/system/var/log/syslog</span>。由于写入文件需要系统处于运行状态,因此当内核出现问题时(尤其是,系统自动重启,或者无法持续 KDL 会话),最新的输出信息可能无法写入日志文件。</p>
2023-07-24 21:01:02 +02:00
<p>The option <span class="menu">Enable debug syslog</span> in the boot loader's <span class="menu">Debug menu</span> makes the syslog persistent. If the option <span class="menu">Save syslog from previous session during boot</span> is activated in the boot loader options (as it is by default), you'll find the syslog of your last session as <span class="path">/boot/system/var/log/previous_syslog</span>.<br />
If you're not able to boot to get to the previous_syslog, you have to enter the boot loader menu by holding down <span class="key">SHIFT</span> (or <span class="key">SPACE</span> when booting via UEFI) while booting.<br />
In the boot loader's <span class="menu">Debug menu</span> you should find the entries <span class="menu">Display syslog from previous session</span> and <span class="menu">Save syslog from previous session</span>. The former displays the syslog on screen, the latter allows you to save it as a file to disk. Note that at the moment only FAT32 volumes are supported for saving the file. If you want to use a USB stick, but have plugged it in too late so that it isn't recognized yet, you can reset the machine and re-enter the boot loader menu. Note: Don't accidentally boot any operating system or the data will be lost.</p>
<h3><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="onscreen" name="onscreen">屏幕调试</a></h3>
2023-07-24 21:01:02 +02:00
<p><b>The on-screen debug output is useful only for debugging very specific issues and is known to have (timing) issues. Don't use it, if you don't have to.</b><br />
This is only relevant when Haiku fails to boot on your machine and the <span class="menu">Debug syslog</span> option doesn't work for some reason. Before the Haiku boot logo appears, hold <span class="key">SHIFT</span> (or <span class="key">SPACE</span> when booting via UEFI) to enter the boot loader menu. Select <span class="menu">Select debug options</span>. Near the bottom, <span class="menu">Enable on screen debug output</span> will be listed. (Note: The other options could be enabled in an attempt to boot Haiku. If Haiku will boot only when one or more options are activated, be sure to mention which ones.)<br />
Finally select <span class="menu">Return to main menu</span> and then <span class="menu">Continue booting</span>.<br />
One or more pages of text will display on the screen, only the last few lines need to be included on your ticket. There's more information on the <a href="../../userguide/zh_CN/bootloader.html">Boot Loader</a>.</p>
<h2><a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="hardware" name="hardware">硬件错误</a></h2>
<table summary="layout" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td>- <span class="cli">listdev</span></td><td> </td><td> 给出所有硬件的详细列表,包括提供商和 PCI ID类似于Linux下的 <span class="cli">lshw</span><span class="cli">lspci</span></td></tr>
<tr><td>- <span class="cli">listusb -v</span></td><td> </td><td>假如是有关 USB 的问题它类似于Linux下的 <span class="cli">lsusb</span></td></tr>
<tr><td>- <span class="cli">open /var/log/syslog</span></td><td> </td><td>Haiku的主要系统日志查看上述 <a href="#syslog">Syslog</a>,类似于引导过程中的屏幕调试信息。您可以使用 <span class="cli">open</span> 命令在文本编辑器中获取到系统日志中相关的部分。</td></tr>
<tr><td class="onelinetop">- <span class="cli">listimage | grep drivers/</span></td><td> </td><td> 列出所有使用的驱动。</td></tr>
<tr><td>- <span class="cli">usb_hid_report</span></td><td> </td><td>In case of USB input devices, add the <span class="cli">/tmp/usb_hid_report_descriptor_*.bin</span> file.</td></tr>
<tr><td>- <span class="cli">ints</span></td><td> </td><td>只在 <i>内核调试状态</i> 可用(参阅下文)。它用显示中断使用情况。不可能有许多由不同硬件共享的中断。</td></tr>
2023-07-24 21:01:02 +02:00
<tr><td colspan="3">- On screen debug output (a debug boot time option, see <a href="#onscreen">above</a>).</td></tr>
<p>前四个命令需要在终端中进行输入。在命令后添加 <span class="cli"> &gt; output.txt</span> 然后输出的信息将会重定向到“output.txt”文本文件您可以将其附带到您的错误报告或者邮件。</p>
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