<p>Thanks for checking out Haiku! This is our seventh public release. We hope to attract new developers to our project and give users a chance to check out Haiku. While this third <i>beta release</i> includes all major features planned for the final Haiku release, it still has bugs and a few rough edges that need further polishing. However, we think that this release is quite usable and hope it lets you discover Haiku's great potential and that you share our excitement.</p>
<p>While the first release(s) of Haiku will be very much like the BeOS R5, the operating system it is reimplementing, there are many additions and improvements that were developed by the Haiku team over the years. So, if you're a returning BeOS user or are new user, have a look at these links:</p>
<tdalign="center"><ahref="../userguide/sk/contents.html"><imgsrc="images/userguide_icon_96.png"/></a><p><ahref="../userguide/sk/contents.html">Haiku User Guide</a></p></td></tr>
<p>For more interactive help and support, become part of the <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/"class="printurl">Haiku community</a> and join our forums and chat channel.</p>
<p>We have been working hard to fix potentially critical bugs, however, being a beta release, there are bound to be some left undiscovered.</p>
<divclass="box-warning">We discourage using beta versions as a production system. Your data could be altered, mangled or downright destroyed. Keep up-to-date backups!</div>
<p>One of the main reasons for releasing a beta version is to attract more people to test the system and discover bugs or provide suggestions for future enhancements. Please file bugs and enhancements in our bug tracker after using its search function to avoid duplicates.</p>
<aid="update"name="update">Installing Haiku and updating</a></h2>
<p>If you haven't already, our online <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/get-haiku/installation-guide/">Installation Guide</a> explains how to prepare a partition and install Haiku on your harddrive.</p>
<p>Updating Haiku as well as third party packages is done with the application <ahref="../userguide/sk/applications/softwareupdater.html">SoftwareUpdater</a>. When it's finished, reboot.<br/>
For more details, see the guide <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/daily-tasks/updating-system">Updating and downgrading your system</a> on our website.</p>
<p>Most of the available software can be downloaded and installed with the application <ahref="../userguide/sk/applications/haikudepot.html">HaikuDepot</a> that comes with Haiku.<br/>
Because of our binary and source compatibility, most BeOS applications run on Haiku. Many of those have been re-packaged for Haiku or still run unmodified. You'll find more information on installing new programs in the user guide's chapter on <ahref="../userguide/sk/applications.html">Applications</a>.</p>
<p>Existuje niekoľko kolekcií softvéru, ktoré spravuje komunita. Nájdete ich na našej webovej stránke <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/software">Stránky so softvérom</a>.</p>
<p>Haiku has been translated to dozens of languages and supports a multitude of keymaps. When booting Haiku for the first time you can set language and keymap. These settings can be changed at any time with the <ahref="../userguide/sk/preferences/locale.html">Locale</a> and <ahref="../userguide/sk/preferences/keymap.html">Keymap</a> preferences.<br/>
The <ahref="../userguide/sk/applications/haikudepot.html">HaikuDepot</a> application offers a number of input methods for Chinese, Japanese and Korean to download and install.</p>
<p>Haiku podporuje siete Wi-Fi, ktoré sú šifrované pomocou WPA/WPA2 alebo WEP a samozrejme otvorené, nešifrované spojenia. Z dôvodu niekoľkých odlišných licenčných politík rôznych dodávateľov hardvéru, možno budete musieť firmvér nainštalovať ručne. Zoznam fungujúcich zariadení a inštalačné inštrukcie k firmvéru a dokumentáciu o pripájaní k bezdrôtovým sieťam nájdete v Príručke Haiku <ahref="../userguide/sk/workshop-wlan.html">Workshop: Bezdrôtové siete</a>.</p>
<p>Keďže Haiku je reimplementácia, API je stále rovnaké ako mal BeOS R5 (s istými rozšíreniami). Preto dokumentácia v Be Book je stále platný zdroj. Vďaka ACCESS, ktorý vlastní práva k bývalému majetku spoločnosti Be Inc., máme povolenie poskytovať kópiu Be Book.<br/>
Odchýlky od API BeOSu a rozšírenia špecifické pre Haiku sú zdokumentované v Haiku Book.</p>
<p>Kontaktujte ostatných vývojárov a používateľov a pridajte sa do diskusií na IRC (<ahref="https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=haiku">#haiku</a> na webčete), v našich fórach alebo poštových konferenciách. Keď sa zhromaždí veľa rôznych ľudí, musia sa stanoviť pravidlá, aby komunikácia zostala efektívna. Prosím, rešpektujte <ahref="https://www.haiku-os.org/community/ml/etiquette">Etiketu našej konferencie</a>.</p>